The Duelling Arts - Summer Tournament 2024

Date June 29, 2024
Country Canada
State British Columbia
City Vancouver

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 32 16
Mixed Steel Rapier & Optional Dagger 28 10

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Ion Nichifor Paul Jensen WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Jon Horel Lucas Pearson WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Ion Nichifor Jon Horel LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Paul Jensen Lucas Pearson WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Paul Jensen Jon Horel WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Ion Nichifor Lucas Pearson WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Evan Anderson Morris Chen WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Tony Pacheco Matheus Alfred-Olmedo LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Morris Chen Tony Pacheco LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Evan Anderson Matheus Alfred-Olmedo DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool 2 Tony Pacheco Evan Anderson LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Morris Chen Matheus Alfred-Olmedo LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Sean Wiseman Sander Dijk LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Braye Dial Alvin Lau WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Sander Dijk Braye Dial WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Sean Wiseman Alvin Lau WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Braye Dial Sean Wiseman WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Sander Dijk Alvin Lau WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Kent Huynh Sihong Fu LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Cameron Reid Stitch Chen WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Kent Huynh Cameron Reid LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Stitch Chen Sihong Fu LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Sihong Fu Cameron Reid WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Stitch Chen Kent Huynh LOSS WIN
Quarter-Finals Ion Nichifor Sihong Fu LOSS WIN
Quarter-Finals Evan Anderson Sander Dijk LOSS WIN
Quarter-Finals Jon Horel Matheus Alfred-Olmedo LOSS WIN
Quarter-Finals Braye Dial Cameron Reid WIN LOSS
Semi-Finals Sihong Fu Matheus Alfred-Olmedo WIN LOSS
Semi-Finals Sander Dijk Braye Dial WIN LOSS
Bronze Medal Match Matheus Alfred-Olmedo Braye Dial WIN LOSS
Gold Medal Match Sander Dijk Sihong Fu LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Ion Nichifor Michael LeNoble WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Paul Jensen Alvin Lau WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Sean Wiseman Paul Jensen LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Michael LeNoble Alvin Lau WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Michael LeNoble Sean Wiseman WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Ion Nichifor Alvin Lau LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Paul Jensen Ion Nichifor LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Sean Wiseman Alvin Lau LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Ion Nichifor Sean Wiseman WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Michael LeNoble Paul Jensen WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Jon Horel Letong Wang WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Lucas Pearson Matheus Alfred-Olmedo LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Morris Chen Matheus Alfred-Olmedo LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Letong Wang Lucas Pearson WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Letong Wang Morris Chen LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Lucas Pearson Jon Horel LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jon Horel Matheus Alfred-Olmedo WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Morris Chen Lucas Pearson WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Jon Horel Morris Chen WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Matheus Alfred-Olmedo Letong Wang WIN LOSS
Quarter-Finals Jon Horel Letong Wang WIN LOSS
Quarter-Finals Alvin Lau Matheus Alfred-Olmedo LOSS WIN
Quarter-Finals Morris Chen Michael LeNoble WIN LOSS
Quarter-Finals Paul Jensen Ion Nichifor WIN LOSS
Semi-Finals Morris Chen Jon Horel LOSS WIN
Semi-Finals Matheus Alfred-Olmedo Paul Jensen WIN LOSS
Bronze Medal Match Morris Chen Paul Jensen LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match Jon Horel Matheus Alfred-Olmedo LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just The Duelling Arts - Summer Tournament 2024

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
84 1 Matheus Alfred-Olmedo Academie Duello 1699.4 4.1
226 18 Sihong Fu Academie Duello 1593.2 17.7
245 13 Sander Dijk Academie Duello 1582.4 12.4
988 58 Ion Nichifor Academie Duello 1365.3 3.6
1233 12 Tony Pacheco Academie Duello 1317.2 7
1312 3 Cameron Reid Academie Duello 1303.3 10.4
1325 32 Paul Jensen Comox Valley Combat Guild 1302.3 20.2
1554 492 Braye Dial Academie Duello 1258.2 84.9
1689 1156 Evan Anderson Academie Duello 1237.1 182.3
1845 298 Jon Horel Academie Duello 1214.2 56.8
2177 1098 Morris Chen Academie Duello 1165.1 171.3
3212 Kent Huynh Academie Duello 1014
3798 76 Sean Wiseman Academie Duello 914.6 46
4052 Stitch Chen Academie Duello 864.5
4354 199 Lucas Pearson Academie Duello 801.2 5.7
4624 Alvin Lau Academie Duello 695.9