Paris HEMA Open 2018

Date June 23, 2018
Country France
City Paris

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 147 27

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Final Matthieu Mosset-Coelho Teixeira Victor Lavialle LOSS WIN
Bronze Final Federico Dall'Olio Fabien Goury LOSS WIN
Semi Final Victor Lavialle Fabien Goury WIN LOSS
Semi Final Federico Dall'Olio Matthieu Mosset-Coelho Teixeira LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Victor Lavialle Jonathan Middleton WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Fabien Goury Benjamin Szewczuk WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Matthieu Mosset-Coelho Teixeira Rowan Skilbeck WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Federico Dall'Olio Leonard Carpentier WIN LOSS
Round of 16 Victor Lavialle Guillaume Laisney WIN LOSS
Round of 16 Jonathan Middleton Thomas Couturier WIN LOSS
Round of 16 Benjamin Szewczuk Michael Smallridge WIN LOSS
Round of 16 Fabien Goury Maarten van der Auwera WIN LOSS
Round of 16 Pierre Gauthier Matthieu Mosset-Coelho Teixeira LOSS WIN
Round of 16 Rowan Skilbeck Romain Brunet WIN LOSS
Round of 16 David Frenkel Leonard Carpentier LOSS WIN
Round of 16 Federico Dall'Olio Adrien Pommelet WIN LOSS
Round of 32 Grégory Tarrade Guillaume Laisney LOSS WIN
Round of 32 Thomas Couturier Davy van Elst WIN LOSS
Round of 32 Hélène Georgiou Jonathan Middleton LOSS WIN
Round of 32 Benjamin Szewczuk Philippe David WIN LOSS
Round of 32 Vincent Catanese Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
Round of 32 Pierre Gauthier Jean Louis Bouchaud WIN LOSS
Round of 32 Rowan Skilbeck Hedi Alfandari WIN LOSS
Round of 32 Grégory Villemonteix Romain Brunet LOSS WIN
Round of 32 Leonard Carpentier Maarten Naeyaert WIN LOSS
Round of 32 Frederick Switsers David Frenkel LOSS WIN
Round of 32 Cyril Hochmann Adrien Pommelet LOSS WIN
Pool Davy van Elst Hélène Georgiou LOSS WIN
Pool Victor Lavialle Davy van Elst WIN LOSS
Pool Davy van Elst Rowan Skilbeck WIN LOSS
Pool Benjamin Szewczuk Davy van Elst WIN LOSS
Pool Victor Lavialle Hélène Georgiou WIN LOSS
Pool Rowan Skilbeck Hélène Georgiou WIN LOSS
Pool Benjamin Szewczuk Hélène Georgiou WIN LOSS
Pool Rowan Skilbeck Victor Lavialle LOSS WIN
Pool Benjamin Szewczuk Victor Lavialle LOSS WIN
Pool Rowan Skilbeck Benjamin Szewczuk WIN LOSS
Pool Romain Brunet Jean Louis Bouchaud WIN LOSS
Pool Jean Louis Bouchaud Michael Smallridge LOSS WIN
Pool Jean Louis Bouchaud Frederick Switsers WIN LOSS
Pool Grégory Villemonteix Jean Louis Bouchaud LOSS WIN
Pool Guillaume Laisney Jean Louis Bouchaud WIN LOSS
Pool Romain Brunet Michael Smallridge WIN LOSS
Pool Romain Brunet Frederick Switsers LOSS WIN
Pool Grégory Villemonteix Romain Brunet LOSS WIN
Pool Guillaume Laisney Romain Brunet WIN LOSS
Pool Frederick Switsers Michael Smallridge LOSS WIN
Pool Michael Smallridge Grégory Villemonteix WIN LOSS
Pool Guillaume Laisney Michael Smallridge LOSS WIN
Pool Grégory Villemonteix Frederick Switsers LOSS WIN
Pool Frederick Switsers Guillaume Laisney WIN LOSS
Pool Guillaume Laisney Grégory Villemonteix WIN LOSS
Pool Leonard Carpentier Federico Dall'Olio LOSS WIN
Pool Leonard Carpentier David Frenkel WIN LOSS
Pool Pierre Gauthier Leonard Carpentier LOSS WIN
