Basilisk Challenge Basel 2022

Date April 30, 2022
Country Switzerland
City Basel
Software HEMA Scorecard (results )

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 61 27

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Final Florian Winkler Raphael Heim LOSS WIN
Bronze Final Julian Müller-Hewer Marcel Blanck WIN LOSS
Semi Final Raphael Heim Julian Müller-Hewer WIN LOSS
Semi Final Florian Winkler Marcel Blanck WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Louis Bonard Florian Winkler LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Julian Müller-Hewer Vincent Debray WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Raphael Heim Mikhail Panine WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Marcel Blanck Lars Waldnagel WIN LOSS
Eighth Final Louis Bonard Raphael Cavegn WIN LOSS
Eighth Final Hugo Laurent Florian Winkler LOSS WIN
Eighth Final Lars Waldnagel Katelyn Pringarbe WIN LOSS
Eighth Final Marcel Blanck Mikaël Kalisperatis WIN LOSS
Eighth Final Vincent Debray Thomas Wilkinson WIN LOSS
Eighth Final Jan Nägeli Julian Müller-Hewer LOSS WIN
Eighth Final Raphael Heim Gregory Lagrange WIN LOSS
Eighth Final Ivan Zadorozhnyy Mikhail Panine LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Julian Müller-Hewer Robin Vernez WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Océane Patiny Raphael Cavegn LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Robin Vernez Raphael Cavegn LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Julian Müller-Hewer Raphael Cavegn LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Robin Vernez Océane Patiny WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Julian Müller-Hewer Océane Patiny WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Jan Nägeli Tony Simion WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Hugo Laurent Louis Bonard LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Loic Maritz Jan Nägeli WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Hugo Laurent Tony Simion WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Louis Bonard Loic Maritz WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Hugo Laurent Jan Nägeli WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Tony Simion Loic Maritz WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Louis Bonard Jan Nägeli WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Hugo Laurent Loic Maritz DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Tony Simion Louis Bonard LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Katelyn Pringarbe Patrice Verrien WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Ivan Zadorozhnyy Patrice Verrien WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Ivan Zadorozhnyy Mikhail Panine LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Gregory Lagrange Ivan Zadorozhnyy LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Patrice Verrien Mikhail Panine LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Katelyn Pringarbe Ivan Zadorozhnyy WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Katelyn Pringarbe Mikhail Panine WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Gregory Lagrange Patrice Verrien WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Gregory Lagrange Katelyn Pringarbe LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Gregory Lagrange Mikhail Panine WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Raphael Heim Yoann Jimenes-Darz WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Tobias Telle Thomas Wilkinson WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Mikaël Kalisperatis Raphael Heim LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Thomas Wilkinson Yoann Jimenes-Darz WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Mikaël Kalisperatis Tobias Telle LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Raphael Heim Thomas Wilkinson WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Yoann Jimenes-Darz Tobias Telle LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Thomas Wilkinson Mikaël Kalisperatis LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Tobias Telle Raphael Heim LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Yoann Jimenes-Darz Mikaël Kalisperatis LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Lars Waldnagel Florian Winkler LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Axel Nicollier Marko Walter LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Lars Waldnagel Axel Nicollier LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Florian Winkler Marko Walter WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Marko Walter Lars Waldnagel LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Florian Winkler Axel Nicolier WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Valentin Hellbach Vincent Debray LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Marcel Blanck Vincent Debray WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Marcel Blanck Valentin Hellbach WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Basilisk Challenge Basel 2022