Villeneuve Hema Tournament 2018

Date June 18, 2018
Country France
City Villeneuve-Loubet

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 71 23
Women's Steel Longsword 38 9
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger 43 13
Mixed Steel Any Sword & Buckler 38 15

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Alexis Lohier Thomas Lobo LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Sébastien Gillet Wei Shen WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Tiphaine Vialle Joris Dufayard LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Thomas Lobo Wei Shen WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Sébastien Gillet Joris Dufayard DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Alexis Lohier Tiphaine Vialle WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Thomas Lobo Joris Dufayard WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Sébastien Gillet Tiphaine Vialle LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Wei Shen Alexis Lohier LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Thomas Lobo Tiphaine Vialle WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Joris Dufayard Alexis Lohier LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Sébastien Gillet Thomas Lobo LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Tiphaine Vialle Wei Shen WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Sébastien Gillet Alexis Lohier LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Joris Dufayard Wei Shen WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Nicolas Donnadieu Joris Jacobs LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Julien Chasson Sandrine Leclerc-Billault WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Romain Figliuzzi Alexia Detraz WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Sandrine Leclerc-Billault Joris Jacobs LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Alexia Detraz Julien Chasson DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Nicolas Donnadieu Romain Figliuzzi LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Alexia Detraz Joris Jacobs LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Julien Chasson Romain Figliuzzi LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Sandrine Leclerc-Billault Nicolas Donnadieu WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Romain Figliuzzi Joris Jacobs LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Nicolas Donnadieu Alexia Detraz LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Joris Jacobs Julien Chasson WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Sandrine Leclerc-Billault Romain Figliuzzi LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Julien Chasson Nicolas Donnadieu WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Alexia Detraz Sandrine Leclerc-Billault LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Jean-Charles IZE Guillaume Prudhomme LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Paolo Dahan Clément Grilli WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Jean-Charles IZE Maurine Brimau WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Paolo Dahan Guillaume Prudhomme WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Clément Grilli Maurine Brimau DRAW DRAW
Pool 3 Paolo Dahan Jean-Charles IZE WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Clément Grilli Guillaume Prudhomme WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Maurine Brimau Paolo Dahan LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Jean-Charles IZE Clément Grilli LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Maurine Brimau Guillaume Prudhomme LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Theophile Przybylak Julien Schleifer WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault Alexander Rigby LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Benjamin Pascal Jérôme Guillaumet WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault Julien Schleifer LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Alexander Rigby Benjamin Pascal LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Jérôme Guillaumet Theophile Przybylak LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Benjamin Pascal Julien Schleifer WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Jérôme Guillaumet Alexander Rigby LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Theophile Przybylak Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Jérôme Guillaumet Julien Schleifer WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Benjamin Pascal Theophile Przybylak WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Alexander Rigby Julien Schleifer WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault Jérôme Guillaumet LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Theophile Przybylak Alexander Rigby LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault Benjamin Pascal LOSS WIN
Heigh Final Joris Jacobs Tiphaine Vialle WIN LOSS
Heigh Final Clément Grilli Romain Figliuzzi LOSS WIN
Heigh Final Alexis Lohier Julien Chasson WIN LOSS
Heigh Final Paolo Dahan Alexia Detraz WIN LOSS
Heigh Final Sandrine Leclerc-Billault Thomas Lobo LOSS WIN
Heigh Final Theophile Przybylak Guillaume Prudhomme WIN LOSS
Heigh Final Joris Dufayard Alexander Rigby LOSS WIN
Heigh Final Benjamin Pascal Jérôme Guillaumet WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Joris Jacobs Romain Figliuzzi WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Alexis Lohier Paolo Dahan LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Theophile Przybylak Thomas Lobo LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Alexander Rigby Benjamin Pascal LOSS WIN
Semi Final Paolo Dahan Joris Jacobs LOSS WIN
