Lake E-Fecht 2023

December 1
United States

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword 21 7
Mixed Any Material Rondell Dagger 31 12
Mixed Steel Longsword 145 36
Mixed Steel Messer 121 23

Fighters in event

AJ Trefney
Alex lydum
Amadeus Willard
Connor Stewart
Gabriel Romano
George Bowie
Jacob Faville
Nicole Feldman
Owen Billet
Jeffrey Cole Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Olivia Cleymaet Columbus United Fencing Club
Samuel Ryals Gem City Duelists Society
Auren Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club
Julia Holfelder Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club
Tony Cavalline Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club
Christopher Shelton Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club
Brandon D'Arcy Nickel City Longsword Academy
Geoff Lehman Nickel City Longsword Academy
Timothy Finucane Nickel City Longsword Academy
Richard Brautman Nickel City Longsword Academy
Kristopher Newtown Nickel City Longsword Academy
Andrew Wang Nickel City Longsword Academy
Keenan McLean Rochester Historical Fencing
Jaimi McLean Rochester Historical Fencing
Veran Stanek Rochester Institute of Technology HEMA club
Branden Zipplinger Royal Arts Fencing Academy
Kevin Brough Steel City Historical Fencing
Rhys Grayson Steel City Historical Fencing
Wesley Halstead Steel City Historical Fencing
Joseph Pugnetti Steel City Historical Fencing
Mary McConnell Steel City Historical Fencing
Kenneth Martin Steelhead Western Martial Arts
Robert Wilson Steelhead Western Martial Arts
Daniel Marvin Steelhead Western Martial Arts
Drew Lackovic Steelhead Western Martial Arts
Kai-Uwe Konrad Steelhead Western Martial Arts
Brian Thiessen Steelhead Western Martial Arts
Dale Winchell Steelhead Western Martial Arts
David Twitchell Steelhead Western Martial Arts
Kyle Chap Steelhead Western Martial Arts
Lacey Eck Two Ravens Fencing School
David Socha Two Ravens Fencing School
Colin McConnell Two Ravens Fencing School
Amanda Webber Two Ravens Fencing School


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Julia Holfelder Jaimi McLean WIN LOSS
Pool Veran Stanek Amanda Webber LOSS WIN
Pool Nicole Feldman Auren LOSS WIN
Pool Jaimi McLean Anonymous fighter LOSS WIN
Pool Amanda Webber Julia Holfelder LOSS WIN
Pool Veran Stanek Nicole Feldman WIN LOSS
Pool Anonymous fighter Auren WIN LOSS
Pool Jaimi McLean Amanda Webber LOSS WIN
Pool Nicole Feldman Julia Holfelder LOSS WIN
Pool Veran Stanek Auren WIN LOSS
Pool Amanda Webber Anonymous fighter LOSS WIN
Pool Nicole Feldman Jaimi McLean LOSS WIN
Pool Auren Julia Holfelder LOSS WIN
Pool Veran Stanek Anonymous fighter LOSS WIN
Pool Amanda Webber Nicole Feldman WIN LOSS
Pool Auren Jaimi McLean LOSS WIN
Pool Veran Stanek Julia Holfelder LOSS WIN
Pool Nicole Feldman Anonymous fighter LOSS WIN
Pool Amanda Webber Auren WIN LOSS
Pool Veran Stanek Jaimi McLean LOSS WIN
Pool Anonymous fighter Julia Holfelder WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Nicole Feldman Olivia Cleymaet LOSS WIN
Pool Lacey Eck Olivia Cleymaet WIN LOSS
