Winter's End 2017

Date February 17, 2017
Country United States
State Oregon
City Newberg

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 88 39
Women's Steel Longsword 20 8
Mixed Steel Sabre 107 33
Mixed Synthetic Longsword 28 12

Fighters in event

Dave Wayne Academie Cavallo
Herry Chen Academie Duello
Christina Tamer Ann Arbor Sword Club
Corrigan Cassidy Blood and Iron Martial Arts
Dimitrios Andreas Stephanoy Blood and Iron Martial Arts
Kevin Campbell Blood and Iron Martial Arts
Kevin de Ridder Blood and Iron Martial Arts
Reese Pollock Comox Valley Combat Guild
Brittany Reeves Mordhau Historical Combat
Jane Strange San Diego Swordfighters
Tyler Corston-Oliver The Historical Combat Collective
Julian Schuetze The Historical Combat Collective
Vincent Chiu Valkyrie Western Martial Arts Assembly
Sihong Fu Academie Duello
William Richmond
Richard Tillman
Kevin Hill
Will Petillo
Ken Tucker
Alex Jay
Phillip Isherwood
Aaron Uusitalo
John Holeman
Steve Malinson
Chris Bigelow
James Wolfe Academy of European Arms
Morgan Garrett Citadel Combat Arena
Lucas Servera Drei Wunder Wma
Matthew Mawhirter Drei Wunder Wma
Dan Sims Drei Wunder Wma
Brent Lambell Drei Wunder Wma
Leann Hansen Drei Wunder Wma
Ben Brown Drei Wunder Wma
Zachary Amsden Drei Wunder Wma
Moses Jones Drei Wunder Wma
Spencer Merkel Drei Wunder Wma
Jordan Thompson Eastside Fechtverein HEMA
Morgan Blackmore Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts
Preston Weller Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts
Callie Jones Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts
Douglas Mayovsky Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts
Tim Duefrane Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts
Joseph Marsden Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts
Dashiell Harrison Indes Ferox Gladio
Tryon Thompson Indes Ferox Gladio
Joseph Colistro Indes Ferox Gladio
John Rakestraw Indes Ferox Gladio
Anthony Zavin Indes Ferox Gladio
Caleb Switzer Indes Ferox Gladio
Stephen Loch Indes Ferox Gladio
Paul Scheible Lonin League
Mitchell Allen Lonin League
Shane Malone Lonin League
Jon Chouinard Lonin League
Beth Hammer Lonin League
Matthew Roche Lonin League
Shawn Fackler Loyal Order of the Sword
Robert Brehm Northwest Armizare
Mark Smead San Luis Valley Swordguild
Eli Hood Swordguild Portland
Paul Miller Swordguild Portland
Monica Garcia Swordguild Portland
Cory Conner Swordguild Portland
Siavash Rezvani Swordguild Portland
Jason Brown Swordguild Portland


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Kevin de Ridder Mitchell Allen WIN LOSS
Robert Brehm John Rakestraw LOSS WIN
Mitchell Allen John Rakestraw WIN LOSS
Kevin de Ridder Cory Conner WIN LOSS
Mitchell Allen Cory Conner WIN LOSS
Robert Brehm Kevin de Ridder LOSS WIN
Cory Conner Robert Brehm WIN LOSS
John Rakestraw Kevin de Ridder WIN LOSS
Mitchell Allen Robert Brehm WIN LOSS
Cory Conner John Rakestraw WIN LOSS
Paul Scheible Ken Tucker WIN LOSS
Herry Chen Lucas Servera WIN LOSS
