Montpellier Hema Tournament 2018

Date March 31, 2018
Country France
City Montpellier

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 128 49
Women's Steel Longsword 28 10
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler 58 23
Mixed Steel Sabre 30 13
Mixed Steel Single Sidesword 33 14
Mixed Synthetic Sabre 28 10
Mixed Synthetic Single Sidesword 26 10

Fighters in event

Joris Jacobs Arte Mortiferum
Davy van Elst Sumus Soldani
Santiago Carbonell Siles Sala d'Armes Monjuïc
Óscar Genovés Pascua Sala d'Armes Monjuïc
José María González Sanz Sala d'Armes Monjuïc
Paolo Dahan
Guillaume Jourdain Académie AMHE
Olivier Locatelli AMHE Apicula Carcassona
Solène Allard AMHE Apicula Carcassona
Nicolas Cattaneo AMHE Paris
Leonard Carpentier AMHE Paris
Grégory Tarrade AURA Combat Historique
Julien Schleifer AURA Combat Historique
Yannick Barret AURA Combat Historique
Geoffrey Franco Cercle d'Armes du Dauphiné
Benjamin Pascal Clermont-Ferrand AMHE
Clément Grilli Club Sportif et de Loisirs de la Gendarmerie de GAP
Fabien Goury Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon
Romain Eychenne Compagnie Saint Guilhem
Gabriel Tardio De Feu et d'Acier
Maurine Brimau De Feu et d'Acier
Dorian Canham De Feu et d'Acier
Théo Fovet École Chevaleresque
Timothée Boggetto École Chevaleresque
Gilles Carriere École Chevaleresque
Matthieu Dutheil École Chevaleresque
Emeric Bazalgette École Chevaleresque
Gaël Marais École Chevaleresque
Morgan Maignant École Chevaleresque
Eléonore Court École Chevaleresque
Marion Bourgogne École Chevaleresque
Cedric Piette École Chevaleresque
Karim Mialhe École Chevaleresque
Mattéo Buche École Chevaleresque
Émilie Hugues-Dutheil École Chevaleresque
Alexandre Salvi École Chevaleresque
Arthur Boutillon Fencing Club Dresden
Olivier Darcourt Frères d'AMHE
Stéphane Lacombe Frères d'AMHE
Mehdi Cruchade La Confrérie d'armes de Saint-Michel
Emmanuel Bertrand La Maisnie du Chevalier Bragon de Bourg en Bresse
Fabien Douvre La Maisnie du Chevalier Bragon de Bourg en Bresse
Nicolas Douvre La Maisnie du Chevalier Bragon de Saint-Denis-lès-Bourg
Quentin Desbiolles La Maisnie du Chevalier Bragon de Saint-Denis-lès-Bourg
Cécile Genovese La Mesnie du Blanc Castel
Manon Lalagüe La Mesnie du Blanc Castel
Benjamin Szewczuk La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne
Frederic David La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne
Emmanuel Parisot Le Cercle des Épées Libres
Lutz Horvath Le Cercle des Épées Libres
Raphaël Rigal Le Chapitre des Armes
Céline Guilleux Les Guerriers du Lendemain
Joris Dufayard Les Indépendants Réunis
Theophile Przybylak Lyon AMHE
Sophie Proietto Médiéval Combat
Romain Figliuzzi Médiéval Combat
Jean-Rémy Gallapont Médiéval Combat
Alexis Lohier Ost du Griffon Noir
Dimitri Leca Ost du Griffon Noir
Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault Ost du Griffon Noir
Jérôme Guillaumet Ost du Griffon Noir
Claire Devillers Ost du Griffon Noir
Martin Veauléger WARRIOR BOX
Rowan Skilbeck Waterloo Sparring Group


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Davy van Elst Nicolas Douvre DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Alexis Lohier Théo Fovet WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Martin Veauléger Davy van Elst WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Nicolas Douvre Théo Fovet LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Martin Veauléger Alexis Lohier WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Théo Fovet Davy van Elst WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Nicolas Douvre Alexis Lohier LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Théo Fovet Martin Veauléger WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Alexis Lohier Davy van Elst WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Nicolas Douvre Martin Veauléger WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Benjamin Pascal Solène Allard WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Romain Figliuzzi Lutz Horvath WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Benjamin Pascal Lutz Horvath DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Solène Allard Lutz Horvath LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Romain Figliuzzi Benjamin Pascal LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Solène Allard Romain Figliuzzi LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Clément Grilli Fabien Goury LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Fabien Douvre Jérôme Guillaumet LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Maurine Brimau Clément Grilli LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Fabien Douvre Fabien Goury LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Maurine Brimau Jérôme Guillaumet LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Fabien Douvre Clément Grilli LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Fabien Goury Jérôme Guillaumet LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Fabien Douvre Maurine Brimau LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Clément Grilli Jérôme Guillaumet LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Fabien Goury Maurine Brimau WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Paolo Dahan Alexandre Salvi WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Joris Dufayard José María González Sanz WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Alexandre Salvi Julien Schleifer LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Paolo Dahan Joris Dufayard WIN LOSS
