Showdown in No-Town 2019

Date April 13, 2019
Country United States
State Texas
City Seguin
Software HEMA Scorecard (results )

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 70 27
Mixed Synthetic Dussack 76 23

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Open Jonathan Marshall Nathaniel Bryant WIN LOSS
Open Matthew Allen Seth Trapper LOSS WIN
Open Jonathan Marshall Matthew Allen WIN LOSS
Open Seth Trapper Jonathan Marshall LOSS WIN
Open Nathaniel Bryant Seth Trapper WIN LOSS
Open Matthew Allen Nathaniel Bryant LOSS WIN
Open Nathaniel Bryant Yazan Al-amin WIN LOSS
Open Seth Trapper Yazan Al-amin WIN LOSS
Open Jonathan Marshall Yazan Al-amin WIN LOSS
Open Matthew Allen Yazan Al-amin WIN LOSS
Open Kevin Beahan Nathan Cody LOSS WIN
Open Chris James Kyler Rountree WIN LOSS
Open Nathan Cody Kyler Rountree WIN LOSS
Open Chris James Nathan Cody LOSS WIN
Open Kevin Beahan Chris James WIN LOSS
Open Kyler Rountree Kevin Beahan LOSS WIN
Open Michael Graves Pavlos Nelson LOSS WIN
Open Eddie Lopez Erin Burt LOSS WIN
Open Michelle Forbes Pavlos Nelson LOSS WIN
Open Eddie Lopez Michael Graves LOSS WIN
Open Michelle Forbes Erin Burt LOSS WIN
Open Pavlos Nelson Eddie Lopez WIN LOSS
Open Michelle Forbes Michael Graves LOSS WIN
Open Pavlos Nelson Erin Burt WIN LOSS
Open Michelle Forbes Eddie Lopez WIN LOSS
Open Erin Burt Michael Graves LOSS WIN
Open Kenneth Ostrom Skye Hilton WIN LOSS
Open Michael Rather Beau Hulgan LOSS WIN
Open Skye Hilton Michael Rather WIN LOSS
Open Beau Hulgan Skye Hilton WIN LOSS
Open Kenneth Ostrom Beau Hulgan WIN LOSS
Open Michael Rather Kenneth Ostrom LOSS WIN
Open Kenneth Ostrom Osmel Mendoza WIN LOSS
Open Beau Hulgan Osmel Mendoza LOSS WIN
Open Skye Hilton Osmel Mendoza WIN LOSS
Open Michael Rather Osmel Mendoza LOSS WIN
Open Amber Damare Darrell Vannostran LOSS WIN
Open David Thomas Dirk Yarker WIN LOSS
Open Amber Damare Dirk Yarker WIN LOSS
Open David Thomas Amber Damare WIN LOSS
Open Darrell Vannostran David Thomas WIN LOSS
Open Dirk Yarker Darrell Vannostran LOSS WIN
Open Bryant Coston John Howell WIN LOSS
Open Christiana Zipay Matthew Brown WIN LOSS
Open John Howell Matthew Brown WIN LOSS
Open Christiana Zipay John Howell WIN LOSS
Open Bryant Coston Christiana Zipay WIN LOSS
Open Matthew Brown Bryant Coston LOSS WIN
Eliminations Darrell Vannostran Bryant Coston WIN LOSS
Eliminations Pavlos Nelson Nathaniel Bryant WIN LOSS
Eliminations Darrell Vannostran Pavlos Nelson LOSS WIN
Eliminations Nathaniel Bryant Darrell Vannostran LOSS WIN
Eliminations Bryant Coston Nathaniel Bryant WIN LOSS
Eliminations Pavlos Nelson Bryant Coston LOSS WIN
Eliminations Kenneth Ostrom Jonathan Marshall LOSS WIN
Eliminations Nathan Cody Michael Graves WIN LOSS
Eliminations Jonathan Marshall Nathan Cody WIN LOSS
Eliminations Michael Graves Jonathan Marshall WIN LOSS
Eliminations Kenneth Ostrom Michael Graves WIN LOSS
Eliminations Nathan Cody Kenneth Ostrom WIN LOSS
Final Bryant Coston Nathan Cody LOSS WIN
Final Darrell Vannostran Jonathan Marshall LOSS WIN