Pool Kai-Uwe Konrad Nicole Feldman LOSS WIN
Pool Olivia Cleymaet Kai-Uwe Konrad WIN LOSS
Pool Drew Lackovic Nicole Feldman LOSS WIN
Pool Lacey Eck Kai-Uwe Konrad WIN LOSS
Pool Olivia Cleymaet Drew Lackovic LOSS WIN
Pool Kai-Uwe Konrad Drew Lackovic LOSS WIN
Pool Lacey Eck Drew Lackovic WIN LOSS
Pool Nicole Feldman Lacey Eck LOSS WIN
Pool Keenan McLean Daniel Marvin WIN LOSS
Pool Andrew Wang Colin McConnell WIN LOSS
Pool Robert Wilson Kenneth Martin WIN LOSS
Pool Samuel Ryals Keenan McLean WIN LOSS
Pool Daniel Marvin Colin McConnell LOSS WIN
Pool Kenneth Martin Andrew Wang LOSS WIN
Pool Robert Wilson Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Pool Colin McConnell Keenan McLean WIN LOSS
Pool Daniel Marvin Kenneth Martin WIN LOSS
Pool Robert Wilson Andrew Wang LOSS WIN
Pool Colin McConnell Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Pool Keenan McLean Kenneth Martin WIN LOSS
Pool Daniel Marvin Robert Wilson LOSS WIN
Pool Samuel Ryals Andrew Wang WIN LOSS
Pool Kenneth Martin Colin McConnell LOSS WIN
Pool Keenan McLean Robert Wilson WIN LOSS
Pool Daniel Marvin Andrew Wang LOSS WIN
Pool Samuel Ryals Kenneth Martin WIN LOSS
Pool Robert Wilson Colin McConnell WIN LOSS
Pool Andrew Wang Keenan McLean LOSS WIN
Pool Samuel Ryals Daniel Marvin WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Tony Cavalline Keenan McLean WIN LOSS
Pool Daniel Marvin Wesley Halstead LOSS WIN
Pool Joseph Pugnetti Nicole Feldman WIN LOSS
Pool Olivia Cleymaet Keenan McLean WIN LOSS
Pool Wesley Halstead Tony Cavalline WIN LOSS
Pool Daniel Marvin Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Pool Amanda Webber Nicole Feldman WIN LOSS
Pool Olivia Cleymaet Wesley Halstead LOSS WIN
Pool Tony Cavalline Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Pool Wesley Halstead Keenan McLean WIN LOSS
Pool Olivia Cleymaet Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Pool Tony Cavalline Amanda Webber LOSS WIN
Pool Daniel Marvin Nicole Feldman WIN LOSS
Pool Joseph Pugnetti Keenan McLean WIN LOSS
Pool Olivia Cleymaet Amanda Webber WIN LOSS
Pool Tony Cavalline Nicole Feldman WIN LOSS
Pool Wesley Halstead Joseph Pugnetti LOSS WIN
Pool Keenan McLean Amanda Webber WIN LOSS
Pool Daniel Marvin Tony Cavalline LOSS WIN
Pool Wesley Halstead Amanda Webber WIN LOSS
Pool Nicole Feldman Keenan McLean LOSS WIN
Pool Olivia Cleymaet Daniel Marvin LOSS WIN
Pool Joseph Pugnetti Amanda Webber WIN LOSS
Pool Nicole Feldman Wesley Halstead LOSS WIN
Pool Keenan McLean Daniel Marvin LOSS WIN
Pool Olivia Cleymaet Tony Cavalline WIN LOSS
Pool Amanda Webber Daniel Marvin WIN LOSS
Pool Olivia Cleymaet Nicole Feldman WIN LOSS
Pool George Bowie Amadeus Willard WIN LOSS
Pool Kenneth Martin Kai-Uwe Konrad WIN LOSS
Pool Lacey Eck Mary McConnell LOSS WIN
Pool Kristopher Newtown Kevin Brough LOSS WIN
Pool Veran Stanek Amadeus Willard LOSS WIN
Pool Kenneth Martin George Bowie LOSS WIN
Pool Kai-Uwe Konrad Lacey Eck LOSS WIN
Pool Mary McConnell Kristopher Newtown WIN LOSS
Pool Veran Stanek Kevin Brough LOSS WIN
Pool Kenneth Martin Amadeus Willard WIN LOSS
Pool George Bowie Lacey Eck WIN LOSS