Paul Scheible Lucas Servera LOSS WIN
Ben Brown Ken Tucker WIN LOSS
Paul Scheible Ben Brown LOSS WIN
Herry Chen Ken Tucker WIN LOSS
Ben Brown Herry Chen LOSS WIN
Lucas Servera Ken Tucker DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Paul Scheible Herry Chen DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Ben Brown Lucas Servera WIN LOSS
Christina Tamer Kevin Campbell LOSS WIN
Tryon Thompson Will Petillo WIN LOSS
Christina Tamer Tryon Thompson LOSS WIN
Kevin Campbell Matthew Mawhirter WIN LOSS
Matthew Mawhirter Christina Tamer WIN LOSS
Kevin Campbell Will Petillo WIN LOSS
Matthew Mawhirter Will Petillo LOSS WIN
Tryon Thompson Kevin Campbell WIN LOSS
Christina Tamer Will Petillo LOSS WIN
Matthew Mawhirter Tryon Thompson LOSS WIN
Dashiell Harrison Jordan Thompson LOSS WIN
William Richmond Sihong Fu WIN LOSS
Jordan Thompson William Richmond LOSS WIN
Spencer Merkel Dashiell Harrison LOSS WIN
Jordan Thompson Spencer Merkel WIN LOSS
Sihong Fu Dashiell Harrison DRAW DRAW
Spencer Merkel Sihong Fu WIN LOSS
Dashiell Harrison William Richmond DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Jordan Thompson Sihong Fu WIN LOSS
William Richmond Spencer Merkel WIN LOSS
Joseph Colistro Julian Schuetze WIN LOSS
Preston Weller Caleb Switzer LOSS WIN
Joseph Colistro Caleb Switzer LOSS WIN
Preston Weller Joseph Colistro LOSS WIN
Jon Chouinard Callie Jones WIN LOSS
Douglas Mayovsky Anthony Zavin WIN LOSS
Jon Chouinard Anthony Zavin WIN LOSS
Shawn Fackler Callie Jones WIN LOSS
Jon Chouinard Shawn Fackler LOSS WIN
Douglas Mayovsky Callie Jones WIN LOSS
Shawn Fackler Douglas Mayovsky WIN LOSS
Anthony Zavin Callie Jones LOSS WIN
Douglas Mayovsky Jon Chouinard LOSS WIN
Shawn Fackler Anthony Zavin WIN LOSS
Matthew Roche Tim Duefrane WIN LOSS
Alex Jay Dave Wayne WIN LOSS
Matthew Roche Alex Jay LOSS WIN
Phillip Isherwood Tim Duefrane WIN LOSS
Matthew Roche Phillip Isherwood WIN LOSS
Dave Wayne Tim Duefrane LOSS WIN
Phillip Isherwood Dave Wayne WIN LOSS
Tim Duefrane Alex Jay LOSS WIN
Dave Wayne Matthew Roche LOSS WIN
Phillip Isherwood Alex Jay WIN LOSS
Morgan Blackmore Stephen Loch WIN LOSS
Zachary Amsden Aaron Uusitalo WIN LOSS
Stephen Loch Zachary Amsden LOSS WIN
Morgan Blackmore Jason Brown WIN LOSS
Stephen Loch Jason Brown LOSS WIN
Morgan Blackmore Aaron Uusitalo WIN LOSS
Aaron Uusitalo Jason Brown LOSS WIN
Zachary Amsden Morgan Blackmore LOSS WIN
Stephen Loch Aaron Uusitalo WIN LOSS
Zachary Amsden Jason Brown LOSS WIN
Tryon Thompson Kevin de Ridder LOSS WIN
Matthew Roche Caleb Switzer LOSS WIN
Tryon Thompson Matthew Roche WIN LOSS
Caleb Switzer Kevin de Ridder LOSS WIN
Kevin de Ridder Matthew Roche WIN LOSS
Caleb Switzer Tryon Thompson WIN LOSS
Morgan Blackmore Caleb Switzer WIN LOSS
Shawn Fackler Kevin de Ridder LOSS WIN
Herry Chen Jordan Thompson LOSS WIN
Shawn Fackler Morgan Blackmore WIN LOSS
Jordan Thompson Morgan Blackmore LOSS WIN
Shawn Fackler Herry Chen WIN LOSS
Herry Chen Morgan Blackmore LOSS WIN
