Mixed & Men's Steel Rapier and Dagger - March 2025

196 fighters have competed this month, out of a total of 1067 active fighters.

604 fights from 8 tournaments at 6 events in 6 countries have gone into this month's rating changes

Out of 104 new fighters, Riggon Robinson debuts at 61st with a rating of 1584.2, making them the highest-rated newcomer on the main island this month

10 fighters have made a comeback after being inactive for at least 2 years

Alexey Rodriguez Blanter increases their weighted rating from 765 to 1096.4, making them the fighter with the biggest rating climb on the main island this month

Erik Copley climbs 3 places from 5th to 2nd with a rating of 1915.9, making them the fighter who climbed to the highest rank on the main island this month

Edward Craig wins a fight with an estimated 21.35% win chance, making them the fighter with the biggest upset this month

1042 fighters are on the "main island". The remaining 27 are distributed among 2 islands.

26 fighters have been on an island for as long as they've been active in this rating category.

33 fighters have supported HEMA Ratings on Patreon this month

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
1 Robert Childs Black Tigers 2050 1.8
2 3 Erik Copley En Garde Fencing 1915.9 104.4
3 1 Kevin Murakoshi Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy 1832.2 8.1
4 Aleksander Dynarek Mordschlag 1828.7
5 2 Arthur Henry Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy 1818.8 20.2
6 Patrick Rance Smart HEMA Clubs 1805.8
7 Zdeněk Brýdl Brněnští Fechteři 1800.7
8 Martin Belcredi Vlček Škola šermu Paridon 1776.9
9 Ties Kool Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1776.7
10 1 Trevor Pedersen Columbus United Fencing Club 1772.2
11 1 Bohdan Donchenko Akademia Szermierzy 1771.6
12 Håvard Lund Eidheim Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 1735.3
13 Arik Mendelevitz The Carbonari 1735
14 Evgeniy Volodkov White Company 1723.4
15 Maciej Pawliszewski Mordschlag 1721.7
16 Stuart Smart Smart HEMA Clubs 1718.5
17 38 Matthew Biondo Niagara Historical Fencing 1717.4 134
18 1 Kristian Guivarra Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1708.1
19 1 Chandler Maypoles University of West Florida Fencing 1707.6
20 45 Chandler Brown En Garde Fencing 1702.7 138.6
21 2 Tanner Martin N/A 1702
22 2 Brian Stone Two Ravens Fencing School 1699.6
23 2 Jim Campbell Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1696.3
24 2 Robert Knowles Smart HEMA Clubs 1692
25 2 Reinis Rinka HEMA Riga 1690.9
26 2 Einar Lundgren Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning 1688.1
27 3 Isaac Humber Diamond Rose Academie D'Armes 1686.5 27.8
28 3 Radek Duszynski ARMA Poland Poznan 1684.7
29 3 Derek Ray Columbus United Fencing Club 1675.6
30 3 Bradley Cramer University of West Florida Fencing 1675.3
31 3 Daniel Green Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1673.6
32 3 Samuel Ryals Gem City Duelists Society 1668.2
33 2 Derek Wise Boston Armizare 1661.9 3.3
34 2 Nick Reynolds Boston Armizare 1656.7
35 2 Ian Broderick Royal Arts Fencing Academy 1654
36 2 Victor Harder Hesel Københavns Historiske Fægteklub 1651.4
37 44 Edward Craig Melbourne Fencing Society 1651.2 122.3
38 28 Andy Hoang Black Tigers 1643.3 84.2
39 31 Yichen Liu Italian Renaissance Swordsmanship Academy 1635 86.2
40 6 Gabriel Suchy VALKYRIE/BLADE 1634.7 28.3
41 6 Krzysztof Kozak Szkoła Fechtunku Gryf 1632.2
42 6 Joshua Derby Waterfront Historical Fencing Club 1629.1
43 8 Dashiell Harrison Indes Ferox Gladio 1625.8 34.1
44 5 Connor Turley Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1623.6
45 5 Ondřej Malina Rožnovsky šermirsky klub 1620.4
46 5 Mathias Schneider Academie Duello 1618.9
47 85 Christian Jacob Peralta En Garde Fencing 1618.5 153
48 1 Tomasz Kraśnicki Rebel Fencing Szkoła Szermierki Klasycznej 1615.6 11
49 7 Jacob Pendergraft Athens School of Arms 1613
50 7 Rasmus Rolandsson Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning 1611.5
51 7 Tom Leslie Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1610.9
52 7 Miro Lahtela EHMS 1607.5
53 103 Max van den Ekart Houw en Hoede 1600.4 170.1
54 6 Roman Vítek Major Militia Modena 1599.9
55 6 Massimiliano Cappello Comense Scherma 1593
56 84 Cody Kiwaczyk Ironwood Historic Swordsmanship 1592.2 143.7
57 7 Owen Townes N/A 1591.8
58 6 Kristofer Stanson Stockholm HEMA 1589.9
59 6 Jeremy Pace Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1589.3
60 6 Benjamin Ingleson The Renaissance Sword Club 1587.7
61 Riggon Robinson Albuquerque Sword Labs 1584.2
62 6 Jonathan Middleton Wivenhoe HEMA 1581.6
63 6 Reese Pollock Comox Valley Combat Guild 1579.5
64 6 Luigi Simone Menichino Comense Scherma 1571.9
65 27 Jason Smith Valley's heart HEMA 1570.8 54.9
66 7 Germano Pirrone Aros Historical Fencing Guild 1570
67 7 Jakub Salachna Szkoła Fechtunku Gryf 1569.3
68 7 Federico Loda Sala d'arme I Bèc del Ruc 1566.8
69 6 Radovan Geist Manu Forti 1564.4
70 6 Daniel Arnold Australis Scherma Scuola di Spada e Sciabola 1564.1
71 9 Yanwen Xu Italian Renaissance Swordsmanship Academy 1561.3 6.5
72 5 Anders Johnson Ann Arbor Sword Club 1555.4
73 7 Magdalena Jurczyk Rebel Fencing Szkoła Szermierki Klasycznej 1555 25.5
74 6 Bart Jongsma Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1553.5
75 6 Daniel Pope Scholar Victoria 1549.4
76 33 Kristian Ruokonen EHMS 1549.1 52.1
77 6 Michael Smallridge Auckland Longsword 1542.9
78 6 Joris Jacobs Arte Mortiferum 1542.4
79 6 Maciej Kwiek ARMA Poland Poznan 1541.6
80 6 C. Burns New Jersey Kloppfechters 1540.3
81 6 Giordano Moreni Sala d'arme I Bèc del Ruc 1539.9
82 6 Kieran Garrity Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research 1538.8
83 6 Jamie MacIver London Historical Fencing Club 1533.7
84 6 Mark Holgate Adelaide Sword Academy 1533.6
85 6 Davide Compri Ordine delle Lame Scaligere 1532.3
86 4 Alex Roberson Sword Fighter Gold Coast 1527.1
87 4 Christian Achgill Indianapolis Fencing Club 1523.8
88 3 Greg Ford Auckland Sword and Shield 1523.7
89 5 Nathan Weston Athena School of Arms 1523.4
90 3 Jakub Ziegler VALKYRIE/BLADE 1522.3 7.3
91 5 Sawyer Freschi GVG 1522.1
92 5 Sean You Boston Armizare 1520.1
93 5 Marián Országh Škola šermu Paridon 1519.7
94 5 Olav Gianmaria Taraldsen Scherma Storica Veneto-Trentino-Alto Adige 1518.9
95 5 Kamil Kazelle Škola šermu Paridon 1517.8
96 62 Florian Fortner Sprezzatura 1517.1 90
97 5 Ted Smith Smart HEMA Clubs 1514.5
98 4 Paul Geraci Indianapolis Fencing Club 1510.2
99 4 Branden Zipplinger Royal Arts Fencing Academy 1509.4
100 4 Sam Ackroyd Academy of Historical Fencing 1509.4
101 3 Sultan Dzhalishev Ferox 1508.1
102 5 Vincent Dominic All For One Fencing 1507.9
103 4 Owain Mahoney Edel Fencing Academy 1507.8
104 4 Kai Eva En Garde Fencing 1505.6
105 4 William Handford Columbus United Fencing Club 1505.5
106 69 Troels Christensen Københavns Historiske Fægteklub 1505 123
107 5 Stephen Cheney Bucks Historical Longsword 1504.9 0.9
108 5 David Vuong Sword Fighter Gold Coast 1504.9
109 14 Mateusz Majewski VALKYRIE/BLADE 1502.6 22.7
110 6 Emil Kivelä EHMS 1502.4
111 Julien Dantec Ex Machina 1501.7
112 7 Sai Rallabhandi Bucks Historical Longsword 1500.6
113 6 John Campbell Boston Academie d'Armes 1498.3
114 8 Konrad Suchecki N/A 1498.1
115 7 Stephen Howell The Renaissance Sword Club 1496.8
116 7 Kristine Konsmo HEMA Riga 1495.5
117 26 Thomas Kesler Gem City Duelists Society 1493.3 24.4
118 8 Youseef Jaafar Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1492.6
