400 Years Tournament

Date July 15, 2017
Country Australia
State Victoria
City Melbourne

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 59 15
Mixed Steel Any One-Handed Weapon No Sidearm 78 18

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
David Stella Daniel Pope LOSS WIN
Jared Ong Sky Chen LOSS WIN
Stuart Manahan Daniel Pope LOSS WIN
Sky Chen David Stella WIN LOSS
Stuart Manahan Jared Ong WIN LOSS
Daniel Pope Sky Chen WIN LOSS
David Stella Jared Ong WIN LOSS
Stuart Manahan Sky Chen LOSS WIN
Daniel Pope Jared Ong WIN LOSS
Stuart Manahan David Stella WIN LOSS
Hunter Wild Gindi Wauchope WIN LOSS
Kenneth Yuen Gavin Corben LOSS WIN
Justin Weaver Gindi Wauchope DRAW DRAW
Hunter Wild Gavin Corben LOSS WIN
Justin Weaver Kenneth Yuen LOSS WIN
Gindi Wauchope Gavin Corben LOSS WIN
Kenneth Yuen Hunter Wild LOSS WIN
Justin Weaver Gavin Corben LOSS WIN
Kenneth Yuen Gindi Wauchope WIN LOSS
Justin Weaver Hunter Wild LOSS WIN
Nikolai Wilson Joanne Pitts WIN LOSS
Kimito Wynn Travis McKenzie LOSS WIN
Joanne Pitts Daniel Bolitho LOSS WIN
Travis McKenzie Nikolai Wilson WIN LOSS
Daniel Bolitho Kimito Wynn LOSS WIN
Travis McKenzie Joanne Pitts DRAW DRAW
Nikolai Wilson Kimito Wynn LOSS WIN
Travis McKenzie Daniel Bolitho WIN LOSS
Joanne Pitts Kimito Wynn LOSS WIN
Daniel Bolitho Nikolai Wilson WIN LOSS
Travis McKenzie Sky Chen WIN LOSS
Daniel Pope Daniel Bolitho WIN LOSS
Kenneth Yuen Hunter Wild LOSS WIN
Gavin Corben Kimito Wynn LOSS WIN
Travis McKenzie Daniel Pope LOSS WIN
Daniel Bolitho Gavin Corben LOSS WIN
Hunter Wild Sky Chen WIN LOSS
Kenneth Yuen Kimito Wynn LOSS WIN
Hunter Wild Travis McKenzie LOSS WIN
Gavin Corben Daniel Pope LOSS WIN
Daniel Bolitho Kenneth Yuen LOSS WIN
Kimito Wynn Sky Chen LOSS WIN
Gavin Corben Travis McKenzie LOSS WIN
Kimito Wynn Hunter Wild DRAW DRAW
Daniel Pope Kenneth Yuen WIN LOSS
Sky Chen Daniel Bolitho DRAW DRAW
Travis McKenzie Kimito Wynn WIN LOSS
Gavin Corben Kenneth Yuen WIN LOSS
Daniel Bolitho Hunter Wild LOSS WIN
Daniel Pope Sky Chen WIN LOSS
Travis McKenzie Kenneth Yuen WIN LOSS
Daniel Bolitho Kimito Wynn LOSS WIN
Daniel Pope Hunter Wild WIN LOSS
Gavin Corben Sky Chen WIN LOSS
Travis McKenzie Daniel Bolitho WIN LOSS
Daniel Pope Kimito Wynn WIN LOSS
Hunter Wild Gavin Corben WIN LOSS
Kenneth Yuen Sky Chen LOSS WIN
Travis McKenzie Daniel Pope LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Patrick Hunter Travis McKenzie LOSS WIN
Habibi Favilla Nelson McGuigan WIN LOSS
Maxime Kerault Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
Patrick Hunter Nelson McGuigan LOSS WIN
Travis McKenzie Maxime Kerault WIN LOSS
Mark Holgate Habibi Favilla WIN LOSS
Patrick Hunter Maxime Kerault LOSS WIN
Mark Holgate Nelson McGuigan WIN LOSS
Travis McKenzie Habibi Favilla WIN LOSS
