Spring Fechten 2023

May 20
United States
Oklahoma City
HEMA Scorecard (results )

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 190 38
Mixed Steel Messer 160 31

Fighters in event

Hattie Whitaker Albuquerque Sword Labs
Christopher Willoughby Arena Weapon Arts
Quinn Swanson Arena Weapon Arts
Martin Colunga Arena Weapon Arts
Kyle Penwright Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts
Brandon Green Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts
Brent Leist Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts
Sam Starrett Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts
Benjamin Grosse-Siestrup Arena Weapon Arts
Timothy Ho Accademia del Leone
Mathias Hight Accademia del Leone
Joseph Thibodaux Albuquerque Sword Labs
Alex Easingwood Arena Weapon Arts
Eli Zev Arena Weapon Arts
Beau Hulgan Arena Weapon Arts
Stephen Heacock Arena Weapon Arts
Jeremy Petersen Arena Weapon Arts
Seneca Savoie Arena Weapon Arts
James Hilty Arena Weapon Arts
Sean O'Connor Arena Weapon Arts
Josh Russell Arena Weapon Arts
Jon Garcia Austin Historical Weapons Guild
Michael Stack Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts
Daniel Saunders Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts
Jim Dan Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts
Kim Sheely Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts
Alyssa Diamond Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts
Zeke Rozell Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts
Alan Beck Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts
Edward Tucker Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts
Micaiah Elliott Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts
Dario Pewett Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts
Clark Simon Dallas School of Historical Fencing
Brandon Phan Dallas School of Historical Fencing
Paige Smith Dallas School of Historical Fencing
Bilal Haroon Dallas School of Historical Fencing
Zaid Haroon Dallas School of Historical Fencing
Josh Saito Dallas School of Historical Fencing
Matt Karmelich House of Blades
Mac Siruta House of Blades
Ryan Hancock Vier Blossen Historical Fencing
Donald McKay Vier Blossen Historical Fencing
Ashley Flowers Vier Blossen Historical Fencing


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
First Round Pools Christopher Willoughby Brandon Phan LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Jon Garcia Ashley Flowers WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Brent Leist Christopher Willoughby WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Ashley Flowers Christopher Willoughby LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Brandon Phan Jon Garcia WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Ashley Flowers Brandon Phan LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Brent Leist Jon Garcia WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Ashley Flowers Brent Leist LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Brent Leist Brandon Phan LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Jon Garcia Christopher Willoughby WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Zaid Haroon Timothy Ho LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Timothy Ho Daniel Saunders WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Jim Dan Timothy Ho LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Zaid Haroon Jim Dan DRAW DRAW
First Round Pools Jim Dan Daniel Saunders WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Zaid Haroon Daniel Saunders LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Mathias Hight Clark Simon LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Paige Smith Dario Pewett LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Mathias Hight Dario Pewett LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Clark Simon Dario Pewett DRAW DRAW
First Round Pools Paige Smith Clark Simon LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Mathias Hight Josh Russell DRAW DRAW
First Round Pools Clark Simon Josh Russell WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Josh Russell Paige Smith WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Dario Pewett Josh Russell WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Mathias Hight Paige Smith DRAW DRAW
