Midtown Melee 2025

Date February 15, 2025
Country United States
State Georgia
City Atlanta

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 102 33
Mixed Steel Any Sword & Buckler 99 23

Fighters in event

Jen Richards Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Charlotte Denton
Amber Vanscoit
Jazsper Silverraven Appalachian Sword Club
Justin Harp Appalachian Sword Club
Dante Diener Appalachian Sword Club
Fernan Gomez-Monedero Athena School of Arms
Jamie Watkins Athens School of Arms
Micah Webb Athens School of Arms
Grant Bon Athens School of Arms
John Blood Athens School of Arms
John Haley Athens School of Arms
Aiden Lewis Athens School of Arms
Marlene Jocke Athens School of Arms
Maeve Esk Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Ashley Sirmans Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Emily Pittman Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Andi Nealon Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Olivia Kurth Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Aaron McGinnis Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Geoffrey Uhal Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Ava Thrasher Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Nick Bush Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Nik Cheimis Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Eric Musgrove Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Nolan Scoretz Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Benjamin Aycrigg Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Billy Matt Thompson Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Richard Escoto Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Daniel Pierce Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Caitlyn Trautwein Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Graham Wallis Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Quoc Lieu Bold City Longsword
Michael Roth Heartland HEMA Historical Fencing Club
Cameron Fulco Ritterkunst Fechtschule
Ross Woomer Ritterkunst Fechtschule
Drake Johnson Ritterkunst Fechtschule
Matthew Miraglia Schola St. George
Benjamin Murphy Schola St. George
Marshall Strong Schola St. George
Tyvan Deming Society of Historical Fencing
Danial Alt Vier Blossen Historical Fencing


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
pool 1 Aaron McGinnis Eric Musgrove LOSS WIN
pool 1 Nolan Scoretz Eric Musgrove LOSS WIN
pool 1 Jazsper Silverraven Eric Musgrove LOSS WIN
pool 1 Eric Musgrove Ashley Sirmans WIN LOSS
pool 1 Aaron McGinnis Nolan Scoretz WIN LOSS
pool 1 Jazsper Silverraven Aaron McGinnis LOSS WIN
pool 1 Aaron McGinnis Ashley Sirmans WIN LOSS
pool 1 Jazsper Silverraven Nolan Scoretz LOSS WIN
pool 1 Nolan Scoretz Ashley Sirmans WIN LOSS
pool 1 Jazsper Silverraven Ashley Sirmans WIN LOSS
pool 2 John Haley Benjamin Aycrigg LOSS WIN
pool 2 Benjamin Aycrigg Graham Wallis WIN LOSS
pool 2 Maeve Esk Benjamin Aycrigg LOSS WIN
pool 2 Benjamin Aycrigg Grant Bon WIN LOSS
pool 2 Graham Wallis John Haley LOSS WIN
pool 2 Maeve Esk John Haley LOSS WIN
pool 2 John Haley Grant Bon WIN LOSS
pool 2 Maeve Esk Graham Wallis LOSS WIN
pool 2 Graham Wallis Grant Bon LOSS WIN
pool 2 Maeve Esk Grant Bon WIN LOSS
pool 3 Ross Woomer Quoc Lieu WIN LOSS
pool 3 Quoc Lieu Matthew Miraglia WIN LOSS
pool 3 Ava Thrasher Quoc Lieu LOSS WIN
pool 3 Quoc Lieu Caitlyn Trautwein WIN LOSS
pool 3 Ross Woomer Matthew Miraglia LOSS WIN
pool 3 Ava Thrasher Ross Woomer LOSS WIN