Patrick Hunter Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
Habibi Favilla Maxime Kerault WIN LOSS
Nelson McGuigan Travis McKenzie LOSS WIN
Habibi Favilla Patrick Hunter WIN LOSS
Mark Holgate Travis McKenzie WIN LOSS
Maxime Kerault Nelson McGuigan WIN LOSS
Brett Kagan William Deasy WIN LOSS
Pavle Ivanov Gavan Keamy LOSS WIN
Brett Kagan Robert Anderson-Hunt WIN LOSS
William Deasy Gavan Keamy WIN LOSS
Robert Anderson-Hunt Pavle Ivanov LOSS WIN
Brett Kagan Gavan Keamy WIN LOSS
William Deasy Pavle Ivanov WIN LOSS
Gavan Keamy Robert Anderson-Hunt LOSS WIN
Brett Kagan Pavle Ivanov LOSS WIN
William Deasy Robert Anderson-Hunt WIN LOSS
Justin Jay Mackley Tim Harris WIN LOSS
David Norris-King Sebastian Seager LOSS WIN
Stuart Manahan David Barclay WIN LOSS
Edward Craig Justin Jay Mackley WIN LOSS
David Barclay Tim Harris WIN LOSS
Sebastian Seager Stuart Manahan LOSS WIN
David Norris-King Edward Craig LOSS WIN
Justin Jay Mackley David Barclay WIN LOSS
Sebastian Seager Tim Harris WIN LOSS
David Barclay Edward Craig LOSS WIN
Stuart Manahan David Norris-King WIN LOSS
Justin Jay Mackley Sebastian Seager WIN LOSS
Stuart Manahan Edward Craig LOSS WIN
David Barclay Sebastian Seager LOSS WIN
Tim Harris David Norris-King WIN LOSS
Sebastian Seager Edward Craig LOSS WIN
Tim Harris Stuart Manahan LOSS WIN
David Norris-King Justin Jay Mackley LOSS WIN
Edward Craig Tim Harris WIN LOSS
Stuart Manahan Justin Jay Mackley LOSS WIN
David Barclay David Norris-King WIN LOSS
Stuart Manahan Pavle Ivanov DRAW DRAW
Habibi Favilla Stuart Manahan LOSS WIN
Pavle Ivanov Habibi Favilla WIN LOSS
Mark Holgate Stuart Manahan WIN LOSS
Pavle Ivanov Travis McKenzie LOSS WIN
Justin Jay Mackley William Deasy WIN LOSS
Brett Kagan Edward Craig LOSS WIN
Pavle Ivanov Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
Edward Craig Travis McKenzie WIN LOSS
Stuart Manahan Justin Jay Mackley LOSS WIN
Brett Kagan William Deasy WIN LOSS
Mark Holgate Justin Jay Mackley WIN LOSS
Pavle Ivanov Edward Craig LOSS WIN
Travis McKenzie William Deasy WIN LOSS
Stuart Manahan Brett Kagan LOSS WIN
Mark Holgate Edward Craig WIN LOSS
Brett Kagan Justin Jay Mackley WIN LOSS
Pavle Ivanov William Deasy LOSS WIN
Travis McKenzie Stuart Manahan WIN LOSS
Brett Kagan Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
William Deasy Edward Craig LOSS WIN
Travis McKenzie Justin Jay Mackley WIN LOSS
Stuart Manahan Pavle Ivanov WIN LOSS
Mark Holgate William Deasy WIN LOSS
Brett Kagan Travis McKenzie WIN LOSS
Pavle Ivanov Justin Jay Mackley LOSS WIN
Edward Craig Stuart Manahan WIN LOSS
Mark Holgate Travis McKenzie WIN LOSS
Pavle Ivanov Brett Kagan LOSS WIN
Justin Jay Mackley Edward Craig LOSS WIN
Stuart Manahan William Deasy LOSS WIN
Edward Craig Mark Holgate WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just 400 Years Tournament