Bloody Belgian Waffles I. 2022

Date December 10, 2022
Country Belgium
City Ghent

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 96 34

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Bram Van Gaal Robbe D'Hondt LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Guillaume Lemaigre Gert-Jan van Landeghem WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Gille Buyle Lander Ramboer WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Guillaume Lemaigre Robbe D'Hondt WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Gert-Jan van Landeghem Bram Van Gaal WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Gille Buyle Robbe D'Hondt LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Guillaume Lemaigre Bram Van Gaal WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Lander Ramboer Gert-Jan van Landeghem WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Gille Buyle Bram Van Gaal WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Gert-Jan van Landeghem Robbe D'Hondt LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Lander Ramboer Guillaume Lemaigre LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Gille Buyle Gert-Jan van Landeghem WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Lander Ramboer Robbe D'Hondt DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Gille Buyle Guillaume Lemaigre LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Lander Ramboer Bram Van Gaal WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Ruben Sinnaeve Sean Wauters WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Mateo Schops Thomas Hellem WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Arne Sohier Pieter Jacobs LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Thomas Hellem Sean Wauters WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Mateo Schops Ruben Sinnaeve WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Sean Wauters Pieter Jacobs LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Thomas Hellem Ruben Sinnaeve DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Mateo Schops Arne Sohier WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Ruben Sinnaeve Pieter Jacobs LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Sean Wauters Mateo Schops LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Thomas Hellem Arne Sohier WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Pieter Jacobs Mateo Schops WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Sean Wauters Arne Sohier WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Thomas Hellem Pieter Jacobs WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Arne Sohier Ruben Sinnaeve WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Erica Herremans Pieterjan Peere LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Toisoul Sylvain Branescu Stefan WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Bram Vandenbussche Robin Pittoors LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Toisoul Sylvain Pieterjan Peere LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Erica Herremans Branescu Stefan LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Robin Pittoors Pieterjan Peere LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Erica Herremans Toisoul Sylvain LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Branescu Stefan Bram Vandenbussche WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Robin Pittoors Erica Herremans WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Pieterjan Peere Branescu Stefan LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Toisoul Sylvain Bram Vandenbussche WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Branescu Stefan Robin Pittoors LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Pieterjan Peere Bram Vandenbussche WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Toisoul Sylvain Robin Pittoors LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Bram Vandenbussche Erica Herremans DRAW DRAW
Pool 4 Egon Beyrens Jonas Ivens WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Kilian degryse Bjarne van Os LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Nikolas Zacik Egon Beyrens LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Bjarne van Os Nikolas Zacik LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Jonas Ivens Kilian degryse WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Nikolas Zacik Jonas Ivens WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Egon Beyrens Kilian degryse WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Jonas Ivens Bjarne van Os LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Nikolas Zacik Kilian degryse WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Egon Beyrens Bjarne van Os WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Martijn Van Acoleyen Frederique Van Robaeys DRAW DRAW
Pool 5 Sebastiaan Pollet Pierre Huin WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Jan Pelgrims Vincent Laloux WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Sebastiaan Pollet Frederique Van Robaeys WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Martijn Van Acoleyen Pierre Huin WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Frederique Van Robaeys Jan Pelgrims LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Sebastiaan Pollet Martijn Van Acoleyen WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Vincent Laloux Pierre Huin WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Jan Pelgrims Martijn Van Acoleyen WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Pierre Huin Frederique Van Robaeys LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Vincent Laloux Sebastiaan Pollet DRAW DRAW
Pool 5 Jan Pelgrims Pierre Huin WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Vincent Laloux Frederique Van Robaeys WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Jan Pelgrims Sebastiaan Pollet WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Vincent Laloux Martijn Van Acoleyen WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Anonymous fighter Wouter Festjens LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Yves De Waele-Van De Velde Jocelyn Wanzoul DRAW DRAW
Pool 6 Anonymous fighter Jacob Decraene LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Yves De Waele-Van De Velde Anonymous fighter LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Jacob Decraene Wouter Festjens WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Yves De Waele-Van De Velde Wouter Festjens LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Jocelyn Wanzoul Jacob Decraene LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Anonymous fighter Jocelyn Wanzoul WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Yves De Waele-Van De Velde Jacob Decraene LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Wouter Festjens Jocelyn Wanzoul WIN LOSS
elimination 16 Toisoul Sylvain Guillaume Lemaigre LOSS WIN
elimination 16 Jan Pelgrims Vincent Laloux WIN LOSS
elimination 16 Thomas Hellem Mateo Schops LOSS WIN
elimination 16 Pieterjan Peere Wouter Festjens WIN LOSS
elimination 16 Robin Pittoors Nikolas Zacik LOSS WIN
elimination 16 Pieter Jacobs Robbe D'Hondt LOSS WIN
elimination 16 Sebastiaan Pollet Jacob Decraene WIN LOSS
elimination 16 Egon Beyrens Gille Buyle WIN LOSS
Quarter finals Guillaume Lemaigre Jan Pelgrims WIN LOSS
Quarter finals Pieterjan Peere Mateo Schops LOSS WIN
Quarter finals Nikolas Zacik Robbe D'Hondt LOSS WIN
Quarter finals Sebastiaan Pollet Egon Beyrens LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Guillaume Lemaigre Mateo Schops WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Robbe D'Hondt Egon Beyrens LOSS WIN
Bronze Final Mateo Schops Robbe D'Hondt LOSS WIN
Gold Final Guillaume Lemaigre Egon Beyrens LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Bloody Belgian Waffles I. 2022