VXT 2018 - Clermont-Ferrand

Date February 24, 2018
Country France
City Clermont-Ferrand
Software HEMA CM

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 210 60
Mixed Steel Any Sword & Buckler 71 26
Mixed Synthetic Poleaxe 40 16

Fighters in event

Santiago Carbonell Siles Sala d'Armes Monjuïc
Adur Saizar Sala d'Armes Monjuïc
Óscar Genovés Pascua Sala d'Armes Monjuïc
Paolo Dahan
Fabien Provent
Thibaud Bourgeat
Thibaud Dunas AMHE Apicula Carcassona
Olivier Locatelli AMHE Apicula Carcassona
Romain Brunet AMHE Paris
Leonard Carpentier AMHE Paris
Charlélie Berthaut AMHE Paris
Stephane Wiest AMHE Paris
Julien Schleifer AURA Combat Historique
Julien Varea AURA Combat Historique
Maxime Bertrand AURA Combat Historique
Gaetan Habonnel AURA Combat Historique
Grégory Tarrade AURA Combat Historique
Ségolène Ginez AURA Combat Historique
Alexis Coutant AURA Combat Historique
Pierre Techer AURA Combat Historique
Valentin Fredou AURA Combat Historique
Victor Pavaday AURA Combat Historique
Yannick Barret AURA Combat Historique
Numa Ravier AURA Combat Historique
Quentin Klein AURA Combat Historique
Benjamin Pascal Clermont-Ferrand AMHE
Clément Grilli Club Sportif et de Loisirs de la Gendarmerie de GAP
Fabien Goury Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon
Dorian Canham De Feu et d'Acier
Emeric Bazalgette École Chevaleresque
Émilie Hugues-Dutheil École Chevaleresque
Gilles Carriere École Chevaleresque
Matthieu Dutheil École Chevaleresque
Alexandre Salvi École Chevaleresque
Gaël Marais École Chevaleresque
Emmanuel Corfmat École Chevaleresque
Aurélien Nouvion Ex Machina
Guillaume Greil Ex Machina
Yvain Rioult La Maisnie du Chevalier Bragon de Bourg en Bresse
Fabien Douvre La Maisnie du Chevalier Bragon de Bourg en Bresse
Damien le Bras La Mesnie du Blanc Castel
Heathcliff Lambert La Mesnie du Blanc Castel
Rémi Hardy La Mesnie du Blanc Castel
Manon Lalagüe La Mesnie du Blanc Castel
Cécile Genovese La Mesnie du Blanc Castel
Paul Chereau La Salle d'Armes
Frederic David La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne
Hélène Georgiou La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne
Matthieu Mosset-Coelho Teixeira La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne
Thomas Couturier La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne
Gabriel Riou La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne
Lutz Horvath Le Cercle des Épées Libres
Quentin Schoumacher Le Chapitre des Armes
Raphaël Rigal Le Chapitre des Armes
Jérémy Peyronnet Le Chapitre des Armes
Joris Dufayard Les Indépendants Réunis
Alexia Detraz Les Indépendants Réunis
Alexandre Turgis Les Lames d'Aïssa
Jean-Baptiste Quichaud Les Lames d'Aïssa
Thomas Provent Les Lames d'Aïssa
Denis Allaume Les Lames du Foyer
Raphael Thuillier Les Lames du Foyer
Sébastien Cheneby Les Lames du Foyer
Alarick Broussaudier Les Lames du Foyer
Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault Ost du Griffon Noir
Jérôme Guillaumet Ost du Griffon Noir
Aurélia Frachon Unité Sportive Avonnaise Escrime
Bertrand Benoit Unité Sportive Avonnaise Escrime
Yoann Coulambon WARRIOR BOX
Sofiane Petit WARRIOR BOX
Thibault Lavigne WARRIOR BOX
Julien Chasson WARRIOR BOX
Frédéric Clin WARRIOR BOX
Dennis Ljungqvist Kungshamns Historiska Fäktskola
Carl Ryrberg Örebro HEMA


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Heathcliff Lambert Frédéric Clin WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Bertrand Benoit Stephane Wiest WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Jérôme Guillaumet Gilles Carriere LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Heathcliff Lambert Stephane Wiest WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Jérôme Guillaumet Frédéric Clin WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Bertrand Benoit Gilles Carriere LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Stephane Wiest Jérôme Guillaumet LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Gilles Carriere Frédéric Clin WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Heathcliff Lambert Bertrand Benoit WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Stephane Wiest Frédéric Clin WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Jérôme Guillaumet Bertrand Benoit WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Heathcliff Lambert Gilles Carriere WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Bertrand Benoit Frédéric Clin WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Heathcliff Lambert Jérôme Guillaumet LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Gilles Carriere Stephane Wiest WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Victor Pavaday Alarick Broussaudier LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Leonard Carpentier Matthieu Mosset-Coelho Teixeira LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Olivier Locatelli Dennis Ljungqvist LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Victor Pavaday Leonard Carpentier LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Dennis Ljungqvist Alarick Broussaudier WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Matthieu Mosset-Coelho Teixeira Olivier Locatelli WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Dennis Ljungqvist Leonard Carpentier WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Alarick Broussaudier Olivier Locatelli LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Victor Pavaday Matthieu Mosset-Coelho Teixeira LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Leonard Carpentier Alarick Broussaudier WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Dennis Ljungqvist Matthieu Mosset-Coelho Teixeira WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Victor Pavaday Olivier Locatelli LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Alarick Broussaudier Matthieu Mosset-Coelho Teixeira LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Victor Pavaday Dennis Ljungqvist LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Leonard Carpentier Olivier Locatelli WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Matthieu Dutheil Lutz Horvath LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Rémi Hardy Charlélie Berthaut LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Benjamin Pascal Alexia Detraz WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Charlélie Berthaut Matthieu Dutheil LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Alexia Detraz Lutz Horvath LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Rémi Hardy Benjamin Pascal LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Charlélie Berthaut Alexia Detraz WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Benjamin Pascal Lutz Horvath WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Rémi Hardy Matthieu Dutheil LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Charlélie Berthaut Lutz Horvath LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Rémi Hardy Alexia Detraz WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Benjamin Pascal Matthieu Dutheil WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Rémi Hardy Lutz Horvath DRAW DRAW
Pool 3 Alexia Detraz Matthieu Dutheil LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Benjamin Pascal Charlélie Berthaut LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Émilie Hugues-Dutheil Aurélia Frachon WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Thomas Provent Thibaud Dunas LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Denis Allaume Yannick Barret LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Émilie Hugues-Dutheil Thibaud Dunas LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Aurélia Frachon Denis Allaume LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Yannick Barret Thomas Provent LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Thibaud Dunas Denis Allaume DRAW DRAW
Pool 4 Yannick Barret Aurélia Frachon WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Émilie Hugues-Dutheil Thomas Provent LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Aurélia Frachon Thibaud Dunas LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Thomas Provent Denis Allaume LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Émilie Hugues-Dutheil Yannick Barret LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Thomas Provent Aurélia Frachon WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Émilie Hugues-Dutheil Denis Allaume LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Yannick Barret Thibaud Dunas WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Clément Grilli Adur Saizar DRAW DRAW