119 8 Alexander Brindley Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1492.4
120 8 Edward Francis Ann Arbor Sword Club 1491.9
121 8 Michael Roth Heartland HEMA Historical Fencing Club 1491.8
122 8 Benjamin Pope Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1488.5
123 8 Walker Skaggs Rocket City HEMA 1487
124 6 Giulio Campanella Sala della Gorgone 1482.9
125 9 Nik Cheimis Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1482.8
126 7 Jack Murray Dallas School of Historical Fencing 1482.6
127 10 Mateusz Kołaziński Mordschlag 1482
128 8 Tyler Dunham Ars Gladii 1481.1
129 8 Court Dyke Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy 1480.3
130 8 Michael Gilding Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1479.1
131 7 Giulio Schifino ASD Scherma Storica Pavia 1478.9
132 36 Richard Potter Wivenhoe HEMA 1477.2 58.6
133 8 Collin Vredenburg Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1476.7
134 8 Pike Pullen Swordwind Historical Swordsmanship 1476.4
135 6 Tom Ostrowski Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 1475.2 3.9
136 9 Mikko Lehto EHMS 1474
137 9 Federico Lasagni Manghi Compagnia de Le Due Maestà 1471.7
138 287 Max Albertz Historisch Schermgilde Limburg 1471 284.5
139 9 Nate Dolphin Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 1465.7
140 9 Thomas Walkeden Smart HEMA Clubs 1465.1
141 9 Mattia Gozzer Scherma Storica Veneto-Trentino-Alto Adige 1463
142 9 Paul Hubbard House of Blades 1462.3
143 5 Antoni Reinfuss Akademia Szermierzy 1459.6 7
144 207 Mykhaylo Skorobogatov Sharukhan 1459 216
145 358 David Ito Toronto Historical Combatants 1458.7 329.4
146 11 Atso Ikäheimo EHMS 1456.1
147 13 Winston Lewis Edel Fencing Academy 1456.1
148 12 Matej Porazík Klub šermu Trenčín 1455.2
149 12 Diego Luis Boston Armizare 1452.6
150 Ramon Diaz Mordhau Historical Combat 1447.8
151 12 Dávid Czégé Filii Solis Történelmi Kardvívó Kör 1447.1
152 11 Milan Divis KEBU Plzeň 1446
153 11 Jonathan Han En Garde Fencing 1444.7
154 11 Bartłomiej Dudek Akademia Szermierzy 1443.1
155 11 Gindi Wauchope The School of Historical Fencing 1442.5
156 11 Tristan Fackler Loyal Order of the Sword 1442.1
157 10 Eric Rush Omaha-Metro Armed Combat Academy 1439.4
158 10 Justinder Singh Burning Sun 1438.7
159 9 Bradley Smith Denver Historical Fencing Academy 1435.3
160 9 Fioretto Luca Basile Scherma Storica Dolomiti 1435.1
161 9 Gerard Averill Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1434.1
162 Jay Trojan En Garde Fencing 1432.4
163 10 Alan Knowles Smart HEMA Clubs 1430.6
164 10 Pontus Westerholm Medeltida Stridsteknik Linköping IF 1430.5
165 10 Joseph Streb Royal Arts Fencing Academy 1430.2
166 9 Connor Goddard Smart HEMA Clubs 1427.1
167 8 Steve Massaroni Boston Armizare 1425.9
168 8 Jim Lai Society for Creative Anachronism 1425.5
169 7 Louie Zhong Tosetti Institute of MMA and Fitness 1424.5
170 9 Michał Mazur Mordschlag 1423.9
171 8 David Mene La Compagnie Médiévale 1423.8
172 8 Roman Khrapov Canterbury Historical Fencing Club 1423.3
173 8 Eetu Sipilä EHMS 1422.8
174 53 Adam Simmons Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship 1422.6 63.9
175 244 Karolis Kmita Smart HEMA Clubs 1422.1 229.1
176 10 Leonardo Salomao Akademia Szermierzy 1421.7
177 François BERDOU École Chevaleresque 1420.3
178 11 Noah Green Moose Historical Fencing 1419.7
179 10 Jesse Shelton Appalachian Highland Historical Fencing 1417.3
180 10 Cohen Benson Invicta Fencing Academy 1417.2
181 10 Scott Bradley Heartland HEMA Historical Fencing Club 1415.8
182 8 Declan Moloney Boston Armizare 1415.1 4.6
183 11 Alex Hull Heartland HEMA Historical Fencing Club 1415
184 Pearson Fraser Glengarry Broadsword Academy 1412.2
185 12 Sam Brennan Booth The Renaissance Sword Club 1410.4
186 11 Gary Andrews Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1408.2
187 11 Chaydan Melnyk Comox Valley Combat Guild 1407.8
188 11 Alvin Frassi Comense Scherma 1407.1
189 11 David Baskett Albuquerque Sword Labs 1407
190 11 Vojtěch Rykr Škola šermu Paridon 1404.6
191 10 Anthony Buonomo Austin Historical Weapons Guild 1402.3
192 12 Tom Crickmore Smart HEMA Clubs 1402.3
193 Michael Underwood Black Tigers 1402
194 12 Luke Webb Southern Cross Swords 1400.4
195 12 Marco Scalet Scherma Storica Dolomiti 1400.2
196 12 Leoš Malec Škola šermu Paridon 1399.1
197 12 Sidney Salud Chicago Swordplay Guild 1398.7
198 12 James Klock Company of Saint Jude 1398.6
199 Michael DeSimone Masterless Fencing 1397.7
200 12 Alejandro Anazco Vier Blossen Historical Fencing 1397.2
201 14 Brandon Ransbury Two Ravens Fencing School 1397
202 13 Kristian Barlow Smart HEMA Clubs 1394.9
203 13 Bystrík Holeček Trnavský Šermiarsky Cech 1394.9
204 80 Sage Nagai Noble Science Academy 1393.5 88.8
205 159 Kamil Lelakowski Mordschlag 1393.2 163.1
206 15 Matej Andrejkovic Trnavský Šermiarsky Cech 1392.8
207 14 Stefan Pacyński ARMA Poland Poznan 1392.3
208 16 Jordan Eyre Academy of Historical Fencing 1392
209 356 Gille Buyle Arte Mortiferum 1391.4 304.3
210 204 François Bois Ost du Griffon Noir 1390.8 193.7
211 Jakub Białek VALKYRIE/BLADE 1390.6
212 18 Chandler Ryder Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 1390.3
213 Daniel Smith N/A 1389.4
214 19 Denis Plavskij Ferox 1389.4
215 45 Jan Žegklitz SHŠ Krkavci 1389 61.5
216 18 Devis Mari HEMA Ravenna 1385
217 18 Chris Holloman Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1384.6
218 167 Martin Vrábeľ Rotyka 1384.4 168.9
219 19 Douglas Bostic Tucson Historical Fencing Academy 1384.1
220 19 Tobiasz Koźlik Akademia Szermierzy 1383.4
221 19 Matthew Bennett Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1382.9
222 19 Jacob Baughn Denver Historical Fencing Academy 1382.6
223 19 Mattia De Zorzi Scherma Storica Dolomiti 1381.6
224 19 Matthew Melonuk Waterfront Historical Fencing Club 1379.3
225 19 Jeremiah De Clemente All For One Fencing 1377.6
226 19 Mike Prendergast Historical Combat Academy 1376.5
227 19 Duncan McLaren Caledonian Sword Guild 1375.9
228 38 Michael French Reno HEMA Speakeasy 1375.5 53.4
229 19 Robert Sherry Medieval European Martial Arts Guild 1375.2
230 21 James Darling Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1374.7
231 Franz Teichert Historisches Fechten Würzburg 1374.2
232 21 Kamil Liedke ARMA Poland Poznan 1374.1
233 21 Nick Baldwin N/A 1373.3
234 38 Alex Carden Aisle O'var Academy of Arms 1372.2 15.4
235 21 YingBo Chen Xiamen Egret HEMA Club 1371.5
236 23 Shane Hillen Centerline Sword School 1371.3
237 22 Bryce Lowman Heartland HEMA Historical Fencing Club 1370.6
238 89 Aaron Yang F3 Sword Academy 1368.7 108.9
239 23 Matthew Johnson Boston Academie d'Armes 1368.3
240 23 Alexander Olsson West Coast HEMA 1365.8
241 Joseph Van Der Laan Toronto Historical Combatants 1365.7
242 24 Matteo Mutti Dusi Sala d'arme I Bèc del Ruc 1364.3
243 24 Jacob Lockhart Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1364.1
244 24 Wesley Halstead Steel City Historical Fencing 1363.3
245 24 Xuanran Qi Toronto Historical Combatants 1362.9
246 24 Cameron Metcalf Centerline Sword School 1362.3
247 24 Fuller November Collegium in Armis 1360.7
248 24 Jozef Faragula Manu Forti 1359.3
249 24 Keith Hamm Bold City Longsword 1357.8
250 24 Paul Groover Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1357.6
251 23 Nicole Smith Blood and Iron Martial Arts 1355
252 25 Igor Kois Manu Forti 1354.8
253 24 Antoni Olbrychski Akademia Szermierzy 1354.6
254 57 Luis-Francois van der Merwe Smart HEMA Clubs 1353.2 34.5
255 Aidan Saleh West End Swords 1351.8
