Glasgow HEMA Open 2025

Date February 22, 2025
Country United Kingdom
State Scotland
City Glasgow

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 117 45
Mixed Steel Sabre 81 30
Mixed Steel Messer 63 26
Underrepresented Genders Steel Longsword 38 12
Underrepresented Genders Sabre 25 7

Fighters in event

Gabriel Uri Brito Davansso Saorsa: Scottish Swordsmanship
Anders Jensen The Vanguard Centre
Conor McKeag The Vanguard Centre
Dmitrij Bugajev Durham Medieval Combat Academy
Thomas Jones Durham Medieval Combat Academy
Szymon Masiak The Institute for Historical Arts
Andrew Mason
Sandy Bethell Aberdeen Swordsmanship Group
David Kindness Aberdeen Swordsmanship Group
Duncan Brown Aberdeen Swordsmanship Group
Duncan McLaren Caledonian Sword Guild
Connor Kemp-Cowell Caledonian Sword Guild
Finley Dickins Caledonian Sword Guild
David Rybacki Caledonian Sword Guild
Farah McAdam Caledonian Sword Guild
Zoltan Betlen Cambridge HEMA
Alex Tawns Dawn Duellists Society
Jack Fraser Dawn Duellists Society
Harry Leng Dawn Duellists Society
Alyson Duffy Dawn Duellists Society
Kat Ferguson Dawn Duellists Society
Aidan Jackson Dawn Duellists Society
Eric Stefan Dawn Duellists Society
Felix Kennedy Somerville Dawn Duellists Society
Zak Remmington Durham Medieval Combat Academy
Rachel Terrell Fair City Historical Academy
Iain McMaster Glasgow HEMA
Andrew Jackson Glasgow HEMA
Jim Carr Glasgow HEMA
Madoc Brophy Glasgow HEMA
Robin Young Glasgow HEMA
Iain Murtagh Glasgow HEMA
Susan Robertson Glasgow HEMA
Jamie Budge Hotspur School of Defence
Tom Wise Hotspur School of Defence
Reuben Joseph Mowbray Hotspur School of Defence
Nathan Shallcross Red Dragon Longsword Academy
Darren Woodhead Red Dragon Longsword Academy
Jack Harmsworth Red Dragon Longsword Academy
Imogen Hendry Saorsa: Scottish Swordsmanship
John Hamilton Saorsa: Scottish Swordsmanship
Jacob Farmer Saorsa: Scottish Swordsmanship
Jazahme Burden Spada HEMA
Simon Brooks The Exiles
Aria Ursell The Institute for Historical Arts
Jack Neilan The Institute for Historical Arts
Mark Wilkie The Institute for Historical Arts
Stuart Calder The Institute for Historical Arts
James MacGilp The Institute for Historical Arts
Victoria Nicolson The Society for the Study of Swordsmanship
Samuel Jones The Society for the Study of Swordsmanship
Andrew Bussey The Vanguard Centre
Chris Stewart The Vanguard Centre
Thierry Flekier-Wathen The Vanguard Centre
Jamie McPherson The Vanguard Centre
Marcus McCormick The Vanguard Centre
David Muir The Vanguard Centre
Madeleine Thomson The Vanguard Centre
Jay Li The Vanguard Centre
Dennis Wisdom The Vanguard Centre
Angus Macleod The Vanguard Centre
David Christie The Vanguard Centre
Bailey McDougal The Vanguard Centre
Charlotte Crawshaw The Vanguard Centre
Matthew Coll The Vanguard Centre
Jonathan Spouge The Vanguard Centre
Sarah Little The Vanguard Centre
Kieran Brimson The Vanguard Centre
Chris Oates The Vanguard Centre
Christopher Wood Wolfshead Western Martial Arts
Matt Leaning Wolfshead Western Martial Arts
