Glasgow HEMA Open 2024

Date February 24, 2024
Country United Kingdom
State Scotland
City Glasgow

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 83 30
Mixed Steel Sabre 58 25
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword 24 8
Underrepresented Genders Sabre 19 6

Fighters in event

Gabriel Uri Brito Davansso Saorsa: Scottish Swordsmanship
Anders Jensen The Vanguard Centre
Conor McKeag The Vanguard Centre
Vytautas Zickus Glasgow Historical Fencing Society
Thomas Jones Durham Medieval Combat Academy
Bogdan Vynohradov Dawn Duellists Society
Duncan McLaren Caledonian Sword Guild
Connor Kemp-Cowell Caledonian Sword Guild
Finley Dickins Caledonian Sword Guild
David Rybacki Caledonian Sword Guild
Zoltan Betlen Cambridge HEMA
Jack Fraser Dawn Duellists Society
Alexandru-Daniel Chirita Dawn Duellists Society
Kai Ache Dawn Duellists Society
Alessandro Inguscio Dawn Duellists Society
Alyson Duffy Dawn Duellists Society
Zak Remmington Durham Medieval Combat Academy
Athena K Fair City Historical Academy
Iain Murtagh Glasgow HEMA
Susan Robertson Glasgow HEMA
Christopher Strang-Moran Glasgow Sword Breakers
Sean McNamara Glasgow Sword Breakers
Jamie Budge Hotspur School of Defence
Tom Wise Hotspur School of Defence
Jacob Farmer Saorsa: Scottish Swordsmanship
Benjamin Hamilton Saorsa: Scottish Swordsmanship
Mark Wilkie The Institute for Historical Arts
Stuart Calder The Institute for Historical Arts
Adam McDicken The Institute for Historical Arts
Neil Donald The Institute for Historical Arts
David Muir The Vanguard Centre
Jamie McPherson The Vanguard Centre
Stuart Beattie The Vanguard Centre
Thierry Flekier-Wathen The Vanguard Centre
Tam Darlugdach The Vanguard Centre
Jonathan Spouge The Vanguard Centre
Dennis Wisdom The Vanguard Centre
Jay Li The Vanguard Centre
Joseph Mcginness The Vanguard Centre
Oliver Jevons The Vanguard Centre
Erin Shott The Vanguard Centre
Sarah Little The Vanguard Centre
Marcus McCormick The Vanguard Centre
Rachael Hughes The Vanguard Centre
Scott Alexander The Vanguard Centre
Adam Goodier The Vanguard Centre
Madeleine Thomson The Vanguard Centre
John Colquhoun The Vanguard Centre
Andrew Bussey The Vanguard Centre
Chris Stewart The Vanguard Centre
William Goodman University of Chester HEMA
Brian Schwartz Saorsa: Scottish Swordsmanship


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Thomas Jones Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Pool A Adam Goodier Kai Ache LOSS WIN
Pool A David Rybacki John Colquhoun LOSS WIN
Pool A Mark Wilkie Kai Ache WIN LOSS
Pool A Adam Goodier John Colquhoun LOSS WIN
Pool A Thomas Jones David Rybacki WIN LOSS
Pool A Kai Ache John Colquhoun WIN LOSS
Pool A Thomas Jones Adam Goodier WIN LOSS
Pool A David Rybacki Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Pool A Thomas Jones Kai Ache WIN LOSS
Pool A John Colquhoun Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Pool A Adam Goodier David Rybacki LOSS WIN
Pool A Thomas Jones John Colquhoun LOSS WIN
Pool A Kai Ache David Rybacki LOSS WIN