First Round Pools Joseph Thibodaux Matt Karmelich LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Kyle Penwright Joseph Thibodaux LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Matt Karmelich Kyle Penwright WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Alex Easingwood Joseph Thibodaux LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Matt Karmelich Alex Easingwood WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Kyle Penwright Alex Easingwood WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Jeremy Petersen Kim Sheely WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Donald McKay Stephen Heacock WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Edward Tucker Stephen Heacock LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Jeremy Petersen Donald McKay DRAW DRAW
First Round Pools Kim Sheely Donald McKay LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Edward Tucker Jeremy Petersen LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Stephen Heacock Jeremy Petersen LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Kim Sheely Edward Tucker LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Donald McKay Edward Tucker WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Kim Sheely Stephen Heacock LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Bilal Haroon James Hilty WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Michael Stack James Hilty WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Bilal Haroon Michael Stack LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Hattie Whitaker James Hilty WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Michael Stack Hattie Whitaker WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Hattie Whitaker Bilal Haroon LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Zeke Rozell Michael Stack WIN LOSS
First Round Pools James Hilty Zeke Rozell LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Zeke Rozell Bilal Haroon WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Hattie Whitaker Zeke Rozell DRAW DRAW
First Round Pools Alyssa Diamond Ryan Hancock LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Beau Hulgan Ryan Hancock WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Josh Saito Alyssa Diamond LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Beau Hulgan Josh Saito DRAW DRAW
First Round Pools Alyssa Diamond Beau Hulgan LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Ryan Hancock Josh Saito DRAW DRAW
First Round Pools Brandon Green Beau Hulgan LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Josh Saito Brandon Green WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Brandon Green Alyssa Diamond WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Ryan Hancock Brandon Green WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Mac Siruta Eli Zev WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Benjamin Grosse-Siestrup Mac Siruta LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Eli Zev Benjamin Grosse-Siestrup LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Quinn Swanson Eli Zev LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Mac Siruta Quinn Swanson WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Quinn Swanson Benjamin Grosse-Siestrup LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Alan Beck Eli Zev WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Benjamin Grosse-Siestrup Alan Beck LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Alan Beck Mac Siruta LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Quinn Swanson Alan Beck DRAW DRAW
Second Round Pools Brandon Phan Alex Easingwood WIN LOSS
Second Round Pools Alex Easingwood Bilal Haroon LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Brandon Phan Bilal Haroon WIN LOSS
Second Round Pools Brent Leist Brandon Phan LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Bilal Haroon Brent Leist WIN LOSS
Second Round Pools Alex Easingwood Brent Leist LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Edward Tucker Ashley Flowers DRAW DRAW
Second Round Pools Quinn Swanson Daniel Saunders WIN LOSS
Second Round Pools Ashley Flowers Daniel Saunders LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Quinn Swanson Edward Tucker WIN LOSS
Second Round Pools Jim Dan Ashley Flowers WIN LOSS
Second Round Pools Edward Tucker Jim Dan DRAW DRAW
Second Round Pools Jim Dan Daniel Saunders LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Quinn Swanson Jim Dan LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Edward Tucker Daniel Saunders DRAW DRAW
Second Round Pools Quinn Swanson Ashley Flowers LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Paige Smith Hattie Whitaker LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Jeremy Petersen Paige Smith DRAW DRAW