Pool 4 José María González Sanz Julien Schleifer LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Joris Dufayard Alexandre Salvi WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Paolo Dahan José María González Sanz WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Joris Dufayard Julien Schleifer WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Alexandre Salvi José María González Sanz WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Paolo Dahan Julien Schleifer WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Yannick Barret Stéphane Lacombe WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Olivier Locatelli Dimitri Leca WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Yannick Barret Manon Lalagüe WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Stéphane Lacombe Dimitri Leca WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Manon Lalagüe Olivier Locatelli LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Dimitri Leca Yannick Barret LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Stéphane Lacombe Olivier Locatelli DRAW DRAW
Pool 5 Manon Lalagüe Dimitri Leca DRAW DRAW
Pool 5 Olivier Locatelli Yannick Barret LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Manon Lalagüe Stéphane Lacombe LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Emmanuel Bertrand Arthur Boutillon WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Óscar Genovés Pascua Cécile Genovese WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Emmanuel Bertrand Rowan Skilbeck WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Arthur Boutillon Cécile Genovese WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Óscar Genovés Pascua Rowan Skilbeck LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Cécile Genovese Emmanuel Bertrand LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Arthur Boutillon Óscar Genovés Pascua WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Cécile Genovese Rowan Skilbeck LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Óscar Genovés Pascua Emmanuel Bertrand WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Rowan Skilbeck Arthur Boutillon DRAW DRAW
Pool 7 Frederic David Claire Devillers WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Gaël Marais Joris Jacobs LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Grégory Tarrade Frederic David LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Joris Jacobs Claire Devillers WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Gaël Marais Grégory Tarrade WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Frederic David Joris Jacobs LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Claire Devillers Gaël Marais LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Joris Jacobs Grégory Tarrade WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Gaël Marais Frederic David DRAW DRAW
Pool 7 Grégory Tarrade Claire Devillers WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Geoffrey Franco Timothée Boggetto WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Thomas Lobo Leonard Carpentier WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Timothée Boggetto Romain Eychenne WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Geoffrey Franco Leonard Carpentier LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Thomas Lobo Romain Eychenne WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Timothée Boggetto Leonard Carpentier LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Thomas Lobo Geoffrey Franco WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Leonard Carpentier Romain Eychenne WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Thomas Lobo Timothée Boggetto WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Geoffrey Franco Romain Eychenne DRAW DRAW
Pool 9 Quentin Desbiolles Nicolas Cattaneo WIN LOSS
Pool 9 Emmanuel Parisot Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault WIN LOSS
Pool 9 Theophile Przybylak Nicolas Cattaneo WIN LOSS
Pool 9 Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault Quentin Desbiolles DRAW DRAW
Pool 9 Theophile Przybylak Emmanuel Parisot WIN LOSS
Pool 9 Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault Nicolas Cattaneo LOSS WIN
Pool 9 Quentin Desbiolles Emmanuel Parisot LOSS WIN
Pool 9 Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault Theophile Przybylak LOSS WIN
Pool 9 Nicolas Cattaneo Emmanuel Parisot LOSS WIN
Pool 9 Theophile Przybylak Quentin Desbiolles WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Olivier Darcourt Céline Guilleux LOSS WIN
Pool 10 Santiago Carbonell Siles Benjamin Szewczuk LOSS WIN
Pool 10 Gabriel Tardio Céline Guilleux WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Santiago Carbonell Siles Olivier Darcourt LOSS WIN
Pool 10 Benjamin Szewczuk Gabriel Tardio WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Santiago Carbonell Siles Céline Guilleux WIN LOSS
Pool 10 Olivier Darcourt Benjamin Szewczuk LOSS WIN
