The Arbor Duels: Smallsword Winter 2025

Date February 22, 2025
Country United States
State Michigan
City Ann Arbor

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Smallsword 121 23

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Cristian Adam Matt Lo WIN LOSS
Pool A John Bolakowski Ian Dye WIN LOSS
Pool A Adrian Kim Norman Heaton WIN LOSS
Pool A Newt Kelbley James Bliss WIN LOSS
Pool A John Bolakowski Matt Lo WIN LOSS
Pool A Cristian Adam Adrian Kim LOSS WIN
Pool A Newt Kelbley Ian Dye WIN LOSS
Pool A James Bliss Norman Heaton LOSS WIN
Pool A Adrian Kim John Bolakowski WIN LOSS
Pool A Matt Lo Ian Dye LOSS WIN
Pool A Cristian Adam James Bliss WIN LOSS
Pool A Newt Kelbley Norman Heaton WIN LOSS
Pool A John Bolakowski James Bliss WIN LOSS
Pool A Ian Dye Norman Heaton WIN LOSS
Pool A Newt Kelbley Cristian Adam LOSS WIN
Pool A Adrian Kim Ian Dye LOSS WIN
Pool A John Bolakowski Newt Kelbley WIN LOSS
Pool A Norman Heaton Cristian Adam LOSS WIN
Pool A Adrian Kim James Bliss WIN LOSS
Pool A Newt Kelbley Matt Lo WIN LOSS
Pool A Ian Dye Cristian Adam LOSS WIN
Pool A John Bolakowski Norman Heaton WIN LOSS
Pool A Adrian Kim Newt Kelbley LOSS WIN
Pool A James Bliss Ian Dye LOSS WIN
Pool A Matt Lo Norman Heaton WIN LOSS
Pool A John Bolakowski Cristian Adam LOSS WIN
Pool B Adam Puchala Stratos Kotzabassi LOSS WIN
Pool B Chris Couling Tod Schlegelmilch LOSS WIN
Pool B James Warren Chris Donnell WIN LOSS
Pool B Darren Stewart Clayton Wicka LOSS WIN
Pool B Adam Puchala Tod Schlegelmilch WIN LOSS
Pool B Stratos Kotzabassi Chris Donnell WIN LOSS
Pool B Darren Stewart Chris Couling LOSS WIN
Pool B Clayton Wicka James Warren WIN LOSS
Pool B Chris Donnell Tod Schlegelmilch LOSS WIN
Pool B Chris Couling Adam Puchala LOSS WIN
Pool B Clayton Wicka Stratos Kotzabassi WIN LOSS
Pool B Darren Stewart James Warren LOSS WIN
Pool B Adam Puchala Chris Donnell WIN LOSS
Pool B Tod Schlegelmilch Clayton Wicka LOSS WIN
Pool B James Warren Chris Couling LOSS WIN
Pool B Stratos Kotzabassi Darren Stewart DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool B Adam Puchala Clayton Wicka LOSS WIN
Pool B Chris Donnell Chris Couling WIN LOSS
Pool B Tod Schlegelmilch Darren Stewart DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool B James Warren Stratos Kotzabassi LOSS WIN
Pool B Chris Donnell Clayton Wicka LOSS WIN
Pool B Adam Puchala Darren Stewart WIN LOSS
Pool B Stratos Kotzabassi Chris Couling LOSS WIN
Pool B James Warren Tod Schlegelmilch LOSS WIN
Pool B Chris Donnell Darren Stewart LOSS WIN
Pool B Chris Couling Clayton Wicka LOSS WIN
Pool B Adam Puchala James Warren WIN LOSS
Pool B Stratos Kotzabassi Tod Schlegelmilch WIN LOSS
Pool C Brian Stone Jaymes Walker WIN LOSS
Pool C Daniel Krauss Dan Vukelich WIN LOSS
Pool C Nicholas Caccamo Terrie Chen WIN LOSS
Pool C Brian Stone Jay Kelbley WIN LOSS
Pool C Jaymes Walker Daniel Krauss LOSS WIN
Pool C Dan Vukelich Nicholas Caccamo DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool C Jay Kelbley Terrie Chen WIN LOSS