Pool 5 Thomas Couturier Fabien Goury LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Thibault Lavigne Cécile Genovese WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Fabien Goury Clément Grilli WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Adur Saizar Cécile Genovese WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Thibault Lavigne Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Cécile Genovese Fabien Goury LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Thibault Lavigne Adur Saizar LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Thomas Couturier Clément Grilli WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Adur Saizar Fabien Goury WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Cécile Genovese Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Thibault Lavigne Clément Grilli WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Adur Saizar Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Cécile Genovese Clément Grilli LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Thibault Lavigne Fabien Goury LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Gaël Marais Hélène Georgiou WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Romain Brunet Paolo Dahan LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Gaetan Habonnel Jean-Baptiste Quichaud LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Gaël Marais Romain Brunet WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Jean-Baptiste Quichaud Hélène Georgiou DRAW DRAW
Pool 6 Paolo Dahan Gaetan Habonnel WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Jean-Baptiste Quichaud Romain Brunet LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Hélène Georgiou Gaetan Habonnel WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Gaël Marais Paolo Dahan LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Romain Brunet Hélène Georgiou WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Jean-Baptiste Quichaud Paolo Dahan LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Gaël Marais Gaetan Habonnel WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Hélène Georgiou Paolo Dahan LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Jean-Baptiste Quichaud Gaël Marais LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Romain Brunet Gaetan Habonnel WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Manon Lalagüe Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Alexandre Turgis Maxime Bertrand WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Frederic David Alexandre Salvi WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Maxime Bertrand Manon Lalagüe WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault Frederic David LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Alexandre Turgis Alexandre Salvi LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Maxime Bertrand Frederic David LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault Alexandre Salvi LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Manon Lalagüe Alexandre Turgis LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault Maxime Bertrand WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Alexandre Turgis Frederic David WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Manon Lalagüe Alexandre Salvi LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Alexandre Turgis Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Manon Lalagüe Frederic David LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Alexandre Salvi Maxime Bertrand WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Fabien Provent Emeric Bazalgette LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Sébastien Cheneby Julien Chasson WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Yvain Rioult Grégory Tarrade LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Emeric Bazalgette Julien Chasson WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Fabien Provent Yvain Rioult WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Sébastien Cheneby Grégory Tarrade LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Yvain Rioult Julien Chasson WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Grégory Tarrade Fabien Provent LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Sébastien Cheneby Emeric Bazalgette LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Fabien Provent Julien Chasson WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Sébastien Cheneby Yvain Rioult LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Emeric Bazalgette Grégory Tarrade LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Fabien Provent Sébastien Cheneby LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Yvain Rioult Emeric Bazalgette LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Julien Chasson Grégory Tarrade LOSS WIN
