Burdigala Cup 2025

Date February 15, 2025
Country France
City Bordeaux

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 179 36

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Final Gabriel Tardio Hugo Chiaradia LOSS WIN
Bronze Final Nicolas Borowicz Matthieu Pelissier WIN LOSS
Pool 01 Gabriel Tardio Mathieu Croze WIN LOSS
Pool 01 Laurent Gamundi Florian Nicolle LOSS WIN
Pool 01 Gabriel Tardio Florian Nicolle WIN LOSS
Pool 01 Florian Nicolle Mathieu Croze LOSS WIN
Pool 01 Léo Terlez Florian Nicolle LOSS WIN
Pool 01 Alexandre Bobe Gabriel Tardio LOSS WIN
Pool 01 Léo Terlez Laurent Gamundi WIN LOSS
Pool 01 Alexandre Bobe Mathieu Croze LOSS WIN
Pool 01 Florian Nicolle Alexandre Bobe WIN LOSS
Pool 01 Gabriel Tardio Laurent Gamundi WIN LOSS
Pool 01 Léo Terlez Mathieu Croze LOSS WIN
Pool 02 Mikaël Levacher Heathcliff Lambert LOSS WIN
Pool 01 Laurent Gamundi Mathieu Croze LOSS WIN
Pool 01 Léo Terlez Gabriel Tardio LOSS WIN
Pool 02 Biras Jean-françois Alexandre Babin WIN LOSS
Pool 02 Matthieu Pelissier Alexis Schauner WIN LOSS
Pool 02 Mikaël Levacher Alexandre Babin WIN LOSS
Pool 02 Alexis Schauner Mikaël Levacher WIN LOSS
Pool 02 Biras Jean-françois Matthieu Pelissier LOSS WIN
Pool 02 Heathcliff Lambert Biras Jean-françois LOSS WIN
Pool 02 Alexandre Babin Matthieu Pelissier LOSS WIN
Pool 02 Mikaël Levacher Biras Jean-françois WIN LOSS
Pool 02 Alexis Schauner Alexandre Babin LOSS WIN
Pool 02 Heathcliff Lambert Alexandre Babin WIN LOSS
Pool 02 Biras Jean-françois Alexis Schauner WIN LOSS
Pool 02 Matthieu Pelissier Heathcliff Lambert WIN LOSS
Pool 02 Mikaël Levacher Matthieu Pelissier WIN LOSS
Pool 04 Hugo Chiaradia Calvier Paul WIN LOSS
Pool 04 Séraphim Jacquemart Yohann Siouray LOSS WIN
Pool 05 Simon Cherier Nicolas Borowicz LOSS WIN
Pool 04 Gauthier Dietschi Romain Mathout WIN LOSS
Pool 05 Loïc Blazy Remy Viale WIN LOSS
Pool 05 Sébastien Wémama Nicolas Borowicz LOSS WIN
Pool 05 Simon Cherier Remy Viale WIN LOSS
Pool 05 Arthur Frouin Sébastien Wémama WIN LOSS
Pool 03 Lorenzo Pitre Grégory Vigneau LOSS WIN
Pool 03 Corentin Fournier Maël Dubourgnon LOSS WIN
Pool 03 Fabien Bianchi Corentin Fournier WIN LOSS
Pool 03 Grégory Vigneau Yohann Tillmann LOSS WIN
Pool 03 Lorenzo Pitre Yohann Tillmann LOSS WIN
Pool 03 Grégory Vigneau Maël Dubourgnon WIN LOSS
Pool 03 Yohann Tillmann Corentin Fournier WIN LOSS
Pool 03 Grégory Vigneau Fabien Bianchi LOSS WIN
Pool 03 Lorenzo Pitre Corentin Fournier WIN LOSS
Pool 03 Fabien Bianchi Maël Dubourgnon WIN LOSS
Pool 04 Calvier Paul Romain Mathout LOSS WIN
Pool 03 Fabien Bianchi Lorenzo Pitre WIN LOSS
Pool 04 Romain Mathout Hugo Chiaradia LOSS WIN
Pool 04 Gauthier Dietschi Séraphim Jacquemart WIN LOSS
Pool 04 Calvier Paul Yohann Siouray LOSS WIN