David Pharis The Vanguard Centre
Brian Schwartz Saorsa: Scottish Swordsmanship
Jack Louw The Vanguard Centre


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Harry Leng Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Pool A Chris Stewart Samuel Jones LOSS WIN
Pool A Jack Neilan Christopher Wood WIN LOSS
Pool A Mark Wilkie Samuel Jones WIN LOSS
Pool A Jack Neilan Chris Stewart LOSS WIN
Pool A Christopher Wood Harry Leng LOSS WIN
Pool A Samuel Jones Jack Neilan WIN LOSS
Pool A Chris Stewart Harry Leng WIN LOSS
Pool A Christopher Wood Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Pool A Samuel Jones Harry Leng LOSS WIN
Pool A Mark Wilkie Jack Neilan WIN LOSS
Pool A Chris Stewart Christopher Wood WIN LOSS
Pool A Harry Leng Jack Neilan LOSS WIN
Pool A Christopher Wood Samuel Jones LOSS WIN
Pool A Chris Stewart Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Pool B Thomas Jones Jack Fraser LOSS WIN
Pool B David Christie Alex Tawns LOSS WIN
Pool B Simon Brooks Andrew Bussey LOSS WIN
Pool B David Christie Jack Fraser LOSS WIN
Pool B Simon Brooks Alex Tawns LOSS WIN
Pool B Thomas Jones Andrew Bussey WIN LOSS
Pool B David Christie Simon Brooks WIN LOSS
Pool B Alex Tawns Thomas Jones DRAW DRAW
Pool B Andrew Bussey Jack Fraser WIN LOSS
Pool B David Christie Thomas Jones LOSS WIN
Pool B Simon Brooks Jack Fraser LOSS WIN
Pool B Alex Tawns Andrew Bussey WIN LOSS
Pool B Simon Brooks Thomas Jones LOSS WIN
Pool B David Christie Andrew Bussey WIN LOSS
Pool B Alex Tawns Jack Fraser LOSS WIN
Pool C David Rybacki Connor Kemp-Cowell LOSS WIN
Pool C Jazahme Burden Jamie Budge WIN LOSS
Pool C Angus Macleod Iain McMaster WIN LOSS
Pool C Connor Kemp-Cowell Jazahme Burden WIN LOSS
Pool C Angus Macleod Jamie Budge LOSS WIN
Pool C David Rybacki Iain McMaster WIN LOSS
Pool C Angus Macleod Jazahme Burden LOSS WIN
Pool C Jamie Budge David Rybacki LOSS WIN
Pool C Iain McMaster Connor Kemp-Cowell LOSS WIN
Pool C David Rybacki Jazahme Burden WIN LOSS
Pool C Angus Macleod Connor Kemp-Cowell LOSS WIN
Pool C Jamie Budge Iain McMaster WIN LOSS
Pool C Angus Macleod David Rybacki LOSS WIN
Pool C Jazahme Burden Iain McMaster LOSS WIN
Pool C Connor Kemp-Cowell Jamie Budge WIN LOSS
Pool D Szymon Masiak Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pool D Zak Remmington Jim Carr WIN LOSS
Pool D Jim Carr Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pool D David Pharis Szymon Masiak LOSS WIN
Pool D Szymon Masiak Zak Remmington WIN LOSS
Pool D Duncan McLaren David Pharis WIN LOSS
Pool D Jim Carr Szymon Masiak LOSS WIN
Pool D Zak Remmington David Pharis WIN LOSS
Pool D Jim Carr David Pharis LOSS WIN
Pool D Zak Remmington Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pool E Stuart Calder Kat Ferguson LOSS WIN
Pool E Madoc Brophy Dmitrij Bugajev LOSS WIN
Pool E Jack Harmsworth Sandy Bethell WIN LOSS
Pool E Kat Ferguson Madoc Brophy WIN LOSS
Pool E Jack Harmsworth Dmitrij Bugajev LOSS WIN
Pool E Stuart Calder Sandy Bethell WIN LOSS
