Single Rapier (Mixed & Men's, Steel) - January 2025

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
4 Edward Craig Melbourne Fencing Society 1887.9
7 Kristian Guivarra Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1844.1
11 Daniel Pope Scholar Victoria 1802.1
13 Daniel Green Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1773.5
20 Geraud Lemenager Aiginskalk 1730.9
27 Michael Smallridge Auckland Longsword 1703.4
31 Mosh Hewson Fitzroy College of Arms 1688.6
52 Mark Marb Morris The Old Sword Club 1629.3
56 Gindi Wauchope The School of Historical Fencing 1624.9
58 Nelson McGuigan Melbourne Messer Club 1620.9
60 Alex Roberson Sword Fighter Gold Coast 1617.2
78 Cohen Benson Invicta Fencing Academy 1589.2
79 Toby Whitnall Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1581.1
93 1 Jim Campbell Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1565.8
100 Henry Mitchell-Hibbert Stoccata School of Defence 1557.7
102 Aleks Roseneder Australis Scherma Scuola di Spada e Sciabola 1554.9
103 Mark Holgate Adelaide Sword Academy 1553.5
107 Benjamin Pope Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1548
109 David Gresham Fitzroy College of Arms 1545.8
111 Paul Roberson Sword Fighter Gold Coast 1543.2
125 Tim Davissen Prima Spada School of Fence 1519.9
139 1 Anthony Kung Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1506.4
149 Katherine Livingston Scholar Victoria 1496.7
150 Will Smart Canterbury Historical Fencing Club 1496.7
152 Travis McKenzie Scholar Victoria 1494.6
168 1 Emma O'Toner Collegium in Armis 1477.9
172 Jasper Sirris Sword Fighter Gold Coast 1471
188 Hunter Wild Scholar Victoria 1446
192 Ross Davies Spada di Bolognese 1441.7
212 Fuller November Collegium in Armis 1429.5
218 1 James Stallard Scholar Victoria 1425.1
224 1 David Critchley Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1418.4
235 1 Emerson Hurley Fitzroy College of Arms 1410
251 1 Lachlan Bennett Sword Fighter Gold Coast 1399.9
258 Damien Hewson-Donovan Melbourne Messer Club 1390.1
262 1 Bader Pendergast-Lee Sword Fighter Gold Coast 1387.9
267 1 Will Brookes The School of Historical Fencing 1384.7
270 1 Ryan Tanzer Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship 1382.8
274 1 Sean Reichman Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship 1375.4
275 1 Julian Trounson The School of Historical Fencing 1373.3
285 1 Alexander Munro Stoccata School of Defence 1366
302 1 Daniel Thomson Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1356.3
309 Habibi Favilla The School of Historical Fencing 1350.9
318 1 Braden Twomey Invicta Fencing Academy 1345.8
323 2 Joshua Purnell Sword Fighter Gold Coast 1342.8
324 Justin Weaver The School of Historical Fencing 1342.8
332 Stuart Manahan The School of Historical Fencing 1339.4
370 2 Simon Airey Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1320.5
382 2 Ben Stockdale Scholar Victoria 1316.4
394 2 Brad Williams Invicta Fencing Academy 1309.7
407 3 Luke Webb Southern Cross Swords 1298.2
441 3 Alexander Whipps Sword Fighter Gold Coast 1284.6
444 3 Daniel Arnold Australis Scherma Scuola di Spada e Sciabola 1283.6
452 2 Gary Andrews Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1280.8
461 3 Enzo Lara-Hamilton The School of Historical Fencing 1276.6
471 3 Lincoln Rose IronFolk Combat 1270.5
472 3 Ethan Jones Sword Fighter Gold Coast 1270.2
481 3 Mathew Archer Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1264.8
483 3 Daniel Cooper Ballarat Medieval Combat 1264.1
486 3 Dennis Gubb Fitzroy College of Arms 1258.7
488 3 Matthew Bennett Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1256.5
500 2 Peter Stevens Adelaide Sword Academy 1252.7
512 1 Kiah Waretini Fitzroy College of Arms 1243.3
521 3 Patrick Bromfield Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1240.4
524 2 Robert Cole Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1239.5
528 3 Nye Green Auckland Sword and Shield 1238.3
533 3 Carter Walshe Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1235.4
534 3 Harrison Schulke Fitzroy College of Arms 1235.1
544 4 Luke Dornan Cairns European Sword Academy 1230.6
545 1 Artemisia Yung Fitzroy College of Arms 1230.1
561 3 Jason Cochrane The School of Historical Fencing 1219.1
577 5 Sandy Appleby Collegium in Armis 1209.4
578 3 Stuart Willis The School of Historical Fencing 1208.9
586 4 Robin Ren The School of Historical Fencing 1205.2
602 4 Matthew Pihodnya Ironclad Academy Of The Sword 1199.2
604 3 Aiden Chronopoulos Ironclad Academy Of The Sword 1198.5
615 3 Jason Metcalfe The School of Historical Fencing 1194.4
624 4 Julian Biddle Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship 1186.3