Pool 9 Santiago Carbonell Siles Joris Dufayard WIN LOSS
Pool 9 Carl Ryrberg Paul Chereau WIN LOSS
Pool 9 Raphael Thuillier Julien Schleifer WIN LOSS
Pool 9 Paul Chereau Joris Dufayard LOSS WIN
Pool 9 Raphael Thuillier Santiago Carbonell Siles LOSS WIN
Pool 9 Carl Ryrberg Julien Schleifer WIN LOSS
Pool 9 Raphael Thuillier Paul Chereau WIN LOSS
Pool 9 Santiago Carbonell Siles Julien Schleifer WIN LOSS
Pool 9 Joris Dufayard Carl Ryrberg LOSS WIN
Pool 9 Paul Chereau Santiago Carbonell Siles LOSS WIN
Pool 9 Raphael Thuillier Carl Ryrberg LOSS WIN
Pool 9 Joris Dufayard Julien Schleifer WIN LOSS
Pool 9 Santiago Carbonell Siles Carl Ryrberg LOSS WIN
Pool 9 Raphael Thuillier Joris Dufayard WIN LOSS
Pool 9 Paul Chereau Julien Schleifer WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Fabien Douvre Gabriel Riou LOSS WIN
Pool 10 Thibaud Bourgeat Julien Varea WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Emmanuel Corfmat Óscar Genovés Pascua LOSS WIN
Pool 10 Julien Varea Fabien Douvre WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Gabriel Riou Emmanuel Corfmat WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Thibaud Bourgeat Óscar Genovés Pascua WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Emmanuel Corfmat Julien Varea WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Óscar Genovés Pascua Gabriel Riou WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Thibaud Bourgeat Fabien Douvre WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Gabriel Riou Julien Varea WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Thibaud Bourgeat Emmanuel Corfmat LOSS WIN
Pool 10 Óscar Genovés Pascua Fabien Douvre WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Thibaud Bourgeat Gabriel Riou LOSS WIN
Pool 10 Fabien Douvre Emmanuel Corfmat LOSS WIN
Pool 10 Julien Varea Óscar Genovés Pascua LOSS WIN
Sixteenthfinal 1 Romain Brunet Dennis Ljungqvist LOSS WIN
Sixteenthfinal 2 Alexandre Salvi Santiago Carbonell Siles WIN LOSS
Sixteenthfinal 3 Thomas Couturier Adur Saizar WIN LOSS
Sixteenthfinal 4 Thomas Provent Gilles Carriere WIN LOSS
Sixteenthfinal 5 Frederic David Raphael Thuillier WIN LOSS
Sixteenthfinal 6 Denis Allaume Matthieu Mosset-Coelho Teixeira LOSS WIN
Sixteenthfinal 7 Grégory Tarrade Thibaud Dunas WIN LOSS
Sixteenthfinal 8 Alexandre Turgis Thibaud Bourgeat LOSS WIN
Sixteenthfinal 9 Paolo Dahan Matthieu Dutheil WIN LOSS
Sixteenthfinal 10 Benjamin Pascal Óscar Genovés Pascua WIN LOSS
Sixteenthfinal 11 Heathcliff Lambert Lutz Horvath LOSS WIN
Sixteenthfinal 12 Leonard Carpentier Fabien Goury LOSS WIN
Sixteenthfinal 13 Jérôme Guillaumet Charlélie Berthaut WIN LOSS
Sixteenthfinal 14 Yannick Barret Gabriel Riou LOSS WIN
Sixteenthfinal 15 Gaël Marais Emeric Bazalgette WIN LOSS
Sixteenthfinal 16 Fabien Provent Carl Ryrberg LOSS WIN
Eighthfinal 1 Alexandre Salvi Dennis Ljungqvist LOSS WIN
Eighthfinal 2 Thomas Provent Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Eighthfinal 3 Frederic David Matthieu Mosset-Coelho Teixeira WIN LOSS
Eighthfinal 4 Grégory Tarrade Thibaud Bourgeat LOSS WIN
Eighthfinal 5 Benjamin Pascal Paolo Dahan WIN LOSS
Eighthfinal 6 Lutz Horvath Fabien Goury LOSS WIN
Eighthfinal 7 Gabriel Riou Jérôme Guillaumet WIN LOSS
Eighthfinal 8 Gaël Marais Carl Ryrberg LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal 1 Thomas Couturier Dennis Ljungqvist LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal 2 Thibaud Bourgeat Frederic David LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal 3 Benjamin Pascal Fabien Goury WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal 4 Carl Ryrberg Gabriel Riou WIN LOSS
Semifinal 1 Dennis Ljungqvist Frederic David WIN LOSS
Semifinal 2 Benjamin Pascal Carl Ryrberg LOSS WIN
Final Dennis Ljungqvist Carl Ryrberg WIN LOSS
Third place Benjamin Pascal Frederic David WIN LOSS
B-Eliminations Émilie Hugues-Dutheil Alarick Broussaudier LOSS WIN
B-Eliminations Julien Schleifer Rémi Hardy LOSS WIN
B-Eliminations Frédéric Clin Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault WIN LOSS
B-Eliminations Sébastien Cheneby Aurélia Frachon WIN LOSS
B-Eliminations Clément Grilli Cécile Genovese WIN LOSS
B-Eliminations Gaetan Habonnel Maxime Bertrand WIN LOSS
B-Eliminations Fabien Douvre Paul Chereau LOSS WIN
B-Eliminations Jean-Baptiste Quichaud Julien Chasson WIN LOSS