Final Nathan Cody Jonathan Marshall WIN LOSS
Final Darrell Vannostran Nathan Cody WIN LOSS
Final Bryant Coston Darrell Vannostran WIN LOSS
Final Jonathan Marshall Bryant Coston LOSS WIN
Final Pavlos Nelson Bryant Coston LOSS WIN
Final Darrell Vannostran Pavlos Nelson LOSS WIN
Final Nathan Cody Pavlos Nelson LOSS WIN
Final Jonathan Marshall Pavlos Nelson WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Open Pools Michael Rather Darrell Vannostran LOSS WIN
Open Pools Amber Damare Michael Rather WIN LOSS
Open Pools Darrell Vannostran Amber Damare WIN LOSS
Open Pools Erin Burt Darrell Vannostran WIN LOSS
Open Pools Michael Rather Erin Burt LOSS WIN
Open Pools Amber Damare Erin Burt WIN LOSS
Open Pools David Thomas Michael Rather WIN LOSS
Open Pools Darrell Vannostran David Thomas WIN LOSS
Open Pools David Thomas Amber Damare WIN LOSS
Open Pools Erin Burt David Thomas LOSS WIN
Open Pools Pavlos Nelson Dirk Yarker WIN LOSS
Open Pools Kevin Beahan Michelle Forbes WIN LOSS
Open Pools Christiana Zipay Michelle Forbes WIN LOSS
Open Pools Pavlos Nelson Skye Hilton LOSS WIN
Open Pools Michelle Forbes Dirk Yarker LOSS WIN
Open Pools Christiana Zipay Kevin Beahan WIN LOSS
Open Pools Skye Hilton Michelle Forbes WIN LOSS
Open Pools Dirk Yarker Kevin Beahan WIN LOSS
Open Pools Skye Hilton Kevin Beahan LOSS WIN
Open Pools Pavlos Nelson Michelle Forbes WIN LOSS
Open Pools Christiana Zipay Dirk Yarker WIN LOSS
Open Pools Kevin Beahan Pavlos Nelson LOSS WIN
Open Pools Christiana Zipay Skye Hilton WIN LOSS
Open Pools Pavlos Nelson Christiana Zipay WIN LOSS
Open Pools Skye Hilton Dirk Yarker WIN LOSS
Open Pools Anthony Buonomo Kenneth Ostrom LOSS WIN
Open Pools Kyler Rountree Matthew Brown LOSS WIN
Open Pools Anthony Buonomo Eddie Lopez WIN LOSS
Open Pools Kyler Rountree Kenneth Ostrom WIN LOSS
Open Pools Anthony Buonomo Kyler Rountree WIN LOSS
Open Pools Eddie Lopez Matthew Brown LOSS WIN
Open Pools Anthony Buonomo Matthew Brown WIN LOSS
Open Pools Eddie Lopez Kenneth Ostrom LOSS WIN
Open Pools Kenneth Ostrom Matthew Brown LOSS WIN
Open Pools Eddie Lopez Kyler Rountree WIN LOSS
Open Pools Josh Furrate Matthew Brown LOSS WIN
Open Pools Anthony Buonomo Josh Furrate WIN LOSS
Open Pools Kyler Rountree Josh Furrate WIN LOSS
Open Pools Kenneth Ostrom Josh Furrate WIN LOSS
Open Pools Eddie Lopez Josh Furrate WIN LOSS
Open Pools Jonathan Marshall Nathaniel Bryant WIN LOSS
Open Pools Seth Trapper John Howell WIN LOSS
Open Pools Beau Hulgan Matthew Allen WIN LOSS
Open Pools Seth Trapper Nathaniel Bryant LOSS WIN
Open Pools Jonathan Marshall Matthew Allen WIN LOSS
Open Pools John Howell Beau Hulgan LOSS WIN
Open Pools Matthew Allen Nathaniel Bryant LOSS WIN
Open Pools Beau Hulgan Seth Trapper LOSS WIN
Open Pools John Howell Jonathan Marshall WIN LOSS
Open Pools Nathaniel Bryant Beau Hulgan LOSS WIN
Open Pools Matthew Allen John Howell LOSS WIN
Open Pools Jonathan Marshall Seth Trapper WIN LOSS
Open Pools Nathaniel Bryant John Howell LOSS WIN
