La Parisienne 2025

Date February 22, 2025
Country France
City Paris

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 123 27
Women's Steel Longsword 6 3

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Final Robin Pittoors Léo Lamassoure LOSS WIN
Semi Final Léo Valque Léo Lamassoure LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Antoine Goldschmidt Léo Lamassoure LOSS WIN
Elims Léo Lamassoure Pieter Jacobs WIN LOSS
Elims Léo Lamassoure Nicolas ZETTL WIN LOSS
Bronze Final Léo Valque Victor FRÉMONT LOSS WIN
Semi Final Robin Pittoors Victor FRÉMONT WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Thibault Bidolet Robin Pittoors LOSS WIN
Elims Robin Pittoors Pierre-Antoine Thevenin WIN LOSS
Elims Paul Lecompte Robin Pittoors LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Victor FRÉMONT Kevin Moret-Abedi WIN LOSS
Elims Victor FRÉMONT Tristan Ruter WIN LOSS
Elims Kevin Moret-Abedi Artem Malyeyev WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Julien Baldacini Léo Valque LOSS WIN
Elims Louis Fouquoire Léo Valque LOSS WIN
Elims Jocelyn CHAUMETTE Léo Valque LOSS WIN
Elims Gille Buyle Julien Baldacini LOSS WIN
Elims Thibault Bidolet Mathieu Jacquemont WIN LOSS
Elims Mathieu Jacquemont Alex Atanasiu WIN LOSS
Elims Maël CHAUMETTE Pierre-Antoine Thevenin LOSS WIN
Elims Benjamin Collet Tristan Ruter LOSS WIN
Elims Artem Malyeyev Rémi Arbache WIN LOSS
Elims Gille Buyle Kyllian LE BAIL WIN LOSS
Elims Romain Barberaud Louis Fouquoire LOSS WIN
Elims Pieter Jacobs Corentin Beuzeboc WIN LOSS
Elims Fabien Bianchi Antoine Goldschmidt LOSS WIN
Elims Goches Alex Antoine Goldschmidt WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Victor FRÉMONT Robin Pittoors WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Pieter Jacobs Léo Valque LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Victor FRÉMONT Pieter Jacobs WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Robin Pittoors Léo Valque LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Robin Pittoors Pieter Jacobs LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Victor FRÉMONT Léo Valque WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Goches Alex Julien Baldacini WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Kevin Moret-Abedi Thibault Bidolet LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Goches Alex Thibault Bidolet LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Julien Baldacini Kevin Moret-Abedi WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Thibault Bidolet Julien Baldacini WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Kevin Moret-Abedi Goches Alex WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Benjamin Collet Pierre-Antoine Thevenin WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Léo Lamassoure Louis Fouquoire WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Pierre-Antoine Thevenin Louis Fouquoire WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Benjamin Collet Léo Lamassoure LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Louis Fouquoire Benjamin Collet WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Pierre-Antoine Thevenin Léo Lamassoure WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Gille Buyle Fabien Bianchi WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Alex Atanasiu Mathieu Jacquemont WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Rémi Arbache Fabien Bianchi LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Gille Buyle Alex Atanasiu WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Rémi Arbache Mathieu Jacquemont LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Fabien Bianchi Alex Atanasiu LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Rémi Arbache Gille Buyle WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Fabien Bianchi Mathieu Jacquemont WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Rémi Arbache Alex Atanasiu WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Mathieu Jacquemont Gille Buyle LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Antoine Goldschmidt Romain Barberaud WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Artem Malyeyev Tristan Ruter LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Antoine Goldschmidt Kyllian LE BAIL WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Artem Malyeyev Romain Barberaud WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Kyllian LE BAIL Tristan Ruter LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Antoine Goldschmidt Artem Malyeyev LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Romain Barberaud Kyllian LE BAIL LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Antoine Goldschmidt Tristan Ruter WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Artem Malyeyev Kyllian LE BAIL LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Romain Barberaud Tristan Ruter WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Jocelyn CHAUMETTE Corentin Beuzeboc LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Maël CHAUMETTE Paul Lecompte WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Nicolas ZETTL Corentin Beuzeboc WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Nicolas ZETTL Paul Lecompte WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Corentin Beuzeboc Maël CHAUMETTE LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Corentin Beuzeboc Paul Lecompte LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jocelyn CHAUMETTE Paul Lecompte LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Julien Baldacini Benjamin Collet WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Rémi Arbache Corentin Beuzeboc WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Benjamin Collet Corentin Beuzeboc WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Rémi Arbache Julien Baldacini LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Corentin Beuzeboc Julien Baldacini LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Benjamin Collet Rémi Arbache WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Kyllian LE BAIL Léo Lamassoure LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Antoine Goldschmidt Léo Valque LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Léo Lamassoure Antoine Goldschmidt WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Kyllian LE BAIL Léo Valque LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Antoine Goldschmidt Kyllian LE BAIL WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Léo Valque Léo Lamassoure WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Goches Alex Maël CHAUMETTE WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Mathieu Jacquemont Louis Fouquoire LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Goches Alex Mathieu Jacquemont WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Maël CHAUMETTE Louis Fouquoire LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Mathieu Jacquemont Maël CHAUMETTE WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Goches Alex Louis Fouquoire WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Gille Buyle Robin Pittoors LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Jocelyn CHAUMETTE Kevin Moret-Abedi LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Tristan Ruter Robin Pittoors LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Gille Buyle Kevin Moret-Abedi LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Tristan Ruter Jocelyn CHAUMETTE WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Robin Pittoors Kevin Moret-Abedi LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Tristan Ruter Gille Buyle LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Robin Pittoors Jocelyn CHAUMETTE WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Kevin Moret-Abedi Tristan Ruter WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Gille Buyle Jocelyn CHAUMETTE WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Paul Lecompte Pieter Jacobs LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Victor FRÉMONT Artem Malyeyev WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Alex Atanasiu Pieter Jacobs LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Paul Lecompte Artem Malyeyev LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Alex Atanasiu Victor FRÉMONT LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Pieter Jacobs Artem Malyeyev WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Alex Atanasiu Paul Lecompte WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Pieter Jacobs Victor FRÉMONT LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Artem Malyeyev Alex Atanasiu LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Victor FRÉMONT Paul Lecompte WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Thibault Bidolet Pierre-Antoine Thevenin WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Fabien Bianchi Romain Barberaud WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Pierre-Antoine Thevenin Nicolas ZETTL WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Thibault Bidolet Fabien Bianchi WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Romain Barberaud Nicolas ZETTL WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Pierre-Antoine Thevenin Fabien Bianchi WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Thibault Bidolet Nicolas ZETTL WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Pierre-Antoine Thevenin Romain Barberaud WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Fabien Bianchi Nicolas ZETTL WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Thibault Bidolet Romain Barberaud WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Élisa Bes Cassandre Chapuliot WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Élisa Bes Anaïs GRAMMATICO WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Cassandre Chapuliot Anaïs GRAMMATICO WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Élisa Bes Cassandre Chapuliot WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Anaïs GRAMMATICO Élisa Bes LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Anaïs GRAMMATICO Cassandre Chapuliot LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just La Parisienne 2025

