This event is not yet active, and the results don't count towards the ratings. The event will be set to active and the ratings will be recalculated once any outstanding issues have been fixed.

Event created: 2024-12-20

Reasons this event is inactive:

Waiting for organizer to validate results.

Destreza Nova Laval Hema Festival 2024

September 15

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Women's Steel Longsword 8 6
Women's Steel Single Rapier 19 9

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Jaimie-Lynn Leblanc-Ykema Carole Faucher WIN LOSS
Pool A Asha Li Jaimie-Lynn Leblanc-Ykema LOSS WIN
Pool A Carole Faucher Asha Li WIN LOSS
Pool B Caroline Bergeron Blandine Fallon LOSS WIN
Pool B Victoria Allard Caroline Bergeron WIN LOSS
Pool B Victoria Allard Blandine Fallon LOSS WIN
Bronze Carole Faucher Victoria Allard LOSS WIN
Gold Jaimie-Lynn Leblanc-Ykema Blandine Fallon LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Victoria Allard Silvia Tomassetti WIN LOSS
Pool A Meg Hatton Giulia Caddedu LOSS WIN
Pool A Victoria Allard Giulia Caddedu LOSS WIN
Pool A Meg Hatton Silvia Tomassetti LOSS WIN
Pool A Victoria Allard Meg Hatton WIN LOSS
Pool A Giulia Caddedu Silvia Tomassetti LOSS WIN
Pool A Victoria Allard Giulia Caddedu WIN LOSS
Pool B Jaimie-Lynn Leblanc-Ykema Asha Li WIN LOSS
Pool B Blandine Fallon Simone Donders WIN LOSS
Pool B Asha Li Simone Donders LOSS WIN
Pool B Jaimie-Lynn Leblanc-Ykema Caroline Bergeron WIN LOSS
Pool B Blandine Fallon Caroline Bergeron WIN LOSS
Pool B Simone Donders Jaimie-Lynn Leblanc-Ykema LOSS WIN
Pool B Blandine Fallon Jaimie-Lynn Leblanc-Ykema WIN LOSS
Pool B Caroline Bergeron Asha Li LOSS WIN
Pool B Simone Donders Caroline Bergeron WIN LOSS
Pools Blandine Fallon Asha Li WIN LOSS
Bronze Jaimie-Lynn Leblanc-Ykema Victoria Allard WIN LOSS
Gold Silvia Tomassetti Blandine Fallon WIN LOSS