Helsinki Bolognese Open 2017

Date November 25, 2017
Country Finland
City Helsinki

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Single Sidesword 50 14

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Jussi Hytönen Christoffer Warelius LOSS WIN
Markus Koivisto Zoë Chandler WIN LOSS
Olga Andrianova Timo Ryttäri LOSS WIN
Jussi Hytönen Mikko Lehto LOSS WIN
Timo Ryttäri Zoë Chandler LOSS WIN
Christoffer Warelius Olga Andrianova WIN LOSS
Mikko Lehto Markus Koivisto WIN LOSS
Zoë Chandler Jussi Hytönen LOSS WIN
Timo Ryttäri Christoffer Warelius LOSS WIN
Olga Andrianova Mikko Lehto LOSS WIN
Markus Koivisto Jussi Hytönen WIN LOSS
Zoë Chandler Christoffer Warelius LOSS WIN
Timo Ryttäri Mikko Lehto LOSS WIN
Markus Koivisto Olga Andrianova WIN LOSS
Mikko Lehto Zoë Chandler WIN LOSS
Christoffer Warelius Markus Koivisto LOSS WIN
Timo Ryttäri Jussi Hytönen DRAW DRAW
Olga Andrianova Zoë Chandler LOSS WIN
Timo Ryttäri Markus Koivisto LOSS WIN
Jussi Hytönen Olga Andrianova WIN LOSS
Mikko Lehto Christoffer Warelius WIN LOSS
Emmanuel Chevalier Jay Maxwell LOSS WIN
Mikko Mustajärvi Jaakko Viitanen LOSS WIN
Olli Vartia Mats Bergström LOSS WIN
Miro Lahtela Emmanuel Chevalier WIN LOSS
Mats Bergström Jaakko Viitanen LOSS WIN
Olli Vartia Jay Maxwell LOSS WIN
Miro Lahtela Mikko Mustajärvi WIN LOSS
Emmanuel Chevalier Jaakko Viitanen WIN LOSS
Mats Bergström Jay Maxwell LOSS WIN
Miro Lahtela Olli Vartia WIN LOSS
Mikko Mustajärvi Emmanuel Chevalier LOSS WIN
Jay Maxwell Jaakko Viitanen WIN LOSS
Mats Bergström Miro Lahtela LOSS WIN
Mikko Mustajärvi Olli Vartia LOSS WIN
Jaakko Viitanen Miro Lahtela LOSS WIN
Mikko Mustajärvi Jay Maxwell LOSS WIN
Emmanuel Chevalier Mats Bergström WIN LOSS
Olli Vartia Jaakko Viitanen LOSS WIN
Mats Bergström Mikko Mustajärvi WIN LOSS
Olli Vartia Emmanuel Chevalier LOSS WIN
Miro Lahtela Jay Maxwell WIN LOSS
Miro Lahtela Jussi Hytönen WIN LOSS
Markus Koivisto Christoffer Warelius WIN LOSS
Emmanuel Chevalier Jay Maxwell LOSS WIN
Mikko Lehto Jaakko Viitanen WIN LOSS
Miro Lahtela Markus Koivisto WIN LOSS
Jay Maxwell Mikko Lehto LOSS WIN
Mikko Lehto Miro Lahtela WIN LOSS
Markus Koivisto Jay Maxwell LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Helsinki Bolognese Open 2017

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
3 1 Mikko Lehto EHMS 1697 109.5
13 44 Miro Lahtela EHMS 1475.3 328.2
17 39 Jay Maxwell Tempus Fugitives 1435.4 264.8
22 11 Markus Koivisto EHMS 1373.5 83.6
27 2 Christoffer Warelius EHMS 1324.8 23.2
36 6 Emmanuel Chevalier EHMS 1273.6 48.7
52 13 Jaakko Viitanen EHMS 1166.8 65.5
57 1 Timo Ryttäri EHMS 1101.9 42.7
76 25 Mats Bergström EHMS 992.9 62
79 37 Zoë Chandler EHMS 981.5 106.7
87 41 Jussi Hytönen EHMS 939.1 129.1
103 Olli Vartia EHMS 850.9
116 16 Mikko Mustajärvi Suomen Historiallisen Miekkailun Seura 744.3 21.6
120 Olga Andrianova EHMS 728