Pool Kristopher Newtown Kai-Uwe Konrad WIN LOSS
Pool Amadeus Willard Kevin Brough LOSS WIN
Pool Kenneth Martin Lacey Eck LOSS WIN
Pool George Bowie Kristopher Newtown LOSS WIN
Pool Veran Stanek Kai-Uwe Konrad WIN LOSS
Pool Kevin Brough Mary McConnell LOSS WIN
Pool Amadeus Willard Lacey Eck LOSS WIN
Pool Kristopher Newtown Kenneth Martin WIN LOSS
Pool Veran Stanek George Bowie LOSS WIN
Pool Kevin Brough Kai-Uwe Konrad WIN LOSS
Pool Amadeus Willard Mary McConnell LOSS WIN
Pool Lacey Eck Kristopher Newtown WIN LOSS
Pool Veran Stanek Kenneth Martin LOSS WIN
Pool Mary McConnell Kai-Uwe Konrad WIN LOSS
Pool Amadeus Willard Kristopher Newtown LOSS WIN
Pool Lacey Eck Veran Stanek WIN LOSS
Pool Kenneth Martin Kevin Brough LOSS WIN
Pool George Bowie Mary McConnell LOSS WIN
Pool Kai-Uwe Konrad Amadeus Willard WIN LOSS
Pool Kristopher Newtown Veran Stanek WIN LOSS
Pool Lacey Eck Kevin Brough LOSS WIN
Pool Kenneth Martin Mary McConnell LOSS WIN
Pool George Bowie Kai-Uwe Konrad LOSS WIN
Pool Mary McConnell Veran Stanek WIN LOSS
Pool George Bowie Kevin Brough LOSS WIN
Pool Drew Lackovic Connor Stewart LOSS WIN
Pool Colin McConnell Kyle Chap WIN LOSS
Pool Owen Billet Geoff Lehman LOSS WIN
Pool Samuel Ryals Jeffrey Cole WIN LOSS
Pool David Socha Connor Stewart WIN LOSS
Pool Kyle Chap Drew Lackovic LOSS WIN
Pool Geoff Lehman Colin McConnell LOSS WIN
Pool Owen Billet Jeffrey Cole WIN LOSS
Pool David Socha Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Pool Connor Stewart Kyle Chap WIN LOSS
Pool Geoff Lehman Drew Lackovic WIN LOSS
Pool Colin McConnell Jeffrey Cole WIN LOSS
Pool Connor Stewart Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Pool Geoff Lehman Kyle Chap WIN LOSS
Pool Drew Lackovic Jeffrey Cole LOSS WIN
Pool Colin McConnell David Socha WIN LOSS
Pool Owen Billet Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Pool Connor Stewart Geoff Lehman LOSS WIN
Pool Jeffrey Cole Kyle Chap LOSS WIN
Pool David Socha Drew Lackovic WIN LOSS
Pool Colin McConnell Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Pool Owen Billet Connor Stewart LOSS WIN
Pool Geoff Lehman Jeffrey Cole LOSS WIN
Pool David Socha Kyle Chap WIN LOSS
Pool Owen Billet Colin McConnell LOSS WIN
Pool Connor Stewart Jeffrey Cole WIN LOSS
Pool Geoff Lehman David Socha WIN LOSS
Pool Kyle Chap Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Pool Owen Billet Drew Lackovic LOSS WIN
Pool Colin McConnell Connor Stewart WIN LOSS
Pool David Socha Jeffrey Cole WIN LOSS
Pool Samuel Ryals Geoff Lehman WIN LOSS
Pool Owen Billet Kyle Chap WIN LOSS
Pool Colin McConnell Drew Lackovic WIN LOSS
Pool Owen Billet David Socha LOSS WIN
Pool Samuel Ryals Drew Lackovic WIN LOSS
Pool Alex lydum Branden Zipplinger WIN LOSS
Pool Rhys Grayson Jacob Faville WIN LOSS
Pool Dale Winchell Jaimi McLean LOSS WIN
Pool Gabriel Romano Andrew Wang LOSS WIN
Pool Christopher Shelton Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Pool Brian Thiessen Rhys Grayson LOSS WIN
Pool Alex lydum Dale Winchell WIN LOSS
Pool Jacob Faville Gabriel Romano LOSS WIN
Pool Jaimi McLean Christopher Shelton WIN LOSS