256 25 Jeremi Cyr La Compagnie Médiévale 1351.5
257 27 Anthony Kung Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1351.5
258 26 Caitlin Richards Two Ravens Fencing School 1351
259 26 Manuel Mineau La Compagnie Médiévale 1350.2
260 25 Hai Zhu Mustang Sword Club 1349.1
261 27 Will Smart Canterbury Historical Fencing Club 1348.9
262 26 Daniele Adami Ordine delle Lame Scaligere 1347.9
263 26 Henric Hintze Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning 1347.1
264 25 Jordan Mock Academy of Steel 1346.5
265 27 Christopher Beauregard Forte Swordplay 1346.4
266 24 Jessie Tatum N/A 1345.5
267 26 Dustin Collier Virginia Academy of Fencing 1345.4
268 28 Daniel Daugherty Virginia Academy of Fencing 1345.2
269 26 JD Minnick Denver Historical Fencing Academy 1345
270 25 Ivor Levinthal Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 1345
271 27 Ola Lönnholm Örebro HEMA 1344.9
272 353 Alessandro Contu La Salle d'Armes 1343.5 301.9
273 27 Sean Baker Davenriche European Martial Artes School 1343.4
274 27 Martin Mladoniczky Trnavský Šermiarsky Cech 1342.6
275 27 Tobias Hyder Exmoor HEMA 1341.3
276 27 Nicholas Woelfel University of West Florida Fencing 1340.8
277 27 Zachary Boyd Second Intent Fencing 1339.1
278 27 Oleg Ivanin Le Renard 1336.8
279 27 Marta Sokół Mordschlag 1335.5
280 27 Roland Cooper The Historical Combat Collective 1334.4
281 26 Donald Kullman Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1332
282 25 Andrea Balliana Tertium Modo 1330.7
283 Mackenzie Whitten Niagara Historical Fencing 1329.3
284 2 Tony Huang Black Tigers 1328.1 20.5
285 Brett Biery Society for Historical Arms Research and Practice 1327.8
286 28 Jindrich Pekarek KEBU Plzeň 1327.6
287 28 Matúš Žuffa Klub šermu Trenčín 1327.4
288 Edward Escubedo Signum Corvus School of Arms 1326.8
289 22 Steven Obrzut True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1326.6 7.2
292 28 Ryan Tanzer Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship 1322.6
291 28 Adam Stait Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1322.6
290 28 Adam Kaye School of Historical Defense Arts 1322.6
293 32 Ondrej Šauša Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 1322.3
294 29 Patrick Stahl Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1321.8
295 27 Hunter Wild Scholar Victoria 1318.4
296 26 Volodymyr Kontar Guild of Duel Fencing 1315.4
297 26 James Taylor The Historical Combat Collective 1315.4
298 26 Ronin Richards Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy 1315.1
299 26 Stephen Patrias Lansing Longsword Guild 1314
300 26 Isadora Baden-Payne Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1312.3
301 26 Petr Paščenko Duelanti od Svatého Rocha 1311.4
302 26 Daniel Aldridge Diamond Rose Academie D'Armes 1309.5
303 26 Albin Stensland Wisby Historiska Fäktskola 1308.7
304 26 Rowan Etzel Moose Historical Fencing 1308.4
305 26 Martin Csiba Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 1308.3
306 26 Włodzimierz Gończ Na ubitej ziemi 1306.7
307 26 Stéfany Cantin Académie Scrimicie 1306.7
308 Evan Macdonald Ironwood Sword School 1306.2
309 53 Christopher Soohoo Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 1305.2 27
310 27 Dominic Francesconi Athens School of Arms 1303.8
311 26 Alejandro Cajigal Boston Academie d'Armes 1302.3
312 26 David Critchley Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1302.1
313 25 Ondřej O’Neill KEBU Plzeň 1301.7
314 27 Marcjanna Magdalena Jelińska Akademia Szermierzy 1301.2
315 25 Ryan Herry Syahputra Iron Guts HEMA Club 1300.3
316 25 Thomas Pifer Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1298.4
317 15 Jason Kumar London Historical Fencing Club 1298 13.8
318 26 Paul Schriever University of West Florida Fencing 1296.2
319 26 Ville Välimäki EHMS 1294.6
320 26 Zachary Green Comox Valley Combat Guild 1293.8
321 5 Francois van der Merwe Smart HEMA Clubs 1291.6 30.6
322 27 Jay Luo Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1288.2
323 27 Eric Chanudet Boston Armizare 1287.2
324 27 Ben Adiletto Medieval European Martial Arts Guild 1286.4
325 27 Nathaniel Tinker Ann Arbor Sword Club 1285.7
326 27 Joshua Wiest Triangle Sword Guild 1284.9
327 26 Hugh Maiocco Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship 1284.3
328 28 Kamil Dawid Szkoła Fechtunku Gryf 1284.2
329 26 Matheus Alfred-Olmedo Academie Duello 1282.8
330 41 Ryan Renfro Noble Science Academy 1282.8 18.6
331 27 Joseph Kennerley Oxford Sword and Staff 1282
332 82 Michael Konrad Ironwood Historic Swordsmanship 1279.5 61.8
333 28 Paul Jensen Comox Valley Combat Guild 1279.3
334 28 Katherine Livingston Scholar Victoria 1278.6
335 28 Sergey Novikov Golden Falcon 1277.8
336 Neko Kelly SoCal Swords 1276.6
337 Mahmoud Fakhfakh École Chevaleresque 1276.6
338 30 James Glackin Heartland HEMA Historical Fencing Club 1276.2
339 29 Samuel Azucena Noble Science Academy - New Hampshire 1274.2
340 29 Erwin Li The Historical Combat Collective 1273.9
341 32 Adam Tokarski Poznańska Grupa Fechtunku Salut 1273.8
342 30 Melissa Kleiß Schildwache Potsdam e.V 1273.7
343 30 Carter Wenner Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy 1271.7
344 30 Simone Casagrande A.S.D. Regia Turris 1271.2
345 30 Blandine Fallon La Compagnie Médiévale 1271.1
346 30 Lavr Bobryshev Ferox 1270.7
347 30 Jan Krůček Škola šermu Paridon 1269.4
348 30 Maximillian Tuel University of West Florida Fencing 1267.6
349 Lorenzo Mendoza Snodomish Dueling Society 1266.2
350 31 Lucas Needel Athens School of Arms 1266.1
351 31 Eliott Hames Mercian Medieval Fight Club 1264.4
352 30 Andrés Fuentes Praelium Australis 1264.1
353 32 Jan Zubalík Škola šermu Paridon 1263.3
354 31 RJ Bacon Boston Armizare 1261.5
355 31 Alessandra Ghedini HEMA Ravenna 1261.4
356 31 Kieron Rowe Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing 1260.7
357 29 Honza Blažek Duelanti od Svatého Rocha 1258.2
358 28 Bader Pendergast-Lee Sword Fighter Gold Coast 1257.3
359 30 Filip Marszalek Rebel Fencing Szkoła Szermierki Klasycznej 1257
360 29 William Swett Omaha-Metro Armed Combat Academy 1256.8
361 29 David Henderson Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy 1256.8
362 71 Mateusz Grzęda Rebel Fencing Szkoła Szermierki Klasycznej 1256.8 42.7
363 368 Steven Kassebaum Lost Arts Historic Fencing 1256.4 300.2
364 31 Carlo Riccardi Sala d'arme I Bèc del Ruc 1256.3
365 31 Joanna Casey University of West Florida Fencing 1255.8
366 31 Lin Zhou Academie Duello 1255.3
367 31 Alan Horn Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy 1255.1
368 31 Henry Mitchell-Hibbert Stoccata School of Defence 1254.9
369 31 Jeffrey Sumner The Carbonari 1254.8
370 31 Thomas Amoroso Columbus Saber Academy 1254.3
371 31 Maciej Korkosz Rzeszowska Grupa Fechtunku 1252.4
372 30 Andrew Bradford Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy 1252
373 32 Nikola Orawczak Szkoła Fechtunku Gryf 1251.8
374 31 Gwen McGuire Per La Vita Academy of Western Martial Arts 1250.8
375 Torin Dabbs Burning Sun Historical Swordsmanship 1250.3
376 32 Markus Köhler Schwertspiel Dresden 1249.6
377 32 Annette Gorelik Tucson Historical Fencing Academy 1248.2
378 32 Ethan Adkins Queen City Sword Guild 1246.6
379 32 Sean Reichman Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship 1246.5
380 32 Tenzin Weber-Stephens Auckland Sword and Shield 1245.8
381 32 Andrew Peoples Centerline Sword School 1245.6
382 248 Marcus McCormick The Vanguard Centre 1244.7 206.7
383 33 Marcin Noras Szkoła Fechtunku Gryf 1243.9
384 Valentin Rossi Frères d'AMHE 1242.7
