Swiss Gathering 2017

Date September 23, 2017
Country Switzerland
City Schönbühl
Software HEMA CM

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 90 33

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Jacob Mariani Arthur Uri LOSS WIN
Arthur Uri Micha Morales LOSS WIN
Arthur Uri Samuel Gutknecht LOSS WIN
Charly Bourquin Dominik Eaton WIN LOSS
Tanja Schiess Charly Bourquin LOSS WIN
Charly Bourquin Yan Mischler WIN LOSS
Daniel Olivier Sutter Ferenc Hucker WIN LOSS
Derek Wassom Nils Striker WIN LOSS
Simon Favre Derek Wassom WIN LOSS
Diana Matthess Roland Zürrer LOSS WIN
Stephan Wullschleger Diana Matthess WIN LOSS
Ferenc Hucker Thomas Del Prete WIN LOSS
Friedrich Bialas Daniel Olivier Sutter LOSS WIN
Derek Wassom Friedrich Bialas LOSS WIN
Friedrich Bialas Dominik Eaton WIN LOSS
Simon Favre Friedrich Bialas LOSS WIN
Gael Ray Daniel Olivier Sutter LOSS WIN
Jean Michel Barraz Gael Ray LOSS WIN
Gael Ray Lukas Freitag DRAW DRAW
Majken Roelfszema Gael Ray WIN LOSS
Jacob Mariani Micha Morales LOSS WIN
Jacob Mariani Samuel Gutknecht LOSS WIN
Jean Michel Barraz Lukas Freitag WIN LOSS
Jonas Bürgi Daniel Olivier Sutter LOSS WIN
Jonas Bürgi Ferenc Hucker WIN LOSS
Laura Zanetti Charly Bourquin LOSS WIN
Dominik Eaton Laura Zanetti WIN LOSS
Tanja Schiess Laura Zanetti LOSS WIN
Laura Zanetti Yan Mischler LOSS WIN
Ludovic Van Delden Daniel Olivier Sutter LOSS WIN
Ludovic Van Delden Ferenc Hucker LOSS WIN
Jonas Bürgi Ludovic Van Delden WIN LOSS
Ludovic Van Delden Thomas Del Prete WIN LOSS
Charly Bourquin Lukas Oetiker LOSS WIN
Dominik Eaton Lukas Oetiker DRAW DRAW
Laura Zanetti Lukas Oetiker LOSS WIN
Tanja Schiess Lukas Oetiker LOSS WIN
Lukas Oetiker Yan Mischler WIN LOSS
Daniel Olivier Sutter Majken Roelfszema WIN LOSS
Majken Roelfszema Jean Michel Barraz WIN LOSS
Lukas Freitag Majken Roelfszema LOSS WIN
Majken Roelfszema Stefano Gavatta WIN LOSS
Derek Wassom Mathias Tanner WIN LOSS
Friedrich Bialas Mathias Tanner WIN LOSS
Nils Striker Mathias Tanner DRAW DRAW
Simon Favre Mathias Tanner WIN LOSS
Micha Morales Jonas Bürgi WIN LOSS
Samuel Gutknecht Micha Morales WIN LOSS
Charly Bourquin Michael Spring LOSS WIN
Michael Spring Diana Matthess WIN LOSS
Michael Spring Samuel Gutknecht WIN LOSS
Friedrich Bialas Nils Striker WIN LOSS
Philipp Heim Arthur Uri LOSS WIN
Jacob Mariani Philipp Heim WIN LOSS
Philipp Heim Micha Morales LOSS WIN
Richard Harvey Philipp Heim LOSS WIN
Philipp Heim Samuel Gutknecht LOSS WIN
Richard Harvey Arthur Uri WIN LOSS
Jacob Mariani Richard Harvey LOSS WIN
Richard Harvey Micha Morales LOSS WIN
Samuel Gutknecht Richard Harvey WIN LOSS
Roger Heim Diana Matthess LOSS WIN
Michael Spring Roger Heim WIN LOSS
Roger Heim Roland Zürrer LOSS WIN
Stephan Wullschleger Roger Heim WIN LOSS
Michael Spring Roland Zürrer WIN LOSS
Roland Zürrer Samuel Gutknecht LOSS WIN
Stephan Wullschleger Roland Zürrer WIN LOSS
Micha Morales Samuel Gutknecht LOSS WIN
Friedrich Bialas Simon Favre WIN LOSS
Lukas Oetiker Simon Favre LOSS WIN
Nils Striker Simon Favre LOSS WIN
Stefano Gavatta Gael Ray WIN LOSS
Jean Michel Barraz Stefano Gavatta LOSS WIN
Stefano Gavatta Lukas Freitag LOSS WIN
Stefano Gavatta Majken Roelfszema WIN LOSS
Stefano Gavatta Vina Zahnd WIN LOSS
Stephan Wullschleger Derek Wassom WIN LOSS
Michael Spring Stephan Wullschleger WIN LOSS
Stephan Wullschleger Michael Spring WIN LOSS
Tanja Schiess Dominik Eaton LOSS WIN
Yan Mischler Tanja Schiess WIN LOSS
Daniel Olivier Sutter Thomas Del Prete WIN LOSS
Thomas Del Prete Jonas Bürgi LOSS WIN
Vina Zahnd Gael Ray LOSS WIN
Jean Michel Barraz Vina Zahnd WIN LOSS
Vina Zahnd Lukas Freitag WIN LOSS
Vina Zahnd Majken Roelfszema LOSS WIN
Dominik Eaton Yan Mischler WIN LOSS
Michael Spring Daniel Olivier Sutter LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Swiss Gathering 2017

