Mixed & Men's Steel Longsword - March 2025

846 fighters have competed this month, out of a total of 5679 active fighters.

2835 fights from 22 tournaments at 15 events in 11 countries have gone into this month's rating changes

Out of 175 new fighters, Daniel Smith debuts at 458th with a rating of 1514.2, making them the highest-rated newcomer on the main island this month

27 fighters have made a comeback after being inactive for at least 2 years

Paul Arthur increases their weighted rating from 798.4 to 1381, making them the fighter with the biggest rating climb on the main island this month

Antoni Olbrychski climbs 1 place from 2nd to 1st with a rating of 2044.2, making them the fighter who climbed to the highest rank on the main island this month

David Javůrek wins a fight with an estimated 3.95% win chance, making them the fighter with the biggest upset this month

5531 fighters are on the "main island". The remaining 163 are distributed among 8 islands.

161 fighters have been on an island for as long as they've been active in this rating category.

57 fighters have supported HEMA Ratings on Patreon this month

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
1 1 Antoni Olbrychski Akademia Szermierzy 2044.2 59.2
2 1 Stephen Cheney Bucks Historical Longsword 2021.1 47.5
3 2 Kristian Guivarra Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1997.5
4 Miro Lahtela EHMS 1980.8 16.7
5 Felipe Mangusto Batalha Cênica Salvador 1950.1
6 2 Benjamin Aycrigg Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1933.7 3.6
7 1 Zdeněk Brýdl Brněnští Fechteři 1931
8 1 Bohdan Donchenko Akademia Szermierzy 1930.8
9 Jeremy Pace Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1927
10 Daniel Pope Scholar Victoria 1920.1
11 Dennis Ljungqvist Kungshamns Historiska Fäktskola 1910.1
12 Yannick De smet SwArta 1904.1 5.8
13 Mathias Schneider Academie Duello 1902.5
14 Ville Välimäki EHMS 1895.4 2.3
15 2 Maarten van der Auwera Sumus Soldani 1882.9 16.5
16 1 Joris Jacobs Arte Mortiferum 1882.3
17 1 Trevor Pedersen Columbus United Fencing Club 1876.3
18 Arto Fama Zwaard & Steen 1859.2
19 Daniel Green Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1855.7
20 Emil Kivelä EHMS 1855
21 Mikołaj Kołodziej Akademia Szermierzy 1853.7
22 Mikko Lehto EHMS 1843.8
23 6 Zachary Showalter Scuffletown Federfechters 1843.6 26.3
24 1 Håvard Lund Eidheim Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 1841.8
25 1 Derek Nash Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1841.5
26 1 Branden Zipplinger Royal Arts Fencing Academy 1832.2
27 4 Samuel Ryals Gem City Duelists Society 1828.2 13.4
28 2 Daniel Lopez Varela 100Tolos HEMA 1824.7
29 2 Philipp Lechner Europäische Schwertkunst 1820.1
30 2 Jim Campbell Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1816.5
31 3 Miroslav Medvid Košický šermiarský cech 1815.3 13.7
32 2 Adrián Majzel Trnavský Šermiarsky Cech 1814
33 1 Damián Troncoso Saavedra Sala Viguesa de Esgrima Antiga 1805.8
34 1 Federico Dall'Olio La Salle d'Armes 1800.9
35 Mark Wilkie The Institute for Historical Arts 1792.9
36 1 Matthew Biondo Niagara Historical Fencing 1792.8
37 1 Gavin Page Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy 1792.8
38 Christopher Preyer Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1787.9
39 Marshall Strong Schola St. George 1780.8
40 Mark Holgate Adelaide Sword Academy 1780.1
41 Pavel Dostál Pardubický spolek šermířský 1776
42 Cosmas Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg Ausardia HEMA Club 1774.7
43 Martin Wessel KdF Leipzig 1774.5
44 4 Jack Gassmann Goats Head Historical Fencing 1773.8 1.1
45 1 Jonathan Paulino Philadelphia Common Fencers Guild 1772.4
46 1 Chandler Brown En Garde Fencing 1772 1.7
47 Gabriel Riou La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1771.2
48 Petr Vasiliev Golden Falcon 1768.6
49 3 Egon Beyrens SwArta 1767.5 5.6
50 Alexander Olsson West Coast HEMA 1766.9
51 9 Filip Višňovský Cech Terra de Selinan 1766.3 17.8
52 17 Justin Reimer Lonin League 1765.7 29.3
53 6 Joseph Pugnetti Steel City Historical Fencing 1765.7 14.4
54 3 Nick Reynolds Boston Armizare 1765.4
55 3 Hugo Chiaradia BEC Escrime 1765
56 14 Max van den Ekart Houw en Hoede 1764.8 30
57 4 Carlos Torres Rodríguez Esgrima Antiga Pontevedra 1759.3
58 9 Martin Vrábeľ Rotyka 1757.9 19.2
59 2 Joseph Colistro Indes Ferox Gladio 1757.3 10.6
60 6 Michael Stack Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1755.8
61 6 Zeke Rozell Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1755.1
62 6 Alex Roberson Sword Fighter Gold Coast 1754.5
63 6 Arnaud Marchand La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1753.6
64 6 Laurent Theil-Santerre Académie Scrimicie 1750
65 8 Kristian Ruokonen EHMS 1745.3 10.8
66 4 Bradley Smith Denver Historical Fencing Academy 1743.9
67 4 Michel Rensen Zwaard & Steen 1741.6
68 4 Henric Jansen Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1738.3
69 4 Aaron Karnuta Salida Historical Fencing Academy 1738
70 4 Vitor Santos Alcateia de Prata 1737.9
71 3 Matthieu Mosset-Coelho Teixeira La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1736.5
72 13 Jakub Dobi EHMS 1734.6 17.7
73 18 Jonas Bürgi Reisläufer Bern 1733 27.1
74 3 Jesper Christiansen Örebro HEMA 1731.1
75 3 Michael Smallridge Auckland Longsword 1730.5
76 3 Omar Jose Ariza Blanco Hema Esgrima 1729.8
77 3 Christos Metaxotos Arkalus 1727.3
78 2 Jamie MacIver London Historical Fencing Club 1726.3
79 2 Derek Ray Columbus United Fencing Club 1724.9
80 2 Denis Dallari Società d'Arme Major Militia 1722.6
81 2 Rubén Rodríguez Alonso Academia Asturiana de la Espada 1721.7
82 2 Tanner Martin N/A 1720.2
83 8 Christopher Soohoo Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 1719.9 8.6
84 3 Václav Sokol SHŠ Krkavci 1718.7
85 3 Björn Rüther Hammaborg 1718.7
86 3 Fabio Lottero Sala della Gorgone 1717.1
87 3 David Ito Toronto Historical Combatants 1716.5
88 Alex Williamson Bighorn Historical Combat 1714.8 2.7
89 5 Jeffrey Will Bucks Historical Longsword 1714.5 12.7
90 11 Jieyu Wu Sword Inquisition 1712.6 16.9
91 5 Daniel CIOLEK Europäische Schwertkunst Augsburg 1712.2
92 5 Travis McKenzie Scholar Victoria 1711.4
93 4 Jack Richeson Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1709
94 15 Jan Žegklitz SHŠ Krkavci 1707.7 19.1
95 16 Kieran Garrity Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research 1704.5 16.2
96 11 Joakim Hammarslätt Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning 1703.8 12.9
97 4 Samuel Gassmann Goats Head Historical Fencing 1703.2
98 6 Xuanran Qi Toronto Historical Combatants 1703.1
99 4 Aleksandr Ovchinnikov NoName 1699.6
100 90 Christoph Behrens TSV Uesen - Winkelfechter 1699 70.9
101 52 Ember McIntyre Lonin League 1698.3 70.6
102 6 Bence Benedek Ferreus Lupus 1697.9
103 13 Dashiell Harrison Indes Ferox Gladio 1697.8 12.1
104 7 Aidan Witherspoon Medieval European Martial Arts Guild 1697.4
105 6 Lennon Zamora Torealba Sala de Armas Fénix 1696.4
106 8 Connor Kemp-Cowell Caledonian Sword Guild 1696.4
107 7 Szymon Ożóg Szkoła Fechtunku Gryf 1696.2
108 5 Tristan Fackler Loyal Order of the Sword 1691.9
109 5 Marc Schramm Schwert und Bogen 1691.8 1.1
110 8 Alexander Brindley Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1691.7
111 26 Derek Wise Boston Armizare 1690.6 22.9
112 7 Gustav Strihagen Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning 1690.4
113 7 Anthony Buonomo Austin Historical Weapons Guild 1689.9
114 6 Matheus Alfred-Olmedo Academie Duello 1689.6
115 5 Ziemowit Podwysocki Walpurgis 1686.4
116 4 Artur Hakimov Rarog Squad 1686.2
117 4 Angel Chernaev Historical Swordsmanship - Angel Chernaev 1685
118 4 Nathan Grepares Sword to Sword 1683.4
119 3 Jan Pelgrims Sumus Soldani 1682.6
120 3 Jack Fraser Dawn Duellists Society 1680.6
121 41 Mitchell Allen Lonin League 1679.2 34.6
122 34 Michael Asbury Philadelphia Common Fencers Guild 1678.3 26.7
123 5 Nelson McGuigan Melbourne Messer Club 1676.9
124 5 Pancho Beshkov FORTE - Historical Fencing 1676.6
125 4 Thierry Lalain Les Guerriers du Lendemain 1676.5
126 6 Karol Zakrzewski Krakowska Szkoła Fechtunku 1676
127 5 Bart Jongsma Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1674.9
128 5 Michael Kühnel INDES Regensburg 1674
129 17 Christian Jacob Peralta En Garde Fencing 1673.5 14.8
130 1 Max Zimet San Diego Swordfighters 1673.2 2.2
131 6 András Csaba Horváth Ars Ensis 1672.1
132 17 Borislav Krustev Fechtschule Sofia 1672 12.6
133 9 Ondřej Malina Rožnovsky šermirsky klub 1671.7 2.3
134 8 Daniel Evans Ram's Head Fencing 1671.4
135 8 Arik Mendelevitz The Carbonari 1670.9
136 7 Jared Garfinkel Athena School of Arms 1670.5
137 9 Iason Arianoutsos Arkalus 1670.2
138 8 Léo Lamassoure Le Chapitre des Armes 1670.1
139 7 Illia Babounikau Hammaborg 1668.7
140 7 Duncan McLaren Caledonian Sword Guild 1667.9
141 218 Bellini Mathieu La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1667.3 118.4
142 8 Jacob Lee Ashlock Heartland HEMA Historical Fencing Club 1667
143 7 Orlando Di Ciccio Ardimento 1666.6
144 6 Krzysztof Kozak Szkoła Fechtunku Gryf 1665
145 73 Pontus Westerholm Medeltida Stridsteknik Linköping IF 1664.8 50.5
146 190 Henry Reynolds Bucks Historical Longsword 1663.3 105.9
147 8 Sander Dijk Academie Duello 1662.8
148 65 Gabriel Tardio De Feu et d'Acier 1662.7 45.5
149 9 Mateusz Konopacki Mordschlag 1662.2
150 15 Joshua Ames Lonin League 1659.2 9.5
151 8 Exiel Li Vor & Nach Society of Historical European Martial Arts 1658.3
152 8 Kyle Toelle Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1657.8
153 8 Ryan Hetchler Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1656.9
154 5 Brandon Phan Dallas School of Historical Fencing 1655.9
155 5 Seanpatrick Brady Two Ravens Fencing School 1655.9
156 5 Mark Whiteman Society of Historical Fencing 1655.9
157 10 Ondřej Herčík Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 1655.9
158 30 Tomáš Kedro Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 1655.5 26.7
159 6 Scott Bradley Heartland HEMA Historical Fencing Club 1654.7
160 8 AJ Trefney N/A 1654.6
161 7 Andrés Fuentes Praelium Australis 1654.3
162 55 Franz Teichert Historisches Fechten Würzburg 1653.1 38.6
163 8 Maciej Bulicz Akademia Szermierzy 1652.2
164 50 Yannic Müller Gladius et Codex 1651.9 36.3
165 24 Joakim Börtin Gothenburg Historical Fencing School 1651.9 8.3
166 32 Jonathan Clyde Ying SoCal Swords 1651.8 27.2
167 34 Mart van den Burg Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1651.1 27.8
168 11 Casey Kopp Red River Fencing 1648.4
169 11 Shane Gibson N/A 1647.8
170 11 Kamil Hozák Pardubický spolek šermířský 1646.2
171 11 Konrad Kessler KdF Jena 1645.2
172 11 Colin Miraglio Blademasters Academy 1643.9
173 31 Matej Andrejkovic Trnavský Šermiarsky Cech 1643 16.8
174 4 Petr Paščenko Duelanti od Svatého Rocha 1642.7 9.9
175 12 Joshua Derby Waterfront Historical Fencing Club 1642.3
176 12 Piotr Przanowski Bractwo Szermiercze 1642.1
177 12 Pedro Panetto Espada Selvagem 1640.2
178 9 Breno Moraes Flegner Academia de Esgrima Histórica Carioca 1639.6
179 11 Zoltán Pál Várhelyi Ars Ensis 1639.2
180 14 Alexander Kotarakos N/A 1639
181 14 Bence Gelencsér Ars Ensis 1639
182 12 Jaroslaw Kokot Akademia Szermierzy 1638.3
183 12 Renato Castro Blanco Praelium Australis 1637
184 11 Joonas Peltokorpi Jyväskylä Academy of Historical Martial Arts 1634.8
185 11 Keith Cotter-Reilly Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1634.1
186 145 Yanwen Xu Italian Renaissance Swordsmanship Academy 1632.2 72.8
187 12 Matthew Thompson Bighorn Historical Combat 1632.1 2.6
188 12 Maciej Kwiek ARMA Poland Poznan 1632
189 12 Tsung En Liou Vor & Nach Society of Historical European Martial Arts 1631.9
190 10 Myles Cupp SoCal Swords 1631.1 7
191 11 Igor Pestov Lions of St. Mark 1631
192 13 Nathan Weston Athena School of Arms 1630.8
193 12 Simon Airey Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1630.2
194 12 Micaiah Elliott Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1630
195 12 Anthony Julin Mordhau Historical Combat 1629.5
196 11 Oisin Newport Goats Head Historical Fencing 1629.3
197 13 Thomas Pifer Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1629.1
198 12 Viktor Janeček Škola šermu Paridon 1628.7
199 10 Ryan Herry Syahputra Iron Guts HEMA Club 1627.6
200 9 Daniel Guerrero Esgrima Histórica Bellatores 1627.3
201 9 Trevor Jones Denver Historical Fencing Academy 1626.1
202 9 Gaël Marais École Chevaleresque 1625.5
203 9 Jesper Krogh Lindhardtsen Hafnia Longsword Akademi 1624.1
204 7 Adrien Michaud Auckland Longsword 1623.9
205 9 Jakub Wrzalik ARMA Poland Warszawa 1623.8
206 11 Matthew Dicken Columbus United Fencing Club 1623.8
207 1 Simon Rosenkvist Örebro HEMA 1623.6 5.1
208 9 Jerze de Reus De Zwaardkring 1622.6
209 6 Eduardo Gutierrez Martín Sala de Armas Fénix 1620.3
210 8 Tom Crickmore Smart HEMA Clubs 1620.2
211 7 Alen Lovrič Academia Artis Dimicatoriae 1620
212 6 Daniel Arnold Australis Scherma Scuola di Spada e Sciabola 1618.8
213 8 Frank Zamary Columbus United Fencing Club 1618.7
214 7 Eric Crain Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship 1618.3
215 6 Manuel Alvarez Vilariño Esgrima Antiga Pontevedra 1616.9
216 6 Sam Beardsley Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1616.7
217 77 François Bois Ost du Griffon Noir 1616.3 39
218 6 Youseef Jaafar Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1616.1
219 8 Oskar ter Mors Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1615.8
220 33 Nicolas Borowicz De Feu et d'Acier 1615.6 13.4
221 51 David Piši Trnavský Šermiarsky Cech 1614.5 27.5
222 7 Federico Malagutti Fior di Battaglia 1614.2
223 7 Owen Hahn London Historical Fencing Club 1613.4
224 5 Guillaume Lemaigre N/A 1612.8
225 59 Tyler Dunham Ars Gladii 1612 31.7
226 6 Stephen Dougherty Medieval European Martial Arts Guild 1611.2
227 5 Brian Stone Two Ravens Fencing School 1611.1
228 7 Domenico Fichera Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Lombardia 1610.9
229 6 Simon Rieger INDES Wien 1610.3
230 4 Toby Whitnall Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1609.5
231 4 Alex Hanning Lonin League 1609.5
232 8 Davide Compri Ordine delle Lame Scaligere 1609.4
233 5 Luigi Simone Menichino Comense Scherma 1608.9
234 5 Theophile Przybylak Lyon AMHE 1607.9
235 5 Luke Connell Sword to Sword 1606.1
236 11 Jack Stewart United Clans Swordsman Association 1605.7 5.2
237 6 Melville Monate La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1605
238 5 Kat Ferguson Dawn Duellists Society 1604.9
239 74 Markus Köhler Schwertspiel Dresden 1604.7 39.5
240 158 Ronin Richards Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy 1604.5 69.8
241 9 Adrien Ala Frères d'AMHE 1604.2
242 8 Sultan Dzhalishev Ferox 1603.7
243 8 Jacob McDonald Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1602.9
244 8 Jeremy Halliday True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1601.6
245 24 Christopher Yang Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1601.3 13.3
246 9 Dawson Williams Highland Sword Fighting Guild 1601
247 9 Aldo Garcia Regueira Escuela de Esgrima Historica de Madrid 1600.6
248 9 Adrien Vives La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1600.1
249 9 Jere Suontausta EHMS 1599.4
250 8 Robert Balchunas The Historical Combat Collective 1599.4
251 10 Nikos Kyriakopoulos EHMS 1599
252 9 Josh Furrate Nachreisen Historical Fencing 1598.1
253 9 Victor FRÉMONT Le Chapitre des Armes 1598
254 101 David Eisman Gotham European Martial Arts Collective 1598 47.6
255 10 Paul Hofmann Saalefechter 1597.5
256 5 Daniel Pierce Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1597.2 1.6
257 2 Mikael Berkesten Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning 1597 3.1
258 12 Paul Groover Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1595.7
259 6 Kevin Tang Lonin League 1595.3 6.4
260 13 Alex Rymark Vorm Hafnia Longsword Akademi 1595.1 1.7
261 12 Eric Hardeman SoCal Swords 1595.1
262 12 Caleb DeWolf Crossroads Swords 1595
263 11 Callum Carmichael Bataireacht and Historical Fencing Faction 1593.6
264 10 Theodor Bumb KDF Kronstadt 1593.2
265 12 Clark Simon Dallas School of Historical Fencing 1592.4
266 9 Yeo Yong Jun Wayfarers 1592
267 11 Ethan Adkins Queen City Sword Guild 1591.3
268 10 Jimmy Olsson West Coast HEMA 1590.9
269 10 Jaakko Alamikkula Tampere HEMA 1590.1
270 Jem Burke Invirtus 1588.9 1.2
271 7 Roman Vítek Major Militia Modena 1588.5 4.7
272 11 Michael Tucker Tuathair Hema Academy 1588.1
273 13 Kevin Beahan Sword to Sword 1588.1
274 11 Giulio Schifino ASD Scherma Storica Pavia 1588
275 98 Vincent Poiré Frères d'AMHE 1587.8 43.8
276 14 Beau Hulgan Arena Weapon Arts 1587.7
277 11 Erik Von Essen Lonin League 1587.3
278 14 Federico Lasagni Manghi Compagnia de Le Due Maestà 1587.1
279 11 Davide Locatelli ASD Majistro Re 1586.9
280 13 Josias Arcadia Ram's Head Fencing 1586.7
281 10 Matvey Sakharov Hema Praha 1584.8
282 7 Kobe Gallman Black Cat Historical Fencing 1584.6
283 10 Dario Pewett Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1584.6
284 8 James MacGilp The Institute for Historical Arts 1583.6
285 8 Aitor Fernandez Dominguez Esgrima Antiga Pontevedra 1582.8
286 7 Michael Kalafatas Pegasus - Athens historical fencing club 1582.1
287 7 Kyrie Moraes Escola Faia Iluminada de Esgrima Histórica 1581.5
288 6 Marcelo Palmier Academia de Esgrima Histórica Carioca 1580.5
289 148 Steffen Wonner 7 Schwerter 1579.7 61.6
290 1 Yuheng Liu Lonin League 1579.7 2
291 43 Lubomir Pečiva Rožnovsky šermirsky klub 1579.6 17
292 7 Alan Wakeford The Historical Combat Collective 1579
293 96 Thomas Pelosse Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon 1578.7 40.5
294 11 Krzysztof Janus ARMA Poland Warszawa 1578.7
295 8 Dominik Popescu KDF Kronstadt 1577.2
296 3 Nicolás Maruri Academia de Esgrima Histórica de Chile 1576.8
297 9 Olle Kausland Halmstad HEMA 1576.7
298 17 Borislav Nikolov Historical Swordsmanship - Angel Chernaev 1576.7 5.2
299 8 Jeff Kim New York Historical Fencing Association 1576.3
300 5 Thibault Bidolet Le Chapitre des Armes 1576
301 11 Eric Dalshaug Edmonton Historical Martial Arts 1575.9
302 59 Louis Fouquoire La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1575.4 27.2
303 7 Aleks Roseneder Australis Scherma Scuola di Spada e Sciabola 1574.7
304 97 Fabien Goury Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon 1574.5 40.3
305 8 Máté Kálmán Nagy Ars Ensis 1574.4
306 8 Cameron Low Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1574.3
307 7 Leander Chenaux-Hutter Säbelrassler 1572.4
308 9 Mateusz Leksander Ausardia HEMA Club 1572
309 17 Ramon Diaz Mordhau Historical Combat 1571.9 5.6
310 9 Ferdinand Hutter Säbelrassler 1571.6
311 9 Jiří Čarek Škola šermu Paridon 1571.2
312 9 Artur Arrefjäll Ljungamarkens HEMA 1571.1
313 9 Johannes Köder Schwabenfedern 1570.3
314 2 Ignacio González Garcia Sala de Armas Salvatore Fabris 1569.7 3.4
315 10 Douglas Bostic Tucson Historical Fencing Academy 1569.2
316 10 David Gresham Fitzroy College of Arms 1568.8
317 23 Christopher Shelton Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 1568.4 12.1
318 11 Rodrigo Presa Gomez Sala Viguesa de Esgrima Antiga 1567.7
319 4 Einar Lundgren Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning 1566.9 4.4
320 12 Scott Hansen House of Blades 1566.1
321 12 Riccardo Lasagni Manghi Compagnia de Le Due Maestà 1566.1
322 36 Felix Linder Europäische Schwertkunst 1565.8 12.9
323 12 Alex lydum N/A 1565.8
324 14 Joel Overly En Garde Fencing 1565.4
325 10 Henric Hintze Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning 1564.2 6.7
326 150 Marco Puschmann Equinox 1564 59.4
327 13 Kai Eva En Garde Fencing 1563.7
328 8 Yim Ho Gwan Historical Fencing Federation Korea 1562.9
329 13 Shane Scallin Black Cat Historical Fencing 1562.7
330 12 Michele Allori Res Martialis 1562.6
331 16 Lucas Olson Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1562.5
332 15 Cale Rainkie Edmonton Historical Martial Arts 1562.4
333 48 Ma Yat Chung Einherjar HEMA Club 1562.4 21.1
334 13 Stefan Brunner Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1561.5
335 13 Geraud Lemenager Aiginskalk 1561.5
336 11 Quentin d'Hainaut La Salle d'Armes 1560.6
337 10 Jordan Mock Academy of Steel 1559.6
338 12 Daniel Zell Europäische Schwertkunst 1559.5
339 11 Aleksander Dynarek Mordschlag 1559.3
340 11 Daniel Thomson Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1559
341 9 Jonathan Robson London Historical Fencing Club 1557.1
342 9 Kornél Antal Szücs Kard Rendje ViSE 1556.9 4.1
343 9 Robert Templar KdF Nottingham 1556.4
344 11 Lars Olsen Minneapolis Amateur Swordfighting Association 1556.3
345 6 Alec Martinez Crossroads Swords 1555.7
346 8 Michael Duchetta Lew Fighters 1555.6
347 858 Matthew Dominguez San Diego Swordfighters 1555.1 204
348 67 Cameron Blair Lonin League 1554.5 26.3
349 4 Florian Gonnet Lyon AMHE 1554.2
350 7 Davide Chiolero Il Contemezzocuore Compagnia D'arme 1554.2
351 25 David McDarby Lonin League 1554.2 10.8
352 11 Andrei Chirlesan Iron Will HEMA Academy 1553.9
353 7 Ionut Zainea Indomitus Historical Fencing 1553.6
354 24 Geoffrey Campbell Lonin League 1553.4 7.1
355 7 Nick Bauer Signum Corvus School of Arms 1553
356 7 Engelbert Spronk Zwaard & Steen 1552.8
357 10 Joseph Lilly Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1552.6
358 34 Aleksandr Ermolov Lyon AMHE 1552.2 10
359 9 Robin Pittoors Arte Mortiferum 1552.1
360 86 David Wieser INDES Wien 1550.9 35.3
361 9 Sergey Novikov Golden Falcon 1550.2
362 8 Jean Dussap L’Épée Blanche 1549.1
363 10 Colin McConnell Two Ravens Fencing School 1549.1
364 27 Michael Nordby Ars Gladii 1549 7.9
365 8 Frank MacGregor Renaissance Martial Arts Society 1548.6
366 10 Allan Sherlock Bucks Historical Longsword 1548.4
367 9 Eetu Sipilä EHMS 1548.4
368 8 Hugo Kerdoncuff Københavns Historiske Fægteklub 1547.2
369 6 Julian Schuetze The Historical Combat Collective 1545.4
370 8 Dávid Czégé Filii Solis Történelmi Kardvívó Kör 1545.4
371 7 Benjamin Marie Ram's Head Fencing 1544.8
372 6 Andrei Ciuta 7 Swords Historical Fencing School 1544.3
373 5 Ian Broderick Royal Arts Fencing Academy 1544.2
374 9 Timothy Ho Accademia del Leone 1544.1
375 6 Paolo Luca Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Bononia 1543.9
376 9 Andrzej Rozycki Blademasters Academy 1543.6
377 3 Kole Wright Denver Historical Fencing Academy 1542.8
378 8 Tony Huang Black Tigers 1542.7
379 7 Michael Keller Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy 1542.5
380 9 Collin Vredenburg Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1542.5
381 6 Léo Valque Cercle d'AMHE Néodomien 1542.3
382 38 Grant Parrinello Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 1541.7 13.5
383 3 Harry Heydon Society for Historical Arms Research and Practice 1541.5
384 7 Shawn Fackler Loyal Order of the Sword 1541.5
385 6 Garrett Baker Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1541.3
386 62 Tyler Janzen The Historical Combat Collective 1540.7 26
387 12 Michael Konrad Ironwood Historic Swordsmanship 1540.2 5.6
388 184 Kalan Miurrelle SoCal Swords 1539.7 60
389 5 Cameron Metcalf Centerline Sword School 1539.1
390 8 Jacek Kaminski Ausardia HEMA Club 1539
391 6 Richard Chelminski F3 Sword Academy 1539
392 6 Silas Pröhl ASV Mannheim 1538.2
393 5 Pierre-Antoine Thevenin Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon 1537.6
394 138 Martin Csiba Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 1536.2 46.7
395 4 Steven Kozel Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1536.2
396 4 Isadora Baden-Payne Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1535.5
397 2 Gabriel Gaban AEEA Stahlfechter 1534.9
398 2 Ken McKenzie Glen Lachlann Estate College of Arms 1534.8
399 66 Jason Smith Valley's heart HEMA 1534.1 25.3
400 6 Branislav Šimášek Cech Terra de Selinan 1534.1
401 1 Cameron Fulco Ritterkunst Fechtschule 1533.1
402 5 Joshua Dale Heartland HEMA Historical Fencing Club 1533.1
403 25 Marián Országh Škola šermu Paridon 1532.7 9.9
404 4 David Miller Nachreisen Historical Fencing 1532.5
405 Jeremi Mercier Ardimento 1532.4
406 2 Leonardo Salomao Akademia Szermierzy 1532.2
407 4 Max Kaser Kunst des Historischen Fechtens Tirol 1531.9
408 2 Alberto Ferretti Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Bononia 1531.6
409 16 Severin Swoboda INDES Wien 1531.5 4.6
410 3 Gavin Corben Scholar Victoria 1531.5
411 2 Benjamin Pascal Clermont-Ferrand AMHE 1531.3
412 123 Cameron Rasmussen F3 Sword Academy 1531.3 42.5
413 5 Pavel Böhm Šermírna Luka 1531.3
414 27 Patrick Stahl Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1531.1 7.9
415 5 Michael Hakes Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1530.5
416 69 Wesley Halstead Steel City Historical Fencing 1530.4 28.6
417 6 Vesselin Petkov Cairns European Sword Academy 1529.9
418 35 Sihong Fu Academie Duello 1529 11.6
419 6 Sean Heraty Moose Historical Fencing 1528.8
420 653 Michael McIntyre Academy of Arms 1528.7 152.3
421 7 Edward Craig Melbourne Fencing Society 1527.8
422 6 Alvin Frassi Comense Scherma 1526.2
423 124 Andrej Filip Trnavský Šermiarsky Cech 1526.1 39.9
424 7 Laurentiu Badea 7 Swords Historical Fencing School 1524.4
425 7 Tadg Farrell The Wrathful Peasants 1524.4
426 14 Arthur Henry Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy 1524 6.3
427 8 Bryant Coston Arena Weapon Arts 1523.6
428 8 Sam Ackroyd Academy of Historical Fencing 1523.1
429 8 Tiohnekote Swamp Ardimento 1522.5
430 7 Ion Nichifor Academie Duello 1522.1
431 139 Germano Pirrone Aros Historical Fencing Guild 1521.2 40.4
432 10 Eric Shattuck Arena Weapon Arts 1520.6 3.2
433 8 Thomas Amoroso Columbus Saber Academy 1520.2
434 8 J.J. Conlon Gem City Duelists Society 1520.1
435 184 Raul Davila Axolotes Fencing Club 1519.9 50.2
436 8 Matthew Pihodnya Ironclad Academy Of The Sword 1519.9
437 22 Michael Martin Noble Science Academy 1519.9 9.7
438 11 Josef Nizner Škola šermu Paridon 1519.7
439 10 Michael Spring Historicae Artes Dimicationes Ustrachense 1518.9
440 10 Travis Mayott Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1518.6
441 7 Tyler Javier The Historical Combat Collective 1517.6
442 Yuexin Huo SH Buge Swordsman 1517.3
443 8 Mark Marb Morris The Old Sword Club 1517.3
444 11 Chris Binggeli Collegium in Armis 1516.9
445 14 Viktor Kliment Rotyka 1516.9
446 10 Joseph Thibodaux Albuquerque Sword Labs 1516.8
447 171 Andrew Hall Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 1516.8 46.9
448 10 Łukasz Dąbrowski Fechtschule Gdańsk 1516.5
449 251 Raphael Heim Freifechter Basel 1516.4 65
450 10 Gindi Wauchope The School of Historical Fencing 1515.8
451 9 Mael Pineau Les Lames du Foyer 1515.8
452 11 Quinn Richardson Mordhau Historical Combat 1515.8
453 14 Sheik Bacchus Schola St. George 1515.8
454 11 Donald Schumitsh Two Ravens Fencing School 1515.4
455 10 Nikolay Davydov Unterwalden 1515.3
456 12 David Socha Two Ravens Fencing School 1515
457 10 Thomas Flossmann Gladiatores München 1514.3
458 Daniel Smith N/A 1514.2
459 13 Kevin Franklin Tattershall School of Defense 1514.2
460 28 Romain Gudet Lyon AMHE 1513.8 5.3
461 Jay Trojan En Garde Fencing 1513
462 56 Gerhard Reich N/A 1512.2 17.1
463 14 Christopher Deraney Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1511.9
464 14 Andreas Aronsson Frost HEMA 1511.1
465 14 Michael Hein Schwabenfedern 1510.8
466 14 Victor Marchetto Two Ravens Fencing School 1510.3
467 268 Romain Rousselle La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1510.2 66.5
468 14 Greg Tsagris Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing 1509.9
469 16 Dylan Kostman Center for Blade Arts 1509.8
470 15 Daniel Romano Scholar Victoria 1509.5
471 14 Quentin Lacroix La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1509.5
472 16 Freddie Thomas The Wrathful Peasants 1509.1
473 15 Paolo Dahan N/A 1508.8
474 310 Seth Keller Academy of Arms 1508.3 76
475 13 Bradley Cramer University of West Florida Fencing 1508.2
476 15 Steven Gotcher Aegis Historical Combat Training 1508.2
477 17 Honza Blažek Duelanti od Svatého Rocha 1508.2
478 12 Raditya Silva Gwaith-i-Megyr 1508.1
479 16 Eric Musgrove Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1507.4 1.9
480 13 Gernot Froschauer INDES Linz 1507.4
481 17 Ondrej Šauša Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 1507.3
482 14 Alessandro Gallo Sala d’Arme del Folle 1506.2
483 14 Jason Baldwin The Academy of European Swordsmanship 1506
484 13 Kieron Rowe Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing 1505.5
485 15 Sandino Richeri Sala della Gorgone 1505.4
486 179 Goches Alex BEC Escrime 1505.4 45.4
487 1008 Mitchell Davis Iron Gate Swordfighting 1505.2 200.6
488 16 Franciszek Wyrobek Krakowska Szkoła Fechtunku 1504.9
489 15 Ma Yat Tsun Einherjar HEMA Club 1504.4
490 15 Radoslav Tomčala Škola šermu Paridon 1503.7
491 67 Benjamin Kuehn Lonin League 1503.6 19.5
492 21 Ole Soldatow INDES Wien 1503.3 6.5
493 16 Nikolay Apraksin Scuola Saint George 1503.1
494 15 Jonathan Rider Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1502.7
495 17 Andrea Rossi La Sala delle Armi 1502.6
496 182 William Pearsall Grünberg Freifechter 1502.5 45.6
497 251 Valentin Rossi Frères d'AMHE 1501.7 60.2
498 18 Jacob Burke Noble Science Academy 1501.5
499 15 Miles Richardson Lake Forest Sword Academy 1501.3
500 19 Matěj Horňák Šermírna Luka 1501.1
501 19 Matthew Huller Boston Armizare 1500.8
502 19 John Blood Athens School of Arms 1500.8
503 17 Daniel Niznik Ironwood Sword School 1500.5
504 35 Kevin Moret-Abedi Compagnie Excallibur Yvellines 1500.5 12.5
505 17 Pavlos Nelson Lake Charles HEMA Academy 1500
506 19 Paul Hubbard House of Blades 1500
507 17 Ted Smith Smart HEMA Clubs 1499.9
508 16 Sean Graham Blackfriar's School of Fence 1499.6
509 20 Pepin Marshall Ochs München 1499.6
510 19 Maciej Borys ARMA Poland Warszawa 1499.5
511 18 Guillaume Lefebvre-Legault Ironwood Sword School 1499.1
512 17 Alexander Kitaev Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1498.6
513 17 Caleb Bonsack Indianapolis Fencing Club 1498.6
514 41 Jesse Gerdes Schildwache Potsdam e.V 1498.4 7.3
515 17 Clifford Curry Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 1498.4
516 19 Matěj Ponka AKA - Akademie rytířských umění 1498.2
517 23 Dan Powell London Historical Fencing Club 1497.9
518 65 Emmanuel Maitrehenry Lyon AMHE 1497.9 20.7
519 19 William Carew Collegium in Armis 1497.5
520 15 Nathan Scalone Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1497.5
521 17 Massimiliano Cappello Comense Scherma 1497.5
522 20 Harley Jelis New York Historical Fencing Association 1497.3
523 474 Lu Yang San Diego Swordfighters 1497.3 106.8
524 17 Šimon Sýkora Trnavský Šermiarsky Cech 1497.1
525 24 Stevi Parker Bucks Historical Longsword 1497
526 295 Nathan Shallcross Red Dragon Longsword Academy 1496.7 70.8
527 21 Tyler Indermuhle Two Ravens Fencing School 1496.7
528 25 Adam Milovanović Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 1496.6
529 19 Alex Roskilly Smart HEMA Clubs 1496.4
530 22 Kevin Löfgren Örebro HEMA 1496.3
531 20 Sigmund Werndorf Los Angeles Historical Martial Arts Society 1496.1
532 18 Petr Patala Adeptus 1495.7
533 21 Will Smart Canterbury Historical Fencing Club 1495.5
534 19 Łukasz Horyza Wrocławska Szkoła Miecza 1494.7
535 19 José Fernández Meni Clube de Esgrima CEPA 1494.5
536 19 Roberto Gamberini Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo 1494.2
537 16 Steven Lindsey True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1493.7
538 19 Richárd Pávay Anjou Udvari Lovagkör 1493.7
539 19 Daniel Cooper Western Wolves 1493.6
540 Nicolas Petritzky Henger SV 1493.4 5.6
541 19 Yudu Chen N/A 1493
542 18 Denis Plavskij Ferox 1492.2
543 20 Bilal Haroon Dallas School of Historical Fencing 1492.2
544 18 Alex Jacklett N/A 1492.1
545 20 Joseph Hochadel Gem City Duelists Society 1491.9
546 193 Ciaran Flanagan Kingfisher Historical Fencing Club 1491.4 48.1
547 19 Carlos Bedoya Donado Asociación Navarra de Esgrima Histórica Corvus 1490.8
548 19 Jordan Garnier Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon 1490.3
549 19 Joshua Kreuger N/A 1490
550 473 Henry Sharum New Jersey Historical Fencing Association 1489.2 104.5
551 24 Pieter Jacobs Arte Mortiferum 1488.8 2.6
552 21 Maroš Lacinák Cech Terra de Selinan 1488.7
553 20 Ben Mandelkern Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1488.1
554 17 Tobias Thome Brückenschlag 1487.5
555 17 Alexandre Botelho Grupo Esgrima Medieval e Artes de Combate 1486.7
556 20 Steven Gallagher Smart HEMA Clubs 1486.6
557 23 Matúš Koronthály Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 1486.5
558 16 Adrien Laruelle Meyer May Rise 1486.4
559 18 Thanassis Diamantis Academy of Hoplomachia S.C. 1486.1
560 15 Alex Jonischkies Sword to Sword 1485.5
561 242 Le Moing Zacharie Ost du Griffon Noir 1485.4 78.3
562 18 Jonathan Spouge The Vanguard Centre 1485.4
563 17 Justin Vance Ordo Procinctus 1485
564 16 Danial Alt Vier Blossen Historical Fencing 1484.6
565 16 Ingolf Hurst Schwabenfedern 1484.4
566 16 Andrea Conti ARS Historica 1484.4
567 16 Michael Thompson Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research 1483.9
568 14 Luke Dornan Cairns European Sword Academy 1483.8
569 17 Michael Miller Edmonton Historical Martial Arts 1483.6
570 14 Christopher McKinney Reisläufer Bern 1483.4
571 1426 Isaac Benzing Mordhau Historical Combat 1483.3 248.5
572 15 Derek Swart N/A 1483.2
573 30 Declan Moloney Boston Armizare 1483 4
574 16 Benjamin Davis Academie Duello 1482.9
575 16 Maximilian Flossmann Freyfechter Augustini 1481.7
576 204 Tobias Schromm De Schola Pugnator 1481 47.7
577 16 Maciej Kaczmarski Krakowska Szkoła Fechtunku 1481
578 18 Petr Vincena SHŠ Krkavci 1480.8
579 17 Kyle Callaway Dallas School of Historical Fencing 1480.8
580 17 Ville Suutarinen EHMS 1480.6
581 17 Colin Myers Arena Weapon Arts 1480.6
582 17 Borja Umaran Navarro Sala de Armas Fénix 1480.4
583 Michael Scott Auckland Sword and Shield 1480.3
584 15 Mario Puentes Denver Historical Fencing Academy 1480
585 17 Andrew Bradford Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy 1479.4
586 20 Daniele Adami Ordine delle Lame Scaligere 1479.4
587 16 Katsumi Tanaka Castle Tintagel 1479.4
588 114 Sterling Baldwin San Diego Swordfighters 1478.9 27.7
589 22 James Tamplin London Historical Fencing Club 1478.5 2.7
590 16 Zack Thornton True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1478.3
591 18 David Critchley Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1478
592 16 Jon Fenex Green Indianapolis Fencing Club 1477.6
593 18 Mark Winkelman The Forge: Western Martial Arts 1477.3
594 17 Jorge Fernandez Ronco Sala de Armas Salvatore Fabris 1476.9
595 1177 Florian Fortner Sprezzatura 1476.8 210.5
596 17 Kurt Holtfreter Triangle Sword Guild 1476.6
597 17 Sébastien Heng La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1476.5
598 16 Lukáš Novák Rotyka 1476
599 18 Morgan Sinko Austin Historical Weapons Guild 1475.9
600 16 Alexandre Turgis Les Lames d'Aïssa 1475.8
601 23 Mihovil Skelin Ars Gladiatoria 1475.7
602 246 Ludwig Theile Fencing Club Dresden 1475.3 54.7
603 17 Isaiah Sweezie Lansing Longsword Guild 1474.9
604 19 Luca De Sensi Sala d'Arme Aquila Gladiatrix 1474.8
605 18 Joseph Mundo Ars Gladii 1474.4
606 16 Jian Te Liu Fu Jen University European Medieval Swordsmanship 1474
607 538 Phil McClenaghan The Institute for Historical Arts 1473.9 111.6
608 19 William Li Academie Duello 1473.7
609 18 Joshua Yates Wardens of the Tor 1473.7
610 18 Winter McCormick Denver Historical Fencing Academy 1473.5
611 56 Erik Copley En Garde Fencing 1473.3 11.7
612 24 Nathaniel Bryant Lake Charles HEMA Academy 1473.1
613 259 Louie Zhong Tosetti Institute of MMA and Fitness 1472.6 57
614 17 Adam Ritz Okanagan Combat Guild 1472.5
615 20 Javier Vivoras Méndez Sala Esgrima Antigua Ignota 1472.4
616 22 Jack Murray Dallas School of Historical Fencing 1472.3
617 19 Tyler Rutherford Krieg School 1471.9
618 22 Giovanni Arisi ARS Historica 1471.9
619 19 Ash Alghifari Gwaith-i-Megyr 1471.7
620 27 Katherine Livingston Scholar Victoria 1471.7
621 20 Cristian Milà Martinez Club Esgrima Maresme 1471.4
622 23 Seneca Savoie Arena Weapon Arts 1471.3
623 20 Romuald Odile-Sylvand LAMHE des Mauges 1471.2
624 22 Flynn Castellanos Lake Forest Sword Academy 1470.9
625 15 Sam Keiser Austin Historical Weapons Guild 1470.1
626 17 Vincent Cyr Académie Scrimicie 1469.9
627 19 Dario Valente Sala della Gorgone 1469.8
628 23 Nicholas Lozuk Historical Swordfighting Guild of UT Dallas 1469.8
629 25 Alexander Stankevich Hema Praha 1469.7
630 16 Jason Chapman Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1469.7
631 19 Mark Pagliaro Hartford County Historical Fencing Club 1469.7
632 25 Marc Zeller Schwabenfedern 1469.6
633 27 Caelyn Hamilton Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1469.5
634 18 Julien Wessels Ad Arma 1469
635 22 Jordan Thompson Eastside Fechtverein HEMA 1468.8
636 21 Rhys Grayson Steel City Historical Fencing 1468.6
637 17 Justin Coppe Spatha Medievae 1468.5
638 21 Tyler Sigman Omaha Kunst des Fechtens 1468.3
639 3 Robert Placencia Ironwood Historic Swordsmanship 1467.8 2.1
640 480 Frank Torkel Masterless Fencing 1467.2 101.2
641 20 Roman Sadorf Ironwood Historic Swordsmanship 1467
642 19 Taryk Alsagoff Sword Inquisition 1467
643 17 Murilo Peroni Falcão Negro 1466.8
644 19 David Kenyon Edmonton German Fencing Guild 1466.7
645 17 Carlos Sebastian Siqueiros Delgado Krigerskole 1466.6
646 22 Benjamin Pope Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1466.4
647 Paul Barolet Academy of Arms 1466.4 2.1
648 461 Juan Ambrosio Schwert und Bogen 1466.4 99.4
649 441 Etienne Mermillod Maritime Sword School 1466.3 94.8
650 21 Anthony Garnier Lyon AMHE 1466.2
651 20 Henry McLemore Virginia Academy of Fencing 1466
652 25 Jeff Schmaley Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1465.8
653 5 Nicky Sayah Sina Lonin League 1465.4 1.6
654 22 Yoon Dong-Uk Historical Fencing Federation Korea 1465.3
655 25 Quoc Lieu Bold City Longsword 1465.3
656 23 Jeremi Cyr La Compagnie Médiévale 1465.2
657 22 Kalle Kylmänen EHMS 1464.7
658 17 Daniel Ramirez Esgrima Histórica Bellatores 1464.6
659 22 Matthew Pope True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1464.4
660 26 William Goodman University of Chester HEMA 1464.1
661 108 Ryan Renfro Noble Science Academy 1464.1 21.1
662 23 Pascal Bruckner ASV Ossweil 1464
663 20 Achille Foncel Formation d’Escrime Historique Andégave 1463.8
664 19 Leonardo Giacomini Escola de Artes Marciais Históricas Grifo de Fogo 1463.7
665 23 Cornelius Tschiersich Stahlakademie 1463.7
666 20 Hai Zhu Mustang Sword Club 1463.5
667 23 Daniel Rauens Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1462.9
668 19 Michael Pieper Københavns Historiske Fægteklub 1462.4
669 19 Ramon Kowalski Escola de Artes Marciais Históricas Grifo de Fogo 1462.2
670 18 Tzu Ping Fang Vor & Nach Society of Historical European Martial Arts 1462.2
671 20 Antonio Mancino HEMA Ravenna 1462
672 17 Victor Soares Escola de Artes Marciais Históricas Grifo de Fogo 1461.5
673 20 Alexander Stiessel Åkerström Malmö Historiska Fäktskola 1461.3
674 18 Christoph Stutz Säbelrassler 1461.1
675 18 Michał Polak Akademia Szermierzy 1461.1
676 1117 Gauthier Dietschi De Feu et d'Acier 1461 198.4
677 19 Thibaud JACQUIER-BRET PEAMHE 1460.9
678 24 Guglielmo Gibertini Società d'Arme Major Militia 1460.8
679 398 Nicola Leiseder Auckland Sword and Shield 1460.5 84.9
680 21 Robert Mayo Triangle Sword Guild 1460.2
681 20 Orest Levchuk Krigerskole 1460.1
682 635 Kyle Lazzarevich En Garde Fencing 1460 128.6
683 23 Lorenzo Pezzica Club Scherma Apuano 1459.9
684 73 Dustin Kirkpatrick Boston Armizare 1459.5 11.4
685 8 Zachary Brown Superior HEMA 1459.5 6.4
686 24 Fabien Chartton Les Guerriers du Lendemain 1459.5
687 24 Dale Utt Center for Blade Arts 1458.9
688 24 Sawyer Freschi GVG 1458.6
689 21 Chris Osmecki Athena School of Arms 1458.5
690 84 Rocky Willis Vanguard Fencing Club 1458.2 23.4
691 25 Sam Halote Chicago Swordplay Guild 1458.2
692 23 Colin Sharkey Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing 1458
693 23 Marcus Stobbe En Garde Fencing 1457.8
694 27 Donald McKay Vier Blossen Historical Fencing 1457.7
695 24 Bernardo Fernandes Academie Duello 1457.3
696 24 Ian Davis Boston Armizare 1457.2
697 57 Bor Jaspers Historisch Schermgilde Limburg 1457.2 18.4
698 25 Roman Stücka Tremonia Fechten 1457.1
699 25 Matúš Žuffa Klub šermu Trenčín 1456.7
700 24 Constantin Speitel INDES Salzburg 1456.5
701 24 Radek Ondra Digladior 1456.4