385 32 Ian Kozic Centerline Sword School 1239.6
386 34 Tsz Kin Chan Highland Sword Fighting Guild 1238.2 2.8
387 Stanley Evans Edel Fencing Academy 1238.1
388 207 Pieter Jacobs Arte Mortiferum 1237.7 172.8
389 35 Addison Foley HEMA Lexington 1237.2
390 35 Stuart Ferguson Swords of Chivalry 1236.6
391 35 Carl Weneger Napa-Solano Historical Fencing Guild 1235.9
392 35 Yi Tian Liu Lionheart Historical European Swordsmanship Club 1234.6
393 34 Nick Laing Edel Fencing Academy 1233.3
394 34 Kalle Kylmänen EHMS 1233.2
395 34 Jason Metcalfe The School of Historical Fencing 1232.3
396 34 Marcin Kozieł VALKYRIE/BLADE 1230.6
397 32 Pat Moriarty Rocket City HEMA 1229.6
398 32 Diana Messner Kunst des Historischen Fechtens Tirol 1229.3
399 36 Mark Sains The School of the Sword 1229.2
400 33 Dionyssis Mintzopoulos Boston Armizare 1228.4
401 33 Gregory Friedman N/A 1228.2
402 33 Ian Davis Boston Armizare 1228
403 33 Abby Rodriguez Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research 1227.9
404 33 Onni Tammenoja Joensuun Historiallisen Miekkailun Seura 1227.5
405 32 Jiří Trnka Manus Regis 1226.7
406 34 Owen Haller Laurel City Historical Fencing 1226.5
407 32 Thomas Del Motte The Historical Combat Collective 1223.7
408 32 Ignacy Nowicki Krakowska Szkoła Fechtunku 1222.6
409 Guillaume Lefebvre-Legault Ironwood Sword School 1221.4
410 33 Jakob Seehaas Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1221
411 33 Jarred Thompson Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1220.2
412 33 Nelson McGuigan Melbourne Messer Club 1218.4
413 33 Alexander Fürgut Schwabenfedern 1218.1
414 33 Travis McKenzie Scholar Victoria 1216.9
415 102 Sjaak Jacobus Hendrikus Thijssen De Zwaardkring 1216.2 98.9
416 33 John Minguito Napa-Solano Historical Fencing Guild 1215.4
417 33 Thayne Alexander Lansing Longsword Guild 1215.4
418 Vincent Poiré Frères d'AMHE 1215.3
419 Harry Leng Dawn Duellists Society 1213.7
420 34 Gabriel Greear Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1213.6
421 94 Paul Barolet Academy of Arms 1213.5 95
422 35 Václav Pekárek KEBU Plzeň 1212.6
423 35 Oleg Razumov Ferox 1212.1
424 John Durben Mordhau Historical Combat 1211
425 36 Logan Santerelli Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1210.5
426 36 Roberto Martinez-Loyo Elite Fencing Club 1210.2
427 36 Thomas Nicol Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing 1209.9
428 36 Martin Svedberg Uppsala Historiska Fäktskola 1209.7
429 36 Jonothon Grose Waikato Duelists Society 1209.2
430 35 Letong Wang Academie Duello 1208.6
431 35 Sheik Bacchus Schola St. George 1208.3
432 35 Emily Rowan University of West Florida Fencing 1207.7
433 35 Lenny Sim The School of the Sword 1206.2
434 35 Stefan Brunner Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1205.2
435 35 Nic Shepard Athena School of Arms 1204.8
436 35 Loris Zanchetta Tertium Modo 1204.7
437 35 Robert Placencia Ironwood Historic Swordsmanship 1204.7
438 35 Matthew Pihodnya Ironclad Academy Of The Sword 1203.8
439 35 Federico Vittorio D’Amico Septem Custodie 1203.2
440 33 Nick Hernandez Mordhau Historical Combat 1203.2
441 36 Paweł Drętkiewicz ARMA Poland 1203
442 36 Ilaria Torre Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning 1202.6
443 116 Jesse Gerdes Schildwache Potsdam e.V 1201.8 112
444 36 Joseph VerValin Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1201.2
445 36 Jami Davies Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1200.3
446 36 Keith Cotter-Reilly Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1199.5
447 Robin Rocher Schildwache Potsdam e.V 1199.5
448 37 Nic Williams Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1198.8
449 37 Kristian Tessier Comox Valley Combat Guild 1198.8
450 37 Matthew Dixon N/A 1197.8
451 36 Massimo Lucchetti Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Grosseto 1195.5
452 36 Tony Cavalline Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 1194.9
453 36 Henry McLemore Virginia Academy of Fencing 1193.5
454 36 Marcus Allen Invicta Fencing Academy 1192.8
455 176 Agata Gandecka VALKYRIE/BLADE 1191.4 153.8
456 Victor Moulard École Chevaleresque 1191.1
457 37 Christian Killingsworth SoCal Swords 1189.7
458 Joey Matthews West End Swords 1188.7
459 36 Lucas Anselmo Loyal Order of the Sword 1186.3
460 38 Keegan Jones Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1186.3
461 35 Philippe Parenteau Comox Valley Combat Guild 1185.6
462 Frank Torkel Masterless Fencing 1185.1
463 36 Benjamin Hay Decatur School of Arms 1184.5
464 106 CaiPendragon Skigin SoCal Swords 1184.4 50.9
465 37 Aleksandr Ovchinnikov NoName 1183.9
466 37 Muhmedali Esembekov Golden Falcon 1183.9
467 37 Francesco Anacardi N/A 1183.5
468 37 Max Kaser Kunst des Historischen Fechtens Tirol 1183
469 37 Samuel Orndorff Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1182.3
470 37 Jamie Watkins Athens School of Arms 1180.1
471 37 Alec Villanueva Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy 1178.8
472 37 Maroš Lacinák Cech Terra de Selinan 1178.6
473 37 Giovanni Birigazzi Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Grosseto 1177.8
474 37 Riccardo Lasagni Manghi Compagnia de Le Due Maestà 1177.8
475 37 Nicola Melotti Ordine delle Lame Scaligere 1177.6
476 11 Richard Escoto Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1177.4 19.3
477 Aria Ursell The Institute for Historical Arts 1176.1
478 57 Richard Bagdi Ars Ensis 1175.1 12.6
479 39 Erik Arktander Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1171.9
481 39 Zack Dixon Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1171.6
480 39 Carter Walshe Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1171.6
482 Erik Schneider Schildwache Potsdam e.V 1171.4
483 Etienne Darcas Twerchhau e.V. 1171.2
484 40 Ernest Irha Ars Gladiatoria 1170.4
485 40 Robert Stefanovich Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1170.2
486 43 Harry Laan Southampton Historical Fencing 1170.2
487 41 Winter McCormick Denver Historical Fencing Academy 1169
488 41 Moe Chojecki Ann Arbor Sword Club 1168.1
489 41 Stratos Kotzabassi Ann Arbor Sword Club 1167.9
490 41 Robert Bjurshagen Stockholms Stigmän 1166.9
491 41 Aaron Pinsoneault Two Ravens Fencing School 1165.6
492 41 Robert Cole Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1165.2
493 40 Marius Rafoshei Kunst des Historischen Fechtens Tirol 1164.8
494 42 David Laudenslager Davenriche European Martial Artes School 1164.7
495 41 Yuhan Guo Sacramento Sword School 1164.2
496 41 Donovan Hartlein Bold City Longsword 1163.6
497 41 Daniel Ingleson The Renaissance Sword Club 1162.9
498 Jeff Vansteenkiste Scola Della Scherma Storica 1162.4
499 42 Tiffany Shi Queen City Sword Guild 1161.8
500 Sebastian Höglinger Sportbund DJK Rosenheim 1161.2
501 87 Mengxi Wang Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 1160.7 35.7
502 43 Spencer Gard House of Blades 1160.4
503 45 William Hannings Philadelphia Common Fencers Guild 1160.4
504 44 Nye Green Auckland Sword and Shield 1159.9
505 44 Miroslav Medvid Košický šermiarský cech 1159.3
506 Steffen Wonner 7 Schwerter 1159.1
507 226 Dennis-Marius Thieme Schwert-Greifen Rostock 1159 204.7
508 46 Lucas Nguyen Philadelphia Common Fencers Guild 1158.8
509 46 Marco Pellichero Scherma Storica Veneto-Trentino-Alto Adige 1158.3
510 46 Andreas Aronsson Frost HEMA 1157.6
511 45 Matěj Veselý KEBU Plzeň 1156.6
512 45 Nick Bell Academy of Historical Fencing 1156.3
513 45 Colin Cui Boston Armizare 1155.4
514 44 Matthew Pope True Edge Academy of Swordsmanship 1155.3
