Paul Abrams

Tosetti Institute of MMA and Fitness


Category Rank (current) Weighted Rating (current) Rank (best) Weighted Rating (best)
Longsword (Mixed & Men's, Steel) Inactive 1318.9 197 (November 2015) 1398.1 (March 2017)


Mixed Steel Longsword 20 12 7 0 1

Full rating histories

Missing sections mean that the fighter was inactive, I.E. had not competed in 24 months or more.

The fighter's last active period was in February 2019

Match results

Longsword (Mixed & Men's, Steel)

DivisionEventStageOpponentOutcomeWin chance
Mixed Steel Longsword 3rd Annual Tosetti Institute HEMA Tournament (March 2017) John Ruiz WIN 48%
Mixed Steel Longsword 3rd Annual Tosetti Institute HEMA Tournament (March 2017) Arthur Henry WIN 48%
Mixed Steel Longsword 3rd Annual Tosetti Institute HEMA Tournament (March 2017) Ted Elsner WIN 31%
Mixed Steel Longsword 3rd Annual Tosetti Institute HEMA Tournament (March 2017) Serafin Kulp WIN 28%
Mixed Steel Longsword 3rd Annual Tosetti Institute HEMA Tournament (March 2017) Christopher Yang LOSS 52%
Mixed Steel Longsword 3rd Annual Tosetti Institute HEMA Tournament (March 2017) Michael Huang WIN 41%
Mixed Steel Longsword DEMAS Long Sword Tournament 2017 (January 2017) Serafin Kulp DOUBLE LOSS 53%
Mixed Steel Longsword DEMAS Long Sword Tournament 2017 (January 2017) Tracy Mellow LOSS 62%
Mixed Steel Longsword DEMAS Long Sword Tournament 2017 (January 2017) Ramon Santos LOSS 64%
Mixed Steel Longsword DEMAS Long Sword Tournament 2017 (January 2017) Ian McLean LOSS 53%
Mixed Steel Longsword DEMAS Long Sword Tournament 2017 (January 2017) Ian McLean WIN 53%
Mixed Steel Longsword DEMAS Long Sword Tournament 2017 (January 2017) Kenneth Morlock WIN 53%
Mixed Steel Longsword DEMAS Long Sword Tournament 2017 (January 2017) Stacy Stocki WIN 76%
Mixed Steel Longsword DEMAS Long Sword Tournament 2017 (January 2017) Nick Rost WIN 53%
Mixed Steel Longsword DEMAS Long Sword Tournament 2017 (January 2017) Ted Elsner LOSS 53%
Mixed Steel Longsword SoCal Swordfight 2015 (November 2015) Andrew Hall WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Longsword SoCal Swordfight 2015 (November 2015) Jesse Franco WIN 50%
Mixed Steel Longsword SoCal Swordfight 2015 (November 2015) Sam Beardsley LOSS 50%
Mixed Steel Longsword SoCal Swordfight 2015 (November 2015) Clifford Curry LOSS 45%
Mixed Steel Longsword SoCal Swordfight 2015 (November 2015) John Knoch WIN 52%