702 27 Oscar Otero Martínez 100Tolos HEMA 1456.2
703 24 Geoff Lehman Nickel City Longsword Academy 1454.6
704 22 Austin Johnson Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 1454.4
705 24 Denis Allaume Les Lames du Foyer 1454.1
706 22 Olive Nuttall IronFolk Combat 1454
707 27 Martin Kumecky Cech Terra de Selinan 1453.9
708 221 Muqing Niu Nanjing Axon Martial Arts 1453.8 51.4
709 23 Nicholas Castellari Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Romagna 1453.1
710 22 Michael Vaughn Ochs America 1453
711 21 Han Tae-Poong Historical Fencing Federation Korea 1452.8
712 406 Oliver Denton Smart HEMA Clubs 1452.6 86.6
713 26 Kyle Marrotte Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research 1452.5
714 20 Damien le Bras La Mesnie du Blanc Castel 1452.3
715 26 Gábor Magát Ars Ensis 1452.2
716 15 Aäron Faes Sumus Soldani 1452 7.1
717 25 Aleksandar Ardalić Warlander Jousting - Akademija viteških veština 1451.6
718 27 Dimitri ten Have De Zwaardkring 1451.6
719 24 Elijah Clarke University of Vermont Historical Fencing Club 1451.6
720 21 Jonas Thunberg Wisby Historiska Fäktskola 1450.7
721 14 Thomas Kesler Gem City Duelists Society 1450.6
722 26 Alan Beck Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1450.6
723 25 Thomas Walkeden Smart HEMA Clubs 1450.2
724 27 Josh Saito Dallas School of Historical Fencing 1450.2
725 22 Kris Pruett N/A 1450.2
726 25 Francisco Edson Batalha Cênica Salvador 1450.2
727 22 Geoffrey Uhal Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1450.1
728 29 Bastien Mersier La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1449.9 11.3
729 25 Théo Desbuquoit N/A 1449.8
730 21 Joseph Clarke Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1449.4
731 23 Ben Blythe Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 1449.2
732 22 Nathan Hughart Per La Vita Academy of Western Martial Arts 1449.1
733 27 Billy Matt Thompson Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1448.9
734 94 Justin Drury Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1448.8 16.4
735 24 Nikolas Epp Die Baskerhunde 1448.7
736 51 Luis Arturo Alba Ramirez Axolotes Fencing Club 1448.5 16.5
737 24 Till Schultz Pfälzer Schwertlöwen 1447.9
738 26 Stefan Kostadinov Historical Swordsmanship - Angel Chernaev 1447.9
739 14 István Dobó Ars Ensis 1447.8 1.8
740 241 Patrick Tarzi Noble Science Academy 1447.4 52
741 26 Filippo Schino Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Roma 1447.1
742 26 Shane Bouchard Ottawa Historical Fencing Society 1447.1
743 29 Alec Willette Two Ravens Fencing School 1446.8
744 26 Joseph Paches The Academy of European Swordsmanship 1446.3
745 24 Ju Kyung-Ha Historical Fencing Federation Korea 1446
746 23 Christian Niles Niles' Fencing Academy 1446
747 27 Steve Chen Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1445.6
748 31 Sam Brian Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1445.5
749 25 Andy Campbell The Historical Combat Collective 1445.2
750 31 James Schmidt Dartmouth Swordplay Guild 1445.2
751 24 Brandon Dahl Tucson Historical Fencing Academy 1445
752 26 Tom Leslie Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1444.7
753 25 Aiden Chronopoulos Ironclad Academy Of The Sword 1444.7
754 32 David Demeter Rožnovsky šermirsky klub 1444.7
755 26 Sawyer Rardin Black Cat Historical Fencing 1443.5
756 700 Dmitry Tolstinev Arena Weapon Arts 1443.5 133.8
757 27 Marius Rafoshei Kunst des Historischen Fechtens Tirol 1443
758 25 Arthur Boutillon Fencing Club Dresden 1442.8
759 25 Emma O'Toner Collegium in Armis 1442.8
760 341 Mason Foy Crossing Fight School 1442.8 74.3
761 25 Katelyn Pringarbe La Compagnie Médiévale 1442.7
762 30 Tomáš Laštovička N/A 1442.5
763 81 Nikola Orawczak Szkoła Fechtunku Gryf 1442.4 21.3
764 64 Minna Vasarainen EHMS 1442.2 17.6
765 25 Lucien Nicolet Historicae Artes Dimicationes Ustrachense 1442.1
766 28 Paul Chereau La Salle d'Armes 1442
767 26 Wei Ting Syu Vor & Nach Society of Historical European Martial Arts 1441.8
768 31 Ian Linden Medieval European Martial Arts Guild 1441.7
769 24 Tristan Branellec La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1441.7
770 27 Alexander Bruce De Haan Escola de Artes Marciais Históricas Grifo de Fogo 1441.6
771 29 David Russell Society of Historical Fencing 1441.5
772 28 Paul Jähne KdF Leipzig 1441.4
773 431 Bailey Fatool Swordplay LA 1440.7 114.7
774 25 Ferenc Rádi Ars Ensis 1440.6
775 25 Alyson Duffy Dawn Duellists Society 1440.4
776 25 Thomas Bach Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1440
778 Erik Johnson Academy of Arms 1439.8
777 Andrew Wilson Blackfriar's School of Fence 1439.8
779 32 Petr Weber KEBU Plzeň 1439.7
780 17 Maximilian Riebe Henger SV 1439.2 8.6
781 29 Zoltan Betlen Cambridge HEMA 1439.1
782 29 Louis Bonard Unil'AMHE 1439
783 Arron Robertson North Wales Hema Academy 1438.1
784 101 Ashley Hearn Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1437.9 17.3
785 133 Mateo Schops SwArta 1437.7 32.3
786 30 Daniele Mandatori ARS Historica 1437.4
787 28 Thomas Howell Norwich Society of Historical Swordsmanship and Fencing 1437
788 33 Kees Diependaal De Zwaardkring 1437
789 31 Dawid Bugryn Krakowska Szkoła Fechtunku 1436.9
790 28 Hubert L'Allier Académie Scrimicie 1436.7
791 31 Giulio Campanella Sala della Gorgone 1436.1
792 204 Ben Adiletto Medieval European Martial Arts Guild 1436 45.5
793 28 Jacob Gilliom Tuathair Academy of Swordsmanship 1435.8
794 31 Peter Concannon Montgomery County Historical Fencing 1435.8
795 31 Pike Pullen Swordwind Historical Swordsmanship 1435.7
796 35 Kevin Brough Steel City Historical Fencing 1435.6
797 30 Reese Pollock Comox Valley Combat Guild 1435.1
798 32 Evan Macdonald Ironwood Sword School 1434.9
799 29 Grigorii Kobzarenko N/A 1434.7
800 29 Reinis Rinka HEMA Riga 1434.4
801 32 Ilya Grigoriev Starr Ministry Of The Fence 1434.2
802 117 Rashelle DeBolt Noble Science Academy 1434.1 20.3
803 35 Bryan Howard Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1433.7
804 29 Marco Scalet Scherma Storica Dolomiti 1433.7
805 33 Eric King N/A 1433.7
806 33 James Stallard Scholar Victoria 1433.6
807 30 Loic Gaillard Médiéval Combat 1433.6
808 32 Scott Jeffers Chicago Swordplay Guild 1433.1
809 230 Steven Obrzut True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1432.9 51
810 161 Rob Danser Medieval European Martial Arts Guild 1432.8 37.8
811 7 Brodie Persson The HEMA Club at VCU 1432.5 6.1
812 34 Sean Ellis Academy of Arms 1432.5
813 32 Juraj Zamkovský Klub Šermu Rys 1431.9
814 32 Antti Heitto Oulun Miekkailuseura 1431.2
815 115 Lucas VOLLE La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1431 28.8
816 33 Alex Kellogg Two Ravens Fencing School 1430.9
817 31 Drew Schulz Sword to Sword 1430.9
818 30 Jesse Kulla Chicago Swordplay Guild 1430.8
819 28 Alessandro Vera The HEMA Club at VCU 1430.7
820 31 Thayne Alexander Lansing Longsword Guild 1430.6
821 31 Ingulf Popp-Kohlweiss INDES Feldkirchen - Himmelberg 1430.6
822 29 Jonathan Lim Bastion HEMA Singapore 1430.5
823 38 Tomáš Musil Pardubický spolek šermířský 1430.3
824 29 Stanisław Kołasiński Krakowska Szkoła Fechtunku 1430.1
825 31 David Hodei Ruiz Santamaria Sala de Armas Hans Talhoffer 1429.8
826 34 Lőrinc Opiczer Ars Ensis 1429.5
827 31 Ben Stockdale Scholar Victoria 1429.4
828 30 Pablo Illing Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1429.1
829 27 Spencer Scott Terra Nova School of Sword 1428.9
830 30 Maciej Michnowski De Zwaardkring 1428.8
831 32 Niles Cerro Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing 1428.8
832 31 Rob Heim Nickel City Longsword Academy 1428.4
833 30 Josep Maria Carbonell Madern Club Esgrima Maresme 1428.1
834 30 Xavier Sierra La Guilde d’Escrime Historique 1427.7
835 2658 Henning Hottong Historisches Fechten Raspo 1427.5 383.2
836 29 Kyle Coleman Indianapolis Fencing Club 1427.4
837 32 Maciej Jakub Kubik Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1427.4
838 32 Maksim Afanas'ev Ferox 1427.4
839 31 Chandler Maypoles University of West Florida Fencing 1427.2
840 31 Yari VAHLE Hammaborg 1426.7
841 56 Ivan Soloviov Cech Terra de Selinan 1426.5 16.5
842 30 Scott Carpenter Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 1426.5
843 33 Ryan Hancock Vier Blossen Historical Fencing 1426.4
844 33 Mattias Brännström Umeås Historiska Fäktskola 1426.1
845 31 Jason Hooper Canterbury Historical Fencing Club 1426
846 141 Kevin Criswell Kron Martial Arts 1425.9 33.7
847 405 Jacob Plumb Iron Gate Swordfighting 1425.4 84.3
848 35 Nick Laing Edel Fencing Academy 1425.4
849 33 Joshua Purnell Sword Fighter Gold Coast 1425.2
850 35 Aleksandar Ristić Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 1425.1
851 31 Billy Nguyen Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 1424.8
852 33 Juho Naumanen Oulun Miekkailuseura 1424.8
853 31 Emil Lehmusterä Tampere HEMA 1424.7
854 31 Bastien Chevalier de Roby Unité Sportive Avonnaise Escrime 1424.4
855 31 Dylan Thomas Black Bear Historical Fencing 1424.2
856 31 Ryan Collins Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1423.8
857 26 Jan Bacher ASV Ossweil 1423.7
858 29 Joel Herman Society for Historical Arms Research and Practice 1423.6
859 32 Mathieu Croze De Feu et d'Acier 1423.5
860 34 Rhys Kinlough Adelaide Sword Academy 1423.4
861 31 Matteo Mutti Dusi Sala d'arme I Bèc del Ruc 1423.4
862 30 Tyler Lee Texas A&M Mastercut 1422.8
863 473 Mathias Sanchez Lyon AMHE 1422.6 115.2
864 30 Alex Wray Order of the Blade 1422.4
865 Charlie Thompson Scholars of Alcala 1421.5
866 33 Chris Holloman Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1421.5
867 32 Wojciech Kwasik Liverpool HEMA 1421.3
868 32 Krzysztof Wójcik Blademasters Academy 1420.7
869 28 Freddy Tse Philadelphia Common Fencers Guild 1420.6
870 32 Reuben Thomas Schola Gladiatoria 1420.5
871 28 Christopher Stanley Glen Lachlann Estate College of Arms 1420.2
872 27 Gavin Li Historical Swordfighting Guild of UT Dallas 1420.1
873 33 Robin Bygdén Umeås Historiska Fäktskola 1420.1
874 32 Nathan Wallace Royal Arts Fencing Academy 1420
875 38 Nikola Hristov Historical fencing - Stara Zagora 1420
876 37 István Havasi Ars Ensis 1420
877 31 Gabriel Lake Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy 1419.7
878 1239 Lee-jones Brad AMHE Apicula Carcassona 1419.6 200.8
879 30 Douglas Crighton Valour Historical European Martial Arts Academy 1419.2
880 343 Alex Gilbank Smart HEMA Clubs 1419 71.8
881 34 Tamás Pál Kelemen Kard Rendje ViSE 1418.9
882 32 Fabien Bianchi Club Escrime Historique Lavallois 1418.5
883 30 Andreas Arndt Pfälzer Schwertlöwen 1418.1
884 27 Amelia Crate Lonin League 1417.8 10.1
885 34 Jose Francisco Rojo Fernandez Clube de Esgrima CEPA 1417.6
886 31 David Arias Club de Esgrima Histórica Audacia 1417.5
887 35 Miroslav Liberský Rotyka 1417.4
888 32 Jan Jodas Reykjavik HEMA Club 1417.1
889 35 Thomas Tucker Scholar Victoria 1417
890 28 Enrico Bellardini ARS Historica 1416.4
891 30 Stefano Campelli Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Bononia 1416.3
892 29 Valeriu Bumb KDF Kronstadt 1416.1
893 35 Colin Knipp Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1416.1
894 30 Cale Urban Heartland HEMA Historical Fencing Club 1415.8
895 29 Michael Blum Fechtschule Schrankhut 1415.4
896 31 Aleksej ZHuravlev Gran 1415.4
897 30 Sebastian Linstädt Schwert und Bogen 1415.2
898 28 Ryan Backos Black Bear Historical Fencing 1415.2
899 31 Sam Spruill Clemson Longsword 1415
900 29 Lawrence Robinson Athens School of Arms 1414.3
901 32 Mario Marić Ars Gladiatoria 1414.3
902 29 Evan Anderson Academie Duello 1414.2
903 26 Justin Dale Heartland HEMA Historical Fencing Club 1413.8
904 28 Maurice Booij MARS 1413.7
905 30 Andreas Weiß Schwabenfedern 1413.4
906 32 Jan Stetina Dobrovolný Šerm 1413.4
907 25 Ryder Claybaugh True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1413.1
908 270 Seth Samuelson Noble Science Academy 1413 52.4
909 31 Francesco Miano Compagnia de Le Due Maestà 1412.9
910 11 Michael French Reno HEMA Speakeasy 1412.6 7.5
911 31 Joanna Koprowska Akademia Szermierzy 1412.5
912 29 Pandu Vandhita Iron Guts HEMA Club 1412.5
913 32 Gabriele Galeotti ARS Historica 1412.5
914 35 Eric Nesbitt Adelaide Sword Academy 1412.4
915 29 Matthieu Pelissier De Feu et d'Acier 1412.1
916 32 C. Burns New Jersey Kloppfechters 1411.5
917 30 Kasperi Torppa Joensuun Historiallisen Miekkailun Seura 1411.5
918 11 Nicolej Nysom Flohr HEMA Hobro 1411.4 3.2
919 29 Alexey Trekin Men With Swords 1410.9
920 31 Will Crozier University of Vermont Historical Fencing Club 1410.7
921 33 Daniel Clay London Historical Fencing Club 1410.3
922 31 Vicente Curvêlo Batalha Cênica Salvador 1410.2
923 31 Miguel Pena Sala de Armas Fénix 1410.1
924 Sebastian Uhlík Rotyka 1409.9
925 32 Andrew Yang Toronto Historical Combatants 1409.8
926 27 Michael Norris Krieg School 1409.6 0.1
927 32 Hunter Wild Scholar Victoria 1409.5
928 34 Dylan Freeman East Texas Historical Fencing 1409.1
929 156 Sawyer Featham Noble Science Academy 1408.8 35.2
930 34 Dwain Crackel Columbus United Fencing Club 1408.5
931 33 Noah Green Moose Historical Fencing 1408.4
932 32 Brandon Burt Lonin League 1408.3
933 31 Valerio Roscani ARS Historica 1408.3
934 21 Martin Boček Škola šermu Paridon 1407.9 9.4
935 31 Luciano Cecagno Falcão Negro 1407.7
936 253 Benjamin Lentz Olesen Aros Historical Fencing Guild 1407.4 52.3
937 27 Benoit Mayol De Taille et d'Estoc 1407.2
938 29 Peter Andon Omaha-Metro Armed Combat Academy 1407.2
939 34 Alexander van den Akker De Zwaardkring 1407.1
940 37 Mateusz Szudrawski Akademia Szermierzy 1407
941 33 Srikar Bollavaram Arena Weapon Arts 1406.9
942 2 Muhammad Dabo Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning 1406.9 6.8
943 188 Karolis Kmita Smart HEMA Clubs 1406.7 43.1
944 38 Ian Lowry Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1406.4
945 33 Vojtěch Richter Digladior Plzeň 1405.9
946 31 Tim Casey Columbus United Fencing Club 1405.4
947 33 Tavis McKee The Forge: Western Martial Arts 1405
948 35 Giovanni Marchesini Scherma Storica Veneto-Trentino-Alto Adige 1404.9
949 33 Mihály Tóth Ars Ensis 1404.8
950 33 Pedro Duarte Wolfsherz 1404.8
951 32 Patrick Bromfield Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1404.2
952 95 Matt Karmelich House of Blades 1404.1 13.9
953 33 Francesco Pieraccini ARS Historica 1404
954 270 Jan Modráček Pardubický spolek šermířský 1403.5 56.6
955 411 Chris Stewart The Vanguard Centre 1403.2 79.4
956 33 William Handford Columbus United Fencing Club 1402.9
957 31 Glenn Best Gainesville HEMA 1402.7
958 34 Devron Sijmons De Zwaardkring 1402.5
959 34 Joonas Valtteri Komulainen Jyväskylä Academy of Historical Martial Arts 1402.3
960 38 Adam Prochaska Hema Praha 1402.2
961 34 Marcel Kwapisz ARMA Poland 1402.1
962 34 Matthieu Dutheil École Chevaleresque 1401.9
963 29 Yang Bai Adelaide Sword Academy 1400.8
964 27 Dmitrii Volokitin Scuola Saint George 1400.8
965 34 Mihail Kalyuzhnyj Ferox 1400.6
966 34 Shane Hillen Centerline Sword School 1400.6
967 31 Reid Roubidoux Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1400.4
968 30 Andrea Iannini ARS Historica 1400.3
969 30 Jarosław Karkosz Grupa Fechtunku Historycznego Lublin 1400.2
970 29 Benjamin Karasko N/A 1400.2
971 38 Giuliano Giannetti Hema Praha 1400
972 64 Robert Sherry Medieval European Martial Arts Guild 1400 17.7
973 38 Tadeáš Večeřák Škola šermu Paridon 1399.5
974 32 Edmund Withnell Order of the Blade 1399.3
975 30 Jacob LaRocca Athena School of Arms 1399.2
976 27 Sol Ballester Edmonton German Fencing Guild 1398.8
977 29 William Wallace Dublin HEMA Club 1398.7
978 26 Rafael Beckerath Batalha Cênica Salvador 1398.7
979 36 Marten Dollinger Two Ravens Fencing School 1398.5
980 34 Alexander Laslavic En Garde Fencing 1398.4
981 28 Tobiasz Koźlik Akademia Szermierzy 1398.4
982 70 Hannes Rudzinski Schwert-Greifen Rostock 1398.3 18.1
983 36 Tony Cavalline Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 1398.2
984 33 Darren Lozano Storm of Steel Fencing 1398.2
985 35 Samuli Komulainen Joensuun Historiallisen Miekkailun Seura 1398.1
986 101 Vincent Liu Bucks Historical Longsword 1398 15.1
987 33 Alex Wilson Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1397.7
988 209 James Samples SoCal Swords 1397.6 35.7
989 33 Jack Berggren-Elers Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning 1397.2
990 33 Jérôme Paupe La Compagnie Médiévale 1396.7
991 33 Nicholas Mills Queen City Sword Guild 1396.7
992 31 Mijaíl Alejos Esgrima Histórica Bellatores 1396.5
993 34 Gerard Averill Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1396.4
994 34 Cory Keller Fechtschule Victoria 1396.4
995 33 Joshua Handegard Indes Ferox Gladio 1396.1
996 32 Valerio De luca N/A 1395.1
997 34 Sai Rallabhandi Bucks Historical Longsword 1394.9
998 31 Fernando Solis Axolotes Fencing Club 1394.4
999 34 John MacPhail Niagara Historical Fencing 1394.3
1000 34 Micha Morales MARS 1394.2
1001 33 Justinder Singh Burning Sun 1394.2
1002 32 John Armitage Halfmoon Hema 1393.6
1003 31 Stephen Briggs Edmonton Historical Martial Arts 1393.4
1004 31 Valentin Hellbach Schule des inneren Schwertes 1393.2
1005 30 Jesse Shelton Appalachian Highland Historical Fencing 1393.1
1006 32 Dajiang Wang N/A 1393
1007 30 Cole Engle Two Ravens Fencing School 1392.6
1008 24 Luis Ventureira Gómez Escuela de Esgrima Historica de Madrid 1392.4
1009 30 Thomas Jones Durham Medieval Combat Academy 1392.4
1010 29 Devis Carli Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Romagna 1392.3
1011 31 Benjamin Collet Compagnie Excallibur Yvellines 1392.3
1012 36 Robert Cole Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1392.2
1013 30 Oded Nachshon Ministry Of The Fence 1392.1
1014 79 Elliot Robinson Indes Ferox Gladio 1392.1 21.5
1015 33 Jordan Eyre Academy of Historical Fencing 1391.9
1016 31 Jessica Young Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1391.8
1017 171 Brad Christman Academy of Arms 1391.5 36.4
1018 32 Hugo Samuel Gonzalez Lemos Sala Viguesa de Esgrima Antiga 1390.9
1019 Alvaro Carmena-Black Academy of Arms 1390.6
1020 Hayden Ellington Noble Science Academy 1390.6
1022 Tom Oslovar SoCal Swords 1390.6
1021 Yongxu Wei Yanlai Historical Fencing 1390.6
1023 34 Sam Starrett Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1390.4
1024 32 Razi Mahardika Iron Guts HEMA Club 1390.4
1025 167 Richard Bagdi Ars Ensis 1390.4 35.8
1026 36 Sebastian Bijok Vectir 1390.3
1027 36 Raphaël Bouthillier La Compagnie Médiévale 1390.2
1028 35 Vladimír Nerandžič Digladior 1389.7
1029 35 Huginn Halldorsson Reykjavik HEMA Club 1389.6
1030 30 Bill Cundiff Indianapolis Fencing Club 1389.4
1031 29 Pedro Rajo Batalha Cênica Salvador 1389.3
1032 34 John Haley Athens School of Arms 1389.2
1033 34 Gábor Antali SwordFight 1389
1034 33 Jeremy Nidiffer Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1389
1035 40 Arttu Sulkanen Tampere HEMA 1388.9
1036 33 Luke Webb Southern Cross Swords 1388.8
1037 33 Greg Keeton Austin Historical Weapons Guild 1388.4
1038 33 Vincent Martin Ham Vor & Nach Society of Historical European Martial Arts 1388.3
1039 31 Yi Tian Liu Lionheart Historical European Swordsmanship Club 1387.6
1040 34 Mikaël Levacher Les Fines Lames du Médoc 1387.4
1041 34 Brian Fleming N/A 1387.3
1042 32 William Crockett Cookeville HEMA Club 1387.1
1043 34 Fabian Konrad Schwert und Bogen 1386.6
1044 33 Nikola Sekulić Academia da Espada Hellas 1386.5
1045 268 Ondřej Tureček AKA - Akademie rytířských umění 1386.2 54.4
1046 34 Romana Shemayev Bent Blades 1385.9
1047 34 Matthew Miraglia Schola St. George 1385.7
1048 33 Alex Jackson Kron Martial Arts 1385.6
1049 35 Nicolai Rohmann Turngemeinde Münster 1385.6
1050 34 Yichen Liu Italian Renaissance Swordsmanship Academy 1385.3
1051 33 Aleksandr Tortsev Vardan 1385
1052 35 Nenad Nikić Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 1384.6
1053 33 David Rybacki Caledonian Sword Guild 1384.4
1054 35 Addison Foley HEMA Lexington 1384.2
1055 31 Rocco Jones Seize the Vor 1383.8
1056 34 Arseniy Ermolenko HEMA Israel 1383.7
1057 36 Andrej Valacsay Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 1383.6
1058 33 Koen van Gorp Invirtus 1383.5
1059 Matthew Fletcher Auckland Longsword 1383.4
1060 37 Pierre Clervil Le Cercle des Épées Libres 1383.3
1061 31 Henry Cooney Tosetti Institute of MMA and Fitness 1382.9
1062 35 Patryk Klamrowski Goats Head Historical Fencing 1382.9
1063 35 Ben Madlinger Scuffletown Federfechters 1382.9
1064 86 Veronica Young Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1382.3 11.3
1065 36 Andreas Uten De Zwaardkring 1382.1
1066 169 Erik Endlicher Schwert-Greifen Rostock 1382 36.5
1067 245 Antoni Reinfuss Akademia Szermierzy 1381.9 49.7
1068 37 Henrik Wadell Medeltida Stridsteknik Linköping IF 1381.9
1069 253 Patrick McCook Bucks Historical Longsword 1381.6 51
1070 38 Václav Lazar Škola šermu Paridon 1381.6
1071 33 Anders Johnson Ann Arbor Sword Club 1381.3
1072 39 Radu Stefan Taunean 7 Swords Historical Fencing School 1381.2
1073 36 Tuomas Tähtinen Turun Historiallisen Miekkailun Seura 1381.1
1074 39 Michaela Gallucci Sword Inquisition 1381.1
1075 3990 Paul Arthur Historisches Fechten Baden 1381 582.5
1076 32 Jasper Pasko United Clans Swordsman Association 1380.8
1077 37 Houston Nguyen Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1380.8
1078 37 Ezekiel Town N/A 1380.6
1079 33 Julien Baldacini Le Chapitre des Armes 1380.4
1080 37 Tan Nguyen Waterfront Historical Fencing Club 1380.3
1081 32 Victor Rodriguez N/A 1380.1
1082 32 William Westgate Basingstoke HEMA 1380
1083 38 Bartłomiej Dudek Akademia Szermierzy 1380
1084 485 Andrew Mineo Medieval European Martial Arts Guild 1379.9 86.2
1085 43 Benjamin Grosse-Siestrup Arena Weapon Arts 1379.9
1086 39 Patrik Baumann Die Baskerhunde 1379.8
1087 39 Heathcliff Lambert La Mesnie du Blanc Castel 1379.7
1088 37 Genevieve Kelly Scuffletown Federfechters 1379.2
1089 410 Atreyu Norman IronFolk Combat 1378.5 74.7
1090 36 Max-Daniel Sokollek Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1378.5
1091 122 Ryan Kolick Seven Swords Academy 1378.5 16.9
1092 39 Charlsie Jacobs East Texas Historical Fencing 1378.4
1093 38 Ryan Zukowski Long Island Historical Fencing Society 1377.7
1094 379 Lincoln Rose IronFolk Combat 1377.6 69.3
1095 39 Josefin Bohman Frost HEMA 1377.6
1096 39 Dario Conato Hema Praha 1377.5
1097 38 Joel Johnson Center for Blade Arts 1377
1098 40 Rachel Helm Moose Historical Fencing 1376.9
1099 39 Adam Andrews Edmonton German Fencing Guild 1376.6
1100 37 Daniel Ford Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing 1376.5
1101 37 Dustin Collier Virginia Academy of Fencing 1376.5
1102 250 Marco Gigacher Historisches Fechten Baden 1376.4 50.8
1103 37 Matthew Chaifetz Indianapolis Fencing Club 1376.4
1104 42 Jáchym Škrob Duelanti od Svatého Rocha 1376.3
1105 44 Matthew Avila Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing 1376
1106 41 Eliáš Cizl Digladior 1375.7
1107 38 Gabe Maurer Austin Historical Weapons Guild 1375.6
1108 36 Huginn Aðils Reykjavik HEMA Club 1375.5
1109 42 Logan Santerelli Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1375.5
1110 42 James Watt Fitzroy College of Arms 1375.4
1111 41 Hippolyte Biron Les Lames du Foyer 1375.3
1112 37 Andrés Halabi Esgrima Histórica Valdivia 1375.1
1113 94 Georg Mauerhofer INDES Feldbach 1374.6 24
1114 35 Luis Fernandez Historical Swordfighting Guild of UT Dallas 1374.6
1115 37 Patrick Moore Edmonton German Fencing Guild 1374.6
1116 329 Kody Keating Niagara Historical Fencing 1374.3 63.3
1117 41 Patrick McCaffrey L'Arte NYC Historical Fencing 1374.2
1118 38 Mikhail Timofeev Arena Weapon Arts 1374.1
1119 234 Forenz Arabian SoCal Swords 1373.4 48
1120 39 Rúnar Páll Benediktsson Reykjavik HEMA Club 1373.3
1121 37 Miguel Lillo Centro de Esgrima Histórica 1373.2
1122 296 Loïc Blazy De Feu et d'Acier 1373 56.1
1123 40 Hosea Stavast Ironwood Historic Swordsmanship 1373
1124 545 Svetozár Sádecký Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 1371.8 91.8
1125 39 Othellis Roper Blossfechten Academy: Joplin HEMA School 1371.6
1126 39 Shane Meeks Triangle Sword Guild 1370.9
1127 25 Gille Buyle Arte Mortiferum 1370.7 2.3
1128 39 Justin Kostelecky True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1370.5
1129 41 Jon Chouinard Lonin League 1370.4
1130 39 Andy Plymate N/A 1370
1131 39 Casey Boatwright Richmond Kunst Des Fechtens 1369.7
1132 38 Morgan Schulz Historical Swordfighting Guild of UT Dallas 1369.2
1133 1 Jindřich Tichý Poslední Argument 1368.1 4.5
1134 37 Sébastien Collin Les Lames du Foyer 1367.7
1135 35 Noah Sarunic Adelaide Sword Academy 1367.4
1136 40 James Harvey Grant Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 1367.3
1137 38 Samuel Umbay Dallas School of Historical Fencing 1367
1138 781 Hector Farias Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 1367 120.7
1139 35 Dario Stagno Academy of Historical Fencing 1366.9
1140 37 Conor McDonald East Texas Historical Fencing 1366.9
1141 35 Quinlon Eisenhaur Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1366.2
1142 37 Datian Li Adelaide Sword Academy 1366.1
1143 36 Daniel Krzaczkowski Fechtschule Gdańsk 1366.1
1144 34 Björn WEBER Pfälzer Schwertlöwen 1365.9
1145 37 Bartosz Rogacki Walpurgis 1365.8
1146 34 Nathan Lane Crossroads Swords 1365.7
1147 36 Christopher Davis Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1365.4
1148 31 Robbie MacKenzie-Clarke Exeter Sparring Group 1365.2
1149 36 Stuart Smart Smart HEMA Clubs 1365.2
1150 31 Tony Wang La Guilde d’Escrime Historique 1365.1
1151 37 Trent Burg House of Blades 1364.9
1152 36 Matthew Currey Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing 1364.6
1153 29 Beniamino Giordanetto Accademia Scherma Alba 1364.6
1154 31 Valentin Becker Historisches Fechten Gießen 1364.6
1155 34 Remi Pitiot Blademasters Academy 1364.3
1156 28 Chih Yuan Hsu Vor & Nach Society of Historical European Martial Arts 1364.3
1157 35 Artem Malyeyev Cercle d'Arts Martiaux Historiques Européens de Metz 1364.3
1158 31 Andreas Pavlidis Academy of Hoplomachia S.C. 1364
1159 503 Harrison Stetzer Czort Fencing 1363.8 82.8
1160 34 Mark Smead San Luis Valley Swordguild 1363.8
1161 221 Pieter Beernink Indes Ferox Gladio 1363.5 37.6
1162 33 Niko Tanhuanpää Turun Historiallisen Miekkailun Seura 1363.1
1163 33 William Douglas Inland Northwest Longsword Academy 1363
1164 78 Christer Ersson-Fricker Gävle HEMA 1362.7 19.1
1165 28 Arthur Frouin Les Fines Lames du Médoc 1362.3
1166 28 Otavio Nikolaus AEEA Stahlfechter 1362.3
1167 27 Hamilton Stone Guild of the Silent Sword 1362.1
1168 29 Court Dyke Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy 1362.1
1169 35 Sandy Appleby Collegium in Armis 1362
1170 34 Patxi Peña Castresana Sala Esgrima Antigua Ignota 1361.9
1171 36 Jiří Trnka Manus Regis 1361.8
1172 265 David Perchais Lyon AMHE 1361.8 48.8
1173 40 Jakob Seehaas Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1361.7
1174 32 Jim Petrovic Noble Science Academy 1361.6
1175 669 Michael Vela New Jersey Historical Fencing Association 1361.6 105.2
1176 35 Jason Tang Niagara School of Arms 1361.5
1177 180 Szymon Masiak The Institute for Historical Arts 1361.1 36.1
1178 350 Bjorn Carne Meyer May Rise 1361.1 61.4
1179 36 Logan Traynor Athena School of Arms 1361
1180 55 Nishan Jayasinghe N/A 1360.8 4.7
1181 434 Ivor Levinthal Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 1360.7 73.7
1182 35 Steve Cromwell Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing 1360.4
1183 34 Isaac Nesin Dallas School of Historical Fencing 1360.4
1184 38 Josip Pokrajčić Ars Gladiatoria 1360.3
1185 41 Matěj Mazanec Sportovní šerm Tábor 1360.2
1186 38 Óscar Genovés Pascua Sala d'Armes Monjuïc 1360.2
1187 35 Vytautas Zickus Glasgow Historical Fencing Society 1360.1
1188 35 Christopher Pavon Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1359.9
1189 2006 Thomas Rich Lonin League 1359.7 283
1190 1366 Michael DeSimone Masterless Fencing 1359.6 198.2
1191 37 Charles Swieczkowski Accademia del Leone 1359.3
1192 41 Marko Skoknić Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 1359.3
1193 38 Mircea Nicolae Ionita 7 Swords Historical Fencing School 1359.1
1194 38 Andreas Markehed Malmö Historiska Fäktskola 1359
1195 169 Radovan Geist Manu Forti 1359 25.3
1196 33 Kirby Smith III Ironhide Academy 1358.9
1197 37 Nicholas Murphy Bucks Historical Longsword 1358.9
1198 34 Kim Heung Rae Historical Fencing Federation Korea 1358.9
1199 40 Connor Turley Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1358.8
1200 38 Andrew Mendez Valley's heart HEMA 1358.8
1201 43 Alex Beaudet Two Ravens Fencing School 1358.7
1202 45 Joshua Barnett Bold City Longsword 1358.7
1203 386 Zachary Young Noble Science Academy 1358.7 67.7
1204 43 Brian Kolden Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 1358.6
1205 40 Michael Larner Swordfighters Martial Arts & Self Defence 1358.2
1206 40 Jeffrey Ebeling Ann Arbor Sword Club 1357.9
1207 37 Phuong (Tony) Phan Omaha-Metro Armed Combat Academy 1357.5
1208 41 James Thibeault Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship 1357.5
1209 38 Maksim Karavai Lake Forest Sword Academy 1357.5
1210 42 Jani Syrjä Oulun Miekkailuseura 1357.4
1211 42 Austin Straub Bucks Historical Longsword 1357.3
1212 39 Thomas Proctor St. Louis Broadsword Academy 1357.2
1213 39 Bertrand Petit Le Cercle des Épées Libres 1357
1214 42 Laury Plant Edmonton Historical Martial Arts 1356.6
1215 756 Sebastian Höglinger Sportbund DJK Rosenheim 1356.3 116.6
1216 40 Christopher O'Toole Clashing Steel Longsword Club 1355.9
1217 316 Alexey Rodriguez Blanter Zwaard & Steen 1355.7 53.4
1218 40 Georgy Theys Meyer May Rise 1355.7
1219 40 Alex Foster Sword Circle-LLC 1355.5
1220 43 Garrett Rivere Nachreisen Historical Fencing 1355.3
1221 39 Dennis Wiens Niagara Historical Fencing 1355.1
1222 42 Mason Ryherd Heartland HEMA Historical Fencing Club 1355.1
1223 40 Joshua Lowe Canterbury Historical Fencing Club 1354.8
1224 39 Marius Wieandt 7 Schwerter 1354.8
1225 Viktor Larsson Rosén Gothenburg Historical Fencing School 1354.7
1226 42 Alexander Foster Sword Circle-LLC 1354.6
1227 327 Trevor Amspaugh SoCal Swords 1354.5 58.9
1228 42 Leandro Vidal Costa Castelani Escola de Artes Marciais Históricas Grifo de Fogo 1354.5
1229 48 Loyd Briski Queen City Sword Guild 1354.2
1230 43 Davide Gallo Sala d’Arme del Folle 1354
1231 31 Gabriel Suchy VALKYRIE/BLADE 1353.4 0.7
1232 39 Gilles Carriere École Chevaleresque 1353.3
1233 39 Roman Khrapov Canterbury Historical Fencing Club 1353.3
1234 44 Péter Szabó Ars Ensis 1353.2
1235 39 Grant Hartman Tuathair Academy of Swordsmanship 1353.1
1236 39 Joseph Whitnall Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1353
1237 46 Bálint Kirill Kis Ars Ensis 1352.7
1238 454 Antoine Goldschmidt Recherche et Expérimentation du Geste Historique et Technique 1352.6 76.4
1239 44 Ryan Tanzer Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship 1352.5
1240 386 Robbie McSweeney Basingstoke HEMA 1352.4 66.5
1241 43 Richard Hritz Košický šermiarský cech 1352.2
1242 43 Mike Prendergast Historical Combat Academy 1351.3
1243 42 Reza Karomy Sungkar Iron Guts HEMA Club 1351.3
1244 42 Krzysztof Maminski Oxford Sword and Staff 1351.2
1245 42 Eliott Hames Mercian Medieval Fight Club 1350.3
1246 42 Luka Beli Ars Gladiatoria 1350.2
1247 41 Michael Wolf House of Blades 1349.9
1248 40 Marcel Blanck Historisches Fechten – Judo-Club Herrenberg e.V. 1349.5
1249 38 Dwiki Mahendra Putra Gwaith-i-Megyr 1349.2
1250 40 Cezar Augusto Nicolotti Escola de Artes Marciais Históricas Grifo de Fogo 1349.1
1251 18 Vojtech Popelka Dobrovolný Šerm 1348.9 3.2
1252 43 Andrew Appuhamy Fechtschule Victoria 1348.9
1253 179 Moises Vladimir Alejandro Sanchez Gallegos Axolotes Fencing Club 1348.5 27.7
1254 42 Scott Harrell Sword to Sword 1348.5
1255 14 Justin Beck F3 Sword Academy 1348.1 3.9
1256 40 Isacco Mazzo Gladius et Codex 1348.1
1257 43 Ross Woomer Ritterkunst Fechtschule 1348.1
1258 43 Rafal Chmarek Historisch Schermgilde Limburg 1348.1
1259 46 Brandon Caylor Royal Arts Fencing Academy 1348.1
1260 41 Damian Lascola Vallejo Club Mallorca Esgrima 1347.4
1261 43 Romain Figliuzzi Médiéval Combat 1347
1262 40 Cristián Henríquez Praelium Australis 1346.6
1263 43 Ádám Ujvári Ferreus Lupus 1346.2
1264 43 Francisco Javier Gil Sandoval Axolotes Fencing Club 1346.2
1265 40 Cormac Dow Bucks Historical Longsword 1346.2
1266 91 John Merrill United Clans Swordsman Association 1345.9 11.5
1267 41 Jan Deneke Tosetti Institute of MMA and Fitness 1345.8
1268 40 Gabriel Ferrera Asociación Navarra de Esgrima Histórica Corvus 1345.3
1269 39 Danil Bajgutlin Golden Falcon 1345.2
1270 41 Alex Revels Ars Gladii 1345.1
1271 39 Derek Quintana Page & Blade Society 1344.9
1272 45 Nicholas Bateman Fianna Historical Fencing 1344.8
1273 349 Jack Seyler Ars Gladii 1344.4 58
1274 40 Mattias Andersson Gävle HEMA 1344
1275 37 Diogo Silveira Grupo Esgrima Medieval e Artes de Combate 1343.8
1276 39 Devon Klausner Crossroads Swords 1343.6
1277 206 Jeroen van Wordragen De Zwaardkring 1343.1 33.4
1278 38 Frederik Neess Engsig Københavns Historiske Fægteklub 1343.1
1279 40 Mikolaj Parell Fechtschule Gdańsk 1343.1
1280 63 Martin Kantor Škola šermu Paridon 1342.3 15
1281 38 Alexander Munro Stoccata School of Defence 1342.3
1282 Daniel O'Rourke Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola 1342.2
1283 39 Arhaam Haque Historical Swordfighting Guild of UT Dallas 1341.5
1284 166 Timothy Magnuson SoCal Swords 1340.9 30.4
1285 36 Sarah Maenner Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1340.8
1286 40 Denis Antipov Adelaide Sword Academy 1340.5
1287 40 Damiano Romita Accademia Romana d'Armi 1340.5
1288 12 Ahmad Salem Ahmed Wiener Fecht- und Ausdauersportrunde 1340.4 6.6
1289 44 Patrick Lawton London Historical Fencing Club 1340.3
1290 37 Fabian Ajani Gwaith-i-Megyr 1340.2
1291 40 Sam Pearson Mercian Medieval Fight Club 1339.8
1292 40 Robert Knowles Smart HEMA Clubs 1339.6
1293 1971 Vincent Torres N/A 1339.6 270.1
1294 39 Ronin De Rooy Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1339.4
1295 47 Pavel Grussmann Hema Praha 1339.4
1296 40 Andrew Wang Nickel City Longsword Academy 1339.1
1297 36 Christian M. Budiman Iron Guts HEMA Club 1339
1298 40 Marcin Kumięga Krakowska Szkoła Fechtunku 1338.9
1299 37 Titus Frederick Tajonera Forge Pioneer: Historical Fencing 1338.8
1300 1143 Jannes Malanowski Schildwache Potsdam e.V 1338.6 160.3
1301 38 Richie Trentacoste Chicago Swordplay Guild 1338.5
1302 35 Solomon Reeves-Tigunov The Historical Combat Collective 1338.2
1303 43 Lutz Horvath Le Cercle des Épées Libres 1338.2
1304 40 Ryan David N/A 1338.2
1305 46 Joe DeMartino Boston Armizare 1338
1306 40 Vincent Catanese Unité Sportive Avonnaise Escrime 1337.6
1307 38 Daniel Brittin Historical Swordfighting Guild of UT Dallas 1337.5
1308 43 Thomas Sylvester Mercian Medieval Fight Club 1337.3
1309 Troy Ozuna N/A 1337.1
1310 42 Stuart Calder The Institute for Historical Arts 1336.8
1311 41 Artur Jurczyk Vectir 1336.7
1312 39 Ruslan Sundetov Ferox 1336.5
1313 42 Kristian Barlow Smart HEMA Clubs 1336.4
1314 38 Thomas Mokadim Le Cercle des Épées Libres 1336.3
1315 38 Manuel Mineau La Compagnie Médiévale 1336.1
1316 44 Vlad Dobre Iron Will HEMA Academy 1336.1
1317 43 Anthony Scott Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1336.1
1318 43 Olav Gianmaria Taraldsen Scherma Storica Veneto-Trentino-Alto Adige 1335.9
1319 41 Aleksander Lipiński Mordschlag 1335.9
1320 41 Caleb Raney Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1334.9
1321 39 Christoph Kleiner ASV Ossweil 1334.6
1322 39 Robert Stefanovich Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1334.5
1323 69 Daniel Zimet San Diego Swordfighters 1334.2 6.5
1324 40 Robert Kuciver Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 1334.2
1325 39 Denes Boccalatte N/A 1334.1
1326 41 Théo Fovet École Chevaleresque 1333.8
1327 37 Felipe Calderara Praelium Australis 1333.8
1328 41 Matthew Brant Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing 1333.8
1329 40 Julian Greene Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning 1333.7
1330 42 Fabio Piras Club Scherma Apuano 1333.7
1331 51 Cody Shepherd Masterless Fencing 1333.6 2.7
1332 36 Jay Eric Noyes Castle Tintagel 1333.4
1333 41 Matt Goff Black Bear Historical Fencing 1333.3
1334 35 Julian Rodriguez Aegis Historical Combat Training 1333.3
1335 683 Jonathan McPherson San Diego Swordfighters 1333.3 102
1336 39 Lorenzo Spagnol Tertium Modo 1333.2
1337 46 Clément Grilli Club Sportif et de Loisirs de la Gendarmerie de GAP 1333.2
1338 40 Czeitlinger Dániel Ars Ensis 1333.1
1339 241 Abby Rodriguez Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research 1333 35.9
1340 46 Alex Dugmore Whangarei Medieval Combat Club 1332.8
1341 40 Eduardo Echabarria Guardamino Sala de Armas Fénix 1332.8
1342 42 Matthew Bleusse Les Lames du Foyer 1332.7
1343 48 Beau Jones East Texas Historical Fencing 1332.6
1344 40 Colin Lawler Philadelphia Common Fencers Guild 1332.5
1345 52 Goran Radović Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 1332.4
1346 40 Mathias Augustin Medieval Combat Group 1332.2
1347 42 Henry van der Laan Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1332.2
1348 46 Minh Nguyen Scholar Victoria 1332.2
1349 46 Letong Wang Academie Duello 1332.1
1350 42 Damien Tomasevic Le Cercle des Épées Libres 1331.9
1351 98 Jason Roggenbuck Ars Gladii 1331.8 21.1
1352 255 Jozef Faragula Manu Forti 1331.8 43.6
1353 44 KC Caswell N/A 1331.7
1354 Justin Yee Laughing Wolves Fencing 1331.6
1355 48 Rolands Elins Krakowska Szkoła Fechtunku 1331.3
1356 45 Daniil Yefremov Ferox 1331.1
1357 47 Victor Ngo Scholar Victoria 1330.7
1358 44 Tristan Rivera Harrisburg Longsword 1330.6
1359 44 Martin Mladoniczky Trnavský Šermiarsky Cech 1330.6
1360 44 Simo Sairanen Lappeenrannan Historiallisen Miekkailun Seura 1330.4
1361 125 Liam Shaw Whangarei Medieval Combat Club 1330.3 14.9
1362 42 Samuel Fedoruk The Academy of European Swordsmanship 1330.3
1363 46 Connor Stewart N/A 1330
1364 46 Joseph Ceirante New York Historical Fencing Association 1329.9
1365 215 Chandler Ryder Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 1329.7 31.7
1366 138 David Meier Equinox 1329.5 26
1367 Reed Peck-Kriss Lonin League 1329.3
1368 47 Derek Gill Czort Fencing 1329.3
1369 46 Braye Dial Academie Duello 1329.2
1370 1688 Radim Bok Digladior 1329.1 233.2
1371 121 Adam Brunovský Klub šermu Trenčín 1329.1 12.1
1372 392 David Haslinger INDES Linz 1329 61.4
1373 46 Bo Davis Carolina Historical Fencing Association 1328.9
1374 46 Tommy Durkin Laurel City Historical Fencing 1328.9
1375 50 Sam Martin Crossing Fight School 1328.7 13.1
1376 52 Michael Sprenger Fencing Club Dresden 1328.7
1377 52 Clare Lahey SoCal Swords 1328.5
1378 46 Clément Calliau BEC Escrime 1328.3
1379 53 Peter Hart Örebro HEMA 1328.2
1380 50 Jason Skirry Ram's Head Fencing 1328.2
1381 48 Antoni Piascik Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship 1327.9
1382 53 Matthew Melonuk Waterfront Historical Fencing Club 1327.9
1383 49 Yiannis Kombatsiaris Apocalyptic Knights 1327.7
1384 53 Brian Owens Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1327.6
1385 Matt Taylor Auckland Sword and Shield 1327.5
1386 51 Anatolii Berelekhis HEMA Israel 1327.4
1387 51 Devis Mari HEMA Ravenna 1327
1388 50 Jonas Lingel Schwabenfedern 1326.9
1389 52 Sebastian Wilhelmsson Jakobstads Historiska Fäktningssällskap 1326.8
1390 48 Kees Leliveld N/A 1326.8
1391 52 William Hannings Philadelphia Common Fencers Guild 1326.7
1392 402 Michael Schachtner Tattershall School of Defense 1326.4 64.1
1393 52 Maciej Korkosz Rzeszowska Grupa Fechtunku 1326.3
1394 48 David de Lange Smart HEMA Clubs 1326
1395 55 Tamás Gergely Ars Ensis 1325.9
1396 51 Hartger Teune Steelbound 1325.7
1397 53 Luca van Rijn Steelbound 1325.5
1398 391 Christian Whyte Auckland Longsword 1325.5 62.5
1399 Niclas Reichel Schwert und Bogen 1325.1
1400 381 Kelsey Dame London Historical Fencing Club 1325.1 60.6
1401 49 Luis Iñigo B. Ortiz Forge Pioneer: Historical Fencing 1325
1402 48 Ignacio Navarro Academia de Esgrima Histórica de Chile 1324.9
1403 52 Landon Tuso Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1324.8
1404 55 Justin Weaver The School of Historical Fencing 1324.7
1405 57 Duane Kristensen Athena School of Arms 1324.6
1406 56 Jerry Berg Swordsmanship Museum and Academy 1324.5
1407 52 Fu Tsung Hsiao Vor & Nach Society of Historical European Martial Arts 1324.4
1408 50 Jarett Diamond Ann Arbor Sword Club 1324.3