Pool Leonard Carpentier Grégory Tarrade WIN LOSS
Pool David Frenkel Federico Dall'Olio LOSS WIN
Pool Federico Dall'Olio Pierre Gauthier WIN LOSS
Pool Grégory Tarrade Federico Dall'Olio LOSS WIN
Pool David Frenkel Pierre Gauthier WIN LOSS
Pool Grégory Tarrade David Frenkel WIN LOSS
Pool Pierre Gauthier Grégory Tarrade WIN LOSS
Pool Jonathan Middleton Hedi Alfandari WIN LOSS
Pool Matthieu Mosset-Coelho Teixeira Hedi Alfandari WIN LOSS
Pool Hedi Alfandari Maarten Naeyaert LOSS WIN
Pool Hedi Alfandari Adrien Pommelet LOSS WIN
Pool Matthieu Mosset-Coelho Teixeira Jonathan Middleton WIN LOSS
Pool Jonathan Middleton Maarten Naeyaert WIN LOSS
Pool Adrien Pommelet Jonathan Middleton LOSS WIN
Pool Matthieu Mosset-Coelho Teixeira Maarten Naeyaert WIN LOSS
Pool Matthieu Mosset-Coelho Teixeira Adrien Pommelet WIN LOSS
Pool Adrien Pommelet Maarten Naeyaert WIN LOSS
Pool Maarten van der Auwera Vincent Catanese LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Couturier Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
Pool Maarten van der Auwera Philippe David LOSS WIN
Pool Fabien Goury Maarten van der Auwera WIN LOSS
Pool Maarten van der Auwera Cyril Hochmann WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Couturier Vincent Catanese WIN LOSS
Pool Philippe David Vincent Catanese WIN LOSS
Pool Fabien Goury Vincent Catanese WIN LOSS
Pool Vincent Catanese Cyril Hochmann LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Couturier Philippe David WIN LOSS
Pool Fabien Goury Thomas Couturier WIN LOSS
Pool Thomas Couturier Cyril Hochmann WIN LOSS
Pool Philippe David Fabien Goury LOSS WIN
Pool Cyril Hochmann Philippe David WIN LOSS
Pool Fabien Goury Cyril Hochmann WIN LOSS
Pool Fabien Goury Federico Dall'Olio LOSS WIN
Pool Fabien Goury Victor Lavialle LOSS WIN
Pool Matthieu Mosset-Coelho Teixeira Fabien Goury WIN LOSS
Pool Michael Smallridge Fabien Goury LOSS WIN
Pool Victor Lavialle Federico Dall'Olio WIN LOSS
Pool Federico Dall'Olio Matthieu Mosset-Coelho Teixeira WIN LOSS
Pool Michael Smallridge Federico Dall'Olio LOSS WIN
Pool Victor Lavialle Matthieu Mosset-Coelho Teixeira WIN LOSS
Pool Victor Lavialle Michael Smallridge WIN LOSS
Pool Michael Smallridge Matthieu Mosset-Coelho Teixeira LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Couturier Jonathan Middleton LOSS WIN
Pool Jonathan Middleton Romain Brunet LOSS WIN
Pool Leonard Carpentier Jonathan Middleton WIN LOSS
Pool Frederick Switsers Jonathan Middleton LOSS WIN
Pool Romain Brunet Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Pool Thomas Couturier Leonard Carpentier LOSS WIN
Pool Frederick Switsers Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Pool Romain Brunet Leonard Carpentier WIN LOSS
Pool Frederick Switsers Romain Brunet LOSS WIN
Pool Leonard Carpentier Frederick Switsers LOSS WIN
Pool Benjamin Szewczuk Rowan Skilbeck LOSS WIN
Pool Benjamin Szewczuk Maarten van der Auwera LOSS WIN
Pool Benjamin Szewczuk Jean Louis Bouchaud WIN LOSS
Pool Adrien Pommelet Benjamin Szewczuk LOSS WIN
Pool Maarten van der Auwera Rowan Skilbeck LOSS WIN
Pool Rowan Skilbeck Jean Louis Bouchaud WIN LOSS
Pool Adrien Pommelet Rowan Skilbeck LOSS WIN
Pool Jean Louis Bouchaud Maarten van der Auwera WIN LOSS
Pool Maarten van der Auwera Adrien Pommelet WIN LOSS