Second Round Pools Brandon Green Jeremy Petersen LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Jeremy Petersen Hattie Whitaker DRAW DRAW
Second Round Pools Brandon Green Hattie Whitaker LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Dario Pewett Brandon Green WIN LOSS
Second Round Pools Jeremy Petersen Dario Pewett LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Paige Smith Dario Pewett LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Hattie Whitaker Dario Pewett LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Paige Smith Brandon Green WIN LOSS
Second Round Pools Benjamin Grosse-Siestrup Matt Karmelich LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Josh Saito James Hilty WIN LOSS
Second Round Pools Josh Russell Matt Karmelich LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Benjamin Grosse-Siestrup James Hilty WIN LOSS
Second Round Pools Josh Saito Josh Russell WIN LOSS
Second Round Pools Matt Karmelich Josh Saito DRAW DRAW
Second Round Pools Benjamin Grosse-Siestrup Josh Russell LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Matt Karmelich James Hilty WIN LOSS
Second Round Pools Benjamin Grosse-Siestrup Josh Saito LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Josh Russell James Hilty LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Eli Zev Clark Simon LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Clark Simon Kyle Penwright WIN LOSS
Second Round Pools Eli Zev Kyle Penwright WIN LOSS
Second Round Pools Kim Sheely Kyle Penwright LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Clark Simon Kim Sheely WIN LOSS
Second Round Pools Eli Zev Kim Sheely WIN LOSS
Second Round Pools Timothy Ho Kyle Penwright WIN LOSS
Second Round Pools Eli Zev Timothy Ho LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Clark Simon Timothy Ho DRAW DRAW
Second Round Pools Kim Sheely Timothy Ho LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Donald McKay Jon Garcia DRAW DRAW
Second Round Pools Jon Garcia Joseph Thibodaux LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Donald McKay Joseph Thibodaux LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Zeke Rozell Joseph Thibodaux WIN LOSS
Second Round Pools Donald McKay Zeke Rozell LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Jon Garcia Zeke Rozell LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Mac Siruta Zaid Haroon WIN LOSS
Second Round Pools Zaid Haroon Mathias Hight LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Mac Siruta Mathias Hight WIN LOSS
Second Round Pools Alyssa Diamond Mathias Hight LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Mac Siruta Alyssa Diamond DRAW DRAW
Second Round Pools Alyssa Diamond Zaid Haroon LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Michael Stack Christopher Willoughby WIN LOSS
Second Round Pools Christopher Willoughby Beau Hulgan LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Beau Hulgan Michael Stack DRAW DRAW
Second Round Pools Alan Beck Beau Hulgan LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Michael Stack Alan Beck WIN LOSS
Second Round Pools Christopher Willoughby Alan Beck LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Beau Hulgan Ryan Hancock WIN LOSS
Second Round Pools Christopher Willoughby Ryan Hancock LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Michael Stack Ryan Hancock LOSS WIN
Second Round Pools Ryan Hancock Alan Beck WIN LOSS
Elim Pools Brandon Phan Joseph Thibodaux WIN LOSS
Elim Pools Ryan Hancock Michael Stack LOSS WIN
Elim Pools Brent Leist Brandon Phan LOSS WIN
Elim Pools Ryan Hancock Joseph Thibodaux LOSS WIN
Elim Pools Brent Leist Michael Stack LOSS WIN
Elim Pools Michael Stack Brandon Phan WIN LOSS
Elim Pools Brent Leist Joseph Thibodaux LOSS WIN
Elim Pools Ryan Hancock Brandon Phan LOSS WIN
Elim Pools Joseph Thibodaux Michael Stack LOSS WIN
Elim Pools Brent Leist Ryan Hancock LOSS WIN
Elim Pools Dario Pewett Timothy Ho LOSS WIN
Elim Pools Jeremy Petersen Alan Beck DRAW DRAW
Elim Pools Jim Dan Timothy Ho LOSS WIN
Elim Pools Dario Pewett Alan Beck WIN LOSS
Elim Pools Jim Dan Jeremy Petersen LOSS WIN
Elim Pools Jeremy Petersen Timothy Ho LOSS WIN
Elim Pools Jim Dan Dario Pewett LOSS WIN
Elim Pools Alan Beck Timothy Ho DRAW DRAW
Elim Pools Jeremy Petersen Dario Pewett DRAW DRAW
Elim Pools Jim Dan Alan Beck WIN LOSS
Elim Pools Beau Hulgan Clark Simon WIN LOSS
Elim Pools Mac Siruta Eli Zev WIN LOSS
Elim Pools Clark Simon Donald McKay WIN LOSS
Elim Pools Eli Zev Beau Hulgan LOSS WIN