1409 53 Omar Amerah Smart HEMA Clubs 1323.8
1410 51 Engilbert Haukur Kolbeinsson Akureyri HEMA Club 1323.3
1411 50 Oleg Razumov Ferox 1323.3
1412 50 Jack Wyrill Adelaide Sword Academy 1323.2
1413 50 Daniel Solyom Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 1323.1
1414 49 Macan Wigit Academia Da Espada Indonesia 1323
1415 55 James Welfare The Wrathful Peasants 1322.9
1416 52 Owen Haller Laurel City Historical Fencing 1322.5
1417 46 Pepe Knapp Europäische Schwertkunst 1322.1
1418 51 Winston Lewis Edel Fencing Academy 1321.8
1419 51 Devin Straley Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship 1321.7
1420 46 Landen Kitsul The Historical Combat Collective 1321.7
1421 49 Joseph Martinez Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1321.7
1422 100 Charles Biron Compagnie Excallibur Yvellines 1321.6 21.2
1423 54 Mary McConnell Steel City Historical Fencing 1321.3
1424 564 Trevor Mora Zornhau Alaska 1321.3 96.6
1425 49 Davis Vader Chicago Swordplay Guild 1320.8
1426 51 Andrew Gleason Boston Armizare 1320.5
1427 50 Dean Howard Auckland Sword and Shield 1320.5
1428 50 Jake Lake Richmond Kunst Des Fechtens 1320.3
1429 172 Perth Ophaswongse London Historical Fencing Club 1320.3 20.1
1430 51 Peter Kmec Trnavský Šermiarsky Cech 1320.2
1431 48 Rohit Mathilakath Sword to Sword 1320.1
1432 52 Iker Musitu Bravo Sala de Armas Fiore dei Líberi 1320.1
1433 52 Rens Appelman Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1320
1434 61 Jan Mesarč Pardubický spolek šermířský 1320
1435 414 Klaus Brandfellner Historisches Fechten St. Pölten 1319.9 65.1
1436 51 Jonathan Guba Bucks Historical Longsword 1319.8
1437 55 Sean Reichman Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship 1319.6
1438 50 Dominik Eaton Freifechter Basel 1319.4
1439 53 William Bliss Noble Science Academy 1319.2
1440 51 Roman Pimenov Guard 1319.1
1441 48 Antoine Devictor Historical Swordfighting Guild of UT Dallas 1319
1442 52 Shahar Yitzhaik Ministry Of The Fence 1318.9
1443 52 Michael Gingolaski Bucks Historical Longsword 1318.9
1444 680 Andrei Pashkov Seven Swords Academy 1318.7 101.1
1445 50 Kyler Jocelyn Masterless Fencing 1318.6
1446 229 Jason Hughes San Diego Swordfighters 1318.4 29.8
1447 60 Samuel Kontriš Cech Terra de Selinan 1318.4
1448 54 Giuseppe Matos Esteves e Silva AEEA Stahlfechter 1318.3
1449 53 Nick van Dop Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1318.3
1450 50 Constantinos Fragkos Pegasus - Athens historical fencing club 1318
1451 62 Mika Koskimies EHMS 1318 15.9
1452 55 Ferenc Hucker Ars Ensis 1317.9
1453 54 Nathan Pumphery Crossroads Swords 1317.8
1454 53 Jan Kukkamäki School of European Swordsmanship 1317.8
1455 57 Jacinta Reynolds Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1317.7
1456 54 Aaron McGinnis Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1317.6
1457 52 Santiago Cutro Auckland Sword and Shield 1317.5
1458 212 Lindsey Mitchell Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1317.5 38.1
1459 1800 Daniel Billings Historical Fencing of York 1317.3 247.4
1460 56 Jan Mose Andersen HEMA Esbjerg 1317.3
1461 54 Thales Rodrigues Gallinati da Silva Compagnia di Marte 1317.3
1462 54 Simon Dalton Black Bear Historical Fencing 1317.2
1463 60 Kevin Farthing Chicago Swordplay Guild 1316.9
1464 Jef Fixemer Historical Fencing of York 1316.9
1465 56 Sam Lumsden-Cook Richmond Kunst Des Fechtens 1316.8
1466 56 Lukas Hebeisen Historische Kampfkunst Luzern 1316.8
1467 61 Nelson Lopes Grupo Esgrima Medieval e Artes de Combate 1316.7
1468 55 Kaiden Mcdonald The Academy of European Swordsmanship 1316.7
1469 85 Matouš Krhutek Rožnovsky šermirsky klub 1316.6 4.2
1470 59 Artemij Istuszkin Krakowska Szkoła Fechtunku 1316.6
1471 56 Brandon Fogel L'Arte Lehigh Valley Historical Fencing 1316.3
1472 60 Tomm Alexander Skotner Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 1316.3
1473 725 Timothy Myers Gothenburg Historical Fencing School 1316.2 107.8
1474 58 Guido Gozzi Società d'Arme Major Militia 1316
1475 56 David Muir The Vanguard Centre 1315.7
1476 59 Pavel Šilhánek Pardubický spolek šermířský 1315.5
1477 57 Yohann Tillmann Le Cercle des LAMHE 1315.5
1478 56 Diego Magalhães Academia de Esgrima Histórica Carioca 1315.2
1479 55 Cristiano Orlandi ARS Historica 1315
1480 57 Kevin Kestler Society for Creative Anachronism 1314.9
1481 54 Connor DeBruyn Indianapolis Fencing Club 1314.7
1482 56 Craig Kellner Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1314.1
1483 54 Fuller November Collegium in Armis 1314
1484 56 Devin McCarthy Academy of Arms 1313.9
1485 54 Giacomo Puccio Esgrima Histórica Bellatores 1313.9
1486 56 Benjamin Hutter Säbelrassler 1313.6
1487 55 Thomas Flossman N/A 1313.3
1488 566 Aaron Yang F3 Sword Academy 1313.1 86.1
1489 56 Adam Bruce Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy 1313
1490 55 Jon Wolfe N/A 1312.9
1491 57 Johannes Häßler Saalefechter 1312.7
1492 221 Eric Montgomery Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy 1312.5 39.2
1493 57 Adrian Mirea 7 Swords Historical Fencing School 1311.8
1494 56 John Pham Toronto Historical Combatants 1311.7
1495 56 Len Mellon L'Arte Lehigh Valley Historical Fencing 1311.4
1496 54 Stefano Gavatta Artes Certaminis 1311.1
1497 56 Hákon Klaus Haraldsson Reykjavik HEMA Club 1311
1498 58 Kasey McClelland Swordwind Historical Swordsmanship 1310.8
1499 56 Nikolay Kurtov Gladius et Codex 1310.7
1500 822 Till Balbach Twerchhau e.V. 1310.4 119.4
1501 57 Grzegorz Włodarski Grupa Fechtunku Historycznego Lublin 1310.3
1502 54 Romain Mathout Le Cercle des LAMHE 1310.1
1503 57 Adam Sandor Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1310
1504 57 Andreas Bolovinos Coriolanos HEMA Team 1310
1505 53 Klara Balic INDES Graz 1309.6
1506 52 Jordan Vargas Scholar Victoria 1309.4
1507 54 Andrew Gregory Brandr Combat Academy 1309.1
1508 53 Bjarni Pálsson Reykjavik HEMA Club 1308.7
1509 58 Pablo Lojo Rial Sala Viguesa de Esgrima Antiga 1308.6
1510 52 Emeric Bazalgette École Chevaleresque 1308.4
1511 54 Jakob Schinnerl Kunst des Historischen Fechtens Tirol 1308.4
1512 52 Joseph Kennerley Oxford Sword and Staff 1308.2
1513 48 Emil Sirén Jyväskylä Academy of Historical Martial Arts 1308.1
1514 51 Carman Spadaro New York Historical Fencing Association 1308.1
1515 54 Jorge Villavicencio The HEMA Club at VCU 1307.9
1516 52 Alex Komar Edmonton Historical Martial Arts 1307.7
1517 55 Walker Skaggs Rocket City HEMA 1307.7
1518 59 Christopher Beauregard Forte Swordplay 1307.7
1519 52 Travis Hugan Ann Arbor Sword Club 1307.5
1520 49 Ondrej Komora Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 1307.5
1521 55 Zihan Shi Scholar Victoria 1307.5
1522 52 Milo Montalti Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Romagna 1307.5
1523 55 Justin Moore Indianapolis Fencing Club 1307.4
1524 Christopher Nemetz Wiener Fecht- und Ausdauersportrunde 1307.4
1525 56 Thomas Hanks Sword Carolina 1307.4
1526 74 Matej Ocelík Klub šermu Trenčín 1307.3 18.4
1527 55 Antti Hurme Joensuun Historiallisen Miekkailun Seura 1307.3
1528 264 Olle af Klintberg Järvsö Historiska Fäktförening 1307.1 44.4
1529 53 Jeff Burbank Center for Blade Arts 1307
1530 52 Thomas Van Hoof Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1306.8
1531 49 Chad Mathine Denver Historical Fencing Academy 1306.4
1532 182 Andy Hoang Black Tigers 1306.4 33.1
1533 54 Colin Cui Boston Armizare 1306.4
1534 60 Pavol Gaňa Cech Terra de Selinan 1306.3
1535 58 Bartłomiej Śmiłek Krakowska Szkoła Fechtunku 1306.2
1536 53 Maxwell Chamberlain Appalachian Highland Historical Fencing 1306
1537 245 Anthony Klon Medieval European Martial Arts Guild 1305.9 41.8
1538 57 Andrew MacKeil Moose Historical Fencing 1305.7
1539 59 Joel Thomas Scholar Victoria 1305.7
1540 56 Filip Trcka Košický šermiarský cech 1305.6
1541 55 Jake Bach N/A 1305.5
1542 53 Justin Holmes Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing 1305.1
1543 55 Philippe Mandeville Gauthier La Compagnie Médiévale 1305
1544 57 Clark Jurisic Scholar Victoria 1304.9
1545 18 Timothy Noyce Smart HEMA Clubs 1304.4 4.7
1546 53 Cory Conner Swordguild Portland 1304.2
1547 53 Alberto Moreno Bustos Escuela de Esgrima Historica de Madrid 1304.1
1548 57 Sean Leonard Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 1303.8
1549 57 Ivan Samofalov Ferox 1303.8
1550 60 Andrew Costenoble Athena School of Arms 1303.8
1551 55 Cole Henderson Black Bear Historical Fencing 1303.7
1552 54 Thomas Lee Highland Sword Fighting Guild 1303.2
1553 56 Derek Farmer Exmoor HEMA 1303
1554 54 Beth Hammer Lonin League 1302.8
1555 50 Jaime Gutierrez Echanove Escuela de Esgrima Historica de Madrid 1302.7
1556 795 Etienne Bidermann Ochs München 1302.6 114.3
1557 55 Fabien Douvre La Maisnie du Chevalier Bragon de Bourg en Bresse 1302.5
1558 55 Jeremiah Becker En Garde Fencing 1302.5
1559 51 Chris Bigelow N/A 1302.4
1560 59 Šimon Achberger Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 1302.4
1561 55 Timothy Flores Accademia del Leone 1302.4
1562 53 Michael Lyga Forte Swordplay 1302
1563 56 Alexander Whipps Sword Fighter Gold Coast 1302
1564 54 Adrien Pommelet Le Chapitre des Armes 1301.8
1565 53 Alexander Sikström Gothenburg Historical Fencing School 1301.6
1566 55 Berend Kruijt Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1301.4
1567 53 Juhana Itkonen Jyväskylä Academy of Historical Martial Arts 1301.1
1568 1017 Adrian Patzelt Equinox 1301.1 143.4
1569 53 Logan Caldwell Gem City Duelists Society 1300.7
1570 55 Tim Beerens Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1300.5
1571 53 John Nelson New Haven Historical Fencing 1300.4
1572 55 Ethan Heilman Boston Armizare 1300.4
1573 54 Tim Wallace Youngstown Historical Fencing 1300.1
1574 Keith Garrett Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy 1300.1
1575 55 Cody Stember Ironwood Historic Swordsmanship 1299.8
1576 53 David Pruner Sportovní šerm Tábor 1299.5
1577 56 Ethan Paasch Omaha Kunst des Fechtens 1299.5
1578 54 Antonio Magotti ASD Scherma Storica Pavia 1299.3
1579 54 Ho Yeung Cyrus Lai Einherjar HEMA Club 1299.2
1580 54 Shawn Shaw Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship 1298.9
1581 219 Kevin Pigao Kron Martial Arts 1298.7 37.2
1582 53 Aaron Boothe Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1298.4
1583 51 Pierre-Louis Mezieres Club Escrime Historique Lavallois 1297.3
1584 53 Zack Whitney Indes Ferox Gladio 1297.2
1585 55 Codrin Ion 7 Swords Historical Fencing School 1297.2
1586 53 Parker Townsend Warriors of Ash 1297.1
1587 53 Devon Gary Krieg School 1297
1588 53 Gary Andrews Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1297
1589 53 Moe Chojecki Ann Arbor Sword Club 1296.8
1590 53 Alessandra Ghedini HEMA Ravenna 1296.7
1591 50 Regan Rempel Edmonton German Fencing Guild 1296.6
1592 53 Karl Sassenberg Blademasters Academy 1296.6
1593 53 Harald Zikeli Schwabenfedern 1296.4
1594 52 Joan Keizer Bent Blades 1296.3
1595 804 Alexandre Salvetti Frères d'AMHE 1296.2 113.9
1596 50 Luka Gulija Ars Gladiatoria 1296.2
1597 52 Teig Coulbeck Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 1295.9
1598 279 Christian Sauerbrey Fechtschule Schrankhut 1295.8 35.4
1599 56 Spencer Gard House of Blades 1295.7
1600 51 Da Cheng Luo Truth Exploring 1295.6
1601 50 Barnabe Callahan Krieg School 1295.5
1602 55 Noah Gumness Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1295.4
1603 59 John Osborn Royal Arts Fencing Academy 1295.3
1604 51 Andrei Dos KDF Kronstadt 1295
1605 53 Brett Biery Society for Historical Arms Research and Practice 1295
1606 50 Marco Zanco Sala d’Arme del Folle 1294.7
1607 50 Pedro Vilela Resende Gonçalves AEEA Stahlfechter 1294.4
1608 47 Parker O'Keefe Richmond Kunst Des Fechtens 1294
1609 51 Jack Jones Adelaide Sword Academy 1293.9
1610 48 Hayden Spence Terra Nova School of Sword 1293.9
1611 52 Andrew Polito Ironwood Historic Swordsmanship 1293.7
1612 52 Joel Andersson Kungshamns Historiska Fäktskola 1293.6
1613 136 Morten Ankerstjerne Hafnia Longsword Akademi 1293.2 23.5
1614 51 George Bowie N/A 1293.2
1615 50 Pablo Dominguez Caamaño Sala Viguesa de Esgrima Antiga 1293.1
1616 52 Marcin Kulas KdF Nottingham 1292.8
1617 47 James Klock Company of Saint Jude 1292.8
1618 52 Mateusz Kołaziński Mordschlag 1292.7
1619 51 Remone Durham Dallas School of Historical Fencing 1292.7
1620 46 Adam Mason Carolina Historical Fencing Association 1292.5
1621 54 Temirbat Zhantleu Golden Falcon 1292.5
1622 46 Jesse Kovacs Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 1292.4
1623 52 Jon Horel Academie Duello 1292.2
1624 51 Hannes Draude Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 1292.1
1625 204 Markus Montenegro Twerchhau e.V. 1292 24.3
1626 43 Rogelio Avila Ballesteros Axolotes Fencing Club 1291.9
1627 48 László Sántha Ars Ensis 1291.9
1628 53 Colin Power Goats Head Historical Fencing 1291.9
1629 226 Dimitri Sanborn Ironwood Historic Swordsmanship 1291.9 36.8
1630 49 Taylor Nelson Black Flag HEMA 1291.8
1631 53 Peter Stevens Adelaide Sword Academy 1291.8
1632 72 Elizabeth Scott Boston Armizare 1291.7 17.2
1633 51 Paul Jensen Comox Valley Combat Guild 1291.7
1634 50 Timothy D'Ambrosio Monarch Historical Fencing 1291.6
1635 58 Jan Hubař Pardubický spolek šermířský 1291.6
1636 50 Alex Carden Aisle O'var Academy of Arms 1291.5
1637 65 Stephanie Eaton Columbus United Fencing Club 1291.5
1638 51 Anatoly Khlevnoy SHŠ Krkavci 1291
1639 54 Donald Kullman Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1291
1640 51 Charles Paschke Columbus United Fencing Club 1290.6
1641 53 Neil Donald The Institute for Historical Arts 1290.3
1642 51 Maximillian Tuel University of West Florida Fencing 1289.7
1643 48 Kevin Andersson Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola 1289.4
1644 51 Micheal Aldape-Sandmeyer Band of Iron Lions 1289.4
1645 55 Sam Minter Fianna Historical Fencing 1289.4
1646 52 Robin Dando Oxford Sword and Staff 1289.1
1647 51 Mark Smith N/A 1288.9
1648 51 Jose Ramses Castro Loyo Bärenstark - Escuela de Esgrima Antigua 1288.8
1649 302 Dalton Weber L'Arte Della Bellica 1288.8 37.8
1650 51 Daniel Wogan Indianapolis Fencing Club 1288.5
1651 53 Shane Gabbard Kingfisher Historical Fencing Club 1288.4
1652 51 Jeong Ji Hong Historical Fencing Federation Korea 1288.1
1653 50 Francesco Pol Scherma Storica Dolomiti 1287.7
1654 52 Sam Eade Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 1287.6
1655 50 Chris Granados-Kramer Boston Armizare 1287.5
1656 52 Nolan Lacy Bold City Longsword 1287.4
1657 44 Oleg Ivanin Le Renard 1286.8
1658 52 Alejandro Resinger Grandal 100Tolos HEMA 1286.7
1659 50 Jakoah Amidon Page & Blade Society 1286.7
1660 49 Igor Netto Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 1286.6
1661 53 Dylan Hoffmann Athena School of Arms 1286.6
1662 52 Joseph Castellano Steel City Historical Fencing 1286.5
1663 51 Pascal Scoles Bucks Historical Longsword 1286.4
1664 48 Nadine Wuttke Historisches Fechten – Judo-Club Herrenberg e.V. 1286.3
1665 843 Matyáš Richter Brněnští Fechteři 1286.2 116.8
1666 47 Carl Heinemann PSV Cottbus 1285.9
1667 53 Jakub Zielnik Krakowska Szkoła Fechtunku 1285.9
1668 50 Marek Horanský Dobrovolný Šerm 1285.9
1669 52 Saxon Sherlock Bucks Historical Longsword 1285.7
1670 47 Bailey Shepherd Lake Charles HEMA Academy 1285.5
1671 47 Ruggero Suffada Scherma Storica Veneto-Trentino-Alto Adige 1285.2
1672 47 Matt Juers Academy of European Medieval Martial Arts 1285.2
1673 53 Geoff Ebbert L'Arte Della Bellica 1285.2
1674 260 Rudolf Goga Triglav 1285.1 32.2
1675 95 Jan Zubalík Škola šermu Paridon 1285 8
1676 47 Ondřej Brunner SHŠ Krkavci 1284.7
1677 50 Martin Noga Cech Terra de Selinan 1284.5
1678 Anders Jonsson Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola 1284.5
1679 49 Adam Goodier The Vanguard Centre 1284.3
1680 52 John Grönholm Vaasan Miekkailijat 1284.3
1681 49 Elliot Fisher Thetford Sword Club 1284.2
1682 51 Nordin Youhat Steelbound 1284
1683 48 Matthew Yu Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1284
1684 279 Pavol Ondrejčík Trnavský Šermiarsky Cech 1283.5 42.7
1685 742 Daniel Ibaseta Rodríguez Gaudiosa Esgrima Histórica 1283.4 103.9
1686 53 Balázs Kalmár Ars Ensis 1283.3
1687 53 Dennis Gubb Fitzroy College of Arms 1283.3
1688 50 Samuel Higgins Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 1283.2
1689 53 João Zanini AEEA Stahlfechter 1283.2
1690 49 Matylda BOBNIS Ochs München 1283.1
1691 336 Brent Wang Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1282.9 52.8
1692 49 Mariano Maselli ASD Scherma Storica Pavia 1282.8
1693 51 Alberto Jose Leon Perez Club de Artes Marciales Historicas Europeas Drac 1282.8
1694 46 Bennett Whipple Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1282.6
1695 51 Alejandro Anazco Vier Blossen Historical Fencing 1282.4
1696 51 James Husband Boston Armizare 1282.3
1697 57 Olivér Garas Pécsi Hosszúkardvívó Sportkör 1282.3
1698 49 Omar José Hernández Alcalá Wolfskopf Fencing Academy 1282.3
1699 53 Dennis Levin Ferrum Hema 1282.2
1700 53 Matt Leaning Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 1281.9
1701 2244 Tom Ostrowski Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 1281.7 303.2
1702 52 Vincent Coyle N/A 1281.6
1703 51 John Cozens Moose Historical Fencing 1281.6
1704 53 Alex Tawns Dawn Duellists Society 1281.3
1705 48 Krzysztof Janosz Krakowska Szkoła Fechtunku 1281.3
1706 50 Leon Hörner 7 Schwerter 1281.3
1707 315 Oskar Mihalik Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 1281.1 38.5
1708 50 Julian Müller-Hewer Calhistar-Cercle des Armes 1281
1709 55 Isaias Murray Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship 1280.9
1710 57 Jeremy Petersen Arena Weapon Arts 1280.6
1711 56 Jarred Thompson Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1280.2
1712 51 Hao Wang Lionheart Historical European Swordsmanship Club 1280.1
1713 54 Matthew O'Donnell Youngstown Historical Fencing 1280.1
1714 54 Cody Morgan Forte Swordplay 1279.8
1715 50 Aaron Moore Indes Ferox Gladio 1279.8
1716 49 Levi Krupala Sword to Sword 1279.6
1717 53 Bryan Larkin Pioneer Valley Fencing Academy 1279.6
1718 490 Moritz Löschner Schwertspiel Dresden 1279.3 72.5
1719 51 Aitor telletxea Sala de Armas Fénix 1279.2
1720 193 Alan West San Diego Swordfighters 1278.6 31.3
1721 47 Matthew Fink Chicago Swordplay Guild 1278.6
1722 44 Tristan Muñoz Esgrima Histórica Temuco 1278.3
1723 46 Duncan Brown Aberdeen Swordsmanship Group 1278.2
1724 45 Vern Gomes N/A 1278.1
1725 52 Isaac Gary Denver Historical Fencing Academy 1278
1726 54 Gavin Burg House of Blades 1277.9
1727 51 Frederic Bird Heartland HEMA Historical Fencing Club 1277.7
1728 53 Jason Pajski Triangle Sword Guild 1277.6
1729 60 Lacey Eck Two Ravens Fencing School 1277.5
1730 49 Bryan Trepels De Zwaardkring 1277.3
1731 49 Phoenix Torres Arena Weapon Arts 1277.2
1732 495 Adrien Péchadre De Feu et d'Acier 1277.2 72.9
1733 50 Mauricio Mella Praelium Australis 1276.9
1734 48 Miguel Alonso Princesa Kristina de Noruega 1276.8
1735 48 Adam Tanner Bataireacht and Historical Fencing Faction 1276.1
1736 51 Andrew Sell Center for Blade Arts 1276
1737 49 Garrett Asplundh Bucks Historical Longsword 1275.9
1738 54 Jonas Eriksson Malmö Historiska Fäktskola 1275.8
1739 50 Pete May Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 1275.3
1740 50 Lorenzo Possanza Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Roma 1275.1
1741 47 Grzegorz Rudnik Na ubitej ziemi 1275.1
1742 46 Nikolaj Krulikovskij Golden Falcon 1274.9
1743 52 Jim Dan Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1274.7
1744 47 Sabrina Henrique Almeida Dall Acqua InclusivHEMA 1274.7
1745 52 Omkar Kale Athens School of Arms 1274.6
1746 51 Eline Spek Zwaard & Steen 1274.6
1747 288 Nolan Duino SoCal Swords 1274.5 45.2
1748 48 Trin Griesel Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1274.2
1749 51 Chris Mineweaser Swordwind Historical Swordsmanship 1274.2
1750 48 Chao Li The School of Historical Fencing 1274.1
1751 52 Nick Rochester Schola St. George 1274.1
1752 49 Milan Divis KEBU Plzeň 1273.9
1753 52 Robert Baumann INDES 1273.8
1754 47 James Cowan Glengarry Broadsword Academy 1273.5
1755 50 Santiago Vilar Labarta Asociación Ourensá de Esgrima Antiga 1273.4
1756 47 Maxime Deman Lyon AMHE 1273.2
1757 51 Drake Stephens Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1273.1
1758 48 Benjamin Zemaitis Tri-State Historical Fencing Club 1272.8
1759 42 Jason Huleux Cercle d’Escrime du Lac d’Annecy 1272.4
1760 48 Gabriel Greear Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1272.3
1761 45 Trevor Richardson Triangle Sword Guild 1272.1
1762 51 Stuart Willis The School of Historical Fencing 1271.9
1763 48 Adam Robertson Moose Historical Fencing 1271.9
1764 46 Bjoern Rydahl Historical Swordfighting Guild of UT Dallas 1271.9
1765 44 Andrew Eicher Triangle Sword Guild 1271.7
1766 47 John Colquhoun The Vanguard Centre 1271.7
1767 42 Ben Kissinger New Haven Historical Fencing 1271.6
1768 46 Jacob Baughn Denver Historical Fencing Academy 1271.5
1769 49 Stephen Weikel Austin Historical Weapons Guild 1271.4
1770 39 Manuel Malebrán Academia de Esgrima Histórica de Chile 1271.3
1771 43 Thomas Baker Swordplay Guild of Romeo 1271.2
1772 38 Kevin Breiter Swordfighters Martial Arts & Self Defence 1271.1
1773 47 Steven Frossos Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1271.1
1774 38 Colin Sloss Order of the Blade 1271
1775 45 Panagiotis Papanikolaou Pegasus - Athens historical fencing club 1271
1776 41 Zachary Green Comox Valley Combat Guild 1270.9
1777 48 Alejandro González García Sala de Armas Salvatore Fabris 1270.9
1778 46 Vivian Demaurex Academie Duello 1270.8
1779 40 Nathan Clark Laurel City Historical Fencing 1270.7
1780 47 Logan Dehne Rocket City HEMA 1270.6
1781 54 Rasmus Rønningen Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 1270.6
1782 42 Wyatt Campbell Broadsword Academy Manitoba 1270.4
1783 45 Tatiana Terekhova Men With Swords 1270.1
1784 43 Shun Guan Arena Weapon Arts 1270
1785 42 Buck Young The Carbonari 1269.9
1786 40 Leòn Pepe Biundo Malmö Historiska Fäktskola 1269.8
1787 43 Drew Lackovic Steelhead Western Martial Arts 1269.7
1788 51 Mac Siruta House of Blades 1269.5
1789 44 Tony Pacheco Academie Duello 1269.3
1790 286 Benjamin Russ Kampfhus 1269.1 45.3
1791 44 Kamil Karaś Rzeszowska Grupa Fechtunku 1268.9
1792 315 Iris Garcia Lonin League 1268.8 49
1793 45 David Twitchell Steelhead Western Martial Arts 1268.6
1794 43 Valtteri Pakkanen EHMS 1268.6
1795 43 Vasily Kalikin Ochs München 1268.4
1796 40 Georgy Rozenberg Lions of St. Mark 1268.3
1797 47 Cameron Reid Academie Duello 1268.2
1798 41 Luke Schmidt True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1268
1799 46 Matej Hlavatý Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 1267.8
1800 45 Travis Price Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1267.8
1801 38 Russell Mullins Ritterkunst Fechtschule 1267.4
1802 136 Kari Baker Mordhau Historical Combat 1267.4 22.6
1803 49 Rhys Howells Academy of Steel 1267.3
1804 286 Jakub Horník AKA - Akademie rytířských umění 1267.2 45.7
1805 45 Gilbert Pena Vier Blossen Historical Fencing 1267
1806 41 Titus McFadden Union Historical Fencing 1266.9
1807 45 Alessandro Gomma Ordine delle Lame Scaligere 1266.9
1808 142 Thomas Levine Davenriche European Martial Artes School 1266.9 13.4
1809 51 Caleb Hetchler Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1266.8
1810 44 Oscar Otero Grande Clube de Esgrima CEPA 1266.4
1811 375 Steven Kassebaum Lost Arts Historic Fencing 1266.4 56.3
1812 51 Illia Bondar Hema Praha 1266.3
1813 45 Joseph Meyer True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1266
1814 128 Petra Rubesova Cech Terra de Selinan 1265.9 21.5
1815 45 Ian Wilson Seven Swords Academy 1265.9
1816 49 Sam Spekreijse Canterbury Historical Fencing Club 1265.8 1.2
1817 109 Eric Zhong F3 Sword Academy 1265.5 8.8
1818 47 Thomas McElroy Schola St. George 1265.4
1819 96 Bryce Johns True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1265.2 7.3
1820 47 Derek Maschmann N/A 1265
1821 47 Ben Sinclair Exeter Sparring Group 1265
1822 230 Henning Roos Medeltida Stridsteknik Linköping IF 1264.9 37.9
1823 47 Gwen McGuire Per La Vita Academy of Western Martial Arts 1264.8
1824 47 Ian Thresher New Haven Historical Fencing 1264.8
1825 47 Valentin FERRARI AMHE Nancy - Neuves Maisons 1264.7
1826 51 Gabe Arroyo Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1264.3
1827 48 Russel Pryor Austin Historical Weapons Guild 1264.1
1828 197 Nate Dolphin Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 1264 33.7
1829 Kate Freeman Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 1264
1830 Jesus Ilundain-Agurruza N/A 1264
1831 Sitong Jiang SH Buge Swordsman 1264
1832 Yuqi Ding SH Buge Swordsman 1264
1833 743 Braedon Campbell CU-Lock Haven HEMA Club 1263.9 105
1834 19 Faiz Rahman Oxford Sword and Staff 1263.5 8.5
1835 116 Felix SCHRÖTER INDES Halle 1263.3 20.8
1836 53 Sophie Lin-Wiese Nachreisen Historical Fencing 1263.1
1837 Riccardo Klinger Kenshinkai Berlin e. V. 1262.9
1838 Gabriel Gallegos Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1262.8
1839 52 Andrea Reggi Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Romagna 1262.5
1840 56 Stephen Donnelly Dublin HEMA Club 1262.2
1841 55 Eric Nunley Tattershall School of Defense 1262.1
1842 54 Jiri Jansa Gaillimh Gallóglaigh 1261.9
1843 344 András Berki Kard Rendje ViSE 1261.6 51.6
1844 54 Henrik Hallberg Ferrum Hema 1261.6
1845 23 Joseph Campbell SoCal Swords 1261.4 8.3
1846 50 Desley Stakenburg Sint Michielsgilde Gouda 1261.2
1847 444 Jackson Wright SoCal Swords 1261 65.2
1848 51 Frederick Switsers Sumus Soldani 1260.9
1849 54 Chris Lynch Auckland Sword and Shield 1260.9
1850 59 David Reddy Gem City Duelists Society 1260.9
1851 267 Harry Levinson Academy of Arms 1260.8 42.4
1852 51 Alex Nutt Ram's Head Fencing 1260.8
1853 55 Lorenzo Rocca Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Romagna 1260.7
1854 55 Peter Lowry Northwest Armizare 1260.7
1855 52 Benjamin Orr Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 1260.6
1856 52 Jackson Williams Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship 1260.5
1857 52 Ryan Campbell Whangarei Medieval Combat Club 1260.4
1858 56 Joonas Järvi EHMS 1260.3
1859 52 Paul Inrep Unité Sportive Avonnaise Escrime 1260
1860 73 Vladimir Vladkov Klingenspiel 1259.9 14.8
1861 170 Tomáš Kretek Rožnovsky šermirsky klub 1259.9 30.2
1862 51 Dominic Sero-Asturi College of Silva Vulcani 1259.8
1863 226 Richard Escoto Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1259.6 24.6
1864 56 Tye Wilson IronFolk Combat 1259.6
1865 59 Rowan Etzel Moose Historical Fencing 1259.4
1866 54 Avery Fuller Steel Ring Academy 1259.4
1867 57 Adam Wolfe Ardimento 1259.3
1868 59 Mats Wahlberg Malmö Historiska Fäktskola 1259.3
1869 55 Sebastián Merino Academia de Esgrima Histórica de Chile 1259.2
1870 55 Alejandro Echeverría Academia de Esgrima Histórica de Chile 1259.2
1871 376 Daniel Putnam Academy of Arms 1258.9 57.2
1872 59 Cian Jukes Academy of Steel 1258.8
1873 56 Iury França Batalha Cênica Salvador 1258.7
1874 56 Cody Austin Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship 1258.7
1875 55 Seth Ratushewitz Steel Ring Academy 1258.5
1876 51 Marcell Vaz Fernandes Farfalla di Ferro 1258.1
1877 61 Brady O'Callaghan Queen City Sword Guild 1258
1878 54 Alexandre Dionne A.M.H.E. Rimouski 1257.9
1879 56 Franky Muñoz Black Cat Historical Fencing 1257.9
1880 61 Diego Pereira Gomez Sala Viguesa de Esgrima Antiga 1257.8
1881 Tristano Munini Swordpunch 1257.7
1882 61 Giovanni Birigazzi Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Grosseto 1257.7
1883 61 Reya George Bucks Historical Longsword 1257.7
1884 57 Luca Martinelli N/A 1257.3
1885 57 Lucas Colbers De Zwaardkring 1257.3
1886 57 Dante Norzagaray Crossroads Swords 1257.2
1887 180 Cyprian Felenczak ARMA Poland 1257 32
1888 56 Max Lerch House of Blades 1256.8
1889 1669 Logan Ray Indes Ferox Gladio 1256.7 220.7
1890 56 Gregor Kendzierski Kenshinkai Berlin e. V. 1256.7
1891 54 Anthuan Herrero Ramírez Duo Bellum 1256.6
1892 62 Lee Conley Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 1256.6
1893 67 Márk Mészáros Ars Ensis 1256.6
1894 63 Brady Mueller Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1256.4
1895 56 Taylor McComber Ardimento 1256.3
1896 61 Timothy Ware N/A 1256.3
1897 38 Raymond Torres New Jersey Kloppfechters 1256.2 11.1
1898 65 Tobias Hyder Exmoor HEMA 1256.1
1899 61 Benjamin McLean Athena School of Arms 1256.1
1900 59 Kelly Kirwan Zufechten Fencing Club 1255.8
1901 54 Fidencio III Yzaguirre Historical Swordfighting Guild of UT Dallas 1255.7
1902 57 Christopher Guadalupe Indianapolis Fencing Club 1255.7
1903 161 Nigel Salt The School of the Sword 1255.5 15.4
1904 58 Samuel Marsh Athena School of Arms 1255.5
1905 65 Young Kuo Boston Armizare 1255.4
1906 58 Lander Ramboer De Hallebardiers 1255.4
1907 57 Eli Lasics Sword to Sword 1255.1
1908 66 Miras Magzom Ferox 1255.1
1909 60 Miguel Muiños Vicente Sala Viguesa de Esgrima Antiga 1254.7
1910 59 Rickard Hole Falck Bergen HEMA 1254.7
1911 33 Ferrand Léo Ecole d'Escrime Médiévale L'Âme Impetueuse 1254.6 10.6
1912 60 Henry Sparks Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy 1254.5
1913 69 Christina Beaulieu Boston Armizare 1254.5
1914 799 Adrian Brisland Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 1254.4 111.8
1915 57 Chin Fung Lau Fu Jen University European Medieval Swordsmanship 1253.9
1916 62 Freja Strandlod Københavns Historiske Fægteklub 1253.9
1917 58 Maxime De Hen Les Fines Lames du Médoc 1253.6
1918 61 Luisa Conrady INDES Salzburg 1253.6
1919 195 Melissa Hainsworth Academy of Steel 1253.5 18.9
1920 64 Carlo Ferriolo Sala d'Armi Guardia di Croce 1253.5
1921 61 Samuel Jones The Society for the Study of Swordsmanship 1253.5
1922 60 Robbie Crockett Two Ravens Fencing School 1253
1923 56 Arthur Pourret Batesta 1252.7
1924 59 Nikita Nenilin Forest Brotherhood 1252.7
1925 64 Stephen Heacock Arena Weapon Arts 1252.5
1926 62 Loic François Spatha Medievae 1252.5
1927 64 Roveno Valorosi Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Umbria 1252.5
1928 59 Jeff Greenwood Ottawa Historical Fencing Society 1251.9
1929 58 Brian Himpler Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1251.6
1930 60 Alex Palmer Davenriche European Martial Artes School 1251.2
1931 55 Gunawan Gwaith-i-Megyr 1251.2
1932 59 Samuele Clementi Sala d'Arme Aquila Gladiatrix 1251.1
1933 59 Carlos Spuch Calvar Sala Viguesa de Esgrima Antiga 1251.1
1934 263 Lydia Achiam Københavns Fægteklub 1251 28.3
1935 58 Michael Ziemann Historisches Fechten – Judo-Club Herrenberg e.V. 1250.7
1936 52 Adrián Kvasňovský Cech Terra de Selinan 1250.4
1938 Zijie Wang Yanlai Historical Fencing 1250.4
1937 Jordan Yonts San Diego Swordfighters 1250.4
1939 56 Wade Legnaioli Richmond Kunst Des Fechtens 1250.4
1940 62 Gellért Horváth Pécsi Hosszúkardvívó Sportkör 1250.4
1941 60 Eric Dussel N/A 1250.4
1942 55 Tobias Krüger-Klaus Grün-Weiß Holten 1250.1
1943 64 Lexa Giguère Bighorn Historical Combat 1250.1
1944 54 Amadeo Regalado Fermin Franco Forge Pioneer: Historical Fencing 1250
1945 56 Gianni Radici Sala d'arme I Bèc del Ruc 1250
1946 60 Ricardo Macedo Grupo Esgrima Medieval e Artes de Combate 1249.8
1947 67 Timoteo Soares Grupo Esgrima Medieval e Artes de Combate 1249.7
1948 60 Marin Catanese Le Cercle des Épées Libres 1249.7
1949 67 Ethan Jones Sword Fighter Gold Coast 1249.7
1950 65 David Pharis The Vanguard Centre 1249.6
1951 59 Colton Strohschein The Academy of European Swordsmanship 1249.5
1952 Jarad Ringener Laughing Wolves Fencing 1249.5
1953 62 Salvatore Falco Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Roma 1249.3
1954 59 Martin Erwidana Kreuzer Pfälzer Schwertlöwen 1249.2
1955 104 Charles Vincent Brion Kron Martial Arts 1249 7
1956 60 Nolan Scoretz KdF Fencing 1248.8
1957 60 Marek Zielinko Fechtschule Gdańsk 1248.7
1958 64 John Knoch Crossroads Swords 1248.6
1959 58 Jack Pinson The Wrathful Peasants 1248.6
1960 61 Max Pollosch Grün-Weiß Holten 1248.5
1961 68 Frank Justice Blademasters Academy 1248.5
1962 493 Tamás Endrődi Kard Rendje ViSE 1248.5 72.3
1963 65 Alejandro Salas Calvo Bärenstark - Escuela de Esgrima Antigua 1248.4
1964 62 Sebastian Cioconea KDF Kronstadt 1248.2
1965 61 Jos Mertens Historisch Schermgilde Limburg 1247.9
1966 63 Anton Reznikov Ferox 1247.9
1967 3336 Jocelyn Wanzoul Meyer May Rise 1247.4 513.1
1968 63 Jack Davis Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1247.3
1969 63 Georgi Georgiev Historical Swordsmanship - Angel Chernaev 1247.1
1970 60 Vadim Ivancov Guard 1246.9
1971 64 RJ Bacon Boston Armizare 1246.7
1972 203 Levente Kárpáti Kard Rendje ViSE 1246.5 20.4
1973 59 Nathanael Schlicht Antelope Valley Kunst des Fechtens 1246.4
1974 58 Matteo Montosi Major Milita Mutina 1246.2
1975 748 Adam Buchta Brněnští Fechteři 1246.1 106.6
1976 68 Petr Erlebach HELOPS 1246
1977 60 Anthony Cortez Austin Historical Weapons Guild 1245.6
1978 57 Kristijonas Dvilevičius Alber Aus VU 1245.6
1979 61 Peter Altschwager N/A 1245.2
1980 60 Nathaniel Tinker Ann Arbor Sword Club 1245
1981 57 Mathieu Prost Recherche et Expérimentation du Geste Historique et Technique 1244.9
1982 23 Igor Kois Manu Forti 1244.8 3.3
1983 60 Ethan den Boer Zwaard & Steen 1244.6
1984 58 Matthew Claxton Ottawa Swordplay 1244.6
1985 53 Jakub Rejmus Mordschlag 1244.6
1986 61 Edward Flagg Black Bear Historical Fencing 1244.5
1987 65 Zdeněk Hruška Dobrovolný Šerm 1244.5
1988 61 Martin Hirner Schwabenfedern 1244.4
1989 55 Gede Indra Krisega Gwaith-i-Megyr 1244.3
1990 61 Alexander Warnecke Turngemeinde Münster 1244.3
1991 60 Matthew Roop-Kharasch Lonin League 1244.1
1992 51 Simon Dominik Vonlanthen Ad Arma 1243.9
1993 65 Ralph Hill Omaha Kunst des Fechtens 1243.8
1994 54 Tomasz Kraśnicki Rebel Fencing Szkoła Szermierki Klasycznej 1243.8
1995 59 Adrian Patej ARMA Poland 1243.5
1996 Kevin Edmonds Tosetti Institute of MMA and Fitness 1243.5
1997 58 Richard Goode Kansas City HEMA 1243.3
1998 55 Mihnea Suteu N/A 1242.9
1999 52 Andrew MacKenzie Schola St. George 1242.9
2000 55 Nathan Antill En Garde Fencing 1242.6
2001 55 Adrian Öchsner Historisches Fechten Würzburg 1242.5
2002 54 Wade Sheppard Valiant: School Of Arms 1242.3
2003 1293 Marcus Wong Czort Fencing 1241.9 176.8
2004 55 Kevin Cyr Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1241.8
2005 52 David Draper Okanagan Combat Guild 1241.7
2006 69 Muhammad Adam Ferdin INDES Wien 1241.7 3.1
2007 55 Hershel-Mars Auberon Ram's Head Fencing 1241.3
2008 53 Marco Aurelio Academia de Esgrima Histórica Carioca 1241.1
2009 51 Marcelo Garrido Navarrete Mid-Atlantic Society for Historic Swordsmanship 1241
2010 60 Bader Pendergast-Lee Sword Fighter Gold Coast 1241
2011 57 Meng Lin Athena School of Arms 1240.8
2012 52 Nicklas Zacho Aros Historical Fencing Guild 1240.3
2013 57 Joseph Giuliano Athena School of Arms 1240.3
2014 53 Eric Carpio F3 Sword Academy 1240.2
2015 53 Giordano Urbani Compagnia de Le Due Maestà 1240
2016 52 Karl Salvatore Athena School of Arms 1239.6
2017 51 Lucas Formica Noble Science Academy 1239.3
2018 50 Jay Tunui Dallas School of Historical Fencing 1239.2
2019 147 Sergei Kazantsev Hammaborg 1239.2 12.9
2020 650 Cody Kiwaczyk Ironwood Historic Swordsmanship 1239 83.6
2021 54 Evan Nicholson Westmoreland Historical Fencing 1238.8
2022 53 Jonathon Paratz Collegium in Armis 1238.6
2023 53 Kristian Ekstrand Jakobstads Historiska Fäktningssällskap 1238.3
2024 59 Tomáš Doseděl Rotyka 1238
2025 52 Aldán López Dacosta Sala Viguesa de Esgrima Antiga 1237.9
2026 54 Derek Usher The Historical Combat Collective 1237.9
2027 53 Pawel Rogowski Academy of Steel 1237.5
2028 51 Wehrlen Angelo LAMHE des Mauges 1237.1
2029 51 Davide Giurissini Ordine delle Lame Scaligere 1236.9
2030 51 Raphaël Rosa Nicolau Meyer May Rise 1236.9
2031 410 Martin Gregor Klub šermu Trenčín 1236.9 49.5
2032 56 Antonín Zajíček Rotyka 1236.7
2033 58 Jasper Sirris Sword Fighter Gold Coast 1236.7
2034 54 Zak Remmington Durham Medieval Combat Academy 1236.4
2035 54 Tisyan Mardani Gwaith-i-Megyr 1236.3
2036 116 Juraj Martinec Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 1236.1 22
2037 52 Thomas Cuypers Des Keysers Ghesellen 1235.8
2038 55 Luca Venchi Septem Custodie 1235.8
2039 1512 Matej Škerlik Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 1235.7 199.1
2040 54 Umberto Argentano Septem Custodie 1235.6
2041 59 Tommi Koskinen Turun Historiallisen Miekkailun Seura 1235.6
2042 58 Patrick Müller Die Baskerhunde 1235.6
2043 207 Paul Lecompte BEC Escrime 1235.3 22.1
2044 104 Jason Zamora Arena Weapon Arts 1235 20.6
2045 58 James Brasefield Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1234.9
2046 58 Michael Freeland Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1234.8
2047 56 Tigrane Tchamitchian Frères d'AMHE 1234.4
2048 58 Jonathan Timm Basingstoke HEMA 1234.3
2049 60 Adam Tennant London Historical Fencing Club 1234.3
2050 56 Valerio Riocci Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Abruzzo 1234.2
2051 55 Dennis Dorrell Denver Historical Fencing Academy 1234.2
2052 60 Ville Rajaranta Tampere HEMA 1234.1
2053 60 Dustin Stranks Swordfighters Martial Arts & Self Defence 1234
2054 59 Gabriele Calabrese ARS Historica 1233.9
2055 56 Bálint Sintár Kard Rendje ViSE 1233.5
2056 58 Damien Hewson-Donovan Melbourne Messer Club 1233
2057 148 Elias Sparresäter Gävle HEMA 1232.9 15.1
2058 58 Iulian Radu 7 Swords Historical Fencing School 1232.9
2059 58 Connor Gibson Carolina Historical Fencing Association 1232.9
2060 57 Samuel Azucena Noble Science Academy - New Hampshire 1232.7
2061 57 Christopher Francis Tri-State Historical Fencing Club 1232.4
2062 60 Iokennoron Mccomber Ardimento 1232.2
2063 53 Juan Rodrigo Velarde Jara Fechtschule Schrankhut 1231.6
2064 59 Alex Pirie Superior HEMA 1231.4
2065 54 Chris FitzGerald Kulshan HEMA 1231.2
2066 52 Nina Sakhnovskaia CounterTime 1231
2067 60 Franz Metz Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1231
2068 55 Elijah DuToit Ironwood Historic Swordsmanship 1230.9
2069 61 Massimo Lucchetti Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Grosseto 1230.7
2070 61 Diana Matthess N/A 1230.7
2071 65 Daniel Antrobus Mercian Medieval Fight Club 1230.7
2072 56 Ramirez Tidewater Renaissance Fighting Arts 1230.6
2073 61 Christian Atos Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1230.6
2074 59 Kevin Blair Laurel City Historical Fencing 1230.6
2075 58 Alexander Szramoski N/A 1230.4
2076 55 Padraig Stimac Schola St. George 1229.8
2077 58 Iris de Vos Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 1229.8
2078 54 Desvergnes David Batesta 1229.7
2079 57 Charles Parr Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1229.7
2080 60 Stuart Manahan The School of Historical Fencing 1229.6
2081 53 Robert delos Reyes Forge Pioneer: Historical Fencing 1229.5
2082 59 Simon Tomasetti The School of Historical Fencing 1229.3
2083 57 David Burgman Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 1229.2
2084 54 Pierre Seger École Chevaleresque 1229.1
2085 52 Zohar Nakash HEMA Israel 1228.9
2086 54 Jonathan Pridham Big Tree Combat Academy 1228.8
2087 58 Alexandre Babin La Compagnie des Escargouilleurs du Poitou 1228.6
2088 54 Yigit Firatli Turun Historiallisen Miekkailun Seura 1228.2
2089 53 Dominik Ładyżyński Wrocławska Szkoła Miecza 1228
2090 52 Francisco Velasco Fuente Princesa Kristina de Noruega 1228
2091 51 Long Tat (Eric) Ng Einherjar HEMA Club 1228
2092 50 Nolan Cummings Okanagan Combat Guild 1227.7
2093 52 Diego Martyn Abril Sala de Armas Fiore dei Líberi 1227.7
2094 55 Brent Leist Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1227.6
2095 838 Nicolas Burghauser Equinox 1227.5 113.9
2096 59 Gyorgy Mogyorosi Blademasters Academy 1227.5
2097 54 Simon Cherier De Feu et d'Acier 1227.4
2098 54 Aleš Kosán Digladior Plzeň 1226.9
2099 54 George Cooper Heartland HEMA Historical Fencing Club 1226.6
2100 53 Aaron Schroeder The Historical Combat Collective 1226.6
2101 52 Mike O'Brien Boston Armizare 1226.5
2102 56 Connor Andrews Athena School of Arms 1226.4
2103 53 Jeroen Terpstra MARS 1226.4
2104 56 Jaron Bernstein Royal Arts Fencing Academy 1226.3
2105 54 Dennis-Marius Thieme Schwert-Greifen Rostock 1226.3
2106 1369 Morten Wesley Malm Aros Historical Fencing Guild 1226.2 180.5
2107 52 Andrew Peoples Centerline Sword School 1225.8
2108 55 Nuno Valverde Blademasters Academy 1225.8
2109 53 Diego Luis Boston Armizare 1225.6
2110 53 Simon Grant Academy of Steel 1225.6