Pool E Jack Harmsworth Madoc Brophy LOSS WIN
Pool E Dmitrij Bugajev Stuart Calder LOSS WIN
Pool E Sandy Bethell Kat Ferguson LOSS WIN
Pool E Stuart Calder Madoc Brophy WIN LOSS
Pool E Jack Harmsworth Kat Ferguson LOSS WIN
Pool E Dmitrij Bugajev Sandy Bethell LOSS WIN
Pool E Jack Harmsworth Stuart Calder LOSS WIN
Pool E Sandy Bethell Madoc Brophy WIN LOSS
Pool E Kat Ferguson Dmitrij Bugajev WIN LOSS
Pool F Andrew Jackson Tom Wise LOSS WIN
Pool F Madeleine Thomson Marcus McCormick WIN LOSS
Pool F Tom Wise Madeleine Thomson WIN LOSS
Pool F Alyson Duffy Marcus McCormick WIN LOSS
Pool F Tom Wise Alyson Duffy LOSS WIN
Pool F Andrew Jackson Alyson Duffy LOSS WIN
Pool G Jonathan Spouge Nathan Shallcross LOSS WIN
Pool G Robin Young Reuben Joseph Mowbray LOSS WIN
Pool G Jay Li David Kindness LOSS WIN
Pool G Robin Young Jonathan Spouge LOSS WIN
Pool G Reuben Joseph Mowbray David Kindness WIN LOSS
Pool G Jay Li Nathan Shallcross LOSS WIN
Pool G Robin Young David Kindness LOSS WIN
Pool G Reuben Joseph Mowbray Nathan Shallcross LOSS WIN
Pool G Jay Li Jonathan Spouge LOSS WIN
Pool G Nathan Shallcross Robin Young WIN LOSS
Pool G Jonathan Spouge David Kindness WIN LOSS
Pool G Jay Li Reuben Joseph Mowbray LOSS WIN
Pool G David Kindness Nathan Shallcross LOSS WIN
Pool G Jay Li Robin Young WIN LOSS
Pool G Jonathan Spouge Reuben Joseph Mowbray WIN LOSS
Pool H Matt Leaning James MacGilp LOSS WIN
Pool H Darren Woodhead Aria Ursell LOSS WIN
Pool H James MacGilp Aria Ursell WIN LOSS
Pool H Duncan Brown Matt Leaning WIN LOSS
Pool H Matt Leaning Darren Woodhead WIN LOSS
Pool H Duncan Brown James MacGilp LOSS WIN
Pool H Aria Ursell Matt Leaning LOSS WIN
Pool H Darren Woodhead Duncan Brown LOSS WIN
Pool H Aria Ursell Duncan Brown LOSS WIN
Pool H Darren Woodhead James MacGilp LOSS WIN
Top 16 - Eliminations Stuart Calder Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Top 16 - Eliminations Chris Stewart Tom Wise WIN LOSS
Top 16 - Eliminations Jack Fraser Jonathan Spouge UNRATED WIN UNRATED LOSS
Top 16 - Eliminations Nathan Shallcross Alex Tawns WIN LOSS
Top 16 - Eliminations Connor Kemp-Cowell James MacGilp LOSS WIN
Top 16 - Eliminations Duncan Brown David Rybacki WIN LOSS
Top 16 - Eliminations Reuben Joseph Mowbray Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Top 16 - Eliminations Samuel Jones Szymon Masiak WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals Mark Wilkie James MacGilp WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals Duncan Brown Chris Stewart LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Jack Fraser Duncan McLaren WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals Samuel Jones Nathan Shallcross LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Mark Wilkie Nathan Shallcross WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Chris Stewart Jack Fraser LOSS WIN
Bronze Match Nathan Shallcross Chris Stewart LOSS WIN
Championship Match Mark Wilkie Jack Fraser WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Jamie McPherson James MacGilp WIN LOSS
