Brick City Brawl 2024

October 11
United States
New York
HEMA Scorecard (results )

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 66 21
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword 25 6
Mixed Steel Messer 51 12
Mixed Steel Sabre 58 15

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Set 1 David Twitchell Kristopher Newtown LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Alex Beaudet Amadeus Willard WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Keenan McLean Jarred Thompson LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 David Twitchell Amadeus Willard WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Jarred Thompson Kristopher Newtown LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Keenan McLean Alex Beaudet LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 David Twitchell Jarred Thompson WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Keenan McLean Amadeus Willard WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Alex Beaudet Kristopher Newtown WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 David Twitchell Keenan McLean WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Jarred Thompson Alex Beaudet WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Amadeus Willard Kristopher Newtown LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Alex Beaudet David Twitchell WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Keenan McLean Kristopher Newtown WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Amadeus Willard Jarred Thompson LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Matthew Avila Jacob Faville LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Rob Heim Brandon D'Arcy WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Jacob Nelson Matthew Avila LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Rob Heim Jacob Faville WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Jacob Nelson Brandon D'Arcy LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Rob Heim Matthew Avila LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jacob Nelson Jacob Faville LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Matthew Avila Brandon D'Arcy WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Jacob Nelson Rob Heim LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Brandon D'Arcy Jacob Faville LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Ethan Huang Connor Stewart LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 David Eisman William Gonzalez WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Cesar Perez Ethan Huang LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Connor Stewart David Eisman WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 William Gonzalez Cesar Perez LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 David Eisman Ethan Huang WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Cesar Perez Connor Stewart LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 William Gonzalez Ethan Huang LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 David Eisman Cesar Perez WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 William Gonzalez Connor Stewart LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Colin Sharkey Audrey Bidwell WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Andrew Wang Nick Chiappazzi WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Audrey Bidwell Geoff Lehman WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Colin Sharkey Nick Chiappazzi WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Andrew Wang Geoff Lehman WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Nick Chiappazzi Audrey Bidwell LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Geoff Lehman Nick Chiappazzi WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Colin Sharkey Andrew Wang WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Geoff Lehman Colin Sharkey LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Audrey Bidwell Andrew Wang LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Brandon D'Arcy William Gonzalez WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket David Twitchell Jacob Nelson WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Geoff Lehman Cesar Perez WIN LOSS
Elimination Bracket Amadeus Willard Keenan McLean LOSS WIN
Elimination Bracket Nick Chiappazzi Ethan Huang WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Colin Sharkey Nick Chiappazzi WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Jacob Faville Keenan McLean WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Andrew Wang Geoff Lehman LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals David Twitchell Matthew Avila WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Rob Heim Brandon D'Arcy WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Audrey Bidwell Kristopher Newtown WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Alex Beaudet Jarred Thompson LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Connor Stewart David Eisman LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Colin Sharkey David Eisman WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Jacob Faville Jarred Thompson LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Geoff Lehman Audrey Bidwell WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals David Twitchell Rob Heim LOSS WIN
Semifinals Colin Sharkey Rob Heim LOSS WIN
Semifinals Jarred Thompson Geoff Lehman LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match Rob Heim Geoff Lehman LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Match Jarred Thompson Colin Sharkey LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Set 1 Nicole Feldman Kaitlyn Rose LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Sebastian Lende Audrey Bidwell WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Veran Stanek Amadeus Willard WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Sebastian Lende Kaitlyn Rose WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Nicole Feldman Amadeus Willard WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Audrey Bidwell Veran Stanek WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Kaitlyn Rose Amadeus Willard WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Sebastian Lende Veran Stanek WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Nicole Feldman Audrey Bidwell LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Kaitlyn Rose Veran Stanek WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Audrey Bidwell Amadeus Willard WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Nicole Feldman Sebastian Lende WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Audrey Bidwell Kaitlyn Rose WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Nicole Feldman Veran Stanek LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Sebastian Lende Amadeus Willard LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Nicole Feldman Amadeus Willard WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Veran Stanek Kaitlyn Rose LOSS WIN
Semifinals Kaitlyn Rose Audrey Bidwell LOSS WIN
Semifinals Sebastian Lende Nicole Feldman LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match Audrey Bidwell Nicole Feldman WIN LOSS
Gold Medal Match Nicole Feldman Audrey Bidwell LOSS WIN
Consolation Semifinals Veran Stanek Amadeus Willard WIN LOSS
