Fosse Aux Lions 2023

March 11
HEMA Scorecard (results )

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 164 48
Mixed Steel Single Sidesword 61 21

Fighters in event

Aurèle Jestin
Rémi Ledhé
Théo Desbuquoit
Antoine Costecalde
Paul Pelosse
Geoffrey Jouve Anima Martialis
Folco Girodet Anima Martialis
Léo Valque Cercle d'AMHE Néodomien
Leopold Delvoix Cercle d'Armes du Dauphiné
Jérémie Haesslein Cercle d'Armes du Dauphiné
Benjamin Perez Cercle d'Armes du Dauphiné
Geoffrey Franco Cercle d'Armes du Dauphiné
Fabien Goury Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon
Thomas Pelosse Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon
Fabien Plancke Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon
Pierre-Antoine Thevenin Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon
Jordan Garnier Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon
Kouzma Petoukhov Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon
Maurine Brimau De Feu et d'Acier
Dorian Canham De Feu et d'Acier
Mathieu Croze De Feu et d'Acier
Nam Merlin De Feu et d'Acier
Clémence Sillac De Feu et d'Acier
Nicolas Borowicz De Feu et d'Acier
Loïc Blazy De Feu et d'Acier
Geoffroy Sainte-Catherine De Feu et d'Acier
Lise Goujon De Feu et d'Acier
Adrien Ala Frères d'AMHE
Gérald Mielle Frères d'AMHE
Theo Guigonis Frères d'AMHE
Gabriel Riou La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne
Pierre Clervil Le Cercle des Épées Libres
Emmanuel Parisot Le Cercle des Épées Libres
Aleksandr Ermolov Lyon AMHE
Romain Gudet Lyon AMHE
Emmanuel Maitrehenry Lyon AMHE
Florian Gonnet Lyon AMHE
Jean-Albert Rubod Lyon AMHE
Michael Pleynet Lyon AMHE
Matthieu Fabritius Lyon AMHE
Marco Eusebio Lyon AMHE
Maxime Deman Lyon AMHE
Theophile Przybylak Lyon AMHE
Anthony Garnier Lyon AMHE
François Bois Ost du Griffon Noir
Antoine Menuge Passe d'Armes Savoie
Maximilien Scharr Unité Sportive Avonnaise Escrime
Bastien Chevalier de Roby Unité Sportive Avonnaise Escrime
Paul Inrep Unité Sportive Avonnaise Escrime
Marion Thoison Unité Sportive Avonnaise Escrime
Julie Zaworski Unité Sportive Avonnaise Escrime
Vincent Catanese Unité Sportive Avonnaise Escrime
Alessandro Contu La Salle d'Armes


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Set 1 Adrien Ala Theophile Przybylak LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Antoine Costecalde Maximilien Scharr WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Adrien Ala Maximilien Scharr WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Antoine Costecalde Theophile Przybylak LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Theophile Przybylak Maximilien Scharr WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Antoine Costecalde Adrien Ala LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Nicolas Borowicz Maximilien Scharr WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Theophile Przybylak Nicolas Borowicz LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Antoine Costecalde Nicolas Borowicz LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Adrien Ala Nicolas Borowicz WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Kouzma Petoukhov Maximilien Scharr DRAW DRAW
Pool Set 1 Theophile Przybylak Kouzma Petoukhov WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Antoine Costecalde Kouzma Petoukhov WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Adrien Ala Kouzma Petoukhov DRAW DRAW
Pool Set 1 Kouzma Petoukhov Nicolas Borowicz LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Leopold Delvoix Gérald Mielle WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Maxime Deman Théo Desbuquoit LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Théo Desbuquoit Leopold Delvoix LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Julie Zaworski Maxime Deman LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Théo Desbuquoit Julie Zaworski WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Maxime Deman Gérald Mielle LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Julie Zaworski Leopold Delvoix LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Théo Desbuquoit Gérald Mielle WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Leopold Delvoix Maxime Deman WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Julie Zaworski Gérald Mielle LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Lise Goujon Maxime Deman WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Leopold Delvoix Lise Goujon WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Lise Goujon Julie Zaworski LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Lise Goujon Gérald Mielle LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Théo Desbuquoit Lise Goujon WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Pierre Clervil Geoffrey Jouve WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Pierre-Antoine Thevenin Michael Pleynet WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Aleksandr Ermolov Geoffroy Sainte-Catherine WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Pierre-Antoine Thevenin Pierre Clervil WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Aleksandr Ermolov Geoffrey Jouve WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Geoffroy Sainte-Catherine Michael Pleynet LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Pierre Clervil Aleksandr Ermolov WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Pierre-Antoine Thevenin Geoffroy Sainte-Catherine WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Michael Pleynet Geoffrey Jouve WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Geoffroy Sainte-Catherine Pierre Clervil DRAW DRAW
Pool Set 1 Aleksandr Ermolov Michael Pleynet WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Pierre-Antoine Thevenin Geoffrey Jouve WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Michael Pleynet Pierre Clervil DRAW DRAW