Pool 10 Gabriel Tardio Santiago Carbonell Siles LOSS WIN
Pool 10 Céline Guilleux Benjamin Szewczuk LOSS WIN
Pool 10 Gabriel Tardio Olivier Darcourt LOSS WIN
Sixteenthfinals Timothée Boggetto Theophile Przybylak LOSS WIN
Sixteenthfinals Gaël Marais Arthur Boutillon LOSS WIN
Sixteenthfinals Lutz Horvath Alexis Lohier LOSS WIN
Sixteenthfinals Joris Dufayard Julien Schleifer WIN LOSS
Sixteenthfinals Quentin Desbiolles Yannick Barret LOSS WIN
Sixteenthfinals Stéphane Lacombe Fabien Goury LOSS WIN
Sixteenthfinals Frederic David Leonard Carpentier WIN LOSS
Sixteenthfinals Nicolas Douvre Jérôme Guillaumet LOSS WIN
Sixteenthfinals Paolo Dahan Alexandre Salvi WIN LOSS
Sixteenthfinals Théo Fovet Olivier Locatelli LOSS WIN
Sixteenthfinals Emmanuel Bertrand Clément Grilli WIN LOSS
Sixteenthfinals Geoffrey Franco Benjamin Szewczuk WIN LOSS
Sixteenthfinals Santiago Carbonell Siles Benjamin Pascal LOSS WIN
Sixteenthfinals Emmanuel Parisot Olivier Darcourt WIN LOSS
Sixteenthfinals Romain Figliuzzi Rowan Skilbeck LOSS WIN
Sixteenthfinals Thomas Lobo Grégory Tarrade WIN LOSS
Eigthfinals Arthur Boutillon Theophile Przybylak WIN LOSS
Eigthfinals Alexis Lohier Joris Dufayard WIN LOSS
Eigthfinals Fabien Goury Yannick Barret WIN LOSS
Eigthfinals Jérôme Guillaumet Frederic David LOSS WIN
Eigthfinals Paolo Dahan Olivier Locatelli WIN LOSS
Eigthfinals Geoffrey Franco Emmanuel Bertrand LOSS WIN
Eigthfinals Benjamin Pascal Emmanuel Parisot WIN LOSS
Eigthfinals Thomas Lobo Rowan Skilbeck WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Arthur Boutillon Alexis Lohier LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Frederic David Fabien Goury WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Paolo Dahan Emmanuel Bertrand WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Benjamin Pascal Thomas Lobo LOSS WIN
Semifinals Alexis Lohier Frederic David WIN LOSS
Semifinals Thomas Lobo Paolo Dahan WIN LOSS
Third Place Paolo Dahan Frederic David LOSS WIN
Final Thomas Lobo Alexis Lohier WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Maurine Brimau Solène Allard WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Céline Guilleux Eléonore Court DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Claire Devillers Solène Allard LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Céline Guilleux Maurine Brimau LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Claire Devillers Eléonore Court DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Céline Guilleux Solène Allard LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Maurine Brimau Eléonore Court WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Céline Guilleux Claire Devillers LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Solène Allard Eléonore Court WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Claire Devillers Maurine Brimau LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Marion Bourgogne Émilie Hugues-Dutheil LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Cécile Genovese Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Marion Bourgogne Sophie Proietto WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Émilie Hugues-Dutheil Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Cécile Genovese Sophie Proietto LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Marion Bourgogne Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Émilie Hugues-Dutheil Cécile Genovese WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault Sophie Proietto DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Marion Bourgogne Cécile Genovese DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Sophie Proietto Émilie Hugues-Dutheil DRAW DRAW
Quarterfinals Maurine Brimau Cécile Genovese WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Marion Bourgogne Sophie Proietto LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Claire Devillers Émilie Hugues-Dutheil LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Eléonore Court Solène Allard LOSS WIN
Semifinals Maurine Brimau Sophie Proietto WIN LOSS
Semifinals Solène Allard Émilie Hugues-Dutheil LOSS WIN
Third Place Sophie Proietto Solène Allard LOSS WIN
Final Maurine Brimau Émilie Hugues-Dutheil WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Clément Grilli Fabien Goury LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Stéphane Lacombe Sophie Proietto WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Sophie Proietto Fabien Goury LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Stéphane Lacombe Clément Grilli DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Fabien Goury Stéphane Lacombe WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Sophie Proietto Clément Grilli WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Alexandre Salvi Matthieu Dutheil DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Manon Lalagüe Óscar Genovés Pascua LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Alexandre Salvi Thomas Lobo LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Manon Lalagüe Matthieu Dutheil LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Thomas Lobo Óscar Genovés Pascua WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Alexandre Salvi Manon Lalagüe WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Óscar