Jordan Thompson Shawn Fackler LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Brittany Reeves Corrigan Cassidy LOSS WIN
Vincent Chiu Jason Brown WIN LOSS
Joseph Colistro John Holeman LOSS WIN
John Holeman Jason Brown LOSS WIN
Corrigan Cassidy Vincent Chiu LOSS WIN
Brittany Reeves Joseph Colistro LOSS WIN
John Holeman Vincent Chiu LOSS WIN
Brittany Reeves Jason Brown LOSS WIN
Joseph Colistro Corrigan Cassidy WIN LOSS
Corrigan Cassidy John Holeman WIN LOSS
Jason Brown Joseph Colistro LOSS WIN
Brittany Reeves Vincent Chiu LOSS WIN
Vincent Chiu Joseph Colistro WIN LOSS
Jason Brown Corrigan Cassidy WIN LOSS
Brittany Reeves John Holeman WIN LOSS
Dashiell Harrison Kevin de Ridder WIN LOSS
Brent Lambell Paul Miller WIN LOSS
Steve Malinson Matthew Roche WIN LOSS
Paul Miller Steve Malinson LOSS WIN
Kevin de Ridder Brent Lambell WIN LOSS
Dashiell Harrison Matthew Roche WIN LOSS
Steve Malinson Brent Lambell LOSS WIN
Paul Miller Dashiell Harrison LOSS WIN
Kevin de Ridder Matthew Roche LOSS WIN
Steve Malinson Kevin de Ridder LOSS WIN
Paul Miller Matthew Roche LOSS WIN
Brent Lambell Dashiell Harrison WIN LOSS
Matthew Roche Brent Lambell LOSS WIN
Kevin de Ridder Paul Miller WIN LOSS
Dashiell Harrison Steve Malinson WIN LOSS
Chris Bigelow Robert Brehm WIN LOSS
Tim Duefrane Caleb Switzer WIN LOSS
Robert Brehm Caleb Switzer LOSS WIN
Dimitrios Andreas Stephanoy Chris Bigelow LOSS WIN
Caleb Switzer Chris Bigelow LOSS WIN
Dimitrios Andreas Stephanoy Tim Duefrane WIN LOSS
Caleb Switzer Dimitrios Andreas Stephanoy LOSS WIN
Tim Duefrane Robert Brehm WIN LOSS
Chris Bigelow Tim Duefrane WIN LOSS
Robert Brehm Dimitrios Andreas Stephanoy DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Tyler Corston-Oliver Mark Smead LOSS WIN
Will Petillo Siavash Rezvani WIN LOSS
Zachary Amsden Morgan Blackmore WIN LOSS
Siavash Rezvani Zachary Amsden LOSS WIN
Tyler Corston-Oliver Will Petillo LOSS WIN
Morgan Blackmore Mark Smead WIN LOSS
Zachary Amsden Will Petillo WIN LOSS
Siavash Rezvani Mark Smead WIN LOSS
Tyler Corston-Oliver Morgan Blackmore LOSS WIN
Zachary Amsden Tyler Corston-Oliver WIN LOSS
Morgan Blackmore Siavash Rezvani WIN LOSS
Mark Smead Will Petillo LOSS WIN
Morgan Blackmore Will Petillo WIN LOSS
Tyler Corston-Oliver Siavash Rezvani LOSS WIN
Mark Smead Zachary Amsden LOSS WIN
Kevin Campbell Moses Jones LOSS WIN
Ken Tucker Morgan Garrett LOSS WIN
Kevin Campbell Morgan Garrett WIN LOSS
Shawn Fackler Moses Jones WIN LOSS
Kevin Campbell Shawn Fackler WIN LOSS
Ken Tucker Moses Jones LOSS WIN
Ken Tucker Shawn Fackler LOSS WIN
Moses Jones Morgan Garrett WIN LOSS
Kevin Campbell Ken Tucker WIN LOSS
Morgan Garrett Shawn Fackler LOSS WIN
Reese Pollock Callie Jones WIN LOSS
Cory Conner Richard Tillman WIN LOSS
Dan Sims Cory Conner LOSS WIN
Richard Tillman Callie Jones LOSS WIN
Dan Sims Callie Jones WIN LOSS
Richard Tillman Reese Pollock LOSS WIN
Reese Pollock Cory Conner LOSS WIN
Richard Tillman Dan Sims LOSS WIN
Reese Pollock Dan Sims LOSS WIN
Cory Conner Callie Jones WIN LOSS