Open Pools Beau Hulgan Jonathan Marshall WIN LOSS
Open Pools Matthew Allen Seth Trapper LOSS WIN
Pool Set 2 Darrell Vannostran David Thomas LOSS WIN
Pool Set 2 Christiana Zipay Anthony Buonomo LOSS WIN
Pool Set 2 Beau Hulgan Pavlos Nelson LOSS WIN
Pool Set 2 Christiana Zipay Darrell Vannostran LOSS WIN
Pool Set 2 David Thomas Pavlos Nelson WIN LOSS
Pool Set 2 Anthony Buonomo Matthew Brown WIN LOSS
Pool Set 2 Pavlos Nelson Christiana Zipay WIN LOSS
Pool Set 2 Darrell Vannostran Matthew Brown WIN LOSS
Pool Set 2 David Thomas Beau Hulgan LOSS WIN
Pool Set 2 Matthew Brown Pavlos Nelson WIN LOSS
Pool Set 2 Christiana Zipay Beau Hulgan WIN LOSS
Pool Set 2 Anthony Buonomo Darrell Vannostran WIN LOSS
Pool Set 2 Matthew Brown Beau Hulgan LOSS WIN
Pool Set 2 Anthony Buonomo Pavlos Nelson WIN LOSS
Pool Set 2 Christiana Zipay David Thomas WIN LOSS
Pool Set 2 Anthony Buonomo Beau Hulgan WIN LOSS
Pool Set 2 Matthew Brown David Thomas LOSS WIN
Pool Set 2 Darrell Vannostran Pavlos Nelson LOSS WIN
Pool Set 2 David Thomas Anthony Buonomo LOSS WIN
Pool Set 2 Darrell Vannostran Beau Hulgan WIN LOSS
Pool Set 2 Christiana Zipay Matthew Brown WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Showdown in No-Town 2019

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
466 121 Darrell Vannostran Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1441.8 46.9
474 208 Nathan Cody Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1439.3 67.7
497 750 Jonathan Marshall Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1430.6 206.3
608 1000 Bryant Coston Arena Weapon Arts 1395.8 254.5
636 59 Kevin Beahan Sword to Sword 1388.2 20.8
647 500 Pavlos Nelson Lake Charles HEMA Academy 1384.7 140.9
965 32 Nathaniel Bryant Lake Charles HEMA Academy 1294.3 4.5
1074 353 Kenneth Ostrom Nachreisen Historical Fencing 1265.9 84.4
1616 Michael Graves Davenriche European Martial Artes School 1146.5
1794 6 John Howell Wellington School of European Martial Arts 1110.9 5
1868 Christiana Zipay Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 1097.1
1914 Seth Trapper Davenriche European Martial Artes School 1089
1999 105 Skye Hilton Davenriche European Martial Artes School 1071.2 28.8
2045 402 Beau Hulgan Arena Weapon Arts 1060 89.7
2179 David Thomas Davenriche European Martial Artes School 1032.4
2231 Chris James Ordo Procinctus 1018.4
2502 438 Erin Burt Academy of Western Martial Arts, Austin 964.4 112.6
2522 Matthew Allen Nachreisen Historical Fencing 960
2548 Osmel Mendoza Storm of Steel Fencing 954.1
2835 633 Eddie Lopez Storm of Steel Fencing 890.2 126.4
2906 Kyler Rountree Davenriche European Martial Artes School 869.7
2930 122 Michelle Forbes Nachreisen Historical Fencing 866.4 45.3
2996 144 Amber Damare Nachreisen Historical Fencing 848.1 51.3
3059 Yazan Al-amin Dallas School of Historical Fencing 831
3161 228 Dirk Yarker Cymbrogi School of Western Martial Arts 802 51.2
3362 Matthew Brown New Braunfels Historical Fencing Club 718.7
3429 Michael Rather Lake Charles HEMA Academy 636.2