Pool 04 Séraphim Jacquemart Calvier Paul WIN LOSS
Pool 04 Yohann Siouray Romain Mathout LOSS WIN
Pool 04 Hugo Chiaradia Gauthier Dietschi WIN LOSS
Pool 04 Séraphim Jacquemart Hugo Chiaradia LOSS WIN
Pool 04 Gauthier Dietschi Yohann Siouray WIN LOSS
Pool 04 Calvier Paul Gauthier Dietschi LOSS WIN
Pool 05 Nicolas Borowicz Remy Viale WIN LOSS
Pool 05 Arthur Frouin Simon Cherier LOSS WIN
Pool 04 Yohann Siouray Hugo Chiaradia LOSS WIN
Pool 04 Romain Mathout Séraphim Jacquemart WIN LOSS
Pool 05 Loïc Blazy Arthur Frouin LOSS WIN
Pool 06 Quentin Renaudin Louis Jouys WIN LOSS
Pool 06 Quentin Renaudin Hippolyte Biron LOSS WIN
Pool 05 Loïc Blazy Simon Cherier WIN LOSS
Pool 05 Remy Viale Sébastien Wémama LOSS WIN
Pool 05 Nicolas Borowicz Arthur Frouin WIN LOSS
Pool 05 Sébastien Wémama Simon Cherier WIN LOSS
Pool 05 Loïc Blazy Nicolas Borowicz LOSS WIN
Pool 05 Remy Viale Arthur Frouin LOSS WIN
Pool 06 Nam Merlin Louis Jouys LOSS WIN
Pool 06 Louis Jouys Clémence Sillac LOSS WIN
Pool 06 Artem Malyeyev Quentin Renaudin WIN LOSS
Pool 06 Hippolyte Biron Clémence Sillac LOSS WIN
Pool 06 Artem Malyeyev Clémence Sillac LOSS WIN
Pool 06 Quentin Renaudin Nam Merlin WIN LOSS
Pool 06 Hippolyte Biron Louis Jouys WIN LOSS
Pool 06 Quentin Renaudin Clémence Sillac LOSS WIN
Pool 06 Hippolyte Biron Nam Merlin DRAW DRAW
Pool 06 Louis Jouys Artem Malyeyev WIN LOSS
Pool 03 Lorenzo Pitre Maël Dubourgnon LOSS WIN
Pool 01 Alexandre Bobe Léo Terlez LOSS WIN
Pool 03 Yohann Tillmann Fabien Bianchi LOSS WIN
Pool 02 Heathcliff Lambert Alexis Schauner WIN LOSS
Pool 03 Yohann Tillmann Maël Dubourgnon LOSS WIN
Pool 03 Corentin Fournier Grégory Vigneau LOSS WIN
Pool 06 Artem Malyeyev Hippolyte Biron LOSS WIN
Pool 01 Alexandre Bobe Laurent Gamundi LOSS WIN
Pool 06 Nam Merlin Clémence Sillac LOSS WIN
Pool 06 Nam Merlin Artem Malyeyev LOSS WIN
Pool 05 Sébastien Wémama Loïc Blazy LOSS WIN
Pool 11 Gabriel Tardio Gauthier Dietschi WIN LOSS
Pool 11 Fabien Bianchi Gauthier Dietschi WIN LOSS
Pool 11 Clémence Sillac Fabien Bianchi LOSS WIN
Pool 11 Hugo Chiaradia Gabriel Tardio LOSS WIN
Pool 11 Nicolas Borowicz Clémence Sillac WIN LOSS
Pool 12 Grégory Vigneau Loïc Blazy LOSS WIN
Pool 12 Loïc Blazy Yohann Tillmann WIN LOSS
Pool 12 Maël Dubourgnon Mathieu Croze LOSS WIN
Pool 13 Florian Nicolle Louis Jouys LOSS WIN
Pool 13 Hippolyte Biron Arthur Frouin LOSS WIN
Pool 14 Mikaël Levacher Quentin Renaudin WIN LOSS
Pool 12 Yohann Tillmann Mathieu Croze LOSS WIN
Pool 14 Yohann Siouray Artem Malyeyev LOSS WIN
Pool 14 Artem Malyeyev Simon Cherier WIN LOSS
Pool 14 Léo Terlez Simon Cherier LOSS WIN
Pool 13 Florian Nicolle Heathcliff Lambert LOSS WIN
Pool 15 Biras Jean-françois Lorenzo Pitre WIN LOSS
Pool 16 Corentin Fournier Remy Viale WIN LOSS