Vincent Chiu Shawn Fackler LOSS WIN
Zachary Amsden Dimitrios Andreas Stephanoy LOSS WIN
Reese Pollock Dashiell Harrison LOSS WIN
Zachary Amsden Reese Pollock WIN LOSS
Dimitrios Andreas Stephanoy Vincent Chiu LOSS WIN
Dashiell Harrison Shawn Fackler LOSS WIN
Dimitrios Andreas Stephanoy Reese Pollock WIN LOSS
Shawn Fackler Zachary Amsden WIN LOSS
Vincent Chiu Dashiell Harrison WIN LOSS
Vincent Chiu Reese Pollock WIN LOSS
Dashiell Harrison Zachary Amsden LOSS WIN
Dimitrios Andreas Stephanoy Shawn Fackler LOSS WIN
Dashiell Harrison Dimitrios Andreas Stephanoy LOSS WIN
Vincent Chiu Zachary Amsden WIN LOSS
Reese Pollock Shawn Fackler LOSS WIN
Chris Bigelow Brent Lambell WIN LOSS
Cory Conner Joseph Colistro WIN LOSS
Kevin Campbell Morgan Blackmore WIN LOSS
Morgan Blackmore Cory Conner LOSS WIN
Joseph Colistro Chris Bigelow WIN LOSS
Kevin Campbell Brent Lambell LOSS WIN
Joseph Colistro Morgan Blackmore LOSS WIN
Brent Lambell Cory Conner WIN LOSS
Kevin Campbell Chris Bigelow LOSS WIN
Morgan Blackmore Chris Bigelow LOSS WIN
Kevin Campbell Cory Conner LOSS WIN
Joseph Colistro Brent Lambell WIN LOSS
Kevin Campbell Joseph Colistro WIN LOSS
Cory Conner Chris Bigelow LOSS WIN
Brent Lambell Morgan Blackmore LOSS WIN
Chris Bigelow Shawn Fackler LOSS WIN
Cory Conner Vincent Chiu LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Winter's End 2017

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
145 68 Caleb Switzer Indes Ferox Gladio 1465.5 67.8
149 377 Morgan Blackmore Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts 1461.9 269.6
180 146 Shawn Fackler Loyal Order of the Sword 1434.1 132.2
209 68 Julian Schuetze The Historical Combat Collective 1405.9 60.1
210 615 Kevin de Ridder Blood and Iron Martial Arts 1405.1 370.5
257 206 Tryon Thompson Indes Ferox Gladio 1364.1 138.2
270 18 Ben Brown Drei Wunder Wma 1355.1 29
315 430 Jason Brown Swordguild Portland 1320.1 239.3
358 Alex Jay N/A 1295.5
376 32 Jordan Thompson Eastside Fechtverein HEMA 1284.4 33.1
386 Joseph Colistro Indes Ferox Gladio 1279.6
413 Phillip Isherwood N/A 1261
418 Kevin Campbell Blood and Iron Martial Arts 1259.4
490 24 Zachary Amsden Drei Wunder Wma 1223.9 27.6
494 437 William Richmond N/A 1221.7 249.6
532 155 Tim Duefrane Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts 1202.3 65
587 474 Jon Chouinard Lonin League 1174.1 260.9
607 326 Cory Conner Swordguild Portland 1165.5 164.4
637 308 Matthew Roche Lonin League 1151.4 183.6
661 399 Herry Chen Academie Duello 1138.3 225.1
683 55 Dashiell Harrison Indes Ferox Gladio 1129 45.3
692 Will Petillo N/A 1121.2
766 466 Mitchell Allen Lonin League 1089.4 274.6
818 34 Matthew Mawhirter Drei Wunder Wma 1070.7 5.9
847 Douglas Mayovsky Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts 1054.3
850 115 Spencer Merkel Drei Wunder Wma 1053.1 31.3
936 John Rakestraw Indes Ferox Gladio 1000.3
1007 28 Lucas Servera Drei Wunder Wma 970.6 43.4
1079 Stephen Loch Indes Ferox Gladio 942.6
1131 Callie Jones Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts 914.3
