Red Dragon Tourney 2017

Date June 24, 2017
Country United Kingdom
City Conwy

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 53 18
Mixed Singlestick 38 15

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Alexander Makarov David Murray LOSS WIN
James Roberts Arkadiusz Jablonski DRAW DRAW
Anthony Wilkes Daniel Montoro LOSS WIN
James Roberts Alexander Makarov LOSS WIN
David Murray Anthony Wilkes DRAW DRAW
Arkadiusz Jablonski Daniel Montoro LOSS WIN
Anthony Wilkes Alexander Makarov LOSS WIN
Daniel Montoro David Murray WIN LOSS
James Roberts Anthony Wilkes DRAW DRAW
Alexander Makarov Arkadiusz Jablonski WIN LOSS
James Roberts David Murray LOSS WIN
Arkadiusz Jablonski Anthony Wilkes DRAW DRAW
Daniel Montoro Alexander Makarov LOSS WIN
Arkadiusz Jablonski David Murray LOSS WIN
James Roberts Daniel Montoro DRAW DRAW
Daniel Antrobus James Wiggins LOSS WIN
Adam Hughes Merlin Hartley WIN LOSS
Matthew Strahan Sam Ive LOSS WIN
James Wiggins Merlin Hartley WIN LOSS
Matthew Strahan Daniel Antrobus LOSS WIN
Adam Hughes Sam Ive WIN LOSS
James Wiggins Matthew Strahan WIN LOSS
Sam Ive Daniel Antrobus LOSS WIN
Merlin Hartley Matthew Strahan DRAW DRAW
Adam Hughes James Wiggins LOSS WIN
Daniel Antrobus Merlin Hartley WIN LOSS
Matthew Strahan Adam Hughes WIN LOSS
James Wiggins Sam Ive WIN LOSS
Daniel Antrobus Adam Hughes LOSS WIN
Maria Makarova Mark Thompson WIN LOSS
Daniel Hughes Sascha VonSachsen WIN LOSS
Stephen Foulston Christopher Wood DRAW DRAW
Daniel Hughes Mark Thompson WIN LOSS
Maria Makarova Christopher Wood DRAW DRAW
Sascha VonSachsen Stephen Foulston DRAW DRAW
Mark Thompson Christopher Wood LOSS WIN
Maria Makarova Stephen Foulston WIN LOSS
Daniel Hughes Christopher Wood WIN LOSS
Mark Thompson Sascha VonSachsen LOSS WIN
Daniel Hughes Maria Makarova WIN LOSS
Christopher Wood Sascha VonSachsen LOSS WIN
Mark Thompson Stephen Foulston LOSS WIN
Sascha VonSachsen Maria Makarova DRAW DRAW
Stephen Foulston Daniel Hughes LOSS WIN
James Wiggins Maria Makarova LOSS WIN
David Murray Daniel Montoro LOSS WIN
Adam Hughes Daniel Hughes LOSS WIN
Daniel Antrobus Alexander Makarov LOSS WIN
Daniel Montoro Maria Makarova WIN LOSS
Alexander Makarov Daniel Hughes WIN LOSS
Daniel Hughes Maria Makarova WIN LOSS
Alexander Makarov Daniel Montoro WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Red Dragon Tourney 2017