Pool 16 Calvier Paul Alexandre Bobe LOSS WIN
Pool 15 Alexis Schauner Sébastien Wémama WIN LOSS
Pool 15 Laurent Gamundi Sébastien Wémama WIN LOSS
Pool 14 Mikaël Levacher Léo Terlez WIN LOSS
Pool 15 Laurent Gamundi Lorenzo Pitre WIN LOSS
Pool 14 Quentin Renaudin Yohann Siouray WIN LOSS
Pool 13 Romain Mathout Louis Jouys LOSS WIN
Pool 11 Gauthier Dietschi Clémence Sillac WIN LOSS
Pool 11 Hugo Chiaradia Fabien Bianchi WIN LOSS
Pool 16 Calvier Paul Remy Viale WIN LOSS
Pool 16 Corentin Fournier Alexandre Babin LOSS WIN
Pool 11 Nicolas Borowicz Hugo Chiaradia LOSS WIN
Pool 11 Hugo Chiaradia Clémence Sillac WIN LOSS
Pool 11 Nicolas Borowicz Gauthier Dietschi WIN LOSS
Pool 12 Grégory Vigneau Maël Dubourgnon WIN LOSS
Pool 11 Nicolas Borowicz Fabien Bianchi WIN LOSS
Pool 11 Gauthier Dietschi Hugo Chiaradia LOSS WIN
Pool 11 Gabriel Tardio Clémence Sillac WIN LOSS
Pool 11 Fabien Bianchi Gabriel Tardio LOSS WIN
Pool 13 Romain Mathout Heathcliff Lambert WIN LOSS
Pool 12 Loïc Blazy Mathieu Croze LOSS WIN
Pool 13 Arthur Frouin Florian Nicolle WIN LOSS
Pool 12 Mathieu Croze Grégory Vigneau WIN LOSS
Pool 13 Louis Jouys Heathcliff Lambert LOSS WIN
Pool 12 Mathieu Croze Matthieu Pelissier WIN LOSS
Pool 12 Loïc Blazy Maël Dubourgnon LOSS WIN
Pool 12 Yohann Tillmann Maël Dubourgnon WIN LOSS
Pool 12 Loïc Blazy Matthieu Pelissier LOSS WIN
Pool 13 Arthur Frouin Romain Mathout WIN LOSS
Pool 13 Louis Jouys Arthur Frouin WIN LOSS
Pool 13 Hippolyte Biron Heathcliff Lambert WIN LOSS
Pool 14 Simon Cherier Quentin Renaudin WIN LOSS
Pool 14 Léo Terlez Artem Malyeyev LOSS WIN
Pool 14 Yohann Siouray Mikaël Levacher LOSS WIN
Pool 14 Simon Cherier Yohann Siouray WIN LOSS
Pool 13 Florian Nicolle Romain Mathout UNRATED LOSS UNRATED WIN
Pool 14 Léo Terlez Quentin Renaudin WIN LOSS
Pool 14 Mikaël Levacher Artem Malyeyev LOSS WIN
Pool 15 Nam Merlin Laurent Gamundi UNRATED LOSS UNRATED WIN
Pool 13 Arthur Frouin Heathcliff Lambert LOSS WIN
Pool 14 Léo Terlez Yohann Siouray WIN LOSS
Pool 15 Biras Jean-françois Alexis Schauner WIN LOSS
Pool 15 Lorenzo Pitre Alexis Schauner LOSS WIN
Pool 14 Quentin Renaudin Artem Malyeyev LOSS WIN
Pool 14 Simon Cherier Mikaël Levacher LOSS WIN
Pool 15 Laurent Gamundi Alexis Schauner WIN LOSS
Pool 15 Biras Jean-françois Sébastien Wémama WIN LOSS
Pool 15 Lorenzo Pitre Nam Merlin UNRATED WIN UNRATED LOSS
Pool 16 Corentin Fournier Séraphim Jacquemart WIN LOSS
Pool 12 Matthieu Pelissier Maël Dubourgnon WIN LOSS
Pool 13 Hippolyte Biron Romain Mathout LOSS WIN
Pool 16 Alexandre Bobe Remy Viale WIN LOSS
Pool 16 Calvier Paul Alexandre Babin LOSS WIN
Pool 16 Remy Viale Alexandre Babin LOSS WIN
Pool 16 Calvier Paul Séraphim Jacquemart LOSS WIN
Pool 16 Corentin Fournier Alexandre Bobe LOSS WIN
Pool 16 Alexandre Babin Alexandre Bobe WIN LOSS