2111 53 Pablo Fernandez Sanmiguel 100Tolos HEMA 1225.6
2112 51 Adam Fordham United Clans Swordsman Association 1225.5
2113 54 Pietro Bruzzi Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo 1225.2
2114 54 Sheldon Wang Edmonton German Fencing Guild 1225.2
2115 158 Mark Olsen Blackfriar's School of Fence 1225.2 16.6
2116 409 Aron Kazay London Historical Fencing Club 1225 58.1
2117 55 Michal Gwiazda Blademasters Academy 1224.7
2118 55 Tovahn Vitols University of Vermont Historical Fencing Club 1224.6
2119 54 Fata Alghifari Schola St. George 1224.5
2120 56 Cliff Lapolla Bucks Historical Longsword 1224.5
2121 53 Ryan Vann Northwest Fencing Academy 1224.1
2122 56 Martin Colunga Arena Weapon Arts 1223.9
2123 54 Richard Potter Wivenhoe HEMA 1223.8
2124 54 Robert Kraaijeveld Zwaard & Steen 1223.7
2125 54 Riccardo Martignago Scherma Treviso 1223.7
2126 53 William Tierney Denver Historical Fencing Academy 1223.7
2127 55 Matthew Clarke Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1223.4
2128 53 Johanus Haidner The Academy of European Swordsmanship 1223.2
2129 51 Andrei Vieira Falcão Negro 1222.8
2130 53 Mark Bohlender Schwabenfedern 1222.7
2131 52 Nikola Ushakov Ministry Of The Fence 1222.2
2132 52 Angus Thompson Queen City Sword Guild 1222.2
2133 52 Abraham Madrid Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 1222.2
2134 52 Daniel French Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1222.1
2135 355 Jonathan Young True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1222 42.7
2136 52 Robert Richnavsky Laurel City Historical Fencing 1222
2137 54 Giorgio Marenco Il Contemezzocuore Compagnia D'arme 1221.9
2138 53 Gabriel McNeil Heartland HEMA Historical Fencing Club 1221.4
2139 52 Tanner Larson Rexburg HEMA Guild 1221.3
2140 54 Aurèle Jestin N/A 1221.3
2141 52 Tuomas Majuri Turun Historiallisen Miekkailun Seura 1220.8
2142 51 Hattie Whitaker Albuquerque Sword Labs 1220.7
2143 55 Eric Roge River Heron HEMA 1220.6
2144 51 Andreas Jansson Gävle HEMA 1220.5
2145 51 Ryan Vreeland Mid-Atlantic Society for Historic Swordsmanship 1220.4
2146 51 Lionel Penington Ironclad Academy Of The Sword 1220.4
2147 55 JD Minnick Denver Historical Fencing Academy 1220.2
2148 50 Ali Naqvi The Forge: Western Martial Arts 1220.2
2149 50 José Núñez Sala de Armas de Arequipa 1220.2
2150 50 Oskar Johansson Medeltida Stridsteknik Linköping IF 1220.1
2151 811 Thomas Menz Kenshinkai Berlin e. V. 1220 110
2152 56 Marek Maślany Fechtschule Gdańsk 1220
2153 50 Carlo Daogas True Edge HEMA Guild 1219.5
2154 1180 Marcell Vida Kard Rendje ViSE 1219.5 158.3
2155 58 Zoltán Nemes Jakobstads Historiska Fäktningssällskap 1219.4
2156 55 Ignacy Nowicki Krakowska Szkoła Fechtunku 1219.4
2157 200 MJ Posadas Pittsburgh Fighters Guild 1219.4 32.2
2158 56 Xander Bruins Zwaard & Steen 1219.1
2159 55 Georgi Dimitrov Historical Swordsmanship - Angel Chernaev 1219
2160 98 Clémence Sillac De Feu et d'Acier 1218.9 18.9
2161 55 Maciej Hamerliński Szkoła Fechtunku Gryf 1218.7
2162 52 Daniel Crespo Telmo Esgrima Antiga Pontevedra 1218.6
2163 49 Man Hoi Wong Einherjar HEMA Club 1218.5
2164 56 Emmanuel Bertrand La Maisnie du Chevalier Bragon de Bourg en Bresse 1218.5
2165 52 Andrew Dale Center for Blade Arts 1218.4
2166 57 Ryan Hayes Swordsmanship Museum and Academy 1218.4
2167 62 Olivia Cleymaet Columbus United Fencing Club 1218.2
2168 57 Daniel Halliday Liberty Sword Club 1218.2
2169 299 Sjaak Jacobus Hendrikus Thijssen De Zwaardkring 1218.1 44.1
2170 55 Will Landis Crossroads Swords 1218.1
2171 59 Rémi Arbache Recherche et Expérimentation du Geste Historique et Technique 1218.1
2172 49 Jacob Tice Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts 1217.4
2173 51 Laurent Gamundi Les Fines Lames du Médoc 1217.2
2174 58 Nikolai Leushin Hema Praha 1217.2
2175 332 Kyle Peltier Sword to Sword 1217.2 39.2
2176 56 Konstantin Kliukach Hema Team 1217.2
2177 58 Zeke Ramirez Sword to Sword 1217.2
2178 51 Shao Lei Xiamen Egret HEMA Club 1216.8
2179 54 Bjarne van Os Arte Mortiferum 1216.5
2180 51 Johan Nordqvist Umeås Historiska Fäktskola 1216.3
2181 55 Mathieu Morin Tampere HEMA 1216.2
2182 54 Jeremy Tam Academie Duello 1216.2
2183 52 Matthias Steyrl INDES Linz 1216
2184 52 Feliciano Frontado Esgrima Histórica Bellatores 1216
2185 50 Matthew Lilly N/A 1215.7
2186 50 Liam O'Brien Academy of European Medieval Martial Arts 1215.6
2187 54 Geoffroy Sainte-Catherine De Feu et d'Acier 1215.5
2188 54 Tapani Koppinen EHMS 1215.5
2189 51 Kazimir Dobrzhinskiy Hema Team 1215.3
2190 69 Radostin Nanov Freifechter Sofia 1215.2 2.9
2191 61 Heikki Kerkkänen EHMS 1215.1
2192 547 Ben Luxa Exeter Sparring Group 1214.9 76.8
2193 56 Coleby Grammer Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1214.9
2194 55 Luke Priutt Columbus United Fencing Club 1214.8
2195 54 Stefan Milenković Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 1214.8
2196 52 Daniel Torres-DiNottia East Bay Historical Fencing 1214.7
2197 57 Jaimi McLean Rochester Historical Fencing 1214.7
2198 53 Luca Inguscio Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Roma 1214.6
2199 1395 Helmut Seiler Walk the Path Berlin 1214.5 184.5
2200 58 Andrew Werner Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing 1214.5
2201 215 Jiří Slovák Rožnovsky šermirsky klub 1214.3 33.9
2202 223 Nicholas Schottle San Diego Swordfighters 1213.9 34.3
2203 56 Thibault Garnier La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1213.6
2204 58 Brian Biernbaum Crossing Fight School 1213.5
2205 54 Rebekka Günther Leipziger Klingen 1213.5
2206 Huberson William Frères d'AMHE 1213.2
2207 58 Scott Boland Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1213.1
2208 58 Nicola Del Pup A.S.D. Regia Turris 1213
2209 54 Jean-Albert Rubod Lyon AMHE 1212.8
2210 51 Hans Dupuis La Compagnie Médiévale 1212.7
2211 57 Katherine Coyle Athena School of Arms 1212.7
2212 56 Justin Hsieh Kron Martial Arts 1212.7
2213 60 Matej Beňo Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 1212.7
2214 53 Anthony Pham Westmoreland Historical Fencing 1212.5
2215 57 Filip Pospiech ARMA Poland 1212.4
2216 53 Vlad Roslyakov Ferox 1212.1
2217 53 Darius Romanowski Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing 1212.1
2218 52 Forrest Paige Two Ravens Fencing School 1211.9
2219 54 Louis Jouys Le Cercle des LAMHE 1211.8
2220 51 Javier Víboras Sala Esgrima Antigua Ignota 1211.8
2221 53 Calum Clark Lonin League 1211.6
2222 55 Dario Beiró Devesa Arte do Combate 1211.5
2223 52 Thomas Nicol Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing 1211.5
2224 62 Tamara Selge Scholar Victoria 1211.5
2225 55 Isabel Branch New Haven Historical Fencing 1211.2
2226 51 Victor Vega Bjerkeli Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 1210.8
2227 55 Tomasz Borzęcki Fechtschule Gdańsk 1210.7
2228 55 thomas sterrett Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship 1210.7
2229 55 Bence Simon Kard Rendje ViSE 1210.5
2230 51 David Balparda Escola Dardi 1210.5
2231 51 Matt DeVane Philadelphia Common Fencers Guild 1210.3
2232 56 Razvan Popescu Accademia del Leone 1210.3
2233 55 Dustin Broglio Triangle Sword Guild 1210.3
2234 57 Benedikt Koller INDES Salzburg 1210.2
2235 54 Filip Olszowski Krakowska Szkoła Fechtunku 1210.2
2236 52 Stefan Roth N/A 1209.9
2237 55 Blakely Mooney Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1209.8
2238 55 Ross Flowers East Texas Historical Fencing 1209.4
2239 54 Mateusz Malarski Akademia Szermierzy 1209.4
2240 52 Lautaro Saifet Academia de Esgrima Histórica de Chile 1209
2241 52 Renzo Salsi Scherma Storica Veneto-Trentino-Alto Adige 1208.8
2242 52 Jang Si-Hoon Historical Fencing Federation Korea 1208.8
2243 51 Robert Robertson The Institute for Historical Arts 1208.3
2244 53 Kai Ache Dawn Duellists Society 1208.1
2245 33 Johan Broth Gävle HEMA 1208.1 1.5
2246 52 Alex Atanasiu Knights of Luxembourg 1208
2247 54 Bartosz Rycerz Rzeszowska Grupa Fechtunku 1208
2248 53 Gabriele Licciardello Methodos Scherma Storica 1207.8
2249 50 Jeff Gibson Aegis Historical Combat Training 1207.5
2250 53 Mario Stefanovichj Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Bononia 1207.4
2251 55 Thomas Barefoot Waterfront Historical Fencing Club 1207.3
2252 50 David Vuong Sword Fighter Gold Coast 1207.2
2253 233 Eduard Urban Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 1207 35.5
2254 51 Nemanja Tomic SwArta 1207
2255 54 Harold Vance III Frozen Clover Swordplay 1207
2256 161 Jacob Pigeon Ars Gladii 1206.9 26.6
2257 57 Richard Vang New York Historical Fencing Association 1206.8
2258 53 Pablo Cachafeiro Murias Asociación Ourensá de Esgrima Antiga 1206.7
2259 185 Griffin Wolf The Historical Combat Collective 1206.4 17.7
2260 56 Semen Volodchenko Ferox 1206.3
2261 54 Aiden Lewis Athens School of Arms 1206.2
2262 56 Megan Pajski Triangle Sword Guild 1206.1
2263 53 Gregory Scobee Medieval Martial Arts Academy 1206
2264 48 Seth Clendenning N/A 1205.9
2265 50 Logan Smits Heartland HEMA Historical Fencing Club 1205.6
2266 57 Kristopher Newtown Nickel City Longsword Academy 1205.5
2267 50 Phillip Clark Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 1205.3
2268 54 Bryan Taylor Tuathair Hema Academy 1205.2
2269 58 Al Layman Caledonian Broadsword Academy of New Orleans 1205
2270 52 Eoin Walker Blademasters Academy 1204.6
2271 52 Jonathan Rose Gem City Duelists Society 1204.3
2272 52 Łukasz Gardela ARMA Poland 1204.3
2273 51 Luke Letsinger Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1204.2
2274 971 Dylan Lynn Historical Fencing of York 1204.2 132.4
2275 54 Matthew Stinson Bold City Longsword 1204.2
2276 53 Jamie Rodel Moose Historical Fencing 1204.1
2277 53 Adam Jaworski Na ubitej ziemi 1204
2278 53 David Filippi HEMA Ravenna 1203.9
2279 1288 Andreas Hilscher Freyfechter Wien 1203.7 187.6
2280 52 Cameron Hardy Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship 1203.4
2281 55 Alexia Neupont Les Lames du Foyer 1203.3
2282 53 Alexander Croteau Edmonton German Fencing Guild 1203.1
2283 53 Josh Russell Arena Weapon Arts 1202.7
2284 Liam Waddington Auckland Longsword 1202.7
2285 150 Dániel Polgár Kard Rendje ViSE 1202.6 23.6
2286 54 Peter Dúcky Klub šermu Trenčín 1202.3
2287 53 Alexandre Nazareth Academia de Esgrima Histórica Carioca 1202.3
2288 503 Biras Jean-françois Perigüers Estocada 1202.2 61.5
2289 58 Grant Smith Red River Fencing 1202
2290 54 Morris Chen Academie Duello 1202
2291 53 Loris D'Alonzo ASD Boxelab 1201.9
2292 1896 Miroslav Benko Goliath - šermiarsky cech mesta Poprad 1201.6 260.2
2293 1729 Erric Higley Historical Fencing of York 1201.6 236.2
2294 53 Mykhaylo Skorobogatov Sharukhan 1201.4
2295 58 Jacob Faville N/A 1201.3
2296 63 Andrew Bakry Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1201.2
2297 58 Kirsten Meredith True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1201.2
2298 55 LeRoy Brown Indianapolis Fencing Club 1201.2
2299 54 Titus Romulus L. Villanueva III Forge Pioneer: Historical Fencing 1201.2
2300 51 Trevor Boman Laurel City Historical Fencing 1201.1
2301 61 Dan Nagtegaal The Historical Combat Collective 1201
2302 56 Adam Tate The School of Historical Fencing 1200.9
2303 59 Juuso Rautio EHMS 1200.8
2304 91 Jordan Irgang Kron Martial Arts 1200.7 5.8
2305 57 Mantas Grauslys Dublin HEMA Club 1200.7
2306 64 Jim Ng Long Island Historical Fencing Society 1200.4
2307 57 Jamie Budge Hotspur School of Defence 1200.4
2308 57 Igor Solunskiy N/A 1200.3
2309 56 Jonathan Evans Arena Weapon Arts 1200.3
2310 391 David Javůrek Poslední Argument 1200 58.4
2311 56 Todd Rooney Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1199.5
2312 55 Ruari Browne Goats Head Historical Fencing 1199.4
2313 57 Gábor Szmeskó Ars Ensis 1199.4
2314 60 Leanna Sadorf Ironwood Historic Swordsmanship 1199.2
2315 56 Christopher Morgan Ars Gladii 1198.8
2316 56 Miles Ehmling Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1198.7
2317 56 Daniel Offrell Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning 1198.4
2318 52 Julian Trutmann Richmond Kunst Des Fechtens 1198.2
2319 57 Christina Tamer Ann Arbor Sword Club 1198.1
2320 56 Jonathan Pena San Diego Swordfighters 1198.1
2321 58 Lorne Williams The School of Historical Fencing 1198.1
2322 295 Eric Christensen Lonin League 1198 44.5
2323 58 Yu Sun True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1198
2324 56 Dirk Haanstra Historisch Schermgilde Limburg 1197.9
2325 502 Josh DeLong Mordhau Historical Combat 1197.8 70.2
2326 53 Robert Gomez Oahu Company of Historical Swordsmanship 1197.7
2327 56 Erik Archer Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing 1197.5
2328 61 Nicholas Tyson Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1197.4
2329 60 Dean Aspin Canterbury Historical Fencing Club 1197.4
2330 58 Natalie Johanek Arena Weapon Arts 1197.3
2331 61 Stephan Wullschleger Die Baskerhunde 1197.3
2332 56 Ronald Chin Big Tree Combat Academy 1196.9
2333 56 Martin Mayer Fechtschule Schrankhut 1196.8
2334 Danny Barringer Davenriche European Martial Artes School 1196.8
2335 60 Martin Corujo Castro 100Tolos HEMA 1196.7
2336 58 Pedro Figueiredo Smart HEMA Clubs 1196.7 0.7
2337 58 Audrey Bidwell Rochester Historical Fencing 1196.6
2338 57 Marco Krüger Schule des inneren Schwertes 1196.4
2339 57 Macx Minghetti HEMA Ravenna 1196.4
2340 270 Lukáš Toman Manu Forti 1196.4 41.8
2341 61 Jordan Ward Centerline Sword School 1196.3
2342 59 Alexandra Ispas 7 Swords Historical Fencing School 1196
2343 58 Mark Gijswijt Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1195.9
2344 60 Luca Banus Schwabenfedern 1195.9
2345 59 Hugh Flanagan Academie Duello 1195.7
2346 116 Katharine Keller Ars Gladii 1195.6 20.7
2347 73 AJ Atry SoCal Swords 1195.2 2.8
2348 59 Matias Kuikka Lappeenrannan Historiallisen Miekkailun Seura 1195.2
2349 62 Kyle Watson Philadelphia Common Fencers Guild 1195.1
2350 60 Kyle Thrush HEMA Urbana-Champaign 1195
2351 59 David van der Laan MARS 1194.6
2352 59 Vladimir Poliakov Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1194.6
2353 65 Pavla Markupová Digladior 1194.6
2354 60 Gavin Griffin Noble Science Academy 1194.4
2355 60 Filip Lipovský Cech Terra de Selinan 1194
2356 59 Federico Tornabene Methodos Scherma Storica 1193.9
2357 61 Ross Davies Spada di Bolognese 1193.5
2358 60 Samuel Young Forte Swordplay 1193.5
2359 59 Daniel Kumatz Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1193.4
2360 58 Matthew Bennett Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1193.3
2361 58 Michael Pitt Mercian Medieval Fight Club 1193.2
2362 63 Anna Gorbulinskaja Hema Praha 1192.9
2363 62 Anne Brink Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1192.9
2364 59 Madeline Esposito Bucks Historical Longsword 1192.5
2365 59 Tzu Chi Lin Vor & Nach Society of Historical European Martial Arts 1192.5
2366 428 Milan Horák Pardubický spolek šermířský 1192.4 59.3
2367 146 Christian Collis Masterless Fencing 1192.3 23
2368 64 Jaroslav Čechura Digladior Plzeň 1192.2
2369 Golden West Noble Science Academy 1191.7
2370 61 Joseph Pepe Historical Fencing of York 1191.6
2371 63 Matteo Wauters Københavns Historiske Fægteklub 1191.5
2372 62 Piotr Janeczek Akademia Szermierzy 1191.1
2373 60 Anton Kieser Fencing Club Dresden 1190.8
2374 54 Lincoln Mills Mercian Medieval Fight Club 1190.8 0.4
2375 64 Rob Newton Exeter Sparring Group 1190.7
2376 59 Sam Wittenberg Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1190.7
2377 62 Roy Murray Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1190.7
2378 66 Jan Truhlar KEBU Plzeň 1190.6
2379 61 Iskandar Fischer Trondheim HEMA 1190.6
2380 66 Ann Pace Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1190.5
2381 65 Philippe Parenteau Comox Valley Combat Guild 1190.3
2382 63 Florian Nicolle La Mesnie du Blanc Castel 1190.3
2383 60 Elias Ruuskanen EHMS 1190.1
2384 60 Simon Favre École Lémanique d'Arts et d'Actions 1189.8
2385 1673 Jakk Odinsson Academy of Arms 1189.8 229
2386 58 Rick Blanco N/A 1189.7
2387 62 Maël Dubourgnon De Feu et d'Acier 1189.7
2388 67 Lukáš Kubacki Duelanti od Svatého Rocha 1189.6
2389 46 Miroslav Danihel Trnavský Šermiarsky Cech 1189.5 0.6
2390 59 Chrysa-Danae Kotsopoulou Academy of Hoplomachia S.C. 1189.5
2391 61 Drew Hutchinson Tattershall School of Defense 1189.3
2392 66 Collin Yaindl L'Arte Lehigh Valley Historical Fencing 1189.2
2393 233 Jordan Hinckley United Clans Swordsman Association 1189.2 24.3
2394 59 Vinicius Machado Zugliani Compagnia di Marte 1189.1
2395 66 Teodor Petrov Fechtschule Sofia 1189.1
2396 60 Torben Schau The Historical Combat Collective 1189.1
2397 64 Adam McDicken The Institute for Historical Arts 1189
2398 66 Mathias Hight Accademia del Leone 1188.9
2399 60 Beng Li Blood and Iron Martial Arts 1188.8
2400 66 Mathieu Jacquemont Le Chapitre des Armes 1188.8
2401 74 Matúš Kurian Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 1188.7
2402 64 Morgan Otte Nebraska Swordfighters Guild 1188.7
2403 63 Eva Arnason Athena School of Arms 1188.5
2404 67 Cade Flowers Tattershall School of Defense 1188.5
2405 59 Samuel Garvey Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1188.2
2406 62 Carson Sailor Appalachian Highland Historical Fencing 1188.1
2407 66 Muhmedali Esembekov Golden Falcon 1188
2408 58 Alexander Komarek Fencing Club Dresden 1187.8
2409 61 Zsolt Simon Kard Rendje ViSE 1187.7
2410 63 Michele Gulley HEMA Lexington 1187.6
2411 69 Sallamaari Syrjä Oulun Miekkailuseura 1187.5
2412 67 Ryan Leonard Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 1187.5
2413 416 Ryan Houck Academy of Arms 1187.3 60
2414 62 Wei-Da Sun Laurel City Historical Fencing 1187.1
2415 64 Benjamín Mariño Añón Arte do Combate 1186.8
2416 63 Diana Messner Kunst des Historischen Fechtens Tirol 1186.7
2417 256 Andrew Sherman Northwest Fencing Academy 1186.5 42
2418 64 Jordan Archuleta Tucson Historical Fencing Academy 1186.3
2419 61 Seong Do Hyeon Historical Fencing Federation Korea 1186.2
2420 64 Wilfred de Lang Zwaard & Steen 1186.1
2421 871 Jason Woo San Diego Swordfighters 1186 110.2
2422 60 Richard Cook Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1185.9
2423 62 Nico Noort De Academie voor Middeleeuwse Europese Krijgskunsten 1185.8
2424 65 Bjarke Frimand Frid Hafnia Longsword Akademi 1185.8
2425 157 Dave Larrabee Philadelphia Common Fencers Guild 1185.7 27.7
2426 63 Adina Mihăiță 7 Swords Historical Fencing School 1185.4
2427 62 Arkadiusz Kołazinski Mordschlag 1185.4
2428 68 Vladislav Tovt Hema Praha 1185.4
2429 65 Roberto Bertozzi Compagnia de Le Due Maestà 1185.4
2430 62 Paul Schriever University of West Florida Fencing 1185.3
2431 64 Rusty Shackleford Davis N/A 1185.2
2432 66 Charlie Haddock Smart HEMA Clubs 1185.1
2433 Julia Quach N/A 1185.1
2435 Ryan Nakanishi Kron Martial Arts 1185.1
2437 Ryan Sherman Northwest Fencing Academy 1185.1
2436 Colin Jindra Academy of Arms 1185.1
2434 Brandon Norbury Mordhau Historical Combat 1185.1
2438 68 Matthew Dixon N/A 1184.8
2439 68 Hannes Zürcher Reisläufer Bern 1184.5
2440 68 Carlos Gil Valdeolmillos Princesa Kristina de Noruega 1184.5
2441 66 Janusz Ruminski-Olason Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 1184.4
2442 69 Erich Finckenor Rocket City HEMA 1184.4
2443 69 Han Yoo Lansing Longsword Guild 1184.3
2444 75 Izaak Wadle House of Blades 1184.2
2445 247 Fern Pacheco Czort Fencing 1184.1 41.6
2446 68 Randi Alan Triadi Iron Guts HEMA Club 1184.1
2447 70 Damian Grootjans De Zwaardkring 1184.1
2448 72 Bence Gombás Kard Rendje ViSE 1183.8
2449 70 Malin Grant Pittsburgh Fighters Guild 1183.6
2450 70 Christian Buettner Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1183.6
2451 67 Eric McChesney N/A 1183.4
2452 67 Johann Dreyer Olympischer Sport-Club Berlin 1183.4
2453 71 Hunter Blackwood The School of Historical Fencing 1183.3
2454 73 Mark West Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 1183.3
2455 134 John Durben Mordhau Historical Combat 1183.3 26.6
2456 73 Dmitrij Bugajev Durham Medieval Combat Academy 1183.3
2457 71 Pål Gulliksen Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 1183
2458 70 Floris van de Poll Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1183
2459 Matthias De Oliveira Ausardia HEMA Club 1182.9
2460 70 Danny Spencer True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1182.8
2461 74 Sebastian Tym Exeter Sparring Group 1182.4
2462 73 Victoria Allard La Compagnie Médiévale 1182.4
2463 70 Chaydan Melnyk Comox Valley Combat Guild 1182.2
2464 72 Petar Ivanković Milošević Ars Gladiatoria 1182
2465 71 Christopher French Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing 1181.7
2466 1258 Vojtěch Forejt Digladior 1181.6 173.3
2467 71 Davor Skontra EHMS 1181.6
2468 73 Mark Price Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship 1181.5
2469 67 Jan Edler INDES Halle 1181.4
2470 73 Jonathan Yi Carolina Historical Fencing Association 1181.3
2471 73 Christopher Shenk Historical Fencing of York 1181.2
2472 71 Sam Hughes Dublin HEMA Club 1180.9
2473 68 Christophe Aubry Les Sept Epées 1180.9
2474 71 Titouan Le Bussy La Maisnie du Chevalier Bragon 1180.8
2475 68 Boris Rojas Academia de Esgrima Histórica de Chile 1180.6
2476 68 Erik Yuji Yoshida AEEA Stahlfechter 1180.5
2477 73 Bence Sajgó Ars Ensis 1180.4
2478 72 Lee North-Connor Melbourne Messer Club 1180.2
2479 39 Toshiro Tabuchi Santa Barbara Sword Club 1180.2 1.8
2480 71 Andrea Rea Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning 1179.8
2481 69 Brennan Faucher Niagara School of Arms 1179.8
2482 64 Marco Vecchi N/A 1179.7
2483 231 Aydan Kakaras Albuquerque Sword Labs 1179.7 21.7
2484 489 Benjamin Klingman Ministry Of The Fence 1179.6 71.2
2485 74 Bryce Exley Scholar Victoria 1179.5
2486 73 Rafael Fazletdinov Golden Falcon 1179.5
2487 180 Harriet Coates Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 1179.4 13.5
2488 78 Dustin Whittaker Springfield Historical Fencing Guild 1179.4
2489 66 Adrien Lecocq Spatha Medievae 1179.2
2490 69 Steven Hagan Schola St. George 1179.1
2491 76 William Grube Queen City Sword Guild 1179.1
2492 73 Marilyn Smith Pittsburgh Fighters Guild 1179
2493 73 Brandon D'Arcy Nickel City Longsword Academy 1178.9
2494 72 Toisoul Sylvain IIème Rguingonne 1178.9
2495 71 Joel Conley St. Louis HEMA Association 1178.8
2496 82 Benjamin Iglauer Austin Historical Weapons Guild 1178.8
2497 69 Gabriel Pottebaum Indes Ferox Gladio 1178.8
2498 65 Beth Cundiff Indianapolis Fencing Club 1178.4
2499 70 Ondrej Bobula Škola šermu Paridon 1178.4
2500 343 Jack Donohue Crossing Fight School 1178.3 35.5
2501 70 Nat Beeten Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship 1178.2
2502 72 Emilia Skirmuntt The School of the Sword 1178
2503 77 David Lillethun Boston Armizare 1177.9
2504 300 Lex DeGraaf Vanguard Fencing Club 1177.9 46
2505 71 Giovanni Hinojosa Austin Historical Weapons Guild 1177.8
2506 74 Toni Kristian Heikura EHMS 1177.7
2507 68 Park Jong Hwan Historical Fencing Federation Korea 1177.7
2508 608 Fabian Platzner INDES Feldbach 1177.5 71.9
2509 65 Chris Jagels HEMA Köln 1177.4
2510 654 Matthew Bento Iron Gate Swordfighting 1177.3 97.4
2511 75 Klára Burešová Dobrovolný Šerm 1177.3
2512 67 Darian Cho Historical Swordfighting Guild of UT Dallas 1177.3
2513 1332 Andrew Aquino Salazar Noble Science Academy 1177.3 186.1
2514 76 Jay Jordan Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1177.1
2515 78 Bryant Cobarrubias Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1177
2516 70 Aronne Gandini Comense Scherma 1176.8
2517 157 Matthew Cowan Academy of Arms 1176.5 32.1
2518 70 Philipp Heim Artes Certaminis 1176.5
2519 72 Korban Earles Diamond Rose Academie D'Armes 1176.4
2520 71 Elliot Cosgrove Indes Ferox Gladio 1176.3
2521 71 Isaac King Fechtschule Victoria 1176.2
2522 70 Gabriele Pesavento Ordine delle Lame Scaligere 1176.1
2523 69 David Levine Schola St. George 1175.9
2524 133 Gérald Mielle Frères d'AMHE 1175.9 7.3
2525 74 Jessica Coverley Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1175.8
2526 596 Zachary Bellido Noble Science Academy 1175.7 89.8
2527 74 Lauren Henderson Historical Swordfighting Guild of UT Dallas 1175.6
2528 293 Alec Villanueva Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy 1175.3 27.6
2529 72 Klaus McGlinchey Indes Ferox Gladio 1175.2 0.7
2530 74 Johann Lopez Bold City Longsword 1174.9
2531 Xeryus Wilson Whangarei Medieval Combat Club 1174.8
2532 73 Reima Parviainen Jyväskylä Academy of Historical Martial Arts 1174.8
2533 75 Vlad Manea Iron Will HEMA Academy 1174.5
2534 73 Torsten Wallace Exmoor HEMA 1174.3
2535 72 Andrin Schumacher Säbelrassler 1174
2536 1505 Harry Leng Dawn Duellists Society 1174 210.7
2537 255 Jiří Michael Berka Zlínská Šermírská Společnost 1173.8 40.6
2538 46 Elora Hickman Crossing Fight School 1173.6 2.9
2539 75 Jason Littleton Black Bear Historical Fencing 1173.6
2540 75 Jon Reding Center for Blade Arts 1173.5
2541 81 Amber Damare Nachreisen Historical Fencing 1173.5
2542 75 Isaac Orozco Montoya Krigerskole 1173.4
2543 74 Jindrich Navratil Auckland Sword and Shield 1173.2
2544 Neko Kelly SoCal Swords 1172.8
2545 73 Tamas Fekete HEMA Nelson 1172.8
2546 75 Carter Walshe Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1172.7
2547 1708 Cameron Smillie Bath Historical Martial Arts 1172.6 239.5
2548 74 Rafael Bañón Boulet Escuela de Esgrima Historica de Madrid 1172.6
2549 79 Codi Ervin Edmonton German Fencing Guild 1172.4
2550 71 Sebastian Portilla CAMHS 1171.8
2551 76 Časlav Pantelić FEATHER - School of fencing 1171.7
2552 76 Grégory Vigneau La Botte du Goupil 1171.7
2553 80 Nick Chiappazzi Steelhead Western Martial Arts 1171.5
2554 72 Leo Dannersmith Center for Blade Arts 1171.4
2555 77 Stefan Simić Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 1171.4
2556 72 Francesco Marchioro ARS Historica 1171.3
2557 76 Mateusz Grzęda Rebel Fencing Szkoła Szermierki Klasycznej 1171.2
2558 203 Sam Browse London Historical Fencing Club 1171.1 16.3
2559 74 Zac Hoffman Mordhau Historical Combat 1171.1
2560 77 Tina John Schwertspiel Dresden 1170.8
2561 120 Alex Sinclair Santa Barbara Sword Club 1170.7 7.7
2562 1225 Sithisone Douangmala Superior HEMA 1170.6 172.3
2563 76 Alfie Smith Smart HEMA Clubs 1170.5
2564 76 Man Sing Wong Einherjar HEMA Club 1170.4
2565 75 Romain Liège Le Chapitre des Armes 1170.4
2566 75 Ash Fiya Schola St. George 1170.4
2567 78 Ethan Rettig Queen City Sword Guild 1170.2
2568 749 Hayden Malloch SoCal Swords 1170.2 107.4
2569 76 Will Baisden Carolina Historical Fencing Association 1169.7
2570 74 Todd Turbide Krieg School 1169.6
2571 76 Justin Gonzales New Haven Historical Fencing 1169.4
2572 73 Roberto Tachibana Farfalla di Ferro 1169.4
2573 73 Artyom Egorov Ferox 1169.2
2574 77 Kat Fraser En Garde Fencing 1169
2575 73 Elnur Kasumov Toronto Historical Combatants 1169
2576 72 Daniel Flowers Halfmoon Hema 1168.8
2577 72 Zachary Perry Black Cat Historical Fencing 1168.8
2578 72 Nate Porteus Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship 1168.8
2579 85 Iiro Rantanen Turun Historiallisen Miekkailun Seura 1168.8
2580 77 Jacob McCarter Kron Martial Arts 1168.6
2581 71 Wesley Olson Youngstown Historical Fencing 1168.6
2582 73 Michael Metz Santa Barbara Sword Club 1168.5
2583 76 Elihugh Abner L'Arte Lehigh Valley Historical Fencing 1168.5
2584 72 Douglas Leonard Minneapolis Amateur Swordfighting Association 1168.5
2585 87 Ermes Giagnacovo Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Romagna 1168.4
2586 72 Alexandru Petcu 7 Swords Historical Fencing School 1168.1
2587 86 Christoffer Warelius EHMS 1168
2588 72 Tristan Ruter Le Chapitre des Armes 1168
2589 78 Lennart Köhler Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola 1168
2590 73 Sharif Kerr Queen City Sword Guild 1167.8
2591 76 Đorđe Rosić Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 1167.6
2592 72 Stefano Esposito Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Tirrenica 1167.2
2593 760 Torin Dabbs Burning Sun Historical Swordsmanship 1167.1 107.8
2594 75 Jay Fonacier Kron Martial Arts 1166.9
2595 72 Žiga Schoner Septem Custodie 1166.5
2596 74 Jeffrey Ostrum L'Arte Lehigh Valley Historical Fencing 1166.5
2597 76 Miguel Otero Rey 100Tolos HEMA 1166
2598 74 Joshua Fisher Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1166
2599 73 Maksim Legnavskij Golden Falcon 1166
2600 51 Calder Larsen Lost Arts Historic Fencing 1165.7 3.3
2601 74 Alberto Seijo Sala de Armas Don Jaime de Mereló 1165.3
2602 73 Enrico Marantidis Malta Historical Fencing Association 1165.1
2603 106 Ross Walton Tosetti Institute of MMA and Fitness 1165 5
2604 76 Yuri Ishikiriyama Escola de Artes Marciais Históricas Grifo de Fogo 1164.9
2605 74 Jeffrey Canonizado Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts 1164.5
2606 426 Seth Gingo Philadelphia Common Fencers Guild 1164.4 65.1
2607 77 Graham Wallis Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1164.4
2608 75 David Josefs Historisches Fechten Würzburg 1164.3
2609 75 Tim Hog Lyon AMHE 1164
2610 78 Antti Lehto EHMS 1163.7
2611 76 Victor Wang Big Tree Combat Academy 1163.6
2612 76 Owen Wright Renaissance Martial Arts Society 1163
2613 74 Summer Warynovich Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1163
2614 172 Adam Whaley Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 1163 15.3
2615 78 Xavier Jacques Club d'arts Martiaux Médiévaux de Sherbrooke 1163
2616 78 Jesse Tarrant Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1162.9
2617 74 Christian Mayer Kunst des Historischen Fechtens Tirol 1162.6
2618 78 Harrison Thompson Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1162.4
2619 75 Emanuele Di Matteo Accademia Romana d'Armi 1162.2
2620 75 August Sieben Edmonton Historical Martial Arts 1162.2
2621 79 Ella Rose Black Cat Historical Fencing 1162.2
2622 75 Jon Merino Urruela Sala de Armas Salvatore Fabris 1161.8
2623 73 Alexander Silverman Forte Swordplay 1161.6
2624 73 Jacek Musiał Centrum Dawnych Sztuk Walk 1161.4
2625 79 Peter Morrow Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy 1161.4
2626 72 Kyle Daly Rexburg HEMA Guild 1161.4
2627 74 Ross Gilbert Order of the Blade 1161.3
2628 80 Marie Sváčková Rožnovsky šermirsky klub 1161.3
2629 72 Kevin Coo Centro de Esgrima Histórica 1160.6
2630 75 John Bryant Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1160.5
2631 Aniis Rymansaib Auckland Longsword 1160.1
2632 73 Jamie Watkins Athens School of Arms 1159.6
2633 75 Michal Belina Digladior 1159.5
2634 72 Ruben Ragno Scherma Storica Dolomiti 1159.4
2635 75 Joe Smart Smart HEMA Clubs 1159.4
2636 170 Douglas Silfies L'Arte Lehigh Valley Historical Fencing 1159.3 14.9
2637 76 Patrick Armario Arena Weapon Arts 1159.2
2638 452 Jan Tregler SHŠ Krkavci 1159.2 69.9
2639 76 Kevin Delaney Bucks Historical Longsword 1159.1
2640 2419 Roland S. INDES Feldbach 1159 360.5
2641 74 Francesco Paladini Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Abruzzo 1158.9
2642 76 Christian Gunberg Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1158.7
2643 78 Chase Guida Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1158.6
2644 73 Liam Reynolds N/A 1158.6
2645 81 Lucas Caldwell Gem City Duelists Society 1158.5
2646 246 Callum Crosbie Southampton Historical Fencing 1158.5 23.8
2647 77 Patrick Bauer ASV Ossweil 1158.4
2648 76 Arjan den Besten Zwaard & Steen 1158.3
2649 81 Ashly Templeman Branta School of Arms 1158.2
2650 76 John Ming Ngo Edmonton German Fencing Guild 1158.1
2651 78 Eunsung Jo Ars Ensis 1158
2652 83 Artur Wawrosz Dobrovolný Šerm 1157.9
2653 78 Aaron Finos Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing 1157.8
2654 76 Shin Shaung Tung Vor & Nach Society of Historical European Martial Arts 1157.5
2655 Antero Mejr New Haven Historical Fencing 1157.3
2656 77 Zach Rich Austin Historical Weapons Guild 1157.2
2657 80 Tomas Srnec The Wrathful Peasants 1157
2658 78 Peter Neslušan Trnavský Šermiarsky Cech 1156.8
2659 59 Rasmus van Deurs Petersen HEMA Aalborg 1156.8 17
2660 79 Lachlan Porter The School of Historical Fencing 1156.7
2661 78 Daniel Chastanet Bold City Longsword 1156.6
2662 75 Morgaine Delo Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy 1156.6
2663 79 Andrew Clarkson Smart HEMA Clubs 1156.4
2664 78 Ramon Lippmann Via Gladiatorem 1156.3
2665 77 Jordan Rhodes True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1156.2
2666 76 Thimo Bittmann ASV Ossweil 1156
2667 75 Alexandre Theys Meyer May Rise 1155.9
2668 74 Alexandre Cornede Eveil de Lame 1155.4
2669 71 Quintin Tanseco True Edge HEMA Guild 1155.3
2670 79 Attila Kovács Kard Rendje ViSE 1155.1
2671 76 Jordan Humber Medieval European Martial Arts Guild 1155.1
2672 75 Francisco Prado Valiño 100Tolos HEMA 1155.1
2673 73 Jeppe Emil Kjøller Københavns Historiske Fægteklub 1155
2674 78 Vladimir Jovanović Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 1154.8
2675 70 Jack Peer Steel City Historical Fencing 1154.7
2676 72 Joshua Snider Society for Historical Arms Research and Practice 1154.5
2677 78 Gabriele Bisso Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Grosseto 1154.5
2678 76 Michal Laktis Triglav 1154.4
2679 76 Crystian Ojeda Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 1154.4
2680 74 Martin Fabry Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 1154.3
2681 Sam Sobolev LA Skirmish 1154
2682 75 Robert Dalessandro L'Arte Lehigh Valley Historical Fencing 1153.9
2683 75 Antoine Menuge Passe d'Armes Savoie 1153.8
2684 83 József Márton Bíró Kard Rendje ViSE 1153.8
2685 73 Francesco Masi Scherma Storica Firenze 1153.6
2686 77 Alex Palmer London Historical Fencing Club 1153.2
2687 76 Jordan Scribner Nebraska Swordfighters Guild 1153.2
2688 74 Roux Nelson Moose Historical Fencing 1153.2
2689 516 Emmett Strozewski SoCal Swords 1153 76.8
2690 75 Kim Il-Kwon Historical Fencing Federation Korea 1153
2691 78 Alexander Bourdas Glasgow HEMA 1152.9
2692 76 Eric Stodola Chicago Swordplay Guild 1152.8
2693 75 Marcus Guerrero Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1152.5
2694 75 Yuhan Guo Sacramento Sword School 1152.4
2695 72 Kyler Gentry Ritterkunst Fechtschule 1152.2
2696 74 Geofrey Panlaque Crossroads Swords 1152.1
2697 73 Didier Hayen Historisch Schermgilde Limburg 1152.1
2698 78 Yuliia Smoilovska Guild of Duel Fencing 1151.9
2699 74 João Claudio Rocha Academia de Esgrima Histórica Carioca 1151.9
2700 789 Robbie Clarkson Smart HEMA Clubs 1151.7 95.8
2701 635 Liam Ecker San Diego Swordfighters 1151.7 91
2702 76 Serguei Blokhine Meyer May Rise 1151.5
2703 82 Dawn English Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1151.4
2704 76 Chad Opris Forte Swordplay 1151.3
2705 75 Benjamin Forster INDES Wien 1151.2
2706 389 Scott Lipsig F3 Sword Academy 1150.9 62.4
2707 78 Nicodemo Boccia Sala d'Arme Aquila Gladiatrix 1150.9
2708 81 Catalin Ionut Ungureanu Iron Will HEMA Academy 1150.6
2709 97 Ben Conway-Smith Cambridge HEMA 1150.3 18.8
2710 78 Adán Vásquez González Krigerskole 1150.2
2711 77 Matias Mäntyniemi Warusseppäin Kilta 1150
2712 77 William Derume Academie Duello 1150
2713 195 Nathan King True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1149.9 18
2714 83 Andrej Gaňa Cech Terra de Selinan 1149.8
2715 78 Yen Ting Chou Kron Martial Arts 1149.7
2716 80 Mitch Edward Iron Sides Historical Fencing 1149.6
2717 84 Duarte Puga Vilariño 100Tolos HEMA 1149.5
2718 1988 Valentin Weinmüller INDES Salzburg 1149.2 286.2
2719 80 Eugene Kim Inland Northwest Longsword Academy 1149.2
2720 77 Jay Alfonso-Babasa Kron Martial Arts 1149.1
2721 81 Paweł Kutsin Szkoła Fechtunku Gryf 1149.1
2722 81 Jesse Wilson Arena Weapon Arts 1149
2723 85 Chris Riding-Hill Collegium in Armis 1148.9
2724 80 Vitali Junca Comox Valley Combat Guild 1148.8
2725 80 Ramon Espinel Duo Bellum 1148.4
2726 79 Jared Graham Crossroads Swords 1148.1
2727 79 Tal Silverwater The Knights of Jerusalem 1148.1
2728 82 Diwen Ye Big Tree Combat Academy 1148
2729 80 Arne Sohier Sumus Soldani 1147.9
2730 80 Piotr Marek Palma Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 1147.8
2731 80 Ólafur Gunnar Steen Bjarnason Reykjavik HEMA Club 1147.6
2732 78 Aleksandra Shlychkova Arena Weapon Arts 1147.3
2733 81 Tiphaine Vialle Frères d'AMHE 1147.2
2734 79 Pascal Anzicar Les Lames du Foyer 1147.1
2735 79 Omar Corona Scherma Storica Dolomiti 1147
2736 78 Justin Campbell Ochs America 1146.7
2737 796 Adrien Valenza École Chevaleresque 1146.7 108
2738 79 Saul Wyner HEMA Israel 1146.4
2739 903 James Smith Napa-Solano Historical Fencing Guild 1146.4 122.9
2740 83 Zaid Haroon Dallas School of Historical Fencing 1146.2
2741 Andrej Čekovský Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 1146.1
2742 82 Jonothon Grose Waikato Duelists Society 1146
2743 82 Bruno Antonio Grupo Esgrima Medieval e Artes de Combate 1145.8
2744 82 Christian Münch Gladiatores München 1145.5
2745 1338 Adam Šeliga Goliath - šermiarsky cech mesta Poprad 1145.3 187.8
2746 794 Guus Langelaan Zwaard & Steen 1145.3 107.7
2747 83 Alex Lawson The HEMA Club at VCU 1145.3
2748 642 Wyatt Grogan Iron Gate Swordfighting 1145.3 90.8
2749 83 Jonathan Noftsier Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1145.2
2750 87 Aidan Warnakulasuriya Scholar Victoria 1145.1
2751 83 Antonio Jose Garcia Osuna Bärenstark - Escuela de Esgrima Antigua 1145
2752 87 Rémi Ledhé N/A 1145
2753 86 Michal Mulík Cech Terra de Selinan 1145
2754 85 Walter Weissensteiner Scherma Storica Dolomiti 1144.7
2756 Charles Chen Kron Martial Arts 1144.4
2755 Dylan McGee SoCal Swords 1144.4
2757 James Harrison The School of the Sword 1144.4
2758 768 Samuel Szymanski Academy of Arms 1144.4 104.9
2759 87 Nazar Bilichenko Ferox 1144.2
2760 356 Roman Nguyen Noble Science Academy 1144.1 57.8
2761 210 Timo Elliott Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 1144.1 35.5
2762 91 Jasmin Martin Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1144.1
2763 93 Maria Rieske Columbus United Fencing Club 1144
2764 88 David Batchman San Diego Swordfighters 1143.4
2765 90 Maarten Naeyaert Sumus Soldani 1143.3
2766 84 Igor Kolenko Ars Gladiatoria 1143
2767 82 Darron Apuakehau Oahu Company of Historical Swordsmanship 1143
2768 84 Roland Cooper The Historical Combat Collective 1143
2769 91 Kacper Malinowski ARMA Poland 1142.9
2770 93 Jeffrey Nunez Swordwind Historical Swordsmanship 1142.8
2771 91 David Henderson Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy 1142.8
2772 93 András Tóth Ars Ensis 1142.7
2773 90 Jason LaCroix Bighorn Historical Combat 1142.6
2774 86 François Andrusyszyn Académie Scrimicie 1142.5
2775 89 Robine Asmar Chicago Swordplay Guild 1142.4
2776 121 Goose La Fetra Indes Ferox Gladio 1142.3 24.4
2777 88 Norman Butterfield Napa-Solano Historical Fencing Guild 1142.3
2778 88 Ian Claflin New Haven Historical Fencing 1142.3
2779 98 Patrik Risberg Örebro HEMA 1142.1
2780 89 Helen Bearse Noble Science Academy 1141.9
2781 88 Francesco Dall'Occo Società d'Arme Major Militia 1141.5
2782 88 Gianni Groot Zwaard & Steen 1141.4
2783 87 Dayne McGuire-Lavallee The Academy of European Swordsmanship 1141.3
2785 86 Dustin Parrish Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1141.1
2786 86 Ethan Schantz Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1141.1
2784 86 Ivan Susanto Iron Guts HEMA Club 1141.1
2787 92 Tomáš Klučár Košický šermiarský cech 1141
2788 91 Nick Shepard Indianapolis Fencing Club 1140.7
2789 85 Marcin Łopusiewicz Wrocławska Szkoła Miecza 1140.5
2790 88 Aaron Babb Edmonton German Fencing Guild 1140.4
2791 84 Isto Sipilä Lappeenrannan Historiallisen Miekkailun Seura 1140.4
2792 89 John Golaszewski N/A 1140.3
2793 85 Felix Gerl Schwabenfedern 1140.3
2794 408 Nick Bos Zwaard & Steen 1140.2 63.8
2795 86 Yusuf Sidar Sahin Free Fighters' Guild Istanbul 1140.2
2796 91 Vic Mechler Queen City Sword Guild 1140.1
2797 2532 Matt Lentzner F3 Sword Academy 1140 416.6
2798 88 Kelly Bjorndalen Saskatoon Historical Fencing 1140
2799 88 Nick Bush Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1139.9
2800 88 Kathryn McLean Lonin League 1139.8
2801 86 Steven Monk True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1139.7
2802 88 Mike Allan Black Falcon School of Arms 1139.6
2803 90 Jason Murdey Lansing Longsword Guild 1139.3
2804 88 Dusan Rakic San Diego Sword School 1139.3
2805 88 Corey Heath Mordhau Historical Combat 1139.2
2806 86 Ioanna Mitsioni Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning 1139.2
2807 Erik Schneider Schildwache Potsdam e.V 1139.2
2808 89 Oscar Bava Scherma Storica Genova 1139.1
2809 85 Eneko Garcia Sala de Armas Salvatore Fabris 1138.9
2810 89 Ramazan Madalinov Ferox 1138.9
2811 89 Mathilde Rinjard Le Cercle des Épées Libres 1138.7