Pool Jean Louis Bouchaud Adrien Pommelet WIN LOSS
Pool Pierre Gauthier Philippe David WIN LOSS
Pool Philippe David Grégory Tarrade LOSS WIN
Pool Guillaume Laisney Philippe David WIN LOSS
Pool Philippe David Cyril Hochmann LOSS WIN
Pool Vincent Catanese Philippe David LOSS WIN
Pool Grégory Tarrade Pierre Gauthier WIN LOSS
Pool Guillaume Laisney Pierre Gauthier WIN LOSS
Pool Pierre Gauthier Cyril Hochmann WIN LOSS
Pool Vincent Catanese Pierre Gauthier WIN LOSS
Pool Guillaume Laisney Grégory Tarrade LOSS WIN
Pool Grégory Tarrade Cyril Hochmann WIN LOSS
Pool Vincent Catanese Grégory Tarrade WIN LOSS
Pool Guillaume Laisney Cyril Hochmann WIN LOSS
Pool Vincent Catanese Guillaume Laisney LOSS WIN
Pool Cyril Hochmann Vincent Catanese WIN LOSS
Pool Davy van Elst David Frenkel WIN LOSS
Pool David Frenkel Maarten Naeyaert WIN LOSS
Pool David Frenkel Hélène Georgiou WIN LOSS
Pool Hedi Alfandari David Frenkel WIN LOSS
Pool Grégory Villemonteix David Frenkel LOSS WIN
Pool Maarten Naeyaert Davy van Elst LOSS WIN
Pool Davy van Elst Hélène Georgiou LOSS WIN
Pool Hedi Alfandari Davy van Elst WIN LOSS
Pool Davy van Elst Grégory Villemonteix WIN LOSS
Pool Hélène Georgiou Maarten Naeyaert LOSS WIN
Pool Maarten Naeyaert Hedi Alfandari LOSS WIN
Pool Grégory Villemonteix Maarten Naeyaert WIN LOSS
Pool Hedi Alfandari Hélène Georgiou WIN LOSS
Pool Hélène Georgiou Grégory Villemonteix WIN LOSS
Pool Hedi Alfandari Grégory Villemonteix WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Paris HEMA Open 2018

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
14 2 Federico Dall'Olio La Salle d'Armes 1814.2 32.4
15 82 Victor Lavialle La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1810.7 205.9
38 19 Thomas Couturier La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1727.1 47.2
53 10 Jonathan Middleton Wivenhoe HEMA 1686.1 17.9
54 33 Matthieu Mosset-Coelho Teixeira La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1684.3 69.7
77 22 Michael Smallridge Auckland Longsword 1640.8 41.5
132 8 Guillaume Laisney AMHE Paris 1577.1 3.6
136 177 Fabien Goury Compagnie d'Armes de Lyon 1574 105.3
166 23 Rowan Skilbeck Waterloo Sparring Group 1553.5 24.1
279 4 Benjamin Szewczuk La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1490.5 11.8
285 145 Leonard Carpentier AMHE Paris 1486.9 77.3
294 2 Maarten van der Auwera Sumus Soldani 1478.8 5.3
415 1229 Romain Brunet AMHE Paris 1424.2 362.6
473 123 Jean Louis Bouchaud La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1397.7 49.2
528 234 Grégory Tarrade AURA Combat Historique 1378.1 88.4
695 101 Frederick Switsers Sumus Soldani 1316.8 40.2
771 304 Cyril Hochmann BELAMHE 1296.1 96.2
827 640 Pierre Gauthier AMHE du Maine 1278.3 178.3
840 150 Hedi Alfandari AMHE Paris 1274.2 54.1
1087 David Frenkel La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1203
1197 821 Vincent Catanese Unité Sportive Avonnaise Escrime 1174.5 209
1211 Philippe David PEAMHE 1172.2
1315 304 Maarten Naeyaert Sumus Soldani 1144.7 70.1
1480 232 Davy van Elst Sumus Soldani 1106.7 62.4
1530 1068 Adrien Pommelet Le Chapitre des Armes 1095 292.1
1589 271 Hélène Georgiou La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1080.3 76.4
2399 Grégory Villemonteix AMHE du Maine 883.2