Elim Pools Donald McKay Mac Siruta WIN LOSS
Elim Pools Mac Siruta Clark Simon DRAW DRAW
Elim Pools Beau Hulgan Donald McKay WIN LOSS
Elim Pools Eli Zev Clark Simon LOSS WIN
Elim Pools Beau Hulgan Mac Siruta WIN LOSS
Elim Pools Eli Zev Donald McKay DRAW DRAW
Final Pool Michael Stack Beau Hulgan WIN LOSS
Final Pool Timothy Ho Zeke Rozell LOSS WIN
Final Pool Brandon Phan Beau Hulgan LOSS WIN
Final Pool Michael Stack Zeke Rozell DRAW DRAW
Final Pool Timothy Ho Brandon Phan LOSS WIN
Final Pool Beau Hulgan Timothy Ho LOSS WIN
Final Pool Michael Stack Brandon Phan WIN LOSS
Final Pool Zeke Rozell Beau Hulgan WIN LOSS
Final Pool Timothy Ho Michael Stack LOSS WIN
Final Pool Brandon Phan Zeke Rozell LOSS WIN
Elim Pools Bilal Haroon Zeke Rozell LOSS WIN
Elim Pools Mathias Hight Matt Karmelich LOSS WIN
Elim Pools Zeke Rozell Josh Saito LOSS WIN
Elim Pools Mathias Hight Bilal Haroon DRAW DRAW
Elim Pools Josh Saito Matt Karmelich WIN LOSS
Elim Pools Zeke Rozell Matt Karmelich WIN LOSS
Elim Pools Bilal Haroon Josh Saito WIN LOSS
Elim Pools Mathias Hight Zeke Rozell LOSS WIN
Elim Pools Matt Karmelich Bilal Haroon WIN LOSS
Elim Pools Mathias Hight Josh Saito LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
First Round Pools Clark Simon Jeremy Petersen WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Ryan Hancock Zeke Rozell LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Jeremy Petersen Kim Sheely WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Clark Simon Zeke Rozell DRAW DRAW
First Round Pools Ryan Hancock Kim Sheely WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Jeremy Petersen Ryan Hancock LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Kim Sheely Clark Simon LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Jeremy Petersen Zeke Rozell LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Ryan Hancock Clark Simon WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Zeke Rozell Kim Sheely WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Brent Leist Donald McKay LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Donald McKay Micaiah Elliott WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Brent Leist Micaiah Elliott LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Micaiah Elliott Josh Russell LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Brent Leist Josh Russell LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Donald McKay Josh Russell DRAW DRAW
First Round Pools Christopher Willoughby Micaiah Elliott LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Donald McKay Christopher Willoughby WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Brent Leist Christopher Willoughby WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Josh Russell Christopher Willoughby WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Joseph Thibodaux Daniel Saunders WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Martin Colunga Daniel Saunders LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Joseph Thibodaux Jim Dan WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Martin Colunga Joseph Thibodaux WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Jim Dan Daniel Saunders LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Martin Colunga Jim Dan WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Joseph Thibodaux James Hilty LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Martin Colunga James Hilty WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Daniel Saunders James Hilty WIN LOSS
First Round Pools James Hilty Jim Dan WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Brandon Phan Alyssa Diamond WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Seneca Savoie Brandon Phan DRAW DRAW
First Round Pools Alyssa Diamond Seneca Savoie LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Quinn Swanson Alyssa Diamond LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Seneca Savoie Quinn Swanson WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Quinn Swanson Brandon Phan LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Alyssa Diamond Sam Starrett LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Sam Starrett Brandon Phan LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Seneca Savoie Sam Starrett WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Quinn Swanson Sam Starrett LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Stephen Heacock Beau Hulgan LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Matt Karmelich Beau Hulgan LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Josh Saito Matt Karmelich WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Stephen Heacock Matt Karmelich WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Josh Saito Stephen Heacock LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Dario Pewett Josh Saito WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Matt Karmelich Dario Pewett LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Beau Hulgan Dario Pewett WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Kyle Penwright Beau Hulgan LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Stephen Heacock Kyle Penwright WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Kyle Penwright Dario Pewett LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Josh Saito Kyle Penwright DRAW DRAW
First Round Pools Sean O'Connor Brandon Green WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Mac Siruta Sean O'Connor DRAW DRAW
First Round Pools Michael Stack Mac Siruta WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Brandon Green Mac Siruta LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Michael Stack Sean O'Connor WIN LOSS
First Round Pools Brandon Green Michael Stack LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Alan Beck Brandon Green DRAW DRAW
First Round Pools Michael Stack Alan Beck DRAW DRAW
First Round Pools Mac Siruta Alan Beck LOSS WIN
First Round Pools Alan Beck Sean O'Connor LOSS WIN
Second Round Pool Brandon Green Beau Hulgan LOSS WIN
Second Round Pool Jeremy Petersen Beau Hulgan LOSS WIN
Second Round Pool Kim Sheely Brandon Green LOSS WIN
Second Round Pool Jeremy Petersen Zeke Rozell LOSS WIN
Second Round Pool Kim Sheely Zeke Rozell LOSS WIN
Second Round Pool Jeremy Petersen Kim Sheely WIN LOSS
Second Round Pool Brandon Green Zeke Rozell LOSS WIN
Second Round Pool Beau Hulgan Zeke Rozell LOSS WIN
Second Round Pool Kim Sheely Beau Hulgan LOSS WIN
Second Round Pool Jeremy Petersen Brandon Green WIN LOSS
Second Round Pool Joseph Thibodaux Brandon Phan WIN LOSS
Second Round Pool Josh Russell Brandon Phan LOSS WIN
Second Round Pool Joseph Thibodaux Josh Russell WIN LOSS
Second Round Pool Micaiah Elliott Joseph Thibodaux LOSS WIN
Second Round Pool Brent Leist Josh Russell LOSS WIN
Second Round Pool Micaiah Elliott Brent Leist LOSS WIN
Second Round Pool Brent Leist Joseph Thibodaux LOSS WIN
Second Round Pool Brandon Phan Micaiah Elliott WIN LOSS
Second Round Pool Josh Russell Micaiah Elliott LOSS WIN
Second Round Pool Brandon Phan Brent Leist WIN LOSS
Second Round Pool Seneca Savoie Stephen Heacock WIN LOSS
Second Round Pool Mac Siruta Seneca Savoie LOSS WIN
Second Round Pool Clark Simon Mac Siruta DRAW DRAW
Second Round Pool Seneca Savoie Clark Simon WIN LOSS
Second Round Pool Stephen Heacock Clark Simon WIN LOSS
Second Round Pool Jim Dan Mac Siruta DRAW DRAW
Second Round Pool Stephen Heacock Jim Dan WIN LOSS
Second Round Pool Seneca Savoie Jim Dan WIN LOSS
Second Round Pool Mac Siruta Daniel Saunders WIN LOSS
Second Round Pool Clark Simon Daniel Saunders WIN LOSS
Second Round Pool Jim Dan Daniel Saunders LOSS WIN
Second Round Pool Stephen Heacock Daniel Saunders WIN LOSS
Second Round Pool Quinn Swanson Donald McKay LOSS WIN
Second Round Pool Matt Karmelich Quinn Swanson DRAW DRAW
Second Round Pool Donald McKay Matt Karmelich WIN LOSS
Second Round Pool Matt Karmelich Alyssa Diamond DRAW DRAW
Second Round Pool Quinn Swanson Alyssa Diamond WIN LOSS
Second Round Pool Donald McKay Alyssa Diamond WIN LOSS
Second Round Pool Ryan Hancock James Hilty LOSS WIN
Second Round Pool James Hilty Sean O'Connor DRAW DRAW
Second Round Pool Ryan Hancock Sean O'Connor WIN LOSS
Second Round Pool Dario Pewett Sean O'Connor WIN LOSS
Second Round Pool Ryan Hancock Dario Pewett LOSS WIN
Second Round Pool Dario Pewett James Hilty WIN LOSS
Second Round Pool Christopher Willoughby Sean O'Connor LOSS WIN
Second Round Pool James Hilty Christopher Willoughby DRAW DRAW
Second Round Pool Christopher Willoughby Ryan Hancock LOSS WIN
Second Round Pool Dario Pewett Christopher Willoughby WIN LOSS
Second Round Pool Josh Saito Michael Stack DRAW DRAW
Second Round Pool Alan Beck Michael Stack LOSS WIN
Second Round Pool Josh Saito Alan Beck WIN LOSS
Second Round Pool Martin Colunga Josh Saito WIN LOSS
Second Round Pool Michael Stack Martin Colunga DRAW DRAW
Second Round Pool Martin Colunga Alan Beck WIN LOSS
Second Round Pool Josh Saito Kyle Penwright WIN LOSS
Second Round Pool Kyle Penwright Alan Beck LOSS WIN
Second Round Pool Michael Stack Kyle Penwright WIN LOSS