Pool Andrew Wang Brian Thiessen WIN LOSS
Pool Branden Zipplinger Dale Winchell WIN LOSS
Pool Gabriel Romano Rhys Grayson LOSS WIN
Pool Jaimi McLean Alex lydum LOSS WIN
Pool Andrew Wang Jacob Faville LOSS WIN
Pool Christopher Shelton Dale Winchell WIN LOSS
Pool Gabriel Romano Brian Thiessen LOSS WIN
Pool Jaimi McLean Branden Zipplinger LOSS WIN
Pool Andrew Wang Rhys Grayson WIN LOSS
Pool Christopher Shelton Alex lydum LOSS WIN
Pool Brian Thiessen Jacob Faville LOSS WIN
Pool Gabriel Romano Dale Winchell WIN LOSS
Pool Branden Zipplinger Rhys Grayson WIN LOSS
Pool Andrew Wang Jaimi McLean LOSS WIN
Pool Christopher Shelton Brian Thiessen WIN LOSS
Pool Alex lydum Jacob Faville WIN LOSS
Pool Rhys Grayson Dale Winchell WIN LOSS
Pool Gabriel Romano Jaimi McLean WIN LOSS
Pool Branden Zipplinger Brian Thiessen WIN LOSS
Pool Alex lydum Andrew Wang WIN LOSS
Pool Christopher Shelton Jacob Faville WIN LOSS
Pool Rhys Grayson Jaimi McLean WIN LOSS
Pool Dale Winchell Brian Thiessen LOSS WIN
Pool Gabriel Romano Alex lydum LOSS WIN
Pool Branden Zipplinger Jacob Faville WIN LOSS
Pool Andrew Wang Christopher Shelton LOSS WIN
Pool Jaimi McLean Brian Thiessen LOSS WIN
Pool Alex lydum Rhys Grayson LOSS WIN
Pool Dale Winchell Jacob Faville LOSS WIN
Pool Christopher Shelton Gabriel Romano WIN LOSS
Pool Andrew Wang Branden Zipplinger WIN LOSS
Pool Alex lydum Brian Thiessen WIN LOSS
Pool Jaimi McLean Jacob Faville LOSS WIN
Pool Rhys Grayson Christopher Shelton LOSS WIN
Pool Andrew Wang Dale Winchell WIN LOSS
Pool Branden Zipplinger Gabriel Romano WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Drew Lackovic Julia Holfelder LOSS WIN
Pool Olivia Cleymaet Nicole Feldman WIN LOSS
Pool Samuel Ryals Kristopher Newtown WIN LOSS
Pool David Twitchell Connor Stewart LOSS WIN
Pool Drew Lackovic Andrew Wang LOSS WIN
Pool Kristopher Newtown Dale Winchell WIN LOSS
Pool David Twitchell Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Pool Julia Holfelder Andrew Wang WIN LOSS
Pool Dale Winchell Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Pool Anonymous fighter Connor Stewart LOSS WIN
Pool Drew Lackovic Kristopher Newtown LOSS WIN
Pool Olivia Cleymaet David Twitchell WIN LOSS
Pool Samuel Ryals Julia Holfelder WIN LOSS
Pool Nicole Feldman Connor Stewart LOSS WIN
Pool Kristopher Newtown Andrew Wang WIN LOSS
Pool Dale Winchell Julia Holfelder LOSS WIN
Pool Anonymous fighter Nicole Feldman WIN LOSS
Pool Drew Lackovic Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Pool Olivia Cleymaet Connor Stewart LOSS WIN
Pool Dale Winchell Andrew Wang LOSS WIN
Pool Kristopher Newtown Julia Holfelder LOSS WIN
Pool David Twitchell Nicole Feldman WIN LOSS
Pool Samuel Ryals Andrew Wang WIN LOSS
Pool Drew Lackovic Dale Winchell WIN LOSS
Pool Anonymous fighter Olivia Cleymaet WIN LOSS
Pool Nicole Feldman Julia Holfelder LOSS WIN
Pool Samuel Ryals Connor Stewart WIN LOSS
Pool Drew Lackovic Olivia Cleymaet WIN LOSS
Pool Kristopher Newtown David Twitchell LOSS WIN
Pool Dale Winchell Anonymous fighter LOSS WIN
Pool Olivia Cleymaet Julia Holfelder WIN LOSS