2812 85 Sebastian Pedraja Gómez Quimera Esgrima Histórica 1138.6
2813 87 Pierdavide Carlea ARS Historica 1138.3
2814 89 Jacob Beaumont Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship 1138.3
2815 87 Fioretto Luca Basile Scherma Storica Dolomiti 1138.3
2816 236 Michael Stachowicz Southampton Historical Fencing 1138 41
2817 88 Luke O'Keefe The Wrathful Peasants 1137.9
2818 87 Yago Ramón Canosa 100Tolos HEMA 1137.8
2819 85 Stanislav Vitkov ARETI - School of Оld Bulgarian Saber 1137.8
2820 85 Graeme Dice Toronto Historical Combatants 1137.7
2821 280 Daniel Michel Cech Terra de Selinan 1137.7 25.7
2822 89 Chun Kai Lin Vor & Nach Society of Historical European Martial Arts 1137.6
2823 91 Adrien Piette Meyer May Rise 1137.5
2824 94 Nico Schreck House of Blades 1137.5
2825 89 Orlando Vezzoli Scherma Storica Veneto-Trentino-Alto Adige 1137.5
2826 88 Daniel Swenson Ram's Head Fencing 1137.3
2827 87 Gregory Mitchell Laurel City Historical Fencing 1137.3
2828 147 Paul Mawdsley Blackfriar's School of Fence 1137.2 29
2829 87 Olivier Rossi Frères d'AMHE 1137
2830 89 Sean Pabers Mid-Atlantic Society for Historic Swordsmanship 1137
2831 953 Damase Michaud Lugdunenses 1136.9 138.1
2832 89 Paige Smith Dallas School of Historical Fencing 1136.7
2833 87 James Emerson The Forge: Western Martial Arts 1136.6
2834 87 Pietro Braune Wiik Res Martialis 1136.5
2835 87 Brent Kious United Clans Swordsman Association 1136.4
2836 87 Romano Lorenz Gladius et Codex 1136.4
2837 92 John Thompson Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing 1136.2
2838 87 Jeremie Gueben Les Sept Epées 1136.1
2839 1809 Arnold Shum Liverpool HEMA 1136 263.1
2840 90 Tom Wise Hotspur School of Defence 1135.9
2841 89 William Shepard Steel Ring Academy 1135.8
2842 89 Morgan Bridi Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1135.8
2843 86 James Garvisch En Garde Fencing 1135.7
2844 89 Kenneth Parker Society of Historical Fencing 1135.7
2845 86 Adrien Vandendriessche Spatha Medievae 1135.6
2846 86 Angel Wei-wa Leon Castro Krigerskole 1135.5
2847 84 Christian Ignuti N/A 1135.2
2848 90 Alex Mendis Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 1135.2
2849 83 Kevin Wander N/A 1135.1
2850 94 Joe Anthony Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1135.1
2851 84 Pablo Lopez Sala de Armas Fiore dei Líberi 1135.1
2852 98 Joseph Yeager Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1135
2853 92 Fabio Piccinelli Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Umbria 1135
2854 92 Lorenzo Simonato Confraternita de Masnadieri 1135
2855 91 Clément Laruelle Meyer May Rise 1135
2856 87 Morgan Spring-Glace Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1134.9
2857 92 Dean Flagg Academy of Arms 1134.8
2858 87 Kris Hurd The Historical Combat Collective 1134.8
2859 89 Edoardo Gentilini HEMA Ravenna 1134.6
2860 85 Erik Ytterby Skaraborgs Historiska Fäktskola 1134.5
2861 87 Léo Terlez De Feu et d'Acier 1134.3
2862 5 Daniel Richter Pardubický spolek šermířský 1134.3 12.3
2863 95 Timothy Young Bucks Historical Longsword 1134.3
2864 Christian Rothe Kenshinkai Berlin e. V. 1134.2
2865 794 Lars Stankuweit Sulverstede Armatus TSV Silberstedt 1134.1 114
2866 90 Eli Zev Arena Weapon Arts 1134.1
2867 94 Kyle Chap Steelhead Western Martial Arts 1134.1
2868 89 Yoon Sang Hoon Historical Fencing Federation Korea 1134
2869 89 Jang Mun Sun Historical Fencing Federation Korea 1133.9
2870 89 Tsz Kin Chan Highland Sword Fighting Guild 1133.8
2871 99 Petr Lukeš SHŠ Krkavci 1133.8
2872 94 Ioannis Skalkos Coriolanos HEMA Team 1133.5
2873 91 Jorge Crespo Sueiro Asociación Ourensá de Esgrima Antiga 1133.2
2874 944 Johan Köhler Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola 1133 112.2
2875 90 Alexandre Bobe La Compagnie des Escargouilleurs du Poitou 1133
2876 93 Tomáš Krč Cech Terra de Selinan 1132.9
2877 91 Kai Chang Montgomery County Historical Fencing 1132.9
2878 101 Ivan Filipović Ars Gladiatoria 1132.7
2879 95 Gábor Török Ars Ensis 1132.7
2880 Alex Roberts Liverpool HEMA 1132.7
2881 94 Kathleen Cesca Le Cercle des Épées Libres 1132.6
2882 Troels Jensen HEMA Odense 1132.6
2883 583 Luke Heflin Historical Fencing of York 1132.5 85.7
2884 91 Raúl Rayo Centro de Esgrima Histórica 1132.5
2885 95 Ivan Ladkin Ferox 1132.4
2886 97 Richard Jervis Oxford Sword and Staff 1132.4
2887 92 Gavin Riddolls Academy of European Medieval Martial Arts 1132.3
2888 97 Dean Fountain Austin Historical Weapons Guild 1132.3
2889 93 Nicholas Armeni EHMS 1132
2890 90 Fabricio Morales Praelium Australis 1131.6
2891 89 Maxime Catoul Meyer May Rise 1131.4
2892 93 Robert Myers Ann Arbor Sword Club 1131.3
2893 90 Aaron Kohatsu Warriors of Ash 1131.1
2894 1326 Daniel Freithofer Equinox 1131 193
2895 90 Stefano Cabianca Fabrizi ARS Historica 1131
2896 95 James Morgan Forte Swordplay 1130.9
2897 90 Nicklas Daugherty Sword to Sword 1130.7
2898 Caleb Wickline N/A 1130.5
2899 970 Kevt'her Hoxha Philadelphia Common Fencers Guild 1130.5 143.6
2900 89 Jeffery Hamiliton Ironwood Sword School 1130.4
2901 92 Fabijan Kovacevic Ars Gladiatoria 1130.4
2902 94 Andrew Driessen Glen Lachlann Estate College of Arms 1130.3
2903 91 Randy Moore Rocket City HEMA 1130.1
2904 94 Csaba Erdei Ars Ensis 1129.8
2905 91 Jonas Wong Adelaide Sword Academy 1129.6
2906 93 Isaiah Maness N/A 1129.4
2907 92 Enrico Valentini Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Umbria 1129.3
2908 92 Pedro Velasco López Sala Viguesa de Esgrima Antiga 1129
2909 89 Grant Bon Athens School of Arms 1129
2910 91 Zerhouni Yassine La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1129
2911 90 Mark Pearson N/A 1128.9
2912 94 Marek Gajdoš Cech Terra de Selinan 1128.7
2913 2009 Izayah Baxter Lost Arts Historic Fencing 1128.5 305.1
2914 92 Jonas Neubarth N/A 1128.3
2915 92 Luca Amgarten N/A 1127.6
2916 91 Epameinondas Tzanikopoulos Academy of Hoplomachia S.C. 1127.2
2917 93 Ernest Irha Ars Gladiatoria 1127.1
2918 91 Alessandro Christiani ASD Scherma Storica Pavia 1126.6
2919 89 Andrew Watson Ottawa Swordplay 1126.2
2920 92 David Jeřábek Poslední Argument 1126
2921 90 Lucas Facchini Academy of European Medieval Martial Arts 1126
2922 90 Carlos Hernández Cayetano Club Esgrima Burriac 1125.7
2923 87 Arne Stumpf Schwert und Bogen 1125.6
2924 90 Keegan Jones Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1125.5
2925 87 Jack Byrne Adelaide Sword Academy 1125.5
2926 585 Aisling Gorgon San Diego Swordfighters 1125.5 84.3
2927 88 Reymel Sunglao Branta School of Arms 1125.1
2928 91 Bálint Becsei Ars Ensis 1125.1
2929 96 Jeremy Watson Lake Charles HEMA Academy 1125
2930 90 Ion Arocena Sala Esgrima Antigua Ignota 1125
2931 90 Dustin Frenton N/A 1124.8
2932 90 Sean MacMorris Bucks Historical Longsword 1124.4
2933 90 Giordano Moreni Sala d'arme I Bèc del Ruc 1124.2
2934 90 Gabriel Romano N/A 1124.1
2935 27 Martin Jesenský Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 1124.1 7.9
2936 91 Pietro Alfonsi Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Abruzzo 1124
2937 91 Bryce Thorps Academy of European Fighting Arts 1124
2938 331 Erik Farkas Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 1123.7 54.8
2939 443 Patrick Wall Blackfriar's School of Fence 1123.3 46.9
2940 93 Jonathan Cann Edmonton Historical Martial Arts 1123.2
2941 93 Malte Brynedal Umeås Historiska Fäktskola 1122.9
2942 92 Nari Duskryn N/A 1122.8
2943 399 Simon Jørgensen Københavns Fægteklub 1122.8 62.6
2944 93 Micah Webb Athens School of Arms 1122.6
2945 114 Jakub Sitarz Szkoła Fechtunku Gryf 1122.6 26.7
2946 93 David Wrighton Order of the Blade 1122.6
2947 135 John Pawlak Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1122.5 31.8
2948 90 Leonardo Anzi Ordine delle Lame Scaligere 1122.3
2949 97 Rongxuan Xie Carolina Historical Fencing Association 1122.3
2950 91 Jay Ransom Dallas School of Historical Fencing 1122.2
2951 97 Christopher Preston Gainesville HEMA 1122
2952 91 Paulo D'Alberti Castle Tintagel 1122
2953 93 Ian Larson Blacksburg Blades 1121.9
2954 Marcel Schiefer INDES Feldbach 1121.9
2955 98 Fredrick Clausen Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 1121.9
2956 Niklas Markun Kunst des Historischen Fechtens Tirol 1121.7
2957 95 Andreas Öman Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola 1121.7
2958 103 Jay Tan Scholar Victoria 1121.7
2959 103 Martin Björk Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola 1121.7
2960 2100 Roman Rybiczka INDES Wien 1121.6 323.2
2961 95 Davey de Vos Historisch Schermgilde Limburg 1121.4
2962 369 Joris Dufayard Les Indépendants Réunis 1121.3 35.1
2963 100 Martino Palladini Olympia Scherma Roma ASD 1121.3
2964 100 Shawn Gruber Schola St. George 1121.2
2965 97 John Kiesecker Kron Martial Arts 1121.2
2966 101 Colin Whitfill Sword to Sword 1121
2967 98 Raphael Ku Ann Arbor Sword Club 1120.5
2968 96 Simon Risi Centro de Esgrima Histórica 1120.4
2969 660 Viktor Clasen HEMA Hobro 1120.3 94.2
2970 97 Stanisław Nawara VALKYRIE/BLADE 1120.1
2971 100 Reuben Joseph Mowbray Hotspur School of Defence 1119.9
2972 98 Alan Rashid Akademia Szermierzy 1119.8
2973 97 Karsten Lambert Antelope Valley Kunst des Fechtens 1119.8
2974 92 Robert Trudeau N/A 1119.3
2975 100 Zoltán Klejka Kard Rendje ViSE 1119.1
2976 96 Lucas Marra Laurel City Historical Fencing 1119
2977 96 Ľudovít Plata Digladior 1119
2978 100 Aaron Labertew House of Blades 1119
2979 96 Ivan Feoktistov N/A 1119
2980 96 Jordan Allen Austin Historical Weapons Guild 1118.7
2981 94 Jereme Griesel Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1118.6
2982 92 Stephen Patrias Lansing Longsword Guild 1118.5
2983 97 Selena Cline Edmonton Historical Martial Arts 1118.5
2984 404 Curt Sapp Mordhau Historical Combat 1118.3 63.6
2985 97 Matej Cenký Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 1118.1
2986 359 Samuel Kubinec Dobrovolný Šerm 1118.1 58.3
2987 94 Sofiane Petit WARRIOR BOX 1117.9
2988 93 Jonas Alsterkvist Kungshamns Historiska Fäktskola 1117.7
2989 100 Ashleigh Cote Austin Historical Weapons Guild 1117.6
2990 98 Juliana de Groot Athena School of Arms 1117.6
2991 97 Ming Lung Lin Vor & Nach Society of Historical European Martial Arts 1117.6
2992 101 Katina Dunham Ars Gladii 1117.3
2993 97 Choi Gyu Young Historical Fencing Federation Korea 1117.2
2994 177 Attila Tóth Kard Rendje ViSE 1117.1 12.8
2995 96 Russell Lai EHMS 1116.9
2996 96 Alexander Kovak Inland Northwest Longsword Academy 1116.9
2997 99 Rafael Sabino Scholars of Alcala 1116.8
2998 96 Luca Succi Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Romagna 1115.9
2999 94 Tomáš Dufek Brněnští Fechteři 1115.9
3000 99 Rachel Carlyle Athens School of Arms 1115.8
3001 97 Kathryn Ledbetter Athena School of Arms 1115.6
3002 92 Alexander Pruden Oahu Company of Historical Swordsmanship 1115.6
3003 96 Joshua Megahan Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1115.5
3004 98 Eric Schweinsberg Austin Historical Weapons Guild 1115.4
3005 102 Zachary Boyd Second Intent Fencing 1115.3
3006 97 Brian Robinson Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1115.3
3007 95 Andrea Vodano Sala d'Arme del Folle 1115.2
3008 93 Christian Schmitz Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts 1115.1
3009 96 Marc Daniel Enage Cabugawan ARS Historica 1115
3010 96 Samantha Karpinski Athena School of Arms 1115
3011 100 Kryštof Polanský Digladior 1114.7
3012 95 Jonathan Fernandez Royal Arts Fencing Academy 1114.6
3013 97 Sean Thummachart Chicago Swordplay Guild 1114.5
3014 95 Mikhail Pak Ferox 1114.5
3015 94 Dan Stwalley Lafayette Historical Fencing Guild 1114.5
3016 98 Jerard Hexxus Comerford Gaillimh Gallóglaigh 1114.4
3017 97 Ivan Skliaruk Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 1114.2
3018 96 Joachim Van der Maden Zwaard & Steen 1114.2
3019 92 Bill Coates Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1113.8
3020 92 Alex Brown Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning 1113.7
3021 97 Lyubomir Kotov FORTE - Historical Fencing 1113.6
3022 97 Ian Marra Ritterkunst Fechtschule 1113.5
3023 100 Majken Roelfszema Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1113.5
3024 Sebastian Lende Salt City Historical Fencing 1113.5
3025 95 Axel Kölbl Europäische Schwertkunst 1113.4
3026 100 Piermario Loreti ARS Historica 1113.3
3027 98 Nick Eddy Swordwind Historical Swordsmanship 1113.3
3028 97 Alessandro Inguscio Dawn Duellists Society 1113.1
3029 93 Mike Ricciardi San Diego Swordfighters 1113
3030 93 Nicholas Bevan Ironclad Academy Of The Sword 1112.8
3031 99 Davide Lelli Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Bononia 1112.7
3032 94 Ian Story University of Vermont Historical Fencing Club 1112.6
3033 98 Vitali Holstinin Freifechter Revals 1112.6
3034 95 Christopher Crider Indes Ferox Gladio 1112.5
3035 101 Sven Horvatić Militia Genavae 1112.5
3036 95 Ioannis Panagos Coriolanos HEMA Team 1112.3
3037 94 Gianluca Brambilla ARS Historica 1112.2
3038 94 Jazahme Burden Spada HEMA 1112.1
3039 97 Ádám Forgó Ars Ensis 1112
3040 100 Michal Sworzeniowski Blademasters Academy 1111.8
3041 437 Oliver Olick Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 1111.8 66.2
3042 97 Ellen Drott Sword to Sword 1111.7
3043 164 Kevin Ryan Davenriche European Martial Artes School 1111.5 8.5
3044 338 Edwin Rivera III Garden State Historical Fencing 1111.5 29.7
3045 99 Alex Bucevschi Ministry Of The Fence 1111.3
3046 98 Kin Wing (Bobo) Lee Einherjar HEMA Club 1111.3
3047 98 Kai Johnson Oahu Company of Historical Swordsmanship 1111.3
3048 101 Matteo Cassanelli ARS Historica 1111.2
3049 56 Joshua Stubblefield Davenriche European Martial Artes School 1110.9 23.1
3050 95 Griffin Snyder True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1110.7
3051 98 Mark Saxiones Historical Swordfighting Guild of UT Dallas 1110.7
3052 98 Nick Mills Queen City Sword Guild 1110.6
3053 102 Xihua HU Hammaborg 1110.6
3054 102 Orion Field Black Cat Historical Fencing 1110.4
3055 97 James Kozachenko Seize the Vor 1110.3
3056 106 Emmanuel Parisot Le Cercle des Épées Libres 1110.3
3057 100 Jamal Smith Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 1110.3
3058 99 Ray Hornung Red River Fencing 1109.8
3059 98 Jorge Martin Eneriz Asociación Navarra de Esgrima Histórica Corvus 1109.6
3060 104 Martin Horák Digladior 1109.5
3061 101 Aleksandr Kulik Hema Praha 1108.9
3062 99 Rebecca Jordan Branta School of Arms 1108.8
3063 98 Justus Max Ostermann Schwabenfedern 1108.8
3064 98 Robert Talbot Ironclad Academy Of The Sword 1108.7
3065 98 Carl Freise Schule des inneren Schwertes 1108.7
3066 82 Samuel Ubreži Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 1108.5 1.7
3067 99 Stuart King Basingstoke HEMA 1108.4
3068 242 Jakub Suchan Poslední Argument 1108.4 19.4
3069 99 Stuart Mason-Last Mercian Medieval Fight Club 1108.3
3070 101 Patrick Kunkel N/A 1108.2
3071 99 Robin Rocher Schildwache Potsdam e.V 1107.7
3072 98 Maverick Mugnol Confraternita de Masnadieri 1107.6
3073 61 Matteusz Przygoda Southampton Historical Fencing 1107 22.6
3074 97 Jonathan Cox Invirtus 1106.8
3075 97 Lorenzo Frosi ARS Historica 1106.8
3076 100 Györgyi Czifra Kard Rendje ViSE 1106.7
3077 1319 Alena Rybanská Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 1106.5 194.5
3078 97 Joris Roebroeks Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1106.4
3079 99 Nicolas ZETTL Cercle d'Arts Martiaux Historiques Européens de Metz 1106.4
3080 97 Cody Flemming-Powell SoCal Swords 1106.3
3081 102 Yuri Liziakin Ministry Of The Fence 1106.2
3082 100 Thomas Wall Montgomery County Historical Fencing 1106.1
3083 97 Mark Blanchette Richmond Kunst Des Fechtens 1105.8
3084 97 Giovanni Esposito ASD Boxelab 1105.8
3085 100 Erik Graef Triangle Sword Guild 1105.6
3086 98 Abigail Broadley University of Vermont Historical Fencing Club 1105.4
3087 98 Kane Wright Union Historical Fencing 1105.1
3088 98 Hugo Bonnemain-Pascual Les Lames d'Aïssa 1105.1
3089 94 Nicolas Puffer INDES Feldbach 1104.8
3090 96 Christopher Garrett Academie Duello 1104.6
3091 94 Alex Sandro Lima Santos Alcateia de Prata 1104.5
3092 96 Keegan Buck Noble Science Academy 1104.5
3093 102 Václav Pekárek KEBU Plzeň 1104.4
3094 102 Matej Palenik Hema Praha 1104.3
3095 102 Roman Jurko Rožnovsky šermirsky klub 1104
3096 96 Levi Zook Historical Fencing of York 1103.7
3097 98 Vojtěch Kubalík Pardubický spolek šermířský 1103.7
3098 96 Andrea Maldini Sala d'arme I Bèc del Ruc 1103.6
3099 95 Javier Miranda Escuela de Esgrima Historica de Madrid 1103.6
3100 102 Lucie Biros Ram's Head Fencing 1103.6
3101 100 Arturo Melgoza Arena Weapon Arts 1103.6
3102 96 Adam Meyer Ironwood Historic Swordsmanship 1103.3
3103 100 Luigi Casale Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Abruzzo 1103.2
3104 96 Pascal van Nielen De Zwaardkring 1103.2
3105 100 Sébastien Wémama Batesta 1103.1
3106 99 James Hilty Arena Weapon Arts 1102.9
3107 98 Pin Cheng Haung Vor & Nach Society of Historical European Martial Arts 1102.9
3108 95 Trenton Bandy Mordhau Historical Combat 1102.4
3109 99 Jacob Lockhart Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1102.3
3110 99 Andrei Bunta 7 Swords Historical Fencing School 1102.1
3111 96 Chase Cunningham Heartland HEMA Historical Fencing Club 1101.9
3112 100 Mikael Löfbacka Vaasan Miekkailijat 1101.8
3113 99 David Gill Historisches Fechten – Judo-Club Herrenberg e.V. 1101.7
3114 98 Maël CHAUMETTE Compagnie Excallibur Yvellines 1101.6
3115 98 Gál Gábor Krisztián Ars Ensis 1101.5
3116 98 Jarad Trout Westmoreland Historical Fencing 1101.2
3117 95 Owain Mahoney Edel Fencing Academy 1101.1
3118 97 Sancho Hernandez Arriaga The Academy of European Swordsmanship 1101.1
3119 100 Leon Fuller Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1100.9
3120 356 Kornél Kohod Kard Rendje ViSE 1099.9 54.2
3121 97 Adam Nowacki Rebel Fencing Szkoła Szermierki Klasycznej 1099.4
3122 93 Jack Haley Athens School of Arms 1099.4
3123 97 Paul Grayson Thetford Sword Club 1099.2
3124 99 Kyle Potts N/A 1099.1
3125 98 Adam Lammian Exmoor HEMA 1099.1
3126 395 Jesse May Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 1098.8 58.9
3127 96 Alain Bloch N/A 1098.6
3128 100 Joshua Chhuth Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1098.5
3129 99 Eva Kohanovska Ritter 1098.3
3130 97 Fabrizio La Rosa Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Lombardia 1098.3
3131 96 Mihai Florian Miu Iron Will HEMA Academy 1098.2
3132 98 Caleb Nye Heartland HEMA Historical Fencing Club 1098.1
3133 Jackson Poyner Noble Science Academy 1098
3134 96 Marek Liška Klub šermu Trenčín 1098
3135 98 Hannes SPECHTENHAUSER Historisches Fechten Würzburg 1097.8
3136 97 Paul Erichson Academie Duello 1097.8
3137 101 Glyn Haines Adelaide Sword Academy 1097.7
3138 98 Nicholas Yehl Tuathair Academy of Swordsmanship 1097.4
3139 96 Steven York Swordsmanship Museum and Academy 1097.4
3140 98 Marcin Kozieł VALKYRIE/BLADE 1097.3
3141 100 Barbaros Aytuğ INDES Akademi 1097
3142 95 Jessica Keegan Athena School of Arms 1096.7
3143 99 Yohann Siouray La Compagnie des Escargouilleurs du Poitou 1096.7
3144 96 Artemii Zhukov Club Esgrima Burriac 1096.6
3145 96 Steven Lawrence Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1096.5
3146 101 Zachary Holmes Accademia del Leone 1096.2
3147 101 Garett Jaeger Arena Weapon Arts 1096
3148 97 Dayantha Warnakulasuriya Scholar Victoria 1095.7
3149 96 Darko Jelesijevic Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 1095.5
3150 94 Scott Nyquist Northwest Fencing Academy 1095.3
3151 97 Narnaa Grace Auckland Sword and Shield 1095.2
3152 95 Matthias Klauck Fencing Club Dresden 1095.1
3153 93 Gos Zi Yang Tan Bastion HEMA Singapore 1095
3154 104 Thomas Del Motte The Historical Combat Collective 1094.8 2.2
3155 94 Gani Nurulla Ferox 1094.7
3156 101 Xander McConnell Adelaide Sword Academy 1094.6
3157 94 Lars Peter Kastrup Olsen Københavns Historiske Fægteklub 1094.3
3158 96 Mikko Riippi Tampere HEMA 1094
3159 95 Gregory Noonan The School of Historical Fencing 1093.4
3160 94 Tyler Boland Bucks Historical Longsword 1093.3
3161 94 Marie Sibaja Richmond Kunst Des Fechtens 1093
3162 97 Benjamin Murphy Schola St. George 1092.9
3163 95 Yar Maximenko Ferox 1092.8
3164 94 Jonathan Adams Columbus United Fencing Club 1092.5
3165 93 Quinn Slatter Valley's heart HEMA 1092.4
3166 95 Chris Nguyen Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1092.3
3167 98 Brian Thiessen Steelhead Western Martial Arts 1092.1
3168 95 Alfonso Saravia Esgrima Histórica Bellatores 1092.1
3169 95 Nathaniel Porteus Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship 1091.5
3170 94 YuLin Zhou N/A 1091.5
3171 94 Cole Cyre Okanagan Combat Guild 1091.3
3172 97 Wojciech Miga ARMA Poland 1091.2
3173 2314 Marcus McCormick The Vanguard Centre 1090.9 485
3174 96 Des Hollinger The HEMA Club at VCU 1090.8
3175 95 Ny Alderman Rocket City HEMA 1090.5
3176 95 Axel Thoma Europäische Schwertkunst 1090.3
3177 98 Joakim Hokkanen Jakobstads Historiska Fäktningssällskap 1090.2
3178 92 Carley Miller Columbus United Fencing Club 1089.8
3179 Anton Zubakin EHMS 1089.8
3180 5 Spencer Vero En Garde Fencing 1089.7 11.9
3181 97 Manuel Giorgetti Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Romagna Malatestiana 1089.7
3182 99 Christopher Willoughby Arena Weapon Arts 1089.3
3183 98 István Ézsiás Ars Ensis 1089.2
3184 93 Damien Camors Cercle d'Armes du Dauphiné 1088.7
3185 97 Keith Leung Nickel City Longsword Academy 1088.7
3186 99 Ricardo Jesús Blanes Blancas De Zwaardkring 1088.5 1.2
3187 450 Michael Soto En Garde Fencing 1088.4 49.9
3188 99 Edward Meyers Black Cat Historical Fencing 1088.1
3189 97 Jeff Butler Signum Corvus School of Arms 1088
3190 94 Michael Guevarra Bugnosen True Edge HEMA Guild 1087.7
3191 93 Daniel Ott KdF Leipzig 1087.6
3192 90 Rolf Gottier Mittelalterverein Bern 1087.4
3193 93 Antony Hasim ASV Ossweil 1087.2
3194 95 Nicholas McConnell Valour Historical European Martial Arts Academy 1087.2
3195 101 Marko Štuhec Ars Gladiatoria 1087.2
3196 338 Michal Barczuk Aros Historical Fencing Guild 1087.1 48.6
3197 94 Vlad Alexe 7 Swords Historical Fencing School 1087.1
3198 101 Derrick Berry Dallas School of Historical Fencing 1087
3199 98 Thomas Shea University of Vermont Historical Fencing Club 1086.9
3200 94 Jaakko Sukuvaara Jyväskylä Academy of Historical Martial Arts 1086.7
3201 93 Andrii Lagutin Guild of Duel Fencing 1086.6
3202 93 Tyland Steiner Gem City Duelists Society 1086.5
3203 96 Brett Gattinger The Forge: Western Martial Arts 1086.4
3204 11 Dakota Taylor Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research 1086.4 9.7
3205 101 Chuck Castellanos Lake Forest Sword Academy 1086.3
3206 231 Mace Bocek Indes Ferox Gladio 1086.2 36.6
3207 96 Bernardo Coutto Academia de Esgrima Histórica Carioca 1086.1
3208 331 Eric Lemaresquier Ecole d'Escrime Médiévale L'Âme Impetueuse 1086 34.4
3209 99 Adam Severa Youngstown Historical Fencing 1085.8
3210 97 Kristian Tessier Comox Valley Combat Guild 1085.7
3211 97 Lilith Cohen Chicago Swordplay Guild 1085.7
3212 97 Jack Neilan The Institute for Historical Arts 1085.7 0.7
3213 101 Keenan McLean Rochester Historical Fencing 1085.4
3214 96 Batu Szilvási Ars Ensis 1085.4
3215 95 Liv Wilson Whangarei Medieval Combat Club 1085.3
3216 99 Gianluca Enzo Mercuri Vajola Methodos Scherma Storica 1085.3
3217 91 Collin Bishop Okanagan Combat Guild 1085.1
3218 97 Matteo Soave Ordine delle Lame Scaligere 1085.1
3219 95 Gregory Young Iron Gate Swordfighting 1085
3220 97 Marcus Palm Malmö Historiska Fäktskola 1084.9
3221 102 Yngve Mjåseth Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 1084.8
3222 94 Carlos Garcia Chicago Swordplay Guild 1084.8
3223 96 Elisa Hartman Tuathair Academy of Swordsmanship 1084.7
3224 201 Jean-Baptiste LOUBET La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1084.4 17
3225 100 Blake Schrock Ann Arbor Sword Club 1084.3
3226 96 Guy Martin Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1084.1
3227 96 Louis Charentus Lyon AMHE 1084.1
3228 96 Ryan Burke Santa Barbara Sword Club 1084
3229 96 Jonathan Seidlhofer INDES Salzburg 1083.7
3230 101 Ashley Flowers Vier Blossen Historical Fencing 1083.5
3231 Noah Thrasher Twerchhau e.V. 1083.5
3232 96 Evgeniy Ginzburg Kenshinkai Berlin e. V. 1083.5
3233 Felipe Defourny AMHE Apicula Carcassona 1083.5
3234 97 Matthew Surprenant Forte Swordplay 1083
3235 97 Donald Smith Forte Swordplay 1082.9
3237 Jason Ledsinger SoCal Swords 1082.9
3240 Xingguo Liu Lianbing HEMA 1082.9
3241 Emil Lindqvist Medeltida Stridsteknik Linköping IF 1082.9
3239 Jiahe Wang Yanlai Historical Fencing 1082.9
3238 Brennen Long Antelope Valley Kunst des Fechtens 1082.9
3236 Ben Weiss True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1082.9
3242 937 David Leyba En Garde Fencing 1082.6 139.6
3243 104 Gary Rushton Schola Gladiatoria 1082.6
3244 104 Gautier Sauteret LAMHE des Mauges 1082.6
3245 395 Emerson Herrera Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 1082.5 57.9
3246 104 Gabriel de Castro Escola Dardi 1082.4
3247 106 Jorge Aliaga Brandr Combat Academy 1082.1
3248 1494 Elizabeth Pedersen Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy 1081.7 224.9
3249 106 Ali Akhatov Ferox 1081.6
3250 105 Benjamin Josi Säbelrassler 1081.4
3251 107 Micah Huber HEMA Lexington 1081.4
3252 106 Jan Feber Duelanti od Svatého Rocha 1081.2
3253 105 Zheng Wei Chen Fu Jen University European Medieval Swordsmanship 1081.1
3254 107 Yoav Nissenboim HEMA Israel 1081
3255 104 Simone Cavina Confraternita de Masnadieri 1080.8
3256 106 Giulio Riosa Septem Custodie 1080.8
3258 103 Manuel Toloza Esgrima Histórica Temuco 1080.8
3257 103 Clark Williams United Clans Swordsman Association 1080.8
3259 Ivan Sazonov Wisby Historiska Fäktskola 1080.7
3260 108 Miroslava Kozlová T. J. Sokol České Budějovice 1080.6
3261 105 Colin Farabee Kron Martial Arts 1080.4
3262 323 Lexy Seiler Ars Gladii 1080.3 49.2
3263 110 Lukáš Heinz Rožnovsky šermirsky klub 1080.3
3264 107 Caleb Taylor Ars Gladii 1080.1
3265 724 Jesus Gonzalez En Garde Fencing 1080 109.5
3266 107 Kouzma Petoukhov Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon 1079.9
3267 109 Drew Snyder House of Blades 1079.9
3268 106 Aleksander Wirecki Rebel Fencing Szkoła Szermierki Klasycznej 1079.4
3269 109 Anna Thompson Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing 1079.2
3270 109 Tomáš Weber Rotyka 1079
3271 105 James Gearhart Bold City Longsword 1078.9
3272 109 Milena Bazhanova Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 1078.9
3273 108 Nicholas Morrish The Academy of European Swordsmanship 1078.6
3274 106 Paul O'Donnell Renaissance Martial Arts Society 1078.5
3275 108 Mark Nelson N/A 1078.5
3276 107 Sebastian Scheid Zwerch von Links 1078.3
3277 104 Arwin Depue Swordsmanship Museum and Academy 1078.1
3278 108 Jan Široký Hema Praha 1078
3279 101 Andrea Borsato Il Contemezzocuore Compagnia D'arme 1077.9
3280 109 Emil Bornholdt Lange Hafnia Longsword Akademi 1077.8
3281 104 Pim van hoeve MARS 1077.8
3282 110 Courtney Nix Schola St. George 1077.8
3283 104 Angel Rodríguez Castelo Sala Viguesa de Esgrima Antiga 1077.8
3284 108 Oleg Kuzmin Golden Falcon 1077.7
3285 103 Ausseresse Ophélie Cercle d'Armes du Dauphiné 1077.6
3286 111 Daniel Saunders Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1077.6
3287 106 Mark Clewley Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 1077.5
3288 908 Wesley Ho SoCal Swords 1077.5 137.3
3289 105 Victor Xiao N/A 1077.2
3290 110 Carlos Tejeiro Castelos 100Tolos HEMA 1077.1
3291 108 Luke Tornilla Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1077.1
3292 105 Robert Joseph Baguinho Moore N/A 1077
3293 107 Ryan Fleming Bataireacht and Historical Fencing Faction 1076.9
3294 120 Adéla Wurstová Pardubický spolek šermířský 1076.7
3295 106 Chuck Sees Lake Erie Historical Fencing 1076.5
3296 108 Dobrina Andreeva Historical Swordsmanship - Angel Chernaev 1076.5
3297 107 Phillip Roemer The Hilt and Cross 1076.4
3298 107 Alanna Wendt En Garde Fencing 1076.2
3301 104 Epifanio Zamudio Mordhau Historical Combat 1076.2
3299 105 Perry Tran Davenriche European Martial Artes School 1076.2
3300 104 James Watkins Ars Gladii 1076.2
3302 103 Claire Ebert-Janka Schwabenfedern 1076.1
3303 105 Felix Gillitzer Schwertspiel Dresden 1075.9
3304 112 Andrew Christensen N/A 1075.9
3305 105 Ian Sven Castellanos Soto Krigerskole 1075.8
3306 100 Michael Fluckiger Historical Swordfighting Guild of UT Dallas 1075.7
3307 106 Stylianos Dafnomilis Xiphos Academy of HEMA 1075.6
3308 474 Daniel Wells Order of the Blade 1075.6 76.4
3309 105 Lee Kempton Exeter Sparring Group 1075.6
3310 125 Jan Beneš Poslední Argument 1075.5 25.8
3311 103 Sam Gordon Moose Historical Fencing 1075.2
3312 109 Julie Gaunt Athena School of Arms 1075.1
3313 104 Diaz Hendratta Gwaith-i-Megyr 1074.9
3314 104 Stephen Moore Goats Head Historical Fencing 1074.8
3315 104 Levi Tran Sword to Sword 1074.7
3316 656 Miroslav Plášil Sportovní šerm Tábor 1074.6 101.5
3317 105 Jakub Sołtysiak Wrocławska Szkoła Miecza 1074.6
3318 105 Ryan Coleman Ironclad Academy Of The Sword 1074.5
3319 Mykhailo Vdovchenko Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 1074.4
3320 106 Joe Wilson En Garde Fencing 1074.4
3321 Brian Yuan Garden State Historical Fencing 1074.3
3322 107 Carlos Martín Aguilera Club Esgrima Maresme 1074.1
3323 103 Savinien Groshens Les Fines Lames du Médoc 1073.8
3324 105 Dennis Koonce Norwich Society of Historical Swordsmanship and Fencing 1073.7
3325 101 Martin Clarke Exmoor HEMA 1073.6
3326 103 Jayden McKay Fechtschule Victoria 1073.6
3327 105 James Merrell True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1073.5
3328 111 Micah Pierce Kansas City HEMA 1073.5
3329 111 Dionyssis Mintzopoulos Boston Armizare 1073.5
3330 105 Damien Kitchens N/A 1073.2
3331 110 Devan Pratt The Cateran Society 1073.2
3332 116 Rudolf Tkáč Sportovní šerm Tábor 1073.2
3333 105 Alex Mutaf HEMA Israel 1073.1
3334 108 Teun Dirk Roelof Lubbers MARS 1073
3335 104 Marcos Cárcamo Esgrima Histórica Temuco 1073
3336 109 Nye Green Auckland Sword and Shield 1072.9
3337 105 Renan Leonardi da Silva Compagnia di Marte 1072.8
3338 109 Jeff Cunningham Crossroads Swords 1072.7
3339 109 Martin Claffey Healion Blademasters Academy 1072.6
3340 106 Rachel Terrell Fair City Historical Academy 1072.3
3341 106 Aleksander Cuch Fechtschule Gdańsk 1072.1
3342 1239 Noah Thomsen Snodomish Dueling Society 1072 189.3
3343 106 Maurice Chojecki Ann Arbor Sword Club 1071.8
3344 105 Iain Murtagh Glasgow HEMA 1071.7
3345 109 Miika Ahola Turun Historiallisen Miekkailun Seura 1071.7
3346 105 Allen Ferraudo AEEA Stahlfechter 1071.6
3347 152 Vladimír Lieberzeit SHŠ Krkavci 1071.5 28.4
3348 110 Matei Macri 7 Swords Historical Fencing School 1071.3
3349 105 Aleksander Yacovenco Wolfsherz 1071.2
3350 107 Harrison Schulke Fitzroy College of Arms 1071.2
3351 109 Jouko Haapoja Jakobstads Historiska Fäktningssällskap 1070.8
3352 106 Kashira Titan Naratama Gwaith-i-Megyr 1070.8
3353 Peter Castle Wivenhoe HEMA 1070.4
3354 104 Cade Magill Indes Ferox Gladio 1070.2
3355 104 Janis Schlesinger Brückenschlag 1070.2
3356 295 Sheldon Thorne Academy of Steel 1070 48.3
3357 102 Valentin Badea 7 Swords Historical Fencing School 1069.8
3358 500 Joseph VerValin Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1069.8 80.6
3359 106 Nikolaos Roumeliotis Coriolanos HEMA Team 1069.8
3360 108 Noah Reber Liberi Ensis 1069.8
3361 105 Jarod Smith Valley's heart HEMA 1069.5
3362 108 John Wolfson Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 1069.3
3363 547 Christopher Hahn Historical Swordfighting Guild of UT Dallas 1069.2 88
3364 107 Grey Wallerstrum Edmonton Historical Martial Arts 1069
3365 107 Bram Van Gaal Sumus Soldani 1069
3366 84 Caitlyn Trautwein Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1069 1.8
3367 102 Julio Machado Batalha Cênica Salvador 1068.8
3368 108 Robert Stewart Queen City Sword Guild 1068.7
3369 106 Leo Ambrosetti Arena Weapon Arts 1068.7
3370 102 Erik Ross The Academy of European Swordsmanship 1068.5
3371 104 Sebastian Jeffreys Oxford Sword and Staff 1068.5
3372 111 William Swett Omaha-Metro Armed Combat Academy 1068.3
3373 111 Michal Král Poslední Argument 1068.1
3374 104 Jayro Saldana Schola St. George 1067.8
3375 104 Bruce Summers Crossroads Swords 1067.8
3376 103 Eduardo S. Del Canto Club de Esgrima Histórica Audacia 1067.6
3377 102 Mackenzie Whitten Niagara Historical Fencing 1067.4
3378 104 Marcello Perillo HEMA Köln 1067.4
3379 102 Marco Wiegand Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing 1067
3380 104 Eric Westerfield Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1067
3381 103 Besson Simon Frères d'AMHE 1066.9
3382 101 Jeffrey Sumner The Carbonari 1066.4
3383 104 Caleb Weinstein University of Vermont Historical Fencing Club 1066.4
3384 99 Benjamin Rudder Compagnia di Marte 1066.2
3385 102 Sean Baltazar University of Vermont Historical Fencing Club 1066.1
3386 102 Marnix de Wit De Zwaardkring 1066.1
3387 101 Cody Jefferson Tuathair Academy of Swordsmanship 1066
3388 101 Leo Woessner Via Bruxellensis 1065.9
3389 101 Romain Guendon Frères d'AMHE 1065.9
3390 100 Leon Bayerkuhnlein INDES Kulmbach 1065.6
3391 102 Adam Kostelný Dobrovolný Šerm 1065.3
3392 100 Nicholas Wilcoxen Kron Martial Arts 1065.1
3393 100 Przemysław Babicki Szkoła Fechtunku Gryf 1064.8
3394 97 Victoria Avery Kansas City HEMA 1064.5
3395 100 Will Espeseth Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1064.4
3396 98 Willam Frith Schola St. George 1064.1
3397 98 Felix Engelmann Saalefechter 1064
3398 96 Adam Gibson Na ubitej ziemi 1063.8
3399 98 Marco Steiner Schwertspiel Dresden 1063.7
3400 96 Didrik Rossbach Trondheim HEMA 1063.6
3401 96 Nieck Eikelenboom MARS 1063.5
3402 99 Jacopo Pierucci ASD Majistro Re 1063.4
3403 97 Rene Akin 7 Swords Historical Fencing School 1063.4
3404 104 Alexander Chamberlain-Clay The Iron Door Collective 1063.4
3405 98 Larry Croteau Edmonton German Fencing Guild 1063.3
3406 140 Dimitri Dutartre Ost du Griffon Noir 1063.2 6.1
3407 99 Jean Fainges Collegium in Armis 1063.2
3408 97 Daniel Russell Academy of Steel 1063.1
3409 97 David Edwards Wealden Sword & Steel 1063.1
3410 97 Chi Shing (Chris) Yu Einherjar HEMA Club 1063
3411 97 Tobia D Angelo Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Bononia 1062.9
3412 731 Giorgi Tsikarishvili N/A 1062.7 113.8
3413 104 Roberto Martinez-Loyo Elite Fencing Club 1062.7
3414 104 Mike Davidson Crossroads Swords 1062.5
3415 53 Matej Gerlachovský Manu Forti 1062.3 4
3416 101 Scott Green Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing 1062.2
3417 101 Marta Guzdek Krakowska Szkoła Fechtunku 1062.1
3418 99 Dominik Petermann The School of the Sword 1061.9
3419 99 Marc Ehret Kampfhus 1061.7
3420 99 Piotrek Jadachowski Historisch Schermgilde Limburg 1061.5
3421 99 Man Yuk Lui Noble Science Academy 1061.4
3422 96 David Baskett Albuquerque Sword Labs 1061.3
3423 105 Ondřej Malík HELOPS 1061.1
3424 101 Matias Quaranta Eastside Fechtverein HEMA 1061.1
3425 97 Sandy Bethell Aberdeen Swordsmanship Group 1061
3426 97 Emil Lietzin Houlind Københavns Fægteklub 1060.9
3427 103 Damon Hocking Order of the Blade - Exeter 1060.9
3428 101 Gal Halevy HEMA Israel 1060.8
3429 98 Irfan Amrullah Iron Guts HEMA Club 1060.8
3430 105 Erik Shinkle Bold City Longsword 1060.7
3431 97 David Christie The Vanguard Centre 1060.5
3432 102 Anna Sophie Pöggeler Frères d'AMHE 1060.4
3433 Ondrej Skala Winden 1060.4
3434 101 Roman Vasil'chenko Golden Falcon 1060.2
3435 100 Lewis Robertson Renaissance Martial Arts Society 1060.2
3436 104 Kirill Shmidt Digladior 1060.2
3437 98 Sage Burr Schola St. George 1059.7
3438 101 Emilio Bellomo Sala d’Arme del Folle 1059.7
3439 98 Lee Eun Sang Historical Fencing Federation Korea 1059.7
3440 102 Luc van Beek Zwaard & Steen 1059.5
3441 98 Jasmine Liu Tosetti Institute of MMA and Fitness 1059.4
3442 98 Artem Pavlovskyi Hafnia Longsword Akademi 1059.4
3443 97 Stephen Nettles University of West Florida Fencing 1059.3
3444 147 Teo Michalík Klub šermu Trenčín 1059 28.8
3445 105 Martin Klok Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1058.9
3446 97 Dilan Ulivi ARS Historica 1058.9
3447 99 Michal Hořejší Digladior 1058.7
3448 101 Rick Proschmann Schwertspiel Dresden 1058.7
3449 97 Matías Torre Praelium Australis 1058.7
3450 99 Joshua Gieringer L'Arte Lehigh Valley Historical Fencing 1058.5
3451 101 Josip Kerkez Ars Gladiatoria 1058.5
3452 98 Brian Hyland Blademasters Academy 1058.4
3453 98 Ilmari Pirkkamaa EHMS 1058.3
3454 98 Josephine Schryer Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing 1058.3
3455 98 Evan Gaythorpe Forte Swordplay 1057.8
3456 95 Tim Langner N/A 1057.6
3457 99 Joe van Ert Borealis Blades Historical Fencing 1057.5
3458 94 Jake Taylor-Bruce Wardens of the Tor 1057.4
3459 94 Amiras Simeonides Swordwind Historical Swordsmanship 1057.2
3460 97 Artyom Kashayev L'Arte Lehigh Valley Historical Fencing 1057.1
3461 Christian Nyman Medeltida Stridsteknik Linköping IF 1057.1
3462 94 Giacomo Centomo Septem Custodie 1056.6
3463 96 Alexander Becker Dallas School of Historical Fencing 1056.6
3464 93 Dmitri Sokirski Freifechter Revals 1056.5
3465 99 Nicolaos Plastiras Apocalyptic Knights 1056.4
3466 96 Iz Kimseylove Lonin League 1056.2
3467 98 Jan Vedral T. J. Sokol České Budějovice 1056.1
3468 598 Hung Tran Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 1056.1 65.5
3469 95 András Drozdy Ars Ensis 1056
3470 Matteo Arndt Kenshinkai Berlin e. V. 1056
3471 99 Bradford Kuhn Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1056
3472 97 Benjamin Levaché La Compagnie des Escargouilleurs du Poitou 1055.8
3473 96 Justin Bench Mordhau Historical Combat 1055.5
3474 98 Tyler Lindsay-Smith Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1055.4
3475 97 Mark Maddox Centerline Sword School 1055.1
3476 95 Carlo Migot Tertium Modo 1055.1
3477 824 Brock Morrison Italian Renaissance Swordsmanship Academy 1055 93.4
3478 98 Joshua Rankin Basingstoke HEMA 1055
3479 100 Stefan Tuluceanu Iron Will HEMA Academy 1054.9
3480 98 Justin Stewart N/A 1054.7
3481 Nico Röder Twerchhau e.V. 1054.7
3482 99 Philipp Blanc Säbelrassler 1054.5
3483 586 Matthew Fonda Kron Martial Arts 1054.5 95.1
3484 98 Ryan Jeffrey Ng Lo Forge Pioneer: Historical Fencing 1054.4
3485 101 András Bagala Historicae Artes Dimicationes Ustrachense 1054
3486 99 Jack Swanson Omaha Kunst des Fechtens 1053.9
3487 98 Hsin-chieh Chiang Long Island Historical Fencing Society 1053.8
3488 97 Jason Issel Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy 1053.8
3489 104 Artemisia Yung Fitzroy College of Arms 1053.7
3490 96 Brady Klein Denver Historical Fencing Academy 1053.5
3491 96 Laura Kalchschmid Schwabenfedern 1053.4
3492 99 Nicolai Bauer INDES Salzburg 1053.3
3493 101 Brandon Whitehill University of Vermont Historical Fencing Club 1053.3
3494 96 Filippos-Stylianos Spanopoulos Pegasus - Athens historical fencing club 1053.3
3495 98 Christian Wiedemann Schule des inneren Schwertes 1053.2
3496 278 Kristine Baun Københavns Fægteklub 1053.1 53.1
3497 709 Brian Orf SoCal Swords 1053 80.7
3498 99 Ivan Perazzini Sala d’Arme del Folle 1053
3499 98 Vinicius Marins Academia de Esgrima Histórica Carioca 1052.9
3500 104 Jan Neuman Rotyka 1052.7
3501 99 YingBo Chen Xiamen Egret HEMA Club 1052.6
3502 102 Juska Kuhanen Tampere HEMA 1052.5
3503 99 Mikhail Nesterenko Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 1052.3
3504 101 Raúl Bouzas Blanco Arte do Combate 1052
3505 99 Richard Freeman Hotspur School of Defence 1052
3506 98 Bing Rui Yang Vor & Nach Society of Historical European Martial Arts 1052
3507 97 Jos van Leeuwen Steelbound 1051.8
3508 101 Аlexander Glushenko N/A 1051.8
3509 98 Will Prangnell Manchester School of Arms 1051.6
3510 105 Hugh Maiocco Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship 1051.5
3511 99 Nicholas Durant Boston Armizare 1051.5
3512 95 Gage Arndt Swordsmanship Museum and Academy 1051.1
3513 95 Maxwell Bowling Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1051
3514 365 Patrik Pavlovič Goliath - šermiarsky cech mesta Poprad 1051 30.6
3515 96 Benjamin Merznich HEMA Köln 1050.9
3516 100 Andrew Keen Aisle O'var Backswording Clubbe 1050.9
3517 108 Jan Filip HELOPS 1050.9
3518 104 Elijah Shafer Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1050.9
3519 106 Emily Crandall Fleischman Athena School of Arms 1050.9
3520 105 Campbell Walker Brisbane Swords 1050.8
3521 100 Nick Yehl Tuathair Hema Academy 1050.7
3522 102 Patrick Fuller Centerline Sword School 1050.6
3523 98 Mitchel Coupland Niles' Fencing Academy 1050.6
