KR Winter Tournament 2022

February 19
HEMA Scorecard (results )

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Men's Steel Longsword 94 27
Women's Steel Longsword 36 8
Mixed Nylon Longsword 52 15

Fighters in event

János Sibinger
Martin Agg
Thomas Couturier La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne
Diana Michelis La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne
Adrien Vives La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne
Richárd Pávay Anjou Udvari Lovagkör
Judit Juhász Ars Ensis
József Szivák Ars Ensis
Bence Sajgó Ars Ensis
Péter Szabó Ars Ensis
István Havasi Ars Ensis
Bence László Tarr Ars Ensis
Gábor Magát Ars Ensis
Máté Kálmán Nagy Ars Ensis
Márk Mészáros Ars Ensis
Tamás Gergely Ars Ensis
Gábor Török Ars Ensis
Dániel Tenke Ars Ensis
Bálint Kirill Kis Ars Ensis
Gábor Szmeskó Ars Ensis
Richard Bagdi Ars Ensis
Tang Mei Timea Ars Ensis
Zsófia Németh Ars Ensis
Kristóf Lajber Blood and Iron Martial Arts
Dávid Czégé Filii Solis Történelmi Kardvívó Kör
András Bagala Historicae Artes Dimicationes Ustrachense
Tamás Máté Károli Kard Rendje ViSE
Zoltán Klejka Kard Rendje ViSE
Attila Tóth Kard Rendje ViSE
Orsolya Virag Kard Rendje ViSE
Lívia Nagyné Ulbrich Kard Rendje ViSE
Ferenc Nagy Kard Rendje ViSE
Krisztián Diószegi Kard Rendje ViSE
Ákos Pongó Kard Rendje ViSE
József Márton Bíró Kard Rendje ViSE
Kornél Kohod Kard Rendje ViSE
Attila Kovács Kard Rendje ViSE
Kornél Antal Szücs Kard Rendje ViSE
Marcell Vida Kard Rendje ViSE
Levente Kárpáti Kard Rendje ViSE
Gábor László Kurcz Kard Rendje ViSE
Réka Csizmadia Kard Rendje ViSE
Györgyi Czifra Kard Rendje ViSE
Balázs Kirschweng Kard Rendje ViSE
Barbara Kiss Kard Rendje ViSE
Tünde Ferdinandy Kard Rendje ViSE
Tamás Démpek Kard Rendje ViSE
Marcell Hársy Kard Rendje ViSE
Krisztina Nagy La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne
Eunsung Jo Ars Ensis


