Torneio Paranaense de Espada Longa
Date | April 20, 2019 |
Country | Brazil |
State | Paraná |
City | Curitiba |
Tournament stats
Division | Number of fights | Number of fighters |
Mixed Synthetic Longsword | 14 | 5 |
Mixed Steel Longsword | 14 | 5 |
Fighters in event
All 9 fighters
This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.
Mixed Synthetic Longsword - 14 fights
Stage | Fighter 1 | Fighter 2 | Fighter 1 result | Fighter 2 result |
Pools | Victor Silva | Larissa Uhlmann | LOSS | WIN |
Pools | Vinicius Miranda | Fernando Guimarães | LOSS | WIN |
Pools | Victor Silva | Otto Schrappe | LOSS | WIN |
Pools | Vinicius Miranda | Larissa Uhlmann | WIN | LOSS |
Pools | Fernando Guimarães | Otto Schrappe | WIN | LOSS |
Pools | Vinicius Miranda | Victor Silva | LOSS | WIN |
Pools | Larissa Uhlmann | Otto Schrappe | LOSS | WIN |
Pools | Fernando Guimarães | Victor Silva | LOSS | WIN |
Pools | Vinicius Miranda | Otto Schrappe | WIN | LOSS |
Pools | Fernando Guimarães | Larissa Uhlmann | WIN | LOSS |
Semis | Otto Schrappe | Fernando Guimarães | LOSS | WIN |
Semis | Victor Silva | Vinicius Miranda | DOUBLE LOSS | DOUBLE LOSS |
3rd place | Otto Schrappe | Victor Silva | WIN | LOSS |
Finals | Fernando Guimarães | Vinicius Miranda | LOSS | WIN |
Mixed Steel Longsword - 14 fights
Stage | Fighter 1 | Fighter 2 | Fighter 1 result | Fighter 2 result |
Pools | Leonardo Amorese Gallo Gomes | Yuri Ishikiriyama | LOSS | WIN |
Pools | Leandro Vidal Costa Castelani | Victor Soares | LOSS | WIN |
Pools | Larissa Uhlmann | Leonardo Amorese Gallo Gomes | LOSS | WIN |
Pools | Yuri Ishikiriyama | Leandro Vidal Costa Castelani | LOSS | WIN |
Pools | Larissa Uhlmann | Victor Soares | WIN | LOSS |
Pools | Leandro Vidal Costa Castelani | Leonardo Amorese Gallo Gomes | LOSS | WIN |
Pools | Larissa Uhlmann | Yuri Ishikiriyama | LOSS | WIN |
Pools | Victor Soares | Leonardo Amorese Gallo Gomes | LOSS | WIN |
Pools | Larissa Uhlmann | Leandro Vidal Costa Castelani | LOSS | WIN |
Pools | Victor Soares | Yuri Ishikiriyama | LOSS | WIN |
Semis | Larissa Uhlmann | Yuri Ishikiriyama | LOSS | WIN |
Semis | Leonardo Amorese Gallo Gomes | Leandro Vidal Costa Castelani | LOSS | WIN |
3rd place | Larissa Uhlmann | Leonardo Amorese Gallo Gomes | LOSS | WIN |
Finals | Yuri Ishikiriyama | Leandro Vidal Costa Castelani | WIN | LOSS |
Rating outcomes
This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.
Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Torneio Paranaense de Espada Longa
Mixed & Men's Steel Longsword - 5 fighters
Rank | Name | Nationality | Club | Weighted rating | Confidence | ||
229 | 434 | Yuri Ishikiriyama | Escola de Artes Marciais Históricas Grifo de Fogo | 1545.4 | 170.8 | ||
557 | 775 | Leonardo Amorese Gallo Gomes | AEEA Stahlfechter | 1410.5 | 207.7 | ||
885 | 1316 | Leandro Vidal Costa Castelani | Escola de Artes Marciais Históricas Grifo de Fogo | 1313.9 | 297.2 | ||
1026 | 220 | Victor Soares | Escola de Artes Marciais Históricas Grifo de Fogo | 1280 | 52.2 | ||
2044 | Larissa Uhlmann | Escola de Artes Marciais Históricas Grifo de Fogo | 1060.1 |