Clash of Claymores

Date September 1, 2018
Country United States
State Pennsylvania
City Carlisle

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 91 22

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pools Christopher Smoot Chris Hobbs LOSS WIN
Pools Rob Sims Pascal Scoles LOSS WIN
Pools Chris Hobbs Patrick Paglen WIN LOSS
Pools Christopher Smoot Pascal Scoles DRAW DRAW
Pools Rob Sims Patrick Paglen DRAW DRAW
Pools Chris Hobbs Pascal Scoles WIN LOSS
Pools Patrick Paglen Christopher Smoot LOSS WIN
Pools Rob Sims Chris Hobbs LOSS WIN
Pools Pascal Scoles Patrick Paglen WIN LOSS
Pools Rob Sims Christopher Smoot LOSS WIN
Pools Travis Mayott Eric Avila WIN LOSS
Pools C. Burns Rebecca Glass WIN LOSS
Pools Eric Avila Rebecca Glass WIN LOSS
Pools C. Burns Eric Avila LOSS WIN
Pools Travis Mayott C. Burns WIN LOSS
Pools Travis Mayott Rebecca Glass WIN LOSS
Pools Joseph Lilly Jay Tsulis WIN LOSS
Pools Justin Britton Ashleigh Hobbs WIN LOSS
Pools Joseph Lilly Ashleigh Hobbs WIN LOSS
Pools Justin Britton Joseph Lilly WIN LOSS
Pools Jay Tsulis Justin Britton WIN LOSS
Pools Jay Tsulis Ashleigh Hobbs WIN LOSS
Pools Connor Kemp-Cowell J.J. Conlon WIN LOSS
Pools Austin Straub Andre Troche WIN LOSS
Pools J.J. Conlon Andre Troche WIN LOSS
Pools Austin Straub J.J. Conlon WIN LOSS
Pools Connor Kemp-Cowell Austin Straub LOSS WIN
Pools Andre Troche Connor Kemp-Cowell LOSS WIN
Pools Luis Torres Patrick McCaffrey WIN LOSS
Pools Nick Bulan Benjamin Delong WIN LOSS
Pools Luis Torres Ulysses Olek WIN LOSS
Pools Nick Bulan Patrick McCaffrey WIN LOSS
Pools Benjamin Delong Ulysses Olek LOSS WIN
Pools Luis Torres Nick Bulan WIN LOSS
Pools Ulysses Olek Patrick McCaffrey WIN LOSS
Pools Luis Torres Benjamin Delong WIN LOSS
Pools Ulysses Olek Nick Bulan LOSS WIN
Pools Patrick McCaffrey Benjamin Delong WIN LOSS
Pools Benjamin Delong Chris Hobbs LOSS WIN
Pools Joseph Lilly Nick Bulan WIN LOSS
Pools Chris Hobbs Patrick Paglen DRAW DRAW
Pools Benjamin Delong Joseph Lilly LOSS WIN
Pools Patrick Paglen Nick Bulan WIN LOSS
Pools Chris Hobbs Joseph Lilly WIN LOSS
Pools Benjamin Delong Patrick Paglen WIN LOSS
Pools Chris Hobbs Nick Bulan WIN LOSS
Pools Joseph Lilly Patrick Paglen WIN LOSS
Pools Nick Bulan Benjamin Delong WIN LOSS
Pools Patrick McCaffrey Travis Mayott WIN LOSS
Pools Justin Britton Andre Troche WIN LOSS
Pools Patrick McCaffrey Andre Troche LOSS WIN
Pools Justin Britton Travis Mayott LOSS WIN
Pools Travis Mayott Andre Troche WIN LOSS
Pools J.J. Conlon Luis Torres LOSS WIN
Pools Eric Avila Pascal Scoles LOSS WIN
Pools C. Burns Luis Torres LOSS WIN
Pools Pascal Scoles J.J. Conlon WIN LOSS
Pools C. Burns Eric Avila WIN LOSS
Pools Luis Torres Pascal Scoles WIN LOSS
Pools C. Burns J.J. Conlon LOSS WIN
Pools Eric Avila Luis Torres LOSS WIN
Pools C. Burns Pascal Scoles LOSS WIN
Pools J.J. Conlon Eric Avila WIN LOSS
Pools Christopher Smoot Connor Kemp-Cowell LOSS WIN
Pools Rebecca Glass Ashleigh Hobbs LOSS WIN
Pools Christopher Smoot Ashleigh Hobbs WIN LOSS
Pools Rebecca Glass Christopher Smoot LOSS WIN
Pools Connor Kemp-Cowell Rebecca Glass WIN LOSS
Pools Ashleigh Hobbs Connor Kemp-Cowell WIN LOSS
Pools Austin Straub Jay Tsulis LOSS WIN
Pools Ulysses Olek Jay Tsulis LOSS WIN
Pools Austin Straub Ulysses Olek LOSS WIN
Pools Rob Sims Jay Tsulis LOSS WIN
Pools Austin Straub Rob Sims WIN LOSS
Pools Ulysses Olek Rob Sims WIN LOSS
Eighth-finals Chris Hobbs Eric Avila WIN LOSS
Eighth-finals Connor Kemp-Cowell Joseph Lilly WIN LOSS
Eighth-finals Nick Bulan Christopher Smoot LOSS WIN
Eighth-finals Joseph Lilly Travis Mayott LOSS WIN
Eighth-finals Luis Torres Ashleigh Hobbs WIN LOSS
Eighth-finals Patrick Paglen Justin Britton WIN LOSS
Eighth-finals J.J. Conlon Pascal Scoles WIN LOSS
Eighth-finals Austin Straub Jay Tsulis LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Chris Hobbs Connor Kemp-Cowell WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Christopher Smoot Travis Mayott WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Luis Torres Patrick Paglen WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals J.J. Conlon Jay Tsulis LOSS WIN
Semifinals Christopher Smoot Chris Hobbs LOSS WIN
Semifinals Jay Tsulis Luis Torres LOSS WIN
Finals (Gold Match) Chris Hobbs Luis Torres WIN LOSS
Finals (Bronze Match) Christopher Smoot Jay Tsulis WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Clash of Claymores