3524 100 Michael Schweizer N/A 1050.4
3525 102 Michael Waggoner Omaha Kunst des Fechtens 1050.3
3526 98 Rafael Iñigo B. Ortiz Forge Pioneer: Historical Fencing 1050.3
3527 100 Kevin Rezac Round Table Historical Fencing 1050.2
3528 106 Alberto Abal Couceiro Esgrima Antiga Pontevedra 1050
3529 103 Demetrius Carpenter Dallas School of Historical Fencing 1050
3530 99 Hans Henrik Engen Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 1049.6 0.6
3531 102 Douglas Mayovsky Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts 1049.5
3532 102 Ethan Garrett N/A 1049.5
3533 101 Zhenghao (William) Hua The School of Historical Fencing 1049.3
3534 100 Leonardo Socorro Guerrero Vazquez Bärenstark - Escuela de Esgrima Antigua 1049.1
3535 99 Daniel Marvin Steelhead Western Martial Arts 1048.9
3536 103 Tyler Larson Omaha-Metro Armed Combat Academy 1048.9
3537 99 Neti Stafford Medieval European Martial Arts Guild 1048.6
3538 563 Joseph Gurrentz Philadelphia Common Fencers Guild 1048.5 94
3539 99 Ash Rhynsburger The School of Historical Fencing 1048.5
3540 98 David D'Angelo Crossroads Swords 1048.4
3541 102 Remy Viale La Mesnie du Blanc Castel 1048.4
3542 97 Yuk Kei (淇) Cheung Einherjar HEMA Club 1048.3
3543 95 Ivan Fernandez Espinosa Princesa Kristina de Noruega 1048.2
3544 103 Colin Freymond École Lémanique d'Arts et d'Actions 1048.1
3545 102 Sébastien Schwab Gladiatorium Artium Friburgensis Schola 1048.1
3546 102 Rayne Richards Black Cat Historical Fencing 1047.8
3547 97 Caleb Krause Historical Swordfighting Guild of UT Dallas 1047.7
3548 101 Carl Weneger Napa-Solano Historical Fencing Guild 1047.7
3549 103 Jere Naski Turun Historiallisen Miekkailun Seura 1047.7
3550 101 Anthony Sandhar-Cruz N/A 1047.7
3551 99 Dries Adriaenssens Arte Mortiferum 1047.5
3552 99 Quentin Renaudin La Mesnie du Blanc Castel 1047.3
3553 99 Lorenzo Tonini Gli Sparvieri 1047.1
3554 103 Jason Feldman Queen City Sword Guild 1047.1
3555 100 Eli o'sullivan kurtz Heartland HEMA Historical Fencing Club 1046.7
3556 99 Guillaume Voisnet Malmö Historiska Fäktskola 1046.7
3557 97 Konstantin Beliakov Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 1046.5
3558 95 Maik Hoffmann Leipziger Klingen 1046.5
3559 100 Jacek Lichwa Krakowska Szkoła Fechtunku 1046.5
3560 99 Pedro Nilo A.M.H.E. Rimouski 1046.5
3561 105 Kaloyan Siriyski Historical Swordsmanship - Angel Chernaev 1046.3
3562 100 Lee Coulson Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 1046.2
3563 1115 Grzegorz Mikita VALKYRIE/BLADE 1046.2 178.1
3564 99 Tim Hamilton Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1046.1
3565 95 Jesus Fernandez Leyva Axolotes Fencing Club 1046.1
3566 99 Thomas Nguyen N/A 1046
3567 98 Owen Billet N/A 1046
3568 Mateusz Poniatowski Equinox 1045.7
3569 105 Ania Chaney Boston Armizare 1045.6
3570 99 Yane Li Ah Chong Compagnie Excallibur Yvellines 1045.6
3571 98 Jonathan Groves Youngstown Historical Fencing 1045.5
3572 100 Marius MÜLLER INDES Halle 1045.4
3573 99 Martin Šerý SHŠ Krkavci 1045.2
3574 259 Steven Verstraeten SwArta 1045.2 18.2
3575 107 Idamaria Lehtinen EHMS 1045
3576 99 Jeroen Aalders MARS 1045
3577 98 Erik Gergeľ Klub šermu Trenčín 1044.8
3578 97 Alexandros Mitsikas Pegasus - Athens historical fencing club 1044.7
3579 95 Daniel Wołowski Na ubitej ziemi 1044.5
3580 95 Ernesto Rugolino Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Bononia 1044.4
3581 Nathan Gould Ausardia HEMA Club 1044.3
3582 102 Lukáš Štefanišin Klub šermu Trenčín 1044.2
3583 100 Sean Wiseman Academie Duello 1044.1
3584 98 Eric Powell True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1044.1
3585 103 Kyle Wingo Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1044
3586 97 Federico Razzoli Comense Scherma 1043.9
3587 99 Pavel Purkar Digladior 1043.7
3588 98 Tommy Jark Schwert-Greifen Rostock 1043.7
3589 102 Magnus Neubert HEMA Esbjerg 1043.6
3590 98 Leonardo Quiñones Cuevas Bärenstark - Escuela de Esgrima Antigua 1043.6
3591 97 Hadyn Sorensen Comox Valley Combat Guild 1043.5
3592 97 Ethan Morrill-Ploum Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1043.5
3593 102 Andrei Ghita Iron Will HEMA Academy 1043.4
3594 Michael Fürschuss Armizare Wien 1043.2
3595 355 Sanghyun Sheen State College Association of Rapier Scholars 1043.2 29.4
3596 100 Lies Praet Arte Mortiferum 1043.2
3597 99 William Rossi Oahu Company of Historical Swordsmanship 1043.1
3598 101 Dominick Scheuringer Queen City Sword Guild 1042.9
3599 99 Jorge Alejos Esgrima Histórica Ad Bellum 1042.5
3600 Natalia Hlaváčková Pardubický spolek šermířský 1042.4
3601 100 Hugo Day Oxford Sword and Staff 1041.6
3602 99 Luke Prictor Big Tree Combat Academy 1041.5
3603 97 Stephanie Brown Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning 1041.2
3604 100 Michael Sanders Medieval European Martial Arts Guild 1040.9
3605 97 Gavin Jeffries Exeter Sparring Group 1040.9
3606 97 Pradana Pandu Mahardika Gwaith-i-Megyr 1040.9
3608 Connor Flanagan Kingfisher Historical Fencing Club 1040.8
3609 James Wells Palm Beach Sword School 1040.8
3610 Victoria Larson Kron Martial Arts 1040.8
3607 Holden Barker SoCal Swords 1040.8
3611 101 Shannon Dixon Sword-Point College of Arms 1040.8
3612 107 Jakub Vlasák Poslední Argument 1040.3
3613 101 Michal Krajčovič Dobrovolný Šerm 1040.1
3614 101 Kenneth Martin Steelhead Western Martial Arts 1040
3615 101 Mikael Bladlund Medeltida Stridsteknik Linköping IF 1040
3616 101 Luca Giannone Falchi del Secchia 1039.7
3617 99 Kyle Tilton River Falls Meyer Freifechter Guild 1039.5
3618 102 Jon Garcia Austin Historical Weapons Guild 1039.4
3619 99 James Downey Moose Historical Fencing 1039.4
3620 101 Titania Masters Omaha Kunst des Fechtens 1039.1
3621 414 Stewart Knapman HEMA Nelson 1038.8 37.1
3622 105 Kaitlin McClendon Austin Historical Weapons Guild 1038.8
3623 100 David Silva Austin Historical Weapons Guild 1038.8
3624 102 Stephen Laing Ironwood Sword School 1038.7
3625 100 Ben Lees The Exiles 1038.7
3626 102 Anna Straif Kunst des Historischen Fechtens Tirol 1038.6
3627 100 Ellis Duncan True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1038.6
3628 100 Sean Tomlinson Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1038.3
3629 100 Nam Merlin De Feu et d'Acier 1038.1
3630 98 Andre VanBokkelen Forte Swordplay 1037.9
3631 101 James Olsson Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1037.7
3632 96 Andi Abelibra Samudra Badar Gwaith-i-Megyr 1037.6
3633 102 Jakob Hedbom Gävle HEMA 1037.6
3634 99 Kenny Sälik Freifechter Revals 1037.6
3635 Niklas Martin Lost Arts Historic Fencing 1037.6
3636 98 Admir Meta Trondheim HEMA 1037.2
3637 100 Matt Cardall Calgary Fellowship of the Sword 1037
3638 96 Nathan Lafoon Richmond Kunst Des Fechtens 1036.9
3639 100 Vojtěch Novák Brněnští Fechteři 1036.8
3640 99 Maurizio Barone Tertium Modo 1036.8
3641 98 Kaj Thuresson Wisby Historiska Fäktskola 1036.7
3644 94 Diego Silva Centro de Esgrima Histórica 1036.3
3643 94 Manuel Orlandi Academia de Esgrima Histórica de Chile 1036.3
3642 94 Nicolás Jaurena Hermandad de la Espada 1036.3
3645 100 Marek Mihula Klub šermu Trenčín 1036.3
3646 102 Katie Letsinger Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1036.3
3647 101 Il'ya Sak Golden Falcon 1036.1
3648 101 Orestis Oikonomopoulos Meandros HEMA Team Piraeus 1035.9
3649 94 Simon Plettau Grün-Weiß Holten 1035.7
3650 93 William Corzier N/A 1035.5
3651 99 Mariola Juncal Rosales Esgrima Antiga Pontevedra 1035.5
3652 632 Oscar Chanthalath Historical Swordfighting Guild of UT Dallas 1035.3 66.6
3653 97 Thomas Nagle Ars Gladii 1035.2
3654 1106 EJ Trovada SoCal Swords 1035.1 182
3655 96 Kristóf Lajber Blood and Iron Martial Arts 1034.3
3656 96 Oliver Cole White Rose Historical Fencing 1034.3
3657 93 Di Majo Stéphane École Chevaleresque 1034.1
3658 95 Gaia Ferrency Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1034.1
3659 97 Alexis Schauner De Feu et d'Acier 1034
3660 99 Sergio Freijomil Ramil Asociacion Naronesa de Esgrima Antigua 1034
3661 95 Mosh Hewson Fitzroy College of Arms 1033.9
3662 94 Davide Losa Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Lombardia 1033.5
3663 93 David Hayak Mistral 1033.2
3664 93 Shahar Mendelboim Ministry Of The Fence 1033.2
3665 98 Manuel Angel Curras Garcia Falcata 1033.1
3666 94 Sam Witt Historical Swordfighting Guild of UT Dallas 1033
3667 923 Ethan Scoffield True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1032.9 104.6
3668 99 Amanda Webber Two Ravens Fencing School 1032.9
3669 95 Balazs Reehorst-Szucs Zwaard & Steen 1032.5
3670 97 Alberto Meijide Ruibal Falcata 1032.4
3671 95 Callie Jones Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts 1032.3
3672 95 Agustin Burgos Praelium Australis 1032.3
3673 98 Danny Voigt SoCal Swords 1032.3
3674 96 Maeve Walls Lonin League 1031.8
3675 96 Adam Young Steelhead Western Martial Arts 1031.8
3676 96 Craig Hosey Guild of Knightly Arts 1031.6
3677 96 Konstantin Sukharnikov Hammaborg 1031.5
3678 96 Evan Jones Swordsmanship Museum and Academy 1031.5
3679 96 Lachlan Bennett Sword Fighter Gold Coast 1030.7
3680 96 Yvain Rioult La Maisnie du Chevalier Bragon de Bourg en Bresse 1030.2
3681 94 David Stamenkovic Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1030.1
3682 93 Federico Lupo Scherma Storica Genova 1030
3683 Nicklas Mauritzson Örebro HEMA 1030
3684 591 Kilian Hunner Henger SV 1029.9 59.1
3685 97 Justin Veltman Ninheim Viking Fight School 1029.8
3686 100 Tiffany Shi Queen City Sword Guild 1029.8
3687 97 Chris Setlock Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 1029.8
3688 773 Kyner Hansen N/A 1029.4 126.2
3689 29 Helmer Julin Hawaii Island Fencing Association 1029.4 9.4
3690 97 Sandu Matei Serban 7 Swords Historical Fencing School 1029.4
3691 96 Julia Lizeth Larsen Lost Arts Historic Fencing 1029.3
3692 100 Zachary Thaison Barwon Academy of Arms 1029.2
3693 97 Emil Lindblad Ljungamarkens HEMA 1029.1
3694 97 Wojciech Guziewicz Krakowska Szkoła Fechtunku 1029
3695 97 Jiří Okáč Šermírna Luka 1028.7
3696 97 Peter Törlind Frost HEMA 1028.7
3697 97 Joshua Knorr Seven Swords Academy 1028.6
3698 95 Shawn Ho Wayfarers 1028.3
3699 97 Ross McDowell Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1028.1
3700 96 Ivan Korabel'nikov Ferox 1028.1
3701 95 Ryan Bishop Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing 1027.8
3702 97 Joseph Walther Caledonian Broadsword Academy of New Orleans 1027.8
3703 96 Alessandra Priori N/A 1027.6
3704 103 Eric Denney Medieval Military Arts Academy 1027.6
3705 97 Kang-in Han Academie Duello 1027.6
3706 97 Filip Stoklassa FFG Ostrava 1027.3
3707 96 Marko Šarac Ars Gladiatoria 1027.3
3708 96 Adam Kantz N/A 1027.3
3709 96 Julien Wattez Les Sept Epées 1027.1
3710 96 Jimmy Ringoot Sumus Soldani 1027.1
3711 101 Heather Avery Fitzroy College of Arms 1027
3712 95 Corentin Fournier De Feu et d'Acier 1026.7
3713 97 Delon Martin United Clans Swordsman Association 1026.5
3714 96 Nathanael Schwerdtfeger Historisches Fechten – Judo-Club Herrenberg e.V. 1026.5
3715 94 Melrose Howle Medieval Military Arts Academy 1026.3
3716 807 Lukas Schmidt Schildwache Potsdam e.V 1026.2 134.3
3717 98 Andrew Bussey The Vanguard Centre 1026.1
3718 95 Jason Tatum N/A 1025.9
3719 97 Joakim Steger Gävle HEMA 1025.8
3720 95 Haukur Möller Akureyri HEMA Club 1025.6
3721 93 Loïc Coquelet La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1025.5
3722 95 Philip Gentry Cookeville HEMA Club 1025.5
3723 97 Lucas Bouyer Club d'escrime Historique Destreza Nova Laval 1025.4
3724 100 Patrick Martin United Clans Swordsman Association 1025.4
3725 95 Eric Rush Omaha-Metro Armed Combat Academy 1025.3
3726 Thomas Jahn INDES Wien 1025.2
3727 96 Mathieu Laude Ecole d'Escrime Médiévale L'Âme Impetueuse 1025.1
3728 96 Sekar Wid Gwaith-i-Megyr 1025
3729 95 Pottier Killian SAEA Aveyron 1024.7
3730 97 Ashton Roge River Heron HEMA 1024.6
3731 94 Benjamin LaBarge Santa Barbara Sword Club 1024.5
3732 96 Kirk Mclain Cookeville HEMA Club 1024.4
3733 98 Veljko Janićijević Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 1024.3
3734 96 Sam Tremea United Clans Swordsman Association 1024.1
3735 94 Robin Pletcher Round Table Historical Fencing 1023.8
3736 97 Brandon Nguyen Ars Gladii 1023.2
3737 93 Niklas Häggblom EHMS 1022.8
3738 95 Keith Klopfer Bold City Longsword 1022.5
3739 747 Jesper Lentz Olesen HEMA Esbjerg 1022.4 124.2
3740 93 Loïc Guinchard École Lémanique d'Arts et d'Actions 1022.3
3741 95 Aimee Hanson N/A 1022.2
3742 97 Silken Kleer The Forge: Western Martial Arts 1022.2
3743 95 anton Golub' Golden Falcon 1021.7
3744 119 Chris Jacober Blackfriar's School of Fence 1021.1 33.1
3745 93 Ka Ming Law Avalon HEMA Guild 1021
3746 96 Richard Sullivan The School of the Sword 1020.8
3747 94 Nicola Curini Mos Ferri 1020.5
3748 93 Csaba-Attila Csomós KDF Kronstadt 1020
3749 95 Tim Betz Columbus United Fencing Club 1020
3750 94 Pietro Alessandro Valdeggi ARS Historica 1019.7
3751 93 Stephen Dundon HEMA Lexington 1019.5
3752 95 Dragos Matache 7 Swords Historical Fencing School 1019.4
3753 92 Mariana López Rodriguez Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1018.7
3754 91 Drew Zelitsky Chicago Swordplay Guild 1018.5
3755 91 Cameron Radtke Indianapolis Fencing Club 1018.4
3756 90 Nehemías Azócar Centro de Esgrima Histórica 1018.2
3757 92 David Kindness Aberdeen Swordsmanship Group 1018.1
3758 89 Eybraian Bonifácio Wolfsherz 1017.8
3759 89 Hallysson Áptero Wolfsherz 1017.8
3760 93 Wiliam Holscher Chicago Swordplay Guild 1017.8
3761 90 Alexis Pyne Boston Armizare 1017.4
3762 100 Joakim Linde Gothenburg Historical Fencing School 1017.4 29.4
3763 90 Ray Whitcher Wisby Historiska Fäktskola 1017.4
3764 96 Stefani Metodieva Historical Swordsmanship - Angel Chernaev 1017.2
3765 93 Wouter Festjens Invirtus 1017
3766 92 Stefano Di Fermo Sala d’Arme del Folle 1016.3
3767 92 Matthew Ward Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1016.3
3768 230 Duncan MacCallum Dawn Duellists Society 1016.2 47.1
3769 93 Duncan Tennant Gotham European Martial Arts Collective 1016.2
3770 92 Levi Wright Swordsmanship Museum and Academy 1015.8
3771 94 sara hampton Appalachian Highland Historical Fencing 1015.8
3772 93 Chris Aspinall Oxford Sword and Staff 1015.5
3773 93 Tom Schiano HEMA Israel 1015.4
3774 93 Filip Linski ARMA Poland 1015.3
3775 838 Andrej Matuška Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 1015.2 136.6
3776 657 Benjamin Beasley Order of the Blade 1014.9 106.7
3777 95 Andrew Rodriguez Edmonton Historical Martial Arts 1014.8
3778 93 Edward Tucker Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1014.4
3779 96 Mary Racca Lake Charles HEMA Academy 1014.3
3780 34 Jordan Watson Kron Martial Arts 1014.2 9.5
3781 93 Erik Miao N/A 1014.1
3782 95 Perry Lui Einherjar HEMA Club 1014
3783 97 Landen Kirkland Ars Gladii 1013.9
3784 94 Tongchen Xie N/A 1013.7
3785 96 Markus Gadenz INDES Salzburg 1013.7
3786 95 Raphael Ostwald Academia de Esgrima Histórica Carioca 1013.4
3787 77 Adithya Radhakrishnan Mordhau Historical Combat 1013.4 25.5
3788 95 Francesco Muzzolini Scherma Storica Veneto-Trentino-Alto Adige 1013
3789 94 Łukasz Kaczmarek Krakowska Szkoła Fechtunku 1012.6
3790 96 Romain Barberaud La Salle d'Armes 1012.5
3791 95 Stefan Fechter Ochs 1012.3
3792 95 Sergio Carabellese Centerline Sword School 1012.3
3793 95 Ryan Lewis The Historical Combat Collective 1012.3
3794 Joshua Oliva Italian Renaissance Swordsmanship Academy 1012.1
3795 94 Esteban López Macías Krigerskole 1011.6
3796 242 Sara Pacitto Ausardia HEMA Club 1011.6 24.9
3797 95 Isa Frost Warriors of Ash 1011.5
3798 99 Bill McCarel Indianapolis Fencing Club 1011.5
3799 93 Vitor Alves Clube 98 1011.3
3800 97 Serhii Slutu Iron Will HEMA Academy 1011.2
3801 97 Louis Gaty Swordguild Portland 1011
3802 97 Roman Cunci The School of Historical Fencing 1010.9
3803 95 Harel Naveh HEMA Israel 1010.7
3804 97 Owen Sykes Swordwind Historical Swordsmanship 1010.6
3805 604 Harvey Hightower N/A 1010.5 99.8
3806 97 Nathan Wellsman The Forge: Western Martial Arts 1010.1
3807 96 Andrea Rapparini Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Romagna 1010
3808 98 Thomas Finnman Edmonton German Fencing Guild 1009.9
3809 97 Adrian Kim Ann Arbor Sword Club 1009.9
3810 148 Gabriel Chavez Axolotes Fencing Club 1009.8 9.8
3811 550 Simone Boudreau Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 1009.4 91.2
3812 99 Flavio Cipriano Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Roma 1009.2
3813 96 Kent Huynh Academie Duello 1009.1
3814 99 Denis Filonov Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning 1009
3815 97 Eric Westbrook Canopy Longsword 1008.8
3816 100 Michael Pennington Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship 1008.7
3817 98 Yau Chung Sze Einherjar HEMA Club 1008.2
3818 97 Loïc Castelain Meyer May Rise 1007.7
3819 97 Mads Frederik Tromholt Christiansen Frederiksborg Historiske Fægteklub 1007.6
3820 94 Lorenzo Piva Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Romagna 1007.5
3821 101 Allison Crump Chicago Swordplay Guild 1007.5
3822 97 Dmitrii Cherniakov Men With Swords 1007.5
3823 100 Ashley Hanks Sword Carolina 1007.4
3824 95 Oscar Giuseppe Gialdini Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Abruzzo 1007.2
3825 95 Sean Krabanuk Ascalon Academy of Historical Swordsmanship 1007
3826 95 Denis Zlatopolsky The Knights of Jerusalem 1007
3827 1067 Elliot Chan Long Island Historical Fencing Society 1006.9 176.5
3828 100 Tyler Caron Athena School of Arms 1006.8
3829 97 Jenni Lohipuro EHMS 1006.6
3830 95 Flynn Howle N/A 1006.6
3831 97 Jack Harmsworth Red Dragon Longsword Academy 1006.5
3832 96 Jon Ander Santos Granero Sala de Armas Tercio Norte 1006.3
3833 106 Dylan Cryer Dallas School of Historical Fencing 1006.2
3834 97 Emil Andersson 1 Örnsköldsviks Kampsportsförening 1006.2
3835 102 Victor Donato Hema Praha 1006.1
3836 564 Camélia Guichard N/A 1005.6 62.8
3837 99 Vladimír Kudráč Budweis Hema Club 1005.6
3838 98 Jan Juanola Wesley N/A 1005.5
3839 98 Geerten Verweij Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1005.4
3840 101 Bjarne Kortmann Twerchhau e.V. 1005.3
3841 99 Jacob Proto Waterfront Historical Fencing Club 1005.1
3842 99 Martin Mandelbaum Ministry Of The Fence 1004.9
3843 99 Jakub Ziegler VALKYRIE/BLADE 1004.7
3844 99 John Prescott Sword-Point College of Arms 1004.5
3845 354 Shuai Shao Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola 1004.3 64.4
3846 99 Hillary Lipsig F3 Sword Academy 1003.6
3847 98 Jakub Urban Szkoła Fechtunku Gryf 1003.6
3848 100 Nathan Wyss Compagnia del Corvo Grigio 1003.6
3849 99 Jeff Schlake Nebraska Swordfighters Guild 1003.4
3850 297 Jenna Johnson Blackfriar's School of Fence 1003.3 33.2
3851 96 Johan Stimart Meyer May Rise 1003.2
3852 894 Adam Zagora Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 1003.2 146.9
3853 102 Karel Daneš Duelanti od Svatého Rocha 1003.2
3854 101 Jan Bzinkowski Szermierka Kielce 1003.2
3855 101 Kyle Penwright Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1003.2
3856 269 Josef Vejda Sportovní šerm Tábor 1003 51.8
3857 101 Hoshea Valdez F3 Sword Academy 1002.9
3858 106 Michael Smith Arena Weapon Arts 1002.9
3859 101 Kevin Brisson Paradis Académie Scrimicie 1002.7
3860 103 Keith Maddocks Ottawa Swordplay 1002.7
3861 Max Karabin Pittsburgh Fighters Guild 1002.7
3862 102 Raymond Mastoloni Bucks Historical Longsword 1002.1
3863 104 Noah Roos University of Vermont Historical Fencing Club 1002
3864 103 John Howell Wellington School of European Martial Arts 1001.4
3865 103 Kenneth Hogan Athena School of Arms 1001
3866 Olov Nord Gävle HEMA 1000.9
3867 100 Seniha Hazim ARETI - School of Оld Bulgarian Saber 1000.7
3868 104 Jonathan Baker N/A 1000.5
3869 104 Seth Cunniff Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship 1000.5
3870 100 Li You Chu Vor & Nach Society of Historical European Martial Arts 1000.4
3871 103 Eric Sapien-Flanagan San Diego Swordfighters 1000.4
3872 109 Brent Jungclaus Center for Blade Arts 1000.3
3873 102 Zunru (Marie) Tao Einherjar HEMA Club 1000.2
3874 108 Daniel McLaurin Schola St. George 1000.2
3875 106 Erik Varberg Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 1000.1
3876 104 Julie Zaworski Unité Sportive Avonnaise Escrime 999.9
3877 253 Matej Hajko Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 999.6 49.1
3878 105 Kinya Akiyama Castle Tintagel 999.4
3879 103 Dominic Chambers Whangarei Medieval Combat Club 998.9
3880 589 Abigail Yang Seven Swords Academy 998.8 67.3
3881 955 Patrik Martin Mázor Pugiles 998.7 158.5
3882 105 Dario Manente Confraternita de Masnadieri 998.7
3883 103 Daniel Unander Tjörns HEMA-Sällskap 998.7
3884 103 Joaquim Wohler SMCD HEMA Uruguay 998.6
3885 106 Carlo Luciano Moschieri Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Friuli Venezia Giulia 998.5
3886 108 Amber Stechyshyn Toronto Historical Combatants 998.5
3887 105 Naseeb Hussain The Historical Combat Collective 998.4
3888 113 Šimon Ponechal Cech Terra de Selinan 998.3
3889 106 Denisa Kotroušová KEBU Plzeň 998
3890 105 Peter Filipe Ironwood Sword School 997.9
3891 102 Michael Heider Europäische Schwertkunst 997.4
3892 106 Vladislav Larin Golden Falcon 997.4
3893 105 Oliver Jevons The Vanguard Centre 997.3
3894 104 Laurent Pilon La Compagnie Médiévale 997.1
3895 98 Melissa Barker Lonin League 996.6
3896 103 Zak Ralston Columbus United Fencing Club 996.5
3897 101 Valentin Huber INDES Graz 996.5
3898 104 Francois Paupe La Compagnie Médiévale 996.4
3899 104 Jen Richards Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 996.4
3900 109 Erro Greenwood Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy 996.4
3901 1264 Eric Metz Lost Arts Historic Fencing 996 225.7
3902 102 Filippo Serventi Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Emilia 995.5
3903 102 Jackson Fuller Moose Historical Fencing 995.3
3904 102 Michael Potter Band of Iron Lions 995.3
3905 102 Amirulamin Bin Mohd Osman Bastion HEMA Singapore 995.3
3906 107 Jeremy Vallon N/A 995.2
3907 103 Nico Freiler Kunst des Historischen Fechtens Tirol 995
3908 103 Alberto Annoni Sword Academy 994.9
3909 103 Michael Fletcher Academie Duello 994.8
3910 102 Lévy Leblanc Académie Scrimicie 994.8
3911 102 Jack Farthing Liverpool HEMA 994.8
3912 105 Jared Clabough Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 994.6
3913 115 Martin Vrabec HELOPS 994.6
3914 103 Drew Prevost Rocket City HEMA 994.6
3915 105 Kyllian LE BAIL Compagnie Excallibur Yvellines 994.5
3916 103 Timofei Mironchuk Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 994.4
3917 101 Jedrzej Just Egdehirden 994.3
3918 103 Steven Moore N/A 994
3919 107 Jaakko Haapoja Jakobstads Historiska Fäktningssällskap 993.9
3920 106 Honza Prokeš Digladior Plzeň 993.8
3921 103 Kin Yin (Steve) To Einherjar HEMA Club 993.7
3922 748 Sean Dickinson SoCal Swords 993.7 124.6
3923 121 Peter Buzáš Manu Forti 993.7 31
3924 107 Oliver Jurčák Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 993.6
3925 106 Alex Mc Gilloway Dublin HEMA Club 993.6
3926 103 Molly Broyles Rocket City HEMA 993.5
3927 105 Yi Chun (Leo) Liu Einherjar HEMA Club 993.4
3928 108 Patrick Kelly Krieg School 993.3
3929 108 Dylan Jeffreys Exmoor HEMA 993.2
3930 Khoi Nguyen Accademia del Leone 993.2
3931 107 Anthony Zavin Indes Ferox Gladio 992.8
3932 105 Jack Berry Lonin League 992.5
3933 107 Katharina Mügler INDES Salzburg 992.5
3934 109 Dorjan Greguric Ars Gladiatoria 992.4
3935 106 Petr Netopil Duelanti od Svatého Rocha 992.3
3936 108 Mattia Pancani Bedini Falchi del Secchia 992.3
3937 107 Jo Jimmy Iron Guts HEMA Club 991.9
3938 107 Xander Pham-Rojas Historical Swordfighting Guild of UT Dallas 991.9
3939 107 Maddison Jiang Historical Swordfighting Guild of UT Dallas 991.9
3940 Lucas Marty Ost du Griffon Noir 991.8
3942 108 Stephen Parent Laurel City Historical Fencing 991.7
3941 108 Corey Leavitt Moose Historical Fencing 991.7
3943 106 Anton Hilado University of Vermont Historical Fencing Club 991.3
3944 108 Alexandru Popescu Iron Will HEMA Academy 991.2
3945 110 Kennie Lannér Umeås Historiska Fäktskola 990.9
3946 103 Nikolaos Rompotis Coriolanos HEMA Team 990.7
3947 105 Matias Vera Académie Scrimicie 990.6
3948 108 Travis Smith Academie Duello 990.6
3949 103 Niklas Wild Henger SV 990.4
3950 109 Jack Edwards Bath Historical Martial Arts 990.4
3951 107 Dylan Levine Rochester Institute of Technology HEMA club 990.4
3952 113 Jesse De Cata The School of Historical Fencing 990.4
3953 Etienne Védrine N/A 990.1
3954 107 Leanne Rios L'Arte Lehigh Valley Historical Fencing 990.1
3955 105 Jonas van Donselaar Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 990
3956 107 Ben Brash Sword-Point College of Arms 989.9
3957 109 Natalie Summers Trondheim HEMA 989.8
3958 448 Levente Nagypál Kard Rendje ViSE 989.6 78.7
3959 107 Philippe Payer A.M.H.E. Rimouski 989.6
3960 109 Sheena Haug The Academy of European Swordsmanship 989.5
3961 108 Jazsper Silverraven Appalachian Sword Club 989.4
3962 108 Melania Li Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing 989.3
3963 108 Vicentiu Pavel Sint Michielsgilde Gouda 989.2
3964 Antony Darkins Mercian Medieval Fight Club 988.9
3965 109 Marcin Figas Wrocławska Szkoła Miecza 988.8
3966 660 Charles Cornell The Institute for Historical Arts 988.7 112
3967 108 Krzysztof Nowak Rebel Fencing Szkoła Szermierki Klasycznej 988.4
3968 1083 Jayden Booth Mordhau Historical Combat 988.2 131.5
3969 112 Robert Illston Guild of Knightly Arts 988.1
3970 110 Christophe LEVAN Cercle d'Escrime d'Arras 987.7
3971 110 Jordan Mendenhall Academy of Arms 987.6
3972 107 Michal Melko Rotyka 986.8
3973 107 Renato Daniel Gonzales Auckland Sword and Shield 986.7
3974 107 Vladimír Pavelka FFG Ostrava 986.4
3975 107 Dimitri Petit Médiéval Combat 986.2
3976 106 Nic Matthews HEMA Nelson 986
3977 106 David Barák Brněnští Fechteři 985.9
3978 105 Grant List Indianapolis Fencing Club 985.7
3979 102 Gianluca Vasile Gladius et Codex 985.3
3980 106 Matic Krempuš Schola Pugnatoria Celeiana 985.2
3981 105 Dario Caraffoli Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Lombardia 985.2
3982 290 Okello Janneh Clashing Steel Longsword Club 985 28.9
3983 108 Federico Bucchi Hema Praha 985
3984 106 Benjamin Perez Cercle d'Armes du Dauphiné 985
3985 103 Tom Herzog KdF Leipzig 984.7
3986 103 Paul Bochwitz KdF Leipzig 984.7
3987 108 Mees Schultheiss De Zwaardkring 984.6
3988 107 Cesar Perez Rochester Historical Fencing 984.6
3989 109 Jacques Critchley Ottawa Swordplay 984.6
3990 104 Timothy Porter Arena Weapon Arts 984.1
3991 107 Magnus Leone Medeltida Stridsteknik Linköping IF 983.9
3992 105 Christopher Aßmus Gladiatores München 983.8
3993 108 Eric Wood Bent Blades 983.7
3994 106 Tomáš Ondrovič Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 983.2
3995 105 Kieran Britt Bucks Historical Longsword 982.9
3996 107 Lucas Carr En Garde Fencing 982.8
3997 105 Juan Sebastian Tiangco Santiago Forge Pioneer: Historical Fencing 982.7
3998 300 Ashton Warren F3 Sword Academy 982.6 56.6
3999 106 Gabriele Rabottini Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Abruzzo 982.6
4000 109 Matúš Masaryk Pugiles 982.6
4001 106 Matthew Hiscock Dublin HEMA Club 982.4
4002 108 Fabio Spampinato Methodos Scherma Storica 982.4
4003 106 Denis Jaouen Le Chapitre des Armes 982.3
4004 502 Lukas Tetzlaff Schwert und Bogen 982.1 60.2
4005 291 Marcus Möller Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola 981.9 27.9
4006 108 Ethan Kirk Dallas School of Historical Fencing 981.8
4007 108 Ian Soule Richmond Kunst Des Fechtens 981.7
4008 108 Vadim Semeniuk Cookeville HEMA Club 981.5
4009 108 Sebastián Vasquez Esgrima Histórica Bellatores 981.3
4010 108 Peter Carey Ursa Major HEMA Academy 981
4011 106 Bagus Priambodo Miyamoto Dojo 980.9
4012 105 Gilad Luria Givon HEMA Israel 980.8
4013 110 J Hendrix Queen City Sword Guild 980.7
4014 106 Gavin Engles Borealis Blades Historical Fencing 980.7
4015 111 Jack Weaver Czort Fencing 980.6
4016 110 Christian Nichols Krieg School 980.6
4017 106 Nathan Hess Säbelrassler 980.5
4018 109 Wayland Miller Lake Charles HEMA Academy 980.4
4019 107 Fernan Gomez-Monedero Athena School of Arms 980.4
4020 107 Maeve Esk Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 980.3
4021 107 Nikolai Penev Umeås Historiska Fäktskola 980.2
4022 106 Kieran Evans Wardens of the Tor 980.2
4023 105 Alfonso Garcia Gomez Sala Esgrima Antigua Ignota 980
4024 107 Christopher Steere Schola St. George 979.9
4025 110 Joshua Bradshaw Southampton Historical Fencing 979.9
4026 105 Edoardo Cammalieri HEMA Ravenna 979.8
4027 108 Addison Hernandez Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 979.5
4028 105 Pavel Tarasov HEMA Israel 979.5
4029 109 Richard Brautman Nickel City Longsword Academy 979.4
4030 106 Vincent Brunet Freifechter Basel 979.4
4031 104 Dakota Morrissiey N/A 979.4
4032 106 Paul Nester Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 979.3
4033 Justin Ilao Davenriche European Martial Artes School 979.2
4034 106 Daniele Ferrarelli ARS Historica 979.1
4035 113 Robert Smith Battlefield KdF 979
4036 Alex Krajčík Cech Terra de Selinan 979
4037 34 Dennis Engvall Örebro HEMA 978.9 19.9
4038 109 Jennifer Tibbetts Lonin League 978.9
4039 114 Alyssa Capel Bucks Historical Longsword 978.7
4040 109 John Westendorf Lansing Longsword Guild 978.6
4041 107 Raphael Leu Mittelalterverein Bern 978.5
4042 112 Henry Kenyon Capital Kunst des Fechtens 978.4
4043 108 Jorge Peinado Izaguerri Manchester School of Arms 978.4
4044 111 Saúl López Domínguez Asociación Ourensá de Esgrima Antiga 978.4
4046 107 Gustavo Paravidini Academia de Esgrima Histórica Carioca 978.3
4045 107 Angelo Siqueira Escola Dardi 978.3
4047 57 Andreas Thing Andersen HEMA Aalborg 978.3 24.1
4048 112 Maciej Łukasiak N/A 978.2
4049 117 Emil Magnusson Växjö HEMA-sällskap 978.2
4050 113 Alex Alvarez Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 978.1
4051 111 Lorenzo Galotti N/A 978
4052 111 Sara Renaud New York Historical Fencing Association 978
4053 109 Massimo Guazzini Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Friuli Venezia Giulia 977.8
4054 112 Brian White Ironwood Historic Swordsmanship 977.8
4055 112 Devin Bizzack Mordhau Historical Combat 977.8
4056 110 Anthony Phoenix Sword-Point College of Arms 977.8
4057 109 Christina Heine SoCal Swords 977.5 33.1
4058 111 Jiacheng Richard Zou Københavns Fægteklub 977.3
4059 111 Curtis Thornsberry Mordhau Historical Combat 977.3
4060 111 Felipe Schiel Escola de Artes Marciais Históricas Grifo de Fogo 976.9
4061 111 John Farrelly Mercian Medieval Fight Club 976.8
4062 111 Pierrick Inesta Le Chapitre des Armes 976.5
4063 111 Alisha Schüller Tremonia Fechten 976.5
4064 110 Elisabeth Smith Society for Historical Arms Research and Practice 976.4
4065 109 Georges-Henri Daigle Maritime Sword School 976.4
4066 111 Chase Thompson Crossroads Swords 976.2
4067 110 Thibaut Guinoiseau Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon 975.4
4068 110 Mikko Uosukainen EHMS 975.2
4069 Peter Grassl INDES Feldbach 975.2
4070 111 Elizabeth Norris-King The School of Historical Fencing 974.9
4071 111 Zhengbang Deng Oxford Sword and Staff 974.4
4072 1165 Vojtech Havlíček Šermírna Luka 974.4 227.1
4073 112 Roberto Ubaldi Sala d'Arme Aquila Gladiatrix 973.9
4074 459 Logan Zuniga Kron Martial Arts 973.7 53.9
4075 112 Alberto Cervelli Sala della Gorgone 973.5
4076 112 Joseph Stoffey Tri-State Historical Fencing Club 973.5
4077 111 Valentin Heim Freifechter Basel 973.5
4078 116 Réka Daniella Magàt Ars Ensis 973.4
4079 114 Tanya Smith Rogue Fencing 973.1
4080 112 Michael Beneš Škola šermu Paridon 972.9
4081 112 Nils Sagorski Schwert-Greifen Rostock 972.8
4082 433 Ilyse Kullman Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 972.7 49.4
4083 112 Berdiniyaz Kabyshev Ferox 972.5
4084 114 David Mourra Southern Cross Swords 972.3
4085 112 James Smeeth Adelaide Sword Academy 972
4086 112 Jaycob Ferrante University of Vermont Historical Fencing Club 971.8
4087 111 Chung Hoi (Austin) Yim Einherjar HEMA Club 971.8
4088 Grégory Gilmet École Chevaleresque 971.8
4089 111 Spencer Norman Omaha Kunst des Fechtens 971.4
4090 115 Thomas Spencer Ironwood Historic Swordsmanship 971.4
4091 114 Christopher Dowling HEMA Lexington 971.4
4092 112 Gwen Lang Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing 971.2
4093 114 Daniel Suni Jakobstads Historiska Fäktningssällskap 970.9
4094 113 Evan Sink New York Historical Fencing Association 970.7
4095 113 Hasse Eliasson Gothenburg Historical Fencing School 970.5
4096 48 Staffan Sannemalm Örebro HEMA 970.4 8.1
4097 457 Finnian Beazlie En Garde Fencing 970.3 82.8
4098 115 David Covington Smart HEMA Clubs 970.2
4099 114 Kacper Rosiak The Institute for Historical Arts 970.2
4100 112 Ernesto Duran Romero North Blazing Sun 970
4101 117 Sam O'Donnell Reykjavik HEMA Club 969.8
4102 402 Ethan Huang N/A 969.6 42.8
4103 117 Nathan Goree River Falls Meyer Freifechter Guild 969.5
4104 112 Marcus Vinicius de Sousa Academia de Esgrima Histórica Carioca 969.4
4105 114 Martin Paprčka Cech Terra de Selinan 969.2
4106 112 Caleb Foster The Academy of European Swordsmanship 969.1
4107 114 Mavis Barriere Black Cat Historical Fencing 968.8
4108 270 Kayla Mouriz Academy of Arms 968.7 23.2
4109 113 Allan Lyons Lake Charles HEMA Academy 968.5
4110 111 Cristian Galbusera Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Lombardia 968.3
4111 116 Michael Rather Lake Charles HEMA Academy 968.2
4112 112 Ivan Zelenin Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning 968.2
4113 116 William Wilder Tucson Historical Fencing Academy 968.1
4114 113 Jan Schmerer Historisches Fechten Gießen 968
4115 113 Tenzin Weber-Stephens Auckland Sword and Shield 967.7
4116 27 Marek Petráš Manu Forti 967.4 11.2
4117 Richard Darkins Mercian Medieval Fight Club 967.3
4118 344 Kyle Robinson Antelope Valley Kunst des Fechtens 967.1 64.1
4119 114 Loïc Labat Les Lames de Cernès 966.9
4120 117 Sylvain Jaud LAMHE des Mauges 966.9
4121 117 Brandon Allen Guild of Knightly Arts 966.8
4122 986 Neil Basson Auckland Sword and Shield 966.8 177.8
4123 115 Joar Henriksson Frost HEMA 966.5
4124 115 Adam Boulton Taunton Longswords 966.5
4125 114 Maxime Denis Lyon AMHE 966.5
4126 114 Benton Staheli True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 966.4
4127 121 Jaroslav Charvot Pardubický spolek šermířský 966.4
4128 Lukáš Chalupka Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 966.3
4129 122 Anthony Rota Forte Swordplay 966.2
4130 120 Jacob Zillifro F3 Sword Academy 966.1
4131 117 Jeff DeSouza Arena Weapon Arts 965.9
4132 119 Sultan Kushubenov Golden Falcon 965.9
4133 118 Jay Li The Vanguard Centre 965.5
4134 118 James Utley Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship 965.2
4135 118 Obie Powell Indes Ferox Gladio 965.2
4136 118 Karsten Hørup HEMA Odense 965
4137 117 Hunter McCarraher N/A 964.9
4138 119 Séraphim Jacquemart Les Fines Lames du Médoc 964.8
4139 115 Ethan Rhodes River Heron HEMA 964.6
4140 119 Aaron Mead The Exiles 964.6
4141 118 Mátyás Rózsavölgyi Blood and Iron Martial Arts 964.3
4142 117 Gaute Muren Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 964.1
4143 117 Grace DeBanks Ausardia HEMA Club 963.8
4144 114 Scott Macgregor The Historical Combat Collective 963.6
4145 1252 Parker McCarthy San Diego Swordfighters 963.6 277.5
4146 115 Bastian España Esgrima Histórica Temuco 963.6
4147 120 Joseph Farris Bold City Longsword 963.5
4148 119 Meritxell Sensat Club Esgrima Burriac 963.5
4149 115 Juan Avalos Virtus Esgrima Histórica 963.4
4150 118 Márton Gáti Pécsi Hosszúkardvívó Sportkör 963.3
4151 118 Benjamin Forsman Tampere HEMA 963.2
4152 113 Douglas McAdie Knights of the Free Company 962.8
4153 118 Ash Farnsworth Austin Historical Weapons Guild 962.8
4154 114 Gonzalo Marti Centro de Esgrima Histórica 962.7
4155 118 Altynbek Yermurat Ferox 962.7
4156 118 Gábor Péterfia Ars Ensis 962.6
4157 121 Zack Engleman Springfield Historical Fencing Guild 962.6
4158 116 Drew Pace Blossfechten Academy: Joplin HEMA School 962.2
4159 116 Tom Verschoore de la Houssaije MARS 962.1
4160 113 Angelo Bologna N/A 961.6
4161 112 Kair Yergozha Ferox 961.4
4162 116 Noah Vancam Scholar Victoria 961.4
4163 Henrik Jernstedt Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola 960.9
4164 113 Beatrice Lostracco Dallas School of Historical Fencing 960.9
4165 113 Selkie Bokhari Historical Swordfighting Guild of UT Dallas 960.9
4166 113 Anna Shaw Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 960.5
4167 113 Altan Şafak N/A 960.4
4168 113 Julian Maddox Nashville School of Historical Fencing 960.4
4169 113 Emmet Byrne Dublin HEMA Club 960.2
4170 113 Miguel Lamarre Highland Sword Fighting Guild 959.9
4171 109 Joshua Feland The Academy of European Swordsmanship 959.8
4172 109 Ting Yu Xu Vor & Nach Society of Historical European Martial Arts 959.7
4173 114 Alexander Fox Hammaborg 959.6
4174 114 Jeffrey Rawlins True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 959.5
4175 110 Todd Giboney Tattershall School of Defense 959.5
4176 115 Alexander Wallström Örebro HEMA 959.3
4177 111 Avery Barger True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 958.9
4178 114 Veran Stanek Rochester Institute of Technology HEMA club 958.9
4179 112 Alexander Bähr Europäische Schwertkunst Augsburg 958.8
4180 112 Ian Sturgess Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 958.8
4181 111 Allen Welch Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 958.5
4182 110 Ken Hullett Academie Duello 958.3
4183 109 Dmitrii Maiorov HEMA Ashdod 958
4184 109 Arthur Trickett London Historical Fencing Club 957.9
4185 112 Charlton Miller Bucks Historical Longsword 957.9
4186 Sherry Galione Whangarei Medieval Combat Club 957.8
4187 110 Alexandr Svetlakov Ferox 957.7
4188 112 Lacey Hadford N/A 957.5
4189 110 Filip Đorđević FEATHER - School of fencing 957.2
4190 110 Aidan Durkee University of Vermont Historical Fencing Club 957.1
4191 110 Alejandro Almanza Roman Krigerskole 956.9
4192 110 Steward Nichols Krieg School 956.9
4193 115 Martin Koutský Dobrovolný Šerm 956.8
4194 110 Doru Ilarian Dorneanu 7 Swords Historical Fencing School 956.5
4195 Jason Smith Historical Fencing of York 956
4196 111 Daniel Tasker Wardens of the Tor 955.8
4197 110 Dean Mischewski Canterbury Historical Fencing Club 955.8
4198 110 Kyle Flanagan Noble Science Academy 955.7
4199 113 Marian Zhang 13th Scholars 955.4
4200 109 Kirill Plioplis Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 955.1
4201 108 Alex Johnson Guild of Knightly Arts 955
4202 112 Sofia Mikhalevich Schola St. George 955
4203 111 François Dionne Maritime Sword School 955
4204 110 Jan Schuh Turngemeinde Münster 954.7
4205 110 Andres Melendrez North Blazing Sun 954.6
4206 109 Brad Bennets The School of Historical Fencing 954.2
4207 111 Johan Frederik Beichmann Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 954.1
4208 110 Juraj Straka Klub šermu Trenčín 954.1
4209 109 Istvan Jesus Romhany Sala de Armas Salvatore Fabris 953.9
4210 108 Vassili Kisselev Long Island Historical Fencing Society 953.6
4211 112 Gábor László Kurcz Kard Rendje ViSE 953.5
4212 109 Orme Tuckett Kingdom of Grand Athera 953.5
4213 570 François BERDOU École Chevaleresque 953.2 105.5
4214 109 Ralf Kopp ASV Ossweil 953.1
4215 108 Jesus Adrian Chimal Ballesteros Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 952.9
4216 108 Einar Sciöth Akureyri HEMA Club 952.5
4217 108 Morgan Conway Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 952.3
4218 112 Gina Mendicino N/A 952.3
4219 109 Simon Brooks The Exiles 952.2
4220 109 Steven Jennett Nashville School of Historical Fencing 952.1
4221 109 Angus Macleod The Vanguard Centre 952
4222 109 Iain McMaster Glasgow HEMA 952
4223 109 Thomas Lee Noble Science Academy 951.8
4224 108 Michael Dupray San Diego Swordfighters 951.8
4225 David Coldren Italian Renaissance Swordsmanship Academy 951.8
4226 111 Fredrik Birgersson Medeltida Stridsteknik Linköping IF 951.5
4227 110 Michael Madeiros Boston Armizare 951.2
4228 110 Max Fishman Triangle Sword Guild 951.2
4229 110 Nathan Beard Nashville School of Historical Fencing 951.2
4230 110 Milton Taylor Noble Science Academy 951.2
4231 110 Johannes Meyer In MOTU 950.9
4232 109 Austin Parker Tuathair Academy of Swordsmanship 950.8
4233 109 Rhea Debussy N/A 950.8
4234 112 Kevin Li Academie Duello 950.5
4235 109 Joseph Sherill Capital Kunst des Fechtens 950
4236 109 Chami Khevavasam Lappeenrannan Historiallisen Miekkailun Seura 950
4237 108 Lorenzo Palone Accademia Romana d'Armi 949.8