Pool A Adam Goodier Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Pool B William Goodman Connor Kemp-Cowell LOSS WIN
Pool B Tom Wise Joseph Mcginness WIN LOSS
Pool B Conor McKeag Chris Stewart WIN LOSS
Pool B Connor Kemp-Cowell Tom Wise WIN LOSS
Pool B Conor McKeag Joseph Mcginness LOSS WIN
Pool B Chris Stewart William Goodman LOSS WIN
Pool B Conor McKeag Tom Wise LOSS WIN
Pool B Joseph Mcginness William Goodman LOSS WIN
Pool B Connor Kemp-Cowell Chris Stewart WIN LOSS
Pool B William Goodman Tom Wise WIN LOSS
Pool B Conor McKeag Connor Kemp-Cowell LOSS WIN
Pool B Chris Stewart Joseph Mcginness WIN LOSS
Pool B Conor McKeag William Goodman LOSS WIN
Pool B Tom Wise Chris Stewart WIN LOSS
Pool B Joseph Mcginness Connor Kemp-Cowell LOSS WIN
Pool C Jack Fraser David Muir WIN LOSS
Pool C Rachael Hughes Neil Donald LOSS WIN
Pool C Jamie Budge Oliver Jevons DRAW DRAW
Pool C Jack Fraser Neil Donald WIN LOSS
Pool C Oliver Jevons Rachael Hughes WIN LOSS
Pool C David Muir Jamie Budge LOSS WIN
Pool C Oliver Jevons Neil Donald LOSS WIN
Pool C David Muir Rachael Hughes WIN LOSS
Pool C Jack Fraser Jamie Budge WIN LOSS
Pool C David Muir Neil Donald WIN LOSS
Pool C Oliver Jevons Jack Fraser LOSS WIN
Pool C Jamie Budge Rachael Hughes WIN LOSS
Pool C Oliver Jevons David Muir LOSS WIN
Pool C Neil Donald Jamie Budge WIN LOSS
Pool C Rachael Hughes Jack Fraser LOSS WIN
Pool D Alyson Duffy Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pool D Anders Jensen Zak Remmington LOSS WIN
Pool D Andrew Bussey Iain Murtagh LOSS WIN
Pool D Duncan McLaren Zak Remmington WIN LOSS
Pool D Andrew Bussey Anders Jensen WIN LOSS
Pool D Iain Murtagh Alyson Duffy LOSS WIN
Pool D Zak Remmington Andrew Bussey WIN LOSS
Pool D Anders Jensen Alyson Duffy LOSS WIN
Pool D Duncan McLaren Iain Murtagh WIN LOSS
Pool D Zak Remmington Alyson Duffy WIN LOSS
Pool D Andrew Bussey Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pool D Anders Jensen Iain Murtagh LOSS WIN
Pool D Alyson Duffy Andrew Bussey WIN LOSS
Pool D Zak Remmington Iain Murtagh LOSS WIN
Pool D Anders Jensen Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pool E Jonathan Spouge Stuart Calder WIN LOSS
Pool E Jay Li Madeleine Thomson WIN LOSS
Pool E Vytautas Zickus Alessandro Inguscio WIN LOSS
Pool E Jonathan Spouge Jay Li WIN LOSS
Pool E Vytautas Zickus Madeleine Thomson WIN LOSS
Pool E Alessandro Inguscio Stuart Calder WIN LOSS
Pool E Vytautas Zickus Jay Li WIN LOSS
Pool E Stuart Calder Madeleine Thomson WIN LOSS
Pool E Jonathan Spouge Alessandro Inguscio WIN LOSS
Pool E Jay Li Stuart Calder LOSS WIN
Pool E Vytautas Zickus Jonathan Spouge WIN LOSS
Pool E Alessandro Inguscio Madeleine Thomson WIN LOSS
Pool E Vytautas Zickus Stuart Calder WIN LOSS
Pool E Alessandro Inguscio Jay Li WIN LOSS
Pool E Madeleine Thomson Jonathan Spouge LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Connor Kemp-Cowell William Goodman WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Jonathan Spouge Jack Fraser LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Duncan McLaren Tom Wise WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Vytautas Zickus Alyson Duffy LOSS WIN
