Glasgow HEMA Open 2019

Date December 8, 2019
Country United Kingdom
City Glasgow

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 44 13

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Duncan McLaren Iain Murtagh WIN LOSS
Pool A Dmitry Sokolov Jacob Ford LOSS WIN
Pool A Jaime White Christopher Wood WIN LOSS
Pool A Dmitry Sokolov Neil Donald DRAW DRAW
Pool A Jacob Ford Christopher Wood WIN LOSS
Pool A Iain Murtagh Jaime White LOSS WIN
Pool A Christopher Wood Dmitry Sokolov LOSS WIN
Pool A Duncan McLaren Jaime White LOSS WIN
Pool A Iain Murtagh Neil Donald LOSS WIN
Pool A Jacob Ford Iain Murtagh WIN LOSS
Pool A Christopher Wood Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pool A Neil Donald Jaime White LOSS WIN
Pool A Dmitry Sokolov Jaime White LOSS WIN
Pool A Neil Donald Christopher Wood WIN LOSS
Pool A Jacob Ford Duncan McLaren WIN LOSS
Pool A Iain Murtagh Dmitry Sokolov LOSS WIN
Pool A Neil Donald Duncan McLaren WIN LOSS
Pool A Jacob Ford Jaime White WIN LOSS
Pool A Iain Murtagh Christopher Wood WIN LOSS
Pool A Jacob Ford Neil Donald LOSS WIN
Pool A Dmitry Sokolov Duncan McLaren WIN LOSS
Pool B Jonathan Spouge Reuben Joseph Mowbray WIN LOSS
Pool B Ram Kumar Pari Owen Wright LOSS WIN
Pool B Jack Fraser Jonathan Spouge WIN LOSS
Pool B Ram Kumar Pari Reuben Joseph Mowbray LOSS WIN
Pool B Owen Wright Scott Gallacher LOSS WIN
Pool B Ram Kumar Pari Jonathan Spouge LOSS WIN
Pool B Scott Gallacher Jack Fraser LOSS WIN
Pool B Reuben Joseph Mowbray Scott Gallacher LOSS WIN
Pool B Jack Fraser Owen Wright WIN LOSS
Pool B Owen Wright Jonathan Spouge LOSS WIN
Pool B Ram Kumar Pari Jack Fraser LOSS WIN
Pool B Scott Gallacher Jonathan Spouge WIN LOSS
Pool B Owen Wright Reuben Joseph Mowbray WIN LOSS
Pool B Ram Kumar Pari Scott Gallacher LOSS WIN
Pool B Jack Fraser Reuben Joseph Mowbray WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals Neil Donald Jack Fraser LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Jacob Ford Jonathan Spouge LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Dmitry Sokolov Jaime White WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals Owen Wright Scott Gallacher WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Dmitry Sokolov Jack Fraser LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Jonathan Spouge Owen Wright WIN LOSS
Bronze Dmitry Sokolov Owen Wright WIN LOSS
Finals Jack Fraser Jonathan Spouge WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Glasgow HEMA Open 2019