Simply Synthetic

Date August 5, 2017
Country Ireland
City Feakle

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Synthetic Longsword 20 9
Mixed Steel Longsword 19 6
Mixed Synthetic Single Sidesword 66 12

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Michael Nolan Andrzej Rozycki WIN LOSS
Joey Corbett Ishka Colhoun LOSS WIN
Simon Hassett Gavin McGinley WIN LOSS
Tomasz Raczka James O Niell WIN LOSS
Dominic Corbett Jerard Hexxus Comerford DRAW DRAW
Nadar Drejarski Riley Liao WIN LOSS
Riley Liao Jerard Hexxus Comerford LOSS WIN
Andrzej Rozycki Nadar Drejarski WIN LOSS
Dominic Corbett Tomasz Raczka LOSS WIN
Simon Hassett James O Niell WIN LOSS
Joey Corbett Gavin McGinley LOSS WIN
Ishka Colhoun Michael Nolan WIN LOSS
James O Niell Joey Corbett LOSS WIN
Michael Nolan Gavin McGinley WIN LOSS
Ishka Colhoun Andrzej Rozycki WIN LOSS
Dominic Corbett Simon Hassett LOSS WIN
Tomasz Raczka Riley Liao WIN LOSS
Jerard Hexxus Comerford Nadar Drejarski WIN LOSS
Dominic Corbett Joey Corbett LOSS WIN
Tomasz Raczka Nadar Drejarski WIN LOSS
Simon Hassett Riley Liao WIN LOSS
Andrzej Rozycki Jerard Hexxus Comerford WIN LOSS
James O Niell Michael Nolan LOSS WIN
Ishka Colhoun Gavin McGinley WIN LOSS
Simon Hassett Nadar Drejarski WIN LOSS
Ishka Colhoun James O Niell WIN LOSS
Dominic Corbett Michael Nolan LOSS WIN
Riley Liao Joey Corbett WIN LOSS
Andrzej Rozycki Gavin McGinley WIN LOSS
Jerard Hexxus Comerford Tomasz Raczka WIN LOSS
James O Niell Gavin McGinley WIN LOSS
Jerard Hexxus Comerford Simon Hassett LOSS WIN
Joey Corbett Nadar Drejarski LOSS WIN
Michael Nolan Riley Liao WIN LOSS
Dominic Corbett Ishka Colhoun LOSS WIN
Andrzej Rozycki Tomasz Raczka LOSS WIN
Simon Hassett Tomasz Raczka WIN LOSS
Gavin McGinley Dominic Corbett WIN LOSS
Ishka Colhoun Riley Liao WIN LOSS
Nadar Drejarski Michael Nolan WIN LOSS
Joey Corbett Jerard Hexxus Comerford LOSS WIN
Andrzej Rozycki James O Niell WIN LOSS
Gavin McGinley Riley Liao LOSS WIN
Tomasz Raczka Joey Corbett WIN LOSS
Jerard Hexxus Comerford Michael Nolan LOSS WIN
Ishka Colhoun Nadar Drejarski WIN LOSS
Simon Hassett Andrzej Rozycki WIN LOSS
James O Niell Dominic Corbett WIN LOSS
Ishka Colhoun Jerard Hexxus Comerford LOSS WIN
James O Niell Riley Liao WIN LOSS
Nadar Drejarski Gavin McGinley WIN LOSS
Dominic Corbett Andrzej Rozycki LOSS WIN
Michael Nolan Tomasz Raczka LOSS WIN
Joey Corbett Simon Hassett DRAW DRAW
Tomasz Raczka Ishka Colhoun LOSS WIN
Simon Hassett Michael Nolan LOSS WIN
Andrzej Rozycki Joey Corbett LOSS WIN
Gavin McGinley Jerard Hexxus Comerford LOSS WIN
Nadar Drejarski James O Niell WIN LOSS
Dominic Corbett Riley Liao WIN LOSS
Nadar Drejarski Dominic Corbett WIN LOSS
Andrzej Rozycki Riley Liao DRAW DRAW
James O Niell Jerard Hexxus Comerford LOSS WIN
Tomasz Raczka Gavin McGinley WIN LOSS
Simon Hassett Ishka Colhoun DRAW DRAW
Michael Nolan Joey Corbett DRAW DRAW

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Simply Synthetic

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
68 130 Tomasz Raczka Gaillimh Gallóglaigh 1599.7 133.8
79 4 Andrzej Rozycki Blademasters Academy 1586.6 5.4
353 887 Brian Moloney Blademasters Academy 1368.2 368.4
377 56 Jiri Jansa Gaillimh Gallóglaigh 1356.2 35.7
1141 18 Ishka Colhoun The Wrathful Peasants 1050.3 22.3
1673 Nadar Drejarski The Irish School of Historical Combat 858.2