pool 3 Caitlyn Trautwein Ross Woomer LOSS WIN
pool 3 Matthew Miraglia Ava Thrasher WIN LOSS
pool 3 Caitlyn Trautwein Matthew Miraglia LOSS WIN
pool 3 Ava Thrasher Caitlyn Trautwein LOSS WIN
pool 4 Billy Matt Thompson John Blood LOSS WIN
pool 4 Nick Bush John Blood LOSS WIN
pool 4 John Blood Jen Richards LOSS WIN
pool 4 Amber Vanscoit John Blood LOSS WIN
pool 4 John Blood Jamie Watkins WIN LOSS
pool 4 Nick Bush Billy Matt Thompson LOSS WIN
pool 4 Jen Richards Billy Matt Thompson LOSS WIN
pool 4 Amber Vanscoit Billy Matt Thompson LOSS WIN
pool 4 Billy Matt Thompson Jamie Watkins WIN LOSS
pool 4 Nick Bush Jen Richards WIN LOSS
pool 4 Amber Vanscoit Nick Bush LOSS WIN
pool 4 Jamie Watkins Nick Bush LOSS WIN
pool 4 Jen Richards Amber Vanscoit WIN LOSS
pool 4 Jamie Watkins Jen Richards WIN LOSS
pool 4 Amber Vanscoit Jamie Watkins LOSS WIN
pool 5 Geoffrey Uhal Cameron Fulco LOSS WIN
pool 5 Cameron Fulco Micah Webb WIN LOSS
pool 5 Justin Harp Cameron Fulco LOSS WIN
pool 5 Andi Nealon Cameron Fulco LOSS WIN
pool 5 Geoffrey Uhal Micah Webb WIN LOSS
pool 5 Justin Harp Geoffrey Uhal LOSS WIN
pool 5 Andi Nealon Geoffrey Uhal LOSS WIN
pool 5 Justin Harp Micah Webb LOSS WIN
pool 5 Andi Nealon Micah Webb LOSS WIN
pool 5 Justin Harp Andi Nealon LOSS WIN
pool 6 Richard Escoto Danial Alt WIN LOSS
pool 6 Benjamin Murphy Danial Alt LOSS WIN
pool 6 Drake Johnson Danial Alt LOSS WIN
pool 6 Olivia Kurth Danial Alt LOSS WIN
pool 6 Marshall Strong Danial Alt WIN LOSS
pool 6 Benjamin Murphy Richard Escoto WIN LOSS
pool 6 Drake Johnson Richard Escoto LOSS WIN
pool 6 Olivia Kurth Richard Escoto LOSS WIN
pool 6 Marshall Strong Richard Escoto WIN LOSS
pool 6 Drake Johnson Benjamin Murphy LOSS WIN
pool 6 Marshall Strong Benjamin Murphy WIN LOSS
pool 6 Drake Johnson Olivia Kurth WIN LOSS
pool 6 Marshall Strong Drake Johnson WIN LOSS
pool 6 Olivia Kurth Marshall Strong LOSS WIN
Elims Ashley Sirmans Olivia Kurth LOSS WIN
Elims Benjamin Aycrigg Olivia Kurth WIN LOSS
Elims Caitlyn Trautwein Andi Nealon LOSS WIN
Elims Grant Bon Matthew Miraglia WIN LOSS
Elims Graham Wallis Ross Woomer LOSS WIN
Elims Jazsper Silverraven Geoffrey Uhal LOSS WIN
Elims Danial Alt Jamie Watkins WIN LOSS
Elims Nolan Scoretz Marshall Strong LOSS WIN
Elims Amber Vanscoit John Blood LOSS WIN
Elims Eric Musgrove Maeve Esk WIN LOSS
Elims Ava Thrasher Micah Webb LOSS WIN
Elims John Haley Nick Bush WIN LOSS
Elims Quoc Lieu Tyvan Deming WIN LOSS
Elims Aaron McGinnis Benjamin Murphy WIN LOSS
Elims Billy Matt Thompson Richard Escoto WIN LOSS
Elims Justin Harp Jen Richards LOSS WIN
Elims Cameron Fulco Drake Johnson WIN LOSS
Round of 16 Jen Richards Cameron Fulco LOSS WIN
Round of 16 Billy Matt Thompson Aaron McGinnis WIN LOSS
Round of 16 John Haley Quoc Lieu LOSS WIN
Round of 16 Eric Musgrove Micah Webb WIN LOSS
Round of 16 John Blood Marshall Strong LOSS WIN
Round of 16 Danial Alt Geoffrey Uhal LOSS WIN
Round of 16 Grant Bon Ross Woomer LOSS WIN
Round of 16 Andi Nealon Benjamin Aycrigg LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Ross Woomer Benjamin Aycrigg LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Geoffrey Uhal Marshall Strong LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Quoc Lieu Eric Musgrove WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Cameron Fulco Billy Matt Thompson LOSS WIN
Semifinals Marshall Strong Benjamin Aycrigg LOSS WIN
Semifinals Billy Matt Thompson Quoc Lieu LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Match Marshall Strong Billy Matt Thompson WIN LOSS