515 46 Matthew Currey Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing 1155.1
516 Andrzej Mrożek Rebel Fencing Szkoła Szermierki Klasycznej 1154.8
517 Cyprian Felenczak ARMA Poland 1154.4
518 46 Benjamin Lentz Olesen Aros Historical Fencing Guild 1153.7
519 46 Yuk Kei (淇) Cheung Einherjar HEMA Club 1153.3
520 46 Giuseppe Tres Scherma Storica Dolomiti 1152.8
521 46 Jonathon Paratz Collegium in Armis 1152.5
522 46 David Lillethun Boston Armizare 1151.9
523 45 Giovanna Melnyk Comox Valley Combat Guild 1149.3
524 47 Bálint Kirill Kis Ars Ensis 1149.2
525 46 Filip Pospiech ARMA Poland 1148.8
526 46 Braden Twomey Invicta Fencing Academy 1148.7
527 46 Matt Karmelich House of Blades 1147.8
528 46 Brent Jockers N/A 1146
529 46 Brandon Nguyen Ars Gladii 1145.5
530 46 Agnieszka Kastelik Szkoła Fechtunku Gryf 1144.4
531 46 Liam Schofield The School of Historical Fencing 1144
532 45 Izaak Wadle House of Blades 1143.9
533 47 Gabriele Pesavento Ordine delle Lame Scaligere 1143.9
534 46 Sihong Fu Academie Duello 1142.2
535 46 Filip Olszowski Krakowska Szkoła Fechtunku 1141.7
536 145 Yvan Pacôme Frères d'AMHE 1141.5 143.4
537 46 Adam Hembree The School of Historical Fencing 1140.6
538 45 Alberto Ferretti Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Bononia 1140.1
539 47 Aaron Karnuta Salida Historical Fencing Academy 1139.9
540 David Spires Albuquerque Sword Labs 1136.7
541 47 Nicolej Nysom Flohr HEMA Hobro 1136.5
542 Anson Mackenzie-Bird Scola Della Scherma Storica 1134.4
543 48 Tan Nguyen Waterfront Historical Fencing Club 1134
544 48 Daniel King Smart HEMA Clubs 1133.7
545 48 Antonio Rolandelli Oxford Sword and Staff 1133.7
546 47 Victor Ngo Scholar Victoria 1132.6
547 Malte Ostermeier Schildwache Potsdam e.V 1132.4
548 229 Adam Nowacki Rebel Fencing Szkoła Szermierki Klasycznej 1132.1 210.8
549 48 Frederik Neess Engsig Københavns Historiske Fægteklub 1131.4
550 50 Daniel Clay London Historical Fencing Club 1131.4
551 49 Jeff Schmaley Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1130
552 48 Harley Jelis New York Historical Fencing Association 1128.3
553 48 Richard Zamec SHŠ Banderium 1128
554 Adam Puchala West End Swords 1127.4
555 49 Adam Severa Youngstown Historical Fencing 1127
556 Noah Irwin N/A 1126
557 50 Ethan Heilman Boston Armizare 1125.5
558 50 Fabio Mariottini ASD Majistro Re 1125.5
559 50 Damien Hewson-Donovan Melbourne Messer Club 1124.8
560 50 Jakub Niedźwiecki Rebel Fencing Szkoła Szermierki Klasycznej 1124.4
561 Aleksandr Ermolov Lyon AMHE 1124.2
562 51 Jędrzej Korzeniewski Poznańska Grupa Fechtunku Salut 1123.3
563 51 Grzegorz Rudnik Na ubitej ziemi 1121.8
564 Jannes Malanowski Schildwache Potsdam e.V 1120
565 52 Matteo De Angelis Sword Academy 1119.9
566 52 Timothy Doyle Comox Valley Combat Guild 1119.2
567 Benjamin Russ Kampfhus 1118.1
568 52 Anton Triscornia Gwiazdy Katowice DESW 1117.6
569 Thibaut Guinoiseau Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon 1117
570 52 Nora Lutz Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1116.5
571 51 Joseph Kennerally Burning Sun Historical Swordsmanship 1116
572 51 Luis Arturo Alba Ramirez Axolotes Fencing Club 1115.9
573 54 Malcolm Ponte Virginia Academy of Fencing 1115.4
574 Nathan Gould Ausardia HEMA Club 1114.1
575 53 Oliver Denton Smart HEMA Clubs 1112.4
576 53 Jack Morones Tattershall School of Defense 1112.3
577 53 Randi Cramer University of West Florida Fencing 1111
578 53 Denes Boccalatte N/A 1109.7
579 53 Micah Huber HEMA Lexington 1108.5
580 52 David Tudor Denver Historical Fencing Academy 1108.4
581 51 Adam Nally Loyal Order of the Sword 1106.9
582 Matt Lentzner F3 Sword Academy 1106.7
583 54 Jonas Eriksson Malmö Historiska Fäktskola 1106.7
584 53 Roberto Pezzetta A.S.D. Sport & Games 1105.9
585 53 Matt Johnson Rocket City HEMA 1105.6
586 49 Pawel Mamelka Mordschlag 1103.6 69.7
587 54 Ben Conway-Smith Cambridge HEMA 1103.5
588 54 Jake Burns Boston Armizare 1103.3
589 54 Alan Li The School of Historical Fencing 1103.1
590 53 Alessandro Christiani ASD Scherma Storica Pavia 1101.6
591 118 Jackson Wright SoCal Swords 1101.3 126.6
592 54 Tyler Larson Omaha-Metro Armed Combat Academy 1101.3
593 57 Paulina Popiel VALKYRIE/BLADE 1101.2
594 55 Richard Cook Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1100.8
595 Bartłomiej Wiecha Krakowska Szkoła Fechtunku 1100.4
596 56 Ma Yat Tsun Einherjar HEMA Club 1099.8
597 86 Michelle Maes Historisch Schermgilde Limburg 1099.3 103.3
598 57 Wojciech Guziewicz Krakowska Szkoła Fechtunku 1099.2
599 57 William Wilder Tucson Historical Fencing Academy 1098.2
600 56 Francesco Miano Compagnia de Le Due Maestà 1098
601 58 Isabel Branch New Haven Historical Fencing 1097.8
602 Jillian Wahlquist N/A 1097.1
603 341 Alexey Rodriguez Blanter Zwaard & Steen 1096.4 331.3
604 57 Gábor Antali SwordFight 1096.4
605 59 Kees Diependaal De Zwaardkring 1096.2
606 58 Victoria Chudinov Københavns Historiske Fægteklub 1096
607 Andreas Arndt Pfälzer Schwertlöwen 1095.9
608 59 Maarten van der Auwera Sumus Soldani 1095.9
609 59 Dario Manente Confraternita de Masnadieri 1095.1
610 59 Stefano Amelotti Accademia I Duellanti 1095
611 Filipp Streshnev Twerchhau e.V. 1094.9
612 Grant Parrinello Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 1093.3
613 61 Derek Gill Czort Fencing 1093
614 61 Joakim Hammarslätt Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning 1091.7
615 60 Erik Lagerstedt West Coast HEMA 1091
616 62 Tony Lamb London Historical Fencing Club 1090.7
617 60 Fernan Gomez-Monedero Athena School of Arms 1089.5
618 60 Antti Hurme Joensuun Historiallisen Miekkailun Seura 1089.4
619 59 Cezary Mieleniewski Szermierka Kielce 1089
620 59 Raphael Ku Ann Arbor Sword Club 1087.8
621 59 Dean Aspin Canterbury Historical Fencing Club 1087.4
622 59 Bjarni Pálsson Reykjavik HEMA Club 1087.1
623 59 Naseeb Hussain The Historical Combat Collective 1086.4
624 58 Sebastian Tym Exeter Sparring Group 1085.4
625 58 Chad Mathine Denver Historical Fencing Academy 1084.6
626 Dimitri Klein Twerchhau e.V. 1082.5
627 58 Frank Hope Auckland Sword and Shield 1082.1
628 60 Andrew Gleason Boston Armizare 1082
629 59 Michael Thompson Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research 1080.4
630 Jason Tang Niagara School of Arms 1080.1
631 60 Joseph DiFrancesca L'Arte Lehigh Valley Historical Fencing 1079.9
632 59 Alec Martinez Crossroads Swords 1078.3
633 61 Rashelle DeBolt Noble Science Academy 1078.2
634 32 Ignacio González Garcia Sala de Armas Salvatore Fabris 1076.3 64.8
635 61 Luca De Sensi Sala d'Arme Aquila Gladiatrix 1076.2
636 61 Antonio Magotti ASD Scherma Storica Pavia 1076.2
637 61 Simon Airey Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1075.9
638 61 Leigh Rees The School of the Sword 1074.7
639 60 Jacob Proto Waterfront Historical Fencing Club 1074.5
640 60 Matthew Lawrence SoCal Swords 1074.4
641 63 Johann Lopez Bold City Longsword 1074.4
642 45 Joshua Morra Highland Sword Fighting Guild 1074.2 79.4
643 61 John Tong Athens School of Arms 1073.6
644 63 Angel Uribe South Coast Swords 1073.6
645 62 Joshua Ames Lonin League 1072.8
646 22 Yuliia Smoilovska Guild of Duel Fencing 1071.4 62.7
647 63 Sam Brian Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1071
648 62 Zachary Thaison Barwon Academy of Arms 1069.5
649 62 David Wrighton Order of the Blade 1069.1
650 62 Stuart Manahan The School of Historical Fencing 1068.1
651 MeghanRain Willis Glengarry Broadsword Academy 1067.9
652 63 Julian Trounson The School of Historical Fencing 1067.3