B-Eliminations Alexia Detraz Thibault Lavigne LOSS WIN
B-Eliminations Victor Pavaday Joris Dufayard LOSS WIN
B-Eliminations Hélène Georgiou Manon Lalagüe WIN LOSS
B-Eliminations Stephane Wiest Julien Varea WIN LOSS
B-Eliminations Alarick Broussaudier Emmanuel Corfmat LOSS WIN
B-Eliminations Rémi Hardy Frédéric Clin WIN LOSS
B-Eliminations Clément Grilli Sébastien Cheneby WIN LOSS
B-Eliminations Gaetan Habonnel Olivier Locatelli LOSS WIN
B-Eliminations Paul Chereau Bertrand Benoit LOSS WIN
B-Eliminations Thibault Lavigne Jean-Baptiste Quichaud WIN LOSS
B-Eliminations Joris Dufayard Hélène Georgiou WIN LOSS
B-Eliminations Stephane Wiest Yvain Rioult WIN LOSS
B-Eliminations Emmanuel Corfmat Rémi Hardy WIN LOSS
B-Eliminations Olivier Locatelli Clément Grilli LOSS WIN
B-Eliminations Thibault Lavigne Bertrand Benoit LOSS WIN
B-Eliminations Joris Dufayard Stephane Wiest WIN LOSS
B-Eliminations Emmanuel Corfmat Clément Grilli WIN LOSS
B-Eliminations Joris Dufayard Bertrand Benoit LOSS WIN
B-Eliminations Emmanuel Corfmat Bertrand Benoit WIN LOSS
B-Eliminations Joris Dufayard Clément Grilli WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 2 Quentin Klein Emeric Bazalgette LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Paolo Dahan Stephane Wiest WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Quentin Klein Numa Ravier LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Paolo Dahan Emeric Bazalgette DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Numa Ravier Stephane Wiest WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Paolo Dahan Quentin Klein DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Emeric Bazalgette Numa Ravier LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Quentin Klein Stephane Wiest WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Paolo Dahan Numa Ravier LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Emeric Bazalgette Stephane Wiest LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Jérémy Peyronnet Guillaume Greil LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Matthieu Dutheil Jérôme Guillaumet WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Thibault Lavigne Guillaume Greil LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Jérôme Guillaumet Jérémy Peyronnet WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Thibault Lavigne Matthieu Dutheil LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Jérôme Guillaumet Guillaume Greil LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Thibault Lavigne Jérémy Peyronnet LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Matthieu Dutheil Guillaume Greil LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Thibault Lavigne Jérôme Guillaumet LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Matthieu Dutheil Jérémy Peyronnet WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Raphaël Rigal Emmanuel Corfmat LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Gilles Carriere Ségolène Ginez WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Aurélien Nouvion Emmanuel Corfmat WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Raphaël Rigal Ségolène Ginez WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Gilles Carriere Aurélien Nouvion LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Ségolène Ginez Emmanuel Corfmat LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Aurélien Nouvion Raphaël Rigal WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Emmanuel Corfmat Gilles Carriere LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Ségolène Ginez Aurélien Nouvion LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Gilles Carriere Raphaël Rigal WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Gabriel Riou Lutz Horvath WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Émilie Hugues-Dutheil Joris Dufayard LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Quentin Schoumacher Gabriel Riou LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Lutz Horvath Joris Dufayard WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Quentin Schoumacher Émilie Hugues-Dutheil DRAW DRAW
