QuadroHEMiA 5

Date July 22, 2018
Country United Kingdom
City Lincoln

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 22 7

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Robyn Saul Rhys Day WIN LOSS
Pool Christopher Wood Lee Conley LOSS WIN
Pool Lance Parker Sergeii Grinchenko WIN LOSS
Pool Tony Lamb Rhys Day DRAW DRAW
Pool Christopher Wood Robyn Saul DRAW DRAW
Pool Lee Conley Sergeii Grinchenko WIN LOSS
Pool Christopher Wood Rhys Day LOSS WIN
Pool Tony Lamb Lance Parker DRAW DRAW
Pool Sergeii Grinchenko Robyn Saul WIN LOSS
Pool Lance Parker Rhys Day WIN LOSS
Pool Sergeii Grinchenko Christopher Wood WIN LOSS
Pool Tony Lamb Lee Conley LOSS WIN
Pool Sergeii Grinchenko Rhys Day WIN LOSS
Pool Lance Parker Lee Conley LOSS WIN
Pool Robyn Saul Tony Lamb WIN LOSS
Pool Rhys Day Lee Conley LOSS WIN
Pool Robyn Saul Lance Parker LOSS WIN
Pool Christopher Wood Tony Lamb LOSS WIN
Pool Lee Conley Robyn Saul WIN LOSS
Pool Sergeii Grinchenko Tony Lamb WIN LOSS
Pool Christopher Wood Lance Parker WIN LOSS
2nd Place Tiebreaker Sergeii Grinchenko Lance Parker LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just QuadroHEMiA 5

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
304 152 Lee Conley Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 1474.9 72.2
1182 445 Lance Parker Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 1179.2 103.9
1528 Sergeii Grinchenko Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 1097.6
1712 164 Christopher Wood Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 1059.8 30.7
1858 519 Robyn Saul London Historical Fencing Club 1017.7 127.2
2021 202 Tony Lamb London Historical Fencing Club 983 50.4
2274 196 Rhys Day Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 920.5 56.9