Bellum Vitudurum 2021

Date August 28, 2021
Country Switzerland
State Zürich
City Winterthur
Software HEMA Scorecard (results )

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 68 28
Women's Steel Longsword 19 6

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Set 1 Dominic Frei Benedict Häfeli WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Marco Müller Riccardo Kratter WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Andrea Molino Benedict Häfeli WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Riccardo Kratter Dominic Frei WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Marco Müller Andrea Molino LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Riccardo Kratter Benedict Häfeli LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Andrea Molino Dominic Frei WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Marco Müller Benedict Häfeli WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Riccardo Kratter Andrea Molino DRAW DRAW
Pool Set 1 Marco Müller Dominic Frei WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Sandro Kämpf Yannic Müller WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Christian Jakob Michael Hein WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Christian Jakob Sandro Kämpf LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Yannic Müller Christian Jakob LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Yannic Müller Michael Hein WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Michael Hein Sandro Kämpf LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Martin Kämpf Daniel Olivier Sutter LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Tony Simion Nikolas Epp LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Christoph Stutz Martin Kämpf WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Daniel Olivier Sutter Tony Simion WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Christoph Stutz Nikolas Epp WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Tony Simion Martin Kämpf LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Christoph Stutz Daniel Olivier Sutter LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Nikolas Epp Martin Kämpf WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Christoph Stutz Tony Simion WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Daniel Olivier Sutter Nikolas Epp WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Paul Hofmann Andreas Weiß WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Nathalie Strassmann Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Patrik Baumann Paul Hofmann WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Andreas Weiß Nathalie Strassmann WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Patrik Baumann Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Nathalie Strassmann Paul Hofmann LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Andreas Weiß Patrik Baumann LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Paul Hofmann Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Patrik Baumann Nathalie Strassmann WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Andreas Weiß Anonymous fighter LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Ferdinand Hutter Stephan Wullschleger WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Anonymous fighter Alexander Fernandez LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Ann-Sophie Vogel Ferdinand Hutter LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Anonymous fighter Stephan Wullschleger WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Ann-Sophie Vogel Alexander Fernandez LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Ferdinand Hutter Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Ann-Sophie Vogel Stephan Wullschleger WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Alexander Fernandez Ferdinand Hutter WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Ann-Sophie Vogel Anonymous fighter LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Alexander Fernandez Stephan Wullschleger WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Philipp Wyss Leon Vollenweider WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Patrick Müller Harald Zikeli WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Harald Zikeli Philipp Wyss WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Leon Vollenweider Patrick Müller LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Philipp Wyss Patrick Müller WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Leon Vollenweider Harald Zikeli LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Daniel Olivier Sutter Yannic Müller WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Anonymous fighter Patrik Baumann LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Nikolas Epp Sandro Kämpf WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Patrick Müller Alexander Fernandez LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Harald Zikeli Paul Hofmann LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Andrea Molino Christian Jakob WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Christoph Stutz Philipp Wyss WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Ferdinand Hutter Marco Müller WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Daniel Olivier Sutter Ferdinand Hutter LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Patrik Baumann Christoph Stutz LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Nikolas Epp Andrea Molino LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Alexander Fernandez Paul Hofmann LOSS WIN
Semifinals Ferdinand Hutter Paul Hofmann WIN LOSS
Semifinals Andrea Molino Christoph Stutz LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match Christoph Stutz Ferdinand Hutter LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Match Paul Hofmann Andrea Molino WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Semifinals Nathalie Strassmann Ann-Sophie Vogel WIN LOSS
Semifinals Saskia Eisenbach Flora von Steimker WIN LOSS
Gold Medal Match Saskia Eisenbach Nathalie Strassmann LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Match Ann-Sophie Vogel Flora von Steimker LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Silke Seyock Nathalie Strassmann LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Saskia Eisenbach Flora von Steimker LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Ann-Sophie Vogel Judith Braun WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Flora von Steimker Silke Seyock WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Nathalie Strassmann Ann-Sophie Vogel WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Judith Braun Saskia Eisenbach LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Ann-Sophie Vogel Silke Seyock WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Judith Braun Flora von Steimker LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Saskia Eisenbach Nathalie Strassmann DRAW DRAW
Pool Set 1 Judith Braun Silke Seyock LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Ann-Sophie Vogel Saskia Eisenbach LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Flora von Steimker Nathalie Strassmann LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Saskia Eisenbach Silke Seyock WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Judith Braun Nathalie Strassmann LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Flora von Steimker Ann-Sophie Vogel WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Bellum Vitudurum 2021

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
23 16 Daniel Olivier Sutter Reisläufer Bern 1753.8 37.4
200 32 Paul Hofmann Saalefechter 1532.6 18.9
264 388 Ferdinand Hutter Säbelrassler 1491 160.5
318 54 Michael Hein Schwabenfedern 1459.5 36.2
426 296 Christoph Stutz Säbelrassler 1409.7 105.9
478 534 Sandro Kämpf Säbelrassler 1391.2 188.5
534 42 Harald Zikeli Schwabenfedern 1369.3 5.5
574 778 Alexander Fernandez Liberi Ensis 1357.7 264.1
579 184 Andrea Molino Compagnia del Corvo Grigio 1355.5 64.4
611 75 Christian Jakob Die Baskerhunde 1342.4 24.7
655 909 Patrik Baumann Die Baskerhunde 1321 286.1
767 54 Patrick Müller Die Baskerhunde 1276 6.9
971 268 Philipp Wyss Gladius et Codex 1201 77.7
1043 40 Nathalie Strassmann Säbelrassler 1179.5 26.9
1053 Nikolas Epp Die Baskerhunde 1174.6
1091 68 Andreas Weiß Schwabenfedern 1157 7.7
1137 222 Stephan Wullschleger Die Baskerhunde 1142 95
1147 Marco Müller Säbelrassler 1138.8
1264 Yannic Müller Gladius et Codex 1103.9
1722 Martin Kämpf Säbelrassler 951.7
1737 Riccardo Kratter Gladius et Codex 945.4
1778 6 Leon Vollenweider Säbelrassler 933.7 26.1
1854 Ann-Sophie Vogel Gladius et Codex 903.6
1887 213 Benedict Häfeli Die Baskerhunde 890.9 54.2
1898 Dominic Frei Säbelrassler 887.1
2018 47 Tony Simion Historische Kampfkunst Luzern 828.2 22.7
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
19 69 Nathalie Strassmann Säbelrassler 1519.7 264.4
64 Flora von Steimker Historisches Schwertfechten Nordhessen 1335.8
74 Saskia Eisenbach Schwabenfedern 1306.5
158 Ann-Sophie Vogel Gladius et Codex 1034.3
178 Silke Seyock Gladius et Codex 930.7
216 Judith Braun Säbelrassler 794.6
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
19 69 Nathalie Strassmann Säbelrassler 1519.7 264.4
64 Flora von Steimker Historisches Schwertfechten Nordhessen 1335.8
74 Saskia Eisenbach Schwabenfedern 1306.5
158 Ann-Sophie Vogel Gladius et Codex 1034.3
178 Silke Seyock Gladius et Codex 930.7
216 Judith Braun Säbelrassler 794.6