Manuel Frallicciardi

Compagnia Della Rosa e Della Spada


Category Rank (current) Weighted Rating (current) Rank (best) Weighted Rating (best)
Longsword (Mixed & Men's, Steel) Inactive 861.7 1192 (February 2022) 900.1 (March 2019)


Mixed Steel Longsword 4 1 3 0 0

Full rating histories

Missing sections mean that the fighter was inactive, I.E. had not competed in 24 months or more.

The fighter's last active period was in February 2021

Match results

Longsword (Mixed & Men's, Steel)

DivisionEventStageOpponentOutcomeWin chance
Mixed Steel Longsword AIMA ROMA 2019 (March 2019) Pools Mario Villani LOSS 44%
Mixed Steel Longsword AIMA ROMA 2019 (March 2019) Pools Andrea Di Iorio WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Longsword AIMA ROMA 2019 (March 2019) Pools Roberto Gamberini LOSS 49%
Mixed Steel Longsword AIMA ROMA 2019 (March 2019) Pools Michele Zanella LOSS 63%