Semi Final Benjamin Pascal Thomas Lobo LOSS WIN
Bronze Final Paolo Dahan Benjamin Pascal WIN LOSS
Final Joris Jacobs Thomas Lobo WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Sandrine Leclerc-Billault Sophie Proietto DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Tiphaine Vialle Kelly Suzzoni WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Charlotte Giraudon Alexia Detraz WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Gaëlle Michel Maurine Brimau LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault Sophie Proietto WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Tiphaine Vialle Sandrine Leclerc-Billault LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Kelly Suzzoni Charlotte Giraudon LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Alexia Detraz Gaëlle Michel WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault Maurine Brimau LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Tiphaine Vialle Sophie Proietto DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Charlotte Giraudon Sandrine Leclerc-Billault LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Kelly Suzzoni Gaëlle Michel LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault Alexia Detraz WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Sophie Proietto Maurine Brimau LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Charlotte Giraudon Tiphaine Vialle LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Gaëlle Michel Sandrine Leclerc-Billault LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Kelly Suzzoni Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Alexia Detraz Maurine Brimau LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Charlotte Giraudon Sophie Proietto WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Tiphaine Vialle Gaëlle Michel WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault Sandrine Leclerc-Billault LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Kelly Suzzoni Maurine Brimau LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Alexia Detraz Sophie Proietto WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Charlotte Giraudon Gaëlle Michel WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Tiphaine Vialle Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Sandrine Leclerc-Billault Maurine Brimau DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool 1 Kelly Suzzoni Alexia Detraz LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Gaëlle Michel Sophie Proietto LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault Charlotte Giraudon WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Tiphaine Vialle Maurine Brimau LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Sandrine Leclerc-Billault Alexia Detraz WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Kelly Suzzoni Sophie Proietto LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault Gaëlle Michel WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Charlotte Giraudon Maurine Brimau LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Alexia Detraz Tiphaine Vialle WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Kelly Suzzoni Sandrine Leclerc-Billault LOSS WIN
Final Maurine Brimau Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault WIN LOSS
Bronze Final Sandrine Leclerc-Billault Charlotte Giraudon WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Fanny Duprat Charlotte Giraudon LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Jean-Rémy Gallapont Jean-Charles IZE LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Gautier Petit-Chantalat Guillaume Prudhomme LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Charlotte Giraudon Jean-Charles IZE LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Jean-Rémy Gallapont Guillaume Prudhomme WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Fanny Duprat Gautier Petit-Chantalat LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Charlotte Giraudon Guillaume Prudhomme LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Jean-Rémy Gallapont Gautier Petit-Chantalat WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Fanny Duprat Jean-Charles IZE LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Gautier Petit-Chantalat Charlotte Giraudon DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool 1 Guillaume Prudhomme Fanny Duprat WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Charlotte Giraudon Jean-Rémy Gallapont LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Jean-Charles IZE Gautier Petit-Chantalat LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Fanny Duprat Jean-Rémy Gallapont LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Guillaume Prudhomme Jean-Charles IZE WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Joris Jacobs Julien Schleifer WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Theophile Przybylak Raphaël Rigal WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Rafael Francisco Serrano Vazquez Julien Schleifer DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool 2 Raphaël Rigal Joris Jacobs LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Theophile Przybylak Marcin Bialek DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool 2 Julien Schleifer Nicolas Donnadieu LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Rafael Francisco Serrano Vazquez Raphaël Rigal WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Theophile Przybylak Joris Jacobs LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Julien Schleifer Marcin Bialek LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Nicolas Donnadieu Raphaël Rigal WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Marcin Bialek Joris