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
104 Samuel Gutknecht Liberi Ensis 1558.2
127 7 Micha Morales MARS 1542.6 11
156 244 Daniel Olivier Sutter Reisläufer Bern 1517.9 173.4
290 Stephan Wullschleger Die Baskerhunde 1416.4
321 Michael Spring Historicae Artes Dimicationes Ustrachense 1398.3
461 Lukas Oetiker Artes Certaminis 1327.3
543 278 Majken Roelfszema Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1293.6 129.1
544 847 Friedrich Bialas Wiener Fecht- und Ausdauersportrunde 1293.5 334.7
611 Charly Bourquin Les Maciliens 1264
614 126 Diana Matthess N/A 1263.6 34.4
721 Jonas Bürgi Reisläufer Bern 1216.8
769 Stefano Gavatta Artes Certaminis 1196.9
886 Simon Favre École Lémanique d'Arts et d'Actions 1158.8
929 Dominik Eaton Freifechter Basel 1148.4
1049 Roland Zürrer Liberi Ensis 1107.3
1054 Ferenc Hucker Ars Ensis 1106.2
1152 Arthur Uri Historicae Artes Dimicationes Ustrachense 1076.7
1153 Richard Harvey Leo et Ursus 1076.7
1228 Gael Ray Les Maciliens 1048.9
1252 Yan Mischler Liberi Ensis 1040.8
1409 Derek Wassom Gladiatorium Artium Friburgensis Schola 988.4
1414 Jean Michel Barraz Liberi Ensis 987.2
1491 Ludovic Van Delden Militia Genavae 957
1520 Philipp Heim Artes Certaminis 946.3
1521 Jacob Mariani Freifechter Basel 946.3
1612 Lukas Freitag Freifechter Basel 921
1686 Laura Zanetti Historicae Artes Dimicationes Ustrachense 896.5
1794 Vina Zahnd Historicae Artes Dimicationes Ustrachense 854.7
1888 Thomas Del Prete N/A 807.9
1901 Roger Heim Artes Certaminis 802.1
1935 Mathias Tanner Militia Genavae 781.5
1936 Nils Striker Liberi Ensis 781.5
1989 Tanja Schiess Leo et Ursus 752.3