Semi Final Connor Kemp-Cowell Duncan McLaren WIN LOSS
Semi Final Alyson Duffy Jack Fraser LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Duncan McLaren Alyson Duffy WIN LOSS
Championship Connor Kemp-Cowell Jack Fraser LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Jonathan Spouge Benjamin Hamilton LOSS WIN
Pool A Brian Schwartz Alexandru-Daniel Chirita WIN LOSS
Pool A Alexandru-Daniel Chirita Benjamin Hamilton LOSS WIN
Pool A Jonathan Spouge Bogdan Vynohradov WIN LOSS
Pool A Jonathan Spouge Brian Schwartz LOSS WIN
Pool A Benjamin Hamilton Bogdan Vynohradov WIN LOSS
Pool A Jonathan Spouge Alexandru-Daniel Chirita WIN LOSS
Pool A Brian Schwartz Bogdan Vynohradov WIN LOSS
Pool A Bogdan Vynohradov Alexandru-Daniel Chirita LOSS WIN
Pool A Brian Schwartz Benjamin Hamilton LOSS WIN
Pool B Vytautas Zickus Duncan McLaren WIN LOSS
Pool B Stuart Beattie Jack Fraser LOSS WIN
Pool B Dennis Wisdom Stuart Beattie LOSS WIN
Pool B Jack Fraser Vytautas Zickus LOSS WIN
Pool B Vytautas Zickus Dennis Wisdom WIN LOSS
Pool B Jack Fraser Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pool B Stuart Beattie Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pool B Dennis Wisdom Jack Fraser LOSS WIN
Pool B Stuart Beattie Vytautas Zickus LOSS WIN
Pool B Dennis Wisdom Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pool C John Colquhoun Zoltan Betlen LOSS WIN
Pool C Jacob Farmer Alyson Duffy LOSS WIN
Pool C Scott Alexander Jacob Farmer WIN LOSS
Pool C John Colquhoun Alyson Duffy WIN LOSS
Pool C Scott Alexander John Colquhoun WIN LOSS
Pool C Zoltan Betlen Alyson Duffy WIN LOSS
Pool C Jacob Farmer Zoltan Betlen LOSS WIN
Pool C Scott Alexander Alyson Duffy LOSS WIN
Pool C Jacob Farmer John Colquhoun LOSS WIN
Pool C Scott Alexander Zoltan Betlen LOSS WIN
Pool D Sean McNamara Marcus McCormick LOSS WIN
Pool D Thierry Flekier-Wathen Madeleine Thomson WIN LOSS
Pool D Jamie McPherson Thierry Flekier-Wathen WIN LOSS
Pool D Madeleine Thomson Sean McNamara LOSS WIN
Pool D Jamie McPherson Sean McNamara WIN LOSS
Pool D Marcus McCormick Madeleine Thomson WIN LOSS
Pool D Thierry Flekier-Wathen Marcus McCormick WIN LOSS
Pool D Madeleine Thomson Jamie McPherson LOSS WIN
Pool D Thierry Flekier-Wathen Sean McNamara WIN LOSS
Pool D Marcus McCormick Jamie McPherson LOSS WIN
Pool E David Muir Christopher Strang-Moran WIN LOSS
Pool E Gabriel Uri Brito Davansso Adam McDicken WIN LOSS
Pool E Gabriel Uri Brito Davansso Conor McKeag LOSS WIN
Pool E Adam McDicken Christopher Strang-Moran LOSS WIN
Pool E Christopher Strang-Moran Conor McKeag LOSS WIN
Pool E Adam McDicken David Muir LOSS WIN
Pool E David Muir Gabriel Uri Brito Davansso WIN LOSS
Pool E Conor McKeag Adam McDicken WIN LOSS
Pool E Christopher Strang-Moran Gabriel Uri Brito Davansso WIN LOSS
Pool E Conor McKeag David Muir LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Benjamin Hamilton Vytautas Zickus WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Conor McKeag Jamie McPherson LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Zoltan Betlen Brian Schwartz WIN LOSS
