Pilsen Hau - Christmas tournament 2024

Date December 14, 2024
Country Czech Republic
City Plzen

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Single Rapier 66 12
Mixed Synthetic Flail and Buckler 28 8

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Lukáš Kubík Petr Weber LOSS WIN
Pool Jindrich Pekarek Lukáš Kubík WIN LOSS
Pool Lukáš Kubík Zdeněk Brýdl LOSS WIN
Pool Matěj Veselý Lukáš Kubík WIN LOSS
Pool Michal Mádl Lukáš Kubík LOSS WIN
Pool Michal Žebro Lukáš Kubík LOSS WIN
Pool Bohumil Visinger Lukáš Kubík LOSS WIN
Pool Václav Pekárek Lukáš Kubík LOSS WIN
Pool Lukáš Kubík Zdeněk Koutecky LOSS WIN
Pool Tomas Petrtyl Lukáš Kubík LOSS WIN
Pool Lukáš Kubík Ondřej O’Neill LOSS WIN
Pool Petr Weber Jindrich Pekarek LOSS WIN
Pool Zdeněk Brýdl Petr Weber WIN LOSS
Pool Matěj Veselý Petr Weber LOSS WIN
Pool Petr Weber Michal Mádl WIN LOSS
Pool Michal Žebro Petr Weber LOSS WIN
Pool Petr Weber Bohumil Visinger WIN LOSS
Pool Václav Pekárek Petr Weber WIN LOSS
Pool Zdeněk Koutecky Petr Weber WIN LOSS
Pool Tomas Petrtyl Petr Weber LOSS WIN
Pool Ondřej O’Neill Petr Weber WIN LOSS
Pool Zdeněk Brýdl Jindrich Pekarek WIN LOSS
Pool Matěj Veselý Jindrich Pekarek LOSS WIN
Pool Michal Mádl Jindrich Pekarek LOSS WIN
Pool Jindrich Pekarek Michal Žebro WIN LOSS
Pool Bohumil Visinger Jindrich Pekarek LOSS WIN
Pool Václav Pekárek Jindrich Pekarek LOSS WIN
Pool Zdeněk Koutecky Jindrich Pekarek WIN LOSS
Pool Tomas Petrtyl Jindrich Pekarek LOSS WIN
Pool Ondřej O’Neill Jindrich Pekarek WIN LOSS
Pool Zdeněk Brýdl Matěj Veselý WIN LOSS
Pool Michal Mádl Zdeněk Brýdl LOSS WIN
Pool Zdeněk Brýdl Michal Žebro WIN LOSS
Pool Bohumil Visinger Zdeněk Brýdl LOSS WIN
Pool Václav Pekárek Zdeněk Brýdl LOSS WIN
Pool Zdeněk Koutecky Zdeněk Brýdl LOSS WIN
Pool Zdeněk Brýdl Tomas Petrtyl WIN LOSS
Pool Ondřej O’Neill Zdeněk Brýdl LOSS WIN
Pool Matěj Veselý Michal Mádl LOSS WIN
Pool Michal Žebro Matěj Veselý LOSS WIN
Pool Bohumil Visinger Matěj Veselý LOSS WIN
Pool Václav Pekárek Matěj Veselý WIN LOSS
Pool Matěj Veselý Zdeněk Koutecky LOSS WIN
Pool Tomas Petrtyl Matěj Veselý LOSS WIN
Pool Matěj Veselý Ondřej O’Neill LOSS WIN
Pool Michal Mádl Michal Žebro WIN LOSS
Pool Bohumil Visinger Michal Mádl LOSS WIN
Pool Václav Pekárek Michal Mádl LOSS WIN
Pool Michal Mádl Zdeněk Koutecky LOSS WIN
Pool Tomas Petrtyl Michal Mádl LOSS WIN
Pool Michal Mádl Ondřej O’Neill LOSS WIN
Pool Bohumil Visinger Michal Žebro LOSS WIN
Pool Václav Pekárek Michal Žebro LOSS WIN
Pool Michal Žebro Zdeněk Koutecky LOSS WIN
Pool Tomas Petrtyl Michal Žebro WIN LOSS
Pool Michal Žebro Ondřej O’Neill LOSS WIN
Pool Václav Pekárek Bohumil Visinger WIN LOSS
Pool Bohumil Visinger Zdeněk Koutecky LOSS WIN
Pool Tomas Petrtyl Bohumil Visinger WIN LOSS
Pool Bohumil Visinger Ondřej O’Neill LOSS WIN
Pool Václav Pekárek Zdeněk Koutecky LOSS WIN
Pool Tomas Petrtyl Václav Pekárek WIN LOSS
Pool Ondřej O’Neill Václav Pekárek LOSS WIN
Pool Tomas Petrtyl Zdeněk Koutecky LOSS WIN
Pool Ondřej O’Neill Zdeněk Koutecky LOSS WIN
Pool Tomas Petrtyl Ondřej O’Neill LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Pilsen Hau - Christmas tournament 2024

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
25 57 Zdeněk Brýdl Brněnští Fechteři 1715.5 139
74 Zdeněk Koutecky KEBU Plzeň 1603.8
155 198 Jindrich Pekarek KEBU Plzeň 1495.5 169.2
189 Ondřej O’Neill KEBU Plzeň 1451.1
357 Lukáš Kubík Rapír klub Praha 1328.1 3.7
418 Petr Weber KEBU Plzeň 1296.5
527 255 Michal Mádl Rapír klub Praha 1241.3 142.7
710 Matěj Veselý KEBU Plzeň 1141.2
757 63 Tomas Petrtyl KEBU Plzeň 1117.9 42.3
866 346 Václav Pekárek KEBU Plzeň 1061.3 223.2
1019 Michal Žebro KEBU Plzeň 982.5
1248 Bohumil Visinger KEBU Plzeň 829.8