Genovés Pascua Matthieu Dutheil DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Thomas Lobo Manon Lalagüe WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Óscar Genovés Pascua Alexandre Salvi LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Matthieu Dutheil Thomas Lobo LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Théo Fovet Jérôme Guillaumet LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Dorian Canham Lutz Horvath WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Théo Fovet Santiago Carbonell Siles WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Jérôme Guillaumet Lutz Horvath LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Santiago Carbonell Siles Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Lutz Horvath Théo Fovet WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Jérôme Guillaumet Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Santiago Carbonell Siles Lutz Horvath LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Théo Fovet Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Jérôme Guillaumet Santiago Carbonell Siles DRAW DRAW
Pool 4 Arthur Boutillon Benjamin Pascal WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Gaël Marais Davy van Elst WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Davy van Elst Arthur Boutillon LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Benjamin Pascal Davy van Elst WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Gaël Marais Arthur Boutillon WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Benjamin Pascal Gaël Marais LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Joris Dufayard Paolo Dahan WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Raphaël Rigal Émilie Hugues-Dutheil LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Julien Schleifer Paolo Dahan LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Joris Dufayard Émilie Hugues-Dutheil WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Julien Schleifer Raphaël Rigal LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Paolo Dahan Émilie Hugues-Dutheil WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Joris Dufayard Raphaël Rigal WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Julien Schleifer Émilie Hugues-Dutheil LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Raphaël Rigal Paolo Dahan DRAW DRAW
Pool 5 Joris Dufayard Julien Schleifer WIN LOSS
Eigthfinals Sophie Proietto Thomas Lobo LOSS WIN
Eigthfinals Paolo Dahan Alexandre Salvi WIN LOSS
Eigthfinals Fabien Goury Émilie Hugues-Dutheil WIN LOSS
Eigthfinals Joris Dufayard Raphaël Rigal WIN LOSS
Eigthfinals Jérôme Guillaumet Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Eigthfinals Lutz Horvath Stéphane Lacombe WIN LOSS
Eigthfinals Matthieu Dutheil Arthur Boutillon LOSS WIN
Eigthfinals Gaël Marais Benjamin Pascal WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Paolo Dahan Thomas Lobo LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Joris Dufayard Fabien Goury LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Lutz Horvath Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Gaël Marais Arthur Boutillon WIN LOSS
Semifinals Thomas Lobo Fabien Goury WIN LOSS
Semifinals Dorian Canham Gaël Marais LOSS WIN
Third Place Fabien Goury Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Final Thomas Lobo Gaël Marais LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Dorian Canham Emeric Bazalgette WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Raphaël Rigal Frederic David LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Grégory Tarrade Emeric Bazalgette WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Dorian Canham Frederic David WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Raphaël Rigal Grégory Tarrade LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Frederic David Emeric Bazalgette DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Raphaël Rigal Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Frederic David Grégory Tarrade DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Raphaël Rigal Emeric Bazalgette LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Dorian Canham Grégory Tarrade WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Rowan Skilbeck Gilles Carriere WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Benjamin Szewczuk Theophile Przybylak LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Gilles Carriere Benjamin Szewczuk WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Theophile Przybylak Rowan Skilbeck LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Gilles Carriere Theophile Przybylak LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Benjamin Szewczuk Rowan Skilbeck LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Benjamin Pascal Leonard Carpentier LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Óscar Genovés Pascua Gaël Marais LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Gaël Marais Leonard Carpentier LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Benjamin Pascal Gaël Marais DRAW DRAW