Quarter Final David Muir Thierry Flekier-Wathen LOSS WIN
Semi Final Benjamin Hamilton Zoltan Betlen WIN LOSS
Semi Final Thierry Flekier-Wathen Jamie McPherson LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Zoltan Betlen Thierry Flekier-Wathen WIN LOSS
Championship Jamie McPherson Benjamin Hamilton WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
1 Athena K Rachael Hughes LOSS WIN
1 Sarah Little Jay Li LOSS WIN
1 Madeleine Thomson Finley Dickins WIN LOSS
1 Alyson Duffy Erin Shott WIN LOSS
2 Alyson Duffy Jay Li WIN LOSS
2 Rachael Hughes Madeleine Thomson WIN LOSS
2 Athena K Finley Dickins WIN LOSS
2 Erin Shott Sarah Little WIN LOSS
3 Rachael Hughes Alyson Duffy LOSS WIN
3 Sarah Little Finley Dickins LOSS WIN
3 Madeleine Thomson Athena K WIN LOSS
3 Erin Shott Jay Li LOSS WIN
4 Madeleine Thomson Alyson Duffy LOSS WIN
4 Jay Li Rachael Hughes LOSS WIN
4 Sarah Little Athena K LOSS WIN
4 Finley Dickins Erin Shott WIN LOSS
5 Sarah Little Alyson Duffy LOSS WIN
5 Rachael Hughes Finley Dickins WIN LOSS
5 Erin Shott Madeleine Thomson LOSS WIN
5 Jay Li Athena K WIN LOSS
Semi Final Alyson Duffy Madeleine Thomson WIN LOSS
Semi Final Jay Li Rachael Hughes WIN LOSS
Bronze Medal Madeleine Thomson Rachael Hughes LOSS WIN
Championship Jay Li Alyson Duffy LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Glasgow HEMA Open 2024

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
40 12 Mark Wilkie The Institute for Historical Arts 1752.6 27.3
110 144 Jack Fraser Dawn Duellists Society 1666.8 103.7
140 18 Connor Kemp-Cowell Caledonian Sword Guild 1635.6 17
438 110 Duncan McLaren Caledonian Sword Guild 1489.5 31.7
683 56 Jonathan Spouge The Vanguard Centre 1415.3 15.3
859 177 Thomas Jones Durham Medieval Combat Academy 1372.6 41.3
865 932 Vytautas Zickus Glasgow Historical Fencing Society 1370.9 179.4
1060 296 William Goodman University of Chester HEMA 1328.7 62.9
1157 201 David Muir The Vanguard Centre 1311 45.5
1221 605 John Colquhoun The Vanguard Centre 1300.9 113.6
1360 327 Neil Donald The Institute for Historical Arts 1268.2 59.6
1853 407 Jamie Budge Hotspur School of Defence 1184.6 69.6
1860 234 Zak Remmington Durham Medieval Combat Academy 1183.8 40
1907 Alyson Duffy Dawn Duellists Society 1176.4
2249 464 Tom Wise Hotspur School of Defence 1122.2 77.2
2268 Alessandro Inguscio Dawn Duellists Society 1118.2
2396 David Rybacki Caledonian Sword Guild 1099
2405 822 Kai Ache Dawn Duellists Society 1096.8 148.1
2481 686 Iain Murtagh Glasgow HEMA 1084.3 125.7
2955 Oliver Jevons The Vanguard Centre 1005.8
2990 522 Stuart Calder The Institute for Historical Arts 998.6 105.5
3469 25 Andrew Bussey The Vanguard Centre 912.6 16.1
3523 166 Chris Stewart The Vanguard Centre 900 25.5
3775 Jay Li The Vanguard Centre 845.3
3856 Rachael Hughes The Vanguard Centre 827.7
3869 Adam Goodier The Vanguard Centre 825.2
3941 Joseph Mcginness The Vanguard Centre 806.6
3984 147 Madeleine Thomson The Vanguard Centre 793.5 26.3
4045 157 Anders Jensen The Vanguard Centre 767.2 39.9
4136 65 Conor McKeag The Vanguard Centre 734.6 106.4