Piet Pollet

De Hallebardiers


Category Rank (current) Weighted Rating (current) Rank (best) Weighted Rating (best)
Longsword (Mixed & Men's, Steel) Inactive 1129.9 30 (November 2012) 1179.1 (December 2017)


Mixed Steel Longsword 6 2 3 1 0

Full rating histories

Missing sections mean that the fighter was inactive, I.E. had not competed in 24 months or more.

The fighter's last active period was in November 2019

Match results

Longsword (Mixed & Men's, Steel)

DivisionEventStageOpponentOutcomeWin chance
Mixed Steel Longsword Brisia 2017 - HEMA Pro Challenge (December 2017) Pools Luca De Franceschi LOSS 53%
Mixed Steel Longsword Brisia 2017 - HEMA Pro Challenge (December 2017) Pools Marco Agosti LOSS 56%
Mixed Steel Longsword Brisia 2017 - HEMA Pro Challenge (December 2017) Pools Devis Carli WIN 44%
Mixed Steel Longsword Swordfish 2012 (November 2012) Pontus Vigur WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Longsword Swordfish 2012 (November 2012) Axel Pettersson LOSS 40%
Mixed Steel Longsword Swordfish 2012 (November 2012) Sverre Vijvers DRAW 45%