Pool Set 1 Geoffroy Sainte-Catherine Geoffrey Jouve WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Aleksandr Ermolov Pierre-Antoine Thevenin WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Léo Valque Gabriel Riou WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Romain Gudet Vincent Catanese WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Gabriel Riou Vincent Catanese WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Mathieu Croze Romain Gudet WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Léo Valque Vincent Catanese WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Mathieu Croze Gabriel Riou LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Léo Valque Romain Gudet WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Vincent Catanese Mathieu Croze LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Léo Valque Mathieu Croze WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Gabriel Riou Romain Gudet WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Jordan Garnier Mathieu Croze WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Léo Valque Jordan Garnier LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Romain Gudet Jordan Garnier WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Jordan Garnier Gabriel Riou LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Vincent Catanese Jordan Garnier LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Paul Inrep Jérémie Haesslein LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Florian Gonnet Paul Inrep WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Jérémie Haesslein Fabien Goury LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Paul Inrep Fabien Goury LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jérémie Haesslein Florian Gonnet LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Fabien Goury Florian Gonnet LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Folco Girodet Florian Gonnet LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Fabien Goury Folco Girodet WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Paul Inrep Folco Girodet WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Jérémie Haesslein Folco Girodet LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Paul Inrep Nam Merlin LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Fabien Goury Nam Merlin WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Jérémie Haesslein Nam Merlin LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Florian Gonnet Nam Merlin WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Folco Girodet Nam Merlin WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Loïc Blazy Fabien Plancke LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Maurine Brimau Rémi Ledhé WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Bastien Chevalier de Roby Emmanuel Maitrehenry LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Loïc Blazy Rémi Ledhé WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Emmanuel Maitrehenry Fabien Plancke WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Bastien Chevalier de Roby Maurine Brimau LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Loïc Blazy Emmanuel Maitrehenry LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Bastien Chevalier de Roby Rémi Ledhé WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Maurine Brimau Fabien Plancke WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Bastien Chevalier de Roby Loïc Blazy WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Emmanuel Maitrehenry Maurine Brimau WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Fabien Plancke Rémi Ledhé LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Maurine Brimau Loïc Blazy WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Bastien Chevalier de Roby Fabien Plancke LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Emmanuel Maitrehenry Rémi Ledhé DRAW DRAW
Pool Set 1 Thomas Pelosse Jean-Albert Rubod WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Antoine Menuge Thomas Pelosse LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jean-Albert Rubod Antoine Menuge WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Matthieu Fabritius Thomas Pelosse LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jean-Albert Rubod Matthieu Fabritius WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Antoine Menuge Matthieu Fabritius WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Thomas Pelosse Marion Thoison WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Antoine Menuge Marion Thoison DRAW DRAW
Pool Set 1 Matthieu Fabritius Marion Thoison LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Marion Thoison Jean-Albert Rubod LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Geoffrey Franco Antoine Menuge WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Matthieu Fabritius Geoffrey Franco LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jean-Albert Rubod Geoffrey Franco LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Geoffrey Franco Thomas Pelosse LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Marion Thoison Geoffrey Franco LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Clémence Sillac Anthony Garnier LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Aurèle Jestin Marco Eusebio WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Benjamin Perez Marco Eusebio WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Aurèle Jestin Clémence Sillac WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Anthony Garnier Aurèle Jestin WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Benjamin Perez Clémence Sillac LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Marco Eusebio Clémence Sillac WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Anthony Garnier Benjamin Perez WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Aurèle Jestin Benjamin Perez WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Anthony Garnier Marco Eusebio WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Aurèle Jestin Emmanuel Parisot LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Emmanuel Parisot Benjamin Perez LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Marco Eusebio Emmanuel Parisot DRAW DRAW
