Nicolás Larraín

Club Compañía Espada de Plata
Nationality Chile


Category Rank (current) Weighted Rating (current) Rank (best) Weighted Rating (best)
Rapier and Dagger
Single Rapier
Sword and Buckler


Mixed Synthetic Longsword 23 6 16 0 1

Full rating histories

Match results

Mixed Synthetic Longsword FechtsChile 2017 (October 2017) Pool 6 Daniel Cristi LOSS
Mixed Synthetic Longsword FechtsChile 2017 (October 2017) Pool 6 Benjamín Véliz LOSS
Mixed Synthetic Longsword FechtsChile 2017 (October 2017) Pool 6 Andrés Fuentes LOSS
Mixed Synthetic Longsword CAMO V (February 2017) Pools Benjamín Véliz LOSS
Mixed Synthetic Longsword CAMO V (February 2017) Pools Celedonio Alarcón WIN
Mixed Synthetic Longsword CAMO V (February 2017) Pools Álvaro Rojas LOSS
Mixed Synthetic Longsword CAMO V (February 2017) Pools Andrés Halabi LOSS
Mixed Synthetic Longsword CAMO V (February 2017) Pools Diego Ramírez LOSS
Mixed Synthetic Longsword CAMO V (February 2017) Pools Wilfredo Riquelme WIN
Mixed Synthetic Longsword CAMO V (February 2017) Pools Tomas Suazo LOSS
Mixed Synthetic Longsword CAMO V (February 2017) Pools Javier Díaz LOSS
Mixed Synthetic Longsword CAMO V (February 2017) Pools Boris Monroy LOSS
Mixed Synthetic Longsword CAMO V (February 2017) Pools Daniel Cristi WIN
Mixed Synthetic Longsword CAMO V (February 2017) Pools Boris Monroy LOSS
Mixed Synthetic Longsword CAMO V (February 2017) Pools Celedonio Alarcón WIN
Mixed Synthetic Longsword CAMO V (February 2017) Pools Álvaro Rojas LOSS
Mixed Synthetic Longsword CAMO V (February 2017) Pools Andrés Halabi LOSS
Mixed Synthetic Longsword CAMO V (February 2017) Pools Javier Díaz DOUBLE LOSS
Mixed Synthetic Longsword CAMO V (February 2017) Pools Diego Ramírez LOSS
Mixed Synthetic Longsword CAMO V (February 2017) Pools Tomas Suazo LOSS
Mixed Synthetic Longsword CAMO V (February 2017) Pools Benjamín Véliz WIN
Mixed Synthetic Longsword CAMO V (February 2017) Pools Wilfredo Riquelme WIN
Mixed Synthetic Longsword CAMO V (February 2017) Pools Daniel Cristi LOSS