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Set 1 Eunsung Jo Tamás Máté Károli LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Marcell Vida Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 István Havasi Gábor Török WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Tamás Máté Károli Marcell Vida LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Gábor Török Eunsung Jo WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Thomas Couturier Levente Kárpáti WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Marcell Vida Gábor Török LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Tamás Máté Károli Levente Kárpáti WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 István Havasi Eunsung Jo WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Gábor Török Levente Kárpáti LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 István Havasi Marcell Vida WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Tamás Máté Károli Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Levente Kárpáti István Havasi LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Thomas Couturier Gábor Török WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Eunsung Jo Marcell Vida WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 István Havasi Thomas Couturier WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Eunsung Jo Levente Kárpáti LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Gábor Török Tamás Máté Károli LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Eunsung Jo Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 István Havasi Tamás Máté Károli LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Levente Kárpáti Marcell Vida WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Péter Szabó Gábor László Kurcz WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Richárd Pávay Bence László Tarr WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Attila Tóth Gábor Magát WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Bence László Tarr Gábor László Kurcz WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Péter Szabó Attila Tóth WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Richárd Pávay Márk Mészáros WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Attila Tóth Bence László Tarr LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Márk Mészáros Gábor László Kurcz WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Péter Szabó Gábor Magát LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Márk Mészáros Attila Tóth LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Bence László Tarr Gábor Magát LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Gábor László Kurcz Richárd Pávay LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Gábor Magát Márk Mészáros WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Attila Tóth Richárd Pávay LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Péter Szabó Bence László Tarr WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Richárd Pávay Gábor Magát WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Péter Szabó Márk Mészáros LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Gábor László Kurcz Attila Tóth WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Péter Szabó Richárd Pávay LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Gábor László Kurcz Gábor Magát LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Bence László Tarr Márk Mészáros WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Kristóf Lajber Zoltán Klejka LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Dávid Czégé Richard Bagdi WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Adrien Vives András Bagala WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Kristóf Lajber Richard Bagdi LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 András Bagala Zoltán Klejka WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Dániel Tenke Dávid Czégé LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Richard Bagdi András Bagala LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Dániel Tenke Kristóf Lajber LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Zoltán Klejka Adrien Vives LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 András Bagala Dániel Tenke LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Richard Bagdi Adrien Vives LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Dávid Czégé Kristóf Lajber WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Dániel Tenke Adrien Vives LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 András Bagala Dávid Czégé LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Zoltán Klejka Richard Bagdi WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Adrien Vives Dávid Czégé WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Zoltán Klejka Dániel Tenke LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 András Bagala Kristóf Lajber WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Zoltán Klejka Dávid Czégé LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Adrien Vives Kristóf Lajber WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Richard Bagdi Dániel Tenke LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Balázs Kirschweng Máté Kálmán Nagy LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Kornél Antal Szücs Tamás Gergely WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Gábor Szmeskó Bálint Kirill Kis WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Máté Kálmán Nagy Kornél Antal Szücs WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Gábor Szmeskó Balázs Kirschweng LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Tamás Gergely Bálint Kirill Kis LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Gábor Szmeskó Máté Kálmán Nagy LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Bálint Kirill Kis Kornél Antal Szücs WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Balázs Kirschweng Tamás Gergely WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Bálint Kirill Kis Máté Kálmán Nagy LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Gábor Szmeskó Tamás Gergely WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Balázs Kirschweng Kornél Antal Szücs WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Tamás Gergely Máté Kálmán Nagy LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Balázs Kirschweng Bálint Kirill Kis WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Gábor Szmeskó Kornél Antal Szücs LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Máté Kálmán Nagy Gábor Szmeskó WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Adrien Vives Bálint Kirill Kis WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Richárd Pávay Bence László Tarr WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals András Bagala Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Dániel Tenke Dávid Czégé LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Péter Szabó István Havasi LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Levente Kárpáti Balázs Kirschweng LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Tamás Máté Károli Gábor Magát WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Máté Kálmán Nagy Tamás Máté Károli WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Adrien Vives Balázs Kirschweng WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Richárd Pávay István Havasi WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Dávid Czégé Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Semifinals Máté Kálmán Nagy Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Semifinals Adrien Vives Richárd Pávay WIN LOSS
Gold Medal Match Thomas Couturier Adrien Vives WIN LOSS
Bronze Medal Match Máté Kálmán Nagy Richárd Pávay WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Set 1 Barbara Kiss Orsolya Virag LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Réka Csizmadia Györgyi Czifra WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Tang Mei Timea Krisztina Nagy LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Diana Michelis Zsófia Németh LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Orsolya Virag Réka Csizmadia LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Barbara Kiss Tang Mei Timea LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Györgyi Czifra Diana Michelis WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Zsófia Németh Krisztina Nagy LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Tang Mei Timea Réka Csizmadia WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Orsolya Virag Diana Michelis WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Krisztina Nagy Barbara Kiss WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Zsófia Németh Györgyi Czifra LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Diana Michelis Tang Mei Timea WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Krisztina Nagy Réka Csizmadia LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Orsolya Virag Györgyi Czifra LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Zsófia Németh Barbara Kiss WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Krisztina Nagy Diana Michelis WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Tang Mei Timea Györgyi Czifra LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Réka Csizmadia Barbara Kiss WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Zsófia Németh Orsolya Virag WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Krisztina Nagy Györgyi Czifra LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Barbara Kiss Diana Michelis LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Tang Mei Timea Orsolya Virag WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Zsófia Németh Réka Csizmadia LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Györgyi Czifra Barbara Kiss WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Orsolya Virag Krisztina Nagy LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Réka Csizmadia Diana Michelis LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Zsófia Németh Tang Mei Timea LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Györgyi Czifra Barbara Kiss WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Orsolya Virag Krisztina Nagy LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Réka Csizmadia Zsófia Németh WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Tang Mei Timea Diana Michelis LOSS WIN
Semifinals Györgyi Czifra Diana Michelis WIN LOSS
Semifinals Réka Csizmadia Krisztina Nagy LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match Krisztina Nagy Györgyi Czifra WIN LOSS
Bronze Medal Match Diana Michelis Réka Csizmadia LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Set 1 Marcell Hársy Attila Kovács LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 József Szivák Martin Agg LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 József Márton Bíró Bence Sajgó WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Attila Kovács Krisztián Diószegi WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Martin Agg Tünde Ferdinandy WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 József Szivák Marcell Hársy WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Bence Sajgó Attila Kovács WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Martin Agg József Márton Bíró LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Marcell Hársy Krisztián Diószegi LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 József Szivák Tünde Ferdinandy WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Attila Kovács Martin Agg LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Marcell Hársy Bence Sajgó LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 József Márton Bíró Tünde Ferdinandy WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 József Szivák Krisztián Diószegi LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Marcell Hársy Martin Agg LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Attila Kovács Tünde Ferdinandy WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Krisztián Diószegi Bence Sajgó LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 József Szivák József Márton Bíró LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Marcell Hársy Tünde Ferdinandy LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Martin Agg Krisztián Diószegi LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Attila Kovács József Márton Bíró LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 József Szivák Bence Sajgó LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Krisztián Diószegi Tünde Ferdinandy WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Tamás Démpek Ferenc Nagy LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 János Sibinger Ákos Pongó WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Kornél Kohod Ferenc Nagy LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Ákos Pongó Lívia Nagyné Ulbrich WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Judit Juhász Tamás Démpek WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Ferenc Nagy Ákos Pongó LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Judit Juhász Kornél Kohod WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Lívia Nagyné Ulbrich János Sibinger LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Judit Juhász Ákos Pongó LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Ferenc Nagy János Sibinger LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Tamás Démpek Kornél Kohod LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Judit Juhász János Sibinger LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Ákos Pongó Tamás Démpek WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Ferenc Nagy Lívia Nagyné Ulbrich WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 János Sibinger Tamás Démpek WIN LOSS
Pool Set 1 Lívia Nagyné Ulbrich Judit Juhász LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Kornél Kohod Ákos Pongó LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Lívia Nagyné Ulbrich Tamás Démpek LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 János Sibinger Kornél Kohod LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Ferenc Nagy Judit Juhász LOSS WIN
Pool Set 1 Kornél Kohod Lívia Nagyné Ulbrich WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals József Márton Bíró Ferenc Nagy WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Krisztián Diószegi Ákos Pongó LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Judit Juhász János Sibinger LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Bence Sajgó Martin Agg WIN LOSS
Semifinals József Márton Bíró Bence Sajgó LOSS WIN
Semifinals János Sibinger Ákos Pongó LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match Bence Sajgó Ákos Pongó WIN LOSS
Bronze Medal Match János Sibinger József Márton Bíró WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just KR Winter Tournament 2022

