Manitoba Highland Gathering 2024

Date June 22, 2024
Country Canada
State Manitoba
City Selkirk

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 32 14
Mixed Steel Sabre 10 5
Mixed Steel Sabre 52 18
Women's Steel Smallsword 6 4

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 3 Robert Hamilton Brad Beaver WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Nicholas McConnell Zachary Brown LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Zachary Brown Robert Hamilton WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Brad Beaver Nicholas McConnell LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Nicholas McConnell Robert Hamilton WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Brad Beaver Zachary Brown LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Alex Pirie Robert Hamilton WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Brad Beaver Alex Pirie LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Nicholas McConnell Alex Pirie LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Alex Pirie Zachary Brown WIN LOSS
Tie-Breaker Zachary Brown Sithisone Douangmala WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Hannes Penttinen Wyatt Campbell LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Mitchel Coupland Scott Christie WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Scott Christie Hannes Penttinen WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Kelly Bjorndalen Wyatt Campbell LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Kelly Bjorndalen Hannes Penttinen WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Wyatt Campbell Mitchel Coupland LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Kelly Bjorndalen Mitchel Coupland WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Wyatt Campbell Scott Christie WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Hannes Penttinen Mitchel Coupland LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Scott Christie Kelly Bjorndalen WIN LOSS
Tie-Breaker Mitchel Coupland Wyatt Campbell LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Sithisone Douangmala Christian Niles LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Derek D Young Adam Van Ael LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Sithisone Douangmala Derek D Young WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Christian Niles Adam Van Ael WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Sithisone Douangmala Adam Van Ael WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Christian Niles Derek D Young WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Christian Niles Zachary Brown WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Alex Pirie Wyatt Campbell LOSS WIN
Gold Finals Wyatt Campbell Christian Niles LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Match Alex Pirie Zachary Brown LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Cody Pierson Shannon Loewen WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Alex Amborsky Christian Niles LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Brendan O'Rourke Zachary Brown LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Shannon Loewen Alex Amborsky WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Cody Pierson Brendan O'Rourke WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Zachary Brown Christian Niles LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Shannon Loewen Brendan O'Rourke WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Alex Amborsky Zachary Brown LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Christian Niles Cody Pierson WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Shannon Loewen Christian Niles LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Zachary Brown Cody Pierson WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Brendan O'Rourke Alex Amborsky WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Shannon Loewen Zachary Brown LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Cody Pierson Alex Amborsky WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Brendan O'Rourke Christian Niles LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Scott Christie Jack Buffie WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Alex Pirie Kelly Bjorndalen WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Jason Wang Adam Van Ael LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jack Buffie Kelly Bjorndalen LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jason Wang Scott Christie WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Alex Pirie Adam Van Ael LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jack Buffie Adam Van Ael LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Alex Pirie Jason Wang WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Scott Christie Kelly Bjorndalen LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jack Buffie Alex Pirie LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Adam Van Ael Scott Christie WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Kelly Bjorndalen Jason Wang LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jason Wang Jack Buffie WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Adam Van Ael Kelly Bjorndalen WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Alex Pirie Scott Christie WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Robert Hamilton Wyatt Campbell LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Hannes Penttinen Mitchel Coupland LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Nicholas McConnell Alex Svitashev WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Hannes Penttinen Robert Hamilton LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Wyatt Campbell Nicholas McConnell WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Alex Svitashev Mitchel Coupland LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Robert Hamilton Alex Svitashev LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Nicholas McConnell Mitchel Coupland WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Hannes Penttinen Wyatt Campbell LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Mitchel Coupland Robert Hamilton WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Alex Svitashev Wyatt Campbell LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Nicholas McConnell Hannes Penttinen WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Robert Hamilton Nicholas McConnell LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Alex Svitashev Hannes Penttinen WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Wyatt Campbell Mitchel Coupland WIN LOSS
Tie Breaker Elims Zachary Brown Nicholas McConnell WIN LOSS
Tie Breaker Elims Alex Pirie Zachary Brown LOSS WIN
Tie Breaker Elims Alex Pirie Nicholas McConnell WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Zachary Brown Wyatt Campbell WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Adam Van Ael Christian Niles LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Match Wyatt Campbell Adam Van Ael LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match Christian Niles Zachary Brown WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Rosemary Steiner Marli Vlok LOSS WIN
Shelley Pastrick Shannon Loewen LOSS WIN
Rosemary Steiner Shelley Pastrick WIN LOSS
Marli Vlok Shannon Loewen WIN LOSS
Rosemary Steiner Shannon Loewen WIN LOSS
Marli Vlok Shelley Pastrick WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Manitoba Highland Gathering 2024