Longsword (Mixed & Men's, Nylon) - January 2017

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
22 Ishka Colhoun The Wrathful Peasants 1389.4
51 Adam Duggan The Irish School of Historical Combat 1262.8
52 Mario Bouhaben The Irish School of Historical Combat 1262.8
97 Liudas Juodzbalys The Irish School of Historical Combat 1136.1
118 Sandy Robinson The Wrathful Peasants 1081.8
119 James Welfare The Wrathful Peasants 1081.8
176 Jiri Jansa Gaillimh Gallóglaigh 914.3
177 Nadar Drejarski The Irish School of Historical Combat 914.3
180 Jerard Hexxus Comerford Gaillimh Gallóglaigh 914.3
181 Tomas Srnec The Wrathful Peasants 914.3