Clash of the Towers 2019

Date May 4, 2019
Country Ireland
City Dublin

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 61 16

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Liam Gormley Nick Laing LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Michael Nolan Andrzej Rozycki DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Branden Treu Emilia Skirmuntt LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Rebecca Leslie Dwayne Keogh LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Andrzej Rozycki Liam Gormley WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Branden Treu Nick Laing WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Rebecca Leslie Michael Nolan LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Dwayne Keogh Emilia Skirmuntt LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Emilia Skirmuntt Liam Gormley WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Michael Nolan Dwayne Keogh LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Nick Laing Rebecca Leslie WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Andrzej Rozycki Branden Treu WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Liam Gormley Rebecca Leslie LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Dwayne Keogh Branden Treu LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Andrzej Rozycki Emilia Skirmuntt LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Nick Laing Michael Nolan WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Dwayne Keogh Liam Gormley WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Rebecca Leslie Emilia Skirmuntt LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Michael Nolan Branden Treu DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Andrzej Rozycki Nick Laing WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Liam Gormley Michael Nolan DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Nick Laing Emilia Skirmuntt WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Dwayne Keogh Andrzej Rozycki LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Branden Treu Rebecca Leslie WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Liam Gormley Branden Treu WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Andrzej Rozycki Rebecca Leslie WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Nick Laing Dwayne Keogh LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Michael Nolan Emilia Skirmuntt WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Robert Williams James Welfare LOSS WIN
Pool 2 William Wallace Karl Sassenberg LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Nuno Valverde Emmet Byrne LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Mathias Augustin Gavin McGinley LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Robert Williams Karl Sassenberg DRAW DRAW
Pool 2 James Welfare Nuno Valverde LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Mathias Augustin William Wallace LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Gavin McGinley Emmet Byrne LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Emmet Byrne Robert Williams LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Gavin McGinley William Wallace LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Mathias Augustin James Welfare WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Nuno Valverde Karl Sassenberg LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Mathias Augustin Robert Williams LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Gavin McGinley Nuno Valverde LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Emmet Byrne Karl Sassenberg WIN LOSS
Pool 2 James Welfare William Wallace WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Gavin McGinley Robert Williams LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Emmet Byrne Mathias Augustin LOSS WIN
Pool 2 William Wallace Nuno Valverde WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Robert Williams William Wallace WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Gavin McGinley Karl Sassenberg WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Mathias Augustin Nuno Valverde WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Robert Williams Nuno Valverde WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Mathias Augustin Karl Sassenberg LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Emmet Byrne William Wallace LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Branden Treu Nick Laing LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Andrzej Rozycki Nuno Valverde WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Michael Nolan Emilia Skirmuntt WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Robert Williams William Wallace LOSS WIN
Semi Final Michael Nolan Nick Laing WIN LOSS
Semi Final Andrzej Rozycki William Wallace WIN LOSS
Bronze Final William Wallace Nick Laing WIN LOSS
Final Michael Nolan Andrzej Rozycki LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Clash of the Towers 2019

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
205 22 Andrzej Rozycki Blademasters Academy 1562.2 16
392 104 Michael Nolan Blademasters Academy 1479.8 40.5
410 34 Robert Williams The School of the Sword 1470.1 18.3
620 34 James Welfare The Wrathful Peasants 1398.1 3.7
766 89 Karl Sassenberg Blademasters Academy 1356.5 34.6
812 William Wallace Dublin HEMA Club 1342.4
831 10 Nick Laing Edel Fencing Academy 1335.6 10.4
1063 285 Emilia Skirmuntt The School of the Sword 1274.1 69.3
1243 314 Mathias Augustin Medieval Combat Group 1233.1 73.3
1309 7 Nuno Valverde Blademasters Academy 1220.4 7.6
1378 Emmet Byrne Dublin HEMA Club 1203.2
1528 323 Branden Treu Blademasters Academy 1167.7 67.3
1633 291 Gavin McGinley Gaillimh Gallóglaigh 1149.5 62.3
1904 947 Dwayne Keogh Dublin HEMA Club 1097.4 210.5
2191 140 Rebecca Leslie Medieval Combat Group 1037.4 21.4
2202 18 Liam Gormley Dublin HEMA Club 1035.5 5.1