Pool A Andrew Mason Nathan Shallcross LOSS WIN
Pool A Stuart Calder Kieran Brimson LOSS WIN
Pool A Andrew Mason Jamie McPherson LOSS WIN
Pool A Kieran Brimson Nathan Shallcross LOSS WIN
Pool A James MacGilp Stuart Calder WIN LOSS
Pool A Andrew Mason Kieran Brimson LOSS WIN
Pool A James MacGilp Nathan Shallcross WIN LOSS
Pool A Jamie McPherson Stuart Calder WIN LOSS
Pool A Andrew Mason James MacGilp LOSS WIN
Pool A Jamie McPherson Kieran Brimson WIN LOSS
Pool A Kieran Brimson James MacGilp LOSS WIN
Pool A Jamie McPherson Nathan Shallcross WIN LOSS
Pool B Harry Leng Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Pool B Marcus McCormick Jacob Farmer WIN LOSS
Pool B Jack Fraser Chris Oates WIN LOSS
Pool B Jacob Farmer Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Pool B Jack Fraser Marcus McCormick LOSS WIN
Pool B Harry Leng Chris Oates WIN LOSS
Pool B Jack Fraser Jacob Farmer WIN LOSS
Pool B Harry Leng Marcus McCormick LOSS WIN
Pool B Mark Wilkie Chris Oates WIN LOSS
Pool B Jacob Farmer Harry Leng WIN LOSS
Pool B Jack Fraser Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Pool B Chris Oates Marcus McCormick WIN LOSS
Pool B Jack Fraser Harry Leng WIN LOSS
Pool B Jacob Farmer Chris Oates WIN LOSS
Pool B Mark Wilkie Marcus McCormick LOSS WIN
Pool C Duncan McLaren Alex Tawns WIN LOSS
Pool C John Hamilton Conor McKeag WIN LOSS
Pool C Alyson Duffy Samuel Jones WIN LOSS
Pool C John Hamilton Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pool C Conor McKeag Alyson Duffy LOSS WIN
Pool C Alex Tawns Samuel Jones LOSS WIN
Pool C John Hamilton Alyson Duffy WIN LOSS
Pool C Alex Tawns Conor McKeag LOSS WIN
Pool C Samuel Jones Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pool C Alex Tawns John Hamilton WIN LOSS
Pool C Alyson Duffy Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pool C Conor McKeag Samuel Jones LOSS WIN
Pool C Alyson Duffy Alex Tawns WIN LOSS
Pool C John Hamilton Samuel Jones LOSS WIN
Pool C Duncan McLaren Conor McKeag WIN LOSS
Pool D Jonathan Spouge Zoltan Betlen WIN LOSS
Pool D Imogen Hendry Brian Schwartz LOSS WIN
Pool D Reuben Joseph Mowbray David Muir WIN LOSS
Pool D Imogen Hendry Zoltan Betlen LOSS WIN
Pool D Brian Schwartz Reuben Joseph Mowbray WIN LOSS
Pool D Jonathan Spouge David Muir WIN LOSS
Pool D Imogen Hendry Reuben Joseph Mowbray LOSS WIN
Pool D Brian Schwartz Jonathan Spouge DRAW DRAW
Pool D Zoltan Betlen David Muir WIN LOSS
Pool D Imogen Hendry Jonathan Spouge LOSS WIN
Pool D Reuben Joseph Mowbray Zoltan Betlen LOSS WIN
Pool D Brian Schwartz David Muir WIN LOSS
Pool D Jonathan Spouge Reuben Joseph Mowbray WIN LOSS
Pool D Imogen Hendry David Muir LOSS WIN
Pool D Zoltan Betlen Brian Schwartz LOSS WIN
Pool E Kat Ferguson Thierry Flekier-Wathen WIN LOSS
Pool E Felix Kennedy Somerville Rachel Terrell WIN LOSS
Pool E Gabriel Uri Brito Davansso Jazahme Burden WIN LOSS
Pool E Felix Kennedy Somerville Kat Ferguson LOSS WIN
Pool E Rachel Terrell Gabriel Uri Brito Davansso LOSS WIN