Pool C Brian Stone Daniel Krauss WIN LOSS
Pool C Nicholas Caccamo Jaymes Walker WIN LOSS
Pool C Terrie Chen Dan Vukelich LOSS WIN
Pool C Jay Kelbley Daniel Krauss LOSS WIN
Pool C Brian Stone Nicholas Caccamo WIN LOSS
Pool C Jaymes Walker Terrie Chen WIN LOSS
Pool C Dan Vukelich Jay Kelbley WIN LOSS
Pool C Nicholas Caccamo Daniel Krauss LOSS WIN
Pool C Terrie Chen Brian Stone LOSS WIN
Pool C Jaymes Walker Dan Vukelich LOSS WIN
Pool C Nicholas Caccamo Jay Kelbley WIN LOSS
Pool C Terrie Chen Daniel Krauss LOSS WIN
Pool C Brian Stone Dan Vukelich WIN LOSS
Pool C Jaymes Walker Jay Kelbley LOSS WIN
Double Elimination James Warren Jaymes Walker LOSS WIN
Double Elimination Matt Lo Chris Couling LOSS WIN
Double Elimination Dan Vukelich Norman Heaton WIN LOSS
Double Elimination Jay Kelbley Darren Stewart LOSS WIN
Double Elimination Terrie Chen Stratos Kotzabassi WIN LOSS
Double Elimination Tod Schlegelmilch Chris Donnell WIN LOSS
Double Elimination James Bliss Nicholas Caccamo LOSS WIN
Double Elimination Clayton Wicka Jaymes Walker WIN LOSS
Double Elimination Brian Stone Darren Stewart WIN LOSS
Double Elimination Adrian Kim Ian Dye WIN LOSS
Double Elimination Daniel Krauss Chris Couling LOSS WIN
Double Elimination Dan Vukelich Newt Kelbley LOSS WIN
Double Elimination Terrie Chen Adam Puchala LOSS WIN
Double Elimination Tod Schlegelmilch Cristian Adam LOSS WIN
Double Elimination John Bolakowski Nicholas Caccamo WIN LOSS
Double Elimination Darren Stewart James Warren WIN LOSS
Double Elimination Jaymes Walker Jay Kelbley WIN LOSS
Double Elimination Tod Schlegelmilch Matt Lo WIN LOSS
Double Elimination Norman Heaton Nicholas Caccamo LOSS WIN
Double Elimination Stratos Kotzabassi Ian Dye LOSS WIN
Double Elimination Daniel Krauss Chris Donnell LOSS WIN
Double Elimination Dan Vukelich James Bliss WIN LOSS
Double Elimination Adrian Kim Clayton Wicka LOSS WIN
Double Elimination Newt Kelbley Chris Couling WIN LOSS
Double Elimination Brian Stone Adam Puchala WIN LOSS
Double Elimination John Bolakowski Cristian Adam WIN LOSS
Double Elimination Terrie Chen Darren Stewart LOSS WIN
Double Elimination Nicholas Caccamo Tod Schlegelmilch WIN LOSS
Double Elimination Jaymes Walker Ian Dye WIN LOSS
Double Elimination Dan Vukelich Chris Donnell LOSS WIN
Double Elimination Darren Stewart Adrian Kim WIN LOSS
Double Elimination Chris Couling Nicholas Caccamo WIN LOSS
Double Elimination Adam Puchala Jaymes Walker WIN LOSS
Double Elimination Cristian Adam Chris Donnell WIN LOSS
Double Elimination Clayton Wicka Newt Kelbley WIN LOSS
Double Elimination Brian Stone John Bolakowski WIN LOSS
Double Elimination Chris Couling Darren Stewart LOSS WIN
Double Elimination Adam Puchala Cristian Adam WIN LOSS
Double Elimination Darren Stewart John Bolakowski LOSS WIN
Double Elimination Newt Kelbley Adam Puchala LOSS WIN
Double Elimination Clayton Wicka Brian Stone WIN LOSS
Double Elimination John Bolakowski Adam Puchala WIN LOSS
Double Elimination Brian Stone John Bolakowski LOSS WIN
Double Elimination John Bolakowski Clayton Wicka LOSS WIN