Gold Medal Match Benjamin Aycrigg Quoc Lieu WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
pool 1 Daniel Pierce John Blood LOSS WIN
pool 1 Aaron McGinnis John Blood WIN LOSS
pool 1 Justin Harp John Blood LOSS WIN
pool 1 John Blood Drake Johnson WIN LOSS
pool 1 Emily Pittman John Blood LOSS WIN
pool 1 Aaron McGinnis Daniel Pierce LOSS WIN
pool 1 Justin Harp Daniel Pierce LOSS WIN
pool 1 Daniel Pierce Drake Johnson WIN LOSS
pool 1 Emily Pittman Daniel Pierce LOSS WIN
pool 1 Aaron McGinnis Justin Harp DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
pool 1 Drake Johnson Aaron McGinnis LOSS WIN
pool 1 Aaron McGinnis Emily Pittman WIN LOSS
pool 1 Justin Harp Drake Johnson WIN LOSS
pool 1 Emily Pittman Justin Harp LOSS WIN
pool 1 Drake Johnson Emily Pittman WIN LOSS
pool 2 Ross Woomer Danial Alt LOSS WIN
pool 2 Fernan Gomez-Monedero Danial Alt LOSS WIN
pool 2 Danial Alt Cameron Fulco LOSS WIN
pool 2 Marlene Jocke Danial Alt LOSS WIN
pool 2 Ava Thrasher Danial Alt LOSS WIN
pool 2 Ross Woomer Fernan Gomez-Monedero WIN LOSS
pool 2 Cameron Fulco Ross Woomer WIN LOSS
pool 2 Marlene Jocke Ross Woomer LOSS WIN
pool 2 Ava Thrasher Ross Woomer LOSS WIN
pool 2 Cameron Fulco Fernan Gomez-Monedero WIN LOSS
pool 2 Marlene Jocke Fernan Gomez-Monedero LOSS WIN
pool 2 Ava Thrasher Fernan Gomez-Monedero LOSS WIN
pool 2 Marlene Jocke Cameron Fulco LOSS WIN
pool 2 Ava Thrasher Cameron Fulco LOSS WIN
pool 2 Marlene Jocke Ava Thrasher WIN LOSS
pool 3 Nik Cheimis Aiden Lewis LOSS WIN
pool 3 Caitlyn Trautwein Nik Cheimis LOSS WIN
pool 3 Dante Diener Nik Cheimis LOSS WIN
pool 3 Nolan Scoretz Nik Cheimis LOSS WIN
pool 3 Tyvan Deming Nik Cheimis LOSS WIN
pool 3 Aiden Lewis Caitlyn Trautwein WIN LOSS
pool 3 Dante Diener Aiden Lewis LOSS WIN
pool 3 Aiden Lewis Nolan Scoretz WIN LOSS
pool 3 Tyvan Deming Aiden Lewis LOSS WIN
pool 3 Dante Diener Caitlyn Trautwein WIN LOSS
pool 3 Nolan Scoretz Caitlyn Trautwein WIN LOSS
pool 3 Tyvan Deming Caitlyn Trautwein WIN LOSS
pool 3 Dante Diener Nolan Scoretz LOSS WIN
pool 3 Tyvan Deming Dante Diener WIN LOSS
pool 3 Nolan Scoretz Tyvan Deming LOSS WIN
pool 4 Michael Roth Billy Matt Thompson WIN LOSS
pool 4 Jamie Watkins Michael Roth LOSS WIN
pool 4 Jazsper Silverraven Michael Roth LOSS WIN
pool 4 Charlotte Denton Michael Roth LOSS WIN
pool 4 Billy Matt Thompson Jamie Watkins LOSS WIN
pool 4 Jazsper Silverraven Billy Matt Thompson LOSS WIN
pool 4 Charlotte Denton Billy Matt Thompson LOSS WIN
pool 4 Jazsper Silverraven Jamie Watkins LOSS WIN
pool 4 Charlotte Denton Jamie Watkins LOSS WIN
pool 4 Jazsper Silverraven Charlotte Denton WIN LOSS
Elims Drake Johnson Dante Diener LOSS WIN
Elims Billy Matt Thompson Emily Pittman WIN LOSS
Elims Fernan Gomez-Monedero Caitlyn Trautwein WIN LOSS
Elims Jazsper Silverraven Nolan Scoretz LOSS WIN
Elims Jamie Watkins Charlotte Denton WIN LOSS
Elims Ross Woomer Ava Thrasher WIN LOSS
Elims Marlene Jocke Justin Harp LOSS WIN
Elims Drake Johnson Justin Harp WIN LOSS
Elims Daniel Pierce Emily Pittman WIN LOSS
Elims Caitlyn Trautwein Nolan Scoretz WIN LOSS
Elims Jazsper Silverraven Fernan Gomez-Monedero LOSS WIN
Elims John Blood Charlotte Denton WIN LOSS
Elims Aaron McGinnis Ava Thrasher WIN LOSS
Elims Marlene Jocke Dante Diener WIN LOSS
Elims Ross Woomer Drake Johnson WIN LOSS
Elims Caitlyn Trautwein Daniel Pierce LOSS WIN
Elims John Blood Fernan Gomez-Monedero WIN LOSS
Elims Marlene Jocke Aaron McGinnis LOSS WIN
Elims Ross Woomer Billy Matt Thompson WIN LOSS
