Daina Gariboldi

Club Alber Aus VU
Nationality Argentina


Category Rank (current) Weighted Rating (current) Rank (best) Weighted Rating (best)
- Mixed & Men's Singlestick 271 (top 61% of island) 1032.5 161 (2 months) 1040.8 (December 2023)
- Women's Singlestick 5 (top 45% of island) 1176.7 2 (3 months) 1185.1 (December 2023)
- Underrepresented Genders & Women's Singlestick 5 (top 45% of island) 1176.7 2 (3 months) 1185.1 (December 2023)


Mixed Singlestick 5 2 3 0 0
Women's Singlestick 5 3 2 0 0
Women's Any Weapon 2 0 2 0 0
Sum 12 5 7 0 0

Full rating histories

The fighter has been on an island, I.E. has no direct link to most fighters, in 16 out of 16 months

The fighter has been on an island, I.E. has no direct link to most fighters, in 13 out of 16 months

The fighter has been on an island, I.E. has no direct link to most fighters, in 13 out of 16 months

Match results

HEMA Riga Singlestick Open 2023

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeOpponent ratingWin chance
Mixed Singlestick (Beginners) Eighth-Finals Juri Tolmatšov LOSS Unrated
Mixed Singlestick (Beginners) Pool Set 1 Adomas Šeidukis LOSS Unrated
Mixed Singlestick (Beginners) Pool Set 1 Madara Rulle WIN Unrated
Mixed Singlestick (Beginners) Pool Set 1 Juris Ormanis LOSS Unrated
Mixed Singlestick (Beginners) Pool Set 1 Edgars Zeps WIN Unrated

HEMA Riga Singlestick Open 2023

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeOpponent ratingWin chance
Women's Singlestick Bronze Medal Match Madara Rulle WIN Unrated
Women's Singlestick Pool Set 1 Linda Evelīna Gržibovska LOSS Unrated
Women's Singlestick Pool Set 1 Marina Timošenko WIN Unrated
Women's Singlestick Pool Set 1 Madara Rulle WIN Unrated
Women's Singlestick Semifinals Linda Evelīna Gržibovska LOSS Unrated

HEMA Riga Singlestick Open 2023

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeOpponent ratingWin chance
Women's Singlestick Bronze Medal Match Madara Rulle WIN Unrated
Women's Singlestick Pool Set 1 Linda Evelīna Gržibovska LOSS Unrated
Women's Singlestick Pool Set 1 Marina Timošenko WIN Unrated
Women's Singlestick Pool Set 1 Madara Rulle WIN Unrated
Women's Singlestick Semifinals Linda Evelīna Gržibovska LOSS Unrated
Women's Any Weapon Alberio Kalavijas 2023 (April 2023) Elimination Justina Kapeckaitė LOSS
Women's Any Weapon Alberio Kalavijas 2023 (April 2023) Elimination Ilja Bakševičiūtė LOSS