Pool 5 Gabriel Riou Joris Dufayard WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Quentin Schoumacher Lutz Horvath LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Gabriel Riou Émilie Hugues-Dutheil WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Quentin Schoumacher Joris Dufayard LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Lutz Horvath Émilie Hugues-Dutheil WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Julien Varea Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Santiago Carbonell Siles Clément Grilli WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault Óscar Genovés Pascua LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Clément Grilli Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Óscar Genovés Pascua Julien Varea WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault Santiago Carbonell Siles LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Clément Grilli Óscar Genovés Pascua LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault Julien Varea WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Santiago Carbonell Siles Dorian Canham DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Julien Varea Clément Grilli LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Óscar Genovés Pascua Santiago Carbonell Siles WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Dorian Canham Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Julien Varea Santiago Carbonell Siles DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Óscar Genovés Pascua Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Clément Grilli Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault WIN LOSS
Eighthfinal 1 Quentin Klein Guillaume Greil LOSS WIN
Eighthfinal 2 Lutz Horvath Matthieu Dutheil LOSS WIN
Eighthfinal 3 Joris Dufayard Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Eighthfinal 4 Numa Ravier Emmanuel Corfmat WIN LOSS
Eighthfinal 5 Paolo Dahan Gabriel Riou LOSS WIN
Eighthfinal 6 Óscar Genovés Pascua Jérôme Guillaumet WIN LOSS
Eighthfinal 7 Gilles Carriere Santiago Carbonell Siles WIN LOSS
Eighthfinal 8 Clément Grilli Aurélien Nouvion LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal 1 Matthieu Dutheil Guillaume Greil WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal 2 Numa Ravier Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal 3 Óscar Genovés Pascua Gabriel Riou LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal 4 Aurélien Nouvion Gilles Carriere LOSS WIN
Semifinal 1 Dorian Canham Matthieu Dutheil WIN LOSS
Semifinal 2 Gilles Carriere Gabriel Riou WIN LOSS
Final Dorian Canham Gilles Carriere WIN LOSS
Third place Matthieu Dutheil Gabriel Riou WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Alexis Coutant Heathcliff Lambert LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Maxime Bertrand Raphael Thuillier LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Alexis Coutant Maxime Bertrand WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Heathcliff Lambert Raphael Thuillier WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Maxime Bertrand Heathcliff Lambert LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Alexis Coutant Raphael Thuillier LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Manon Lalagüe Sofiane Petit LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Valentin Fredou Gaël Marais LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Manon Lalagüe Valentin Fredou LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Sofiane Petit Gaël Marais LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Valentin Fredou Sofiane Petit DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Manon Lalagüe Gaël Marais LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Cécile Genovese Frédéric Clin LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Damien le Bras Denis Allaume WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Denis Allaume Cécile Genovese WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Damien le Bras Frédéric Clin WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Frédéric Clin Denis Allaume LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Damien le Bras Cécile Genovese WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Aurélia Frachon Pierre Techer LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Yoann Coulambon Rémi Hardy LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Aurélia Frachon Yoann Coulambon LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Pierre Techer Rémi Hardy LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Yoann Coulambon Pierre Techer LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Aurélia Frachon Rémi Hardy LOSS WIN
Eighthfinal 1 Damien le Bras Aurélia Frachon WIN LOSS
Eighthfinal 2 Sofiane Petit Valentin Fredou WIN LOSS