1160 Paul Scheible Lonin League 906
1217 43 Sihong Fu Academie Duello 880.3 24.2
1310 Aaron Uusitalo N/A 819
1329 Christina Tamer Ann Arbor Sword Club 811.2
1361 Dave Wayne Academie Cavallo 789.7
1374 Ken Tucker N/A 776.3
1376 Anthony Zavin Indes Ferox Gladio 774.4
1379 100 Preston Weller Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts 767.9 12.9
1392 123 Robert Brehm Northwest Armizare 750.9 40.3
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
9 19 Beth Hammer Lonin League 1526.4 175.5
25 2 Brittany Reeves Mordhau Historical Combat 1389.5 1.6
28 11 Jane Strange San Diego Swordfighters 1368.6 84.9
59 Christina Tamer Ann Arbor Sword Club 1201.8
86 12 Callie Jones Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts 1062.7 63.7
89 28 Leann Hansen Drei Wunder Wma 1051.9 132.1
102 3 Shane Malone Lonin League 1005.1 37.6
129 Monica Garcia Swordguild Portland 891.6
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
11 Vincent Chiu Valkyrie Western Martial Arts Assembly 1568.2
13 Shawn Fackler Loyal Order of the Sword 1543.2
29 Chris Bigelow N/A 1458.1
46 Zachary Amsden Drei Wunder Wma 1372.9
47 Cory Conner Swordguild Portland 1372.9
69 Brent Lambell Drei Wunder Wma 1287.8
70 Morgan Blackmore Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts 1287.8
75 Dimitrios Andreas Stephanoy Blood and Iron Martial Arts 1276.6
85 Moses Jones Drei Wunder Wma 1250.4
86 Dan Sims Drei Wunder Wma 1250.4
92 Kevin Campbell Blood and Iron Martial Arts 1236
103 Joseph Colistro Indes Ferox Gladio 1202.7
104 Dashiell Harrison Indes Ferox Gladio 1202.7
115 Jason Brown Swordguild Portland 1185.1
116 Kevin de Ridder Blood and Iron Martial Arts 1185.1
117 Will Petillo N/A 1185.1
155 Tim Duefrane Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts 1082.9
173 Corrigan Cassidy Blood and Iron Martial Arts 1040.8
174 Matthew Roche Lonin League 1040.8
175 Siavash Rezvani Swordguild Portland 1040.8
176 Steve Malinson N/A 1040.8
202 Reese Pollock Comox Valley Combat Guild 957.8
217 Caleb Switzer Indes Ferox Gladio 915.4
218 Morgan Garrett Citadel Combat Arena 915.4
219 Callie Jones Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts 915.4
226 Brittany Reeves Mordhau Historical Combat 896.5
227 John Holeman N/A 896.5
228 Mark Smead San Luis Valley Swordguild 896.5
265 Paul Miller Swordguild Portland 752.3
266 Tyler Corston-Oliver The Historical Combat Collective 752.3
268 Ken Tucker N/A 747.8
269 Richard Tillman N/A 747.8
272 Robert Brehm Northwest Armizare 744.9
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
9 19 Beth Hammer Lonin League 1526.4 175.5
25 2 Brittany Reeves Mordhau Historical Combat 1389.5 1.6
28 11 Jane Strange San Diego Swordfighters 1368.6 84.9
59 Christina Tamer Ann Arbor Sword Club 1201.8
86 12 Callie Jones Grit-City Historical European Martial Arts 1062.7 63.7
89 28 Leann Hansen Drei Wunder Wma 1051.9 132.1
102 3 Shane Malone Lonin League 1005.1 37.6
129 Monica Garcia Swordguild Portland 891.6