Pool E Jazahme Burden Thierry Flekier-Wathen WIN LOSS
Pool E Felix Kennedy Somerville Gabriel Uri Brito Davansso LOSS WIN
Pool E Rachel Terrell Thierry Flekier-Wathen LOSS WIN
Pool E Kat Ferguson Jazahme Burden LOSS WIN
Pool E Felix Kennedy Somerville Thierry Flekier-Wathen LOSS WIN
Pool E Gabriel Uri Brito Davansso Kat Ferguson LOSS WIN
Pool E Rachel Terrell Jazahme Burden LOSS WIN
Pool E Gabriel Uri Brito Davansso Thierry Flekier-Wathen WIN LOSS
Pool E Felix Kennedy Somerville Jazahme Burden LOSS WIN
Pool E Rachel Terrell Kat Ferguson LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Marcus McCormick Jamie McPherson LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Mark Wilkie Jonathan Spouge WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals Brian Schwartz James MacGilp LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Duncan McLaren Gabriel Uri Brito Davansso WIN LOSS
Semi Finals James MacGilp Duncan McLaren WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Mark Wilkie Jamie McPherson LOSS WIN
Bronze Match Duncan McLaren Mark Wilkie WIN LOSS
Championship Match Jamie McPherson James MacGilp WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Kat Ferguson Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Pool A Anders Jensen Jim Carr WIN LOSS
Pool A Tom Wise Anders Jensen WIN LOSS
Pool A Kat Ferguson Jim Carr WIN LOSS
Pool A Tom Wise Kat Ferguson WIN LOSS
Pool A Mark Wilkie Jim Carr WIN LOSS
Pool A Anders Jensen Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Pool A Tom Wise Jim Carr LOSS WIN
Pool A Anders Jensen Kat Ferguson WIN LOSS
Pool A Tom Wise Mark Wilkie WIN LOSS
Pool B Connor Kemp-Cowell James MacGilp LOSS WIN
Pool B Matthew Coll Conor McKeag LOSS WIN
Pool B Iain Murtagh Conor McKeag DRAW DRAW
Pool B Matthew Coll James MacGilp LOSS WIN
Pool B Iain Murtagh James MacGilp LOSS WIN
Pool B Matthew Coll Connor Kemp-Cowell LOSS WIN
Pool B Conor McKeag Connor Kemp-Cowell LOSS WIN
Pool B Matthew Coll Iain Murtagh LOSS WIN
Pool B James MacGilp Conor McKeag WIN LOSS
Pool B Iain Murtagh Connor Kemp-Cowell LOSS WIN
Pool C Jack Fraser David Muir WIN LOSS
Pool C Marcus McCormick Reuben Joseph Mowbray WIN LOSS
Pool C Eric Stefan Jack Louw LOSS WIN
Pool C Jack Fraser Marcus McCormick WIN LOSS
Pool C Jack Louw Reuben Joseph Mowbray WIN LOSS
Pool C David Muir Eric Stefan WIN LOSS
Pool C Marcus McCormick Jack Louw WIN LOSS
Pool C Reuben Joseph Mowbray David Muir LOSS WIN
Pool C Eric Stefan Jack Fraser LOSS WIN
Pool C David Muir Marcus McCormick WIN LOSS
Pool C Jack Louw Jack Fraser LOSS WIN
Pool C Reuben Joseph Mowbray Eric Stefan WIN LOSS
Pool C Jack Louw David Muir LOSS WIN
Pool C Marcus McCormick Eric Stefan WIN LOSS
Pool C Reuben Joseph Mowbray Jack Fraser LOSS WIN
Pool D Duncan McLaren Jamie Budge WIN LOSS
Pool D Aidan Jackson Thierry Flekier-Wathen LOSS WIN
Pool D Andrew Bussey Thierry Flekier-Wathen LOSS WIN
Pool D Aidan Jackson Jamie Budge LOSS WIN
Pool D Andrew Bussey Jamie Budge LOSS WIN