Consolation Semifinals Sebastian Lende Kaitlyn Rose LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Match Veran Stanek Kaitlyn Rose LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Match Nicole Feldman Kaitlyn Rose WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Set 1 Connor Stewart Andrew Wang WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Jarred Thompson Timothy Finucane LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Nick Chiappazzi Kristopher Newtown LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Andrew Wang Timothy Finucane WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Kristopher Newtown Connor Stewart LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jarred Thompson Nick Chiappazzi LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Andrew Wang Kristopher Newtown WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Timothy Finucane Nick Chiappazzi WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Connor Stewart Jarred Thompson LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Nick Chiappazzi Andrew Wang LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jarred Thompson Kristopher Newtown LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Connor Stewart Timothy Finucane WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Jarred Thompson Andrew Wang LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Connor Stewart Nick Chiappazzi WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Timothy Finucane Kristopher Newtown WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 David Twitchell AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Aaron Hamilton Brandon D'Arcy LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Richard Brautman Alex Beaudet WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Aaron Hamilton AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 David Twitchell Richard Brautman LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Alex Beaudet Brandon D'Arcy WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Richard Brautman AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Aaron Hamilton Alex Beaudet LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Brandon D'Arcy David Twitchell LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 AJ Trefney Alex Beaudet LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Richard Brautman Brandon D'Arcy LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Aaron Hamilton David Twitchell WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 AJ Trefney Brandon D'Arcy WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 David Twitchell Alex Beaudet WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Richard Brautman Aaron Hamilton LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals David Twitchell Nick Chiappazzi WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Timothy Finucane Brandon D'Arcy LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Aaron Hamilton Alex Beaudet LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Kristopher Newtown Jarred Thompson LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Connor Stewart Jarred Thompson WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Alex Beaudet Andrew Wang LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Brandon D'Arcy AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals David Twitchell Richard Brautman WIN LOSS
Semifinals Connor Stewart David Twitchell WIN LOSS
Semifinals AJ Trefney Andrew Wang WIN LOSS
Gold Medal Match Connor Stewart AJ Trefney WIN LOSS
Gold Medal Match Andrew Wang Connor Stewart LOSS WIN
Consolation Bracket Kristopher Newtown Nick Chiappazzi WIN LOSS
Consolation Bracket Jarred Thompson Richard Brautman WIN LOSS
Consolation Bracket Brandon D'Arcy Alex Beaudet LOSS WIN
Consolation Bracket Timothy Finucane Aaron Hamilton LOSS WIN
Consolation Bracket Kristopher Newtown Aaron Hamilton WIN LOSS
Consolation Bracket Jarred Thompson Alex Beaudet LOSS WIN
Consolation Semifinals David Twitchell Kristopher Newtown LOSS WIN
Consolation Semifinals Alex Beaudet Andrew Wang LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Match Andrew Wang Kristopher Newtown WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Set 1 Andrew Wang Alicia Rabb WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Tristan Pimentel Lauren Loria-Sklar WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Matthew Avila Andrew Wang WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Tristan Pimentel Alicia Rabb LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Lauren Loria-Sklar Matthew Avila LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Andrew Wang Tristan Pimentel WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Matthew Avila Tristan Pimentel WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Alicia Rabb Lauren Loria-Sklar WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Matthew Avila Alicia Rabb WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Andrew Wang Lauren Loria-Sklar WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Richard Brautman Jacob Nelson WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Colin Sharkey Richard Brautman WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Keenan McLean Colin Sharkey LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Richard Brautman Keenan McLean WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Jacob Nelson Colin Sharkey LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Keenan McLean Jacob Nelson WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Richard Brautman Alex Beaudet LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Alex Beaudet Colin Sharkey LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Jacob Nelson Alex Beaudet LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Keenan McLean Alex Beaudet LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Cameron Snyder William Gonzalez WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Aaron Hamilton William Gonzalez WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 David Twitchell Aaron Hamilton LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Aaron Hamilton Cameron Snyder WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 William Gonzalez David Twitchell LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Cameron Snyder David Twitchell WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Sebastian Lende William Gonzalez WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Aaron Hamilton Sebastian Lende WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Cameron Snyder Sebastian Lende LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 David Twitchell Sebastian Lende LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Colin Sharkey Lauren Loria-Sklar WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals William Gonzalez Matthew Avila LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Tristan Pimentel Sebastian Lende WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Richard Brautman Andrew Wang WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Jacob Nelson Alicia Rabb WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Keenan McLean David Twitchell WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Cameron Snyder Alex Beaudet LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Alex Beaudet Aaron Hamilton WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Colin Sharkey Keenan McLean WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Jacob Nelson Matthew Avila LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Richard Brautman Tristan Pimentel WIN LOSS
Semifinals Alex Beaudet Richard Brautman WIN LOSS
Semifinals Matthew Avila Colin Sharkey WIN LOSS
Gold Medal Match Alex Beaudet Matthew Avila WIN LOSS
Gold Medal Match Matthew Avila Alex Beaudet LOSS WIN
Consolation Bracket David Twitchell Lauren Loria-Sklar WIN LOSS
Consolation Bracket Alicia Rabb William Gonzalez WIN LOSS
Consolation Bracket Cameron Snyder Andrew Wang LOSS WIN
Consolation Bracket Aaron Hamilton Sebastian Lende WIN LOSS
Consolation Bracket David Twitchell Keenan McLean LOSS WIN
Consolation Bracket Alicia Rabb Jacob Nelson LOSS WIN
Consolation Bracket Tristan Pimentel Andrew Wang LOSS WIN
Consolation Bracket Andrew Wang Aaron Hamilton WIN LOSS
Consolation Bracket Jacob Nelson Keenan McLean LOSS WIN
Consolation Semifinals Andrew Wang Richard Brautman WIN LOSS
Consolation Semifinals Keenan McLean Colin Sharkey LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Match Andrew Wang Colin Sharkey LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Match Colin Sharkey Matthew Avila LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Brick City Brawl 2024

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
136 Audrey Bidwell Rochester Historical Fencing 1375.1
233 73 Kaitlyn Rose Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing 1250.2 80
384 32 Veran Stanek Rochester Institute of Technology HEMA club 1088.4 39.1
395 197 Nicole Feldman N/A 1075.7 259.6
476 Sebastian Lende Salt City Historical Fencing 980.7
658 Amadeus Willard N/A 715.4