625 5 Nicola Leiseder Auckland Sword and Shield 1184.5
627 2 Liam Schofield The School of Historical Fencing 1184
631 3 Vesselin Petkov Cairns European Sword Academy 1182
645 4 Justin Miller Whangarei Medieval Combat Club 1172.8
668 6 Seumas Gaskin N/A 1159.3
669 4 Rune Bowerstone Fitzroy College of Arms 1158.9
671 5 Victor Ngo Scholar Victoria 1157.3
680 4 Alfy You Fitzroy College of Arms 1151
686 4 Joshua Kim Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1149
690 5 Andrew Trounson The School of Historical Fencing 1147.5
704 5 Cameron Zackeresen Fitzroy College of Arms 1137.4
712 4 Campbell Walker Brisbane Swords 1134.1
719 5 Veronica-Claire Venables Celerity Fencing Academy 1127.1
723 4 Tamara Selge Scholar Victoria 1125.1
726 6 Joel Thomas Scholar Victoria 1122.8
729 5 James Watt Fitzroy College of Arms 1120.8
733 3 Garth Bradbeer Fitzroy College of Arms 1119.8
735 6 Andrew Appuhamy Fechtschule Victoria 1119.7
740 3 Tim Harris Fitzroy College of Arms 1118.1
744 6 Deagan Rodgerson Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship 1116.9
750 6 Lachlan Porter The School of Historical Fencing 1110
752 7 Jack Jones Adelaide Sword Academy 1108.8
753 5 Jacob Haberley Prima Spada School of Fence 1108.5
754 6 Roman Cunci The School of Historical Fencing 1107.9
756 5 Alex Wilson Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1107.5
765 7 Ben Brash Sword-Point College of Arms 1104.8
773 7 Alex Muir The School of Historical Fencing 1102.2
775 7 Michael Pennington Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship 1100.9
780 3 Marcus Allen Invicta Fencing Academy 1099.3
806 7 Lewis Douketis Fechtschule Victoria 1086.6
810 7 Zack Dixon Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1082.8
843 8 Henry Wang Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1063.9
849 8 Lee North-Connor Melbourne Messer Club 1060.7
856 7 Steven Frossos Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1059.5
857 7 Monika Stankiewicz Celerity Fencing Academy 1059.1
861 8 Hunter Blackwood The School of Historical Fencing 1056.9
865 8 Timothy Harris Fitzroy College of Arms 1054.2
874 9 Jordan Vargas Scholar Victoria 1049.2
876 6 William Deasy N/A 1048.9
883 7 Kye You Fitzroy College of Arms 1044.5
884 8 Simon Keefe Ballarat Medieval Combat 1043.1
902 8 Joshua Chhuth Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 1034.7
906 7 Roy Bleasdale The School of Historical Fencing 1033.1
911 8 Jack Wyrill Adelaide Sword Academy 1030.9
921 8 Heather Avery Fitzroy College of Arms 1027.8
932 8 Casey Schuit Sword Fighter Gold Coast 1020.3
936 8 Xander McConnell Adelaide Sword Academy 1019.2
941 9 Patrick Hunter The School of Historical Fencing 1016.3
943 9 Luke Tornilla Ursa Major HEMA Academy 1016.1
945 9 Santiago Cutro Auckland Sword and Shield 1013.9
947 10 Glyn Haines Adelaide Sword Academy 1011.9
960 7 Jonathon Paratz Collegium in Armis 1006.1
982 9 Jessica Silvallana Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 992.7
987 9 Joshua Bailey Fitzroy College of Arms 986.9
995 9 Joshua Fisher Ursa Major HEMA Academy 985.2
1017 9 Kin Yin (Steve) To Einherjar HEMA Club 974.1
1018 10 Tyler Lindsay-Smith Ursa Major HEMA Academy 973.3
1039 10 Ma Yat Tsun Einherjar HEMA Club 961.1
1040 10 Matt Taylor Auckland Sword and Shield 960.3
1066 10 Niko Thong Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 945.1
1074 10 Ute Broniecki N/A 940.9
1079 8 Lorne Williams The School of Historical Fencing 938.4
1083 11 Zachary Thaison Barwon Academy of Arms 932.8
1093 11 Chelsea Hawkey Sword Fighter Gold Coast 927
1106 10 David Stamenkovic Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy 918.1
1118 11 Minh Nguyen Scholar Victoria 910.4
1135 11 Kieran Peak Sword Fighter Gold Coast 900.4
1166 12 Eric Nesbitt Adelaide Sword Academy 878.9
1167 10 Helen-Leigh Simpson Fitzroy College of Arms 878.6
1169 11 Matthew Browne Fitzroy College of Arms 877.3
1171 11 Aidan Hughes Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship 875.8
1191 12 Aidan Warnakulasuriya Scholar Victoria 857.6
1219 12 Yau Chung Sze Einherjar HEMA Club 837.3
1222 12 Robert Talbot Ironclad Academy Of The Sword 835.6
1243 12 Datian Li Adelaide Sword Academy 813.8
1248 12 Emily Manning The School of Historical Fencing 806.1
1260 12 Frank Hope Auckland Sword and Shield 797.2
1281 12 Lu Lu The School of Historical Fencing 784
1289 12 Koosha Ahmadi The School of Historical Fencing 776.3
1316 12 Jesse De Cata The School of Historical Fencing 743.1
1331 12 Joshua Gardiner Fitzroy College of Arms 731.9
1353 12 David McCann Celerity Fencing Academy 667
1359 12 Tom Wainwright Ursa Major HEMA Academy 607.4