Pool D Aidan Jackson Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pool D Thierry Flekier-Wathen Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pool D Aidan Jackson Andrew Bussey LOSS WIN
Pool D Thierry Flekier-Wathen Jamie Budge WIN LOSS
Pool D Andrew Bussey Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Pool E Jay Li Alyson Duffy LOSS WIN
Pool E Samuel Jones Dennis Wisdom WIN LOSS
Pool E Dennis Wisdom Chris Oates LOSS WIN
Pool E Samuel Jones Jay Li WIN LOSS
Pool E Chris Oates Jay Li WIN LOSS
Pool E Samuel Jones Alyson Duffy LOSS WIN
Pool E Dennis Wisdom Alyson Duffy WIN LOSS
Pool E Samuel Jones Chris Oates LOSS WIN
Pool E Dennis Wisdom Jay Li LOSS WIN
Pool E Chris Oates Alyson Duffy WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals Jack Fraser Connor Kemp-Cowell LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Duncan McLaren Thierry Flekier-Wathen WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals Chris Oates Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals David Muir James MacGilp LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Connor Kemp-Cowell James MacGilp LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Duncan McLaren Mark Wilkie LOSS WIN
Bronze Match Connor Kemp-Cowell Duncan McLaren LOSS WIN
Championship Match James MacGilp Mark Wilkie WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool A Alyson Duffy Finley Dickins WIN LOSS
Pool A Victoria Nicolson Madeleine Thomson LOSS WIN
Pool A Farah McAdam Susan Robertson WIN LOSS
Pool A Alyson Duffy Victoria Nicolson WIN LOSS
Pool A Farah McAdam Madeleine Thomson WIN LOSS
Pool A Finley Dickins Susan Robertson LOSS WIN
Pool A Farah McAdam Victoria Nicolson WIN LOSS
Pool A Madeleine Thomson Finley Dickins LOSS WIN
Pool A Susan Robertson Alyson Duffy LOSS WIN
Pool A Victoria Nicolson Finley Dickins LOSS WIN
Pool A Farah McAdam Alyson Duffy LOSS WIN
Pool A Madeleine Thomson Susan Robertson WIN LOSS
Pool A Farah McAdam Finley Dickins WIN LOSS
Pool A Victoria Nicolson Susan Robertson LOSS WIN
Pool A Alyson Duffy Madeleine Thomson WIN LOSS
Pool B Jay Li Rachel Terrell LOSS WIN
Pool B Bailey McDougal Aria Ursell LOSS WIN
Pool B Sarah Little Robin Young WIN LOSS
Pool B Bailey McDougal Rachel Terrell LOSS WIN
Pool B Aria Ursell Sarah Little WIN LOSS
Pool B Jay Li Robin Young WIN LOSS
Pool B Bailey McDougal Sarah Little WIN LOSS
Pool B Jay Li Aria Ursell WIN LOSS
Pool B Robin Young Rachel Terrell LOSS WIN
Pool B Bailey McDougal Jay Li LOSS WIN
Pool B Sarah Little Rachel Terrell LOSS WIN
Pool B Robin Young Aria Ursell LOSS WIN
Pool B Jay Li Sarah Little WIN LOSS
Pool B Bailey McDougal Robin Young LOSS WIN
Pool B Rachel Terrell Aria Ursell WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals Aria Ursell Alyson Duffy LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Rachel Terrell Susan Robertson WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals Farah McAdam Sarah Little WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals Finley Dickins Jay Li LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Farah McAdam Alyson Duffy LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Rachel Terrell Jay Li WIN LOSS
