anton Golub'

Club Golden Falcon
Nationality Kazakhstan


Category Rank (current) Weighted Rating (current) Rank (best) Weighted Rating (best)
- Mixed & Men's Steel Longsword 3743 (top 65%) 1021.7 2893 (March 2024) 1033 (March 2024)


Men's Steel Longsword 12 3 8 1 0

Full rating histories

The fighter has been on an island, I.E. has no direct link to most fighters, in 1 out of 13 months

Match results

Astana Open 2024

DivisionStageOpponentOutcomeOpponent ratingWin chance
Men's Steel Longsword pool 3 Maksim Afanas'ev LOSS 1153.07
Men's Steel Longsword pool 3 Vladislav Larin LOSS 943.42
Men's Steel Longsword pool 3 Anton Reznikov LOSS 876.39
Men's Steel Longsword pool 3 Sergey Novikov LOSS 1396.01
Men's Steel Longsword (Italian Dueling Codex ruleset) elimination round 1 Miras Magzom WIN 1018.45
Men's Steel Longsword (Italian Dueling Codex ruleset) elimination round 2 Maksim Afanas'ev LOSS 1153.07
Men's Steel Longsword (Italian Dueling Codex ruleset) elimination round 3 Temirbat Zhantleu LOSS 1135.31
Men's Steel Longsword (Italian Dueling Codex ruleset) pool 3 Nikolaj Krulikovskij LOSS 1153.14
Men's Steel Longsword (Italian Dueling Codex ruleset) pool 3 Semen Volodchenko WIN Unrated
Men's Steel Longsword (Italian Dueling Codex ruleset) pool 3 Anton Reznikov WIN 876.39
Men's Steel Longsword (Italian Dueling Codex ruleset) pool 3 Sergey Novikov LOSS 1396.01
Men's Steel Longsword (Italian Dueling Codex ruleset) swiss round 1 Maksim Afanas'ev DRAW 1153.07