653 63 Beatrice Ferraiuolo Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1067.1
654 63 Niles Cerro Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing 1066.8
655 63 Gabriele Bisso Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Grosseto 1065.4
656 62 John Merrill United Clans Swordsman Association 1064.5
657 61 Matthew Ward Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1064.1
658 65 Adam Jaworski Na ubitej ziemi 1063.9
659 62 Marek Liška Klub šermu Trenčín 1062.5
660 Troy Ozuna N/A 1062.2
661 62 Dylan Kaufenberg Fireblood Combat 1062.1
662 Michał Śmietana Krakowska Szkoła Fechtunku 1061.2
664 63 Adam Bruce Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy 1061
663 63 Joseph Martinez Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1061
665 63 Kyle Wingo Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1060.3
666 63 Rasmus Rønningen Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 1059.1
667 63 Dan Nagtegaal The Historical Combat Collective 1057.9
668 63 Matej Gerlachovský Manu Forti 1057.4
669 63 Caleb DeWolf Crossroads Swords 1057
670 63 Adam Milovanović Terca - School of Historical European Swordplay 1055.4
671 63 Sage Wood Order of The Trinity Historical Dueling Society 1054.5
672 63 Dawn English Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1054.4
673 63 Jacek Kaminski Ausardia HEMA Club 1053.4
674 63 Kevt'her Hoxha Philadelphia Common Fencers Guild 1052.1
675 63 Amir Sheikh-Warak Schola Gladiatoria 1050.7
676 63 Omkar Kale Athens School of Arms 1050
677 63 Jen Scott Bold City Longsword 1049.9
678 63 Chi Shing (Chris) Yu Einherjar HEMA Club 1049.8
679 62 James Utley Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship 1049
680 64 Aleksander Lipiński Mordschlag 1048.9
681 63 Wojciech Byrski Szkoła Fechtunku Gryf 1047.5
682 Tyler Janzen The Historical Combat Collective 1047
683 127 Kari Baker Mordhau Historical Combat 1046.2 44.1
684 64 Konstantin Kliukach Hema Team 1045.7
685 64 Tom Costello Five Rings Fencing 1043.8
686 Jack Garamonde Black Tigers 1041.7
687 63 Francesco Lepri Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Tirrenica 1041.2
688 65 Michael Scott Auckland Sword and Shield 1041.1
689 67 Steven Gallagher Smart HEMA Clubs 1040.9
690 64 David Scuotto Scherma Primiero 1040.6
691 64 Jesus Gonzalez En Garde Fencing 1040.3
692 63 Artur Michalak Mordschlag 1039.5
693 65 Emilia Skirmuntt The School of the Sword 1039.4
694 62 Josefin Bohman Frost HEMA 1036.3
695 62 Lily Johnson Diamond Rose Academie D'Armes 1036
696 Liam Gerrior West End Swords 1035.9
697 Marie-France Lalancette Toronto Historical Combatants 1035.7
698 64 Micaiah Elliott Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1035.5
699 64 Eduardo Perez London Historical Fencing Club 1031.2
700 61 Marin Cochran Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1031.1
701 65 Davide Giurissini Ordine delle Lame Scaligere 1031
702 64 Matthew Pham N/A 1031
703 66 Pavel Tarasov HEMA Israel 1030.9
704 64 Quoc Lieu Bold City Longsword 1029.2
705 64 Matteo Soave Ordine delle Lame Scaligere 1028.2
706 137 Wojciech Skoczynski SwordFight 1028 153
707 65 Ross Davies Spada di Bolognese 1027.9
708 65 Esai Larios Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1026.7
709 65 Houston Nguyen Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1026.6
710 65 Veronica Young Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1025
711 65 Martin Kantor Škola šermu Paridon 1023.5
712 218 Andrei Pashkov Seven Swords Academy 1023.1 237.7
713 66 Stuart Carter The Renaissance Sword Club 1022.8
714 65 Peter 'Magnus' Oldfield The School of the Sword 1022.3
715 67 Rolands Elins Krakowska Szkoła Fechtunku 1022.2
716 66 Perth Ophaswongse London Historical Fencing Club 1021.1
717 66 Nicola Del Pup A.S.D. Regia Turris 1020.9
718 66 Raymond Torres New Jersey Kloppfechters 1020.6
719 65 Mark Maddox Centerline Sword School 1020
720 67 Joseph Babej Youngstown Historical Fencing 1019.9
721 66 Paweł Kutsin Szkoła Fechtunku Gryf 1018.8
722 66 Justin Hernandez Vanguard Fencing Club 1017
723 66 Oskar Mihalik Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 1017
724 86 Joseph Campbell SoCal Swords 1016.4 111.8
725 67 Timothy Myers Gothenburg Historical Fencing School 1015.8
726 67 Thomas Barefoot Waterfront Historical Fencing Club 1015.6
727 67 Maciej Hamerliński Szkoła Fechtunku Gryf 1015
728 67 Tadeáš Večeřák Škola šermu Paridon 1014.6
729 67 Lukáš Toman Manu Forti 1014
730 67 Lachlan Bennett Sword Fighter Gold Coast 1012
731 67 Derek Quintana Page & Blade Society 1011.9
732 67 Scott Jeffers Chicago Swordplay Guild 1011.5
733 67 Tomas Petrtyl KEBU Plzeň 1010.2
734 67 Vitali Junca Comox Valley Combat Guild 1009
735 28 Barbara Zambrzycka Mordschlag 1008.6 79.2
736 246 Miguel Lamarre Highland Sword Fighting Guild 1008.5 133.8
737 68 Jan Trnka Manus Regis 1007.7
738 68 Kell Smith Western Swordsmanship Technique and Research 1007.1
739 67 Jakob Schinnerl Kunst des Historischen Fechtens Tirol 1006.1
740 69 Tom Verduyn The School of the Sword 1005.8
741 66 Mika Koskimies EHMS 1002.7
742 68 Julian Maddox Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1002.6
743 67 Petr Černý Škola šermu Paridon 1001.1
744 67 Morris Chen Academie Duello 1000
745 67 Robert Greynolds Clashing Steel Longsword Club 998.4
746 67 Leona Ninteau Per La Vita Academy of Western Martial Arts 998
747 67 Andrew Trounson The School of Historical Fencing 997.7
748 66 Bethany Hinson Czort Fencing 995.3
749 64 River Valles Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 995.3
750 66 Maria Ruthgård Örebro HEMA 995.3
751 65 Annette Sherrod Boston Armizare 994.7
752 62 Eric Denney Medieval Military Arts Academy 991.9
753 27 Gregor Walz Dimicator Schola 991.3 70.4
754 63 Lincoln Rose IronFolk Combat 991
755 63 Clare Lahey SoCal Swords 990.3
756 63 Alexander Whipps Sword Fighter Gold Coast 988.3
757 63 Antoine Lambert Académie Scrimicie 987.6
758 62 Jake Webster Rocket City HEMA 987.1
759 64 Daniel Thomson Ursa Major HEMA Academy 987.1
760 63 Alex Svitashev Signum Corvus School of Arms 986.3
761 63 Maverick Mugnol Confraternita de Masnadieri 986.3
762 63 Carlo Munaro Scherma Belluno 986.1
763 63 Dan Powell London Historical Fencing Club 984.8
764 63 Konrad Jasiński Fechtschule Gdańsk 983.9
765 63 Pedro Nilo A.M.H.E. Rimouski 983.8
766 63 Devon Klausner Crossroads Swords 981.8
767 63 Brandon Click Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 981.1
768 Steven Hill Branta School of Arms 977.6
769 64 Charles Boda Leviathan Historical Fencing 977.4
770 81 John Waller The School of the Sword 976.3 17.5
771 65 Anthony Klon Medieval European Martial Arts Guild 975
772 65 Damian Ruiz Fireblood Combat 974.7
773 65 István Ézsiás Ars Ensis 974.7
774 64 Mariana López Rodriguez Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 972.8
775 64 Eva Kohanovska Ritter 971.7
776 Jarray Shen N/A 971.5
777 65 Bittor Arrillaga Bruselas Destreza 969.1
778 65 Kimmo Virtanen School of European Swordsmanship 968.6
780 65 Duncan Shingles-Riley Brisbane Swords 968.4
779 65 Robert Dobson Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 968.4
781 65 Tetiana Dinkievych Ritter 967.7
782 65 Torben Schau The Historical Combat Collective 967.3
783 65 Mica Macrae Royal Arts Fencing Academy 966.8
784 65 Justin Weaver The School of Historical Fencing 965
785 65 Mathew Archer Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 964.5
786 Haris Eminovic Schildwache Potsdam e.V 962.1
787 65 Guido Gozzi Società d'Arme Major Militia 960.2