Bronze Match Farah McAdam Jay Li LOSS WIN
Championship Match Alyson Duffy Rachel Terrell WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Round Robin Charlotte Crawshaw Finley Dickins DRAW DRAW
Round Robin Susan Robertson Victoria Nicolson WIN LOSS
Round Robin Imogen Hendry Rachel Terrell LOSS WIN
Round Robin Susan Robertson Finley Dickins WIN LOSS
Round Robin Victoria Nicolson Alyson Duffy LOSS WIN
Round Robin Charlotte Crawshaw Imogen Hendry WIN LOSS
Round Robin Victoria Nicolson Charlotte Crawshaw LOSS WIN
Round Robin Alyson Duffy Susan Robertson WIN LOSS
Round Robin Rachel Terrell Finley Dickins WIN LOSS
Round Robin Charlotte Crawshaw Susan Robertson WIN LOSS
Round Robin Rachel Terrell Victoria Nicolson WIN LOSS
Round Robin Imogen Hendry Alyson Duffy LOSS WIN
Round Robin Finley Dickins Alyson Duffy LOSS WIN
Round Robin Charlotte Crawshaw Rachel Terrell LOSS WIN
Round Robin Victoria Nicolson Imogen Hendry LOSS WIN
Round Robin Susan Robertson Rachel Terrell LOSS WIN
Round Robin Charlotte Crawshaw Alyson Duffy LOSS WIN
Round Robin Finley Dickins Imogen Hendry LOSS WIN
Round Robin Imogen Hendry Susan Robertson WIN LOSS
Round Robin Finley Dickins Victoria Nicolson WIN LOSS
Round Robin Alyson Duffy Rachel Terrell WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Charlotte Crawshaw Alyson Duffy LOSS WIN
Semi Finals Rachel Terrell Imogen Hendry WIN LOSS
Bronze Match Charlotte Crawshaw Imogen Hendry LOSS WIN
Champion Match Alyson Duffy Rachel Terrell WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Glasgow HEMA Open 2025

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
34 26 Mark Wilkie The Institute for Historical Arts 1794.8 49.9
96 4 Connor Kemp-Cowell Caledonian Sword Guild 1698.5 4.5
114 4 Jack Fraser Dawn Duellists Society 1682 3.1
128 2 Duncan McLaren Caledonian Sword Guild 1670.4 2.4
231 234 Kat Ferguson Dawn Duellists Society 1605.7 100
273 197 James MacGilp The Institute for Historical Arts 1584.7 81.1
533 30 Jonathan Spouge The Vanguard Centre 1486.9 7.6
738 277 Alyson Duffy Dawn Duellists Society 1441.5 60.1
806 791 Nathan Shallcross Red Dragon Longsword Academy 1425.9 139.5
960 174 Thomas Jones Durham Medieval Combat Academy 1393.6 34.4
998 247 David Rybacki Caledonian Sword Guild 1385.6 49.1
1243 322 Stuart Calder The Institute for Historical Arts 1338.3 47.6
1331 217 Szymon Masiak The Institute for Historical Arts 1325 31.2
1339 643 Chris Stewart The Vanguard Centre 1323.8 92.4
1621 91 Matt Leaning Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 1283.3 13.3
1626 503 Alex Tawns Dawn Duellists Society 1282.4 70.4
1653 Duncan Brown Aberdeen Swordsmanship Group 1278.9
1826 Samuel Jones The Society for the Study of Swordsmanship 1254.2
1848 60 David Pharis The Vanguard Centre 1251.1 7.3
1943 477 Zak Remmington Durham Medieval Combat Academy 1237.4 63
2211 218 Jamie Budge Hotspur School of Defence 1201.5 28.5
