Maria Rodríguez Montfulleda

Club Esgrima Burriac


Mixed Steel Any Sword & Buckler 5 0 5 0 0
Mixed Steel Longsword 23 2 21 0 0
Sum 28 2 26 0 0


Category Rank (current) Weighted Rating (current) Rank (best) Weighted Rating (best)
Longsword (Mixed & Men's, Steel) 3729 910 1077 (March 2022) 980.5 (March 2022)
Sword and Buckler (Mixed, Steel) 1076 797.6 689 (March 2023) 807.5 (March 2023)

Full rating histories

The fighter has been on an island, I.E. has no direct link to most fighters, in 2 out of 29 months

Match results

Longsword (Mixed & Men's, Steel)

DivisionEventStageOpponentOutcomeWin chance
Mixed Steel Longsword Barcino Pugnare 2024 (May 2024) 17th Place Anna Vasileva LOSS 39%
Mixed Steel Longsword Barcino Pugnare 2024 (May 2024) Pool 3 Yuliia Smoilovska LOSS 36%
Mixed Steel Longsword Barcino Pugnare 2024 (May 2024) Pool 3 Alexander Kitaev LOSS 14%
Mixed Steel Longsword Barcino Pugnare 2024 (May 2024) Pool 3 Rodrigo Domingo Jiménez LOSS 39%
Mixed Steel Longsword Barcino Pugnare 2024 (May 2024) Pool 3 Le Moing Zacharie LOSS 26%
Mixed Steel Longsword Barcino Pugnare 2024 (May 2024) Pool 3 Ramon Espinel LOSS 39%
Mixed Steel Longsword Iluro Pugnare 2023 (May 2023) 9th Place Cristian Milà Martinez LOSS 22%
Mixed Steel Longsword Iluro Pugnare 2023 (May 2023) 9th Place Iker Musitu Bravo LOSS 20%
Mixed Steel Longsword Iluro Pugnare 2023 (May 2023) Eighth Final Gaël Marais LOSS 7%
Mixed Steel Longsword Iluro Pugnare 2023 (May 2023) Pool 4 Iker Musitu Bravo LOSS 20%
Mixed Steel Longsword Iluro Pugnare 2023 (May 2023) Pool 4 François Bois LOSS 14%
Mixed Steel Longsword Iluro Pugnare 2023 (May 2023) Pool 4 Artemii Zhukov WIN 38%
Mixed Steel Longsword Montpellier Hema Tournament 12 (March 2023) 1/32 FINAL Arnaud Marchand LOSS 44%
Mixed Steel Longsword Montpellier Hema Tournament 12 (March 2023) POOL 3 Arnaud Marchand LOSS 44%
Mixed Steel Longsword Montpellier Hema Tournament 12 (March 2023) POOL 3 Paolo Dahan LOSS 22%
Mixed Steel Longsword Montpellier Hema Tournament 12 (March 2023) POOL 3 Valentin Rossi LOSS 44%
Mixed Steel Longsword Montpellier Hema Tournament 12 (March 2023) POOL 3 Michael Prendergast LOSS 38%
Mixed Steel Longsword Montpellier Hema Tournament 12 (March 2023) POOL 3 Andrii Koniukh LOSS 47%
Mixed Steel Longsword Iluro Pugnare 2022 (March 2022) Adrià Mondaray i Posada LOSS 50%
Mixed Steel Longsword Iluro Pugnare 2022 (March 2022) Paolo Dahan LOSS 40%
Mixed Steel Longsword Iluro Pugnare 2022 (March 2022) Jérôme Guillaumet LOSS 46%
Mixed Steel Longsword Iluro Pugnare 2022 (March 2022) Kathleen Cesca LOSS 50%
Mixed Steel Longsword Iluro Pugnare 2022 (March 2022) Carlos Cabreira Sánchez WIN 50%

Sword and Buckler (Mixed, Steel)

DivisionEventStageOpponentOutcomeWin chance
Mixed Steel Any Sword & Buckler Montpellier Hema Tournament 12 (March 2023) 1/16 FINAL Victor Moulard LOSS 50%
Mixed Steel Any Sword & Buckler Montpellier Hema Tournament 12 (March 2023) POOL 1 Joris Dufayard LOSS 54%
Mixed Steel Any Sword & Buckler Montpellier Hema Tournament 12 (March 2023) POOL 1 Timothée Boggetto LOSS 40%
Mixed Steel Any Sword & Buckler Montpellier Hema Tournament 12 (March 2023) POOL 1 Emmanuel Maitrehenry LOSS 50%
Mixed Steel Any Sword & Buckler Montpellier Hema Tournament 12 (March 2023) POOL 1 Gabriel Tardio LOSS 54%