Pool Set 1 Emmanuel Parisot Clémence Sillac LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Anthony Garnier Emmanuel Parisot WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Bastien Chevalier de Roby Florian Gonnet LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Emmanuel Parisot Anthony Garnier LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Nam Merlin Thomas Pelosse LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Fabien Goury Geoffroy Sainte-Catherine WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Benjamin Perez Théo Desbuquoit LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Pierre-Antoine Thevenin Maxime Deman WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Mathieu Croze Leopold Delvoix LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Antoine Menuge Aleksandr Ermolov LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Adrien Ala Romain Gudet WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Pierre Clervil Geoffrey Franco WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Clémence Sillac Rémi Ledhé LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Theophile Przybylak Maurine Brimau WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Gérald Mielle Michael Pleynet WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Emmanuel Maitrehenry Léo Valque LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Nicolas Borowicz Jean-Albert Rubod WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Gabriel Riou Aurèle Jestin WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Florian Gonnet Gabriel Riou LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Nicolas Borowicz Anthony Garnier WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Thomas Pelosse Léo Valque WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Gérald Mielle Fabien Goury LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Theophile Przybylak Théo Desbuquoit WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Pierre-Antoine Thevenin Rémi Ledhé LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Pierre Clervil Leopold Delvoix WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Adrien Ala Aleksandr Ermolov LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Aleksandr Ermolov Gabriel Riou WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Nicolas Borowicz Pierre Clervil WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Thomas Pelosse Rémi Ledhé WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Fabien Goury Theophile Przybylak LOSS WIN
Semifinals Aleksandr Ermolov Theophile Przybylak LOSS WIN
Semifinals Nicolas Borowicz Thomas Pelosse WIN LOSS
Gold Medal Match Theophile Przybylak Nicolas Borowicz WIN LOSS
Consolation Bracket Adrien Ala Florian Gonnet WIN LOSS
Consolation Bracket Leopold Delvoix Anthony Garnier LOSS WIN
Consolation Bracket Pierre-Antoine Thevenin Léo Valque LOSS WIN
Consolation Bracket Gérald Mielle Théo Desbuquoit LOSS WIN
Consolation Bracket Gabriel Riou Adrien Ala WIN LOSS
Consolation Bracket Pierre Clervil Anthony Garnier LOSS WIN
Consolation Bracket Léo Valque Rémi Ledhé WIN LOSS
Consolation Bracket Fabien Goury Théo Desbuquoit WIN LOSS
Consolation Bracket Gabriel Riou Fabien Goury WIN LOSS
Consolation Bracket Léo Valque Anthony Garnier LOSS WIN
Consolation Semifinals Aleksandr Ermolov Gabriel Riou LOSS WIN
Consolation Semifinals Anthony Garnier Thomas Pelosse LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Match Thomas Pelosse Gabriel Riou LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Set 1 François Bois Vincent Catanese WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Theophile Przybylak François Bois LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Vincent Catanese Theophile Przybylak LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Theo Guigonis François Bois LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Vincent Catanese Theo Guigonis WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Theo Guigonis Theophile Przybylak LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 François Bois Maxime Deman WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Maxime Deman Theophile Przybylak LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Theo Guigonis Maxime Deman DRAW DRAW
Pool Set 1 Vincent Catanese Maxime Deman WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Thomas Pelosse Theophile Przybylak LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Theo Guigonis Thomas Pelosse LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Vincent Catanese Thomas Pelosse DRAW DRAW
Pool Set 1 François Bois Thomas Pelosse DRAW DRAW
Pool Set 1 Maxime Deman Thomas Pelosse LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Dorian Canham Léo Valque WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Geoffrey Franco Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Léo Valque Jordan Garnier WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Dorian Canham Jordan Garnier WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Jordan Garnier Geoffrey Franco DRAW DRAW
Pool Set 1 Geoffrey Franco Léo Valque LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jordan Garnier Aleksandr Ermolov DRAW DRAW