4238 110 Wade Barrette Forte Swordplay 949.5
4239 108 Antoniya Trencheva Historical Swordsmanship - Angel Chernaev 949.3
4240 107 Guillaume Parpet Les Lames du Foyer 949.2
4241 107 Brenton Mclean-Oliver Barwon Academy of Arms 949
4242 107 Hanna Kjellén Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning 948.9
4243 111 Mads Ratnavale London Historical Fencing Club 948.8
4244 107 Tobias Ritzau HEMA Hobro 948.7
4245 109 Aynslea Portz Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 948.6
4246 107 Austin Alvey Aguilera Valley's heart HEMA 948.5
4247 109 Jan Sidoryk Hema Praha 948.4
4248 Christoph Mikunda Union Fechtverein Die Lange Schneyd 948.4
4249 107 Joshua Mischewski Canterbury Historical Fencing Club 948.4
4250 110 Abigail Moore Denver Historical Fencing Academy 948.3
4251 106 Ivan Kuletz Indes Ferox Gladio 948.2
4252 105 Josiah Lin Gwaith-i-Megyr 948
4253 112 Ronan Davis Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 948
4254 106 Jack Yoder Youngstown Historical Fencing 947.9
4255 111 Gilles Mastracchio La Sala delle Armi 947.9
4256 110 Alyssa Diamond Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 947.4
4257 106 Kwon Eun Chan Geon Gon Gam Ri 947.2
4258 109 Piotr Sokołowski ARMA Poland 946.9
4259 109 Storm Pulikkathara Sword to Sword 946.7
4260 108 Torun Sandström Wadell Medeltida Stridsteknik Linköping IF 946.2
4261 108 Christiaan de Winter Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 946.1
4262 108 Clayton Rushing Lake Charles HEMA Academy 946.1
4263 108 Martina Stazi ARS Historica 946
4264 108 Athena K Fair City Historical Academy 945.6
4265 108 Clizia Buniotto Ordine delle Lame Scaligere 945.5
4266 108 Simone Nesti Scherma Storica Firenze 945.1
4267 108 Bryan Cole Cambridge HEMA 944.9
4276 Qiancheng Zhao Fechtschule Ziedông 944.7
4273 Yiqi Zhang Fechtschule Ziedông 944.7
4272 Brian Bonafilia Gothenburg Historical Fencing School 944.7
4269 Nora Cahill Lonin League 944.7
4271 Ricky Cristales SoCal Swords 944.7
4278 Taylor White Swordplay LA 944.7
4270 Erin Wildman SoCal Swords 944.7
4268 Julian Sotelo Antelope Valley Kunst des Fechtens 944.7
4277 Jiaqi Liu SH Buge Swordsman 944.7
4274 Bohao Sun GULAI Fencing Academy 944.7
4275 Chunyu Song Yanlai Historical Fencing 944.7
4279 118 Simon Beck ASV Ossweil 944.6
4280 120 Michael Worthy Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 944.5
4281 119 Luke Minton Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 944.3
4282 119 Samuel Azpilicueta Club de Esgrima Histórica Audacia 944.3
4283 118 Gabriel Dubois Les Lames du Foyer 943.9
4284 116 Madoc Brophy Glasgow HEMA 943.6
4285 121 Gábor Körmendi Kard Rendje ViSE 943.6
4286 119 Jerrod White Appalachian Highland Historical Fencing 943.6
4287 118 Sam Smith Silver Hand Fencing 943.4
4288 118 Clinton Bodley Oahu Company of Historical Swordsmanship 943.2
4289 117 Sean Lowi Sztern HEMA Israel 943
4290 115 Jorge Alvarado Centro de Esgrima Histórica 942.7
4291 117 Quinn Swanson Arena Weapon Arts 942.6
4292 114 Terron Smit True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 942.5
4293 122 Michał Maciaszek Krakowska Szkoła Fechtunku 942.5
4294 121 Sandra Spanò Olympia Scherma Roma ASD 942.5
4295 477 Darren Stewart Ars Gladii 942.5 91.8
4296 116 Sean Sles Swordsmanship Museum and Academy 942.3
4297 120 James Warren Michigan Medieval Combat Association 942.2
4298 417 Anders Bærndt HEMA Esbjerg 942.1 80.7
4299 118 Mykola Buryeyev Blood and Iron Martial Arts 942
4300 117 Francesco Lepri Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Tirrenica 941.4
4301 117 Andrew McLay The School of Historical Fencing 941.4
4302 120 Susanne Popp-Kohlweiss INDES Feldkirchen - Himmelberg 941.3
4303 118 Aaron Wheeler Blackfriar's School of Fence 941.3
4304 118 Zefanya N/A 941.1
4305 118 Maksim Mukhutdinov Ferox 941
4306 117 Mian Xing Capital Kunst des Fechtens 940.8
4307 116 Scott Hobbs Sword-Point College of Arms 940.2
4308 118 Elliott Gould Basingstoke HEMA 940
4309 116 Jeremy Rappel La Compagnie Médiévale 940
4310 115 Evgeniy Ughai Golden Falcon 939.6
4312 114 Alice linssen Gothenburg Historical Fencing School 939.4
4311 114 Nina Björkegren Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning 939.4
4313 112 Federico Negri Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Bononia 939.2
4314 112 Giacomo Scordino Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Roma 939.2
4315 112 Giorgio Cecalotti Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Abruzzo 939.2
4316 112 Minna Stråhle Tampere HEMA 938.8
4317 112 Jonathan Sulinom Auckland Sword and Shield 938.5
4323 111 Daniel Buelna Academy of Arms 938.5
4318 112 William Bui Kron Martial Arts 938.5
4319 112 William Tseng Kron Martial Arts 938.5
4322 111 Dylan Fu N/A 938.5
4320 111 Isaiah Ferrill Antelope Valley Kunst des Fechtens 938.5
4321 111 Ivan Johnson Antelope Valley Kunst des Fechtens 938.5
4324 111 Rodrigo Domingo Jiménez Club Esgrima Maresme 938.3
4325 111 Kuan Wei Ng Mordhau Historical Combat 937.8
4326 109 Felipe Aguiar Academia de Esgrima Histórica Carioca 937.6
4327 112 Matt Lo Two Ravens Fencing School 937.3
4328 109 Katie Doyle Fechtschule Victoria 937.3
4329 113 John Michael Gallagher Ministry Of The Fence 937.3
4330 109 Brent Chandler University of Vermont Historical Fencing Club 937.1
4331 109 Kawthar Qasem Renaissance Martial Arts Society 936.8
4332 6 Jason Salter Iron Gate Swordfighting 936.7 14
4333 109 Zach Robinson N/A 936.6
4334 111 Michael Moser Militia Genavae 936.6
4335 110 Macayla Wright Swordsmanship Museum and Academy 936.4
4336 109 Mikael Frid Kalix Historiska Fäktsällskap 936.2
4337 111 Alisha Saulnier Whidbey Swordplay Association 936
4338 Ryan Russell Davenriche European Martial Artes School 935.8
4339 111 Andrej Kopylkov Golden Falcon 935.5
4340 111 Laura Prevett Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing 935.4
4341 110 Wojciech Jaworski Vectir 935.2
4342 112 Viktor Johanströmmer Stockholm HEMA 935.2
4343 111 Benedetto Antonio Colombo Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo 935
4344 109 Verena Schütz 7 Schwerter 934.9
4345 112 Emerson Shinnick Indes Ferox Gladio 934.9
4346 107 Steven Valkanas N/A 934.7
4347 113 Zachary Fournier Boston Armizare 934.6
4348 112 Jeffrey Cole Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 934.6
4349 112 Artemis Epstein Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 934.5
4350 112 Simon Yesh Youngstown Historical Fencing 934.5
4351 111 Isobel Zijlstra Zwaard & Steen 934.4
4353 109 John-Matthew Crane N/A 934.3
4354 109 Leo Souza Crossroads Swords 934.3
4352 109 Francesco Viana Academia de Esgrima Histórica Carioca 934.3
4355 113 Berend Klopstra Friese Vrijvechters 934.2
4356 115 Anna Carnevali Ordine delle Lame Scaligere 934
4358 111 Marcus Waktmar Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola 933.8
4357 111 Urban Nilsson Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola 933.8
4359 111 Derek Estes Brandr Combat Academy 933.8
4360 370 Michal Zatkalík Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 933.6 36.6
4361 110 Ondřej Sedlár Digladior 933
4362 169 Rebecca Glass L'Arte Della Bellica 933 42.8
4363 114 Amber Chester London Historical Fencing Club 932.9
4364 112 Sam Gorski Black Bear Historical Fencing 932.9
4365 111 Olga Chumak ASV Ossweil 932.6
4366 113 Joel Simon Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 932.6
4367 112 Vincent Preston Basingstoke HEMA 932.3
4368 112 Ondřej Šimon Zlínská Šermírská Společnost 932.3
4369 111 Marieke Nijhof De Academie voor Middeleeuwse Europese Krijgskunsten 932.1
4370 110 Fan Min Chow Avalon HEMA Guild 932
4371 112 Marc Meathrel Big Tree Combat Academy 932
4372 115 Alberto Rodriguez Ferraces Clube de Esgrima CEPA 931.6
4373 112 Andrew Barnett Durham Medieval Combat Academy 931.3
4374 112 Julien TACONET Cercle d'Escrime d'Arras 931.3
4375 112 Kenny Milleker Scuffletown Federfechters 930.5
4376 112 Joseph Haywood Rocket City HEMA 930.2
4377 112 Tino Kort Steelbound 929.9
4378 112 Kate Gottfredson Schola St. George 929.6
4379 111 Pak Ho Wong Hong Kong Armour Association 929.5
4380 113 John Walker Laurel City Historical Fencing 929.4
4381 363 Ewan Johnston Renaissance Martial Arts Society 929.3 72.8
4382 112 Megan Fornasar Capital Kunst des Fechtens 929
4383 Claire Fettig Historical Fencing of York 928.9
4384 115 Brenton Krieger The Hilt and Cross 928.9
4385 113 Sam Wolf Chicago Swordplay Guild 928.9
4386 115 Ferenc Nagy Kard Rendje ViSE 928.6
4387 114 Michael Stampka Ad Arma 928.4
4388 113 Kobe McCarthy-Witheridge Ursa Major HEMA Academy 927.9
4389 111 Lucie Love The Forge: Western Martial Arts 927.9
4390 116 Marc Schultz EHMS 927.9
4391 115 Jesse Crowder Schola St. George 927.8
4392 113 Alex Craig Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 927.6
4393 116 Brent Jockers N/A 927.5
4394 114 Claire Greenwell Durham Medieval Combat Academy 927.5
4395 114 Jasper Baluyut Kron Martial Arts 927.2
4396 114 Thomas Donati Ordine delle Lame Scaligere 926.9
4397 113 Per Magnus Haaland Sällskapet Lunds Kontrafäktare 926.7
4398 112 Jesse Willson Dallas School of Historical Fencing 926.7
4399 114 Jennifer Bunge Omaha Kunst des Fechtens 926.5
4400 113 Gregory Tamar N/A 926.3
4401 112 Cory Tibbitts Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy 926.2
4402 109 Enzo Cinquegrana Noble Science Academy 926.1
4403 113 Austin Yarroeck N/A 926.1
4404 112 Michele Rapa Sala d’Arme del Folle 926
4405 117 Florent Lenhardt Malmö Historiska Fäktskola 925.9
4406 115 Anabelle Reininger Queen City Sword Guild 925.7
4407 113 Martin Černý HELOPS 925.5
4408 113 David Rayburn Warriors of Ash 925.5
4409 109 Pat Moriarty Rocket City HEMA 925.4
4410 114 Froilan Regueiro Noguera Historical Combat Academy 925.4
4411 114 Mathyis Hoover-Holthus Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 925.3
4412 113 Simon Nyborg Jensen HEMA Odense 925.2
4413 111 Christopher Fix Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 925
4414 111 Boriana Dimitrova Historical Swordsmanship - Angel Chernaev 925
4415 111 Veevek Doolabh Wealden Sword & Steel 925
4416 115 Patrick Chick Two Ravens Fencing School 924.8
4417 112 Jonathan Derudder Spatha Medievae 924.8
4418 112 Frederick Everars Invirtus 924.8
4419 112 Troels Windekilde Aros Historical Fencing Guild 924.6
4420 111 Reece Dryden Taunton Longswords 924.5
4421 James Ringener Laughing Wolves Fencing 924.4
4422 108 Esben Gjerløff Aros Historical Fencing Guild 924.2
4423 110 Mathurin Fogg Northwest Fencing Academy 924.1
4424 112 Enrico Tomasi Arma Antica 924.1
4425 114 Tasia Socha Two Ravens Fencing School 924.1
4426 111 Alex Svitashev Signum Corvus School of Arms 924
4427 119 Bruce Rawitch Kansas City HEMA 924
4428 118 Katharine Bancroft Black Cat Historical Fencing 923.8
4429 113 Jamie Davis Wardens of the Tor 923.7
4430 Peter Hong Davenriche European Martial Artes School 923.7
4431 113 Martin Dvorak Hema Praha 923.6
4432 115 Marco Eusebio Lyon AMHE 923.5
4433 113 Sorin Paicu Iron Will HEMA Academy 923.4
4434 Laurent Rosini N/A 923.3
4435 113 Aleksa Crkvenjakov Green Banner 923.2
4436 117 Federico Giaimo Gothenburg Historical Fencing School 923.1
4437 116 Matej Kučan Ars Gladiatoria 923
4438 115 Luciano Lomba Castro Sala Viguesa de Esgrima Antiga 922.8
4439 112 Francesco Ceccarelli ARS Historica 922.8
4440 115 Darren Woodhead Red Dragon Longsword Academy 922.7
4441 117 Csanád Kiss Ars Ensis 922.7
4442 110 Fabian Ziegler 7 Schwerter 922.5
4443 115 Samuele Bigazzi Scherma Storica Firenze 922.5
4444 115 Gus Vlcek Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship 922.5
4445 119 Scott Stover N/A 922.4
4446 113 Kayleigh Stokes Goats Head Historical Fencing 922.4
4447 117 Kuba Pawełek Vectir 922.4
4448 117 Rachel Pruckler Palmetto Knights 922.3
4449 112 Davide Tripodi Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Novara 922.2
4450 115 Nikolay Perevalov Hema Praha 922.2
4451 115 Magnus Sørensen Frederiksborg Historiske Fægteklub 922.1
4452 113 Frank Chou Sword Circle-LLC 921.8
4453 336 Randel Miranda San Diego Sword School 921.8 74.8
4454 114 Carlos Rodriguez Bataireacht and Historical Fencing Faction 921.7
4455 114 Hamish Twaddle Southern Cross Swords 921.5
4456 772 Alejandro Jaquez Axolotes Fencing Club 921.5 93.8
4457 115 Hong Dae Han HEMA North Seoul 921.5
4458 471 Zihan Huang Auckland Sword and Shield 920.8 49.8
4459 115 Andrea Rossini ARS Historica 920.7
4460 117 Liam-Lucille Wright Dawn Duellists Society 920.7
4461 114 Oriol Verdaguer Santiago Sala Duo Bellum Gerió - HEMA Girona - ACEA 920.2
4462 116 Daniel Price Appalachian Highland Historical Fencing 920.2
4463 118 Jay Luo Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 920.1
4464 114 Astrid Ragnars Ursa Major HEMA Academy 920.1
4465 114 Lucas Harmening Arts of Mars 919.9
4466 117 Ruth Stumpfoll University of Vermont Historical Fencing Club 919.9
4467 119 Farah McAdam Caledonian Sword Guild 919.9
4468 423 Chelius Amaury École Chevaleresque 919.8 42.7
4469 Alessa Ferwerda Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola 919.7
4470 117 Thomas Cosson Militia Genavae 919.5
4471 119 Sidney Salud Chicago Swordplay Guild 919.3
4472 117 Francesco Barraco N/A 918.7
4473 119 Hendrik Schrey Turngemeinde Münster 918.7
4474 118 Andrew Hall Page & Blade Society 918.6
4475 116 Jared Montgomery Noble Science Academy 918.1
4476 118 Ed Sleight Ritterkunst Fechtschule 918.1
4477 120 Lucas Nguyen Philadelphia Common Fencers Guild 917.9
4478 118 Rémy Julien BEC Escrime 917.9
4479 117 Edoardo Zanetti ARS Historica 917.5
4480 117 Victor Cobo Ferreira Thomazelli Compagnia di Marte 917.2
4481 115 Simone Peracchi ARS Historica 917
4482 117 Brandon Green Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 917
4483 119 Tyler Lantz House of Blades 916.8
4484 117 Magnus Thorben Spieß Hammaborg 916.7
4485 2136 Sam Head Clashing Steel Longsword Club 915.5 273
4486 118 James Rutherford Gem City Duelists Society 915.4
4494 Gavin Hirschhorn Noble Science Academy 915.4
4489 Evan Arnold SoCal Swords 915.4
4487 Elan Matlovsky Academy of Arms 915.4
4491 Jackson Cross Kron Martial Arts 915.4
4495 Hecheng Zhang Yanlai Historical Fencing 915.4
4492 Curtis Andrews SoCal Swords 915.4
4493 Danielle Diaz Swordplay LA 915.4
4496 Danliu Wang N/A 915.4
4488 David Girard Valley's heart HEMA 915.4
4490 Disney Hook Santa Barbara Sword Club 915.4
4497 128 Luca Zollinger Artes Certaminis 915.3
4498 128 Matteo Bonanno Sala della Gorgone 915.2
4499 127 Filippo Coletti ARS Historica 915.1
4500 129 Nic Shepard Athena School of Arms 915
4501 128 Rodney Bruner En Garde Fencing 914.9
4502 125 Julia Jukarainen EHMS 914.1
4503 127 Zixiong Zhao SoCal Swords 914.1
4504 129 Shen Williams Heartland HEMA Historical Fencing Club 914.1
4505 125 Alex McFarlin Oahu Company of Historical Swordsmanship 913.9
4506 128 Raz Stoddard True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 913.9
4507 128 Stefano Besana Sword Academy 913.9
4508 127 Anthony Swallow Edel Fencing Academy 913.4
4509 125 Laura Tanager True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 913.3
4510 127 Robin Steele Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 913.1
4511 126 Nebojša Vukov Green Banner 913.1
4512 130 Tileubek Uakhitov Golden Falcon 913.1
4513 127 Greg Warras Canterbury Medieval Combat 912.9
4514 127 Onno Lortye Zwaard & Steen 912.8
4515 127 Pietro Checcucci Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Umbria 912.7
4516 127 Stephan Szantho von Radnoth Schwabenfedern 912.4
4517 127 Ian Horner The School of the Sword 912.2
4518 127 Francesco Maria Grasselli Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Emilia 911.9
4519 127 Connor McElroy N/A 911.8
4520 127 Kresnodityo Jatiputro Widianto Iron Guts HEMA Club 911.7
4521 127 Mochamad Reza Taufiq Miyamoto Dojo 911.7
4522 Darwin Rössler INDES Wien 911.6
4523 128 Juantonio Alvarez N/A 911.5
4525 127 Ángela González Centro de Esgrima Histórica 911.2
4526 127 Alexis Nieto Centro de Esgrima Histórica 911.2
4524 127 Nicolás Martínez Praelium Australis 911.2
4527 126 Caetano Costa Batalha Cênica Salvador 910.9
4528 128 Joonas Valamäki EHMS 910.8
4529 127 Riley Ereno Schola St. George 910.6
4530 126 Gabriel Arrington Vargas The Hilt and Cross 910.4
4531 126 Gerényi Attila Ars Ensis 910.3
4532 125 Jesse Slabbekoorn Zwaard & Steen 910.2
4533 130 Collin Cook Wolfpack Sword Guild 910.2
4534 125 Stephen Corbett Blademasters Academy 909.8
4535 127 Rhys Day Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 909.8
4536 126 Lukas Mathiasson Malmö Historiska Fäktskola 909.8
4537 15 Joshua Maltese Mordhau Historical Combat 909.6 17.6
4538 126 Guido Milan Euganea School of Historical Fencing 909.4
4539 181 Alex Newbold London Historical Fencing Club 909.3 48.5
4540 127 Yu Wen Ou Vor & Nach Society of Historical European Martial Arts 909.3
4541 124 Oskar lindkvist Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola 909.1
4542 131 Benedict Häfeli Die Baskerhunde 909.1
4543 125 Julia Soh Aros Historical Fencing Guild 909
4544 129 Ziggy Lindsey Warriors of Ash 908.9
4545 129 Enrico De Biasio Sala d’Arme del Folle 908.9
4546 127 Josep Maria Anguita Julià Club Esgrima Burriac 908.8
4547 133 Charles Griffin Ars Gladii 908.8
4548 127 Arthur Jiang Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy 908.6
4549 126 Giuseppe Arcidiacono ARS Historica 908.3
4550 130 Leila Bobrow Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 908.3
4551 129 Timothy Swayn The School of Historical Fencing 908.3
4552 247 Kevin Broyles Medieval European Martial Arts Guild 908.2 62.5
4553 124 Lok Yin Wai Fu Jen University European Medieval Swordsmanship 908.1
4554 130 Jacek Sworowski ARMA Poland Poznan 908.1
4555 129 Ilmari Haapola Oulun Miekkailuseura 908.1
4556 128 Cadmus Blackwood Medieval Military Arts Academy 908
4557 132 Ivan Krechetov Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 908
4558 131 Abraham Klink De Zwaardkring 908
4559 129 Matteo Guidotti ARS Historica 907.9
4560 128 Paul Conrad Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts 907.7
4561 130 Nathan Dean Gaillimh Gallóglaigh 907.6
4562 319 Evy Weiland San Diego Swordfighters 907.6 74.8
4563 128 Ka-Shing Lee Highland Sword Fighting Guild 907.5
4564 130 Hobie Hemminger HEMA Lexington 907.5
4565 129 Joshua Gardiner Fitzroy College of Arms 907.3
4566 129 Logan Wyatt Whangarei Medieval Combat Club 906.8
4567 129 Chelsea Hawkey Sword Fighter Gold Coast 906.5
4568 129 Vladislav Lutz The Knights of Jerusalem 906.1
4569 129 Seo Rae Won Historical Fencing Federation Korea 906
4570 129 Tanner Milgrim Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 905.7
4571 129 Corentin Beuzeboc Les Arts Léonins 905.6
4572 127 Erica Herremans Invirtus 905.3
4573 130 Simone Normani ASD Majistro Re 905.2
4574 130 Gulli Dannason Akureyri HEMA Club 904.9
4575 Andy Hadcroft Whangarei Medieval Combat Club 904.7
4576 128 Daniel Chavira Medieval Military Arts Academy 904.5
4577 131 Lorenzo Pitre Les Fines Lames du Médoc 904.5
4578 129 Alex Gouveia Inland Northwest Longsword Academy 904.3
4579 129 Slats Toole Ram's Head Fencing 904.3
4580 129 Kylan Simmons True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 904.2
4581 129 Nathan Urban-Gedamke N/A 904
4582 135 Michael Creech Capital Kunst des Fechtens 904
4583 130 Galen Bizovi Masterless Fencing 903.6
4584 130 Zuzana Manikova Trnavský Šermiarsky Cech 903.3
4585 130 Joshua Wenzler Indianapolis Fencing Club 903.3
4586 129 János Bánkuti Ars Ensis 903.2
4587 131 Piotr Roguski N/A 903.1
4588 130 Maria Rodríguez Montfulleda Club Esgrima Burriac 902.8
4589 129 Jakub Kalina San Diego Swordfighters 902.8
4590 21 Aria Ursell The Institute for Historical Arts 902.4 17.8
4591 126 Manuel Alvarez Souto Sala Viguesa de Esgrima Antiga 902.2
4592 128 William Welch Krieg School 902.1
4593 131 Mihnea-Alexandru Dumitru Iron Will HEMA Academy 902.1
4594 131 Ida Paavoseppä EHMS 902
4595 129 David Nagy Blood and Iron Martial Arts 901.7
4596 128 Miles Kinee Maritime Sword School 901.5
4597 130 Ana Maria Petrescu 7 Swords Historical Fencing School 901.4
4598 244 Pavel Hradský Pardubický spolek šermířský 901.2 61.7
4599 129 Manos Megaloudis Pegasus - Athens historical fencing club 900.9
4600 127 Anna Vasileva Duo Bellum 900.7
4601 127 Jason Culverwell Ursa Major HEMA Academy 900.7
4602 131 Heiko Erhardt Schildwache Potsdam e.V 900.6
4603 409 Miroslav Šafář Non Sancti 900.6 40
4604 132 Davide Fegez Septem Custodie 900.6
4605 136 Sam Walter Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 900.5
4606 131 Peter Sugg Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 900.3
4607 130 Benjamin Crespo Vilavedra Esgrima Antiga Pontevedra 899.9
4608 132 James Swartout Tuathair Academy of Swordsmanship 899.8
4609 131 Jocelyn CHAUMETTE Compagnie Excallibur Yvellines 899.6
4610 131 Mikaël Peyrolles Les Lames d'Aïssa 899.3
4611 131 John Pence Athens School of Arms 899.2
4612 131 Jordan Murphy Blademasters Academy 898.8
4613 131 Michele Mazzoleni Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Lombardia 898.5
4614 130 Lucca Canavezes Academia de Esgrima Histórica Carioca 897.8
4615 132 Chris Smith Invicta Fencing Academy 897.7
4616 131 Pavel Zriachev Golden Falcon 897.4
4617 128 Ron Kuklin The Knights of Jerusalem 897
4618 131 Simon Meniuk INDES Salzburg 897
4619 131 Đorđe Mladenović Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 897
4620 129 George Dimitropoulos Apocalyptic Knights 896.6
4621 128 Malte Tramp Braunschweiger Fechtkultur 896.6
4622 Connor McCluskey San Diego Sword School 896.5
4623 131 Benjamin Hay Decatur School of Arms 896.5
4624 130 Kai-Uwe Konrad Steelhead Western Martial Arts 895.8
4625 130 Troy Helm Indianapolis Fencing Club 895.6
4626 Adam Mitchell Historical Fencing of York 895.6
4627 131 Wesley Simms Order of the Blade 895.3
4628 130 David Tudor Denver Historical Fencing Academy 894.9
4629 Timothy Ng Gotham European Martial Arts Collective 894.9
4630 131 David Powers Tuathair Academy of Swordsmanship 894.6
4631 134 Jan Stiess SHŠ Krkavci 894.6
4632 131 Ryan Wannerton N/A 894.5
4633 131 Samantha Monk True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 894.3
4634 134 Lawrence Mascaro Nachreisen Historical Fencing 894.3
4635 132 Senne Roels SwArta 894.1
4636 131 Steven Bulman Rocket City HEMA 894
4637 133 Christopher Lee Triangle Sword Guild 893.9
4638 132 Caroline Zook Pennsylvania Klopffechters 893.3
4639 132 Ava Thrasher Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 893.2
4640 132 Devin Reichardt Boston Armizare 893
4641 132 Aurora Brown IronFolk Combat 892.9
4642 129 Stephen Williams F3 Sword Academy 892.6
4643 129 Arron Leslie-Evans Fechtschule Victoria 892.5
4644 129 Alan Horn Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy 892.5
4645 133 Jon Ander Larrinaga Uriarte Sala de Armas Salvatore Fabris 892.5
4646 135 Hunter Clayton Dallas School of Historical Fencing 892.4
4647 131 Jacopo Giatti Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Romagna 892.2
4648 131 David Antileo Hermandad de la Espada 892.1
4649 Andrew Kwak Carnegie Mellon University HEMA 891.8
4650 132 Miroslav Aleksandrov Historical Swordsmanship - Angel Chernaev 891.7
4651 132 Justin Northrop Nachreisen Historical Fencing 891.4
4652 131 Lev Finkelshteyn Ministry Of The Fence 891.3
4653 133 Mátyás Németh Kard Rendje ViSE 891.3
4654 129 Siiri Saastamoinen Turun Historiallisen Miekkailun Seura 891.1
4655 131 Arren Roach Edel Fencing Academy 890.9
4656 130 Inari Berezina EHMS 890.8
4657 130 Vilija Davey Academie Duello 890.6
4658 569 Emmanuel Lagumbay Tattershall School of Defense 890.6 139.5
4659 131 Rares Laurentiu Oprea 7 Swords Historical Fencing School 890.3
4660 131 Connor Stone Wivenhoe HEMA 890.2
4661 131 Issa Zhantore Golden Falcon 890
4662 172 Robert Fogelberg Rota Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning 889.6 7.9
4663 130 Owen Townes N/A 889.2
4664 129 Viljami Leskelä Oulun Miekkailuseura 889.1
4665 133 Matthew Ciarvella Eastside Fechtverein HEMA 889.1
4666 130 Jan Riha Hema Praha 888.8
4667 130 Charlie Wingert University of Dallas Fencing Club 888.8
4668 130 Nicholas Lewis Historical Swordfighting Guild of UT Dallas 888.8
4669 95 Michal Dobrota Triglav 888.7 36.6
4670 130 Timothy Eller ASV Ossweil 888.7
4671 50 Julius Gaarden HEMA Aalborg 888.5 11.3
4672 Ben Hirschfield Smart HEMA Clubs 888.5
4673 131 Reef Lowe Ursa Major HEMA Academy 888.4
4674 135 Evan Gordon Nebraska Swordfighters Guild 888.4
4675 132 Franciszek Sioma ARMA Poland 888.4
4676 135 John Young Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 888.3
4677 143 Kim Sheely Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 888.2
4678 134 Vladyslav Zolotarevskyi Hema Praha 888.2
4679 471 Kristen Roberts Academy of Arms 888.1 50.9
4680 133 Saraya Edwards Academie Duello 887.7
4681 133 Benno Friesen The Historical Combat Collective 887.7
4682 136 Neil Satterlund N/A 887.6
4683 138 Marie-France Lalancette Toronto Historical Combatants 887.6
4684 134 Lennart Thoms Turngemeinde Münster 887.5
4685 136 Sebastian Böhme Fencing Club Dresden 887.4
4686 17 Shauna LeFebvre Ironwood Historic Swordsmanship 887.3 24
4687 136 Melody Benefield Brandr Combat Academy 887.2
4688 135 Adam Rowland University of West Florida Fencing 887.1
4689 137 Michael McIntosh Omaha Kunst des Fechtens 886.8
4690 135 Nicholas Kent University of Vermont Historical Fencing Club 886.6
4691 135 Otis Statham Northwest Armizare 886.6
4692 134 Denzil Rodrigues KdF Nottingham 886.2
4693 133 Alexandre Massiac Frères d'AMHE 886
4694 137 Dino Turkovic Ars Gladiatoria 885.8
4695 134 Drake Johnson Ritterkunst Fechtschule 885.8
4696 137 Simon Dixon The Exiles 885.7
4697 135 Lilith Lehman Red River Fencing 885.5
4698 Daniel Mattas Digladior 885.3
4699 136 Eugene Kang Signum Corvus School of Arms 885
4700 136 Anita Twisk The School of Historical Fencing 884.9
4701 136 Simone Ciccioli Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Romagna 884.7
4702 136 Batiz Domonkos Ars Ensis 884.5
4703 136 Bartłomiej Chwastowski Szermierka Kielce 884.3
4704 136 Chris Oates The Vanguard Centre 884.3
4705 135 Birgir Sig. Reykjavik HEMA Club 884
4706 135 Fabrice Papuli Bataireacht and Historical Fencing Faction 883.9
4707 135 Ian Kaferle Ars Gladii 883.6
4708 135 Donald Hausser Chicago Swordplay Guild 883.5
4709 134 Simone Grimaldi Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Friuli Venezia Giulia 882.9
4710 134 Nolan Montonye Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy 882.9
4711 134 Oren Hemsworth Blackfriar's School of Fence 882.5
4712 Patrik Malve London Historical Fencing Club 882.5
4713 135 Marco Capone N/A 882.5
4714 135 George Palmer The School of Historical Combat 882.1
4715 135 Sloan Rymenams Sumus Soldani 882
4716 134 Mikaël Kalisperatis Iarumas 881.8
4717 134 Filip Futáš Škola šermu Paridon 881.5
4718 134 Kimmo Virtanen School of European Swordsmanship 881.4
4719 134 Fritz Gick University of Vermont Historical Fencing Club 881.3
4720 134 Beth Cannon New York Historical Fencing Association 881.2
4721 134 Nathaniel Jimena Ursa Major HEMA Academy 881.2
4722 134 Sheng hsia Hsu The Chinese Academy of Chang Chuan and Hong Chuan 880.8
4723 132 Jon Nyhus N/A 880.7
4724 134 Shannon Tanis Historisch Schermgilde Limburg 880.6
4725 410 Vanja Djekic Academy of Arms 880.5 100.5
4726 134 Emma Austin University of Vermont Historical Fencing Club 880.4
4727 134 Eric Stenner The Academy of European Swordsmanship 880.3
4728 134 Patrick Toher Gaillimh Gallóglaigh 880.3
4729 134 Tony Simion Historische Kampfkunst Luzern 879.8
4730 133 Luiz Guilherme de Oliveira Silva Wolfsherz 879.7
4731 132 Sabine Kreuzgruber INDES Linz 879.4
4732 136 Parker Middendorp Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 879.3
4733 133 Jason Jenkins Ninheim Viking Fight School 879.3
4734 136 Antonio Rolandelli Oxford Sword and Staff 879.2
4735 134 Emma Brekelmans De Academie voor Middeleeuwse Europese Krijgskunsten 879.1
4736 134 Brendan Maloney Center for Blade Arts 879
4737 134 Eryn Stephen Warriors of Ash 878.9
4738 134 Jérémie Haesslein Cercle d'Armes du Dauphiné 878.9
4739 Nicholas Piper CU-Lock Haven HEMA Club 878.8
4740 135 Leona Ninteau Per La Vita Academy of Western Martial Arts 878.8
4741 135 Cindy Taheij Steelbound 878.6
4742 135 Antoine Tur Le Cercle des Épées Libres 878.4
4743 134 Kirk Milligan Canterbury Historical Fencing Club 878.1
4744 134 Berk Hoogeveen Friese Vrijvechters 878.1
4745 137 Eduard George Ionescu Iron Will HEMA Academy 878
4746 134 Stepan Tolmachev Golden Falcon 877.8
4747 136 Talin Dirocco Black Cat Historical Fencing 877.8
4748 134 JJ Rousher Youngstown Historical Fencing 877.5
4749 133 Giuliano Giovanardi Compagnia del Corvo Grigio 877.2
4750 133 Michael Pobiak Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 877.1
4751 136 Amy Belcher Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 877
4752 134 Joseph Graham The Forge: Western Martial Arts 877
4753 133 Julen Xavier Murugaren Soria Asociación Navarra de Esgrima Histórica Corvus 876.7
4754 135 Marco Righini HEMA Ravenna 876.6
4755 133 Owen Prideaux Adelaide Sword Academy 876.4
4756 133 Alexander Rodriguez Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 876.2
4757 133 Corentin Chapron LAMHE des Mauges 876.1
4758 133 Stitch Chen Academie Duello 876
4759 132 Giuseppe Tres Scherma Storica Dolomiti 876
4760 132 Ben Lubbers Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 875.5
4761 132 Deagan Rodgerson Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship 874.8
4762 132 Ruiqi (Richard) Liu Einherjar HEMA Club 874.8
4763 132 Richard van den Broek De Zwaardkring 874.7
4764 132 Paolo Roberto Centioni Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Roma 874.5
4765 132 Ping Yiu (Billy) Wong Einherjar HEMA Club 874.2
4766 132 Mathew Kortuem True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 873.6
4767 132 Snezha Dzhidrova FORTE - Historical Fencing 873.5
4768 131 Michal Dadaj Cech Terra de Selinan 873.5
4769 131 Jérôme Mauduit La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 873.4
4770 129 Jose Luis Pedraza Garcia Krigerskole 873.4
4771 131 Jack Mori Schola Sforzesca 873.3
4772 136 Dakota Hinton Warriors of Ash 873.3
4773 131 Christian Chase Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy 873.1
4774 130 Tyler Lucas Pittsburgh Fighters Guild 873
4775 136 Julia Holfelder Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 872.9
4776 748 Rasmus Viking Lømand Ravgård Christiansen HEMA Aalborg 872.9 91.6
4777 132 Robert Jones Silver Hand Fencing 872.8
4778 135 Nicholaus Royal Nebraska Swordfighters Guild 872.8
4779 133 Cassidy Williams-White Academy of European Medieval Martial Arts 872.5
4780 133 Andreas Heinke N/A 872.4
4781 132 Valera Velez Philadelphia Common Fencers Guild 871.6
4782 132 Ryan Black Renaissance Martial Arts Society 871.6
4783 131 Michael Wigfull Order of the Blade 871.5
4784 131 Theo Ebbutt Taunton Longswords 871.4
4785 134 Corentin Fierens IIème Rguingonne 871.4
4786 132 Steve Shucker Ironwood Historic Swordsmanship 871
4787 131 Katona Dávid Viriditas Istri 870.8
4788 133 Jennifer Embry Fechtschule Victoria 870.8
4789 132 Federico Bertoni Major Milita Mutina 870.8
4790 132 Jacob Lambert Forte Swordplay 870.4
4791 132 Robert Hamilton Wolves Den Historical Fencing 870.2
4792 131 Manuel J. Díaz Club de Esgrima Histórica Audacia 869.9
4793 133 Juozapas Bernotas-Pakeris Alber Aus VU 869.9
4794 132 Jozef Kuhajda Cech Terra de Selinan 868.8
4795 129 Samuel Gerhardt N/A 868.8
4796 133 Anssi Alhopuro EHMS 868.8
4797 130 Brynn Wilde IronFolk Combat 868.7
4798 134 Timothy von Gal II Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 868.6
4799 131 Etienne Fustier Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon 868.5
4800 408 Guillaume Rigaux École Chevaleresque 868.4 111.8
4801 130 Adomas Šeidukis Alber Aus VU 868.4
4802 137 Madeleine Thomson The Vanguard Centre 868.3
4803 130 Ludovic Cayla De Feu et d'Acier 868.3
4804 135 Austin Schwart Omaha-Metro Armed Combat Academy 868.2
4805 131 Florian Aelfers Equinox 868.1
4806 131 Donato Caldarella Sala d'Arme del Folle 867.8
4807 135 Christopher Wood Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 867.8
4808 132 Christopher Conklin Crossroads Swords 867.7
4809 132 Samuel Roberts HEMA Nelson 867.6
4810 610 Xu Shangshang Fechtschule Ziedông 867.6 72.2
4811 132 Jake Webster Rocket City HEMA 867.3
4812 132 Jim Carr Glasgow HEMA 867.2
4813 132 Patrick Resha Canopy Longsword 866.9
4814 132 Magnus Gunn Elgin Broadsword Society 866.6
4815 Wolf Wolfman Ausardia HEMA Club 866.6
4816 132 Aksa Saragih Iron Guts HEMA Club 866.5
4817 132 Romain Gaborieau Lyon AMHE 866.3
4818 135 Antal Domonkos Ars Ensis 866.3
4819 133 Patrick McCarthy Queen City Sword Guild 866.2
4820 133 Alexandr Kizevich Mordschlag 866
4821 133 Sage Kizer Arena Weapon Arts 865.9
4822 131 Konstancija Kisonaite Gävle HEMA 864.8
4823 131 Kaleb Bermond Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 864.8
4824 134 Tyler Jackson Schola St. George 864.8
4825 136 Brittany Watson Sword Fighter Gold Coast 864.8
4826 133 Milan Hosman T. J. Sokol České Budějovice 864.6
4827 133 Mark Bruce Ursa Major HEMA Academy 864.4
4828 133 Bojan Bockorec Mittelalterverein Bern 864.1
4829 133 Elin Vilhelmsson Nässjö Kampsport 863.5
4830 133 Mika Kunenok Schola St. George 863.4
4831 133 Thor Jonsson Ochs America 863.3
4832 133 Jane Gylling Örebro HEMA 863.1
4833 133 Rory Welles Friese Vrijvechters 863.1
4834 132 Janis Staub N/A 863
4835 134 Chingyao Chang N/A 862.7
4836 131 Suat Kuran İstanbul Tarihi Savaş Sanatları Birliği 862.4
4837 130 Sullivan Yu La Compagnie Médiévale 862.3
4838 134 Vlad Cirnaru Iron Will HEMA Academy 862.3
4839 Tal Davies Southampton Historical Fencing 862.2
4840 132 Daniele Arioli Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Emilia 862
4841 132 E Alex Escareno Lake Forest Sword Academy 862
4842 91 Alexander Landis Ironwood Historic Swordsmanship 861.9 39.8
4843 203 Ondrej Krumlovský Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 861.4 62.8
4844 133 Quentin Chevillot La Maisnie du Chevalier Bragon 861.3
4845 132 Julia Kringlen BladeFit Academy 861.3
4846 136 Aaron Hudson Queen City Sword Guild 861.1
4847 133 Éric Pereur Les Lames de Cernès 861.1
4848 136 Nicolò Ronchin Confraternita de Masnadieri 861
4849 133 Niklas Linderås Gothenburg Historical Fencing School 861
4850 132 Andrei Tibori N/A 860.6
4851 132 Benjamin Dietrich N/A 860.2
4852 569 Alexandra Yastishock Academy of Arms 860.1 67.6
4853 131 Dyon van Vreumingen Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 860
4854 131 Azaria Voegeli École Lémanique d'Arts et d'Actions 860
4855 131 Viktor Van Meerssche Arte Mortiferum 859.9
4856 135 Pascale Boots De Zwaardkring 859.9
4857 132 Lovro Radovčić Ars Gladiatoria 859.2
4858 132 Daniel Krauss Lansing Longsword Guild 858.9
4859 132 Cassie Clark Adelaide Sword Academy 858.7
4860 130 Francesco Moscatelli Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Friuli Venezia Giulia 858.4
4861 132 František Vavříček Dobrovolný Šerm 858.4
4862 134 Scott Christie N/A 858.2
4863 130 Kaleigh Kessler Hudson Valley Fencing 858.1
4864 130 Daniel Merz Säbelrassler 858.1
4865 133 Tyvan Deming Society of Historical Fencing 858
4866 131 Matteo De Angelis Sword Academy 858
4867 136 Michal Matis Cech Terra de Selinan 858
4868 132 Aron Steinssen Jónsson Reykjavik HEMA Club 857.9
4869 131 Josh MacEachern N/A 857.6
4870 133 Emily Finn Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research 857.5
4871 132 Steven Millar Historical Combat Academy 857.3
4872 132 Allison Weller Lonin League 856.4
4873 132 Nicole Bosserman Indianapolis Fencing Club 856.2
4874 129 Joao Marinheiro Grupo Esgrima Medieval e Artes de Combate 855.8
4875 132 Lucy Jarvis The School of Historical Fencing 855.7
4876 129 Raymond Gutierrez Lake Charles HEMA Academy 855.4
4877 129 Víctor Rodríguez Club de Esgrima Histórica Audacia 855.2
4878 129 Brandon Brewington Cookeville HEMA Club 855
4879 129 John Frederick Cruz Forge Pioneer: Historical Fencing 855
4880 128 David Högele Historisches Fechten Rosenheim 854.7
4881 128 Keir Irbhinn N/A 854.7
4882 131 Johann Hofberger Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 854.6
4883 129 Lucía Fernández Club de Esgrima Histórica Audacia 854
4884 129 Katy Teny Hema Praha 853.7
4885 168 Sergi Reig Oussedik Sala d'Armes Monjuïc 853.4 7.9
4886 130 Francesco De Simone ARS Historica 853.3
4887 130 Craig Arthur Academy of European Medieval Martial Arts 853
4888 130 Sahin Karakoc Schule des inneren Schwertes 852.9
4889 130 Alan Li The School of Historical Fencing 852.8
4890 130 Vittorio Bosch Historisch Schermgilde Limburg 852.1
4891 129 Maxime BELFORT Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon 851.9
4892 131 Mikołaj Wodecki Gwiazdy Katowice DESW 851.7
4893 130 Alex Easingwood Arena Weapon Arts 851.6
4894 Patrick Holly Union Fechtverein Die Lange Schneyd 851.5
4895 130 Patricia De Juaristi Gálvez Sala de Armas Don Jaime de Mereló 851.3
4896 130 Robert Stwalley Lafayette Historical Fencing Guild 851.2
4897 130 Jaroslaw Kolmaga Hema Praha 850.8
4898 128 Nicola Damian Sword Academy 850.8
4899 131 Martin Ederer TSV Uesen - Winkelfechter 850.7
4900 129 Eusebi Vázquez Garcia Club Esgrima Burriac 850.6
4901 132 Mateusz Majewski VALKYRIE/BLADE 850.3
4902 130 Wojciech Byrski Szkoła Fechtunku Gryf 849.1
4903 130 Luã Almeida Vieira Clube 98 848.8
4904 128 Vinzenz Wagner Europäische Schwertkunst 848.7
4905 130 Joseph DiFrancesca L'Arte Lehigh Valley Historical Fencing 848.6
4906 132 Jenn Guska Royal Arts Fencing Academy 848.5
4907 129 Eric St. Pierre Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing 848.4
4908 129 Max Mull House of Blades 848.3
4909 132 Mick Ruane The School of the Sword 848.1
4910 130 Cameron Neeki Kron Martial Arts 847.5
4911 129 Sebastian Sedgeman Ursa Major HEMA Academy 847.2
4912 128 Gabriel Andrinor C. Tajonera Forge Pioneer: Historical Fencing 847.2
4913 132 Melissa Sakakura Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 847
4914 129 Chris McGregor Swordfighters Martial Arts & Self Defence 846.9
4915 128 Rone Oberholzer Spatha Medievae 846.8
4916 130 Lexi Christie Richmond Kunst Des Fechtens 846.8
4917 129 Nathaniel Montgomery Napa-Solano Historical Fencing Guild 846.3
4918 128 Pasquale Torturo ARS Historica 846.3
4919 126 Alex Babeanu Academie Duello 846.1
4920 128 Kilian degryse De Hallebardiers 846.1
4921 130 Rainer Troost Europäische Schwertkunst 846
4922 127 Lexi Seiler Ars Gladii 845.4
4923 126 Pak Lam Chan Einherjar HEMA Club 845.2
4924 590 Chad Sandidge Seven Swords Academy 845.2 77.9
4925 Jonah Ekelund Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola 845.1
4926 128 Ociel Gonzalez Solis Krigerskole 845.1
4927 131 Derek D Young WHFC Valour 845.1
4928 127 Carole Faucher Bataireacht and Historical Fencing Faction 844.8
4929 129 Marcus Fallschessel Arts of Mars 844.8
4930 126 Sergio Grillo Scherma Storica Firenze 844.5
4931 129 Olli Niemi Turun Historiallisen Miekkailun Seura 844.5
4932 129 David Guimarães de Arruda Escola de Artes Marciais Históricas Grifo de Fogo 844.4
4933 126 David Pulanco Kron Martial Arts 844.2
4934 129 Alin-George Iordache Iron Will HEMA Academy 844.2
4935 127 Bertie Lunt The Wrathful Peasants 844.2
4936 130 Jiří Hloušek AKA - Akademie rytířských umění 844
4937 128 Giovanna Melnyk Comox Valley Combat Guild 843.9
4938 128 Jussi Hurtta Jyväskylä Academy of Historical Martial Arts 843.9
4939 127 Thomas Deangeles Lake Forest Sword Academy 843.5
4940 126 Janina Junghans Europäische Schwertkunst 843.4
4941 128 Mike Pearce Basingstoke HEMA 843.3
4942 127 Sarah Lopez-Gancedo Spatha Medievae 843.2
4943 124 Adrienne (AJ) Johnson True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 842.9
4944 197 Rachel Butler Smart HEMA Clubs 842.9 64.7
4945 127 Eric Edmonds The Academy of European Swordsmanship 842.9
4946 129 Stelkovics Jonatán Filii Solis Történelmi Kardvívó Kör 842.9
4947 222 Matteo Lahaye Ecole d'Escrime Médiévale L'Âme Impetueuse 842.6 17.6
4948 128 Guy Reynolds Academy of Steel 842.6
4949 128 Jacopo Tarello Cyprus ΗΕΜΑ Club 842.4
4950 128 Ken Braucksick St Louis School of Arms 842.2
4951 127 Diva Ilham Miyamoto Dojo 841.5
4952 127 Kevin Simpson Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 841.5
4953 127 Adam Caryll Pittsburgh Fighters Guild 841.5
4954 131 Dale Winchell Steelhead Western Martial Arts 841.1
4955 128 Owen Docherty Lyon AMHE 840.9
4956 127 Li Zixiang Cornish Sword - Kledha Kernewek 840.7
