Evan Owens

Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association


Category Rank (current) Weighted Rating (current) Rank (best) Weighted Rating (best)
Longsword (Mixed & Men's, Steel) Inactive 931.5 772 (January 2017) 1073.1 (January 2017)


Mixed Steel Longsword 10 2 8 0 0

Full rating histories

Missing sections mean that the fighter was inactive, I.E. had not competed in 24 months or more.

The fighter's last active period was in April 2019

Match results

Longsword (Mixed & Men's, Steel)

DivisionEventStageOpponentOutcomeWin chance
Mixed Steel Longsword Icebreaker Open 2017 (May 2017) Ryan Carlson LOSS 47%
Mixed Steel Longsword Icebreaker Open 2017 (May 2017) Katy Lehman LOSS 56%
Mixed Steel Longsword Icebreaker Open 2017 (May 2017) Aaron Pynenberg LOSS 29%
Mixed Steel Longsword Icebreaker Open 2017 (May 2017) Tony Williams LOSS 47%
Mixed Steel Longsword Midwinter Armizare Open (January 2017) Matt Olesen LOSS 39%
Mixed Steel Longsword Midwinter Armizare Open (January 2017) Chuck Castellanos WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Longsword Midwinter Armizare Open (January 2017) Thayne Alexander LOSS 50%
Mixed Steel Longsword Midwinter Armizare Open (January 2017) Igor Solunskiy WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Longsword Midwinter Armizare Open (January 2017) Aindreas Dounyng LOSS 51%
Mixed Steel Longsword Midwinter Armizare Open (January 2017) Adam Franti LOSS 43%