Eighthfinal 3 Raphael Thuillier Alexis Coutant WIN LOSS
Eighthfinal 4 Gaël Marais Manon Lalagüe WIN LOSS
Eighthfinal 5 Heathcliff Lambert Cécile Genovese WIN LOSS
Eighthfinal 6 Denis Allaume Frédéric Clin WIN LOSS
Eighthfinal 7 Pierre Techer Yoann Coulambon WIN LOSS
Eighthfinal 8 Maxime Bertrand Rémi Hardy LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal 1 Damien le Bras Sofiane Petit WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal 2 Gaël Marais Raphael Thuillier WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal 3 Heathcliff Lambert Denis Allaume WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal 4 Rémi Hardy Pierre Techer WIN LOSS
Semifinal 1 Gaël Marais Damien le Bras LOSS WIN
Semifinal 2 Rémi Hardy Heathcliff Lambert WIN LOSS
Final Damien le Bras Rémi Hardy WIN LOSS
Third place Gaël Marais Heathcliff Lambert LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just VXT 2018 - Clermont-Ferrand

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
1 Dennis Ljungqvist Kungshamns Historiska Fäktskola 2009.4 17.7
18 1 Thomas Couturier La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1780 3.5
23 10 Carl Ryrberg Örebro HEMA 1749.7 43.8
71 21 Frederic David La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1624.3 27.2
74 24 Matthieu Mosset-Coelho Teixeira La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1618.8 28.1
161 60 Paolo Dahan N/A 1530.6 43.3
168 Benjamin Pascal Clermont-Ferrand AMHE 1526.1
235 34 Gilles Carriere École Chevaleresque 1490.2 32.2
297 130 Fabien Goury Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon 1453.1 81
308 358 Gabriel Riou La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1447.2 170.3
333 70 Jérôme Guillaumet Ost du Griffon Noir 1433.7 51.3
398 278 Gaël Marais École Chevaleresque 1393.7 120.3
459 398 Adur Saizar Sala d'Armes Monjuïc 1371.8 163.9
470 737 Alexandre Salvi École Chevaleresque 1367.2 262.8
492 153 Leonard Carpentier AMHE Paris 1358.5 73
558 437 Santiago Carbonell Siles Sala d'Armes Monjuïc 1329.1 165.8
608 66 Olivier Locatelli AMHE Apicula Carcassona 1314.6 40
614 Grégory Tarrade AURA Combat Historique 1312.9
620 276 Óscar Genovés Pascua Sala d'Armes Monjuïc 1309.4 115.1
637 1116 Emmanuel Corfmat École Chevaleresque 1303.3 362.8
656 1 Matthieu Dutheil École Chevaleresque 1296.3 16
658 301 Joris Dufayard Les Indépendants Réunis 1295.8 123.8
672 Alexandre Turgis Les Lames d'Aïssa 1291.1
688 Heathcliff Lambert La Mesnie du Blanc Castel 1287.9
694 306 Lutz Horvath Le Cercle des Épées Libres 1283.4 122.3
695 Thibaud Bourgeat N/A 1283.1
789 Emeric Bazalgette École Chevaleresque 1250
804 26 Charlélie Berthaut AMHE Paris 1239.7 23.1
846 Bertrand Benoit Unité Sportive Avonnaise Escrime 1225.6
875 Raphael Thuillier Les Lames du Foyer 1217.5
910 83 Thibaud Dunas AMHE Apicula Carcassona 1206.2 42.7
930 Thomas Provent Les Lames d'Aïssa 1197.9
933 Yannick Barret AURA Combat Historique 1197.7
949 Clément Grilli Club Sportif et de Loisirs de la Gendarmerie de GAP 1193.7
961 Thibault Lavigne WARRIOR BOX 1191
1065 Fabien Provent N/A 1159.3
1189 Denis Allaume Les Lames du Foyer 1125.3
1301 Stephane Wiest AMHE Paris 1093.6
1391 Rémi Hardy La Mesnie du Blanc Castel 1072.3
1416 565 Romain Brunet AMHE Paris 1064 194.5
1420 44 Yvain Rioult La Maisnie du Chevalier Bragon de Bourg en Bresse 1063.4 38
1556 326 Paul Chereau La Salle d'Armes 1020.8 117.8
1608 261 Hélène Georgiou La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1006.4 99.8
1635 Jean-Baptiste Quichaud Les Lames d'Aïssa 1001.3
1636 Sébastien Cheneby Les Lames du Foyer 1001
1692 Alarick Broussaudier Les Lames du Foyer 988.8
1871 213 Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault Ost du Griffon Noir 937.9 108.6
1966 Frédéric Clin WARRIOR BOX 907.6
2006 Julien Varea AURA Combat Historique 897
2009 221 Alexia Detraz Les Indépendants Réunis 894.6 40.6
2018 Victor Pavaday AURA Combat Historique 893.1
2090 Gaetan Habonnel AURA Combat Historique 869.1
2112 Cécile Genovese La Mesnie du Blanc Castel 861.6
2128 310 Fabien Douvre La Maisnie du Chevalier Bragon de Bourg en Bresse 855.4 69.2
2152 Maxime Bertrand AURA Combat Historique 849.4
2261 Julien Schleifer AURA Combat Historique 804.1
2336 26 Émilie Hugues-Dutheil École Chevaleresque 762 47.9
2429 Julien Chasson WARRIOR BOX 708.9
2446 Manon Lalagüe La Mesnie du Blanc Castel 685
2447 175 Aurélia Frachon Unité Sportive Avonnaise Escrime 678.8 63.5