Belfast Bladeworks Open Longsword 2016

Date December 3, 2016
Country United Kingdom
City Belfast

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 48 14

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Andrzej Rozycki Scott Thomson WIN LOSS
Liam Gormley Helen Gallagher LOSS WIN
Oliver Barker Alexander Bourdas WIN LOSS
Michael Nolan Helen Gallagher WIN LOSS
Scott Thomson Oliver Barker WIN LOSS
Liam Gormley Alexander Bourdas LOSS WIN
Oliver Barker Andrzej Rozycki LOSS WIN
Michael Nolan Alexander Bourdas LOSS WIN
Liam Gormley Scott Thomson WIN LOSS
Helen Gallagher Alexander Bourdas LOSS WIN
Liam Gormley Andrzej Rozycki LOSS WIN
Michael Nolan Scott Thomson WIN LOSS
Oliver Barker Liam Gormley WIN LOSS
Helen Gallagher Scott Thomson WIN LOSS
Andrzej Rozycki Michael Nolan WIN LOSS
Scott Thomson Alexander Bourdas LOSS WIN
Michael Nolan Oliver Barker WIN LOSS
Alexander Bourdas Andrzej Rozycki LOSS WIN
Helen Gallagher Oliver Barker LOSS WIN
Adrian Szlapka Joseph Hooton WIN LOSS
Eduardo Mira Ken Kot LOSS WIN
James Welfare Gerard Coady LOSS WIN
Matthew Malcolm Ken Kot WIN LOSS
Joseph Hooton James Welfare WIN LOSS
Eduardo Mira Gerard Coady LOSS WIN
James Welfare Adrian Szlapka WIN LOSS
Gerard Coady Matthew Malcolm LOSS WIN
Eduardo Mira Joseph Hooton LOSS WIN
Gerard Coady Ken Kot LOSS WIN
Adrian Szlapka Eduardo Mira WIN LOSS
Joseph Hooton Matthew Malcolm LOSS WIN
James Welfare Eduardo Mira DRAW DRAW
Joseph Hooton Ken Kot LOSS WIN
Matthew Malcolm Adrian Szlapka WIN LOSS
Gerard Coady Joseph Hooton LOSS WIN
James Welfare Matthew Malcolm LOSS WIN
Ken Kot Adrian Szlapka WIN LOSS
Eduardo Mira Matthew Malcolm LOSS WIN
Adrian Szlapka Gerard Coady DRAW DRAW
James Welfare Ken Kot LOSS WIN
Oliver Barker Adrian Szlapka LOSS WIN
Michael Nolan Ken Kot WIN LOSS
Matthew Malcolm James Welfare WIN LOSS
Andrzej Rozycki Alexander Bourdas WIN LOSS
Michael Nolan Andrzej Rozycki LOSS WIN
Adrian Szlapka Matthew Malcolm LOSS WIN
Adrian Szlapka Michael Nolan WIN LOSS
Andrzej Rozycki Matthew Malcolm LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Belfast Bladeworks Open Longsword 2016

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
36 117 Andrzej Rozycki Blademasters Academy 1624 186
38 334 Matthew Malcolm Medieval Combat Group 1620.8 365.3
186 134 Michael Nolan Blademasters Academy 1409.8 148.7
258 400 Ken Kot Academy of Historical Arts 1346.6 254.3
293 114 Adrian Szlapka Leitrim Longswords 1315.3 81.4
457 34 Gerard Coady Exiles Galway 1215.6 32.2
524 544 Alexander Bourdas Glasgow HEMA 1178 317.2
531 Joseph Hooton Blademasters Academy 1175.2
692 Oliver Barker Medieval Combat Group 1085.2
707 43 James Welfare The Wrathful Peasants 1080.7 41.6
814 200 Helen Gallagher Exiles Galway 1008.3 113.4
978 36 Scott Thomson Cowal Historical Fencing Club 924.6 1.1
1002 10 Eduardo Mira Blademasters Academy 913.6 18.8
1168 Liam Gormley Dublin HEMA Club 808.5