Kärntner Landesmeisterschaft 2023

Date June 4, 2023
Country Austria
City Friesach

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 35 13

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Martin Schnider Grigorii Kobzarenko LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Martin Schnider Georg Mauerhofer LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Matthias Steyrl Martin Schnider WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Georg Mauerhofer Grigorii Kobzarenko LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Grigorii Kobzarenko Matthias Steyrl WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Matthias Steyrl Georg Mauerhofer WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Susanne Popp-Kohlweiss Marcel Steinhart WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Gernot Froschauer Susanne Popp-Kohlweiss WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Susanne Popp-Kohlweiss David Haslinger LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Gernot Froschauer Marcel Steinhart WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Marcel Steinhart David Haslinger LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Gernot Froschauer David Haslinger DRAW DRAW
Pool 3 Filip Eder Ingulf Popp-Kohlweiss LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Ingulf Popp-Kohlweiss Nicolai Bauer WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Gerhard Reich Ingulf Popp-Kohlweiss DRAW DRAW
Pool 3 Nicolas Puffer Ingulf Popp-Kohlweiss LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Filip Eder Nicolai Bauer LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Gerhard Reich Filip Eder WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Nicolas Puffer Filip Eder WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Nicolai Bauer Gerhard Reich LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Nicolas Puffer Nicolai Bauer WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Gerhard Reich Nicolas Puffer WIN LOSS
Round of 16 Susanne Popp-Kohlweiss Georg Mauerhofer LOSS WIN
Round of 16 Marcel Steinhart David Haslinger LOSS WIN
Round of 16 Filip Eder Ingulf Popp-Kohlweiss LOSS WIN
Round of 16 Nicolai Bauer Matthias Steyrl LOSS WIN
Round of 16 Nicolas Puffer Martin Schnider WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Gerhard Reich Georg Mauerhofer LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Ingulf Popp-Kohlweiss David Haslinger WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Matthias Steyrl Gernot Froschauer LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Nicolas Puffer Grigorii Kobzarenko LOSS WIN
Semi Final Georg Mauerhofer Ingulf Popp-Kohlweiss LOSS WIN
Semi Final Gernot Froschauer Grigorii Kobzarenko LOSS WIN
Bronze Final Gernot Froschauer Georg Mauerhofer WIN LOSS
Final Grigorii Kobzarenko Ingulf Popp-Kohlweiss LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Kärntner Landesmeisterschaft 2023

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
179 113 Ingulf Popp-Kohlweiss INDES Feldkirchen - Himmelberg 1591.3 70.7
483 Grigorii Kobzarenko N/A 1449
603 51 Georg Mauerhofer INDES Feldbach 1408.1 6.8
751 449 Gernot Froschauer INDES Linz 1366.5 126.7
962 294 Gerhard Reich N/A 1313.1 86.3
1078 David Haslinger INDES Linz 1279.8
1300 891 Matthias Steyrl INDES Linz 1232.2 195.9
1868 Nicolas Puffer INDES Feldbach 1118.1
2102 164 Nicolai Bauer INDES Salzburg 1074.9 10.9
2404 31 Susanne Popp-Kohlweiss INDES Feldkirchen - Himmelberg 1015.7 33.3
3235 Martin Schnider INDES Feldkirchen - Himmelberg 815.8
3375 Marcel Steinhart INDES Klagenfurt 754.2
3456 181 Filip Eder INDES Klagenfurt 713.9 11.3