Jacobs WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Theophile Przybylak Rafael Francisco Serrano Vazquez LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Marcin Bialek Raphaël Rigal WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Joris Jacobs Rafael Francisco Serrano Vazquez LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Theophile Przybylak Julien Schleifer WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Rafael Francisco Serrano Vazquez Nicolas Donnadieu WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Raphaël Rigal Julien Schleifer LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Nicolas Donnadieu Joris Jacobs LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Marcin Bialek Rafael Francisco Serrano Vazquez WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Theophile Przybylak Nicolas Donnadieu WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Jean-Rémy Gallapont Theophile Przybylak LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Marcin Bialek Joris Jacobs WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Jean-Charles IZE Rafael Francisco Serrano Vazquez WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Gautier Petit-Chantalat Guillaume Prudhomme WIN LOSS
Semi Final Marcin Bialek Theophile Przybylak WIN LOSS
Semi Final Gautier Petit-Chantalat Jean-Charles IZE LOSS WIN
Bronze Final Theophile Przybylak Gautier Petit-Chantalat WIN LOSS
Final Marcin Bialek Jean-Charles IZE WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Alexia Detraz Paolo Dahan LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Clément Grilli Thomas Lobo LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Paolo Dahan Julien Schleifer WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Thomas Lobo Alexia Detraz WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Julien Schleifer Clément Grilli LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Paolo Dahan Thomas Lobo LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Clément Grilli Alexia Detraz DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Thomas Lobo Julien Schleifer WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Clément Grilli Paolo Dahan LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Alexia Detraz Julien Schleifer WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Charlotte Giraudon Frédéric Tracy LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jérôme Guillaumet Raphaël Rigal WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Jean-Rémy Gallapont Frédéric Tracy LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Charlotte Giraudon Raphaël Rigal LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jérôme Guillaumet Jean-Rémy Gallapont LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Raphaël Rigal Frédéric Tracy LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jérôme Guillaumet Charlotte Giraudon WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Raphaël Rigal Jean-Rémy Gallapont LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Frédéric Tracy Jérôme Guillaumet DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Charlotte Giraudon Jean-Rémy Gallapont LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Benjamin Pascal Sébastien Gillet WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Guillaume Prudhomme Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Sophie Proietto Benjamin Pascal LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Sébastien Gillet Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault DRAW DRAW
Pool 3 Sophie Proietto Guillaume Prudhomme LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Benjamin Pascal Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Sébastien Gillet Guillaume Prudhomme LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Sophie Proietto Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Benjamin Pascal Guillaume Prudhomme WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Sophie Proietto Sébastien Gillet LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Benjamin Pascal Jean-Rémy Gallapont WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Frédéric Tracy Clément Grilli WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Guillaume Prudhomme Jérôme Guillaumet WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Thomas Lobo Paolo Dahan WIN LOSS
Semi Final Benjamin Pascal Frédéric Tracy WIN LOSS
Semi Final Thomas Lobo Guillaume Prudhomme WIN LOSS
Bronze Final Guillaume Prudhomme Frédéric Tracy LOSS WIN
Final Thomas Lobo Benjamin Pascal WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Villeneuve Hema Tournament 2018

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
7 6 Maurine Brimau De Feu et d'Acier 1643.6 123.3
15 Sandrine Leclerc-Billault Frères d'AMHE 1573.7
23 23 Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault Ost du Griffon Noir 1495.4 80.4
59 7 Sophie Proietto Médiéval Combat 1374.4 18.5
61 20 Tiphaine Vialle Frères d'AMHE 1372.3 54.8
84 67 Alexia Detraz Les Indépendants Réunis 1291.4 168.6
106 Charlotte Giraudon AURA Combat Historique 1242.8
221 7 Gaëlle Michel Médiéval Combat 986.1 13.7
269 Kelly Suzzoni Médiéval Combat 882.7
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
7 6 Maurine Brimau De Feu et d'Acier 1643.6 123.3
15 Sandrine Leclerc-Billault Frères d'AMHE 1573.7
23 23 Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault Ost du Griffon Noir 1495.4 80.4
59 7 Sophie Proietto Médiéval Combat 1374.4 18.5
61 20 Tiphaine Vialle Frères d'AMHE 1372.3 54.8
84 67 Alexia Detraz Les Indépendants Réunis 1291.4 168.6
106 Charlotte Giraudon AURA Combat Historique 1242.8
221 7 Gaëlle Michel Médiéval Combat 986.1 13.7
269 Kelly Suzzoni Médiéval Combat 882.7