Tasmanian Swordplay Symposium 2017

Date December 2, 2017
Country Australia
State Tasmania
City Hobart

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 21 12
Mixed Steel Basket-Hilted Broadsword 78 13

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Justin Jay Mackley Paul Wagner LOSS WIN
Launz Burch Paul Wagner LOSS WIN
Paul Wagner Michael Tarbath LOSS WIN
Lewis Hand Paul Wagner WIN LOSS
Paul Wagner Matthew Boyd LOSS WIN
Simen Sletvold Paul Wagner LOSS WIN
Paul Wagner Roland Dennis WIN LOSS
Bennet McComish Paul Wagner LOSS WIN
Nicolai Repacholi Paul Wagner WIN LOSS
Tim Harris Paul Wagner WIN LOSS
Joseph Gora Paul Wagner LOSS WIN
Paul Wagner Ken Bradford WIN LOSS
Launz Burch Justin Jay Mackley LOSS WIN
Justin Jay Mackley Michael Tarbath LOSS WIN
Lewis Hand Justin Jay Mackley DRAW DRAW
Justin Jay Mackley Matthew Boyd LOSS WIN
Simen Sletvold Justin Jay Mackley DRAW DRAW
Roland Dennis Justin Jay Mackley LOSS WIN
Bennet McComish Justin Jay Mackley LOSS WIN
Nicolai Repacholi Justin Jay Mackley LOSS WIN
Tim Harris Justin Jay Mackley LOSS WIN
Joseph Gora Justin Jay Mackley WIN LOSS
Justin Jay Mackley Ken Bradford WIN LOSS
Launz Burch Michael Tarbath LOSS WIN
Lewis Hand Launz Burch DRAW DRAW
Launz Burch Matthew Boyd LOSS WIN
Launz Burch Simen Sletvold LOSS WIN
Roland Dennis Launz Burch WIN LOSS
Bennet McComish Launz Burch WIN LOSS
Nicolai Repacholi Launz Burch WIN LOSS
Launz Burch Tim Harris LOSS WIN
Joseph Gora Launz Burch LOSS WIN
Ken Bradford Launz Burch LOSS WIN
Lewis Hand Michael Tarbath WIN LOSS
Michael Tarbath Matthew Boyd LOSS WIN
Simen Sletvold Michael Tarbath LOSS WIN
Roland Dennis Michael Tarbath WIN LOSS
Michael Tarbath Bennet McComish WIN LOSS
Nicolai Repacholi Michael Tarbath LOSS WIN
Michael Tarbath Tim Harris WIN LOSS
Joseph Gora Michael Tarbath WIN LOSS
Ken Bradford Michael Tarbath LOSS WIN
Matthew Boyd Lewis Hand LOSS WIN
Simen Sletvold Lewis Hand LOSS WIN
Roland Dennis Lewis Hand LOSS WIN
Bennet McComish Lewis Hand LOSS WIN
Nicolai Repacholi Lewis Hand LOSS WIN
Lewis Hand Tim Harris WIN LOSS
Joseph Gora Lewis Hand LOSS WIN
Lewis Hand Ken Bradford WIN LOSS
Simen Sletvold Matthew Boyd LOSS WIN
Roland Dennis Matthew Boyd WIN LOSS
Bennet McComish Matthew Boyd LOSS WIN
Nicolai Repacholi Matthew Boyd LOSS WIN
Matthew Boyd Tim Harris LOSS WIN
Joseph Gora Matthew Boyd LOSS WIN
Matthew Boyd Ken Bradford WIN LOSS
Simen Sletvold Roland Dennis DRAW DRAW
Bennet McComish Simen Sletvold DRAW DRAW
Nicolai Repacholi Simen Sletvold LOSS WIN
Simen Sletvold Tim Harris WIN LOSS
Joseph Gora Simen Sletvold LOSS WIN
Ken Bradford Simen Sletvold WIN LOSS
Roland Dennis Bennet McComish LOSS WIN
Roland Dennis Nicolai Repacholi WIN LOSS
Tim Harris Roland Dennis DRAW DRAW
Joseph Gora Roland Dennis DRAW DRAW
Ken Bradford Roland Dennis DRAW DRAW
Nicolai Repacholi Bennet McComish WIN LOSS
Bennet McComish Tim Harris WIN LOSS
Joseph Gora Bennet McComish LOSS WIN
Ken Bradford Bennet McComish LOSS WIN
Nicolai Repacholi Tim Harris LOSS WIN
Joseph Gora Nicolai Repacholi LOSS WIN
Ken Bradford Nicolai Repacholi WIN LOSS
Joseph Gora Tim Harris WIN LOSS
Ken Bradford Tim Harris WIN LOSS
Ken Bradford Joseph Gora LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Tasmanian Swordplay Symposium 2017