788 33 Richard Sullivan The School of the Sword 959.4 67
789 66 Denis Dallari Società d'Arme Major Militia 958.6
790 66 Carlo Luciano Moschieri Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Friuli Venezia Giulia 958.4
791 66 Shahar Yitzhaik Ministry Of The Fence 957.5
792 65 Vittorio Bosch Historisch Schermgilde Limburg 957.5
793 67 Tamás Pál Kelemen Kard Rendje ViSE 957.4
794 66 Mateusz Leksander Ausardia HEMA Club 956.8
795 66 Landon Tuso Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 956.5
796 66 Jack Yoder Youngstown Historical Fencing 955.8
797 65 Jarosław Konopiński Akademia Szermierzy 954.1
798 64 Huginn Halldorsson Reykjavik HEMA Club 952.9
799 64 Leanna Nally Loyal Order of the Sword 952.8
800 64 Ryan Stump Queen City Sword Guild 952.7
801 64 Steward Nichols Krieg School 952.5
802 64 Dawid Bugryn Krakowska Szkoła Fechtunku 952.2
803 64 Chad Skaggs Rocket City HEMA 950.6
804 29 Clive Crosby Exmoor HEMA 950.2 66.4
805 65 Finley Dickins Caledonian Sword Guild 948.1
806 65 Jesse May Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 947.8
807 65 Erica Castiglioni Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Bononia 946.8
808 65 Drake Stephens Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 946.2
809 65 Hunter Blackwood The School of Historical Fencing 945.6
810 65 Nat Beeten Massachusetts Historical Swordsmanship 945.5
811 65 Enrico Tomasi Arma Antica 945.2
812 65 Michael Gibbons Loyal Order of the Sword 945.2
813 65 Dawson Williams Highland Sword Fighting Guild 944.6
814 65 Scott Hansen House of Blades 943.9
815 65 Ma Yat Chung Einherjar HEMA Club 943.6
816 65 Sal Walker Ann Arbor Sword Club 943.4
817 65 John Colquhoun The Vanguard Centre 943.1
818 65 Anatolii Berelekhis HEMA Israel 941.4
819 65 Erik Gergeľ Klub šermu Trenčín 937.9
820 65 Damiano Miotto Tertium Modo 934.8
821 65 Jason Hooper Canterbury Historical Fencing Club 934.7
822 65 Jeffrey Nunez Swordwind Historical Swordsmanship 934.5
823 65 Jakub Zielnik Krakowska Szkoła Fechtunku 933.3
824 65 Lee North-Connor Melbourne Messer Club 931.8
825 65 Brad Williams Invicta Fencing Academy 930.1
826 65 Antonio Mancino HEMA Ravenna 929.1
827 Peter Castle Wivenhoe HEMA 927.8
828 64 Kasey McClelland Swordwind Historical Swordsmanship 927.7
829 64 Christian Wiedemann Schule des inneren Schwertes 927.3
830 64 Leslie Grice Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 927.1
831 64 Aleksandr Asaev Ferox 927
832 64 Kin Yin (Steve) To Einherjar HEMA Club 926
833 64 Michael Asbury Philadelphia Common Fencers Guild 925.3
834 64 Fabrizio Danese Sword Academy 925.1
835 64 Aiden Lewis Athens School of Arms 925.1
836 64 Kyle Meechan Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 924.4
837 64 Maciej Kaczmarski Krakowska Szkoła Fechtunku 924.4
838 Cody Shepherd Masterless Fencing 923.5
839 64 Cindy Watkins Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 922.3
840 64 Ania Chaney Boston Armizare 921
841 63 Hoshea Valdez F3 Sword Academy 920.7
842 63 Sam Martin Crossing Fight School 920.5
843 62 Alan Wakeford The Historical Combat Collective 920
844 62 Per Magnus Haaland Sällskapet Lunds Kontrafäktare 918.3
845 62 Julia Lizeth Larsen Lost Arts Historic Fencing 917.9
846 62 Lucas Olson Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 917.4
847 62 Alberto Annoni Sword Academy 916.5
848 62 Jayce Williamsonon Knoxville Academy of the Blade 916.1
849 61 Nathan Pearce Loyal Order of the Sword 915.5
850 63 Joe Smart Smart HEMA Clubs 915.4
851 Adithya Radhakrishnan Mordhau Historical Combat 915.4
852 63 Ryan Leonard Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 915.1
853 63 Sof'ya Dauletbakova Ferox 914.3
855 63 Ivan Kulaga Ferox 914.3
854 63 Aleksandr Pskovitin Ferox 914.3
856 63 Anan Tan Twerchhau e.V. 911.8
857 Daniel Ibaseta Rodríguez Gaudiosa Esgrima Histórica 911.5
858 63 Fabio Lottero Sala della Gorgone 910.4
859 65 Daniel Krzaczkowski Fechtschule Gdańsk 910.3
860 Christian Collis Masterless Fencing 910
861 14 Oleksandra Kalashnik Guild of Duel Fencing 909.4 68.6
862 66 Pietro Marzaroli ASD Majistro Re 908.6
863 66 Nicodemo Boccia Sala d'Arme Aquila Gladiatrix 908.6
864 66 Dario Valente Sala della Gorgone 908.6
865 66 Mariano Maselli ASD Scherma Storica Pavia 908.6
866 66 Christina Beaulieu Boston Armizare 908.1
867 66 Daniel Offrell Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning 907.7
868 66 Jan Buszkiewicz Akademia Szermierzy 907.6
869 66 George McDonald The Renaissance Sword Club 907.1
870 66 Brenton Burke Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy 906.7
871 Jeff Butler Signum Corvus School of Arms 906.3
872 CodyAllan Ferguson Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing 906.3
875 67 Feiyu Xie N/A 905.1
873 67 Andrew Polito Ironwood Historic Swordsmanship 905.1
874 67 Brent Kious United Clans Swordsman Association 905.1
876 71 Adam Gibson Na ubitej ziemi 904.8
877 68 Rodney Bruner En Garde Fencing 904.7
878 67 Žiga Schoner Septem Custodie 903.8
879 40 Wolf Wolfman Ausardia HEMA Club 899.7 21.4
880 66 James Gearhart Bold City Longsword 899
881 66 Robin Fredman Kungshamns Historiska Fäktskola 898
882 66 Mac Siruta House of Blades 895.8
883 66 Timofei Romanchuk London Historical Fencing Club 894
884 66 Alessandro Palumbo Tertium Modo 893.5
885 66 Michael Metz Santa Barbara Sword Club 893.2
886 66 Stewart Knapman HEMA Nelson 892.7
887 Ricky Cristales SoCal Swords 890.6
888 66 Gavin Jeffries Exeter Sparring Group 890.1
889 James Wells Palm Beach Sword School 890
890 67 Travis Price Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 889.9
891 67 Jacob Haberley Prima Spada School of Fence 889
892 67 Kevin Stockwell Swordwind Historical Swordsmanship 888.4
893 67 Dennis Gubb Fitzroy College of Arms 888.2
894 67 Matej Ocelík Klub šermu Trenčín 887.9
895 67 Olivia Bruyere Two Ravens Fencing School 887.4
896 67 Dimitri ten Have De Zwaardkring 886.8
897 67 John Knoch Crossroads Swords 885.4
898 67 Roman Cunci The School of Historical Fencing 884.6
899 67 Joshua Kreuger N/A 884.4
900 66 Kamil Karaś Rzeszowska Grupa Fechtunku 882.9
901 Anna Sophie Welter Twerchhau e.V. 881.4
902 67 Bryan Cole Cambridge HEMA 880.6
903 67 Callum Crosbie Southampton Historical Fencing 880.4
904 67 Nolan Lacy Bold City Longsword 880.1
905 67 Trevor Barbaria Knight Life Sword Fighting Academy 878.2
906 66 Oliver Olick Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 874.9
907 66 Joseph Humes N/A 874.5
908 66 Matteo Anastasio Scherma Storica Dolomiti 874.2
909 65 Piotr Misiewicz Mordschlag 873.2
910 65 Steven Lawrence Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 871
911 65 Lorenzo Braschi ARMA Poland 869.8
912 65 Pietro Ramacciati Comense Scherma 869.2
913 65 Carlos Rodriguez Bataireacht and Historical Fencing Faction 868.5
914 65 Petr Erlebach HELOPS 867.5
915 65 Alena Rybanská Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 866.3
916 65 Makena Bauss Capital Kunst des Fechtens 865.3
917 5 Alex Nishimoto Tattershall School of Defense 864.7 67.6
918 66 Michele Gulley HEMA Lexington 864.3
919 66 Patrick Lawton London Historical Fencing Club 863.7
920 66 Yoav Nissenboim HEMA Israel 863
921 66 Bartłomiej Chwastowski Szermierka Kielce 862.3
922 Mykola Buryeyev Blood and Iron Martial Arts 862.2
923 Naïs Martin Frères d'AMHE 862.1
924 68 Ross Walton Tosetti Institute of MMA and Fitness 861.7
925 68 Jaymes Walker Ann Arbor Sword Club 858.4
926 68 Will Espeseth Nashville School of Historical Fencing 857.9