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
19 4 Thomas Couturier La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1752.7 7.8
137 335 Adrien Vives La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1532.3 224.1
140 58 Máté Kálmán Nagy Ars Ensis 1528.4 45.7
153 39 Richárd Pávay Anjou Udvari Lovagkör 1518.3 27.4
159 12 Dávid Czégé Filii Solis Történelmi Kardvívó Kör 1515.6 7.6
219 40 István Havasi Ars Ensis 1464.3 28.7
224 13 Gábor Magát Ars Ensis 1456.3 17.1
299 38 Balázs Kirschweng Kard Rendje ViSE 1402.2 17.5
436 Tamás Máté Károli Kard Rendje ViSE 1313.5
630 81 Dániel Tenke Ars Ensis 1187.6 18.9
703 113 Levente Kárpáti Kard Rendje ViSE 1149 40.2
767 130 András Bagala Historicae Artes Dimicationes Ustrachense 1113 43.6
774 16 Márk Mészáros Ars Ensis 1110.2 30.1
803 99 Gábor Török Ars Ensis 1094.2 26
829 167 Bálint Kirill Kis Ars Ensis 1079.5 57.3
902 215 Gábor Szmeskó Ars Ensis 1052.1 102.1
931 Péter Szabó Ars Ensis 1037.5
953 85 Attila Tóth Kard Rendje ViSE 1025.4 30
956 139 Bence László Tarr Ars Ensis 1021.2 55.8
1005 259 Tamás Gergely Ars Ensis 994.2 153.2
1057 16 Richard Bagdi Ars Ensis 964.2 13.3
1073 238 Kornél Antal Szücs Kard Rendje ViSE 954.1 147.6
1098 Zoltán Klejka Kard Rendje ViSE 939.6
1116 52 Marcell Vida Kard Rendje ViSE 933.8 8.7
1217 100 Kristóf Lajber Blood and Iron Martial Arts 861.5 59.9
1225 Eunsung Jo Ars Ensis 855
1320 55 Gábor László Kurcz Kard Rendje ViSE 751.4 51.8
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
17 3 Györgyi Czifra Kard Rendje ViSE 1530.6 28.1
26 12 Krisztina Nagy La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1432.8 88.8
48 32 Réka Csizmadia Kard Rendje ViSE 1263.7 184.2
54 3 Diana Michelis La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1237.9 10.4
61 16 Tang Mei Timea Ars Ensis 1188.5 87.7
91 Zsófia Németh Ars Ensis 1026.3
107 9 Orsolya Virag Kard Rendje ViSE 917.3 113.5
124 Barbara Kiss Kard Rendje ViSE 792.6
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
17 3 Györgyi Czifra Kard Rendje ViSE 1530.6 28.1
26 12 Krisztina Nagy La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1432.8 88.8
48 32 Réka Csizmadia Kard Rendje ViSE 1263.7 184.2
54 3 Diana Michelis La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1237.9 10.4
61 16 Tang Mei Timea Ars Ensis 1188.5 87.7
91 Zsófia Németh Ars Ensis 1026.3
107 9 Orsolya Virag Kard Rendje ViSE 917.3 113.5
124 Barbara Kiss Kard Rendje ViSE 792.6