Pool Set 1 Geoffrey Franco Aleksandr Ermolov LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Léo Valque Aleksandr Ermolov DRAW DRAW
Pool Set 1 Dorian Canham Aleksandr Ermolov DRAW DRAW
Pool Set 1 Jean-Albert Rubod Nam Merlin DRAW DRAW
Pool Set 1 Alessandro Contu Paul Pelosse LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Nam Merlin Paul Pelosse LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Alessandro Contu Jean-Albert Rubod WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Nam Merlin Alessandro Contu LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Paul Pelosse Jean-Albert Rubod LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Romain Gudet Alessandro Contu LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Romain Gudet Paul Pelosse WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Romain Gudet Jean-Albert Rubod WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Nam Merlin Romain Gudet LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Mathieu Croze Anthony Garnier DRAW DRAW
Pool Set 1 Gabriel Riou Mathieu Croze WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Anthony Garnier Gabriel Riou LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Emmanuel Maitrehenry Mathieu Croze WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Gabriel Riou Emmanuel Maitrehenry WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Emmanuel Maitrehenry Anthony Garnier LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Gabriel Riou Kouzma Petoukhov WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Emmanuel Maitrehenry Kouzma Petoukhov WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Anthony Garnier Kouzma Petoukhov WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Kouzma Petoukhov Mathieu Croze LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Gabriel Riou Kouzma Petoukhov WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Romain Gudet Mathieu Croze WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Jordan Garnier Theophile Przybylak LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Dorian Canham Emmanuel Maitrehenry WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Alessandro Contu Vincent Catanese WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Thomas Pelosse Léo Valque LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Paul Pelosse Anthony Garnier WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals François Bois Jean-Albert Rubod WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Gabriel Riou François Bois WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Paul Pelosse Romain Gudet LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Theophile Przybylak Léo Valque WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Alessandro Contu Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Semifinals Gabriel Riou Dorian Canham WIN LOSS
Semifinals Romain Gudet Theophile Przybylak LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match Gabriel Riou Theophile Przybylak WIN LOSS
Bronze Medal Match Romain Gudet Dorian Canham LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Fosse Aux Lions 2023

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
87 57 Gabriel Riou La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1660.1 60.4
167 477 Theophile Przybylak Lyon AMHE 1581.9 224.5
189 16 Fabien Goury Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon 1571.5 20.9
205 946 Thomas Pelosse Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon 1556.9 348.5
303 Nicolas Borowicz De Feu et d'Acier 1500.8
359 173 Aleksandr Ermolov Lyon AMHE 1479.3 78.9
429 Florian Gonnet Lyon AMHE 1444.7
539 361 Anthony Garnier Lyon AMHE 1403.9 126.3
544 107 Adrien Ala Frères d'AMHE 1402.8 48.1
580 Léo Valque Cercle d'AMHE Néodomien 1389.1
705 Théo Desbuquoit N/A 1351.8
724 Emmanuel Maitrehenry Lyon AMHE 1348.1
836 Michael Pleynet Lyon AMHE 1315.9
889 Leopold Delvoix Cercle d'Armes du Dauphiné 1300.5
961 163 Geoffrey Franco Cercle d'Armes du Dauphiné 1276.4 60.2
991 Pierre-Antoine Thevenin Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon 1266.5
1226 Jordan Garnier Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon 1207.5
1228 Loïc Blazy De Feu et d'Acier 1207.1
1274 Gérald Mielle Frères d'AMHE 1198.6
1292 526 Pierre Clervil Le Cercle des Épées Libres 1195.6 151.1
1318 820 Romain Gudet Lyon AMHE 1190.4 226.1
1367 298 Mathieu Croze De Feu et d'Acier 1177.5 95.2
1473 349 Vincent Catanese Unité Sportive Avonnaise Escrime 1151 65.1
1566 Jean-Albert Rubod Lyon AMHE 1127.6
1716 132 Maurine Brimau De Feu et d'Acier 1093.1 56.9
1730 Aurèle Jestin N/A 1090.1
1757 Antoine Costecalde N/A 1085
1780 Folco Girodet Anima Martialis 1080.3
1798 Geoffroy Sainte-Catherine De Feu et d'Acier 1076.6
1880 Nam Merlin De Feu et d'Acier 1056.9
1912 Rémi Ledhé N/A 1048.8
1986 Antoine Menuge Passe d'Armes Savoie 1031.6
1988 67 Emmanuel Parisot Le Cercle des Épées Libres 1031.3 14.2
2155 Benjamin Perez Cercle d'Armes du Dauphiné 994.5
2166 Kouzma Petoukhov Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon 992.1
2184 Marion Thoison Unité Sportive Avonnaise Escrime 988.1
2270 Clémence Sillac De Feu et d'Acier 965.7
2325 Fabien Plancke Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon 953.5
2355 Jérémie Haesslein Cercle d'Armes du Dauphiné 944.9
2356 Paul Inrep Unité Sportive Avonnaise Escrime 944.9
2400 Bastien Chevalier de Roby Unité Sportive Avonnaise Escrime 934.8
2431 Marco Eusebio Lyon AMHE 927.3
2502 Maximilien Scharr Unité Sportive Avonnaise Escrime 907.4
2547 Julie Zaworski Unité Sportive Avonnaise Escrime 896.5
2546 Lise Goujon De Feu et d'Acier 896.5
2591 Maxime Deman Lyon AMHE 884
2808 Matthieu Fabritius Lyon AMHE 813.1
2909 Geoffrey Jouve Anima Martialis 763.1