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
130 90 Léo Lamassoure Le Chapitre des Armes 1671.3 58.3
244 2297 Victor FRÉMONT Le Chapitre des Armes 1599.1 439.6
297 935 Thibault Bidolet Le Chapitre des Armes 1577 236.5
349 2 Robin Pittoors Arte Mortiferum 1553.7 0.4
361 64 Louis Fouquoire La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1548.3 28.4
374 371 Léo Valque Cercle d'AMHE Néodomien 1543.6 104.1
386 177 Pierre-Antoine Thevenin Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon 1539 59.4
525 44 Pieter Jacobs Arte Mortiferum 1491.4 12.5
538 304 Kevin Moret-Abedi Compagnie Excallibur Yvellines 1488 70.3
664 334 Goches Alex BEC Escrime 1459.9 74.8
849 297 Fabien Bianchi Club Escrime Historique Lavallois 1419.8 62
979 135 Benjamin Collet Compagnie Excallibur Yvellines 1393.4 30.4
1044 Julien Baldacini Le Chapitre des Armes 1381.2
1101 135 Gille Buyle Arte Mortiferum 1368.4 28.3
1120 246 Artem Malyeyev Cercle d'Arts Martiaux Historiques Européens de Metz 1365.9 46.3
1686 494 Antoine Goldschmidt Recherche et Expérimentation du Geste Historique et Technique 1276.2 68.6
1829 382 Paul Lecompte BEC Escrime 1257.4 51.2
2105 189 Rémi Arbache Recherche et Expérimentation du Geste Historique et Technique 1219.3 28.2
2188 Alex Atanasiu Knights of Luxembourg 1209
2327 363 Mathieu Jacquemont Le Chapitre des Armes 1190 49
2510 Tristan Ruter Le Chapitre des Armes 1168.9
2972 1137 Nicolas ZETTL Cercle d'Arts Martiaux Historiques Européens de Metz 1107.3 160.2
3007 Maël CHAUMETTE Compagnie Excallibur Yvellines 1102.4
3686 Romain Barberaud La Salle d'Armes 1013.4
3803 832 Kyllian LE BAIL Compagnie Excallibur Yvellines 995.3 127.7
4432 Corentin Beuzeboc Les Arts Léonins 906.4
4467 106 Jocelyn CHAUMETTE Compagnie Excallibur Yvellines 900.4 22.4
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
74 Élisa Bes Le Chapitre des Armes 1408.5
159 21 Cassandre Chapuliot Compagnie Excallibur Yvellines 1228.4 29.1
383 19 Anaïs GRAMMATICO La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 860.9 29.9
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
127 Élisa Bes Le Chapitre des Armes 1408.5
281 30 Cassandre Chapuliot Compagnie Excallibur Yvellines 1228.4 29.1
635 38 Anaïs GRAMMATICO La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 860.9 29.9