Elims Aiden Lewis Daniel Pierce WIN LOSS
Elims Danial Alt Fernan Gomez-Monedero WIN LOSS
Elims Jamie Watkins Aaron McGinnis LOSS WIN
Elims Danial Alt Aaron McGinnis WIN LOSS
Elims Tyvan Deming Danial Alt LOSS WIN
Elims Ross Woomer Cameron Fulco LOSS WIN
Elims Cameron Fulco Danial Alt LOSS WIN
Elims Dante Diener Aiden Lewis LOSS WIN
Elims Tyvan Deming Aaron McGinnis WIN LOSS
Elims John Blood Billy Matt Thompson LOSS WIN
Elims Fernan Gomez-Monedero Nik Cheimis LOSS WIN
Elims Nolan Scoretz Cameron Fulco LOSS WIN
Elims Jamie Watkins Daniel Pierce WIN LOSS
Elims Ross Woomer Danial Alt LOSS WIN
Elims Justin Harp Michael Roth LOSS WIN
Elims Aiden Lewis Tyvan Deming LOSS WIN
Elims Billy Matt Thompson Nik Cheimis LOSS WIN
Elims Tyvan Deming Nik Cheimis LOSS WIN
Elims Cameron Fulco Jamie Watkins WIN LOSS
Elims Danial Alt Michael Roth LOSS WIN
Elims Cameron Fulco Michael Roth LOSS WIN
Elims Nik Cheimis Michael Roth LOSS WIN
Elims Cameron Fulco Danial Alt LOSS WIN
Elims Nik Cheimis Danial Alt LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match Danial Alt Michael Roth LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Midtown Melee 2025

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
8 Benjamin Aycrigg Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1930.2 14.7
38 15 Marshall Strong Schola St. George 1782.6 24
393 117 Cameron Fulco Ritterkunst Fechtschule 1534.1 41.7
451 97 Eric Musgrove Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1509.2 25.7
474 71 John Blood Athens School of Arms 1502.5 18.7
537 16 Danial Alt Vier Blossen Historical Fencing 1486.2 3
621 181 Quoc Lieu Bold City Longsword 1467.2 40.8
693 1173 Geoffrey Uhal Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1450.9 203.2
694 195 Billy Matt Thompson Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1450.7 45.5
977 212 John Haley Athens School of Arms 1390.5 43.2
991 39 Matthew Miraglia Schola St. George 1387.3 8.9
1191 599 Ross Woomer Ritterkunst Fechtschule 1349.4 91.2
1376 557 Aaron McGinnis Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1318.7 80.8
1611 104 Richard Escoto Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1284.3 14.8
1857 186 Nolan Scoretz Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1249.7 27.4
2481 66 Graham Wallis Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1165.5 9.4
2509 585 Jamie Watkins Athens School of Arms 1160.4 79.2
2656 960 Nick Bush Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1140.8 123.5
2764 Grant Bon Athens School of Arms 1129.7
2798 1148 Micah Webb Athens School of Arms 1123.4 156.3
3004 534 Benjamin Murphy Schola St. George 1094 64.3
3222 288 Caitlyn Trautwein Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1067.2 38.8
3731 1142 Jen Richards Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 997.3 180.6
3788 Jazsper Silverraven Appalachian Sword Club 990.1
3844 Maeve Esk Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 980.9
4435 217 Ava Thrasher Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 894.1 34.2
4488 Drake Johnson Ritterkunst Fechtschule 886.4
4664 27 Tyvan Deming Society of Historical Fencing 858.7 3.5
4778 360 Andi Nealon Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 837.9 86
4822 275 Olivia Kurth Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 829.3 66.1
4869 Amber Vanscoit N/A 819.6
5070 Ashley Sirmans Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 775.8
5427 Justin Harp Appalachian Sword Club 544.1