4957 127 Hal Wenk Tuathair Academy of Swordsmanship 840.5
4958 127 Sergio Gurrea Blademasters Academy 840.4
4959 127 Aidan McMahon-Smith Hema Praha 840.3
4960 Richard Lauko Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 839.9
4961 127 Lewis Bishop HEMA Nelson 839.8
4962 129 William Kirshbom New York Historical Fencing Association 839.8
4963 128 Jan Budziak Association for Renaissance Martial Arts 839.7
4964 127 Gordon Marinella Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 839.4
4965 126 Raymond Glenn Angsico Cabredo Forge Pioneer: Historical Fencing 839.4
4966 125 Marco Palmieri Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Abruzzo 839.2
4967 129 Ryan Drager Queen City Sword Guild 839.2
4968 128 Yevgeniy Sharafutdinov Ferox 839.1
4969 126 Lénaïc Frey Lyon AMHE 838.9
4970 125 Valentino Iezzi Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Abruzzo 838.5
4971 127 Piotr Urbański Szermierka Kielce 838.4
4972 125 Matteo Marelli Comense Scherma 838.1
4973 125 Jesse Nukarinen EHMS 837.6
4974 123 William Gonzalez Nickel City Longsword Academy 837.2
4975 123 Clayton Zóccoli Sisnando de Oliveira AEEA Stahlfechter 837.1
4976 126 Andi Nealon Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 836.9
4977 124 Puskás Levente Ars Ensis 836.8
4978 124 Ryan Nelson Chicago Swordplay Guild 836.7
4979 124 Lennart von der Assen Turngemeinde Münster 836.7
4980 122 Jordan Shearer Arena Weapon Arts 836.3
4981 125 Jess Rozek Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 836.2
4982 125 Pascal Ranc Cercle d' Escrime Bast'Yon 836.1
4983 123 John Cope Triangle Sword Guild 835.9
4984 125 Samuel Bettega Scherma Storica Dolomiti 835.9
4985 124 Britney Atwell Swordwind Historical Swordsmanship 835.6
4986 124 Daniel Bartoš FFG Ostrava 835.1
4987 124 Crystal Pfeiffer Queen City Sword Guild 835
4988 123 Scott Alexander The Vanguard Centre 835
4989 125 David Aston Taunton Longswords 835
4990 123 Kira Knight Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 834.9
4991 122 Maria Grundner Equinox 834.5
4992 124 Yi Nian Lee London Historical Fencing Club 834.5
4993 127 Ed Wells Schola St. George 834.3
4994 2030 Charles Martinez SoCal Swords 834.3 275.4
4995 124 Tim Bodde MARS 834.1
4996 126 Amanda Lindgren Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola 834
4997 124 Harper Spring-Glace Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 833.6
4998 126 Karol Pucyński Centrum Dawnych Sztuk Walk 833.3
4999 125 Joshua Zeballos Crossroads Swords 833.1
5000 125 Wilbur Abrams University of Vermont Historical Fencing Club 832.9
5001 124 William Scalia Ritterkunst Fechtschule 832.9
5002 124 Adam Peter Fretwell Show of Arms 832.8
5003 Moss Konrad Ironwood Historic Swordsmanship 832.7
5004 125 Virág Anna György Pécsi Hosszúkardvívó Sportkör 832.6
5005 129 Filip Matan Custodes Historiae 832.4
5006 121 Jared Shelton Appalachian Highland Historical Fencing 831.7
5007 125 Antoine Valembois Le Cercle des Épées Libres 831.6
5008 125 Filip Rameš Duelanti od Svatého Rocha 831.5
5009 125 Dillon Baksh Niagara Historical Fencing 831.5
5010 123 Alex Kirkpatrick Ritterkunst Fechtschule 831.4
5011 125 Aislinn MacCulloch The Forge: Western Martial Arts 831.3
5012 124 Michael Scott N/A 831
5013 123 Cameron Turner N/A 830.7
5014 125 Juliette Vajas La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 830.6
5015 Cory Ashby-Halstead Smart HEMA Clubs 830.4
5016 124 Ti Chien Truth Exploring 830.4
5017 126 Leone De Vero Blademasters Academy 830.1
5018 125 Jonathan Daugherty Indianapolis Fencing Club 829.9
5019 124 Camino Conde Asociación Navarra de Esgrima Histórica Corvus 829.5
5020 123 John Previtera The Hilt and Cross 828.7
5021 125 Olivia Kurth Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 828.6
5022 124 CJ Faris Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 828
5023 124 Connor Watson Canterbury Historical Fencing Club 827.9
5024 124 Aaron Manning Southampton Historical Fencing 827.4
5025 124 Jade Gabriela Rodriguez Ramiro Krigerskole 827.2
5026 124 Isaac Chaifetz Indianapolis Fencing Club 827.1
5027 124 Caryn Wickersheim Lake Forest Sword Academy 826.7
5028 124 Parker Wiltrout United Clans Swordsman Association 826.2
5029 Chloe Ung SoCal Swords 826.2
5030 124 Jenifer Currie HEMA Nelson 825.6
5031 126 Xinghuan Liu The School of Historical Fencing 825.6
5032 123 Carley Simmons Kron Martial Arts 825.6
5033 126 Daniel Jambrek Ars Gladiatoria 825.1
5034 124 Alice White-Budd Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 824.9
5035 121 Casey Schuit Sword Fighter Gold Coast 824.7
5036 125 Andreas Aron 7 Swords Historical Fencing School 824.7
5037 125 Lars Flores True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 824.6
5038 125 Ross Piedmonte Indianapolis Fencing Club 824.5
5039 124 Thomas Carrigan Historical Swordfighting Guild of UT Dallas 824.4
5040 124 Nicolas Wöhrel SAEA Aveyron 823.7
5041 124 Vojtěch Jan Kroužek Digladior 823.7
5042 124 Roman Koryčanský Digladior 823.1
5043 124 Victoria Nicolson The Society for the Study of Swordsmanship 823
5044 123 Genevieve Gagne Comox Valley Combat Guild 822.9
5045 125 Stanislava Pajonková Rožnovsky šermirsky klub 822.7
5046 122 Rohan Lynch Adelaide Sword Academy 822.6
5047 124 Vina Zahnd Historicae Artes Dimicationes Ustrachense 822.5
5048 123 George Kotios Apocalyptic Knights 822.4
5049 123 Eva Cobian Ledo Sala Viguesa de Esgrima Antiga 822.3
5050 122 Alex Weaver Alaska Fechtschule 822.2
5051 432 Ian Elkind San Diego Swordfighters 822 213.1
5052 123 Luca Alonzi Sala d'arme I Bèc del Ruc 821.9
5053 237 András István Móré Kard Rendje ViSE 821.9 21.9
5054 123 Pierre Defois Lyon AMHE 821.7
5055 125 Eric Bolwerk N/A 821.6
5056 124 Michael See Ursa Major HEMA Academy 821.5
5057 Valentin Stechow Schule des inneren Schwertes 821.5
5058 124 Patrick Hollstein Brückenschlag 821.4
5059 124 Stuart Grundy Smart HEMA Clubs 820.5
5060 124 Seth Day Columbus United Fencing Club 820.3
5061 124 Shannon Tratnyek Chicago Swordplay Guild 820.2
5062 124 Kari Thomas Medieval European Martial Arts Guild 820.2
5063 124 Anthony Ciamacco Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 819.9
5064 452 Gary Howard Wivenhoe HEMA 819.7 281.4
5065 124 Hugo Montes Fernández Sala Viguesa de Esgrima Antiga 819.5
5066 126 Ágnes Pongrácz Ars Ensis 819.3
5067 125 Rachael Hughes The Vanguard Centre 819.2
5068 Ben Johns-Watson University of Chester HEMA 819.1
5069 Robert Bajtela Union Fechtverein Die Lange Schneyd 818.9
5070 126 Amber Vanscoit N/A 818.9
5071 126 Allan Detrémont Recherche et Expérimentation du Geste Historique et Technique 818.6
5072 126 Em Phillips University of Vermont Historical Fencing Club 818.3
5073 Brandon Missimer Historical Fencing of York 817.7
5074 126 Jeroen Verzijl Friese Vrijvechters 817.7
5075 126 Sebastián Bučo Cech Terra de Selinan 817.1
5076 124 Giovanni Bigliardi Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Emilia 816.7
5077 126 Tim Goode Stoccata School of Defence 816.7
5078 128 Zoe Efstathiou-Kombatsiaris Apocalyptic Knights 816.5
5079 Zuzanna Kurko London Historical Fencing Club 816.5
5080 127 Michael Ron Kader Ministry Of The Fence 816.3
5081 126 Irfan Nurhadi Satria Iron Guts HEMA Club 816.2
5082 128 Jonathan Burnay Spatha Medievae 816.1
5083 127 Kira Baylor En Garde Fencing 815.7
5084 127 Jimmie Gisclair Aegis Historical Combat Training 815.7
5085 127 Ryan Coons Rocket City HEMA 815.5
5086 127 Ioannis-Alexandros Tovas Pegasus - Athens historical fencing club 815
5087 127 Stacy Stocki Tosetti Institute of MMA and Fitness 814.4
5088 127 Richard Suthers N/A 813.9
5089 127 Marina Sauca Sala d'Armes Monjuïc 813.7
5090 127 Grant Knocker HEMA Fencing Whakatane 813.5
5091 127 Anna Zsófia Csűry Sumus Soldani 813.4
5092 127 Anna Zahn Lake Forest Sword Academy 813.3
5093 126 Vinícius Martins Armizare Esgrima Histórica 813
5094 125 John Marc Fernandez Forge Pioneer: Historical Fencing 813
5095 127 Mathias Schmelzer Schwabenfedern 812.9
5096 126 Tony Tripp N/A 812.7
5097 126 John Shellard Wardens of the Tor 812.5
5098 132 Annette Sherrod Boston Armizare 812.5
5099 127 Hanna van Rooijen De Zwaardkring 812.2
5100 Nicolas Meo N/A 812
5101 128 Wesley Davis Pennsylvania Klopffechters 811.6
5102 128 Urvashi Garg The School of Historical Fencing 811.4
5103 3 Wojciech Skoczynski SwordFight 811 20.6
5104 128 Mel Collins Ars Gladii 810.9
5105 130 Joe Hartman Queen City Sword Guild 810.9
5106 129 David Ewing The Institute for Historical Arts 810.6
5107 129 Francisco Perin Farfalla di Ferro 810.5
5108 129 Matteo Anastasio Scherma Storica Dolomiti 809.7
5109 129 Raphaël Rigal Le Chapitre des Armes 809.6
5110 Daniel Pedersen HEMA Aalborg 809.1
5111 130 Bram Vandenbussche De Hallebardiers 809.1
5112 130 Paul Shelton Mordhau Historical Combat 808.7
5113 129 Luke Standivan Basingstoke HEMA 808.6
5114 129 Scout Goldsmith Arena Weapon Arts 808.5
5115 129 Tünde Ferdinandy Kard Rendje ViSE 808.3
5116 133 Vukan Truc FEATHER - School of fencing 808.2
5117 130 Lorenzo Bertozzo Falchi del Secchia 808.1
5118 130 Kasandara Sullivan Columbus Saber Academy 808.1
5119 129 Bernardo Bergonse N/A 807.9
5120 131 Audrey Plunkett Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 807.8
5121 130 Aron Steinsen Reykjavik HEMA Club 807.7
5122 130 Jordan Smith Historical Fencing of York 807.6
5123 130 Ivo Ferranti Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Lombardia 807.5
5124 129 Justin Lo The Forge: Western Martial Arts 807.4
5125 131 Ian DeJesus True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 807.3
5126 130 Kai Lang Historisches Fechten Gießen 807.2
5127 129 Shelby Dyer St. Louis HEMA Association 807.1
5128 131 Stephen Wuensche Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 807
5129 130 Daniele Rondoni Falchi del Secchia 806.8
5130 130 Dan Georgescu Iron Will HEMA Academy 806.7
5131 129 Sky Fajardo Chicago Swordplay Guild 806.7
5132 131 Cosmin-Marius Cruțan Iron Will HEMA Academy 806.7
5133 130 Pavel Isakov Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 806
5134 130 JiaYi Zhang Italian Renaissance Swordsmanship Academy 805.5
5135 129 Gareth O'Flynn Blademasters Academy 805
5136 127 Niklas Harrer Fechtschule Schrankhut 804.8
5137 130 Steve Landy Boston Armizare 804.8
5138 133 Petru Mihalache Iron Will HEMA Academy 804.7
5139 129 Anne-Eva Cucciniello La Maisnie du Chevalier Bragon 804.6
5140 129 Julius Berse Turngemeinde Münster 804.5
5141 129 Frank Nolte Aros Historical Fencing Guild 804.4
5142 129 Marcin Opyrchał Szkoła Fechtunku Gryf 804.4
5143 129 Vyacheslav Yarov Golden Falcon 804.3
5144 129 Thomas Sullivan Montgomery County Historical Fencing 804
5145 129 Simon Heglasík Cech Terra de Selinan 803.8
5146 129 Martin Schnider INDES Feldkirchen - Himmelberg 803.7
5147 Tim Merle Philadelphia Common Fencers Guild 803.5
5148 128 Jon Sarria Lopez Asociación Navarra de Esgrima Histórica Corvus 803.5
5149 131 Giuseppe Aldini Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Romagna 803.5
5150 131 Petr Kolovrátník SHŠ Krkavci 803.3
5151 Maurice Mader Armizare Wien 803.2
5152 130 Daniel Visscher De Zwaardkring 803.1
5153 Aleš Jurman Brněnští Fechteři 803
5154 133 Ronald van der Starre MARS 803
5155 131 Neil Byrne Dublin HEMA Club 802.7
5156 131 Aaron Washik Meyer Freifechter Guild 802.1
5157 131 Randall Brannan N/A 801.8
5158 131 Hsu Hung (Ryan) Cheung Einherjar HEMA Club 801.7
5159 130 Jack Robledo Kron Martial Arts 800.8
5160 132 Péter Takács Ars Ensis 800.7
5161 131 Isaiah Harris The Historical Combat Collective 800.3
5162 131 Torbjörn Nilsson Trondheim HEMA 800.2
5163 131 Charissa Senteney N/A 799.8
5164 131 Gabriel Xavier Escola Dardi 799.7
5165 131 Dan Cheung SoCal Swords 799.7
5166 131 Kaizen Towfiq F3 Sword Academy 799.4
5167 131 Patrik Satek N/A 799.3
5170 129 Bogdan Vynohradov Dawn Duellists Society 798.8
5168 129 Anna Zientara Dawn Duellists Society 798.8
5169 129 Eleanor Niven Stork's Beak 798.8
5171 134 Joseph Mcginness The Vanguard Centre 798.6
5172 134 Štěpán Boček Škola šermu Paridon 798.4
5173 131 Chen Chien Wang Vor & Nach Society of Historical European Martial Arts 798.4
5174 131 Hong Cheong Ha Historical Fencing Federation Korea 798.2
5175 127 Florian Müllner Historisches Fechten St. Pölten 798.1
5176 127 Mia Jovanović Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 798.1
5190 124 Philipp Harrer PSV-Graz 798.1
5191 124 Philipp Simon Schwert und Bogen 798.1
5186 125 Dominik Vucak INDES Graz 798.1
5187 125 Gonzalo Martínez Cabrera Club de Artes Marciales Historicas Europeas Drac 798.1
5188 125 Janik Stransky-Heilkron PSV-Graz 798.1
5189 125 Michael Marginter INDES Feldkirchen - Himmelberg 798.1
5182 127 Patrick Trummer INDES Feldbach 798.1
5183 127 Paul Koschuta INDES Graz 798.1
5184 127 Reinhard Schernthanner INDES Linz 798.1
5185 127 Richard Briebauer N/A 798.1
5177 127 Anna Wiederänders INDES 798.1
5178 127 Bernhard Zurini Historisches Fechten Baden 798.1
5179 127 David Fink INDES Graz 798.1
5180 127 Eric Tschiggerl N/A 798.1
5181 127 Kilian Theil Zornhau 798.1
5192 148 Evelina Broman Umeås Historiska Fäktskola 798
5193 146 Ryan Brotman Nashville School of Historical Fencing 797.9
5194 149 Ric Morson Leicester Longpoint 797.7
5195 123 Austin Huang The Historical Combat Collective 797.4
5196 127 Jacob Chess Boston Armizare 797.4
5197 129 Trevor Samberg N/A 797.4
5198 127 Peyton Miller Rocket City HEMA 797.4
5199 126 Noah Jaeger N/A 797.3
5200 126 Auren Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 797
5201 131 Srđan Urošević FEATHER - School of fencing 797
5202 127 Nathan McBride BladeFit Academy 796.6
5203 127 Brienne Charlton Two Ravens Fencing School 795.9
5204 126 Nicolas Galgano N/A 795.6
5205 126 Emmanuel Benoit Cercle d'Arts Martiaux Historiques Européens de Metz 795.5
5206 129 Peter Logård Nässjö Kampsport 795.4
5207 127 Jakub Maryska Hema Praha 795.3
5208 127 Audun Hammer Hovda Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 795.2
5209 127 Lucas Pearson Academie Duello 795.1
5210 127 Paloma Adanesne Ramirez Castro Krigerskole 794.8
5211 127 Phillipe Monteiro Silva Academia de Esgrima Histórica Carioca 794.7
5212 Georgiy Chapyzhenka Italian Renaissance Swordsmanship Academy 794.3
5213 128 Julia Huck Schule des inneren Schwertes 794.3
5214 127 Jared Salazar Montgomery County Historical Fencing 793.4
5215 129 Gail Bunge Omaha Kunst des Fechtens 793.4
5216 127 David Bennett Rocket City HEMA 793.3
5217 129 Cassius Nelson Carnegie Mellon University HEMA 793.3
5218 128 Dario Cardaci ARS Historica 792.6
5219 Katharina Putz INDES Feldbach 792.4
5220 128 Sebastiano Pepe N/A 792.2
5221 130 Gabe Ryan Krieg School 792.2
5222 129 Emanuele Miglio Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Novara 791.9
5223 129 Mikita Lukashou The Historical Combat Collective 791.5
5224 129 Kryštof Živnůstka HELOPS 790.8
5225 129 Darren Paetz Edmonton Historical Martial Arts 790.6
5226 129 Lachlan Irwin Big Tree Combat Academy 790.2
5227 129 Jonathan Piper Clashing Steel Longsword Club 790
5228 Alec Brockell Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy 790
5229 130 Brian Richardson Basingstoke HEMA 789.6
5230 129 Evan T Gwaith-i-Megyr 789.5
5231 128 Jacopo Giannerini Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Empoli 789.4
5232 130 Igor Andreev Guard 789.4
5233 129 Janire Gonzalez Sala de Armas Salvatore Fabris 789.3
5234 129 Daniel Blair N/A 788.8
5235 129 Jereme Wilson Edmonton Historical Martial Arts 788.6
5236 88 Pablo Lizama Antelope Valley Kunst des Fechtens 788.6 63.7
5237 130 Deidre Crouch Bent Blades 788.4
5238 129 Andrew Jackson Glasgow HEMA 788.2
5239 129 Ron Landagan San Diego Swordfighters 787.4
5240 70 Tomáš Klapka Digladior 787.2 19
5241 130 Eric Peltier N/A 787.1
5242 41 Alex Nishimoto Tattershall School of Defense 786.9 47.6
5243 130 Rachelle Hitt Royal Arts Fencing Academy 786.7
5244 132 Meg Piekarska Gentleman's Dueling Society 786.4
5245 131 Ming Xu Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Lombardia 786.4
5246 131 Liam Stephenson Adelaide Sword Academy 786
5247 131 Lachlan Petersen Ursa Major HEMA Academy 785.3
5248 131 Matthew Fraser Triangle Sword Guild 784.6
5249 131 Cat Smith The Iron Door Collective 784.5
5250 131 Elizabeth Brown Academy of Historical Fencing 783.6
5251 131 Blake Randolph Ironwood Historic Swordsmanship 783.4
5252 131 Ben-Stian Sørhus Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 782.8
5253 131 John Harman N/A 782.7
5254 130 Alex O Rourke Goats Head Historical Fencing 782.4
5255 132 Karin Kriššáková Cech Terra de Selinan 782.2
5256 131 Jan Lund Jepsen HEMA Esbjerg 782.1
5257 131 Alexia Detraz Les Indépendants Réunis 781.8
5258 131 Ville Luonuansuu EHMS 781.6
5259 131 Erin Gandia True Edge HEMA Guild 781.6
5260 131 Maciej Fedorczuk Rebel Fencing Szkoła Szermierki Klasycznej 781.1
5261 131 Becca Robinson En Garde Fencing 780.7
5262 131 Jennifer McCarel Indianapolis Fencing Club 780.3
5263 131 Jeong Se Hyun Historical Fencing Federation Korea 780.2
5264 131 Beka Nikolaishvili Schola St. George 779.9
5265 131 Ivana Alvarez Bärenstark - Escuela de Esgrima Antigua 779.8
5266 130 Simone de Paolis Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Abruzzo 779.2
5267 129 Martina Perego Scicchitano Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Bononia 778.6
5268 131 Alyssa Carter N/A 778.5
5269 130 Pózmán Ádám Crosscut Historical Research and Sparring Team 778
5270 130 Robert Done Iron Will HEMA Academy 777.9
5271 Emma Bredahl Mortensen HEMA Hobro 777.8
5272 392 Joe Brady Southampton Historical Fencing 777.6 55.5
5273 131 Paige Rouse Whangarei Medieval Combat Club 777.5
5274 131 Eduard Alexandru Gologan-Datui Iron Will HEMA Academy 777.1
5275 131 Steven Hill Branta School of Arms 776.8
5276 131 Alex Hernandez Nashville School of Historical Fencing 776.5
5277 131 Juraj Orolín Triglav 775.7
5278 131 Ashley Sirmans Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 775.1
5279 131 Matej Hluch Pugiles 774.9
5280 131 Kevin Trostle Warriors of Ash 774.9
5281 131 Birgir Sigurðsson Reykjavik HEMA Club 774.8
5282 130 Luz Zavala Axolotes Fencing Club 774.2
5283 130 Mariyana Petrova FORTE - Historical Fencing 774.1
5284 133 Terezie Sedláková Rotyka 774
5285 131 Fabio Luelmo Steelbound 773.7
5286 131 Carson Moore Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 773.5
5287 Benjamin Molaro Italian Renaissance Swordsmanship Academy 773.3
5288 131 Andre Rocha Grupo Esgrima Medieval e Artes de Combate 773.2
5289 133 Raina He Swordwind Historical Swordsmanship 773.1
5290 130 Rhys Underwood School of Arms and Armour 771.2
5291 133 Aino Pöykkö Oulun Miekkailuseura 771.2
5292 133 Daniel Blažanin Rapír klub Praha 771.2
5293 132 Jesse Frank Seven Swords Academy 771
5294 132 Simone Coppola Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Emilia 770.8
5295 55 Oleg Stelmakh Schola St. George 769.9 56.1
5296 132 Eric Sumner Reykjavik HEMA Club 769.6
5297 134 Nate Sirrat Queen City Sword Guild 769.6
5298 132 Ben Hennessy Dublin HEMA Club 768.6
5299 391 Amanda Kutcher Historical Fencing of York 768.5 57.7
5300 133 Connor Kirkpatrick Taunton Longswords 768.4
5301 354 David Thor Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola 767.8 51.3
5302 133 László Bódi Ars Ensis 767.8
5303 135 John Replogle Montgomery County Historical Fencing 767.6
5304 133 Mattia Granatino Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Novara 767.2
5305 Jason Roeckle Swordplay LA 766.7
5306 133 Kimmo Riipinen Jyväskylä Academy of Historical Martial Arts 766.4
5307 135 Amadeus Willard N/A 766.1
5308 134 Nicklas Lindström Gävle HEMA 765.8
5309 133 Richard Nölle Leipziger Klingen 765.4
5310 133 Caius Walker Renaissance Martial Arts Society 765.3
5311 136 Simona Dyankova Historical Swordsmanship - Angel Chernaev 765.2
5312 134 Tor Kristian Refsland Egdehirden 764.5
5313 134 Gabriel Sekutowski Academy of Steel 764.3
5314 134 Tuomas Arasjärvi Suomen Historiallisen Miekkailun Seura 764.2
5315 134 Tyler VanSyckle Lansing Longsword Guild 763.8
5316 133 Annik Cherton Ardimento 763
5317 309 Shawn Kroner Indes Ferox Gladio 762.9 42.5
5318 133 Marko Kalanj Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 761.5
5319 133 Carlos Romani Fernandez Sala de Armas Fénix 761.1
5320 132 Finlay Louden Masterless Fencing 760.2
5321 134 Calvier Paul Perigüers Estocada 760.2
5322 133 Francois d'Auzon Battlefield KdF 760.1
5323 133 Alex Coté Noble Science Academy 759.9
5324 133 Adam Van Ael Wolves Den Historical Fencing 759.1
5325 132 George Perakis Apocalyptic Knights 758.7
5326 134 Julie Seeley-Hall Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 758.5
5327 133 Alexander Herskovic Lonin League 758.5
5328 133 Costanzo Musso Club Scherma Apuano 758.5
5329 133 Hsin han Chu Vor & Nach Society of Historical European Martial Arts 758.3
5330 132 Hao Chen Truth Exploring 758.2
5331 134 Deborah Timmons Swordwind Historical Swordsmanship 758.2
5332 133 Jussi Angervo Tampere HEMA 757.8
5333 133 Bryan Kazun Academie Duello 757.3
5334 133 Anders Jensen The Vanguard Centre 757.1
5335 133 Terrie Chen Ars Gladii 756.9
5336 132 William Hartley Indes Ferox Gladio 756.8
5337 134 Edward Breen Canterbury Medieval Combat 756.8
5338 133 DJ Hynes Gaillimh Gallóglaigh 756.5
5339 133 Alessandro Turoni Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Romagna 756.3
5340 133 Clive Crosby Exmoor HEMA 756.1
5341 132 Madeline Fox Forte Swordplay 755.7
5342 132 Brad Ballard Edmonton German Fencing Guild 755.3
5343 132 Tom Wainwright Ursa Major HEMA Academy 755.2
5344 132 Rose Vanderley N/A 754.9
5345 132 Graham Reynolds N/A 754.8
5346 132 Martin Rádl Ars Ensis 754.2
5347 132 Randi Cramer University of West Florida Fencing 754.1
5348 499 Louise Xu San Diego Swordfighters 753.9 84.3
5349 133 Mária Večerová Klub šermu Trenčín 753.7
5350 133 Laura Portabales The Vanguard Centre 752.8
5351 133 Christopher Gorecki Meyer Freifechter Guild 752.8
5352 329 Jakub Adamek Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 752.7 50.8
5353 Jakub Motalík Sportovní šerm Tábor 752.3
5354 135 Brendan O'Rourke Valour Historical European Martial Arts Academy 752.2
5355 134 Alessandro Zechini Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Abruzzo 752.1
5356 136 Gracelyn Roberts San Luis Valley Swordguild 751.8
5357 135 Richard Beare Bataireacht and Historical Fencing Faction 751.2
5358 133 Lucas Possatti Espada Selvagem 750.8
5359 135 Luca Ricci Sala d'Arme Aquila Gladiatrix 750.7
5360 134 Sidus Ang The Academy of European Swordsmanship 750.7
5361 138 Patrick Hunter The School of Historical Fencing 750.7
5362 134 Liliana Quintana Bärenstark - Escuela de Esgrima Antigua 750.6
5363 134 Frederik Thorup Larsen HEMA Hobro 748.8
5364 134 Amber Brown Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy 748.7
5365 133 Federico Vittorio D’Amico Septem Custodie 748.5
5366 133 Mallory Bachman Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 748.4
5367 133 Dana Lopez Chicago Swordplay Guild 748
5371 Jessica Fox Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 747.8
5369 James Richeliéu San Diego Swordfighters 747.8
5373 Timothy Latham Academy of Arms 747.8
5375 Wanli Cheng Boston Armizare 747.8
5374 Yetkin Borlu Richmond Meyer Freifechter Guild 747.8
5372 Rob Schneider Blackfriar's School of Fence 747.8
5368 Akemy Bon-Flores F3 Sword Academy 747.8
5370 Dan Smith F3 Sword Academy 747.8
5376 140 Felipe Barba Academia de Esgrima Histórica de Chile 747.8
5377 142 Jean-Marie Mayaudon Le Chapitre des Armes 747.6
5378 140 Emiliano Jimenez Marquez Trondheim HEMA 746.3
5379 140 Erin Haycock United Clans Swordsman Association 745.7
5380 140 Zachary Jennings United Clans Swordsman Association 745.7
5381 140 Dalen Ward True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 745.7
5382 140 Matthieu Fabritius Lyon AMHE 745.3
5385 Yuxuan Xia Fulen & Indes Fechtverein 744.9
5384 Kyle VanMalak Santa Barbara Sword Club 744.9
5383 Ethan Wong Kron Martial Arts 744.9
5386 Xingliao Zhang SH Buge Swordsman 744.9
5387 Zhiwen Deng Fulen & Indes Fechtverein 744.9
5388 145 Maria Dimova Historical Swordsmanship - Angel Chernaev 744.8
5389 140 Ryan Castle Oahu Company of Historical Swordsmanship 744.6
5390 146 Luca Zilovich N/A 744.6
5391 145 Cecilia Andrews University of Dallas Fencing Club 744.5
5392 145 Nathan Gallice Médiéval Combat 744.5
5393 148 Anaïs GRAMMATICO La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 744.5
5394 146 Carles Pons Royano Club Esgrima Burriac 744.3
5395 145 Roberto Marangio Scherma Storica Lecce 744.1
5397 145 Cristóbal Zúñiga Hermandad de la Espada 743.7
5396 145 Paulo López Centro de Esgrima Histórica 743.7
5398 145 Ryan Nishi Oahu Company of Historical Swordsmanship 743.5
5399 145 Jared Munemitsu Schola St. George 743.5
5400 144 Nancy Hiquet N/A 743
5401 146 Douglas Mclean Taunton Longswords 742.9
5402 145 Donatella Zocchi Hema Praha 742.9
5403 144 Ser Radit Phoenix Guild 742.9
5404 146 Kaleb Mantha-Rensi Comox Valley Combat Guild 742.8
5405 145 Brad Beaver Saskatoon Historical Fencing 742.6
5406 145 Clelia-Maria Dobrescu Societas Milites Getae 742.6
5407 145 Jeong Dae Gun Historical Fencing Federation Korea 742.5
5408 145 Marcel Steinhart INDES Klagenfurt 742.4
5409 145 Constantin Lazăr Iron Will HEMA Academy 742.3
5410 145 Will Cornish University of Vermont Historical Fencing Club 741.8
5412 145 Giorgio Ramadhan N/A 741.6
5413 145 Nathanael Wisesa N/A 741.6
5411 145 Anggar Bagus Kumoro Miyamoto Dojo 741.6
5414 144 Ariel Sáez N/A 741.2
5415 146 Daniel Craun N/A 741.2
5416 145 Matthias Kotsch Fencing Club Dresden 741.1
5417 145 Matthew Delaney Noble Science Academy - Dublin 740.7
5418 145 Kim Ki Chan Historical Fencing Federation Korea 740.5
5419 145 Dustin Howe SoCal Swords 740.3
5420 145 Jae Easley Lonin League 740.3
5421 145 Bonnie McLeish Canterbury Historical Fencing Club 739.9
5422 145 Timur Ismailov Golden Falcon 739.6
5423 144 Anael Fonseca Escola Dardi 739.5
5424 146 Davide Pozzobon Confraternita de Masnadieri 739.3
5425 145 Matteo Tadiello Scherma Storica Veneto-Trentino-Alto Adige 739.2
5426 145 Lai Kin (Ken) Hang Einherjar HEMA Club 738.8
5427 145 Emmanuel Masongsong Academy of Arms 738.7
5428 144 Yao Jia Guo Vor & Nach Society of Historical European Martial Arts 738.6
5429 144 Andy McCormack Smart HEMA Clubs 738.5
5430 144 Simon Peacock The School of the Sword 738.3
5431 Eduard Kasman Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 738.3
5432 145 Savannah Skinner Historical Swordfighting Guild of UT Dallas 738.3
5433 144 Luca Mancini HEMA Ravenna 737.6
5434 146 Tyler Fox Halfmoon Hema 737.5
5435 145 Marek Vinklát Digladior 737.1
5436 145 Andrea Ramunno Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Emilia 736.8
5437 145 Gianluca Mantovani Confraternita de Masnadieri 736.7
5438 144 Jonathan Machander Hema Praha 736.2
5439 146 Konstantin Krastev Historical Swordsmanship - Angel Chernaev 736
5440 145 Mitchell Kirshner Ironwood Historic Swordsmanship 735
5441 145 Roemer Faber Steelbound 734.9
5442 145 Ronan Concannon Blademasters Academy 734.8
5443 145 Horislav Ujváry Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 734.7
5444 145 Ricardo Pereira Grupo Esgrima Medieval e Artes de Combate 734.7
5445 145 Amedeo Rabottini Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Abruzzo 734.6
5446 144 Fernando Alves Escola de Artes Marciais Históricas Grifo de Fogo 734.5
5447 146 Francesco Di Tullio Lame della Torre 734.5
5448 143 Freddy Smith Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 733.1
5449 143 Daniel Larizza Ironclad Academy Of The Sword 732.6
5450 143 Jeremy Bonno Oahu Company of Historical Swordsmanship 732.3
5451 Marek Nízl Pugiles 731.2
5452 144 Gergely Szlovák Kard Rendje ViSE 731.1
5453 144 Simon Seitz Artes Certaminis 730.9
5454 144 Jackson Tolliday University of Vermont Historical Fencing Club 730.3
5455 7 Judah Hughes San Diego Swordfighters 729.5 95.7
5456 144 Jack Eichhorn Gävle HEMA 729
5457 146 Lacey Cupp SoCal Swords 728.8
5458 145 Ashlan Rigets Comox Valley Combat Guild 728.3
5459 145 Emma Klopfer Bold City Longsword 728.1
5460 145 Phil Griffin Wardens of the Tor 728
5461 277 Johannes Rasinkangas SoCal Swords 727.1 35.4
5462 146 Madison Bivin San Diego Swordfighters 727.1
5463 Andrej Piešťanský Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 726.7
5464 147 Luca Chierici N/A 726.5
5465 147 Vincenzo Pagano Scherma Storica Lecce 726.3
5466 147 Allison Butler Austin Historical Weapons Guild 725.8
5467 147 David McDonnell Dublin HEMA Club 725.8
5468 147 Conor McKeag The Vanguard Centre 725.6
5469 147 Hoi Man Poon Einherjar HEMA Club 725.4
5470 147 Harrison Cratty Omaha-Metro Armed Combat Academy 725.2
5471 Jason Halbach Historical Fencing of York 724.2
5472 146 Jacopo Di Lazzaro Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Abruzzo 724
5473 146 Aleksa Živković Warlander Jousting - Akademija viteških veština 723.7
5474 146 Markéta Antošová Hema Praha 722.8
5475 145 Cassie Parsons Renaissance Martial Arts Society 722.5
5476 147 Alexandra Gaňová Cech Terra de Selinan 722.5
5477 146 Davide Fumis N/A 721.5
5478 146 Craig Anderson Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 721.3
5479 146 Yaroslav Zagorovskii Guard 721.1
5480 145 Louise Tolson Hotspur School of Defence 720.8
5481 145 David Liu SoCal Swords 717.9
5482 145 Chad Marsellis Seven Swords Academy 717.7
5483 Logan Sort HEMA Aalborg 717.6
5484 146 Linn-Jorun Rolness Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 717.5
5485 146 Francesco Fariello Septem Custodie 717.2
5486 146 Minna Laakso Jyväskylä Academy of Historical Martial Arts 717
5487 146 Catherine Magnúsdóttir Reykjavik HEMA Club 716.7
5488 146 Pierfranco Candela Sala d'Arme del Folle 716.5
5489 146 Jessica Butts Ram's Head Fencing 716.4
5490 142 Andrei Zaborskiy Ferox 715.3
5491 145 Marius Aho Oulun Miekkailuseura 715.3
5492 147 Lars Verschoor Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 715.2
5493 149 Clara Ioana Ionescu 7 Swords Historical Fencing School 715.2
5494 147 Alanna Punch Ars Gladii 715.1
5495 146 Predrag Žakula FEATHER - School of fencing 714.8
5496 Jose Ortiz-Inchausty Esgrima Antigua e Histórica de Puerto Rico y del Caribe 714
5497 146 Rick Lugthart Steelbound 712.8
5498 146 Nicole Feldman N/A 711.1
5499 146 Vencel Kóródi Ars Ensis 710.5
5500 146 Alessandro Berneschi Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Arezzo 710.4
5501 146 Anna Minkkinen EHMS 708.1
5502 Barbora Kovářová Zlínská Šermírská Společnost 708
5503 147 Zoey Sidoli Liverpool HEMA 707.9
5504 146 Adam Dencker Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning 706.8
5505 148 Roman Kostka Duelanti od Svatého Rocha 706.6
5506 147 Radek Jaša Hema Praha 706.3
5507 147 Robin Young Glasgow HEMA 705.5
5508 146 Alex Young The School of Historical Combat 705.3
5509 148 Gretchen Settle Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 705.3
5510 147 Nathan Rodriguez Aegis Historical Combat Training 705
5511 147 Mo Waja Bataireacht and Historical Fencing Faction 704.5
5512 147 Yordi Christiaanse Sint Michielsgilde 704.1
5513 147 Remi Chanel École Lémanique d'Arts et d'Actions 703.9
5514 147 Hannes Penttinen Superior HEMA 703.2
5515 147 Anton Ollikainen Tampere HEMA 703
5516 146 Nicholas Clopton Stirling Mercenaries 702.5
5517 146 Cade Mclarty Queen City Sword Guild 702.1
5518 144 Harrison Crowther Oxford Sword and Staff 702
5519 146 Julie Bloom L'Arte Della Bellica 701.9
5520 148 Dmytro Radushynskyi Iron Will HEMA Academy 701.7
5521 146 Filip Eder INDES Klagenfurt 699.9
5522 146 Eduarda Coppo Academia de Esgrima Histórica Carioca 699.5
5523 146 Antonio Reyes Ussetti Escuela de Esgrima Historica de Madrid 699.3
5524 146 Radivoj Radulović Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 698.9
5525 146 Miro Hradsky HEMA Odense 698.9
5526 146 Nikola Cerovina Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 698.5
5527 146 Moisés Díaz HEMA La Unión 697.7
5528 146 Kristoffer Ekman Nässjö Kampsport 695.9
5529 146 François Deschênes N/A 695.2
5530 146 Giulio Vanoni ARS Historica 694.7
5531 145 Nicholas Cross Ardimento 694.6
5532 147 Ryan Randall Forte Swordplay 694.5
5533 146 Samantha von Werden Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 694.2
5534 98 Zsófia Németh Ars Ensis 694.1 35.3
5535 147 Stu Redfearn Queen City Sword Guild 693.2
5536 147 Abigail Cook Nebraska Swordfighters Guild 692.8
5537 147 Claire Mohr Steelhead Western Martial Arts 691.8
5538 147 Liam Mellowship Ursa Major HEMA Academy 690.4
5539 147 Rachel Burns-Watson Columbus United Fencing Club 690
5540 Donald Molaro Italian Renaissance Swordsmanship Academy 690
5541 146 Nickolas Mihilewicz The Historical Combat Collective 689.5
5542 148 Vincenzo Elefante ARS Historica 689.4
5543 150 Dávid Kuzder SHŠ Krkavci 689.2
5544 148 Wilma Alderheim Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola 685.9
5545 147 Taylor Johnson SoCal Swords 685.4
5546 146 Zin Khant Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 684.9
5547 148 Lauren Rowell True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 684.8
5548 147 Vlad-Laurentiu Bercea Iron Will HEMA Academy 684.1
5549 147 Seif Allam Dublin HEMA Club 683.7
5550 147 Erik Lagergren Växjö HEMA-sällskap 683.1
5551 147 Alessio Torricelli Major Milita Mutina 682.5
5552 Niclas Kjellberg Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola 682.4
5553 Ondřej Steklý Digladior 681.4
5554 148 Jeff Little Blood and Iron Martial Arts 681.4
5555 150 Magnus Rolstad Jordal Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 681.4
5556 149 Lorenzo Della Noce Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Emilia 678.7
5557 149 Logan Debehnke Gainesville HEMA 678.2
5558 148 Robin Fredman Kungshamns Historiska Fäktskola 678.1
5559 150 Håvard Lien Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 678.1
5560 149 Freyja Grétarsdóttir Reykjavik HEMA Club 676.5
5561 149 Matteo Simone Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Tirrenica 676.3
5562 149 Gennadiy Shlayer Signum Corvus School of Arms 675.8
5563 149 Skye Tsow The HEMA Club at VCU 675.1
5564 149 Sarah Moore Chicago Swordplay Guild 674.2
5565 149 Zachery Koenig N/A 673.8
5566 149 Ashley Tyr N/A 673.6
5567 149 Alvin Lau Academie Duello 671.5
5568 149 Matthew Burk San Diego Swordfighters 671.2
5569 Laura Jakobsson EHMS 671.2
5570 150 Davide Schileo Tertium Modo 670.6
5571 150 Suzanne Walker Chicago Swordplay Guild 670.1
5572 150 Taylor (TJ) Hankins San Diego Swordfighters 669.9
5573 150 Stefan-Alexandru Georgescu Iron Will HEMA Academy 668.8
5574 150 Atte Kiianen EHMS 668
5575 150 Dominik Posavec N/A 666.5
5576 150 Jeanne Swanson Steelhead Western Martial Arts 665.1
5577 150 Luca Storchi Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Emilia 664.6
5578 150 Daulet Bakhbergenov Hema Praha 664.1
5579 150 Daniel King Smart HEMA Clubs 662.5
5580 150 Pavel Yushkov Hema Praha 661.2
5581 149 Patrik Kalabus Cech Terra de Selinan 660
5582 151 William Gollatz Men At Arms Martial Arts 659.9
5583 150 Aisling Henry The School of Historical Fencing 659.3
5584 149 Eli Martin United Clans Swordsman Association 658.7
5585 151 Barbara Kiss Kard Rendje ViSE 658.6
5586 Nina Hadrigan INDES Wien 658
5587 150 Matheus Rocha Teixeira N/A 657.9
5588 150 Ella Schaloske The Academy of European Swordsmanship 657.8
5589 150 Brendan Haymans United Clans Swordsman Association 657.5
5590 150 Alessio Fregoli Accademia Romana d'Armi 656.8
5591 149 Taťána Štáblová N/A 655.5
5592 151 Kaitlin Evans Queen City Sword Guild 655.2
5593 150 Jakob Reinertsen Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 654.4
5594 149 Molly Neylan Boston Armizare 652.8
5595 149 Abigail Watson SoCal Swords 652.6
5596 149 Kateřina Novotná Rotyka 652.1
5597 149 Rich Washabaugh Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 650.1
5598 149 Roberto Prestigiacomo Københavns Fægteklub 649.6
5599 149 Giacomo Castellana Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Lombardia 649.2
5600 149 Amanda Roge River Heron HEMA 648.9
5601 149 George Cartwright Order of the Blade 648.1
5602 149 Samy Kurppa Oulun Miekkailuseura 647.5
5603 149 Dillon Jackson Seven Swords Academy 644.3
5604 149 Matteo Banone Il Contemezzocuore Compagnia D'arme 644
5605 125 Lenka Kýšková Pugiles 643.1 33.2
5606 150 Drew Wunderlich Ars Gladii 642.5
5607 150 Jimm Voice Canterbury Historical Fencing Club 639.7
5608 150 Daniel Andrš Pardubický spolek šermířský 637.3
5609 150 Sophia Holm Noble Science Academy 636.5
5610 150 Elise Hoffman Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 635.4
5611 150 Giovanni Maria Schettino Septem Custodie 633.3
5612 149 Christopher Kirby Gaillimh Gallóglaigh 632.8
5613 149 Petra Wagemakers MARS 631.2
5614 149 Vilja Vidgren Renaissance Martial Arts Society 627.9
5615 149 Ruth Collard-Stayte London Historical Fencing Club 626.9
5616 149 Gavin Fisher Swordplay Guild of Romeo 626.8
5617 James Manning Order of the Blade 624.1
5618 150 Mattia Dal Zilio Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Emilia 624.1
5619 150 Tamás Belső Kard Rendje ViSE 623.8
5620 150 Sarah Vest San Diego Swordfighters 623.4
5621 150 Teodóra Mich Ars Ensis 619.8
5622 150 Devon Mckinlay University of Vermont Historical Fencing Club 619.4
5623 150 Boris Radujko Green Banner 619.4
5624 150 Sabrina Valenzuela Ramirez Axolotes Fencing Club 616.2
5625 150 Scott Ferguson Renaissance Martial Arts Society 614
5626 150 Keyla Jamile Molina Zamudio Bärenstark - Escuela de Esgrima Antigua 613.9
5627 150 Jake De Clerck Historisch Schermgilde Limburg 613.6
5628 150 Steph Riddiough Whangarei Medieval Combat Club 612.3
5629 150 Violetta Pavlidis N/A 609.5
5630 149 Valtteri Teerikorpi EHMS 609.1
5631 149 Malibu Palubicki Ars Gladii 608.4
5632 148 Fabio Viti Sala d'Arme Aquila Gladiatrix 608.1
5633 148 Michael Nurczyk Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 608
5634 148 Alexander Vieux N/A 606
5635 147 James Jessup Battlefield KdF 599.4
5636 147 Noah Williams Bucks Historical Longsword 598.6
5637 146 Cianna Drake Queen City Sword Guild 588.1
5638 146 Bogdan Rindasu 7 Swords Historical Fencing School 585.2
5639 146 Beatriz Lizeth Dorantes Gonzalez North Blazing Sun 584.2
5640 150 Bethany Hinson Czort Fencing 581.6 11.1
5641 147 Michal Kaczmarek Gaillimh Gallóglaigh 579.8
5642 147 Cindy Watkins Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 577
5643 147 Rune Smith Battlefield KdF 576.2
5644 147 Will Anderson Bold City Longsword 572
5645 147 Christian McLamb Sword Circle-LLC 570.4
5646 147 Katriin Vannik Lappeenrannan Historiallisen Miekkailun Seura 568.1
5647 147 Nachiket Despande Columbus United Fencing Club 567.5
5648 147 Lazar Radosavljević Warlander Jousting - Akademija viteških veština 567
5649 147 Read Ruddick Black Cat Historical Fencing 562
5650 147 Jakub Koch Klub šermu Trenčín 559.2
5651 147 Joris Roeling MARS 557.8
5652 147 Josh Weatherstone Taunton Longswords 557.4
5653 147 Roseanna Pendlebury London Historical Fencing Club 557
5654 147 Gabriela Ramirez Krigerskole 557
5655 147 Sean McCarthy Queen City Sword Guild 550.5
5656 147 Kurt Henrik Dalmo Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 546.3
5657 147 Mads Arnautov Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 545.3
5658 147 Mengxi Wang Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 545.1
5659 147 Henry Wang Ursa Major HEMA Academy 543.7
5660 147 Justin Harp Appalachian Sword Club 543.6
5661 147 Alec Nieri Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Bononia 542.8
5662 147 Ekaterina Gladkova Hema Praha 542.2
5663 146 Zachary Rabalais Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 534.7
5664 146 Dustin Gibson Swordsmanship Museum and Academy 527.4
5665 146 Emmi Halmesvirta EHMS 525.7
5666 146 Julio Navarro San Diego Swordfighters 524.3
5667 146 Tobias Fagerli Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 515.1
5668 146 Nathan McDonnell Ars Gladii 513.6
5669 146 Rhys Conly Denver Historical Fencing Academy 513.2
5670 146 Snowy Wilkinson Oxford Sword and Staff 491
5671 146 Pamela Sbardella Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Romagna 488.2
5672 146 Kayla Jones Stirling Mercenaries 482
5673 146 Robert Lammerding Steelbound 481.8
5674 146 Janna Datahan True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 477.4
5675 Alexander Moser INDES Wien 437.8
5676 147 Johan Brink Gävle HEMA 422.6
5677 147 Lívia Nagyné Ulbrich Kard Rendje ViSE 413.1
5678 147 Natasha Culbreth London Historical Fencing Club 404
5679 147 Tristan Henser-Brownhill London Historical Fencing Club 396.7