Pool 3 Óscar Genovés Pascua Leonard Carpentier LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Benjamin Pascal Óscar Genovés Pascua WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Gaël Marais Rowan Skilbeck LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Grégory Tarrade Theophile Przybylak WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Dorian Canham Benjamin Pascal LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Leonard Carpentier Frederic David WIN LOSS
Semifinals Grégory Tarrade Rowan Skilbeck LOSS WIN
Semifinals Benjamin Pascal Leonard Carpentier LOSS WIN
Third Place Grégory Tarrade Benjamin Pascal LOSS WIN
Final Leonard Carpentier Rowan Skilbeck WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Emeric Bazalgette Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Rowan Skilbeck Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Santiago Carbonell Siles Emeric Bazalgette WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault Dorian Canham LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Santiago Carbonell Siles Rowan Skilbeck LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault Emeric Bazalgette LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Dorian Canham Rowan Skilbeck LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault Santiago Carbonell Siles LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Emeric Bazalgette Rowan Skilbeck LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Dorian Canham Santiago Carbonell Siles WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Mehdi Cruchade Gilles Carriere LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Olivier Darcourt Guillaume Jourdain LOSS WIN
Pool 2 José María González Sanz Gilles Carriere LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Olivier Darcourt Mehdi Cruchade LOSS WIN
Pool 2 José María González Sanz Guillaume Jourdain LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Gilles Carriere Olivier Darcourt WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Guillaume Jourdain Mehdi Cruchade LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Olivier Darcourt José María González Sanz WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Guillaume Jourdain Gilles Carriere WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Mehdi Cruchade José María González Sanz WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Timothée Boggetto Jean-Rémy Gallapont DRAW DRAW
Pool 3 Raphaël Rigal Timothée Boggetto LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Raphaël Rigal Óscar Genovés Pascua LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Óscar Genovés Pascua Jean-Rémy Gallapont LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Timothée Boggetto Óscar Genovés Pascua WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Raphaël Rigal Jean-Rémy Gallapont LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Rowan Skilbeck Santiago Carbonell Siles WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Gilles Carriere Mehdi Cruchade LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Guillaume Jourdain Timothée Boggetto WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Dorian Canham Jean-Rémy Gallapont WIN LOSS
Semifinals Mehdi Cruchade Rowan Skilbeck LOSS WIN
Semifinals Dorian Canham Guillaume Jourdain WIN LOSS
Final Dorian Canham Rowan Skilbeck LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Théo Fovet Geoffrey Franco LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Emmanuel Parisot Marion Bourgogne WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Julien Schleifer Théo Fovet LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Geoffrey Franco Marion Bourgogne WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Julien Schleifer Emmanuel Parisot DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Marion Bourgogne Théo Fovet LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Geoffrey Franco Emmanuel Parisot WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Marion Bourgogne Julien Schleifer LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Emmanuel Parisot Théo Fovet LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Julien Schleifer Geoffrey Franco LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jean-Rémy Gallapont Eléonore Court WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Morgan Maignant Lutz Horvath LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Jean-Rémy Gallapont Romain Figliuzzi WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Eléonore Court Lutz Horvath LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Morgan Maignant Romain Figliuzzi WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Jean-Rémy Gallapont Lutz Horvath LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Eléonore Court Morgan Maignant LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Romain Figliuzzi Lutz Horvath LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Morgan Maignant Jean-Rémy Gallapont DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Eléonore Court Romain Figliuzzi LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Geoffrey Franco Romain Figliuzzi WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Jean-Rémy Gallapont Morgan Maignant WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Théo Fovet Emmanuel Parisot WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Lutz Horvath Julien Schleifer WIN LOSS