Pool Connor Stewart Andrew Wang LOSS WIN
Pool Samuel Ryals David Twitchell WIN LOSS
Pool Anonymous fighter Kristopher Newtown WIN LOSS
Pool Nicole Feldman Dale Winchell LOSS WIN
Pool Connor Stewart Drew Lackovic LOSS WIN
Pool Andrew Wang David Twitchell LOSS WIN
Pool Samuel Ryals Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Pool Nicole Feldman Kristopher Newtown LOSS WIN
Pool Olivia Cleymaet Dale Winchell WIN LOSS
Pool Connor Stewart Julia Holfelder LOSS WIN
Pool David Twitchell Drew Lackovic LOSS WIN
Pool Anonymous fighter Andrew Wang WIN LOSS
Pool Nicole Feldman Samuel Ryals LOSS WIN
Pool Olivia Cleymaet Kristopher Newtown WIN LOSS
Pool David Twitchell Julia Holfelder LOSS WIN
Pool Anonymous fighter Drew Lackovic WIN LOSS
Pool Andrew Wang Nicole Feldman WIN LOSS
Pool Samuel Ryals Olivia Cleymaet WIN LOSS
Pool Connor Stewart Dale Winchell WIN LOSS
Pool Julia Holfelder Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Pool Drew Lackovic Nicole Feldman WIN LOSS
Pool Olivia Cleymaet Andrew Wang WIN LOSS
Pool Connor Stewart Kristopher Newtown LOSS WIN
Pool Dale Winchell David Twitchell WIN LOSS
Pool AJ Trefney Richard Brautman LOSS WIN
Pool Daniel Marvin Robert Wilson LOSS WIN
Pool Kenneth Martin Kyle Chap WIN LOSS
Pool Brian Thiessen Timothy Finucane LOSS WIN
Pool Veran Stanek AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Pool Robert Wilson Kai-Uwe Konrad WIN LOSS
Pool Kyle Chap Auren WIN LOSS
Pool Brandon D'Arcy Brian Thiessen WIN LOSS
Pool Veran Stanek Richard Brautman LOSS WIN
Pool Daniel Marvin Kai-Uwe Konrad WIN LOSS
Pool Auren Kenneth Martin WIN LOSS
Pool Timothy Finucane Brandon D'Arcy LOSS WIN
Pool Kyle Chap AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Pool Robert Wilson Brian Thiessen WIN LOSS
Pool Richard Brautman Kenneth Martin WIN LOSS
Pool Daniel Marvin Timothy Finucane WIN LOSS
Pool Kyle Chap Veran Stanek WIN LOSS
Pool Brian Thiessen Kai-Uwe Konrad LOSS WIN
Pool Richard Brautman Auren WIN LOSS
Pool Daniel Marvin Brandon D'Arcy LOSS WIN
Pool Kenneth Martin AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Pool Robert Wilson Timothy Finucane LOSS WIN
Pool Veran Stanek Auren LOSS WIN
Pool Brandon D'Arcy Kai-Uwe Konrad LOSS WIN
Pool Kyle Chap Richard Brautman LOSS WIN
Pool Brian Thiessen Daniel Marvin LOSS WIN
Pool Veran Stanek Kenneth Martin LOSS WIN
Pool Timothy Finucane Kai-Uwe Konrad LOSS WIN
Pool AJ Trefney Auren WIN LOSS
Pool Robert Wilson Brandon D'Arcy LOSS WIN
Pool Daniel Marvin Richard Brautman LOSS WIN
Pool Veran Stanek Kai-Uwe Konrad LOSS WIN
Pool Timothy Finucane Kenneth Martin LOSS WIN
Pool Robert Wilson AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Pool Kyle Chap Brian Thiessen LOSS WIN
Pool Brandon D'Arcy Auren WIN LOSS
Pool Robert Wilson Richard Brautman WIN LOSS
Pool Kai-Uwe Konrad AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Pool Timothy Finucane Veran Stanek WIN LOSS
Pool Kenneth Martin Brian Thiessen WIN LOSS
Pool Kyle Chap Brandon D'Arcy LOSS WIN
Pool Auren Daniel Marvin LOSS WIN
Pool Kai-Uwe Konrad Richard Brautman LOSS WIN
