Charlélie Berthaut

AMHE Paris


Category Rank (current) Weighted Rating (current) Rank (best) Weighted Rating (best)
Longsword (Mixed & Men's, Steel) Inactive 1158.3 169 (November 2014) 1239.7 (February 2018)


Mixed Steel Longsword 27 11 16 0 0

Full rating histories

Missing sections mean that the fighter was inactive, I.E. had not competed in 24 months or more.

The fighter's last active period was in January 2020

Match results

Longsword (Mixed & Men's, Steel)

DivisionEventStageOpponentOutcomeWin chance
Mixed Steel Longsword VXT 2018 - Clermont-Ferrand (February 2018) Pool 3 Rémi Hardy WIN 47%
Mixed Steel Longsword VXT 2018 - Clermont-Ferrand (February 2018) Pool 3 Matthieu Dutheil LOSS 40%
Mixed Steel Longsword VXT 2018 - Clermont-Ferrand (February 2018) Pool 3 Alexia Detraz WIN 66%
Mixed Steel Longsword VXT 2018 - Clermont-Ferrand (February 2018) Pool 3 Lutz Horvath LOSS 50%
Mixed Steel Longsword VXT 2018 - Clermont-Ferrand (February 2018) Pool 3 Benjamin Pascal WIN 47%
Mixed Steel Longsword VXT 2018 - Clermont-Ferrand (February 2018) Sixteenthfinal 13 Jérôme Guillaumet LOSS 36%
Mixed Steel Longsword Tyrnhaw 2017 (October 2017) Jan Šulák LOSS 23%
Mixed Steel Longsword Tyrnhaw 2017 (October 2017) Aleksander Dynarek WIN 54%
Mixed Steel Longsword Tyrnhaw 2017 (October 2017) Oldřich Talanda LOSS 39%
Mixed Steel Longsword Tyrnhaw 2017 (October 2017) Roman Vráblik LOSS 59%
Mixed Steel Longsword Tyrnhaw 2017 (October 2017) Péter Faragó WIN 36%
Mixed Steel Longsword Tyrnhaw 2017 (October 2017) Ivan Martos LOSS 63%
Mixed Steel Longsword Paris HEMA Open 2016 (June 2016) Guillaume Laisney LOSS 47%
Mixed Steel Longsword Paris HEMA Open 2016 (June 2016) Matthieu Mosset-Coelho Teixeira WIN 28%
Mixed Steel Longsword Paris HEMA Open 2016 (June 2016) Olivier Dolbeau WIN 47%
Mixed Steel Longsword Paris HEMA Open 2016 (June 2016) Guillaume Laisney LOSS 47%
Mixed Steel Longsword Paris HEMA Open 2016 (June 2016) Olivier Dolbeau WIN 47%
Mixed Steel Longsword Paris HEMA Open 2016 (June 2016) Matthieu Mosset-Coelho Teixeira LOSS 28%
Mixed Steel Longsword Paris HEMA Open 2016 (June 2016) Peregrijn van den Berg LOSS 41%
Mixed Steel Longsword Paris HEMA Open 2015 (June 2015) Pascal Theriault WIN 47%
Mixed Steel Longsword Paris HEMA Open 2015 (June 2015) Christophe Barbagallo LOSS 60%
Mixed Steel Longsword Paris HEMA Open 2015 (June 2015) Pierre Gauthier LOSS 47%
Mixed Steel Longsword Paris HEMA Open 2015 (June 2015) Christian Schmitt WIN 47%
Mixed Steel Longsword Swordfish 2014 (October 2014) Emil Busk Andersen WIN 52%
Mixed Steel Longsword Swordfish 2014 (October 2014) Kalle Kylmänen LOSS 44%
Mixed Steel Longsword Swordfish 2014 (October 2014) Oskar ter Mors LOSS 50%
Mixed Steel Longsword Swordfish 2014 (October 2014) Hans Jörnlind LOSS 37%