Pool 16 Calvier Paul Corentin Fournier LOSS WIN
Pool 13 Louis Jouys Hippolyte Biron LOSS WIN
Pool 16 Remy Viale Séraphim Jacquemart LOSS WIN
Pool 11 Gabriel Tardio Nicolas Borowicz LOSS WIN
Pool 12 Yohann Tillmann Matthieu Pelissier LOSS WIN
Pool 15 Biras Jean-françois Laurent Gamundi LOSS WIN
Pool 12 Matthieu Pelissier Grégory Vigneau WIN LOSS
Pool 12 Grégory Vigneau Yohann Tillmann LOSS WIN
Pool 15 Lorenzo Pitre Sébastien Wémama LOSS WIN
Pool 13 Hippolyte Biron Florian Nicolle UNRATED WIN UNRATED LOSS
Pool 16 Séraphim Jacquemart Alexandre Babin LOSS WIN
Pool 16 Alexandre Bobe Séraphim Jacquemart WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Burdigala Cup 2025

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
62 59 Hugo Chiaradia BEC Escrime 1742.7 69.6
199 374 Nicolas Borowicz De Feu et d'Acier 1623.3 145
237 148 Gabriel Tardio De Feu et d'Acier 1602.3 66
654 746 Fabien Bianchi Club Escrime Historique Lavallois 1460.5 147.3
822 890 Mathieu Croze De Feu et d'Acier 1422.9 152
886 Matthieu Pelissier De Feu et d'Acier 1409.8
993 1590 Mikaël Levacher Les Fines Lames du Médoc 1388.9 236.2
1034 122 Heathcliff Lambert La Mesnie du Blanc Castel 1380.8 25.5
1044 362 Hippolyte Biron Les Lames du Foyer 1378.3 66
1051 307 Artem Malyeyev Cercle d'Arts Martiaux Historiques Européens de Metz 1377.6 58.1
1161 Arthur Frouin Les Fines Lames du Médoc 1357.7
1427 86 Yohann Tillmann Le Cercle des LAMHE 1311.9 14.2
1440 Romain Mathout Le Cercle des LAMHE 1309.8
1597 599 Loïc Blazy De Feu et d'Acier 1287.5 84.4
1806 1787 Biras Jean-françois Perigüers Estocada 1258.7 234.5
1832 Gauthier Dietschi De Feu et d'Acier 1255.8
2018 1076 Alexandre Babin La Compagnie des Escargouilleurs du Poitou 1229 146.3
2063 Simon Cherier De Feu et d'Acier 1223.2
2111 Laurent Gamundi Les Fines Lames du Médoc 1217.2
2145 Louis Jouys Le Cercle des LAMHE 1212.7
2256 1834 Clémence Sillac De Feu et d'Acier 1197.5 249.6
2301 391 Florian Nicolle La Mesnie du Blanc Castel 1190.9 50.9
2374 Maël Dubourgnon De Feu et d'Acier 1182.6
2495 Grégory Vigneau La Botte du Goupil 1167.8
2755 Léo Terlez De Feu et d'Acier 1134.7
2770 554 Alexandre Bobe La Compagnie des Escargouilleurs du Poitou 1133.2 75.5
3005 Sébastien Wémama Batesta 1099.3
3018 312 Yohann Siouray La Compagnie des Escargouilleurs du Poitou 1097.7 40.9
3426 Quentin Renaudin La Mesnie du Blanc Castel 1048.2
3502 358 Nam Merlin De Feu et d'Acier 1039 38.4
3528 1663 Remy Viale La Mesnie du Blanc Castel 1036.3 212.2
3535 Alexis Schauner De Feu et d'Acier 1034.8
3612 Corentin Fournier De Feu et d'Acier 1023.8
3989 Séraphim Jacquemart Les Fines Lames du Médoc 964.8
4424 Lorenzo Pitre Les Fines Lames du Médoc 903.8
5156 179 Calvier Paul Perigüers Estocada 760.6 82.2