Pool AJ Trefney Timothy Finucane WIN LOSS
Pool Veran Stanek Brian Thiessen WIN LOSS
Pool Kenneth Martin Brandon D'Arcy LOSS WIN
Pool Kyle Chap Daniel Marvin LOSS WIN
Pool Robert Wilson Auren LOSS WIN
Pool Timothy Finucane Richard Brautman LOSS WIN
Pool Brian Thiessen AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Pool Veran Stanek Brandon D'Arcy LOSS WIN
Pool Kenneth Martin Daniel Marvin WIN LOSS
Pool Kyle Chap Robert Wilson WIN LOSS
Pool Auren Kai-Uwe Konrad LOSS WIN
Pool Richard Brautman Brian Thiessen WIN LOSS
Pool AJ Trefney Brandon D'Arcy WIN LOSS
Pool Veran Stanek Daniel Marvin LOSS WIN
Pool Robert Wilson Kenneth Martin WIN LOSS
Pool Kyle Chap Kai-Uwe Konrad LOSS WIN
Pool Timothy Finucane Auren LOSS WIN
Pool Richard Brautman Brandon D'Arcy WIN LOSS
Pool Daniel Marvin AJ Trefney LOSS WIN
Pool Robert Wilson Veran Stanek WIN LOSS
Pool Kai-Uwe Konrad Kenneth Martin LOSS WIN
Pool Timothy Finucane Kyle Chap LOSS WIN
Pool Brian Thiessen Auren WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Lake E-Fecht 2023

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
60 10 Joseph Pugnetti Steel City Historical Fencing 1718 9.8
85 10 Branden Zipplinger Royal Arts Fencing Academy 1689.6 7.9
93 19 Samuel Ryals Gem City Duelists Society 1683.4 23.1
178 41 Colin McConnell Two Ravens Fencing School 1600 21.6
191 4 Christopher Shelton Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 1591.3
220 Alex lydum N/A 1577.3
343 83 Wesley Halstead Steel City Historical Fencing 1520.9 33.2
473 71 Rhys Grayson Steel City Historical Fencing 1475.4 23.4
571 64 Kevin Brough Steel City Historical Fencing 1443.3 21.3
595 84 David Socha Two Ravens Fencing School 1436.1 26.7
684 130 Geoff Lehman Nickel City Longsword Academy 1407.9 31.3
907 30 Lacey Eck Two Ravens Fencing School 1353.7 7.8
1015 113 Tony Cavalline Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 1327.2 27.5
1045 Andrew Wang Nickel City Longsword Academy 1322.6
1230 949 Mary McConnell Steel City Historical Fencing 1284 171.9
1489 223 Jaimi McLean Rochester Historical Fencing 1232.1 38.4
1580 Connor Stewart N/A 1215.3
1584 404 Kristopher Newtown Nickel City Longsword Academy 1214.6 68
1613 Jacob Faville N/A 1209.8
2052 Gabriel Romano N/A 1135.6
2053 Brian Thiessen Steelhead Western Martial Arts 1135.6
2126 George Bowie N/A 1120.6
2412 61 Keenan McLean Rochester Historical Fencing 1075.9 6.1
2508 Daniel Marvin Steelhead Western Martial Arts 1059.4
2523 Owen Billet N/A 1057.1
2530 276 Kenneth Martin Steelhead Western Martial Arts 1056 52
2573 330 Amanda Webber Two Ravens Fencing School 1049.7 63.4
2666 639 Jeffrey Cole Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1034.1 125.1
2675 Drew Lackovic Steelhead Western Martial Arts 1031.8
2778 968 Olivia Cleymaet Columbus United Fencing Club 1011.9 206.3
2959 Kyle Chap Steelhead Western Martial Arts 978.1
3336 Kai-Uwe Konrad Steelhead Western Martial Arts 907.3
3454 Dale Winchell Steelhead Western Martial Arts 882.1
3663 Amadeus Willard N/A 833
3664 Veran Stanek Rochester Institute of Technology HEMA club 833
3971 Nicole Feldman N/A 721.6