Semifinals Geoffrey Franco Jean-Rémy Gallapont LOSS WIN
Semifinals Théo Fovet Lutz Horvath WIN LOSS
Third Place Geoffrey Franco Lutz Horvath LOSS WIN
Final Théo Fovet Jean-Rémy Gallapont WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Davy van Elst Mattéo Buche DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Julien Schleifer Karim Mialhe LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Davy van Elst Romain Figliuzzi DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Karim Mialhe Mattéo Buche WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Romain Figliuzzi Julien Schleifer WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Davy van Elst Karim Mialhe WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Julien Schleifer Mattéo Buche WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Romain Figliuzzi Karim Mialhe WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Julien Schleifer Davy van Elst DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Romain Figliuzzi Mattéo Buche WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Cedric Piette Paolo Dahan LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Grégory Tarrade Manon Lalagüe WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Cedric Piette Benjamin Pascal LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Paolo Dahan Manon Lalagüe WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Grégory Tarrade Benjamin Pascal LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Manon Lalagüe Cedric Piette DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 Grégory Tarrade Paolo Dahan WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Benjamin Pascal Manon Lalagüe WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Grégory Tarrade Cedric Piette WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Benjamin Pascal Paolo Dahan WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Paolo Dahan Davy van Elst WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Julien Schleifer Romain Figliuzzi LOSS WIN
Semifinals Benjamin Pascal Paolo Dahan WIN LOSS
Semifinals Karim Mialhe Romain Figliuzzi LOSS WIN
Third Place Paolo Dahan Karim Mialhe WIN LOSS
Final Romain Figliuzzi Benjamin Pascal LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Montpellier Hema Tournament 2018

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
24 14 Thomas Lobo WARRIOR BOX 1751.7 53.9
63 8 Frederic David La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1647 22.7
119 42 Paolo Dahan N/A 1574.4 43.8
129 39 Benjamin Pascal Clermont-Ferrand AMHE 1567.1 40.9
165 181 Joris Jacobs Arte Mortiferum 1534.1 108
167 31 Rowan Skilbeck Waterloo Sparring Group 1531.7 22.1
222 261 Alexis Lohier Ost du Griffon Noir 1501.3 139.4
253 30 Benjamin Szewczuk La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1482 19.5
276 57 Jérôme Guillaumet Ost du Griffon Noir 1472 38.4
277 20 Fabien Goury Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon 1471.8 18.7
352 46 Gaël Marais École Chevaleresque 1430.2 36.5
358 22 Romain Figliuzzi Médiéval Combat 1426.6 20.7
379 113 Leonard Carpentier AMHE Paris 1411.9 53.3
456 477 Yannick Barret AURA Combat Historique 1378.9 181.1
534 124 Joris Dufayard Les Indépendants Réunis 1348.4 52.6
576 32 Olivier Locatelli AMHE Apicula Carcassona 1330.8 16.1
594 Theophile Przybylak Lyon AMHE 1323.9
640 20 Óscar Genovés Pascua Sala d'Armes Monjuïc 1311.4 2
642 Arthur Boutillon Fencing Club Dresden 1309.5
646 88 Santiago Carbonell Siles Sala d'Armes Monjuïc 1309 20.1
665 29 Lutz Horvath Le Cercle des Épées Libres 1302.5 19.2
699 85 Grégory Tarrade AURA Combat Historique 1291.5 21.4
755 285 Alexandre Salvi École Chevaleresque 1267.6 99.6
841 98 Geoffrey Franco Cercle d'Armes du Dauphiné 1237.7 41.5
988 559 Emmanuel Bertrand La Maisnie du Chevalier Bragon de Bourg en Bresse 1191.7 168.1
1023 390 Théo Fovet École Chevaleresque 1180.9 115.9
1073 124 Clément Grilli Club Sportif et de Loisirs de la Gendarmerie de GAP 1167.2 26.5
1295 399 Emmanuel Parisot Le Cercle des Épées Libres 1106 117.6
1333 371 Stéphane Lacombe Frères d'AMHE 1097.1 111.3
1500 348 Olivier Darcourt Frères d'AMHE 1054.7 114
1547 82 Davy van Elst Sumus Soldani 1039.6 8.5
1585 Martin Veauléger WARRIOR BOX 1030.6
1728 Céline Guilleux Les Guerriers du Lendemain 990.9
1766 495 Julien Schleifer AURA Combat Historique 981.5 177.4
1774 Timothée Boggetto École Chevaleresque 979.5
1831 Romain Eychenne Compagnie Saint Guilhem 961.1
1853 Gabriel Tardio De Feu et d'Acier 954.6
1886 Claire Devillers Ost du Griffon Noir 944.5
1981 255 Nicolas Douvre La Maisnie du Chevalier Bragon de Saint-Denis-lès-Bourg 920.9 108
1991 120 Lisa Gauthier-Planchenault Ost du Griffon Noir 916.6 21.3
2058 Solène Allard AMHE Apicula Carcassona 899
2139 178 Maurine Brimau De Feu et d'Acier 872.1 96.2
2200 Quentin Desbiolles La Maisnie du Chevalier Bragon de Saint-Denis-lès-Bourg 851.4
2270 158 Cécile Genovese La Mesnie du Blanc Castel 827.8 33.8
2272 144 Fabien Douvre La Maisnie du Chevalier Bragon de Bourg en Bresse 827.2 28.2
2325 José María González Sanz Sala d'Armes Monjuïc 805.3
2387 Nicolas Cattaneo AMHE Paris 773.9
2406 Dimitri Leca Ost du Griffon Noir 761.3
2492 46 Manon Lalagüe La Mesnie du Blanc Castel 717 31.9