2342 265 Dmitrij Bugajev Durham Medieval Combat Academy 1184.2 36.5
2698 202 Tom Wise Hotspur School of Defence 1137 25.6
2815 602 Reuben Joseph Mowbray Hotspur School of Defence 1121 74.7
2889 Jazahme Burden Spada HEMA 1112.7
3054 407 Jack Neilan The Institute for Historical Arts 1086.4 45.4
3271 Sandy Bethell Aberdeen Swordsmanship Group 1061.6
3276 David Christie The Vanguard Centre 1061.1
3557 575 Andrew Bussey The Vanguard Centre 1027.1 87.3
3603 638 David Kindness Aberdeen Swordsmanship Group 1018.9 93.1
3670 134 Jack Harmsworth Red Dragon Longsword Academy 1007.3 20
3945 16 Jay Li The Vanguard Centre 966.5 3.2
3971 987 Harry Leng Dawn Duellists Society 963.2 163.8
4044 605 Simon Brooks The Exiles 953 90.1
4046 Angus Macleod The Vanguard Centre 952.6
4047 Iain McMaster Glasgow HEMA 952.6
4102 Madoc Brophy Glasgow HEMA 944.3
4255 1023 Darren Woodhead Red Dragon Longsword Academy 923.4 142.5
4496 369 Aria Ursell The Institute for Historical Arts 884.6 66.3
4593 173 Madeleine Thomson The Vanguard Centre 869.4 29.4
4600 98 Christopher Wood Wolfshead Western Martial Arts 869 15.4
4610 Jim Carr Glasgow HEMA 867.8
5034 Andrew Jackson Glasgow HEMA 788.7
5275 Robin Young Glasgow HEMA 706.2
5400 Marcus McCormick The Vanguard Centre 605.8
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
56 103 Jamie McPherson The Vanguard Centre 1688.3 139.1
172 5 Duncan McLaren Caledonian Sword Guild 1541.1 1
210 7 Zoltan Betlen Cambridge HEMA 1511.8 1.2
236 50 Mark Wilkie The Institute for Historical Arts 1491.3 36.4
250 James MacGilp The Institute for Historical Arts 1482.1
291 135 Jonathan Spouge The Vanguard Centre 1453.1 85
359 401 Brian Schwartz Saorsa: Scottish Swordsmanship 1407.4 184.1
462 Kat Ferguson Dawn Duellists Society 1356.6
496 36 Nathan Shallcross Red Dragon Longsword Academy 1339.8 29.4
523 Jazahme Burden Spada HEMA 1325.1
542 37 Thierry Flekier-Wathen The Vanguard Centre 1315.4 7.5
549 183 David Muir The Vanguard Centre 1312.8 85.9
578 174 Marcus McCormick The Vanguard Centre 1298.8 73.7
660 510 Alyson Duffy Dawn Duellists Society 1261.9 181.4
682 837 Gabriel Uri Brito Davansso Saorsa: Scottish Swordsmanship 1255.2 292.9
761 Samuel Jones The Society for the Study of Swordsmanship 1230.6
796 246 Jack Fraser Dawn Duellists Society 1217.7 93.2
941 202 Conor McKeag The Vanguard Centre 1170.2 60.2
954 54 Kieran Brimson The Vanguard Centre 1167.7 32.1
998 John Hamilton Saorsa: Scottish Swordsmanship 1150.1
1060 429 Reuben Joseph Mowbray Hotspur School of Defence 1126.6 154.7
1385 393 Rachel Terrell Fair City Historical Academy 1020.4 121.3
1527 Alex Tawns Dawn Duellists Society 972.6
1550 339 Jacob Farmer Saorsa: Scottish Swordsmanship 965.4 154.9
1605 Felix Kennedy Somerville Dawn Duellists Society 944.6
1648 Chris Oates The Vanguard Centre 934.9
1734 Imogen Hendry Saorsa: Scottish Swordsmanship 898.9
1775 136 Harry Leng Dawn Duellists Society 886.6 87.2
1780 78 Stuart Calder The Institute for Historical Arts 884.8 11.3
1823 Andrew Mason N/A 859.3