Second Round Pool Martin Colunga Kyle Penwright WIN LOSS
Elim Pool Beau Hulgan Michael Stack DRAW DRAW
Elim Pool Josh Russell Dario Pewett LOSS WIN
Elim Pool Beau Hulgan Micaiah Elliott WIN LOSS
Elim Pool Josh Russell Michael Stack LOSS WIN
Elim Pool Dario Pewett Micaiah Elliott LOSS WIN
Elim Pool Beau Hulgan Dario Pewett DRAW DRAW
Elim Pool Micaiah Elliott Michael Stack WIN LOSS
Elim Pool Beau Hulgan Josh Russell WIN LOSS
Elim Pool Dario Pewett Michael Stack WIN LOSS
Elim Pool Josh Russell Micaiah Elliott LOSS WIN
Elim Pool Stephen Heacock Seneca Savoie DRAW DRAW
Elim Pool Zeke Rozell Jeremy Petersen WIN LOSS
Elim Pool Seneca Savoie Joseph Thibodaux LOSS WIN
Elim Pool Jeremy Petersen Stephen Heacock WIN LOSS
Elim Pool Joseph Thibodaux Zeke Rozell LOSS WIN
Elim Pool Seneca Savoie Zeke Rozell WIN LOSS
Elim Pool Stephen Heacock Joseph Thibodaux LOSS WIN
Elim Pool Seneca Savoie Jeremy Petersen WIN LOSS
Elim Pool Zeke Rozell Stephen Heacock WIN LOSS
Elim Pool Joseph Thibodaux Jeremy Petersen WIN LOSS
Elim Pool Ryan Hancock Brandon Phan DRAW DRAW
Elim Pool Clark Simon Donald McKay LOSS WIN
Elim Pool Martin Colunga Brandon Phan LOSS WIN
Elim Pool Ryan Hancock Clark Simon WIN LOSS
Elim Pool Martin Colunga Donald McKay WIN LOSS
Elim Pool Donald McKay Brandon Phan DRAW DRAW
Elim Pool Martin Colunga Ryan Hancock LOSS WIN
Elim Pool Clark Simon Brandon Phan WIN LOSS
Elim Pool Ryan Hancock Donald McKay LOSS WIN
Elim Pool Martin Colunga Clark Simon DRAW DRAW
Final Pool Brandon Phan Donald McKay LOSS WIN
Final Pool Ryan Hancock Zeke Rozell LOSS WIN
Final Pool Donald McKay Micaiah Elliott WIN LOSS
Final Pool Ryan Hancock Brandon Phan DRAW DRAW
Final Pool Zeke Rozell Micaiah Elliott WIN LOSS
Final Pool Donald McKay Zeke Rozell WIN LOSS
Final Pool Micaiah Elliott Brandon Phan DRAW DRAW
Final Pool Donald McKay Ryan Hancock WIN LOSS
Final Pool Zeke Rozell Brandon Phan WIN LOSS
Final Pool Ryan Hancock Micaiah Elliott LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Spring Fechten 2023

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
35 17 Zeke Rozell Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1753.4 36.4
43 20 Michael Stack Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1731.9 35.3
147 33 Brandon Phan Dallas School of Historical Fencing 1608.4 32.7
153 14 Beau Hulgan Arena Weapon Arts 1606.9 22.4
189 54 Timothy Ho Accademia del Leone 1576.5 40.7
234 25 Joseph Thibodaux Albuquerque Sword Labs 1549.5 8.9
267 44 Clark Simon Dallas School of Historical Fencing 1530.8 30.9
364 248 Dario Pewett Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1486.7 102.4
488 98 Alan Beck Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1436.6 32.3
545 913 Ryan Hancock Vier Blossen Historical Fencing 1415.2 249.6
602 194 Josh Saito Dallas School of Historical Fencing 1399.8 68.8
655 276 Matt Karmelich House of Blades 1382.7 88.3
792 7 Donald McKay Vier Blossen Historical Fencing 1345.6 11.2
936 257 Jeremy Petersen Arena Weapon Arts 1310.5 88.1
1005 252 Bilal Haroon Dallas School of Historical Fencing 1286.2 78.4
1026 71 Stephen Heacock Arena Weapon Arts 1279.6 6.7
1197 Hattie Whitaker Albuquerque Sword Labs 1237.8
1233 121 Josh Russell Arena Weapon Arts 1229 14.6
1250 515 Mac Siruta House of Blades 1225.5 129.4
1257 105 Jim Dan Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1224.7 36.8
1568 101 Paige Smith Dallas School of Historical Fencing 1159.1 4.2
1573 28 Mathias Hight Accademia del Leone 1158.1 26.8
1645 Brent Leist Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1142
1707 167 James Hilty Arena Weapon Arts 1127.7 17.3
1781 256 Christopher Willoughby Arena Weapon Arts 1113.6 35.7
1849 401 Daniel Saunders Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1101.5 111.6
1934 196 Zaid Haroon Dallas School of Historical Fencing 1083 19.4
2015 148 Jon Garcia Austin Historical Weapons Guild 1067 60.1
2030 Eli Zev Arena Weapon Arts 1064.9
2064 Benjamin Grosse-Siestrup Arena Weapon Arts 1057.9
2171 85 Edward Tucker Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1036 47.3
2238 Kyle Penwright Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1018.9
2343 129 Ashley Flowers Vier Blossen Historical Fencing 996.1 1.5
2399 19 Alyssa Diamond Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 985 34.2
2519 Quinn Swanson Arena Weapon Arts 958.9
2629 Brandon Green Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 934.4
2639 268 Kim Sheely Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 933.5 29.9
2876 248 Alex Easingwood Arena Weapon Arts 870.5 27.8