927 68 Ava Thrasher Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 856.2
928 67 Marcin Różycki Mordschlag 853.4
929 67 Austin Straub Bucks Historical Longsword 853.1
930 67 Adam Brunovský Klub šermu Trenčín 851.8
931 67 Ilya Grigoriev Starr Ministry Of The Fence 851.5
932 Anna Sładek Rebel Fencing Szkoła Szermierki Klasycznej 850.4
933 67 Jeremy Taylor University of West Florida Fencing 849.4
934 65 Christiaan de Winter Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 845.1
935 67 Márk Mészáros Ars Ensis 845.1
936 65 Pietro Sartori Scherma Storica Dolomiti 844.9
937 65 Rachel Carlyle Athens School of Arms 844.6
938 65 Doug Mills Comox Valley Combat Guild 843.3
939 65 Peter Morrow Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy 842.8
940 65 Campbell Walker Brisbane Swords 837.1
941 65 Francesco Moscatelli Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo Friuli Venezia Giulia 837
942 65 Harrison Thompson Nashville School of Historical Fencing 836.8
943 65 Stuart King Basingstoke HEMA 836.3
944 65 Idamaria Lehtinen EHMS 834.7
945 65 Daniel Kumatz Nashville School of Historical Fencing 834
946 Simon Reimann Schule des inneren Schwertes 833.7
947 66 Ian Wilson Academy of Historical Fencing 831.4
948 66 Seth Gingo Philadelphia Common Fencers Guild 830.9
949 66 William Goodman University of Chester HEMA 830
950 66 Megan Fornasar Capital Kunst des Fechtens 829.9
951 65 Marek Kopp Rapír klub Praha 827.4
952 65 Robin Beck Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 826.6
953 65 Václav Hodina Škola šermu Paridon 825.6
954 65 Tyler Lindsay-Smith Ursa Major HEMA Academy 823.2
955 Filip Wójcik Rebel Fencing Szkoła Szermierki Klasycznej 821.7
956 66 Kaitlyn Neis Ann Arbor Sword Club 821
957 66 Roy Bleasdale The School of Historical Fencing 818.2
958 66 Matteo Giacomazzi Tertium Modo 817.3
959 66 Viktor Johanströmmer Stockholm HEMA 817.2
960 66 Jeremy Nidiffer Nashville School of Historical Fencing 816.5
961 Emerson Herrera Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 815.6
962 67 Robin Steele Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 814.8
963 67 Carlo Migot Tertium Modo 813
964 67 Colin Barker Academie Duello 809.2
965 Milan Ardalan Tattershall School of Defense 808.1
966 68 Paweł Windys Szermierka Kielce 807.6
967 68 Antti Heitto Oulun Miekkailuseura 805.7
968 68 Georgy Theys Meyer May Rise 805.2
969 Lee-jones Brad AMHE Apicula Carcassona 805.1
970 69 Ryan Jeffrey Ng Lo Forge Pioneer: Historical Fencing 803.3
971 86 Filip Kacperczyk Rebel Fencing Szkoła Szermierki Klasycznej 802.6 26.5
972 70 Raquel Pullicino Smart HEMA Clubs 802.3
973 70 Meg Piekarska Gentleman's Dueling Society 801.3
974 70 Martin Mariutto Meyer May Rise 801.3
975 69 Douglas Silfies L'Arte Lehigh Valley Historical Fencing 798.6
976 69 Marc Zeller Schwabenfedern 798
977 69 Riccardo Gargaro Arma Mentis 797.7
978 69 Micha Rieser Athena School of Arms 797.4
979 69 Joshua Barnett Bold City Longsword 797.4
980 75 Elliot Robinson Indes Ferox Gladio 797 4
981 70 Nicholas Wilson La Compagnie Médiévale 796.9
982 Charles Biron Compagnie Excallibur Yvellines 796.3
983 69 Stefano Mascioli Sala d'arme I Bèc del Ruc 795.9
984 71 Adam Peter Fretwell Show of Arms 795.9
985 70 Pietro Turillazzi A.S.D. Sport & Games 795.5
986 70 Jacob Zillifro F3 Sword Academy 794.9
987 70 Jan Bzinkowski Szermierka Kielce 793.7
988 70 Robine Asmar Chicago Swordplay Guild 793.5
989 70 James Jessup Battlefield KdF 793.4
990 70 Matúš Koronthály Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 793
991 70 Corben Babcock Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing 792.4
992 Mark Round The School of Historical Combat 791.6
993 Sheldon Thorne Academy of Steel 791.6
994 71 James Watkins Ars Gladii 790.6
995 71 Jordan Irgang Kron Martial Arts 790
996 71 Brian Archer Comox Valley Combat Guild 789.5
997 71 Pak Ho Wong Hong Kong Armour Association 788.5
998 71 Nat Morse-Noland Chicago Swordplay Guild 787
999 71 Michael Pennington Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship 785.8
1000 71 John Brown All For One Fencing 785.7
1001 Iokennoron Mccomber Ardimento 784.9
1002 71 Diana Matthess N/A 783.4
1003 Jazhara Zengerink Københavns Historiske Fægteklub 781.2
1004 71 David Mourra Southern Cross Swords 779.9
1005 73 Katerina Roberts New Jersey Kloppfechters 779.9
1006 Alexandre Salvetti Frères d'AMHE 779.6
1007 73 Matthew Stinson Bold City Longsword 777.6
1008 73 Paul Bates Center for Blade Arts 777
1009 Matthew Thompson Bighorn Historical Combat 776.8
1010 74 Lukáš Kubík Rapír klub Praha 776.7
1011 Adrián Laguna Gaudiosa Esgrima Histórica 776.6
1012 75 Timothy von Gal II Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 776.3
1013 Jeff Little Blood and Iron Martial Arts 775.2
1014 76 John Tease N/A 774.8
1015 76 Valentina Kazachevskaia Ferox 774.5
1016 76 Geoffrey Uhal Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 773.9
1017 76 Phoenix Artifex Davenriche European Martial Artes School 773.8
1018 76 Joakim Linde Gothenburg Historical Fencing School 773.2
1019 Scott Lipsig F3 Sword Academy 770.9
1020 77 Alexandre St-Louis La Compagnie Médiévale 770.7
1021 76 Derek Farmer Exmoor HEMA 763.6
1022 76 Tomáš Malec Škola šermu Paridon 762.3
1023 76 Rachelle Hitt Royal Arts Fencing Academy 762.2
1024 Brian Orf SoCal Swords 757.8
1025 Christopher Phillips Indes Ferox Gladio 755.6
1026 78 Aleksandra Chrobak Compagnia de Le Due Maestà 755.4
1027 78 Simon Peacock The School of the Sword 753.7
1028 78 Kazimir Dobrzhinskiy Hema Team 753.2
1029 78 Kyle Galambos Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 751.6
1030 Mitchell Davis Iron Gate Swordfighting 747.8
1031 79 Bruce Rawitch Kansas City HEMA 745.6
1032 79 Michael Goodman Society for Creative Anachronism 744.2
1033 79 Islam Vilyakhunov Ferox 744
1034 79 Stepan Tolmachev Golden Falcon 744
1035 79 Temirbat Zhantleu Golden Falcon 744
1036 79 Dafne Dell'Orbo N/A 741.1
1037 79 Marco Scrolavezza A.S.D. Sport & Games 741.1
1038 79 Felix SCHRÖTER INDES Halle 741.1
1039 79 Clizia Buniotto Ordine delle Lame Scaligere 741.1
1040 79 Federico Razzoli Comense Scherma 738.7
1041 79 George Conover Society for Creative Anachronism 737.9
1042 79 Zack Harrison University of West Florida Fencing 736.8
1043 Justin Thomas Albuquerque Sword Labs 733.1
1044 79 Robyn Saul London Historical Fencing Club 731.4
1045 78 Alfy You Fitzroy College of Arms 723
1046 78 Tamas Fekete HEMA Nelson 720.7
1047 78 Jacob Pigeon Ars Gladii 720.5
1048 Katrina Little Blood and Iron Martial Arts 717.7
1049 79 Eric Delgado Einhorn Los Angeles Historical Fencing Arts 717
1050 79 Jiacheng Richard Zou Københavns Fægteklub 710.7
1051 79 Andy McCormack Smart HEMA Clubs 710.4
1052 78 Anna Reneau Reykjavik HEMA Club 705.1
1053 77 Alex Magee N/A 698.9
1054 79 Helena Bretherton Hay Decatur School of Arms 698.8
1055 78 Noah Williams Bucks Historical Longsword 690.7
1056 Clémence Sillac De Feu et d'Acier 687.7
1057 79 Robert Illston Guild of Knightly Arts 681.3
1058 79 Josefin Jalhed Malmö Historiska Fäktskola 680
1059 Dimitri Dutartre Ost du Griffon Noir 677.3
1060 William Dawson The School of the Sword 674.2
1061 81 Glyn Haines Adelaide Sword Academy 671
1062 81 Matthieu Hilckmann Historisch Schermgilde Limburg 633.4
1063 81 Chrystal Rossler Comox Valley Combat Guild 628
1064 81 Adam Paradowski Mordschlag 627.4
1065 81 Robert Fogelberg Rota Stockholmspolisens Idrottsförening Fäktning 619.9
1066 80 Alexander Vieux N/A 547.6
1067 Maciej Fedorczuk Rebel Fencing Szkoła Szermierki Klasycznej 527.3